"Recovery From Bad Decisions" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Part 1 of 5)

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open your Bibles your iPhone your iPad or your iPhone wannabes to Luke chapter 15 y'all know the Android is an apple wannabe can I get a witness anywhere in the camp yeah all um Android galaxy all that just stay Apple wannabes Luke 15 beginning of verse at number 11 then verse 11 then he said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of good that falls to me so he divided to them his livelihood in that many days after the younger son gathered all together journeyed to a far country and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living but when he had spent all there arose a severe famine in that land and he began to be in want then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate and no one gave him anything somebody say anything but when he came to himself he said how many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise and go to my father and will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you and I am no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired servants and he arose and came to his father but when he had but when he was still a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him and the son said to him father I have sinned against heaven and in your sight and I'm no longer worried that he recalled your son but the father said to his servants bring out the best robe put it on him put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet and bring the fatted calf here and kill it and let us eat and be merry from this my son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found and they began to be merry amen I want to talk to you today about recovery from bad decisions how many I'll ever make some bad decisions all your hands up let me see the honest people in here today all right very good God can help you recover from making those bad choices you can be seated this is our year of restoration this is the year of restoration so we've been preaching for the last couple of weeks on restoration and recovery is a part of restoration somebody say recovery is a part of restoration try to get look at your neighbor and say recovery is a part of restoration say it on the other side recovery be clear slow it down all right it's one o'clock I'm looking at the clock right there is one o'clock I will be done at 2:30 no later than 2:30 all right y'all such liars if I was preaching at 2:15 y'all be getting up walking up out of here I want to talk about this particular story this 15th chapter Luke is a very famous chapter but I think it's important for us to set the stage of this parable Jesus is going to tell three parables three stories to make a point and he's telling them this story in light of verse one says of chapter 15 that tax collectors and sinners came to hear him preach verse 2 it says the Pharisees and the scribes complained the Pharisee describes out of church people look at your neighbor say that would be you these are the religious people of the day who are complaining that Jesus is hanging out with sinners and tax collectors were considered sinners and so they're mad they're upset they're bothered they're irritated they're angry that he would associate with people of such lower lobe Worth and Jesus responds to the criticism and the complaints of the religious culture by telling three parables the first parable he tells us about a shepherd who has 100 sheep in his journeys he discovers that one sheep is missing he leaves the 99 to find the one somebody ought to be glad that God left everybody else to come to find he finds the one he lifts him from his stuck position brings him back to the flock and the Bible says that they rejoice the shepherd rejoiced in parable - he talks about a woman who has ten coins she loses one of the coins in the house she sweeps the house thoroughly until she finds it in her sweeping effort she finds the lost coin and she celebrates which tells me first of all is possible to be in the house and still lost I think all the claps are coming from this section right here thank you I don't know what that means let me explain you it's possible to be in church every Sunday but still go to hell it's possible to sing in the choir still go to hell it's possible to put your money and offering and play and still go to hell it's possible to be inertia come on somebody say earth sure and still go to hell it's possible to preach don't say Amen too loud right there still go to hell it is possible there's a lot of people I wish I could be honest with you did a lot of people come to church every Sunday they're not gonna make it to hell because they never made a decision to follow Jesus 100% what they're like but just woman swept until she found the lost coin and she celebrated then he tells his third and final parable about one of the probably the most famous of all of the parables about someone that's called the particle son this prodigal son this son he's one of two boys to his father he gets to a place where he decides he wants his inheritance early let me just read he can I walk down through this with you right here it says a certain man verse 11 had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falls to me could I stick a pen right there this guy asked his father for his inheritance now now he's not supposed to get the inheritance until his father dies but he wants it now now y'all might not want to admit this but I'm going to talk really I can talk real plain and flat and I can just be honest with the 12 o'clock crowd I have to dress it up for the eight o'clock crowd I got to be real cute with them to ten o'clock I gotta but the twelve o'clock crowd I can go to the streets which are I can just go straight to the street now I'm having a problem because I'm putting myself in the father's shoes now in verse number 12 it says that he asked his father for the portion that falls to him and then the very next part of the verse says so he divided to them his livelihood his father gave him look what it says his livelihood this is not what the son earned this is what the father and he gave it to him now I'm telling you if it was me it wouldn't be that easy if it was me I would not give it to my I have issues I would have consternation to text unintelligent did have some consolation maybe he did have some pressures I don't know maybe there was some dialog some discussion I don't know but the next part of the verse just says he