RECOVERING ALL LOST | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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[Music] and it is on the strength of that light that our lives showing experience that we are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and indeed a peculiar people are we still together so scattered through scripture we see that favor is a reality we saw it in the life of the nation of israel scattered through scripture we see that speed is a possibility scattered through scripture we see that restoration is a possibility scattered through scripture we see that all these dimensions are there so that listen the bible says the things that are written up four times it says that they are for our learning that means those those historic materials should mentor us into an understanding they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope hope that makes not a shame that if he did it before then he's able to do it again and one of those mysteries that represents a system of advantage as i call them you see everybody's life is ordinary and the same except for the leverage that the systems of advantage provide for you so we all have common destinies but we begin to rewrite our destinies as we access the systems of advantage we introduce these dimensions of kingdom reality to our lives and our lives begin to change so it is possible to find two people born of the same woman under the same condition sociologically speaking and territorially speaking so you would think that their destinies would look like the same one you know would be the same but one of them would access these systems of advantage and begin to change things in their lives when they looked at jesus because of his association with nazareth even nathaniel spoke and said can anything good it was not nathaniel's fault jesus never said you are lying that is the pattern except that the son of the living god already had this to change it everything is true until your life changes it it is true that delay is there it is true that failure is there it is true that spirits associated with territory can manipulate this favor upon people it remains true until you rise by light are we blessed so we want to explore very briefly the mystery of restoration that among the mysteries the body of truth according to matthew 13 and verse 11 in one of his mentorship sessions jesus began to teach and while he was teaching in parables he was shrouding mysteries in those parables and then later on he would explain to the disciples and he said it has been given unto you to know the word no there does not just mean an awareness it's the same word that is used as a man knowing his wife an encounter with proofs it has been given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven these are the ordinances that cause the saints to command dominion on earth you may have heard me say it once and again that dominion is not an impartation dominion is the resultant effect of your comprehending the mysteries of the kingdom hallelujah the mystery of restoration are we still together joel chapter 2 and verse 25 we've learned from scripture and we've learned from the experience of living that it is possible to lose things sadly many people have lost loved ones sadly many people have lost money sadly many people have lost time so there are the bible lets us know that the concept of losses or losing is a concept that exists with men we can lose things but according to this the bible the greatest loss that can happen to a man is not the loss of things it is the loss of time so when he begins to talk about restoration his emphasis is the years not the things i will restore the years because when you meet a dying man he will not ask you to make transfer money into his account the greatest need of a dying man is more time isaiah 38 hezekiah did not require more money or an enlargement of his throne or rest round about hezekiah's request was god give me more time that means whatever steals your time is a true enemy if you lose money and gain it back you lose your reputation there are systems to build it back but when you lose time listen please it is because of these that the bible says to work circumspectly as wise he says and not as unwise and what is the wisdom there master anything you know in scripture that will help you to redeem time he called it wisdom that means when i explore the mysteries of the kingdom it will give me an advantage over time are we together if you lose time they may not physically speaking be a way of gaining it back but we thank god because we serve a god who does not live in time we thank god because we serve a god who does not really even living eternity because eternity is still a subject of time it's just time without end we serve a god who lives in a realm that the bible calls unapproachable light his realm is now no past no present no future now the concept of distance time does not is not a reality that exists in islam it was a borrowed phenomenon to help men catch up with him that god does not live genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth that means he was not in the heavens he was not in the earth you can't create what you are inside are we together please sit down pay attention so when we talk about the mystery of restoration we are trusting by the spirit of grace and wisdom to explore the systems of advantage listen it is on the strength of these mysteries that apostle paul will say for we know that all things all things do not just work just because we are christians there is a system of advantage we have that regardless that's why many times when you are complaining god really does not listen because in his realm it doesn't make any difference what you've lost or what you had it doesn't those realities are are a vain it is within his power to reconstruct anything as do it never left so when you are saying god remember what i went through he says that is unnecessary there are too many mysteries i can use to bring you back it's why it's painful to not trust god because it's an insult on his ability that even in heaven they are not done lending his ability in heaven without the constraint of the mortal nature with that heightened level of intelligence and through ages they have they have been students of god in heaven and yet they have not been able to comprehend so when the inhabitants on earth now begin to use the the temporary vasculations to insult the character of god is indicting on his nature when god says he is god it takes the spirit of god to help you understand the meaning of that statement now you be god almighty god listen to yourself you know being man stop let me explain that to you god is not a man he only became a man when you say god is a man that means he must submit to someone the person who created him must demand worship from him but he became a man meaning that it was an inconvenience he wore for us a representation of love not weakness you see that we are men we are not god we are men but he made us is a translation so that our dominion this god-like dominion today is not absolute dominion is shared dominion dominion that can be withdrawn as proof that it did not originate from you you get what i'm trying to explain yes so when when we say god is not a man and then the bible says the man jesus is seated at the right hand of the father it's not a contradiction god is not a man but he became a man so that he will reveal the extent of the love of the father but i assure you god is not a man hallelujah praise the lord genesis chapter 40 help us holy spirit the things that are written at four times the bible declares that they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope genesis chapter 40 just a little background this is the story of joseph and his surgeon from his father's house to the place of destiny this is a classic on understanding the dynamics of destiny it is one of the classic expressions of how a man can transit himself from his father's house through the vicissitudes of life into a place of prophecy there is a spiritual road map through the life of joseph that if understood discerned and followed by any christian inevitably regardless of that which you face on the way you will emerge not only a champion but you will be a representation of the desire of god are we together yes this is very very powerful it's amazing pastor sir that when you begin your journey with god he never tells you what will happen on the way he will tell you that you will get to a land flowing with milk and honey so that you will set your gaze on that end but the dynamics of that journey is something that we must learn are we together please follow me genesis chapter 40. so um at this point a lot had happened to him his time in the house of potiphar and potiphar's wife who came around and said he raped her and caught the long story short he's in the prison now are we together and it came to pass 40 verse 1 after these things that the butler of the king of egypt and his baker had offended the lord of egypt verse 2 and pharaoh was wrought against two of his officers against the chief of the butlers and against the chief of the bakers and he put them in word in the house of the captain of the god into the prison the place where joseph was bound stop there please look up very interesting rendition that there are times there is a location in destiny please keep that scripture where both good and bad people meet there is a location in destiny that does not necessarily depend on the accuracy of your work or otherwise the bible says two people who are offended the king came into the prison and to their shock they found out that the innocent was also in the prison that the godly was also in the prison that there is a place where both men of character and lack of character can meet there is a place where men who are sincere and passionate and those who are lazy and unserious will meet this is a very strange mystery are we together now so the discord starts in the prison why will a good man and an evil man still find themselves in the same position a man who shared god who has showed evil who on account of his integrity you would think that that man should just be defended and never even need to go through such a thing where is the scripture that says i was younger now i am old i've never seen the righteous forsaken [Music] please give us a scripture this is a revelation that will help us by the spirit to mature and edit our interpretation and also discern how god answers prayers because when god speaks to you you must understand what he's saying for instance mary's trouble started the day he said you are highly favored that means everything that follows god's statement in his eyes is called favor from the day god tells a woman you are highly favored she gets into trouble her stomach is protruding there are rumors all around and they are saying mary i thought you were a virgin and she says i still am and says so how do you explain this which rabbi came around no no no no he was a ghost i met an angel who told me a ghost from heaven will come and that what is in my womb is a holy child you know how stupid that sounds and yet in the mind of god he calls it favor so could it be that what you are going through now that the devil is making you feel that it is defeat in the eyes of prophecy because a day will come the reward will be for only the person who the person who has passed through what you are passed through and if you have not gone through that kind of thing you cannot qualify for it are we together there are times in life where they will invite you to come and preach not because you can preach but you are the only one who have gone through what you have gone through and you have ended right god calls it faith [Applause] are we together that a day can come in your life look up please when the requirement will be the person who was never raised by a father never raised by a mother who among the people to be honored went through life on his own unassisted you will now find out that your tartan yes of pain now put you in a position of exclusivity there is a monetary value to pay there is a destiny value to pain you must learn to read the writings on the wall so you do not call what is profitable a disaster is god helping us so back to the scripture while exploring the mysteries of resurrection the discourse starts with the prison are we still together that an innocent young boy who served a lot sincerely and you know the beautiful thing about scripture is that it gives you an opportunity to see the story from god's standpoint and from the standpoint of man it would have been a disaster if we did not have the opportunity to know the truth of the story because it would then alter our interpretation about joseph so good people and evil people can find themselves in the prison so jesus can be on the cross and yet two criminals are by his left and right and all of them are hanging on a cross so if they say give me the list of all who are hanging on the cross you will call jesus too as one of those hanging on the cross and by the interpretation of men anybody who hangs on the cross is a sinner except that one is hanging on the cross not for the sin he committed for himself it's a sacrifice for others this already should be a message to give us wisdom that when you see people go through things you cannot understand the secret is to pray for them and remain discerning because there are people carrying burdens they have no business carrying god part of the requirement of the grace they carry has compelled them to go through things that ordinarily they will never have gone through listen it's a mystery in the making of men is how compassion is built the ability to be touched with the feelings of god of of the infirmity of god's people do you know that if you are called into the healing ministry you will be surprised at the kind of training you will go through you will never be able to minister to people with a dimension of innocence there is a requisite level of association you must know what sickness does to people so that it will full compassion when you see someone on a wheelchair this is more than your ego there is there is a memory bank in your history where you can draw power from it would have been unfair for god to say men did not love him without becoming a man even though he was god he needed to become a man subject himself through the limitations of men and jesus was surprised that when he became a man he cried he was surprised that when he became are you getting blessed that when he became a man he was hungry and caused the tree when he became a man he saw them insulting the house of god turning it into a place of merchandise he did not report them he flooded them now when he ascended to heaven as man he tells the father i was there i know what it means to come and preach on sunday when there is a plethora of betrayal waiting for me as the man of god i understand i know what it means to be praying for people and praying for people and maybe your own family may be going through the same challenge yet the burden of ministry demands that you remain too inconsistent that you learn to look beyond yourself there is a time when both joseph and the wine pressure can be in the prison [Music] so if they ask you as an onlooker to give a judgment about all those you find in prison you can use the attitude of sarcasm to say i saw joseph i saw the wine pressure imagine joseph in prison saying lord is this how you honor those who bless you and yet heaven was saying do you not see that you are just two years plus left to sit upon the throne and legislate on behalf of his majesty the thing about lifting is that five minutes to your rising it will still look like you will never rise [Applause] are we blessed whenever we stop tonight we'll pray but we were discussing something deep and serious that there are times where the opposite of success is failure but there are times where failure is part of success not the opposite of it there are times when god can pray some things out of your life but there are times he will give you the grace to pass through it is a cup you must drink and a baptism you must be baptized right that is the qualification for intimacy can you drink of my cup the space to sit close to me is available but can you drink of my cup listen to me let me give you an advice respectfully speaking it is on account of this process of pain that he suffers no man to do them wrong the bible even says he rebukes king for their sake you see when you see a man of god stand what you see is the end product you do not see the journey that journey of pain builds an altar that is backed up by blood that even in the secret the jealousy of god is invested upon that altar believe me [Music] there are certain doors that you don't use a key you use blood to open them [Applause] and there are men and women who have gone through this laborious the training of the great is a training that god has to hold your hand to go through some of you right now as i'm speaking to you you are seated you are in that season [Music] cry with honor do not be ashamed of your scar what looks like a symbol of shame today will become your badge of honor he said let no man trouble me i didn't drop classes in the spirit here are my scars that jesus showed his cast and the demons knew it paul showed his scars and the demons knew it and he said where is your own [Music] [Applause] hospital you don't just tell somebody be healed and he's healed no you don't just say the power of god is moving because you found it in scripture it's a joke there is a track record the prize for life is death the weight of god is too heavy only dead man can carry him it's a realm in the spirit called galatians 20 where your ego dies many things happen in the prison are we together please listen to me this is both a prophetic teaching and a prophetic roadmap to show you where you are now there are times when you are in prison you will be amazed that you will be praying over issues in your own life and you will not hear god but someone comes to sit down for counseling boom and the heaven is open and you are prophesying things and and the person leaves believing that your whole life is in order and when the person leaves you say god what what is this he's teaching you that silence is also a voice that when god is silent you must know what he's saying [Applause] listen it is in the prison that he teaches you to discern anointings sir in the prison there is no ego in the prison there is no mike in the prison there is no apostle and prophet in the prison it purifies your hunger genesis 14. joseph pastor is in the prison he was there before them two offenders always come like they were at the cross and now they meet this guy please give us that scripture genesis chapter 40. the place where joseph was bound the place where character was bound the place where his sincere heart was bound are we together then the bible says verse 4 and the captain of the god charged joseph with them and he served them and they continued a season in the world leave the scripture there did you see that the difference between an attack of the enemy and a season you are passing through is that even in the pit there is still the signature of dominion and favor the bible says even though it was in the prison there was a token that god left that let this be a signature o joseph that when darkness is all around you remember that this seed of dominion is still within you now for time's sake the bible tells us that joseph served them an offended man never did joseph give them the history of how he got there he was more passionate about serving them and lifting them and heaven was marking that examination joseph had every legitimate ground to say young man don't disturb me with your noise you offended the king it's a shame that you got to the throne and you are still back to the pit i'm an innocent man with prophecy upon my head i've walked with character and integrity and now i find myself here but joseph said forget about me my focus is to see that you are lifted so then death walks in us the bible says that life will walk in you that you're trusting god to pay your rent as a man of god started in ministry just when the money comes god says bring it to this ministry and sow it and you walk like someone who doesn't know what he's doing and while you are doing it and onlooker is saying this church thing is really making people mad and they do not know that there is a system of justice that is vetting the sincerity and the purity of your heart are we blessed a prison is a place of confinement a prison is a place of delay a prison sometimes can be a place of slavery but i want to tell you prophetically a prison is a training ground it's a place where god trains you are we blessed the prison many of us are there now never trust people who do not have the history of a prison in their journey there is a requisite level of qualification that your passing to the prison adds to your spiritual credentials as you minister on behalf of his majesty i don't want to know your story tell me your pain there are things i'm searching for i don't trust your compassion until i see what you've gone through if you have not been touched with the feelings of the infirmity i don't believe you truly love people there are things you go through that fuel genuine compassion when someone comes to your office and say man of god i'm not an irresponsible man this finance thing is not just walking you don't laugh at him with sarcasm you say i've been there i serve god with my heart and suddenly the grace rises from that gate of compassion there are many talkatives in the body of christ without the history of the dealings of the spirit this is why compassion has not been able to come in the heart of many people there are people who love god and train their children as best as they could raise them in the way of god and those children just decided to go away word be careful when you begin to conclude and analyze on those things and say no no if you train that child well it may not always be so even jesus had to struggle with judas who beheld the word every day for three and a half years while the crusade was going in negotiation to make money out of jesus was going on is god speaking to us tonight the prison for the sake of time let's discuss the subject of losses we cannot understand restoration and we cannot understand coming back bouncing back until we understand losses to lose means to pathways with something someone valuable or a time to pathway with time to pathway with something to pathway with someone and i wrote down here very quickly we'll look at it five scriptural reasons why people lose anything at all five scriptural reasons now these reasons capture both the training of the believer and a caution to a careless one are we together number one the first reason according to scripture why people lose is lack of discernment please make sure you write it down hebrews chapter two and verse one please help us media hebrews chapter two and verse one the first reason why people lose in this kingdom is lack of discernment it says therefore we ought to give them more endless heed to the things which we have heard less at any time we should let them sleep it was while men slept the bible says that the enemy came as a farmer too and planted something so he says i wake down that sleepest and christ shall give you light lack of discernment in genesis chapter 28 the story of jacob's encounter at laws that he would later call peniel it was the encounter where he saw a ladder ascending from the earth to the heaven when you go to verse 16 of genesis 28 the bible says jacob himself counseled himself and rebuked himself he woke up from sleep so the problem was sleep he woke up from sleep and said surely the lord is in this place and i did not know there are many people who have lost seasons because they could not discern there are many people who have lost relationships because they could not discern there are many people who have missed an opportunity to receive territorial anointings because they could not discern discernment lack of discernment number two for time's sake we have to rush the second reason why people lose in this kingdom and then in life and destiny is carelessness the second biblical reason why people lose is carelessness an attitude of non-challenge to life non-challenge to destiny non-challenged to walk hebrews chapter 2 and verse 3 please how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation how shall we escape that means bondage is imminent for anybody who lives a life of negligence are we together carelessness taking life for granted taking things for granted taking opportunities for granted oh there's a free mentorship session with my pastor but what is that about i mean i can always get it careless approach to life one day i will be anointed i think there's there's always time all these fasting and prayer is an interruption to my life carelessness he says i must walk the works of him that sent me while it is day there is timing with destiny every time is not the right time every time it's not convenient it says while it is day for the night cometh when no man can walk again are we together yes in athletics in football and most sports they have an age range no matter how passionate you are about it once you pass that age range sorry for you football they have an age range tennis and all of these sports they have an israelis athletics it is important for you to know that there is timing to destiny so carelessness revelation chapter 3 and verse 11. revelations 3 and verse 11 read with me please if you're a christian and you can see want to read behold i come quickly hold fast which thou has that no man carelessness let it never be for you that let his bishopric let another take carelessness number three very quickly why do we lose in this kingdom ignorance of the laws of life the laws of destiny laws of the kingdom ignorance of the laws of life the laws of destiny the laws of the kingdom psalm 82 and verse 5 that ignorance is a plague in this kingdom he says they know not neither will they understand that they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are out of course lack of light verse six says i have said all of you are gods and you are children of the most high the tragedies in the next verse verse seven he says but you shall die like man men and fall like one of these princes ignorance ignorance is a terrible plague isaiah 16 and verse 1 says arise shine it says not