"I Will Not Go Down Without a Fight" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Preach Pastor!)

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loyal Joshua chapter 11 and verse 5 when all these Kings have met together they came and camped together at the waters of maram to fight against Israel when all these Kings had met together they came and camped together the waters of Maram to fight against Israel I want to preach on the subject I will not go down without a fight come on look at your neighbor say I'm not going down without a fight tell him what some fun some power suppose tell him I'm not going down I'm not going down without an octet fight hallelujah let's pray father we honor you this afternoon we're grateful for the privilege to be in the house of worship I pray that you would anoint our time together I'm praying now in Jesus name that you would speak to your people let me for just these few moments be your conduit your channel your instrument to speak truth into the life of somebody here today who needs this word I pray that you would allow it God to speak not only for those in this sanctuary but those who are watching around the world on the internet allow somebody's life to be transformed and changed I thank you ahead of time for what you're going to do thank you for what you've done already that the name of the Lord Jesus get all the glory and honors in his name we pray amen you can't be seated in the house of our God if I could sing like brother West I would probably never preach I guess we just keep on singing The Book of Joshua is a fascinating book to me as a matter of fact Joshua is one of those characters in the Bible that I resonate with I celebrate I I like him he had the awesome responsibility of stepping up and following in the footsteps of one of the greatest leaders who ever lived a man whom God spoke to face-to-face named Moses what an incredible responsibility to have to step up and follow in the footsteps of the man whom God spoke to face-to-face but yet he took the mantle took the assignment because laid upon Joshua was a mantle to do something that Moses could not do Moses had the assignment of leading the children of Israel out of bondage but he could not lead them into the Promised Land the the mantle that was on Joshua was to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land and that is a significant point because resting in this place underneath my voice right now are some people that God has given an anointing upon your life for you to do some things that only you can do nobody else can do it nobody else can take your place there's some things that God has assigned for you to do for 40 years the children of Israel wandered around in the wilderness trying to find the Promised Land but never could get there and when Moses died and Joshua stepped to the him it was now the time and the anointing upon his life to carry the children of Israel into the Promised Land what an incredible anointing he had on his life and in order to conquer and to be able to take over and the breach this promised land there were some things that Joshua was going to have to do Joshua in order to lead the children into possessing the Promised Land the Canaan land the land that God said would be theirs they were going to have to fight I didn't expect to get too many amens on that point because I think I need to highlight to you that if you're going to reach the destiny that God has for you in your life you're going to have to fight I know that doesn't resonate with a lot of people people don't get excited about that people don't jump up and raise their hands but let me tell you something if you're going to achieve and accomplish what God has for you to achieve and accomplish you are going to have to fight you you see too many people are just waiting for stuff to just be handed to them on a silver platter but for you to get where God wants you to get and to do what God has called you to do and to achieve the things that God has called for you to achieve you are going to have to fight look at your neighbor say you gonna have to fight dog go ahead tell him you're going to have to find tell him on the other side you're going to have to fight them Joshua had to fight it required a fight Joshua is fighting and here we find through the book of Joshua story after story and in detail after detail of fight after fight battle after battle victory after victory from one nation to one kingdom to one of people in land and he conquered time after time after time he goes through and has a matter of fact on the course of his life he's going to have 31 battles 31 fights he's gonna win 30 out of 31 battles the one fight that he lost and got defeated he went back and reward that battle and I say that to say that if you're going to be everything and achieve the things that God has called for you to achieve in your life you're going to have to fight you're gonna have to do some battling you're gonna have to throw up here your dukes you're gonna have to get engaged you're gonna have to do some battle you're going to have to fight it's gonna be a long sermon I can tell right now if you can't celebrate on that major point you're gonna have trouble with the rest of the stuff I'm gonna have to tell you because here's the reality of the fact that anything worth having in life requires fighting before I see some of you don't understand when you accepted Jesus in your life when you gave him your heart and your soul and you decided to follow the Lord and be committed to him the devil said I see you and the devil recognized the threat that you posed to his kingdom greater than you see the threat that you posed to his kingdom and so when the devil sees you I had it in your destiny to become everything that God has called you to become he's going to throw every possible obstacle in your way