gave it to him now my issue is this I got several issues this son made some bad decisions and this is the first one that he asked for something from his father that he wasn't ready for y'all need to understand sometimes I discovered that kids were asked for stuff that they're not ready for now if he had come to me and asked me for his goods I failed him but I was still alive I would ask them to question who even said you was in the world can I be honest with y'all come on look at your neighbors said who said you was even in the will what happens with kids and I've read I'm right I've raised six kids I got six kids I had two younger ones how for that I made it through college but what I discovered with a pattern with all of my kids if they get to a place in life where they start smelling themselves if you're all crap nobody know I'm talking about you the problem with them smelling themselves is not that they smell themselves the problem is when they smell themselves they think it smells good that's why this is the children service right here and this is the kids I knew you had trouble with that but yeah they get to a place where they start sniffing themselves and they think what they smell smells good they think they know more than their parents they think their parents don't know nothing they think they got it all together they think they are so smart they got so much knowledge and the kids and so this come on talk back every hollaback talked to her brother you two know what I'm talking about yeah you get to that place and that's where he got to the place where he didn't want to doesn't listen to his father he didn't want to learn from his father he didn't want to spend time in his father's house there is something to be said about staying at your daddy's house beyond that you usually don't paint over income oh look at your neighbor and say that get lessons to be learned there's things that you can gain and learn this this young guy made the mistake of asking for his inheritance early but not only that not only the ass wasn't here it is early it says right here that verse number 13 here's his second mistake and not many days after the younger son gathered all together and journeyed to a far country this is oh my gosh y'all mr. graced by the same in right after he got the money he got all the stuff and listen it says he journeyed to a far country he didn't go to Laurel y'all not listening to me he went to another country a far country cuz he didn't want her you know why did why would he move to a far country because he didn't want to be under the tutelage of his father he didn't want to be submitted to anybody he wanted to be in a place where he didn't want to have to answer to anybody he didn't want any restrictions no curfew no chores he didn't want to have to be responsive to his father's requests and demands he didn't want any of that and some of y'all got kids just like that they don't like your rules they don't like your restrictions they don't like your curfews they don't like the chores they don't want to do it now standing my kids the moment you get to a place where you are no longer desired of living by the rules of my house that I've been stepping for my household that means it's time for you to find another place to live it doesn't matter whether you agree with it don't matter whether you like it doesn't matter whether you think it's old-fashioned and you cannot live under the rules that I have established in my house I will help you move kind of quiet back here with the choir let me talk to them right here turn the lights on back here let me talk to these young people for just a second turn these lights up right here y'all hear me talking to y'all I need some amens talk back at me you understand talking to y'all yeah this is this message is designed for y'all because the enemy wants to get you on the wrong track making bad choices and making bad decisions and you can make bad decisions that you will not be able to easily recover from amen come on talk talk talk talk at me I'm talking to them joke is they act like they don't hear what I'm saying you making bad choices hanging out with the wrong people going to the wrong places experimenting with the wrong stuff getting your hands in the stuff you ain't got no business getting your hands in to touch and stuff you shouldn't be touching being with people you shouldn't be with bad decisions look out here young people there's some people out here who made some bad choices now I'm telling my kids and all you plans need to tell your kids the same thing if they can't live by your rules they need to find another place to live kick them Junkers out tell them goodbye you got to go look at your neighbor say kick him out Lee Nolin say kick him out I mean give him a good hard kick I get a running start just do you hear me on a Jenkins talking to you too you hear me do you hear the sermon I'm talking to you I love her too that's one of my good children right there I haven't had to ask her to leave today are you listening to me here today he moved to a far country he was so tired and sick of his father's rules he didn't want happens thing to do with it he moved to another country some of y'all did that start smelling yourself wanted to live your own life didn't want to be accountable to responsible anybody so you moved out like you didn't just move out you moved far away they couldn't come check on you they couldn't just show up pop up that's why you move out like that because you don't want to Paris popping up go ahead come on talk to a brother say man the problem is he moved away from good counsel he moved away from wisdom because the very next part of the verse says he wasted there he wasted his possessions with prodigal living he moved out and wasted his money doing things he had no business doing the verse 14 says and when he had spent all there arose a severe famine in that land and he began to being one kind talk to y'all I'm just talking to y'all he spent all that he had when you got money you got plenty of friends you paying for them to get into the club they right there when your cars working you give them a ride they right there when you paying for the drugs stay right there go ahead look at your neighbors I'm talking to you he made the mistake he made the bad decision listen carefully this is going to apply many of y'all he spent everything he had with no regard that money don't grow on trees one time I was when my kids were younger this was either my oldest daughter or my older son Joshua or Sarah