because you are tired of sitting there for your light has come not because your light is around it's always been around but the day it comes to you ezekiel chapter two when you read from verse one and two he had an instruction rise up and he had no strength he says but the spirit entered into me verse 2 and set me upon my feet it takes light it takes an understanding of the ways of god many people are ignorant of the ways of god we just live our lives sociologically sadly you hear this all around our society why sayings like one day go better why sayings like um i know one day one day things will change you see all those kinds of thinkings will be to our own period our lives must be intentional the bible says he that strives for mastery is not crowned except he strives lawfully the quality of my life and your life is predicated on our depth of spiritual illumination are understanding the ways of god not just a religious study of scripture but study of scripture that revealed to us the keys of the kingdom are we blessed number four why do we lose in life and in this kingdom abuse and misuse the fourth reason why we lose abuse and misuse in matthew 25 the parable of the talents when you read from verse 14 down to 30. matthew 25 the bible talks about the parable of three men who were given talents one was given five the other two one the bible says the one with five went and traded it and returned back with a hundred percent the other one with to return back with a hundred percent and the one who had won already he had an attitude of bitterness and jealousy and anger and he went and buried it you barely see it no talents and when the master came he said i know you are a hard man you like to reap where you did not so so i thought instead of wasting my time let me bury it here's your seed and god called him wicked and unprofitable that everything god gives you let me tell you something you see we talk a lot about transfer whether wealth transfer or is not only unbelievers that good things live believers who have who have a track record of abuse and misuse will also lose things because god is a god of of caution and he's a god of responsibility if you are hungry and he fits you with five love and two fish and you now eat and you are full and carelessly waste the rest he will say go and gather the crumbs but tomorrow you can be sure you will not get that bread again god was so meticulous he showed us his sense of responsibility and caution when all those guys ate and they littered everywhere and left he said go and gather the crumbs and they gather 12 baskets full abuse there are people who have abused power there are people who have abused and use money there are people who have abused and misused the anointing abused and misused leadership africa as a continent is in a place today sadly because of different levels of abuse and misuse of authority and the fifth reason why we lose in this kingdom it can be because of the tests and the trials that we are going through it is possible that because of the dealings and the trainings you are going through in the spirit for the sake of your destiny momentarily certain things can be withdrawn from your life that is true the bible does not leave us in the dark as to the fact that during your period of training it was apostle james chapter one from verse two please give it to us james one and verse two he said count it all joy my brethren when you go through diverse temptations secure your stability with this knowledge he says knowing this james chapter one from verse two knowing this that the trying of your faith he says works patience are we together but street and that when patience has had his full walk in you it will be able to build you paraphrasing so that you may be perfect and entire wanting the word wanting there is lacking nothing so sometimes god takes things from you so that tomorrow you will not have any luck again there are times that god will take your seed of today away from you so that tomorrow you will not need to beg again it is not listen god does not just give he also takes away but when he takes away a release and a spiritual investment because with god it will always come back hallelujah yes so these are the five reasons that i pieced together from scripture as to why people lose a quick recap number one that people lose because of lack of discernment that people lose because of carelessness that people lose because of ignorance of the laws of life destiny and the kingdom that people lose because of abuse and misuse but then that there are times that this group of people because of the seasons that they are in with god the season of dealing that they can go through tests and trials job chapter one when you read from verse nine the whole text is from verse nine to twenty two chapter 1 from verse 9 to 22 but let's look at at least 9 10 and 11 the bible says then satan answered the lord and said don't joke god for nothing next verse has thou not made a hedge about him and about his house and above all that he has on every side thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substances increased in the land now hear what satan says but put forth your hand now and touch all that he had and he will cause you to your face in other words job's allegiance and loyalty to you oh god is fake he's only saying it on the strength of those things the next verse that should be 12 and the lord said unto satan very scary scripture behold all that he had is in thy power only upon himself put not thy hand so satan went forth from the presence of the lord then sin two is what begins to happen in the earth there was a day the bible calls it a day of adversary that in every man's life there is such a phenomenon a day of adversary that if you turn aside in that day the diagnosis is that your strength is small hallelujah i wrote here keys for restoration let's hurry up and touch on them so we can pray now that we have seen the factors that are responsible for losses please don't just write these things study them and see where it applies to your life for some of you it is lack of discernment you see seasons are like the hand of a clock when you miss it it may come back but you will have to wait a very long time so like the magi the wise men you have to be discerning to discern moments that you can capitalize on keys for restoration it is true that god is a restorer it is true that god can restore hallelujah such a powerful comfort for the saints that no matter what you've lost the mystery i hope that will be able to deal with it is that everything that leaves you is still on it now that's a very good news if it leaves me and it is still on earth then there is hope for recovery and scripture says there is hope for a tree do you know why there's hope for a tree because provided the earth from where it came out from is still there there is hope for a tree there are four kids that i wrote here that are prophetic road maps i wish we had time to walk these are seeding the life of joseph but if any one of you in this assembly following online from any part of the world if you walk through this process i give you a guarantee by the integrity of scripture regardless what the situation is you truly will come out are we together this is where i want you to pray in one minute cry and still open my eyes no assumptions open my eyes in the name of jesus that that which you are about to show because many of us are at this point now haven't explained to you the mystery of the prison i will explain to you the mystery of the losses around your life and destiny whether it was for a genuine reason or otherwise i am showing you a prophetic roadmap by the spirit that a way out can come if you can't see [Music] shilla parusia baroness are we blessed now look up please receive with meekness these truths that i want to teach you the first key i have found if you want to experience restoration in your life your family your spiritual life your finances your destiny the first key to restoration according to scripture is self-examination and evaluation the first biblical key to experience lasting restoration the power of self-examination not just prayer not just fasting not just finding a man of god in that order of priority self examination there is nobody who receives restoration in this kingdom if you cannot sit down and be thoughtful second corinthians chapter 3 and verse 5 help us media second corinthians chapter 3 and verse oh dear look let's look at luke 15 luke 15 i wrote a scripture there that i can't seem to find luke 15 from verse 17 to 20. the bible talks about the prodigal son the story of the prodigal son remember the story the bible says how that that gentle man provided he was staying with his father he was not satisfied coming under the authority of his father and he wanted to live life at his own times and then scripture reveals that he left and lived a riotous life for many years notice luck started when he left his father now the story of the prodigal son is not the story of sinners because it's a family it has nothing to do with sinners number two for your information the story of the prodigal son is the story of two people with the same lifestyle the only difference is one acted out his own whereas the other hid his own in the heart both the elder brother and the old and the younger brother did the same thing the only thing is that the younger brother was fast to act out his own rebellion but the elder brother also had his own hidden there are we together now so the bible talks about this gentleman who later finds himself with the swine peaks eating from them and then read verse 17 please the first five words or six words one to go and when he came to the bible never said when an angel appeared to advise him listen human beings have their wheels and you can sit down and think through life please keep that scripture there he came to himself how do you come to yourself by thinking there is the voice of your heart the bible says say not in your heart so you don't just think you can speak in your heart he came to himself he said how many hired servants is called the power of thoughtfulness if you can take an introspect of your life and your destiny self-examination are we together many people never rise from the shackles of life and destiny because they are preoccupied by offense and will not sit down and examine their own lives why am i like this why is my church not growing lord you called me why is it that my pastor continues to prophesy over my life and people testify here every week i am a faithful worker and according to the authority of scripture i'm a bonafide partaker of the grace upon the man of god why is it not speaking in my life he came to himself there are times you need to go for a retreat not just to pray the bible said be still and know there is a kind of knowledge that stillness brings are we together that you go and lock yourself and sit down quietly and say something must be wrong he came to himself january this happened just when i was recovering my wife got sick just when she was recovering my child got sick just when he was recovering no no no this is more than sickness i see that there is a handwriting of satan wanting to destroy my thoughtfulness it's unfortunate that we live in a world where we are preoccupied by activities and so thoughtfulness now is a luxury but believers hear me in this end time we must trust god for grace to hide away from people if you're a man of god here respectfully this is an honest advice you will never be a cutting-edge tool in this end time if you the the the galaxy and the flamboyance of ministry can deceive us into believing that just because activities are around joshua salman it means we are making progress we need to sustain the courage and the stamina to go back in fact in the spirit the more god honors you he does it by hiding you that everything that is glorious is hidden if all of you is seen by all men you are not powerful and when rebecca saw isaac she failed herself as a proof that she was a bride befitting for him as soon as she saw isaac the one she would be connected to she failed herself it is the reason why your heart is hidden it is the reason why the sensitivity for calmly parts of your body like apostle paul was teaching are hidden don't be embarrassed when god hides you he's hiding you as proof of the value he has for you are we together but we're dealing with self-examination the young man sat down one day and came to himself he said how many hired servants does my father have and i am here feeding with the swine i will arise and i will go to my father he said and i will say father i have sinned against you and against heaven and i am not worthy he had not gone no he was discussing self-examination that in the name of jesus i would not be a lazy man in this abuja again the bible says the earth is the lord i know there is a portion for me i have been giving excuses and saying all my family members are like that i know my father did not train me i know i did not have the leverage of uncles and aunties but if i continue to give this excuse i will find out one day i'm 50 years 60 years 70 years giving excuses from today i make up my mind self-examination this life of disobedience and dishonor to my pastor every time he's prophesying i stand and i say oh i'm the one washing his car and for five years i have not received any testimony i come back to myself i'm coming for this service with my heart open and if my pastor is prophesying i will not just see him as my pastor he is god's apostolic voice to me self-examination she a man who has sat down to think he's ready to rise listen let me tell you how restoration came to samaria i wish we had time we would have walked scripture tonight the bible says there were four lepers for as long as they were silent and not thinking they remained on the ground but when prophecy came the spirit of wisdom landed on them and they began to think and contemplate why sit we here till we die they began a conversation let's get up if we fall into their hands at least let's take that risk and make meaning out of our destiny instead of sitting down and giving excuses nigeria is not working let me go and look for land at least somewhere i may not have the money to buy it but they will not arrest me for seeing let me let me let me trust god for grace self-examination no i'm i think reverend abba is too busy to see me i need this grace and i keep seeing him in my dreams but i'm sure one day by god's divine mercy you connect us you are joking you are really joking one day you have to sit down and ask yourself am i ready to sit here in pride or humble myself i pursue like the woman with the issue of blood and you may get up and say i will come and sit in the church here on that day god will say my son please come around and jostle you see the the prodigal son didn't need to reach home before he met his father that means the father was already walking too but he needed to examine himself and take a step of faith someone say in the name of jesus please shout he say in the name of jesus i receive grace to sit down and be thoughtful i kill every excuse over my life my ministry my destiny turn it into prayer in one minute lord i'm tired of giving excuses why i remain small why i fail i'm tired of giving excuses why the auction of the spirit is not upon my life there are enough anointed vessels for my life to change someone is praying please be serious come to yourself come to yourself i'm tired of laziness come to yourself [Music] in the name of jesus please sit down i want you to entire covenant with your destiny tonight that i'm going to go back home and ask questions we have an altar in our family is not new the author brought my grandfather he brought my father so i'm suspecting that's what is happening i'm sure one day i'll think about it oh my goodness oh no sir oh no sir one day you have to wake up by 2 a.m and say sleep you hang on i am sick and tired of this i come to myself the world killed my father and god opens your eyes to see that there is an arrow looking for your destiny and for your children and you stand with power and fire self-examination it was god's servant bishop politico that said when they started the church in kaduna listen to me i started ministry in zarya i know the spirits and the all-time territory the lifespan of impact is three years if you reach three years something must bring you down and bring your ministry out in shame so i understand what you were saying because they are ancient gates and he said the church was not growing he would have given the excuse but he said you know what let's gather a few of the leaders and they began to examine to contemplate suddenly the spirit of god brought him out according to him and showed him a thick layer of darkness that misrepresents the ministry and he did something about it and all of a sudden doors open why are my younger brothers feeding me why am i the one who i am the one who invites all of them for encounter programs and yet at this level of life i've not been able to build the house at this it's not like your faith is tied to those things but hear me there has to be a consolation to your christian experience if by and large fruits do not grow on that tree life will not give you forever as an excuse [Music] are we together until you love your destiny more than sleep you are not ready to rise there are times when you it's not an attack you just sit down and you are angry and say look my wife wake up we need to discuss this thing what is going on in this family abuja is a good land someone came to abuja in january and right now they have seen the faithfulness of god we've been here since 1998 something is wrong we confess our ignorance but for starters let us come to that point of recognition i can assure you if we call god's servant your pastor and father today to come and hold this mic and tell you his story of sargon through this land i am sure that we are going to whip in this place like a funeral a testament of audacity and power waking up in the night thank god for your dream joseph had a dream but you wake up to fulfill it dreams are powerful but they don't happen in the realm of the spirit men who dream wake up how you prophesy myself we come one more time myself wake up don't be embarrassed this is a conference myself wake up [Applause] hallelujah wake up he came to himself number two few minutes and we're done tonight the second key that provokes restoration in this kingdom is the power of brokenness psalm 51 and verse 17. it is not enough to examine yourself you must get to a point where the bible says that the sacrifices of god are a broken spirit it says a broken and a contrite heart oh god thou will not despise that means god cannot ignore a broken person brokenness requires many things a recognition and then you have to admit brokenness lord it is my i've been living life at my own time i am sure it's my pride that has brought me to this place and lord i'm not ashamed i go down on my knees to you who is the maker of the heavens and the earth if you don't help me in this city i cannot rise i come before you there's nothing to be ashamed of brokenness brokenness is a very powerful mystery as a man of god you come to god broken lord i love you but lately i found out i've just been doing ministry just for the sake of money and it may not be that i'm evil but sincerely i think maybe maybe there are things in my life i'm there are there are too many compromises but i come before you sincerely there is one thing i know about god when god sees brokenness he cannot ignore it genuine brokenness hallelujah brokenness where you open up your heart sincerely like the psalmist and says such my heart and try my thoughts check oh god if thou see any evil way in me please lead me to the way everlasting some of you here if you are broken enough you will come out of that situation the problem is you are still giving explanations and then hoping you see this pride is a dangerous thing whatever you do fight pride from your life you cannot do bold face for life you have to just humble yourself and say lord show me mercy and help me a broken and a contrite heart number three what is the third key that sponsors restoration in this kingdom are we making progress knowledge proverbs chapter 11 and verse nine knowledge you need knowledge a recognition of the grace and the mercy of god is important but you need knowledge proverbs chapter 11 and verse nine the b part is my part of emphasis it says through knowledge shall they just be what there is a kind of deliverance that is conducted by casting out the spirit influences behind that situation but there is a kind of deliverance that happens as a fortification through knowledge the bible says to preach deliverance not only to conduct it there is a dimension of revelation that secures deliverance everyone please say knowledge isaiah chapter 60 and verse 1 amplified says arise from the prostration and the depression that circumstances have kept you it says rise to a new light you see it's important for us to know that we need light light enough not just light jesus wept over jerusalem and said oh jerusalem jerusalem if you had known even in this that time the things that pertain unto your peace it says but now they are hidden from your eyes you need to go for knowledge gather the tapes of your pastor gather the cities take a three days time of fasting and prayer and sit down and flog it out with destiny lord open my eyes what is the key to speed open my eyes what is the key to sustainable influence open my eyes why are my hands empty lord open my eyes and while you are listening to the message suddenly as the man of god is ministering light breaks exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 god will open your eyes to explain to you the mystery of an empty hand he said and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall pass that when we go ye shall not go empty lord why have i not gotten a property whether for myself or something i know there is a way psalm 44 i think verse 3 they got not the land in possession by their own sword so this is not a thing of sword neither did their own arm save them but thy right hand and thy arm and the light of thy countenance because thou has a faithful unto them luke 252 and jesus increased in wisdom in stature in favor with god and with men as that chapter 2 from verse 15 the b part says and esther obtained favor in the eyes of all them that looked upon her verse 17 now says same scripture he says an esther was loved by the king above all the women she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than more than more than suddenly you begin to pray it in your life and walk those keys and your life will change like day and night is god helping us we need knowledge please fight ignorance like you fight satan fight ignorance ignorance is a dangerous thing in this end time you cannot live your life wishing and hoping you must get exact knowledge the bible tends to work circumspect as wise and unwise arrange the various aspects of your life where you are trusting god for sustainable lifting and fish out the mysteries that connect your desires to your destiny what is responsible for speed what is responsible for church growth what is responsible for transgenerational impact and influence what is responsible for ever increasing fire what is responsible for the anointing of the spirit what is responsible for relevance within the context of a generation there are mysteries that control these dimensions it is the glory of god to hide the thing but is the honor of the kings to search it out i was teaching in lagos and i gave a parable that the lord opened my eyes to see theologically it's called the parable of the lost coin the bible says that a woman lost a coin in a room she knew that there was a precious jewel in that room that could make her wealthy could make her great but it was missing and the first thing she did was to light a candle light you cannot search in darkness the second thing she did was to find a broom with that broom she swept everywhere that's how we search for things a candle and a broom a broom talks of your hunger and your consistent pursuit you sweep by getting all the tapes your pastor preached on faith you don't get one or two because you may find part one of the revelation that will liberate you here then you now go to a 2016 message and find the other part that god is building for you it's called sweeping you need light enough i made a statement a few days ago morning the breaking of day does not depend on time it depends on the victory of light over darkness every time light prevails over darkness you call it day it is not when it is six o'clock or eight am that you say is day no all through the night there is a warfare between darkness and light the time that light wins is what you call day so if light winds by 2 am it will become day are we together knowledge knowledge i have cherished knowledge as a man of god and have cherished knowledge as a person i am i am a passionate seeker of knowledge i'm not embarrassed by the things i do not know my heart is very open when i find truth that is relevant to my life and destiny i'm like a sponge my heart is open unashamedly the proof of passion is pursued you have to trust god for grace to pursue knowledge you will never gain knowledge at your own times dr modok would say adaptation is proof of honor you have to bend getting knowledge from those who carry them will require stamina and sacrifice i'm sorry to say it but we live in an arrogant generation that want to be great at our own terms let the pastor see me i can my i'm busy i can i'm i'm only free between 11 and 12. please see me then and pray for me you are in trouble no the woman with the issue of blood kept asking she was just hoping she knew jesus will pass as the men and the women of god who carry real grace they will tell you the story of their endurance as they pursued god and they pursued vessels that really carried fire many of them would travel for conferences they have no business attending and will sit down quietly like fools shared my testimony many years ago i was in the rain had bunker crusade there was a dress upon him that i desired pastor i traveled down to jos he was coming for a crusade i didn't just sit down say oh god this is the grace i want you are the giver of all good things if you've been evil know how to uncoach those scriptures out of context that legitimize laziness and mediocrity i went and stood on that crusade ground for six hours the