to keep you from becoming everything that God wants you to become as a matter of fact over my over my 35 years of preaching my 50 years of life I have learned I've learned several things I've learned that the closer I got to my destiny the closer I got to the thing that God has called me to be the closer I got to significant turning points in my life the more intense and the more strong and the more adverse adversarial situations or roles in my life I made a determination and you got to make a determination that if you're going to be everything that God called you to become and to do everything that God's called you to do it requires fighting and I'm here to tell you is worth the fight Joshua and the children of Israel are battling that conquering nations and the problem is that the text says in Joshua that they had heard verse 1 of chapter 11 says and it came to pass when Jabin king of haze' heard these things what did he hear he heard that the children of Israel had been beating nation after nation look in chapter 5 slide back to chapter 5 of Joshua the jessamine but look at verse 1 verse 1 of chapter 5 so it was when all the kings of the emirates who were on the side of the Jordan and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan they heard about how God was using Joshua in the children of Israel they heard somebody say they heard tell your neighbor they heard tell him another side say they heard they heard they heard look at chapter 9 slip over to chapter number 9 you're gonna see the same sort of pattern here this said once again chapter 9 and verse number 1 and it came to pass when all the kings who were on this side of the Jordan in the hills and in the lowlands and then all the coasts of the Great Sea to a Lebanon the hittite stammer iced the Canaanites the Perizzites the Hivites and the Jebusites heard about it somebody say they heard about it look at chapter 10 go to chapter 10 chapter 10 says the same thing verse 1 now it came to pass when Adam nauseate King of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken a are in other words they heard same thing in chapter 11 I just read they heard let me tell you something when you are doing something significant people going to hear about you that's why there's so much drama and stress cuz folks have heard what did they hear they heard that you're not drugging anymore they heard that you're not drinking anymore they heard that you not the easy lay that you used to be girlfriend they heard that you ain't partying no more they heard that something has happened and something has transformed and something has changed in your life when they hear about you nobody messes with you and you ain't doing nothing when you ain't going noplace when you're not affecting anybody nobody messes with you but they're talking about you because you are going somewhere and you are doing something they had heard and so now this army this King in Chapter 11 says Jabin king of haze are heard and so he gathered all of these other kingdoms together all these other nations and their armies and gathered them all together and made a plan to attack Israel as a matter of fact the text says in verse 5 all these Kings have met together and I don't know thing they met together you know what you know what I discovered when you are going somewhere and folk don't like you people will gang up against you even people who once didn't talk with each other and didn't have anything in common well all of a sudden become friends and now they made a plan to come up and try to stop you try to get rid of you try to take you out and so now they've heard about Joshua you better believe that folk are talking about you and they've ganged up and they've attained up and they have come down to the waters of Maram with the intentions based from the waters of Maram to fight against Israel why did I go through all of this this is where Tex picks up that I want to talk about for a few moments I want to tell you three key points and i'ma let y'all go I promise I have you out here by 3:30 quarter fourth the latest you also say going to preach pastors after y'all supposed to say Amen number one the first five verses here this army of group coming against Israel number one anticipate a fight anticipate that people don't come against you anticipate that people going to lie on you don't be shocked and surprised some of y'all come to church and you get shocked that church folk act the way they act don't be surprised Church folks are just as jacked up as you are look at your neighbor say you just as jacked up as I am the church is not comprised of people who have it together and people who dot every I and cross every T everybody in church don't know how to love the Saints and love people we are broke messed up people busted broke busted and disgusted we are jacked up people don't be surprised when church stop talking to you don't be surprised when you got drama on every side drama at home drama on your job drama know your neighbours drama at church don't be surprised anticipate a fight don't mope don't cry don't complain expect a battle expect and anticipate don't be shocked or surprised as a matter of fact when they come up against you be prepared and instead of crying and moping it's almost somebody don't like me shut up stop just shut up stop the pain when they come up against you when everything is coming against you instead of crying getting ready to fight say come on I was waiting for you I was ready for you taemi anticipate a fight tell them on the other side anticipate a fight there's a whole army of people coming against you listen the odds were against them they had horses and chariots Israel didn't have horses and chariots they had they didn't have that the army had mounds of people matter of fact the text says the verse says the scripture says in verse number four it says