I can't remember they wanted something and I said daddy ain't got no money I think it was Sarah she said but Dad all you got to do is go to the ATM machine that's what some kids think you you run out of money just go to the ATM she didn't quite comprehend the fact that in order to take something out you got to first put something and some people don't understand that that that your life you know this is the problem is some of you this is a petition for free I'm not gonna charge our extra I'm just donuts in for free some of you spent everything that you're taking in you're using everything that you're taking in is going out with no regard that a rainy day is going to come that's unwise it's unwise for your budget to be that everything that comes in is being spent out that's unwise that's what this young man did he spent everything he had with no regard that one day tough days were going to come that was that was another mistake he made somebody said that's another bad decision look at somebody on your road somebody I can promise you somebody on your role is living beyond their means go ahead look up and down the road and see if you can figure out who it is this time I'm gonna give you permission to go ahead and point to the person that you think it applies to most of Americans live way past their means not only are they spending everything they're spending more than they got coming in this guy's been everything he had and the scripture says he began to be in want verse 15 says he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into the fields to feed swine listen y'all are y'all listening to me on this message are you listening to me so here's a guy who came from a household where his father had resources his father had staff servants that his father paid and he didn't want to stay there learn from what what he could have learned to take over the family business he didn't want that he wanted to be his own boss so he came he went and spent all his money and when he ran out all the money all his friends were gone matter of fact back in verse down to verse 16 I'm coming that in a minute it says nobody gave him anything all his friends were gone nobody was there to help him but I love this thing it says that he spent all he had it was a severe famine in the land he began to be in one and he joined himself to a citizen of the country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine the he joined with a person who gave him a job feeding pigs now what's significant about that here's what's significant is it takes absolutely no skills to feed pigs it takes absolutely no knowledge to feed pigs I know I'm teaching in saying nothing but I know I'm teaching he had the opportunity to learn a skill set whatever you get in your life young people make sure you learn to do something with your life that you can earn a living this guy had no skills the only job can be offered to him the only thing here you find in tough times is he found the ability to feed pig and let me tell you something first number 16 says look at verse 16 can i read verse 16 and he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate he got so hungry and so needy that the food that the pigs was he even started looking good y'all don't understand that but here's what you need to understand life can get so bad things can get so tough that you'll start considering stuff that you would never considered before this guy got down to a place because of bad decisions we got some people in here right now done the same things you've considered doing some stuff you would never normally consider because you made bad decisions you consider selling drugs you considered selling your body because you made bad choices look at your name say that's not God how God designed for you to live and nobody gave him anything verse 16 says nobody gave him anything but when we get to verse 17 a shift occurs he came to himself how many y'all know hunger will make you come to yourself no place to stay we'll make you come to yourself no friends who are willing to help you will make you come to yourself I'm trying to stop and help you not make bad decisions to keep you from getting to a come to yourself meeting he came to himself when he came to himself he said verse 17 how many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and the spare and I'm perishing with hunger yes I will arise and go to my father and will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you here's what's powerful about what this young man did he recognized that what he did not only was against his father but was also against God thank all 17 year old for that arousing affirmation that's a very important thing you rebelled against your parents you you go against the grain you go and live a wicked life loose living do what you feel good doing the New King James says prodigal living I think some other translations said riotous living just do whatever you felt like doing ain't gonna hurt nobody to get on down the old people understand that I don't know how if the young people probably don't know nothing about that right there who who was that who sang that Earth Wind and Fire somebody who saying that who who brick that was the name of the group brick and gonna hurt nobody and get on down get on down yes it will hurt you to get on down it'll mess up your life it'll mess up yours future hit him mess up your destiny it'll keep you from being everything that God want you to be it will hurt you to get on down to your neighbor in a Rancho this young man recognized that he did sin he heard far he heard the father in heaven you heard God and he heard his father in verse 19 he says I'm no longer worried that he be called your son I'm not coming back to you trying to demand it but put me put back where I was he says I'm no longer worthy to be called your son did verse 19 make me like one of your hired servants put me in the place to be one of your hired hands verse 20 says he arose and came to his father and I like verse 20 but when he was still a far still a great way off his father saw him I like that because that tells me it makes me believe that the father every day woke up looking out believing that maybe my son might come home to that somebody ought to help me give God a shout right there you know why the summer you are far away from God you're distant from God but guess what he's still looking out every day hoping that you might get right today you might rededicate yourself today you might come back and get reconnected with the church today