first night i watched this man minister i have revelation i'm a man of god too i have seen miracles in my own life too but you will never receive from a colleague in this kingdom there must be spiritual potential difference it is through light and knowledge please listen i will never forget the second day i made up my mind that i'm not only going to come and stand on that crusade ground lord i want to serve i understand the power of service and i saw them willing people on wheelchairs i said please can i help they say no no these people belong to a committee they are trained i said committee or no committee you don't know how long i travel to be here i must serve while i was pushing the people to the front and say lord this is how my crusades and my meetings will be too i sow with all one with passion all i need is you [Music] all i need is you [Music] i need is you the second day he preached a very simple message and he was about to take water and minister the baptism when god opened my eyes that was the first time i saw the manifestation of the holy spirit like a dove it was a dove that was bigger than this building bring around the crusade crown i thought everybody was seeing it i was watching he was about to minister the miraculous was about to happen i had seen miracles i have seen unbelievable situations by the spirit of god listen when you find what you need break your pride pay the price pursue sincerely allow fools and mediocres to make comments while you receive we know that god is taking your master today save johnny and elijah said i know you are a temporal man elijah keep insulting me while i position to receive do you have the stamina to endure let me tell you anointed vessels are difficult people some of them are arrogant some of them are insensitive do you have the stamina to look past those things and say i know what my heart searches for i can be so selfish to allow my ego rob a generation of a dimension of god the spirit of elijah got rest on elijah when that grace landed upon my life i remember many years ago the lord gave me an instruction that he was going to lead me to god's servant to go and sow a seed bishop david and that morning god told me this was the day i would not tell you how much but many of you will be surprised i got up got the next available flight i went behind every story there is behind what is every glory there is a real story yo before you admire men find out their story nothing works by the mistake there's nobody who wins your olympic by mistake i want you to cherish your pastor sincerely not every man of god will open up their scars to you to watch no the pain is too precious i remember long and short when so deceit when i came out the holy ghost asked me to put my hand on the ground there in canaan land and start from today you have entered the overflow anointing i'm a product of many anointings it takes knowledge knowledge with hunger and passion hunger and passion the sacrifice of your pastor bringing vessels of grace to minister to you should be a clear proof that he sincerely loves you you know remember sometimes i say this respectfully we need to honor the sacrifice we never know the adaptation and the sacrifice that the servants of god go through for the sake of the sheep he says a good shepherd lays down inconveniences himself for his sheep can i talk on the last part and then we pray can you lend me five minutes what i'm about to share with you will change your life forever please pray as i share with you a mystery it says behold i show you a mystery i apologize for taking your time but it will be worth your sacrifice in this conference because what i'm about to show you is what many of you have been praying for lord why is my life like this you need real restoration behold like he says i show you a mystery isaiah 42 and verse 22 sivaka loose saddam brahes but this is a people robbed and spoiled they are all of them snared in holes and they are hidden where prison houses they are for a prey unknown deliberate they are for a spoil and there is no voice that say yet restore in this kingdom you do not have the power to bring yourself out of prison you will have to depend on someone who is already out of that prison the bible says the king sent for joseph and brought him out of the dungeon the fourth key that brings restoration is the ministry of the prophetic the ministry of the prophetic now i know that respectfully speaking all across this land africa and the entire globe there has been quite some excesses errors imbalances and outright failure in the administration of the ministry of the apostolic and the prophetic especially i know that there have been excesses and all of those things these things are not hidden we say it with the heart of respect and honor for the body of christ but it is true and so in a bid to manage these things there are people who are who continue to advocate the complete annihilation of the prophetic and the apostolic ministry as a way of managing the imbalances and the excesses no jesus said in matthew 26 i will build my church so he's the architect you go to him to find out how he built the church and this is how he built the church he said jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone that immediately you encounter jesus there are two ministries you must meet the apostolic and the prophetic to be built this is how jesus designed the church that even in heaven the foundations are made of the 12 names of the apostles are we together jesus the son of god is in heaven desiring to come to the earth and not even him in his power had the right to come into this territory without someone calling him so another prophetess had to spend years speaking and calling the word you just know that the world became flesh but do you know there were prophecies that made the world flesh number one when jesus was born they quickly took him to these people jesus jesus walked under a close heaven for 30 years even as the son of god no mention of his heavens opened until he went to find the prophet who god was using before he came over that territory now let me show you a mystery why many people remain grounded john was not a baptist john was a prophet baptism was a strategy given to him to identify jesus so he would baptize and look up you say go you baptize and look up you say go you will baptize and look up you say go baptize and look up you say go suddenly [Music] by the prophetic he identifies a young three-year-old man and he says behold the lamb you are not a man men see a man but a prophet is seeing a lamb that takes away the sins of the world i am not worthy to untie the latter of your shoe i'm sure if jesus if joshua salman were jesus you say that's nice for recognizing that i'm not a small man but john made a statement that is a prophetic instruction suffer it to be so this is an ordinance if i do not submit what you represent my own heavens cannot open this is your bible sean and god is watching in heaven john dips jesus in the water he comes out and your bible says and the heavens and the holy ghost descended and then the father spoke he said this is my beloved son question what was he before listen please this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased and he gave f an instruction nobody could break here ye him who has told your church that who has told your products that has somebody told your product abuja here ye she i show you why many people are grounded even when apostle paul met jesus christ jesus still referred him back to the house of ananias and said wait there why do you need to see a man when you have met jesus and he said still wait there is a system i have built for your lifting let me show you a mystery you see the dimensions of god that are distributed to the earth for the edification of the saints happen through covenants let me explain to you what that means faith healing god hides his anointing primarily in men are we together now the way god works it out is that he calls he finds men in every dispensation and then through the sacrifice of alignment he enters a personal covenant with them not old testament not new testament a covenant with them that becomes the legitimate platform for administering that dimension of his grace within the lifespan of that dispensation now when god finds such people he now refers them on earth as the custodians of that dimension of him any other person who must enjoy that dimension of him experientially must do it in recognition and alignment to those systems they are not just men they have become two covenant spiritual systems that administer dimensions of god are we together provided they are alive god will never ignore their office enriching you with that dimension let me give you an instance on earth today the spiritual system according to the wisdom of god that represents faith is kenneth copeland [Music] any man of god on earth that is operating faith that is tangible would have crossed that path to touch with that altar of alignment the man that represents the healing ministry today on earth it doesn't mean he's the greatest healer no this is not about greatness it's about the election of grace of an individual who has become the spiritual conduit of a dimension that individual today on earth is many him and that grace came upon him from oral robots now you need this is the protocol of lifting that many people do not understand so when god says i'm calling you into a healing ministry i don't care how he starts dealing with you one day he is going to orchestrate i mean healing ministry at a global level one day he is going to create a meeting point where you and that spiritual system that administered that dimension you will collide is true did you read in your bible that abraham met a strange man in an ancient city called salem called melchizedek is it in your bible that god establishes priesthood after that order melchizedek looked at abraham and said blessed be abraham son of the most high he called him possessor of heaven and heart [Applause] elijah was not a prophet elijah was a spiritual system that forums revival that's why the bible says before the lord comes before the great and terrible day of the lord elijah will come elijah is the name given to a spiritual apostolic and prophetic system that realigns men back to the purposes of god the name of that system is elijah if a man only embodied it that was why when elijah died the system continued in john just like jezebel is not a woman jezebel is a system of rebellion that administers the system of babylon by attaching herself to power and authority dies jezebel dies elijah resurrects in john jezebel resurrects in herodias jezebel promised elijah to remove his head and then we see that when they dance on the king's birthday he said what request will be granted listen to me let me teach you a mystery the men you see that walk this earth are young but what is upon them is ancient is the continuity of a relay you have to understand this [Music] i wish i were lying i would have just apologized i will share the grace but i'm showing you something that is a deep mystery challenges are not generic they are dependent on the grace and the altar that confronts it you can be going through something for decades but the day you find the prophet sent not the prophet available the prophet said there were many widows in zarephath but to none was elijah sent the word that delivers is not the word you read it is the word sent [Music] we're about to pray [Music] they are taken for a prey and nonsense restored now listen to me when you discern who your man of god is for as long as you think he's a man of god is a pastor and we are members of this church you will never receive anything there must be a deep contemplation of discernment who is this man know we know man after the flesh what are the mysteries that sit upon his head that are responsible for the possibilities in his life it is based on that revelation that you stand to receive you can kneel down yet you are standing up that that is just an emotional show i mean a deep-seated recognition i have met people that i know i was sent to and it's amazing how what they call challenges were trivialized happy are you when you find the anointing sent to you let me tell you this not every anointing available will lift you are we together there are men of god that require i'm not just talking of someone higher than you speaking to you there is a place for that i'm not just talking of someone who is an elder in the faith just prophesying to you there is a place for that i'm talking of encountering the grace the spiritual covenant that is connected to your destiny ignorant people will fight what i'm saying to their period listen i don't boast to know everything in the kingdom i remain a student gleaning from the wisdom of men and women helped by god but on this revelation i tell you it is an office i know what i'm saying you know you have received when your results show thou anointes my head with oil but the results are seen in my code it does not [Music] annoy what is [Music] we're about to pray and i want us to do something prophetic in two minutes forgive me but i i share the burden of your pastor i'm going to pray for you but i will respectfully plead even if it is for one minute that your pastor and your father please come to stand on this stage and by the spirit of god he is going to utter words of restoration believe what i am telling you you will many of you tomorrow will not come until your life starts changing it's true [Applause] [Music] i didn't have time to do a thorough exercise of the world you will read the arrogance and the foolishness of men to the prophetic the prophet says by this time tomorrow there are two dimensions of the prophetic there is the revelatory dimension of the prophetic and there is the creative dimension of the prophetic the most superior dimension of the prophetic reveal to men is the creative dimension revelation gives you direction and then it imparts faith creation makes what has no business happening to happen when he said by this time tomorrow he was not revealing in advance what would have happened anyway no the same way you are going back home quietly and someone can look at you and by the mantle and the auction he can program a climate of favor on your head and say go a man's donkey is missing for three days they prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and could not get the donkey but the moment saul saw somewhere they didn't talk about the donkey just an eye contact and the donkey started going back home this is not human worship please decide what i'm telling you and don't don't mix it with some of these things that people do for right now we want to pray in one minute i don't know how you are going to cry to god but please cry to god and say father every dishonor that have communicated to this grace because of lack of discernment i obtain mercy tonight and i receive with an open heart i desire my life to change i understand the ministry of the prophetic someone is praying [Music] someone is praying your life is about to change lift your voice and pray [Music] understand [Music] we're about to pray [Music] what a life you will never be the same someone is praying father the grace to be broken the grace to examine myself the grace to passionately pursue knowledge the grace to discern and open up my heart and my spirit to the prophetic [Music] you are the covenant keeping god [Music] you are [Music] one more time away let me speak over your life and then your pastor will come and speak again we do not stand sufficient in ourselves we are only bought products of his mercy and products of his grace but let me tell you this if you open up your heart to the sun you will marvel and wonder at what happens to your life from tonight in the name of jesus i stand by the spirit of grace over your life inside outside the overflows and those following online every prison spiritually sheila qatar financially that you have found yourself in in the name of jesus reason help them please jesus [Applause] who is the son of the living god come out of that prison now [Applause] come out of that prison now come out of that prison now the bible says he has broken the gates of brass and caught the powers of iron in sunder suffocation [Music] and prophesying to someone every altar that sits upon your destiny i will not let you go you are fasted and you are praying i come in the name of jesus the son of the living god i command fire on those altars now fire on those orders now fire those altars now [Music] [Applause] [Music] every opportunity you have lost every relationship you have lost in the name of jesus i call upon my god the restorer of time and i speak to you between now and the end of this year i stand by the lord of the apostolic and the prophetic recover now believe what you are hearing recover now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon i don't know who in this city has been ordained to send for you but i stand in the name of jesus and i speak to the north of abuja the south the east and the west whoever must send for you to bring you out of that dungeon i command that they send for you now [Applause] i command that they send for you now i command that they send for you now [Applause] everything that was lost shall be returned unto you everything that was only shall be restored unto you everything that was lost shall be returned unto you everything that was stolen allah's master it was borrowed and he said we'll sell it let me speak to someone here that financial debt is sitting on your head sitting on your ministry and it looks like there is no way out i call upon the god of jeshurun the one who rides upon the wings of the wind and i declare according to the time of life be delivered now be believer now be delivered now hear me the bible says the root of the wicked will not rest upon the lord of the righteous lest they dip their hands in iniquity every scheming of hell over your family over your destiny to keep you grounded in the name of jesus he said lose that man and let him go i command we lose now he lose now he lose now we lose now [Applause] [Music] the psalmist said in psalm 3 many are they that rise up against me he said many are dead which say where is thy help he said but oh lord you are excused for me he says you are my glory the lifter up of my head i decree and declare every horn according to zechariah 1 verse 18 that has lifted up his head against your destiny all judah or city of peace or city of praise or city of worship i come as a carpenter by the spirit of grace and i declare unto you in the name of jesus those hands are judged now those horns are judged now hallelujah i declare the grace you didn't come with may that grace rest upon you and go with you and somewhere prophesied to saul and said the donkey you are looking for has been found before you reach home some of you i decree and declare that what has been missing for a long time you will see it waiting for you number two he said you will see three men holding two loaves of bread they will salute you and give to you i don't care who has rejected you and who refused to attend to the matters of your destiny but i stand upon this sacred altar i compel them to attend to you in the name of jesus [Applause] many of you tonight by the spirit of god into tomorrow and the final session there are ancient giftings many of you have had dreams and revelations you've seen some of these impartations for yourself and your ministry this is the season where you come with your heart open to receive and i pray for you that even beginning from tonight let god begin to do strange walkings in your spirit in the name of jesus christ and if our god is for us then you could ever stop us and if our god is with us healthy and if our god is for us and if our god is for [Applause] [Music] our us is with us [Applause] our god is greater our god is stronger lord you are higher than one prayer opened my eyes and changed my life this morning please lift your voice and pray let it be from the depth of your heart give me the miracle of open eyes in the name of jesus and change my life [Music] lift your voice and pray [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus please help me again honor god's servant reverend godwin and his dear wife thank you thank you thank you hallelujah what you're about to hear this morning i believe and i guarantee you it will change your life i pray in the name of jesus that god will open our eyes to see amen and amen please be seated [Music] matthew chapter 6 [Music] matthew chapter 6 i want to discuss a very very deep spiritual subject this is one of those subjects in the christian faith that has been seldom understood there has been other exaggerations of it in many cases complete ignorance of it and yet this is a mystery that has controlled the backwardness the retrogression the oppression and the defeat of many believers many families many businesses many ministries many territories many nations and i trust in the name of jesus christ that this word comes to liberate remember the theme is a call to rise back to the place of destiny hallelujah praise the name of the lord matthew chapter six it's interesting how jesus began to mentor the disciples who would later become the apostles of the lamb he took out time to teach them on the matters of the kingdom hallelujah he began his discourse with what we know as the beatitudes teaching them the character of the kingdom he began to expose them to another system of operation until then they were used to the operations of the roman government and now he was introducing them to kingdom concepts that will now begin to shape their ideas and in one of those lecture sessions matthew chapter 6 he taught on what we have come to call in the body of christ as the lord's prayer hallelujah let's start from verse 10 but the verse of emphasis is verse 13 so jesus is teaching them how to pray in fact when you read luke's account the bible records that one time the disciples came and met him and they said teach us to pray in other words it was not a problem of prayerlessness it was a problem of prayer without results they had prayed john taught them to pray and they noticed there was something about the construction of jesus's spiritual understanding that made him to command results even in prayer are we together and he said teach us to pray so jesus now is mentoring the disciples on the details that should be captured not just in prayer but in the believer's viewpoint as far as victory is concerned then verse 10 says thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven now we're not discussing the lord's prayer but just to let us know that in order of priority his emphasis is that your kingdom comes and that your kingdom comes anytime your will has been done wherever your will finds expression your kingdom comes there are we together and that he prayed that when you pray let his kingdom come in earth not on earth in earth the faith has been you because you are a vessel an ethnic vessel so let the kingdom come the influence the government of the christ then he now says when you pray be aware that god is concerned about your supplies and do not be ashamed to beckon on heaven to give you your daily bread the supply that grants you strength then he says forgive our debt as we forgive our debtors now we come to our place of emphasis and lead us not into temptation lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil jesus is teaching the people how to pray he said when you talk to the father do not forget that there is evil and do not forget to ask the father to deliver you from evil that would be the title of my teaching deliver us from evil from the lips of the master himself jesus christ who is an embodiment of the father did not leave the saints in the dark as to the reality of evil he did not leave them in the dark as to the fact that they were not the only ones in the earth again and again he would teach them through parables that they were already creatures and inhabitants upon the earth that predated their coming and that they shouldn't walk in ignorance deliver us from evil this is jesus teaching the disciples how to pray knowing that he would go to the cross knowing that the substitutionary sacrifice of the father would be a done deal he still told them capture this in your prayer make sure you do not miss it as you pray let the subject of deliverance from evil be part of your prayer request are we together second timothy apostle paul is mentoring his son in the gospel timothy and in chapter 4 and verse 18 ii timothy 4 and verse 18 please read together if you're a christian one to read and the lord shall deliver me from every evil walk and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom stop the lord shall deliver me from how many that means there are many and they come in different fashions but he says the lord shall deliver me from every evil walk and after delivering me he now will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom hallelujah the bible very clearly lets us know that the subject of evil and the subject of darkness and the reality of the dark kingdom is something that the saints should not ignore are we together now yes the prophets did open us up to the mysteries of evil that surround this cosmos when jesus came in the flesh he did not hide the fact that there was evil in fact the breath of jesus was surrounded by catastrophe and chaos because jesus was born other died hallelujah there was a cry and there was a lamentation because the spirit of the antichrist knowing that the world had become flesh women lose their children because someone was born and there was a crying rama like the prophets prophesied apostle paul began to teach on the reality of evil he was mentoring the church in ephesus now theologically speaking we know that the the the discourse the book of ephesus is agreed to contain the highest church truth it was the zenith of paul's apostolic ministry it was under the leadership ephesus was a commercial center and it was a place that was under siege of a a a deity called diana it was a time of intense witchcraft so paul was not teaching people who were on leonard and he began to stratify the organogram of the dark kingdom he taught the believers how to stand in their victory how to sit in their position of authority but how to be able to fight and ward off the the arsenals of darkness it was the apostle that taught us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood he said but against principalities powers rulers