that they had as many people has the sand that is on the seashore in the multitude with very many horses in chariots they had mounds of soldiers mounds of horses mounds of chariots they had a whole army and sometimes the odds can be against you Saints and sometimes in life the odds I gives you winning the odds I gives you getting healed from the cancer the odds are against you getting married based on how old you are the odds I get you getting promoted but I like being in a situation when the odds are against me because when the odds are against you you I candidate for God to step up on your side we serve a God that loves to be on the side of the underdog he likes to be with people that other folks have counted out and says you can't do it you'll never achieve it you'll never be anything God likes to help people who other folks have counted out so all of these kings had come up hey czar Shimron childress the Canaanites the Hittites the Jebusites Madan asked Fodor the Amarista Perizzites the Hivites a mosquito bites two termites everybody I'm sorry I had to do that I had to go there let me tell you why so many of them came against him it's the same reason so many of them are coming against you here's why so much stuff is coming against you here's why you get to one channel one challenge and there's another one waiting you conquer one situation and there's another one waiting in line here's why you have so much coming against you because of the strength of the anointing that's on your life y'all excuse me for a second I feel like preaching for just a moment here's why brother West they didn't want to let you out this why they wanted to keep you locked up in Tennessee cuz they know if you ever got out of Tennessee the magnitude of the lives that you were touching impact cannot be measured I don't know who I'm talking about but there's some other West's up in this camp who have been counted out and people have got one thing after another the devil is coming so strong against you because of the anointing that's on your life who am i preaching to this morning who am i preaching to this afternoon your anointing must be strong your morning anointing must be mighty that the enemy has to gang up against you the souls that are going to be saved the drug addicts who want to be set free the children who are going to come off the streets the prostitutes are going to put their clothes back on the haters who want to start loving here's why because of the anointing that's on your life and that's why everything has come up against you so don't be surprised don't be shocked let me tell you something very important every significant place in my life every significant point in my life every time I reached a place where I was to be launched into a significant different level of where I was I always came up against a major opposition so over my 35 years of preaching I've come to learn to anticipate that just before I'm about to be launched and since something much greater than then I have been that I always anticipate a much stronger challenge against me so I'm not crying and moping it why me I'm saying bring bring bring it all and I'm ready for you y'all a tough crowd up in here today I'm telling you statistically the odds might be against you but thanks be to God we serve a God who loves to be on the side of the underdog but there's a second thing I need to tell you not only do you anticipate the fight anticipate this am I gonna come against you but number two accelerate your faith somebody say accelerate your faith I'm in a battle so how do I handle it you handle about what verse six says and verse verse five says this army had coming up against them but in verse 6 it says listen to this verse 6 look at verse 6 but the Lord said to Joshua stop wait a minute before I go any further can I read that one more time but the Lord said to Joshua how many you know that God always has something to say to you when you when you when the enemy is coming against you God always has something to say and what does he say look at what he says right here in verse number 6 he says do not be afraid of them here's the first thing he says accelerate your faith number one by not being afraid do not be afraid that's the problem with a lot of folk is they are governed by fear you're never going to get to the place that God is destined for you to become if you keep operating in fear you want to hear me saying it over and over again do the course of my life don't be afraid I've learned to attack my fears I've learned to go in the direction of my fears I've learned it whatever I'm afraid of go in that direction because fear is always designed to send you in the opposite direction of where God wants you to go you accelerate your faith by not being afraid say don't be afraid but that's not the only thing he says he says don't be afraid but I like this he says do not be afraid of them look at this number 2 point sub point - underneath underneath this point he says for tomorrow about this time y'all miss a letter sinking he said tomorrow about this time here's what that means you're whatever battle you're going to have whatever war you're going to engage it whatever fight you're going to engage in look here it will not last long I know that's difficult for y'all to believe because you sweating bullets right now it's difficult for you to believe because you don't see any end in sight I know it's difficult for you to embrace and accept but I'm prophesy I'm declaring I'm preaching I'm proclaiming I have been sitting here today by the power of Almighty God I he has spoken is in the core of my soul to tell somebody today that what you're in is not going to last long whew as a matter of fact wait a minute tomorrow about this time who am i preaching to today tomorrow about this time tomorrow about 141 you want to see a breakthrough tomorrow