he is looking at you from afar way off he saw his son while he was still yet a far away off and the text says I like this right here that the father saw him and had compassion on him here's the thing about the God that we serve I don't care what you've done how frequently you did it how recently you did it or who you did it with he will have compassion on you he says he ran and fell on his neck and kissed his son the son said to him father I've sinned against heaven and in your sight and no longer worthy to be called your son but the father said to his servants isn't that this is grand reunion the son comes back home his father is so excited and so glad that his son has come back home he is so happy just like God will be happy when you come back home when you come back to him when you get back right with God when you get in the right place when you join the church when you've been dedicate yourself to him heaven will shout that's what the Bible says the angels were rejoicing shot they shot it and then the father said this he said to his servants in verse 22 bring out the best robe put it on him put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet bring the fatted calf here and kill it and let us eat and be merry let's throw a party now my plan was to talk about the four things that you can be recovered from after making bad decisions but today I only had time for one y'all supposed to say go ahead and give us all four pastor the child no no no no no it's too late you only get one today and it's the first thing that the father gave to his son the father said bring out the best robe I want you to go and get the robe the best one that we have and bring it out and throw it around my son oh I love that right there because you see role play significant roles see if I you come to knock on my house in the middle of the night and I'm not expecting you and I'm not dressed I don't have time to get dressed up and get everything pretty and I don't want you to see how buff I am I want you to see this six-pack I got rolling up underneath here so I grab a robe and cover myself a robe hides my inadequacies a robe hides that I've been eating from the Twinkies come on look at me for just a second a robe covers and here's what God will do because who's somebody going to shout on this kid the ushers go to the door somebody's going to run out of here on this get ready darling give me an amen on this point right here somebody gonna shout on this right here that God is a God that when you have made bad choices in bad decisions and gone wrong places rather than making everybody see what you've done he'll put a robe somebody say he'll cover you tell your neighbor he'll cover you he covers me Hey cover somebody half I your neighbor say cover cover cover I love her somebody look at your neighbors they covered covered cut covered as opposed to exposed he could have pulled the cover off and showed how nasty you really are he could have showed the whole world how jacked up you he is he could have told everybody put it on the front of the paper put it on the Internet but instead of exposing you he covered somebody here better thank God that Jesus come ready you HiFi you'll never say I'm coming whoo covered covered covered I'm covering I'm covered I messed up amazing bad choices went down the wrong road had some bad things hooked up with the wrong people mess with the wrong stuff but thank God in spite of all of my failures he covered hit me showered me in his blood I thought if anybody would get this message to 12 o'clock crowd would get it I'd expect no shouts from the eight o'clock crowd I kind of didn't expect nothing from the ten but I said to myself by the time I get to the party going 12 o'clock crowd they gonna jump up and give God praise because here is the fact of the matter if the person if the person sitting next to you knew all the stuff you have done and all the stuff you have did and all the places you have went if they knew about it they will get up and go sit someplace else but God come with you somebody have fun and say I'm caught Holi new young cover and I'm coming up I'm color thank God I'm coming brother learn I'm coming by Jesus he kept me covered he didn't expose me he didn't put my stuff out there he kept me oh I feel a shout coming on me right now when I think of the goodness of cheese and all he has done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank God he comes with me I'm cat I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm Oh I want you to think a moment and think about if your life had been put on blast think about if you had to walk out the house every day and everybody in the community note knew your mess you're not shouting like I think I ought to be shouting I'm here to tell somebody you got some made some bad decisions but guess what we serve a god that when you get right with him he'll cover you he'll hide it he won't disclose it he'll put it underneath the rug love covers a multitude of sins he will cover you hey hey hey thank God I'm covered thank God I'm washed thank god I've been cleansed thank God I got a roll boy thank God thank God thank God I'm cut yeah poor my preaching to today I know it might look crazy but I'm covered you can't see my ugliness you can't see my mess you can't see what I look like for real I'm come on now on the warm preaching - but you're here just you and a handful of folk know about your mess God's giving you an opportunity to get covered by the blood of Jesus what can wash away your sins tell your neighbor nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make you whole again tell your neighbor on the other side nothing but the blood of Jesus oh how precious is that flow that makes me white it is no no other fount I know nothing but the blood of Jesus who am i preaching to today thank God who am I talking to come here you need to get saved come here you need to rededicate come here right now you need a shirt has come you need a church home already say come here right now some of y'all in that cover cuz you don't belong to a church come on right now don't be ashamed he's waiting he got his arms stretched out wide come on fight that's right come on come on Oh you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 121,312
Rating: 4.7626925 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Holy Spirit, Agnus Dei, Fellowship, Choir, Bad Decisions, Decisions, Recovery
Id: 3S6qZWCa0fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 31 2015
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