of the dark kingdom he called them spiritual wickedness that reside in the heavenlies hallelujah now we have a generation that sadly in an attempt to show the victory of christ have downplayed the reality of the dark world and we have done it to the detriment of ourselves our success our destinies in christ our families we have ignored as a way of working on our minds to be positive we have ignored the reality of what is in our world in fact jesus was the one who men are not the only farmers in his parable he said while men slept another farmer came jesus told us that you are not the only farmer of your destiny and you are not the only one interested in that land called your destiny that while you are sowing someone is waiting for you to so you can see a harvest of seeds you can't remember sowing you know you went to bed in peace and now you get up with a situation you cannot remember planting that seed apostle john said the whole world light in wickedness that means wherever you are located it doesn't matter wickedness has stretched his borders that far the condition to be a victim of this is not that you offend anybody the moment you pass through the womb of a woman you qualify for wickedness so you will have to sustain the forces in the spirit that help the saints to rise in light in spite of the asanas of darkness this is why i ask you to come with your family members many of you will be surprised at the the plague of darkness that has sat upon families and you know in the realm of the spirit our concept of time here is not the way it is there so what you call long time in the realm of the spirit is not long time you are the only one who is tired the spirits are not tired that they sat down when your great grandfather was there you would think you would be long enough time no no jesus himself is about to go to the other side to save 10 cities and the spirits that control that territory knowing salvation was coming they started walking through water and wind to cause a voice terror storm the disciples thought it was just weather and jesus was sleeping when he got up he did not say geography adjust yourself the bible says he rebuked the wind shalom the prince of peace is passing and he was speaking to exact spirits and they stopped when he got to the other side the first person he will meet is the embodiment of those spirits who told that spirit jesus was coming to the land he did not miss the mayor he did not meet the governor the spirits that control the territory were waiting at the water jesus what are you coming to do here we have caught this land they prosper commercially because of their fraternity with us now you are coming to disrupt status quo the bible says the man you call mad became a house for spirits that were there this was a man who was an evangelist who saved 10 cities the spirits carefully searched the family where that man would come from and made sure that they programmed an arsenal of attack the man was living in caves breaking chains and behaving like a madman yet had the destiny of a deliverer the commercial city fraternized with those spirits to prosper because the moment the spirits were dislodged the economy too went down are we blessed jesus said hold your peace come out of him and the man went to bring ten cities deliver us from evil deliver us from evil the concept of deliverance is one that has created a lot of controversy in the body of christ there are people who the main mention of the word deliverance creates agitation and disgust to them because according to the theology that they propose that concept should not even be mentioned in the journey of the christian faith and i understand you see one of the things that god will help us learn is that i have said it yesterday there is almost no dimension of kingdom truth in the body of christ that does not have imbalances and exaggerations and these things do not happen necessarily just because the communicators are evil people or they intentionally desire to mislead you know it is the bias that comes with the dealings of god in an area you see the way god deals with men is that if god is calling me into the healing ministry chances are that he will not capture within my training things like excellence and administration and so on and so forth the my emphasis will be the area that i will be dispensing to the body so that training will come with a bias by default if i align to the body of christ it should be corrected by my appreciating other ministries so god allowed that by us intentionally are we together now if i'm teaching healing i will teach us if the only thing the saints need in this life is healing it's not my fault you must understand the depth of the encounter that i had are we together yes a man for instance respectfully speaking like archbishop nicholas duncan williams a man who had even lost his fingers as a testament of the reality of evil he will hardly make a statement without communicating to you the reality of evil and there is no gospel you will preach to him to downplay that because there is an evidence that lives with him forever that evil is real are we together now yes so in dealing with this subject whether or not you believe the reality of this concept it is always wise to patiently follow the man of god as he teaches understand what the trend of what he is trying to communicate but many believers and sadly younger ministers are already getting into this trap they come into this biases and come up with a very disjointed theology that is incomplete the bible calls a class of spirits rulers of darkness that means that dominion starts there is ignorance in your life they search for the places of ignorance and that's where their rain comes rulers not of light of darkness this is a subject that i had to study myself because having respectfully looked at the body of christ and i have seen people who have communicated a dimension of deliverance that never seems to contain any possibility of victory for the saints and remaining under that system will do something to your sense of victory experientially and yet i have seen others who obviously are under siege the very fact that they do not accept that truth is an attack itself hallelujah years ago i remember i was counseling i don't talk too much about my experiences but a man of god walking for counseling and as soon as he walked in i saw these myriads of spirits just walking with him now i'm looking at this man and he doesn't even know what i'm seeing and i said wow greeted him and he was sharing some problems he was having in his life and ministry and i thought what a joy it would be my joy to help this man and then i wanted to tell him politely in the most respectful way that sir i think there are many attacks around your life and you may need says he shot me immediately said don't talk to me about those things just i just came so you agree with me now i'm watching what this man is not this is not some i'm i know what is wrong with this man and i'm seeing it and i want to respectfully as a fellow minister to say sir i love you with all my heart and i know what this problem is and he said no you just agree with me and i said oh god sometimes we really cause our problems then i told him i said that's all right let's just pray the last thing he remembered was i said let's pray and that's the end of it cut the long story short for the next one week without exaggeration this man kept sending me text messages and say apostle what happened to me what have i believed my entire life it didn't take two weeks doors started opening up like this in that man's life listen this man was shocked it was not the open doors he said so this is how i would have lived my children would have lived like that too my grandchildren would have lived like that let me speak to someone this morning in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god i stand in partnership with the grace upon your man of god if at all there is a seed sitting on your destiny that if god be god then you have come to your place of deliverance finally [Applause] declare after me say in the name of jesus i decree and i declare by the power of the holy spirit that my moment of visitation my moment of deliverance my moment of rising from my life for my family for my finances for my destiny as long captivities hear the word of the lord it's time for you to leave me once and for all mr voice and turn it into prayer in one minute please pray it's time to arise for your life is come [Music] [Applause] think of your children while you pray think of your ministry while you pray foreign [Music] hallelujah please hear me i hope you love prayer because we are going to do a lot of it this morning in the name of jesus christ yes sir you are going to pray this morning please don't allow anything distract you this morning leave big manage him or leave whatever and focus on your destiny once and for all and end this thing so that your victory listen victory is real in the spirit don't don't think because of long-standing issues you now feel like vic no no victory is real you can walk in the experience of it one more prayer in the name of jesus every altar programmed over my destiny over my family by the blood of jesus i come against you this morning lift your voice and pray nothingness every handwriting scripture says and every ordinance [Applause] hallelujah please sit down sit down it will take us a week long to discuss this subject but i'll just capture a few details that we may need and then we'll pray please um if if pastor will allow let me respectfully plead how many of you came with your request while i'm teaching i would plead with the ushers if you can you can just just wave it around and you carry the the basket and just collect those requests let's collate them sir if it will not interrupt your protocol i would just want the request to be in front here that the god that answers by fire this morning that what you are holding on your hand this egyptian that you brought if god be god you are waving for the last time the last time please believe me if you've not written yours write it quickly those online you can send yours very quickly praise the lord please just pass it to the ushers don't lose focus let's let's teach obadiah chapter 1 and verse 17. this is a very interesting scripture that is a classic on the reality of deliverance the bible says but upon mount zion look at the protocol it's amazing that deliverance does not happen outside zion those who are delivered are those who are even in mount zion upon mount zion there shall be deliverance number one after deliverance there shall be holiness then number three the house of jacob shall possess their possession so the end product is that you come into the reality of your inheritance but the bible says there is a spiritual protocol that leads to that there shall be deliverance not outside mount zion upon mount zion what is deliverance in exodus chapter 6 6 let's look at it quickly exodus chapter 6 from verse 6 i hope it says wherefore say unto the children of israel i am the lord and i will bring you out i will bring you out from under what the burdens of the egyptians and i will read you out of their bondage while looking at the biblical definition of deliverance and i will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgment this is the lord speaking it's about to commission moses to be a deliverer and this is the context of his assignment that i the lord will use you to do this now deliverance in its purest form the purest definition of or generally speaking is not just about casting demons and falling down and rolling is much more than that please listen deliverance is a system you may want to write my definition deliverance is a system for experientially establishing the victory and the authority of jesus christ i'll take time to dictate it that deliverance is a system for experientially establishing the victory and authority of jesus christ over satan over demons over the powers of darkness concerning our lives deliverance is a system for experientially establishing the victory and authority of jesus christ over satan demons and all the powers of darkness concerning our lives that means that in in its essence scripturally speaking deliverance is not so much about fighting it is rather about establishing experientially the victory that has been wrought in christ over satan over demons over the entire arsenals of darkness concerning our lives and our destinies this is very powerful i wrote something here that deliverance and by extension spiritual warfare for the believer is about establishing and manifesting victory rather than fighting for it you have to get this concept that for the believer in christ the idea of deliverance is about establishing and manifesting victory rather than fighting for it so these are some of the adjustments that i want us to have in our understanding hallelujah very quickly let me teach that there are three only three biblical access points for satan in the life of the saints from genesis to revelation every time you find that satan has gained some kind of advantage over believers or over the inhabitants of earth only three access points allow for that possibility number one the first access point and this has proven true history and scripture to be the strongest access point are covenants number one the first access point for satan and demons in the life of believers families territories destinies are covenants a covenant is a system of authorization it's a system of authorization hallelujah based on mutual agreement a system of authorization a legitimate system of authorization based on mutual agreement of two or more parties with benefits and consequences if and when violated a covenant is a system of authorization between two or more parties or based on the mutual agreement of two or more parties with benefits and then also with consequences if and when violated so this is the first access point and this has proven to be the strongest are we together now yes if i am a thief and i come to your house and i'm stealing the moment i hear the sound of the police van or the owner of the house what do i do i run away because i'm there illegally are we together but if someone sells your land to me and i paid for it if i see you coming i will not run away because i am there on legal basis you will not cast me out there will be a system of reconciliation this is why god did not cast out sin from man as powerful as god his salvation he didn't say sin i used my authority i cast you out of man no there was a spiritual protocol that needed to be fulfilled from unseen to be saved i mean for man to be safe from sin are we together now you have to understand these dynamics i'm russian forgive me number two the second access point for satan in the life of the saints is ignorance ignorance ephesians 4 and verse 18 apostle paul is teaching ephesians 4 and verse 18 having their understanding darkened he says being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart ephesians 4 18 that ignorance can alienate you from the experience of this away life that whilst it is true that this is the testimony that god has given us eternal life and he says that this life is in his son so that he that half the son had life but that your ignorance will rob you of working in the experience of this life in fact the assignment of the god of this world according to apostle paul is to blind the minds of those who are believers or those who are the inhabitants of the earth so that the light of the glorious gospel will not be received by them so covenants ignorance the third access point is disobedience disobedience disobedience it says having the readiness to judge disobedience all disobedience when your obedience is complete when your obedience is complete thank you sir thank you very much let's just allow this upon this altar here disobedience deuteronomy chapter 28 when you read from verse 1 to 12 it talks about the blessings that follow you when you obey it says it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently hack into the voice of the lord to do and observe all that i command you this day then it says you shall be exalted above all nations and this blessing shall come upon you and overtake you then the first 12 verses he begins to list all of them and then he now tells you what comes upon you when you walk in disobedience covenants ignorance disobedience these are the three biblical access points for satan and demons in the life of the saints it's a very important information that we must have now please write this quickly according to scripture again there are three levels of satanic influences on earth i want to explain that very quickly i've done a whole teaching on this series it's called the mystery of deliverance part one to four you can access it online is free and then just take your time and listen to understand this subject number one the first level of satanic influence according to scripture is called deception this is the first level it's called deception deception deception second peter chapter 2 from verse 2 then we'll jump to 12 and 13. the bible says and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of a system of deception go to verse 12 it says but these as natural brood beasts made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption verse 12 and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that counted pleasure to riot in the daytime spots they are and blemishes spotting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you there are people listen the level of deception will can happen to you whether you're a prayer warrior whether you're a pastor is a level that being born again does not exempt you from are we together yes paul calls it witchcraft he said all foolish galatians who has bewitched you he's speaking to christians deception in fact apostle paul said the spirit speaketh expressly that in the later times some shall depart from the faith he says and shall give heed to seducing spirit he called it under doctrines of demons these are not people who are bad these are just people who are victims of the deceptions of satan the first level is deception deception it is the assignment one of the names of satan is a deceiver he is a master at it he can deceive the entire world i think it's revelations 12 and verse 9 if i'm not mistaken please give it to us 12 and 9 let's hurry up revelations 12 and 9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceived harmony the whole world he was cast out into the earth and the angels were cast with him look how satan is a master of deception he was cast out from the earth and what we know is that he was just roaming around the horizons of this side of god's kingdom but by the time jesus comes to the earth satan had become the captain over the kings of the end a man who had no inheritance through history had deceived the kings and now had control even authority and he told jesus bow to me all the glories of this earth they are mine he's a master deceiver number two the second level of satanic influence is called manipulation and control manipulation and control this exists in the realm of the mind manipulation and control matthew chapter 16 and verse 23 matthew 16 and 23 look at this satan comes to jesus and when he could not gain access to jesus in matthew 4 the temptation the next time he would come he did not come to jesus directly again he used the compassion of a man called peter satan does not only use negative attributes he can use good things about you to destroy you and others in this case he used the compassion of peter to try to beckon on jesus not to go to the cross and jesus discerning he said no this is not just a compassionate peter he turned and said to him peter he said get behind me satan and peter is wondering me and he said i've seen more than you do not i've seen more than you can see he says that what an offense unto me for thou severus not the things that be of god but those that be of men peter he said peter satan has desired to sift you like wheat but i have prayed for you that your faith failed not he says and when thou art converted use the same formula strengthen your brethren because you will come for them it's amazing that you can say jesus is the lord right now and yet you do not know that your mind is under siege manipulation and control luke chapter 22 and verse 31 i show you scriptures like this because when you are dealing with very sensitive subjects it's important to allow the bible speak for itself and the lord said simon simon behold satan had desire to have you that he may sift you as wheat 32 it says but i have prayed for you that your faith failed not and when thou had converted strengthen your brethren the third level of satanic influence is called possession complete influence and control over an individual possession as we have in mark chapter 5 the story of the madman in gadara we may not have the time to read it but you just write it down possession now there has been an age long controversy in the body of christ whether christians can be possessed or not and this has created a lot of controversy that is because many people believe that the only dimension of satanic influence is possession and once you are free from possession you are free i believe according to the authority of scripture and according to the the full import of what salvation carries that if one has been grafted to christ and he is one spirit i do not believe that that individual can be possessed in terms of his spirit and his entire faculties because the bible says he that is joined to christ is one spirit so according to the authority of scripture we can agree that that speak the spirit of that man has been joined to christ but you are not a spirit alone you have a mind and you have a body are we together now so it is possible that you may never be possessed in as much as we believe possession to be but that does not mean you are free from demons and the activities of demons manipulation and control when extended can look equal to possession because when they hijack your mind completely it can bring you down as though you never gave your life to christ are we together now this is very important so many believers do not concentrate on this they say i'm born again i've given my life to jesus christ and yet you watch that there are different levels of demonic manipulations in their lives and then they refuse and say no way satan cannot access my spirit you are right even the body of moses satan wanted it when paul was praying that you be preserved he said that you are preserved spirit soul and body hallelujah why did satan want the body of moses so he could enter it and if he arises as moses everybody who believed in moses will believe in that voice because the way the devil does is he fights you when he cannot get you he will try to fraternize with you so the day you are not there they can listen to him this is what happened in the book of acts oh these are great men that have come to preach the truth so that the day paul finishes his crusade and goes you say i saw you with paul this is already a lesson for us ministers we must be careful you're the you you rub up your integrity on associations and love everybody but there is no command in scripture that association is compulsory you have the right to choose there's no such thing as once a friend always a friend no you are a friend to the degree to which your values are consistent with the patterns of the kingdom and if you change you must be honored for making your decision but you cannot carry a backlog of rubbish to destiny i hope you still like me this already i just thought to press this in once and for all there's this pressure all around and people continue i say it respectfully why not this is not a call to condemnation but that you must trust god for grace to purify the sacrifice of your work with god for the sake of those you are ministering to please sit down says are we together so we have deception we have manipulation and control we have possession write this down please the greatest strength of satan one factor that will make him very look powerful over the lives of believers is called the flesh the flesh not seen the flesh the sin problem was dealt with by the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus christ on the cross but when it has to do with the flesh the flesh is a system that you die daily to eat you don't cast away the flesh what is the flesh write this down the outworking of the signature manifested in ideologies lifestyle and motifs is called the flesh the out walkings of the signature manifested in ideologies manifested in lifestyle and manifested in motifs the state of the heart this is the greatest strength of satan over the life of the believer it is not necessarily seen because the moment you declare the lordship of jesus christ and even if you come to him in repentance and brokenness according to the authority of scripture the bible says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us it says but if we confess our sins that god is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness so the sin problem had been dealt with in christ but the flesh a way of thinking a way of living and the state of your heart this can authorize darkness indefinitely over the life of a believer hallelujah the flesh is a nature of living thinking and acting that is against the ways of god now this is very very important i have to jump let's deal with the three levels of deliverance this is where i was really coming to this is this is all those are just support information to guide us so that we can deal with this the three levels of deliverance what i call complete deliverance this is important for us respectfully speaking as men and women of god to note that in administering what we call deliverance to the saints it is not just something we just pray and cast out spirits there are rules of engagement and not knowing this is the reason why you find out that many people supposedly are free for a while and then they return back jesus taught extensively on the activities of demons and in one of his discourse this is what he said that when a spirit leaves a man so we know that spirits can leave men the bible says that that spirit will go through dry regions is that true seeking for a place of refuge and not finding any the spirit would tell itself that i will go back to my house the man is free but the devil still calls that place my house and the bible says that when it comes it will find that man who he calls his house