about 130 you want to see an answer tomorrow for somebody you're gonna see a turnaround obvious circumstance come on I don't know why y'all are but I'm at a place with God now I don't have to wait until I see it happen his credit is good with me if he said is going to come to pass I can go ahead and praise Him because if he said it for my preaching to who am i preaching to how far somebody and say tomorrow about this time for some of y'all is going to be tomorrow for others it's going to be Tuesday but somebody else is going to be Wednesday somebody else it'll be by Thursday somebody else it'll be by Friday for somebody else it'll be by Saturday but for all of you to whom receive this word I believe before we roll around to next Sunday at this time your situation will for my reason to turn around I guess is a about this time tomorrow about this time on Tuesday that is time on Sunday hey it'll be turned around hey give him a shot somebody say give him a shot hey tomorrow about this time it won't last long it won't take you out it will not kill you it will not destroy God spoke and God said don't be afraid he says not gonna last long but then he said a third thing right here in 1:10 he said always in one verse in verse six he says I'm going to deliver them slain before Israel's I'm going to deliver them slain before Israel he said look here you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire now listen this is for somebody here today I don't know hoody ins but you didn't made the rest of the three thousand 999 people here have to sit up to listen for me to preach to you so please get it whoever you is I don't know where you are where are you who is this message for who has God made me preach this whole church to just for you where are you I know you here somewhere the horses and the chariots represent the strength of the enemy's power when they come in on most powerful human humans riding on horses and riding on chariots that represented the strength of the enemy but God said by this time tomorrow I'm going to give you the power to hamstring the horses which means this on the back leg of the tendon of a horse if they cut his muscle on the back of his hamstring his muscle his tendon then the horse is rendered slow and powerless God says I'm gonna give you the power to Shh cut the hamstring the horses I'm gonna give you the power to take the stress out of the enemy I'm gonna give you the power to take all of that stress out take that pile out take this trip out I don't know who I'm preaching to today but God is going to take the strength out of your opponent's he's gonna take the strength out of them might take the stress out of their morning take the stress out of their voice take the power take the authority take them and pull them that balls just trying to get rid of you the co-worker does mine on you the people who don't want you to get promoted for my breaking to the Morgans coming that's trying to take your house come on now let's get practice come on let's get practices God is about to hamstrings I'm God is trying to take this just way come on get the person in your mind and say get the situation in your mind and safe you can't win you can't defeat me you can't take me out your stews me is hot up in here I feel like we up in here y'all better get ready I'm trying to help y'all he's had about Tomatis time hallelujah let me tell you let me tell you what happened to me some of y'all heard this already I'm like haven't heard it before when I had my good government job and my immediate supervisor left to take another job the branch chief came to me and said you can apply for the job but you're not going to get it never mind I was acting in the job until they hired somebody else but the breath she said you can apply but you're not gonna get it we want somebody with more education more training more experience and you don't qualify but I kept on doing the job as if I was doing it as unto God and that same branch chief had to call me into her office and tell me that I had been selected for a job that I had not applied for she didn't want me to have it but God said is not what she wants it's what he wants Hey somebody say hey now here's the deal I later found out that her boss said to her I don't care who else applies for the job give that job to John jinx y'all not hear what I'm saying the lady who didn't want me to have the job had her power take it away Bob also said give John to get the job hallelujah somebody else in here today somebody trying to keep you from having your job but God is gonna come on I'm trying to get a generation of people who are hamstrung some horses say I'm trying to hamstring some horses some energy out how far far people say I'm getting ready to hamstring some horses alright one more thing one more thing what was the first thing I told you anticipate to fight I ain't gonna be shot number two celebrate your faith by doing what don't be afraid know that to fight anger last long don't be afraid to find angle last long and what else we're gonna get ready to hamstring some horses you're gonna rent the Lord's gonna render your enemy powerless now here's my third and final point I'm gonna let y'all go please yeah I'm preaching to y'all out of the bowels of my experience and what you need to do here's number three look at verse number number seven so Joshua y'all got sit down I'm bringing it on in I'm bringing my plane in for landing here so Joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the waters of maram and they attacked them see those kings were planning to attack Joshua but Joshua says I'm not going to sit here and wait for them to attack me he said I will get my stuff together and go ahead and take them out and this is my third and final point you have to learn to aggressively fight tell your neighbor aggressively fight write that down aggressively