swept clean but empty then it will go and gather several other spirits higher than itself in ranking and come and camp and build a stronghold around that man so that the end of that man is worse than the way he was this is as discussed by jesus himself now before we talk about the three levels of deliverance listen to me i hope you know that africa as a continent by the grace of god we trust that our children and if christ carries our children's children who have the opportunity to walk upon this territory free of the orchestrations of darkness because there will be a generation that will be determined to pay that price and detach them from it but culturally speaking the tragedy of africa is that many of our fathers before the missionaries brought the gospel in as much as we know it all that they knew was traditional worship are we together now they were sincere people but these demons came to propose ideas to fraternize with them for safety to fraternize with them for fertility to fraternize with them for um increased prosperity so they entered my rates of covenants on behalf of their children and their children's children even to the fourth generation protect us from war from our neighboring enemies and in response we will serve you while that agreement was happening you were not there just like when jesus was dying you were not there are we together now and so these spirits kept their own part i i once traveled to a place in this nation where they showed me a rock and they said there was a history around that rock that in times of war the rock would open up physically and people would enter into it to hide some of the few old people who were alive said they entered it but the condition is that the rock will eat the first person and the last person so the sacrifice wherever you are first to enter and then if you are lazy and you are the last to enter you know that you are gone now now watch this listen carefully there are other people who make covenants with waters protect our people from war there is a place in this nation that when enemies come to fight the city disappears literally the people who stand and just see a plane land and yet there is a city there because the spirits entered a covenant with these people now i don't mean to create any theological controversy but when you study other extra biblical texts not necessarily erroneous texts texts that did not make it they were not canonized to be part of scripture are we together now but they are also made reference in scripture you will see that it was some of these spirits that came and taught the inhabitants of the earth certain concepts on how to conjure spirits through fire they used the elements of nature and the supernatural the devil came and touched people these things and he will receive allegiance as a result hallelujah yes so we came from families when the missionaries came from the west to come and preach they they only knew the gospel of salvation most of them listen carefully the gospel of salvation is the fundamental gospel but i tell you by the authority of scripture it is not the only gospel jesus christ himself revealed to us what gospel there means proclamation good news and there is a body of truth that jesus brought that he called the gospel the gospel of salvation is the revelation of the father's love to mankind demonstrated in and through the substitutionary sacrifice of the christ the object of that love is man and creation are we together now and under the gospel of salvation man does not do anything his assignment is to believe that report and to one when he believes it as true his reward for believing is the way the life of god what the bible calls eternal life but that's not the only gospel there is a gospel the bible calls the gospel of the kingdom in the gospel of the kingdom jesus is not savior he is king man is not just a receiver man is a witness so these are dynamics the missionaries did not know this they sincerely came with the gospel of salvation because they were largely missionaries and when they came and met our fathers they destroyed shrines and died the next day they said they died with of malaria but we know now with spiritual intelligence that it was not malaria that killed them are we together now so the average person who comes from this territory already has a backlog of spiritual things to deal with now it's an uncomfortable truth but i pray that god will give us grace to understand this and you see according to scripture the dynamics of the operation of darkness is that it is territorial in nature and they preserve their doings around territories by the ministry of spirits that we call familiar spirits that these spirits are the spirits that grow with the inhabitants of territories when you read the bible when jesus christ was casting out the demons from the madman in gadara they pleaded that he does not relocate them to another territory because they have been in that territory for a long time they agree with the people they have mastered the culture and the activities of people they are responsible for creating mind control patterns so you find out that there is a region where it is the women that feed the men have you seen that kind of thing some of you is happening in your own families no matter how hard walking the person is he will spend 10 years in the u.s and return back there are families where the elder once have the younger ones there are families where all the men do not live long they have a lifespan these are patterns i'm showing you not to scare you we are believers and there is victory in christ but i'm just opening you up to this reality there are spirits that clamp down poverty you would see professors within a territory there are territories where the oldest person living does not cross 50. the territory is full of young people who cannot mentor younger ones because there is a spirit that cuts the heritage of good things there are families that are made of old people every time the old man wants to die he comes back a life and a young man dies for it you read your bible you will see that kings leave their children to maintain their own life are we together there are families where marriages never work the moment the woman gets married the lifespan of peace is two years she must return back to her father's house so you see fathers even in their old age taking care of the entire children there are families where if you rise it's like a spiritual meter watching you if you hit a threshold of achievement you must go down no matter what happens this as i'm saying it many of you are looking at your life you are seated that you go to bed and you are finding yourself in an old house an old secondary school you are writing an exam that never finishes [Music] don't say it does not matter i'm giving you meaning to your experiences the moment they say you are writing a promotion exam there you go to bed in the night someone comes either to sleep with you or do something and then the next person who fought to help you looks at you and it's receiving spell is cast on them [Music] there are ladies if a man says he loves you it's a spirit that will appear and warn him and say you if you don't leave this lady he won't tell you what he saw he would just back up quietly and peacefully now listen now this is where the prophetic ministry has made a bit of a mistake because you see if i am a man of god for instance and i am a prophet and i'm about to help a man and a woman if god opens my eyes and i see i may not know that there is an altar in this woman's life that is responsible for the backwardness of the man so i will just interpret based on what i have seen and i'll say this woman is a witch she may not be a witch but the truth is she's connected to something a foundation that is having an obvious implication on her husband ah your life will change today [Applause] there are families that have race presidents in this nation have raised politicians in this nation and yet they may not have a house of their own have you seen people like that they will tell you by god's grace i raised this one i advised this senator i helped him in fact it was me that told him to run for senate there are people the evil covering on you make sure that every good person forgets you you labor over people for a long time when it's time to help you and some of us are men of god sincerely so you fast and pray with people with all your heart [Music] hallelujah i know families where men do not live the wife of the sons of the prophet all the men in her life were about to leave the widow at name her husband died her only child died and jesus said no this is a pattern this is not just the issue of resurrection [Music] hallelujah you get a job and you rejoice everybody celebrate with me you are dancing the lord has done me well and from that day that you announced it you go down immediately this is why many of our parents today and grandparents don't love god again when you ask them they'll say look we are the ones who brought in our bunker to nigeria we brought dear lust on those days we love god god has failed me we gave our all and god failed us leave me to go back to my traditional worship let me tell you what satan is looking for satan is not looking for your money he does not need it satan is not looking for your marriage what satan wants is transgenerational allegiance transgenerational allegiance bow down to me let your children bow down to me but there's someone in this place you won't bow in the name of jesus the son of the living god satan is not interested in membership no satan is not interested in help no have you seen people that is the same pattern of sickness that kills everybody [Music] 20 years and all of a sudden a particular pattern of sickness the younger one 20 years have you seen your loved ones sharing the dream that you do you had when you were their age they would say mama i don't know why but someone came to me in the night an old woman and your mother starts looking at you in a strange way say how did she dress and she describes it i said oh next week is your bad day have you seen people that have two two year or three three year cycles something tragic tragic must happen whether death or loss every 2-2 years these are patterns that are caused by familiar spirits but in the name of jesus the son of the living god to pay those patterns die completely in your life [Applause] listen i come from a family where the men never rise sustainably so i know what i'm saying i'm not preaching nonsense it says the things that we have seen the things that we have heard even that which our hands have handled of the world of life i know people who have spent decades in the u.s decades in uk and when it is time these spirits call them back they return back like thieves and they come and sit back in the village and die deliver us from evil hallelujah there are territories where no matter how nice the man is and the wife to the children the children must become rebellious must become rebellious they will pray for them they will love them the moment those children become teenagers here these altars are activated and the child begins to be a rebel and the man will cry as a man of god and cry and say why is my life like this i do not teach these things to magnify satan in any way i only teach these things to open you to realities we have trained ourselves in the body of christ to tell lies and people just hide these things and pretend that they are not there whereas you know it is eating you up there are some of you you cannot you know i many of you have listened to my messages demons used to oppress me as a man of god not as a believer that i would preach and yet and because of the prophetic inclination i will see them enter my room but upon mount zion there shall be deliverance and holiness and the sons of jacob listen some of you here sincerely you are looking at me some of you are business people some of you are great people you are not lazy you've been laboring for decades but there are spirits that sit upon the wealth of families zechariah 1 18 what's years down and he said i saw four horns that these are the ones that have lifted up themselves against jerusalem against judah so that no man don't lift up his head no matter how hard you walk it is from hand to mouth you buy a new car and as soon as you go out to show it to your pastor on the way your car will hit mobo you think it was just an accident have you seen people who build houses just when they are about to celebrate by the next day the whole house will crash they say one wind just came and pushed the house all those who build the house who celebrated the next day they would die there are families that never eat the fruit of their labor just when good things are about to happen something must happen someone shout god forbid hallelujah why am i telling you this because i'm about to show you the forces of deliverance there are some of you the call of god upon your life if these alters are displaced you will be surprised is the reason why nobody hears your voice the day you are about to do something all your destiny helpers are absent everybody who can lift you always comes late can anything good come out of nazareth nathaniel was attesting to the fact that territories can carry spirits and altars and controlling powers that keep them keep people down jesus never looked and said nathaniel you are lying he said no leave him he's sincere he's an israelite indeed in whom there is no girl in other words he's not lying hallelujah there are families that you move forward but your peace is too slow the first person builds a house at 70 years the earliest person to finish school finishes at 45 [Music] and if anybody attempts to demonstrate speed in that family these altars cuts them off immediately place it down three levels of deliverance so that we can start praying number one the first level of deliverance from scripture casting out the spirit influences in your life and at the back of your challenges that is the first level of deliverance casting out the spirit influences in your life and behind your challenges spirits do not just oppress people spirits can live in circumstances that means your problem can have a spirit behind it that's what i mean spirits don't just oppress lives alone they can enter situations and empower them a spirit can enter a court case issue and something that should be a simple issue can last for decades till it makes you poor that one you know is not an ordinary court case again a spirit can fraternize with headache something that you can just take panadol and let it go and that thing will remain for 14 years hospital will not diagnose it every time you see things that the physical laws cannot solve there is a spirit that is making it alive james chapter 2 and verse 26 apostle james was teaching us on faith and walks and he borrowed a phenomenon of the spirit and the body to explain it to us it says for us the body without a spirit is dead so faith without walks is dead so everybody needs a spirit to be alive by body i don't just mean human body problems are bodies there is a spirit that empowers them are we together casting out the spirit influences in your life and at the back of your challenges spirits can attach themselves to your spirit soul and body through covenants ignorance and disobedience we have seen it so casting out these spirits is biblical it's not demonic it's not satanic to cast out devils the bible gives it as a monday to believe us when jesus announced his messianic prophecy he took out time to cast out demons to heal and to do all of these things when he commissioned the apostles he said heal the sick cast out demons cleanse the lepers raise the dead freely you have received freely give when given the great commission he said this sign shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out demons so there are spirits behind the situations of people you don't solve those problems by counseling are we together now yes it was paul that began to express his frustration even as an apostle in romans chapter 7 he said that i see a war in my members he said so that the things that i do not want to do i find myself doing them and the things that i want to do i do not find myself doing them it says for with my spirit i serve the lord but in my body that is my flesh i see another word walking within my members he was so frustrated he said o wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from this body of death then chapter 8 verse 1 says there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus who walk after not after the flesh but after the spirit he says for the law of the spirit of life had set me free from the law of sin and death so there are interplay of laws empowered by altars there are people who steal just because they are lazy and foolish but there are people who steal because there are spirits behind it if you like hide your money inside your shoes like word of knowledge those demons would push them they would just look and open the it's not normal have you seen people like that [Music] break the wall and keep your money they will pass and stand in front of that wall and look at it they don't know what is driving them it's a spirit you don't solve it out by flogging and by counseling hallelujah so casting out the spirit influences now this is a part of deliverance that is prevalent in the apostolic and the prophetic ministry we believe in casting out of demons and once it is done within the allowance of scripture that is fine but this is not the only dimension please listen to me this is the reason why many people's deliverance is not complete they continue to do it again and again and again and again because casting out demons is not the only requirement for complete deliverance number two the second level of deliverance is called deliverance through transformation deliverance through transformation and that by the word of god deliverance through transformation romans chapter 12 please when you read from verse one it says i beseech you brethren by the mercies of god he said that he offer your bodies a living sacrifice unto god holy and acceptable and he calls it your reasonable act of worship then when we get to verse 2 he says be not conformed to this world the word world is the greek word aeon the thinking pattern that comes with this cosmos it says but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that you may prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of god so the bible says to be transformed philippians chapter 2 from verse 5 it says to permit this mind to be in you which was also in christ jesus there was a belief construction that was in christ jesus that made him to manifest as the son of god he said let that mind also be in you this is where i would respectfully of that the apostolic and the prophetic ministry largely are not getting it quite well we do well in casting out demons but the ministry of the world the preaching of deliverance through the transforming power of the world is not there when you cast out these demons watch this the spirits go away but that door is still open deliverance through transformation is like closing the door through knowledge are we together the bible says through knowledge shall the just be delivered when you do not understand the principles of the kingdom it will make even your deliverance look like it is not profitable can i tell you this over the years demon spirits have studied the church and have studied men of god they have known that many of us have not understood this dimension of deliverance so when you cast those demons they go out happy because they will be waiting for the person at the junction there they know that that door is still open so before you say anything they go happily they know that next week the man is back with them deliverance through transformation what does this mean a reorientation of your spiritual understanding through the world opening you up to the nature and the character of god you close the door of the flesh through ignorance you tear down strongholds thought patterns that is a dimension of deliverance that's why it's important that the saints be touched the word of god when these spirits are casted out of you you should not just be left like that you are now mentored and taught the word of god do you know how jesus trained the disciples he spent three and a half years teaching them doing something to their minds afterwards he said you are ready in fact he did not even finish his curriculum with them when he resurrected he had no time to celebrate his victory he said guys get back to class we have 50 more days 40 days i'm with you and then i ascend to heaven and he was teaching them on the matters of the kingdom the teaching ministry is the secret to sustainable deliverance write it down the teaching ministry is the secret to sustainable deliverance more than casting out the spirit influences we must expose the body of christ to the mysteries of the kingdom to the patterns of the kingdom their mindset must be transformed because mindsets are doorways they are gateways that authorize both the holy spirit and demon spirits into the life of a believer hallelujah deliverance through transformation let me give you an example please can i have two gentlemen here just two well-dressed gentlemen come up here please god bless you let's celebrate them as they come now watch this let's assume these are two gentlemen here are we together god forbid but let's assume that there is a spirit and a pattern in the life of this man and his family are we together now and he comes to water life and reverend godwin while ministering under the function of the spirit will cast out the spirit from this man now we are grieved from the authority of god's word that this man the spirit has left are we together now maybe he comes and his issues there are no jobs i'm not getting a job i'm not nobody wants to help me every destiny helper just goes away from me okay and the spirit influence is casted out of him but he still does not guarantee he will get a job he still does not guarantee that he will have good people because there are laws in the kingdom that control some of these results for instance the law of honor i've taught you the law of honor many times you've listened to these messages and you've heard me mentor the body of christ on the law of honor are we together now yes so this man this is the guy that god has destined to bless him watch this this is the man who is going to give him a job or a contract or a lifting this man has been delivered of that spirit but he is bankrupt of spiritual knowledge he will pass this man pass him every day and yet his breakthrough will not come because although the spirit is not there he has not been transformed to know that there is honor he won't greet he is rude he's arrogant there is no demon but he will still not rise because he has not been cultured on the systems and the methods of the kingdom now i teach this man on diligence and the power of character and you see now this is another level of deliverance the next time he meets his destiny helper what happens good afternoon sir just this act and the man says ah young man i've been seeing you every day you look very smart um what is wrong and he says i've been trusting god for a job he said you mean it and you know is i'm just about to give somebody a job somewhere a miracle just happened now it is not the spirit it is now the knowledge the teaching of the world that has brought character in this young man there are many many young nigerians in need demons have been casted out of them but because the methodologies of the kingdom have not been taught them they are still not delivered it's called deliverance truth transformation so when you cast out the spirit influence is just one of the steps now what largely the apostolic and the prophetic ministry does is that they will cast out demons from this man and after he's free after two months he comes back and says man of god i i don't feel that thing i used to feel again but my life has still not changed are you seeing that now there is a plethora of bad behavior ignorance in the life of this man the teaching ministry is the key to sustaining deliverance are we together yes so you see these guys now and this man comes for instance he wants to increase now the demon of poverty that sits on his family has been casted out but he still remains poor and then he comes during a financial series here and here's your pastor teaching that there is he that scattered and yet increasing there is he that withholded more than his meat and thanks to poverty that the diligent hand shall be made fat out together that the lazy man because of the weather will not sow and he will beg in harvest now the teaching is is recalibrating his mind there is a construction of spiritual understanding according to colossians chapter 1 verse 9. please give it to us colossians 1 verse 9 paul was mentoring the church in colossae and he was showing them the boundaries of spiritual growth that i know i will not seek to pray for you and to desire that he might be filled with number one the knowledge of his will number two all wisdom number three spiritual understanding are we together so this man is taught he came from a family of i don't worship came from a family of negative demonic priesthood and sits under this unction and fire lands from heaven gets that spirit out but the man is still not free and then after one year of proper mentorship the teaching ministry exposing him to the dimensions of the kingdom now the man is strong he knows what prayer does he knows what diligence does he knows what honor does he knows what character does are we together now he knows what speaking the word does this man is fortified in a way that those demons will not come again could this be where some of us are now no matter who lays hands on you and no matter what demons are casted out when the madman in gathering was delivered of those spirits the bible says they came and they met him sitting down in the lecture hall of jesus in his right mind his life the demons had left his life the next assignment was his mind your mind needs to change if your mind does not change your life cannot change it's true many believers do not immerse themselves in the kind and the quality of spiritual knowledge that fortifies them and so it is that ignorance that makes satan to look so powerful that he can veto whatever it is and bless and oppress you no sir satan does not have that kind of power even jesus knocks at the door of your heart and patiently waits for you to open if the son of god knocks your heart why shouldn't spirits knock i tell you they are not but they have taught you a way of opening it without knowing there is no spirit authorized to veto through the will of men it is not given to them at the expense of your eternal salvation the savior knocks and wait for you to use your will to open listen what you know about god and what you know about satan matters let me tell you a secret do you know if this man has a dream now watch this if this man has a dream and in that dream he sees someone shooting him or an arrow fired into his body are you together or something demonic he can get up and say ah so this is how my life is he does not know that that very act is an act of permission in the spirit are you getting what i'm saying see satan is a master of the flesh realm and according to the law of birthing and the law of reproduction it will take the seed from the man meeting with the woman to have a child are we together watch this the dreams that satan projects to you they are like seeds from a man they need a fertilization the same way a man can plant a seed and a woman's womb can reject the seed you can also reject those projections please listen there is nothing in the realm of the spirit that is absolute it depends on man for it to happen no matter how real you see that dream no matter how real you see satan knows that you may not have that knowledge so you get up saying this thing was real i'm even sweating it's over that is over it's like the woman receiving seed [Music] yes so when you get up and have those dreams and then you are fortified by this understanding barriness is a reality in our lives you can make your relationship with satan look like barriness that no matter how many seeds the bible says that there are three things that never say enough one of it is the burying womb so no matter how many times satan sends those seeds through dreams through visions through circumstances around you you are motivated by the reality of scripture that while we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are unseen for the things that are seen the bible says they are temporal but the things that are unseen not unreal unseen are eternal now you can you know what to do with the dream you had this morning i had a vision about you and i saw a ghastly motor accident i don't doubt your vision but that is a seed looking for fertilization you can receive it through fear you can receive it through doubt or you can stand based on the word of god which is another seed incorruptible and super impose these lies the bible says let god be true see a lie is not what is wrong or false a lie is whatever god did not say understand this a lie is not an incorrect information a lie is whatever did not proceed from the lips of the master so even if it is correct and god did not say it it is a lie [Music] so when you look at your situation now and god did not say it what do you call it so address your ideas our world interprets lies as what is wrong relative to a standard of the truth jesus said i am the way i am the truth the truth i am life deliverance through transformation let me give us the last one and then we allow the fire of the spirit to fall upon our destinies in this place [Music] the third level of deliverance that makes it complete is called the discipline of conformity romans chapter 8 from verse 13 the discipline of conformity there is a dimension of deliverance that does not depend on god alone no man has an active participatory role to play the discipline of conformity romans chapter 8 please and verse 13 are you there romans 8 13. please read one to read for if we live after the flesh ye shall die but if ye through the spirit do modify the deeds of the body [Music] who does the modifying god only supplies the grace but the acting is called the discipline of conformity there are many believers that leave everything up to god and just believe that things will happen just by itself now there is the discipline of conformity look up please ask any man who prays they will be lying to tell you prayer is convenient every time there are times you have to wake yourself in tongues and say in the name of jesus leg obey me god gave me authority over you you are going to stand up and pray there is no man who studies the bible and just keeps smiling all the time it takes discipline to do certain things in this kingdom the discipline of conformity no matter how anointed you are if it's not an oppression over your life and you stand on this road you will die now that means you can choose to leave the earth in the next five minutes and god will respect your will you stand on this road the devil will program someone who is thinking like you too and two of you will kill yourselves immediately that means it is within your power to work with the provisions of grace afforded you to ensure that you walk within the boundaries the provisions that are meant for the believers to make for victory it's god helping us if we're together say amen galatians chapter six and verse eight galatians six and verse eight for he that saw it now he's talking about farming look up please he that soweth to his flesh so the flesh is a soil and the spirit is a soil he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that sowed to the spiritual of the spirit reap everlasting life let me tell you what that means that as a christian where you don't pay attention to your spiritual life that laxity is an invitation that demons come back again to my destiny no matter what kind of covering you are in if you allow this carelessness that you do not do anything about your life oh pray for me as you are going to church i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord pastor just wrote a book a series was just finished buy the truth and sell it not uh you can buy clothes you can buy designers respectfully speaking i don't mean to be sarcastic and you don't invest you are so into the flesh the bible assures you that you will of a truth you will reap corruption it is not all up to a pastor or a man of god to deliver you there is a role that you have you cannot watch all kinds of things on tv on social media and pollute your mind from morning till night and expect that the fire remains and expect that demons go away do you know that there is an information you listen to for five minutes it will take you almost six months to get it out of your mind are we together yes now we're a social media generation and i bless god for the privilege of the social media thank god for the the good use of it but in many instances it has destroyed people there are people every to two minutes even when they are driving they are doing something it's terrible you must have the discipline to conquer that addiction if you want to go find life your phone cannot have authority over you don't let this become a demon don't let a demon enter your phone phone thank you but you were created to be an advantage to my life i should not be a slave to you you don't know where your bible is for two weeks but if your phone gets missing for five minutes if your recharge card becomes 200 naira it looks like you are sick you move around till you borrow money and put in the charge card where the book felt i can't remember i don't know where i kept the cd just when he was about to say something that will liberate me sincerely i pray for my generation that god will give us an appetite for spiritual things genuinely that would not see god as a necessary luggage were carrying in a voyage through destiny and you know right now when you talk about being spiritual and being serious it is not trendy it looks like you are you are a nuisance to civilization but the time will come when everyone will reap the harvest of the savior so the bible says let god be true and all men liars i do not know one man who has been a genuine passionate lover of god sincere not that you are using god to get things a lover of god committed to the truth of scripture walking in truth and you remain down no sir now sir are we ready to pray casting out the spirit influences deliverance through transformation the discipline of conformity it is this aspect of discipline that will require some of you sustaining the courage to edit relationships there are many many people who love god sincerely so but there are very destructive associations apostle i don't drink but all my friends drink but they know that i'm the preacher god kept me there to win them listen let me tell you don't fool yourself that's not how god changes people god takes moses out of egypt first and walks on him before sending him back to egypt the training does not happen while you are in egypt are we together yes there are times that because god is insisting on lifting people he can relocate you literally from your family for many years because even though he loves your family members they do not hold a position that can allow the presence of god to build you so he would disguise it either through a job as a student you will disguise it by sending you to a university fire nyc far a job somewhere that system of quarantine is very important that it takes you out of that environment that sponsors evil around your life and keeps you in a place where you flog it out with destiny and when you are made he sends you back listen to me some of us our parents had the opportunity to hear preachers say what i'm saying and they were sitting on chairs just like you are listening and they laughed at the preacher look at your pain today is a result of their laughter and your carelessness now god is giving you an opportunity in this conference today you can choose to say i may have suffered what my parents did not do anything about but i love my children too much to allow them ask me a question tomorrow that i cannot answer and say daddy where were you i had an old tip and i heard you end that service why did you not say amen when they were praying why did you not open your heart to submit your prayer request it's called the comeback god is about to lift families please rise up on your feet my deliverer is coming my delivery standing by thank you guys god bless you my deliverer is coming my delivery standing by singing with all your heart my deliverance is coming my delivery standing by my delivery is coming my belief already standing by listen the riches of the kingdom are for those who are part of the kingdom so before we get into these five or ten minutes of destiny changing prayer administration you are here listening following online from whatever nation of the world or you are in here and you know sincerely in the name of honesty that you have not given your life to jesus christ or you are here and you are saying apostle i love jesus with all my heart but for some reason my life has just gone haywire and i don't want to deceive myself wherever you are in the next one minute i like you to leave your seat and come and stand here quickly i want to lead you to jesus win that war of destiny right now think of your children while you make this decision if there's anybody like that quickly please don't wait for the first person be the first win that war and come and stand here let's celebrate them as they come celebrate them as they come what a life is this the best you can do [Applause] don't sit back there and say one day go better when the titanic sunk there were only two lists those who were lost and those who were saved [Music] [Applause] your deliverance coming your deliverer is standing back [Music] please look at me i want to salute all of you young and old alike for making this bold decision when we come to receive the life of god it's not like a funeral service this is this is keep coming god bless you keep coming keep coming listen it is selfish to sit back and not make it right when you know your children will suffer your children's children will suffer it's an opportunity that god is giving the bible says when he the spirit of truth is come he says that he will convict the world of three things of righteousness of sin and of judgment lift your right hand all of you who are here hi to the heavens i like you to pray after me you are not reciting a poem do this passionately from the depth of your heart say lord jesus one more time say lord jesus i love you with all my heart and i believe that you are the son of god tonight i receive jesus as my lord my savior and my king i declare that the power of sin of satan and of the flesh is broken from of my life from today i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life keep your hands lifted father we present to you the ones jesus died for and in the name of jesus we declare that the power of sin the grave the flesh hell is broken over their lives forever we commend you to the ministry of the word and of the spirit and we declare that you become built you become established the power of satan is broken from of your life forever in the name of jesus christ amen and amen okay now this is what you will do please all of you in concert as we clap for you you just get into that room there will be officials that will follow you just for a few minutes and you'll come back and join us as we pray let's celebrate them quickly as they do so god bless you god bless you god bless you please appreciate them [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] are you ready to pray that this will become a moment of destiny that many of you writing the history of your life can say i remember it was at water life center december 2020 that that siege was broken please when it's time to pray i like you to pray i know that we've spent a little time but please just walk with me god wants to visit our destinies [Music] and run some cop tvs ryan [Music] oh come on come me man you went and run some cop tvs right now [Music] rejoice rejoice emanuel has come to you he's easy hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] hello i see the angels of the lord in this place please take it hard just give me at the count of three you are going to shout the name jesus listen to me the bible says wherefore khalid salanda baryata god has so highly exalted him and given him a name that is above all names is set at a dimension of that name that everything in the earth in heaven and under the earth will bow and declare that jesus is lord as you shout that name every altar every ordinance we are coming with the rod of a higher priesthood please i'd like you to bring them out here there will be a massive deliverance the fire of god will sweep from all over this auditorium right on the internet and bring deliverance to people father i declare by the spirit of grace and prophecy here at weather life convention lord the destinies that have been tied down the families that have been tagged down as you shout jesus at the count of three let there be deliverance are you ready now at the count of three one two please show jesus i command out us be broken now bring them out slide out upon in the name of jesus bring them up i command yours of darkness be broken now be broken now be broken hallelujah now listen to me please bring them up we're praying i'm seeing i'm seeing fire coming on ladies because a woman is a cat in the realm of the spirit i use you as a point of contact every daughter of zion's here that has been oppressed by spirits in dreams at the count of three shall jesus one two three upon your destiny lift up your heads all the gates be lifted up and send out listen to me the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing families that delay has sat upon them the only thing growing is your age nothing else is increasing at the count of three fire is falling on both sides father i pray that any family here that has been eaten over by the street of delay i declare right now in the name of jesus as you shout again to healer that shout out praise in the name of jesus may that fire rest upon you one two three shout jesus i cross delay i constantly i consider the spirits of delay leave these families in the name of jesus my is hallelujah [Music] the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing people's feet bound with chain i'm seeing the number 11 11 people in this place is like there is a chain holding your destiny in the name of jesus i don't know where they are but i declare by the spirit of grace some of you are off the balcony father these 11 people right now as i pray in the name of jesus and at the count of three may the hand of god reach you one two three be free now be free now change be broken change be broken change be broken chains be broken hallelujah now everyone say this after me say father in the name of jesus i come by the blood and i declare that on account of the sacrifice of jesus every legal access that the devil has over my life my family my destiny my finances let the blood speak lift your hands and pray pray pray pray let the blood speak let the blood speak against ordinances let the blood speak every legal access abroad online are you praying lay your hands on your head say in the name of jesus my head you are the symbol of my glory everything that has brought you down release me now i rise and i shine lift your voice and pray release my glory by the power in the name of jesus i rise i shine i rise hallelujah hallelujah [Music] say in the name of jesus every prison door and every prison cage stopping my advancement stopping my influence i declare be broken list your voice and pray every prison dog he has broken the gates of pass and caught the bars of ayon in thunder hallelujah [Music] send the name of jesus every human agent in partnership with altars in partnership with spirits against my destiny the lord will book you i declare judgment now look your voice and pray about hallelujah hallelujah [Music] say in the name of jesus [Music] are you tired say in the name of jesus my finances hear the word of the lord i decree and declare my person in this land in this nation within my territory come to me list your voice and pray my portion god is a god of portions my portrait through wisdom come to me through value come to me through relationships come to me through faith or come to me through innovation come to me hallelujah i tell you fire is burning in this place listen to me the bible says and jabez was more unknown than his brethren then the bible tells us the beginning of the story that the mother caused him because she brought him in sorrow but javis came to a point where he said all that that would just bless me and enlarge my course if someone ready to pray say father this level of my life i am grateful for it but shift me to a higher level shift me ministry shift me financially shift me spiritually lift your voice and pray higher level higher dimension higher dimension grateful for this level but take me higher grateful for this level for leave me higher for the sake of your kingdom for the sake of your majesty [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah the last prayer and then we'll deal with the requests here my card chapter 3 and verse 8 it says i have power by the spirit [Music] i have power and it is by the spirit psalm 66 verse 3 says say unto god how terrible are thou in your ways it says through the greatness of thy power shall thy enemies submit themselves to you not through the greatness of your speaking is someone ready to pray one last prayer say father in the name of jesus the anointing the uncle the grace to rise from this speech and to remain in victory mary come upon me from heaven mr voice and pray the answer for the next level the grace from the spirit hallelujah i want to truly honor your pastor and your father for allowing this i have a covenant with god of answered prayers hallelujah yes i do i do listen to me let me pray for those in front here all of you that have come to the front every spirit that holds your life you know my voice i send it as an instruction in the realm of the spirit at the count of three let them go now one two three out of them now go go go go out of their lives out of their destinies everything you are stolen in the name of jesus begun forever in the name of jesus we curse you altars of darkness begun forever in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] you see the rain of your love we feel the wind of your spirits now the heartbeat of heaven let us hear [Applause] see the rain of your love we feel the wind of your spirits now the heartbeat of heaven let us hear so let it rain let it rain would you open it the bible says unto you that answers prayer shall all flesh come please listen [Music] i'm standing in faith and i'm standing in partnership with the grace upon your father if you are yet to drop yours please just bring it here this is a representation of your pain this is a representation of your sleepless night this is a representation of that which you do not want to see exodus 14 14 please give it to us allah [Music] the lord himself the bible says shall fight for you and all that will remain with you is your peace nothing missing nothing broken please stretch your hands towards me i like you to agree with me and pray in the spirit pray in the spirit everywhere as i lay my hands upon these requests [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah i stand upon your request prophetically the same way i'm standing upon it everything that was on you i said lord i bring it under your feet now [Applause] in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god in the name of jesus the son of the living god it says behold i give you authority to tread upon snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy believers hear me these egyptians that you have dropped to pay in the name of jesus you will see them no more forever you will see them no more forever you will see them no more forever [Applause] listen job said he will deliver you from six things one of it is the scourging tongues of man any pronouncement over anyone's destiny whether it was warranted or unwarranted my bible says even the lawful countries shall be delivered i declare by the blood be free from every course be free from every pronouncement in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] in genesis 32 the bible says when jacob was alone a man came to him and he wrestled and he said leave me for the day break it he said i will not let you go unless you bless me and he said what is your name he said jacob he said thou shalt no longer be called jacob but israel for as a prince you have had power with god and prevailed and he touched the whole of his tie and blessed him and then my bible says the son arose and they called the name of that place peniel the face of god whatever has made night time in your life and i stopped life from rising in the name of jesus i declare let your knights be pounding today now [Applause] whatever has refused to walk in your life is a master we have told all night please believe these are not just mere words they are words with a throne that backs them master we have told all night he said nevertheless at your world what you did and failed january february march where you failed we empower you go back and excel go back and ex help them please my god go back and excel [Applause] [Music] isaiah chapter 6 and verse 1 in the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord whatever needs to die for you to see i declare right now may the edge open and swallow it [Applause] and david said is there any man of the house of soul that i may show him kindness for jonathan's sake hallelujah [Music] and they sent him to ludabar and he went and brought a crippled man called mephibosheth zebra had 15 sons and yet none of the sons was favored and he brought me fibo shape and said you will eat with me here and the sons of zebra were the ones who would taught his land i pray for you every destiny helper are located by grace to you in this season from the north to the south east and the west by the power of prophecy i call them into your life financial helpers ministerial help us destiny help us in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah we're rounding up anyone called buried in this place whether for you or for your loved ones you have been trusting god for the fruit of the womb in the name of jesus like eli i stand in prison with your pastor and we declare according to the time of life return with your miracle testimonies anyone trusting god for a job in this city or around this nation i don't care how long you have waited i stretch my hands to you and i declare by the spirit of grace three months like the act of god in the house of open adam we speak to you the words of grace in the name of jesus the allocation that is your portion let it come to you [Applause] luke chapter 2 and verse 52 and jesus grew and jesus increased whatever has refused to grow in your life everything that is alive grows so your influence should grow your knowledge should grow your prayer life should grow your relationship should grow everything stagnating your growth in the name of jesus christ i cause it out of your life now [Applause] hallelujah every family here that has the testimony of ichabod that you were once in glory you once tasted honor marico has [Music] every family brought down to shame and obscurity i speak to you rise back to the place of honor rise back to the place of honor rise back to the place of honor one more prayer stretch your hands towards me this is a symbol of your productivity i declare by the spirit of god that the grace for fruitfulness the grace from multiplication the grace that replenishes let it come upon your life now let it come upon those hands that are stretched towards me nothing dies in that hand can i pray for your spiritual life i don't know what has happened to your fire shaman prayer fire lord study fire i pray for you right now fresh fire upon your altar stretch fire upon your altar [Applause] fresh fire upon your altar [Applause] [Music] some of you before you get home you will find the things that you are your expectations here waiting for you and i say by the spirit of grace in the name of jesus christ hallelujah now that we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings that reside in heavenly places in christ but we do not need those blessings residing in the heavenlies we need those blessings manifest here and now and the word became flesh the bible says and we beheld this glory even as of the begotten of the father so um i'll be sharing very briefly on heaven examine how to come out of trouble please get the teaching hallelujah deliver us from evil we