fight going I'm gonna wait for y'all to write that down then I want you to listen to what I'm going to tell you aggressively fight say it again aggressively fight here's what God is tired of God is tired of timid weak back geli backbone Christians we have not people that God has called us to sit back and let people walk over us and treat us like dirt there comes a time that you gotta have some fortitude and some guts and some light and some pollen you gotta stand up and you gotta learn how to aggressively fight somebody say fight aggressively don't sit around and wait for what the mortgage company gonna say you got aggressively fight you waiting to hear from the mortgage company now it doesn't know how you protect your stuff sitting around waiting on somebody to offer you a job no dog that ain't hard done you don't send out no resume on the email and sit at home and wait for somebody to call you you gotta get across you gotta be aggressive be aggressive Bing II say be aggressive be e AGG ress happy shaping guess I'm aggressiveness in you get some determination in you get a maid of mind and nobody gonna keep me from getting a job nobody gonna keep me from getting promoted nobody gonna keep me from singing my house nobody gonna keep me from swearing my children don't do what I need to do to be aggressive I'll sit around and wait for your wife to do something to save your match you do something about it bro bring some flowers home to your wife walking those house with those flowers those dozen of ray of roses present him to her try to catch her before she falls to the floor from training from what you just did you might want to stop by the store and get some smelling salts so when you get home when she falls out you already have the smelling salt which you said you can bring her back to life you be aggressive stop waiting on her laser don't stop waiting on your husband to be what you wanted to be you do what you're supposed to do instead of waiting on him to come home wondering if he won't go home go to Vicki's and give him something to come home to come on brothers I'm trying to help y'all out right now be aggressive be aggressive Bing be aggr ESS happy knees IP okay who am i preaching to today I'm bringing this little praying in for land and I'm bringing the sermon to a conclusion I'm about to sit down now but I'm just trying to tell you you gotta have a maid of mind that you're gonna say I am NOT gonna go down without a fight I might lose the battle but I'm gonna give it everything that I have I'm gonna get in the ring I'm gonna throw up my dukes I'm gonna do paddle I'm gonna fight somebody say fight fight for your destiny fight for your purpose fight for your sanity fight for your health fight for your marriage fight for your children fight for your business right for your finances fight for your anointing fight for your ministry fight for everything that God has for your fine come on somebody say but pastor I can't jump around like that and I can't go punches like that that's alright just get in the battle and if you have to fight like this fight fight fight Jimmy come here come here come up here quickly tell them what you told me after this 10 o'clock service what I told you Reverend this what I told my dad after service I was I was at the 10 o'clock usually only come from one service but I was at a 10 o'clock so I said I was out sitting up in the balcony you don't really like cinema the balcony my dad was talking about fighting so so so I was thinking and this is y'all know the greatest fighter of all time Muhammad Ali he had a daughter named Laila Ali Muhammad Ali was the greatest of all time he beat all the baddest Joe Frazier and Sonny listen he beat them all so he had a daughter named Layla Layla box - and so when she went in a fight everybody wanted to see her fight because of who her daddy was so the thing about it was when she went there fight she already had greatness in her line so when she went listen so when she began to fight she didn't crash it and she didn't weep she fought because of who her daddy was if some of y'all just know who your daddy is and - shut up because you your daddy is good you can't go in the hole if they say what they want they're nothing like them what they want see see see see see see she she heard a hole she she went to the fight she wasn't Muhammad Ali but she wasn't Muhammad Ali but she was in the line of Muhammad Ali and when she went the box she got ready she had no doubt in her mind that she was gonna lose because of who her daddy was her daddy defeated Joe Joe Frazier her Freddie her daddy's defeated Sonny listen all the great fighters but you got to look at it you're dead healed the blind your daddy brought two then somebody better give God some praise get on a shot of I knew your daddy by your neighbors I know who my daddy is I know who my father is my trainer here go ahead and tell somebody I will not go down without a fight go ahead I am NOT going down without a fight give the lord one more shot if you don't mind I want to know who your daddy is if it's not Jesus you need to rush down hit an assaulter and get the best daddy that there is that you can have if you're not saying come if you're backslidden come if you're not sure come that's right amen praise our God
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 171,979
Rating: 4.7836967 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Holy Spirit, Agnus Dei, Fellowship, Choir, Fight Pastor, Fight, contest, match, bout, competition, round, prize fight conflict, brawl, clash, scrap, combat, hostility, skirmish, engagement, dispute, wrangle, run-in, ding-dong, row, Boxing, Fights, argument
Id: xcPtoInqPbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 24sec (2544 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 16 2014
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