examined it the mystery that brings the saints out of any predicament to a place of glory when the lord himself delivers the just from evil he also preserves them so it is not only important to learn about deliverance you must learn the system of preservation in this kingdom hallelujah praise the lord deliverance means that something went wrong already and is a corrective measure to bring you back to god's position but then we must learn to be preserved god is not only a deliverer he is a preserver i'll be teaching this morning very briefly on the mystery of divine intervention god is able to intervene in the life of people and not even allow the catastrophe start in the first place intervention means you step in and stop what should have happened to not happen this is very powerful it is not every time that god brings us out of trouble there are times he does not even let us get there and all these dimensions must be captured in our experience in god because there are times where the challenges that we face can so overwhelm us we may not even have the strength to call upon his attention are we together intervention daniel chapter 3 let's start reading from verse 23 daniel chapter 3 it is true that god restores god restores dry bones the bones in ezekiel's vision were once an army but something happened and they began to deteriorate until they died the longevity of their death caused the bones to so disintegrate by the time the prophet will be speaking the bones had scattered all around but this is a mystery by the grace of god that god will show us that can help men to be on hot in the midst of circumstances this is not a when you understand this mystery it will not even get to a point where you will require restoration there is a way that god's hand can come on time there is a mystery you can engage that quarter to shame his majesty will arise to ensure that your eyes does not see shame are we blessed daniel 3 23 we start our reading from verse 23 and these three men this was the experience of the three hebrew boys shadrach meshach and abednego the bible says they fell down into the midst of the burning fiery furnace next verse we are reading to tati then nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up in haste and speak and said unto his counselors did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire he says they answered and said o king true or king he answered and said lo i see four men lose my goodness four men lose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no heart someone received that word for yourself and they have no heart god is a healer but he's also the one who can stop you from being hot and the form of the fourth is like the son of god 27 26 then nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and spake and said shadrach meshach abednego ye servants of the most high god come forth and come then shadrach meshach and abednego came forth in the midst of the fire three more verses and the princes governors captains kings councilors being gathered together saw this man hallelujah upon whose bodies upon whose finances upon whose destinies the fire had no power turn that into prayer one minute further there is what you can do to my destiny that the fire can have no power is someone praying please keep that scripture there that they all saw these men so they are a kind of men whose bodies the fire had no power lift your voice and pray make me that kind of man in the name of jesus that the fire that is humbling the nations will have no power upon me men whose bodies the fire had no power men whose bodies the fire had no power hallelujah let's continue our reading let's read together no was and hair of their head singed neither were their coats changed nor the smell of fire passed on them now what the bible says this man so it is not a possibility with every man there are a kind of men that whatever it is that they have done with god the effect is that the fire has no power over them that they do not even smell like what they went through and that the bible says that this man even their quotes does not need to be changed i just trust that this is what we wrap up this conference with yes that haven't been wounded and battered the healing and restoring power of god comes to lift you but now that you are lifted he will show you a principle where you will never have to go back to that state again rather you will be the deliverer who will go and pick people like this how come you are not touched and he says i come to i came to what a life and i was shown a mystery that there are times that the fire can burn you and god can come as a healer as a rapper but now i've been shown a higher dimension of intelligence where the fire has no power now if you don't believe what i'm saying you will think certain people are lying can i tell you the truth in all honesty and in all fairness there are people who have mastered certain keys in this kingdom they leave us if the devil does not exist there are others who live victorious but there are others who leave us if battles don't exist this is a strange mystery remember the bible paul speaking said there are different kinds of bodies that some are celestial and soma terrestrial he said even among the stars one different from another in glory there is the excellency of the walking of the spirit that can happen in the life of a believer it will compel all on sunday to say there is a dimension of god at work in your life this is what god wants to do in our lives that not only will people celebrate your victory or your restoration from a life of defeat that something will happen to you that will say are you a nigerian is is something really happening amen read that scripture again we're reading down to 30. please give it to us media 3 and verse 28 now then about canezad speak look at the effect of this mystery on them he said blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego who had sent his angel and delivered his servants that trust him and have changed the king's word and yielded their bodies that they might not serve nor worship any god except their own god as a result therefore i make a decree that every people nation language which speak anything i miss against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego shall be caught in pieces and their houses shall be made a downhill because there is no other god that can deliver after this manner so there are many ways god delivers but this fashion is the type that touched the king even to make a decree the last verse the bible says in verse 30 then the king promoted shadrach meshach and abednego in the province of babylon dominion in this kingdom is predicated upon our understanding the systems of the kingdom i began to observe at the beginning of our teaching in this conference that the bible is a compendium of the multifaceted dimensions of god as revealed to the saints and the character of god is that he captures his dimensions in names so the bible is full of names names given to god as an attestation of his workings in specific dimensions when they saw him as a healer they captured it in a mystery called rafa when they saw him as provider they captured it in a mystery called gyra yeah and when they saw him as the righteousness they captured him in the mystery called sikeno out together now so all the names of god are a revelation of the dimensions of him and it is important that the saints know how to access these possibilities i did observe that there is no body's destiny that is is an advantage by default no the very nature of man and the very same nature has put us in a position of disadvantage but we take advantage of the ministry of the world and the ministry of the spirit to begin to redefine our possibilities in this kingdom and there are people whose rate of transformation is so slow they do not reflect much of the glory of god but there are others who because of their passionate search and desperation contend for dimensions of superior transformation that their lives they literally become like gods upon the earth men who the fire had no power over their bodies hallelujah there are keys that make for divine intervention there are keys that make for this mysterious spiritual preservation in the life of the saints it was the psalmist himself reiterating on this possibility that said yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death he said i shall fear no evil why for thou art with me he said thy rod and thy staff they comfort me that you can prepare a table for me in the midst so i don't need my enemies to necessarily go away for me to rise my driving them is not as a result of fear is that i do not want any other object to interrupt my worship of the king but whether they are there or not it should have no effect on my rising that a table can be prepared for me in the midst of my enemies hallelujah but jesus said i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven we reign in this kingdom by light please never forget this we reign in this kingdom by light it is the light that comes the illumination that comes from the word of god that empowers us to walk in victory darkness is a disadvantage to the believer lack of light will make the realities that are captured in this faith life to look like a lie you have to understand this so two people can go through the same situation and quite honestly one will not even know that he's in a situation like that while the other one all born again all lovers of jesus the difference is their comprehension of the ways of god hallelujah so we must cry for illumination i'm going to share with you three keys that provoke the hand of god to intervene in the lives of men to see that you never suffer shame in your christian experience you will live mysteriously powerful when you walk with these principles hallelujah can we pray one minute again and ask a lot to open our eyes father i am willing to see and i am ready to see please open my eyes in the name of jesus christ about to pray lift your voice open my eyes i need to see i need to see i need to see i need to see for the sake of my destiny i'm tired of shame and reproach lord open my eyes i have seen you as a restorer but become a preserver in my life let hope let it rise [Music] darkness trembles in your holy let hope rise darkness trembles in your holy hallelujah press the name of the lord the first biblical key that ensures a life of intervention and preservation in a believer is the power of consistent prayer not prayer consistent prayer consistent prayer that when a believer's prayer life becomes consistent effectual not just at the point of evil but it becomes a covenant that your prayer life and the fire upon your prayer life never goes down is one of the mysteries that can stop men from experiencing shame luke chapter 18 and verse 1 the bible declares jesus teaching said he speak a parable to the end that man so if you are not a man you are exempted from this but provided you are a man wearing a body he speak a parable to the end that man ought always to pray the key word there is always everybody say always always does not mean all day it means consistently according to the economy of god in his dealings with men he does not assume that men need help just because they are in the presence of predicament you have to understand this as powerful as god is he has so limited himself to respect the will of man there are seven fundamental things give god give man at creation one of it is the will the will of man is one of the factors not the born-again man man as an entity it makes him the zenith of god's creation and from the time god gave money will it become scripturally incorrect for god to veto the will of man even at the expense of the eternal salvation of men he still allows us to choose at the expense of man's eternal self eternal damnation i meant to say there are people today in hell and yet the father with his all-seeing eyes he watched them live their life on earth and went to hell the will of man is a very powerful concept and because of that listen to me god bonded himself with a principle that until men call upon him as proof that they need his help he may be touched but he is not moved being touched means he's compassionate being moved means faith has become on him are we together now so many people wander and pray and say lord why don't you come is it that you cannot see that's not the way it works in the kingdom the lord is nigh them that call upon him not night them that desire him to come nigh them that call upon him he said call upon me and i will answer psalm 133 i will show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not everybody say consistent prayer he speak a parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to faint the challenge with believers is that for some reason we have engineered ourselves into engaging prayer only at the instance of trouble that we can see the moment trouble comes and it becomes imminent that we are in defeat then we now begin to pray we we come up with all sorts of fasting programs and prayer programs but the prayer ministry is the ministry of priesthood is part and parcel of the spiritual growth process of a believer please understand this it is not something that should happen only at the face of chaos no there are many believers who will tell you i'm tired i'm busy but you hear that someone dropped dead or is in coma and suddenly you find out that they have all the time that means they always have the time you only have time for what you are passionate about hallelujah an attack on your prayer life is a real attack he spoke a parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to faint in acts chapter 12 when we read from verse 5 to 11 this was the story of um apostle peter when he was caught in prison please give us from verse 5 the bible says that now peter was kept in prison but prayer was made how long please help me peter was kept in prison but prayer was made without season prayer was not just made without pre-season because peter was caught it was the culture of the early church to always be in prayer prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him verse six and when herod would have brought him forth the same night and you see it now i told you that the the intervention means that the trouble is never allowed to manifest the next day he was to be beheaded and the bible says that same night while peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and they keep us before the door of the prison seven it says and behold the angel of the lord came upon him and a light shining prison and he smote peter on the right side and raised him up saying i rise up quickly and his chains fell from his hand notice every time he shows up like these chains fall the same thing happened with shadrach meshach and abednego and the angel said unto him god thyself i'm buying on thy sandals so he did and he said unto him cast thy garment about thee and he followed me verse nine and he went out and followed him and wished not that it was true what was done by the angel but thought he was in a vision verse 10. it says and they were past the first and the second word and they came to the iron gate that leaded onto the city which opened to them of his own accord and they went out and passed through one street and fought with the angel departed from him massive intervention on the strength of prayer you do not know how cheap satan is until you master the art of consistent prayer consistent prayer because you see in the realm of the spirit the bible lets us know that the prayer of the saints are held in vials according to revelations that when the there is like a prayer bank in the realm of the spirit that is able to go into the future of the saints prayer involves lifted before the lord and stored for the times when they will be needed in the life of believers many believers do not pray i submit to you they pray when they come to church and they are led by a man of god to pray they have left the prayer ministry for men of god and the moment you seem to be a bit serious with your prayer life society makes you feel guilty say are you a pastor where are you going with this thing it's a very dangerous deception by hell especially at the times that we live now he spoke a parable that men ought always to pray and not to faint when jesus was god he never prayed but when jesus became a man he prayed all too because all men pray to survive they don't just pray to be victorious are we together you can only fight the attacks you know and you have seen and you have perceived but there is more just like the man of god shared when he was on stage here let me tell you something if an average believer understands the schemings of hell per 24 hours over your destiny you will never never miss prayer again it is the one that manifests that you see that you know do you know i i read the book i read the book of job and the bible says job offered sacrifices for his children but we do not see job consistently as a man of prayer i saw sacrifice but i did not see prayer i guarantee you if job was a man of prayer the tragedy that happened would not be allowed to happen if the devil wants to attack you the system is first he brings through pride and carelessness and complacency and an arrival mentality he will allow your prayer life to go down he will allow it to go so down and then one day to be like a dream he will strike you in a way and a manner that will surprise you hallelujah consistent prayer in acts chapter 16 just write it we may not read it when you read from verse 25 to 34 the bible talks about paul and silas who were bound in jail and every time they caught the believers and put them to jail the goal was to eventually kill them not just to store them there and the bible says at midnight that paul and silas prayed and then they sang praises unto god it was so loud the prisoners heard them and then when you read the other verses they would tell you that suddenly there was a sound that god came the prison the bands broke and the jailer was about to kill himself and he said no don't do this we're on hot because they prayed and they praised you must obtain grace from god families must come up with an intentional prayer program let me tell you this if you are not systemic about your prayer life you will never be consistent prayer has nothing to do with emotions you must come up with a systemic approach to prayer maybe for someone this may be a solution you've been praying and saying lord why am i up to there and down tomorrow you must come up with a systemic prayer i personally recommend taking advantage of mornings and nights because for most people we are workers and the the time we can still have to really focus and concentrate is the mornings and the nights it doesn't mean you cannot pray any part of the day but i'm telling you the mornings and the nights there are few times where we just praying even in the afternoon his times were before the day broke you invest time in prayer are we together james chapter 5 and verse 13 apostle james said is anyone afflicted james chapter 5 and verse 13 is anyone among you afflicted the biblical recommendation is let him pray not let him go around discussing with people not let him go around attracting sympathy let him pray by the grace of god i tell you without humility i am a product of prayer i know what prayer does to the gates of darkness when the saints are serious about it show me what is refusing to walk show me the door that is refusing to open i like you to stay and pray and you watch the wonder working power of prayer it was bishop edible that said no matter how mad a man is he will not enter fire by mistake he can hold your trouser and people say yeah he's mad just forgive him but he will never enter fire and say i am mad do you know the bible says when a spirit leaves a man that that spirit goes through desert places nobody is there to cast that spirit out of the desert and yet the spirit leaves the desert and um prefers the body of that man than the desert and i i studied it and i said why do they hate deserts i found out is the heat desert is a hot place and the fire that burns there will make the demons prefer a cold human body than a desert without anybody to cast him so when your life becomes like that desert the spirits by themselves will be compelled to relocate there is there is an extent of fire a requisite level of fire that when a believer carries i tell you they project an arrow without your knowing that arrow will be is a spiritual circumference when it enters that zone it doesn't just return back to sender he returns with a message written on it you will not have the luxury to react to every satanic assault so you fortify yourself a system of autoreaction by an investment in prayer to the point that even when you are sleeping your spirit is praying if you are not a person of prayer you will not understand what i'm saying there is a way you can pray you sleep and you just want to stretch that stretch of two minutes will become a disaster to hell oh people pray pray pray i beckon on you in the name of jesus that every spirit that is eating your prayer life is eating your destiny it takes more than intellect to arrive it takes more than intellect to be exempted there are arrows that fly by day there are noise some pestilences there are destructions that wait a new day we move swimming in an ocean of evil it takes prayer to keep exempting yourself every time you pray you live a prophecy in the spirit i am exempted my children are exempted all that concerns me i exempted there are spirits that are sent on an errand that even them they know that errand will not happen because they wonder why they were sent to certain people that you can carry a dimension of prayer fire it's not for preaching no i'm not talking of prayer to prepare sermons he may cut his angels wind and his [Music] many years of the investment of prayer in in a shrine they are conjuring things and they bring your picture they say for this man and for his family and while they are praying suddenly like a mighty russian wing they hear a sound from the spirit they cause you are registering your presence in the realm of the spirit exempted from evil exempted from catastrophe let me tell you this there are many times sometimes i'm about to travel i live quite a busy shadow and when i want to travel people i know who are genuine men and women and prophets of god they can send me a text and say apostle are you about to travel i say yes he said please don't travel i just saw a revelation i saw a ghastly motor accident and i saw you in it i said you are right except that you hold on receive a report from the spirit that was sent shiva's cabaret dominion is the ability to veto the walkings of darkness if i if i if i fear death i will not bless the body of christ again because the devil does not have a special day to want to kill me every day is a day that is a project when you see men survivors it is not because the devil is not aware of their existence they have mastered the art of paralyzing him he told you this have you not built a hedge around him as you are listening to this there is an impartation of the grace of prayer for some of you god is telling you this is why evil is prevailing in your family there is no one there to stand and administer priesthood i'm not just talking of five minutes devotional thank god for that i'm not talking of just family prayer that ends up in quarrel i'm talking of a dedicated time of prayer not praying on your browsing no sheila's kibala tadia maruzya takata i found that you will not be promoted in this office don't argue with the man libya man is fully go back to your secret place [Applause] listen the ministry of angels are real but many of us have never experienced it read your bible angels walk with prayer anywhere you see the angelic the prayer ministry activated them you are not a person of prayer you will know nothing about angels i hope you are getting blessed please do not sit down and fold your arms and allow evil to come and crush you the arsenals of hell are rising like never before they are all of a sudden it looks like you're having dreams you don't understand you're having visions you don't understand the issue is not just wait until the day you have an opportunity for counselling and as you begin to pray you are investing time in prayer show me a weak believer who looks like he's a victim of the vicitudes of life introduce him to the priesthood of prayer i show you a sign and a wonder once you're seated in one minute can you just blast in tongues for one minute as a sign and talking to your destiny that i'm still coming men who fire had no power over them please take seriously what i'm saying [Music] [Music] to pray [Music] forcefully advancing by the spirit of grace forcefully advancing no arsenal of hell no arrow of darkness no prophecy no divination no enchantment no witchcraft no ordinance in the heavenlies will prevail over me will prevail over my destiny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah let me share with you a story many years ago one time i was praying in the night and when i was praying in the night i used to pray behind the wall and while i was praying that was my first encounter with a physical demon not a vision a demon like you are seeing somebody and all of a sudden i see this being stand and he said get back and i'm watching my god what is this will men believe if i tell them this then i just prayed in tongues and that's how it left you see i don't share these things because there are we live in a generation of people who not all men have faith when people hear these things they think you're just talking rubbish in one of the encounters i was praying prayed in the spirit all of a sudden my roof just disappeared and then i see this being like a sea creature it had a tail looking like a dinosaur but the tail also had his own life that means the tale can disconnect and still be alive the eyes were as big as that of a human being and he was looking at me and it spoke and i had it it says so you think you want to bring god's people into abundance that spirit is what the bible calls mammal i saw it i know the spirit that keeps people poor i know the spirit that destroys people see there are dimensions in the spirit you cannot access if you don't pray i i didn't start having encounters with angels just because i was born again and a child of god there are frequencies in the spirit you rise to one day you will hit an escape velocity and you are in a dimension of dominion and power that the earth will respond to are we together do you believe what i'm telling you they are about to drive people from your place of work instead of going around to talk to someone and he says bring one million bring two million i will consider you no man ought always to pray see let me tell you this if you believe in god and you believe in the power of prayer engage it and watch what happens to you some of you are crying i'm looking at you because the holy spirit is telling you how you prayed this thing that happened it's not because god is not mighty is because heaven kept asking who in this family can pray evil is about to come but heaven is ready heaven is ready who is there to pray they come in dreams they come through prophecies people send text messages but slumber keeps you the bible says a little he said awake doubt that sleepest and christ will give you light you must obtain grace to kill the spirit of slumber in your life the hand of god is coming upon this world this these people i'm seeing it in the spirit in the name of jesus i'm seeing a spirit i cast that spirit right now by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ you are not in ministry when you hold a mic when ministry when you are serious with god and serious with prayer i have told myself by the grace of god and without humility that there is no mortal man who will meet me and remain the same it's a covenant with god it's a covenant that i have with god that if i pray for you and nothing changes i will go for a retreat i'm wasting my time it means i'm not doing ministry listen i'm not saying this to brag i want i want you to be angry this morning challenge yourself that when you come spirits know you are coming spirits know you are coming when you stand there there is an effulgence of grace from you you can fake power but you can't fake a relationship you can't fake a track record of a life of prayer and consistency [Music] that before evil arises prayer has gone forth before evil arises and arsenal in the spirit there is a bullwork of power protecting defending there are forces that want to make every destiny to not rise there are horns that if left will frustrate the counsel of god it will take the ministry of prayer say in the name of jesus i obtain grace to find my prayer life back to flames say after me in the name of jesus i obtain grace to fund my prayer life back to flames spirit of laziness spirit of slumber i come against you [Music] it was one man slept that the enemy came and planted something please sit down this is a thanksgiving service a few minutes and we're done the next key that provokes divine intervention according to scripture that the saints can access to win battles even before they start is the power of praise praise is not just about singing and dancing alone it's a mysterious instrument for warfare and faith psalm 22 and verse 3 haru says but thou what holy all doubt that inhabitants the priests of israel that god makes the praise of men his habitation psalm 18 and verse 3 i will call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised he says so by using this mystery of prayer and praise they are weapons shall i be saved keep that scripture please i will call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised say in doing so shall i be saved from my enemies that when they encompass me and they say where is his god i will engage the mystery of prayer and after prayer i will praise the god who is worthy to be praised it says that when i do this that so shall i be saved from my enemies [Music] georges chapter 1 and verse 2 georges chapter 1 and verse 2. let's hurry up they were about to go for battle and they inquired of the lord what tribe should go first and lead in battle so that we can win and the lord said judah judah means praise it says judah shall go up behold in praise i have delivered the land to his hands there is there is something mysterious about praise that is called perfected praise praise that comes from the the depth of a man's heart like your pastor shared for the things that he has done for the things that he is doing and that which he will do praise is powerful it was kenneth copeland that asks bishop david uh he said you claim we are the ones who taught you faith but how come god has given you increase like this and bishop laughed he said i danced every one of these people to church i danced every one of them in praise alone let me tell you this this thing you call it dance is a mysterious spiritual weapon listen please listen praising god with a dance is a mystery that only traditional people understand that they invoke there is a reason why every tradition has preserved dancing through decades it is not just about shaking your body there is a deep mystery in the dance hallelujah yes that when the ark of the lord was taken back to jerusalem david escorted it in a dance and with praise and saul's daughter sought him and said you are too dignified you are insulting the pedigree of your office and he said i am dancing before the lord who took the kingdom from your father and gave it to me and god had it and she died barren please listen to me if you master the art of praise thank god for the one you do corporately in church but go back lock yourself write all your prayer requests write all the mockery write all the shame are you together now and dancing before the god of heaven if you can sing get evil high praise oh yes oh yes and you played and danced before the lord like a madman it's none of your business whether you can dance or not it's not a competition this is warfare are we together that you rejoice and celebrate his majesty you will watch battles that you don't need to fight is when the victory is one god will say you are supposed to fight this the mystery of intervention i have seen this mystery change impossible situations in the lives of people i will call upon the lord who is worthy of praise people who had no business having jobs people who did not apply and when the names came out their names were there with no application psalm 67 from verse 5 to 7 psalm 67 let the people praise thee oh god let the people praise thee verse 6 it says then shall the earth that means the earth has been instructed to in to yield its increase only at the instance of praise now the earth is a universal point of contact everything makes contact with the earth your destiny helper makes contact with the earth the person who will give you breakthrough makes contact with the earth the person who will lift you makes contact with the earth so when the bible says the head should yield her increase this edge you see is a universal point of contact everything that leaves touches the earth the bible says as for the earth out of it comes bread you can dance your way with honor and while you are doing so god will wake someone and say remember i told you to keep two million narrator you will bless some people now this just bless this brother with it and let him pay his rent and the person does not know you you just get a text send me your account you think they are scammers until you see their lot and god says i'm not endorsing laziness but i am showing you that i am the god of all flesh and that in praise the bible says glorious in holiness fearful embraces there are dimensions of god you will only see in praises hallelujah so while you were dancing and you were celebrating it was not just a church celebration i tell you sincerely you are provoking something in the realm of the spirit fearful in praises go back home today don't just stop here go back home find a room find somewhere just place some worship and praise and dance before god and someone says ah did you get an alliance you say no no no something is happening in the realm of the spirit and while you are dancing you are celebrating five minutes will turn to 10 minutes 10 minutes to 15 minutes 15 minutes to 20 minutes 20 minutes to 30 minutes all of a sudden you start getting text messages someone you have been trying to pursue by yourself for five years suddenly says where are you i don't know why you are coming to my mind now you know the bible says for we know they don't know but we know are we together fearful in praises number three the third key that provokes divine intervention in the life of believers is the power of sacrifice write it down the power of sacrifice psalm 126 verse 1 to 6 sacrifice is a mystery in the kingdom that god never ignores that people can change the tides of things against them there have been times in the bible when it was obvious to certain kings that they were going to defeat them and take their nations the bible says they carried their own children and slewed them and when they slew their children and indignation rules before god and the battles were overturned my bible says when the lord torn again the captivity of zion we were like them that dream verse 2 then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then said they among the hidden the lord had done great things for them three the lord had done great things for us whereof we are glad verse 4 turn again our captivity oh lord as the streams in the south they that so in they that saw in there are certain seeds you don't laugh when you are sowing it when you are giving ishmael you laugh but when it is truly isaac you will know that this one please keep that scripture there there that soul in tears shall reap not with joy in joy and then the bible says verse 6 that please give us verse 6. he that goes forth and weep why because he's bearing precious seeds he says without a doubt he will come again rejoicing bringing in the sheep believers let me tell you this sadly every time preachers teach about sacrifice most times we think that it's just about money and giving money and emptying accounts and so on and so forth the real idea of sacrifice is using the principle of resurrection to change the circumstances in your life let me share with you a mystery god taught me and that would be the end for this session according to scripture the bible says this heaven and this earth shall pass away is that true that a new heaven and a new earth can come again now paul teaching on the seed taught a mystery and he said that this seed in the kingdom you don't only reap what you sow but there is something you can do to your seed that at resurrection it will carry another body that god is able to give your seed another body is that correct and according to scripture the bible says when they see the soul it dies do we agree it dies and then it comes back to life that means any season i do not want to see in my life i can tie that season to a seed and if i plant that seed profile that that seed dies that season must also die with it i show you how to end seasons in your life that i see a season and i'm tired of that season i can bring that season to end by using the principle of death and resurrection i tied that season of delay i tied that season of pain i tied that season of disappointment with seed the moment that seed dies i start rejoicing it's impossible for that season to still be alive when your seed has died and then when resurrection starts it comes with another season another season in your life oral roberts before he died one time he was diagnosed of an incurable disease and the doctor told him oral please prepare you may not be able to survive this you may not leave and he said why say we're sorry we've done our best and he called his wife he said how much do we have in this account that account called his staff and he said go and empty it as a sacrifice the moment that sacrifice went mysteriously his system began to change you see i've taught this you see why it's dangerous to steal money in church because you don't know what season who is trying to kill if you stop that season from dying you will continue that season in your own life are you getting this now yes because seeds should die and if you come and carry tenera someone has tied his delay tied his buriedness tied his witchcraft on that seed and you carry it and put it in your pocket it's not money you put in your pocket you authorize those seasons and say i have the power to handle you come to me because it's only the one who changes seasons that you deal with those seeds show me any season that you do not like in your life i can show you how to change it that if god can grant you grace with understanding and you take a sacrifice i have torn seasons in my life overnight by the power of seeds hallelujah i remember many years ago i was in portugal i was tired of a season in my life and the lord gave me an instruction it was during a conference and he said to carry everything i had when i say everything i mean everything they didn't have much i put everything in a bag and dragged it like a coffee to the church unfortunately i went late and i sat at the overflow and when people were dancing to come and give their seeds people were giving land people were giving a lot of things the holy ghost decided to disgrace me he said you wait till everybody is done then you will come and i have to obey true story as soon as everyone was done giving he said now you can go i held my bag this was my it was a real isaac i dragged everything to the altar in the presence of everyone when i dropped everything something inside me fell with it i knew that this was isaac i went back to my seat and i sat down and the holy ghost spoke a few words to me i will never forget what happened to me the next day 6 10 in the morning someone calls me and says are you joshua salman said yes he says send me your account number say who are you say that's not the issue just send me your account number and he said something to me that except you are not godly you must praise god when you say that kind of thing and from that time god began to do things in my life seasons can change by the power of sacrifice are we together sacrifice sacrifice is not just giving checking your pocket and carrying money and dropping no sacrifice is unintentional it is not the money it is the understanding and the sacrifice that backs that money you can't drop money and it was just donation sacrifice in first kings 17 when you read from verse 6 i believe the story of elijah and the widow in zarephath the bible says that elijah came after the ravens brought bread and all of that when you go to verse 7 that he came to a woman in zarephath and he told her she was trying to pack her wood and he said madame bring me a cup of water respectfully she was bringing it to honor the man of god he said while you are coming please make me some bread i'm hungry and she said sir sincerely i'm about to eat the last one so that i and my son will die and he says surely that will not happen he said you just bring it and let me eat and when he brought it he prophesied to her she lived off that until the famine was over psalm 50 and verse 5 gather unto me my saints they that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice you can ask your pastor you can ask every man of god that i know there is nobody i know who is thriving in a position of honor and grace that sacrifice did not take them there once upon a time archbishop benson idahosa was entering a plane and there was an issue in the plane and there was need for a seat and you know nobody was willing to excuse and do all of this and a particular businessman got up to honor him and he said because you have honored me you prophesied to him the name of that businessman is a liquid angote there are stories behind the glories of men and today can be an opportunity for you to seal this prayer service with an understanding of sacrifice that you can change seasons and you can introduce newer seasons into your life with power with understanding i once heard the story as i round up of a couple this is a true story this couple came to church and i think the church at that time was having a project and they wanted to zinc the church and they were also having their own they had their own house and then they were trying to build another thing or so for rentals and they decided as a couple they said we are going to do something that is really crazy they said we are going to carry this money and we are going to take it to the church and we sow it there and they took that seed crying and when they dropped that seed they returned back home and according to the man he said the lord told them that you will never have to build a house by yourself in your life again because of this that you have done the time that man was talking without exaggeration he had 21 properties none built by himself these are the kinds of teachings where it becomes difficult to not teach without a testimony but then it also becomes difficult to share your own testimony because at that point when you do it now it will become like it is pride and then because we seek to project jesus and him alone i can share with you testimonies your pastors can share with you testimonies of what sacrifice can do so don't think this is some jamboree to just manipulate anybody who sincerely loves you and wants you to be exempted from evil from poverty from pain will tell you this today by the grace of god and without humility i've had the opportunity to meet people who i do not know who come together as a business and say we came and agreed that will make you a non-executive board member in our company who are you what do you do they say no you your own is just to bring the presence of god in our business don't don't please don't think men of god that does you know people have a way of believing that all we do is just preach we don't know anything at all about finance about life it's not so it's not so hallelujah that it is possible to step into prepared blessings there are times god will give you seeds to sow but there are times the urgency will require bread coming directly from heaven he can do both he can give you seed to soul and he can send manna from heaven for you some of us the urgency in our lives right now does not require seeds to sow you need bread coming from heaven to cater for your needs hallelujah the power of consistent prayer the power of a grateful heart expressed in praise prays with a dance prays with a dance with understanding and then the power of sacrifice that you lay something down that shakes the gate of hell and you say lord by this seed i am prepared to change seasons by this seed i am prepared to move to higher dimensions of the anointing years ago i took a seat to go and honor a man of god and when i went to honor that man of god he looked at me and he said kneel down and he says father put him in a position where only him can solve that problem i thought it was a selfish prayer i said no no no i'm all for the body of christ i like everybody rising together and i could sense him feeling that is your business i'm praying a prayer for you now i understand what you were saying that wherefore god had uh what was was the hardly exalted him and giving him a name that is above it's not a name that is below a name that is above your name can be below but there is a name that is above that when the name is mentioned there is a reaction in this kingdom hallelujah my life is a testament of sacrifices i tell you sincerely under god i believe it is so with your pastor the only person left is you life will remain at a natural face for you till you accelerate your rising through the power of intentional sacrifice you may not have money to give one day wake up in the morning and plead with your pastor and say sir i don't have money to give but i am here today to iron your clothes i will iron your clothes and wash your car with understanding that is sacrifice as you are washing that car further in the name of jesus i'm tired of trekking i'm tired of walking around like a fool i'm tired of stagnation when they kick a car it moves obediently my destiny should also move and while you are washing that car and you are washing those clothes and the lord says so this is what you are doing to honor me since you cannot see me you are honoring my servant stepping to the next level this i'm telling you is a very powerful mystery very powerful mystery recently a a great man of god a great friend of mine he went to go and sow a seed into the life of god's servant deborah and when he went there he told him he said lie flat on the ground on my carpet and when he lay flat on the ground he began to speak to him from the bowels of his spirit when i saw it i said this man see there is a way that people speak you know they are just blessing you so you go but there is a way they are standing in their office with the throne that backs them activated and they utter words from their spirit it will rattle systems and structures till it shifts your life are you getting what i'm saying i never start my year there are specific sacrifices to specific people let me tell you the truth you see we say these things because we want you to understand that it's not just you know we have a way of thinking people are just lucky god is just helping them it's not true many of you by the grace of god have had a choice servant of god seated in your midst week after week month after month but you have not had the discernment to say who is this man and what grace when i saw your property the extension there i was talking to your person i said i thought this was the end of it when i saw it i said my god this has to be grace here and yet for for a long time you are looking for a property that you can have the discernment to carry a sacrifice and come and kneel before pastor and his wife to say sir i decide that you're a career of grace that brings dominion at a territorial level i pray in the name of jesus that you will activate something in my life it does not matter whether it's done in secret or is done in the open doors just open like that are we together yes this is the mystery by which men ordinary men rise to supernatural dimensions of grace with the mighty hand and the power of god sacrifice is powerful i live in it it's not something that maybe you do once in a while please hear me if you want to change seasons and you want to take shame out of your life let sacrifice be like a shadow to you those who are not of this kingdom who call it foolishness they will even call it manipulation of members and as i've always observed i know that there are places and there are people where there are all kinds of things by the grace of god your church and this place and this conference is a place of truth and integrity and i tell you sincerely you can turn seasons around i had the privilege of talking with one of the group general managers of a bank in this nation and i prophesied to him that i saw trouble coming to your bank mister and here is my advice for you get a sacrifice and take it to a man of god as god will reveal to you and watch what happens and with childlike foolishness he carried that sacrifice and the last time we spoke it was a wonder what god had done in his back this is not something that is just spiritual it has monetary implication it has destiny implication hallelujah yes the power of sacrifice mama i don't know what grace was on you you didn't go to school but you raised 11 children by frying akara it's not about akara there was a grace i carry this sacrifice with my big manisma my masters and doctor let something come upon my life whatever made you to feed 11 children and none of us you were giving people rice who went to school when you see supernatural results and consistent results it's no more scientific listen it is what is on you that controls what is around you everything around you is a report card it's an attestation is showing us what is on you thou anoint my head with oil my cop run it over i came from a region that did not have so many successful people i saw people become mediocre i hardly saw ministries rise from that point to a global scale and i said no this i have to accept see there is there is a holy anger there is an anger that comes upon you that you say in the name of jesus seed go for me i send you like a weapon enter my tomorrow scatter what is not of god scatter altars and ensure that i do not see shame hallelujah it's true it's true i went for a conference a pfn conference in adamawa some years ago and the man who drove me was a doctor he's a lecturer in the university but he had been barren for a long time and he said please allow me drive apostle this was a distinguished person in the academia and while he never spoke to me about it and on the final day i now looked at him and said why am i hearing the cry of a baby and he said thank god i said i'm hearing the cry of a baby because the lord is telling me that you have been buried your wife has been buried he started crying today as i speak to you i don't even know how many children he has exempted from shame through the power of sacrifice exempted from shame through the power of sacrifice husband no job wife no job children no job no way you carry a seed and you take it before the lord and say if god be god let fire fall from heaven and take away this shame let me tell you many people are not yet tired of shame that's why sacrifice looks too heavy when you see the implication of shame in your life and your destiny and reproach we're going to pray this is a thanksgiving service but god wants to perfect this in our lives and it will happen to the power of sacrifice i tell you sincerely there are many of you here as i'm talking to you the spirit of god is speaking to you and saying this is the step that you need to push i'm not talking of giving for god's sake like you just carry money and come and drop emotionally no this is a calculated intentional is is is coming from the wells of pain i'm tired of his season in my life oh god i am tired of always begging and looking for things i am tired of always being stranded somewhere on the way [Music] and you provoke seasons and you watch the hand of the mighty one move and shift things in your life i'm going to pray for you tonight but as we round up this conference i have not made this discussion with your pastor and respectfully speaking i don't know what god is going to tell you now i know that this is not something that i'm speaking by the spirit and i apologize i hope i do not break any protocol listen to me i want you by the spirit of god to stand with god in prayer and say lord speak to me what seed as a sacrifice will i bring not to the church not to the church to this vessel of yours and his wife there is a grace they are the spiritual coverings over this place i sense in my spirit that god wants to shift people into seasons i know you can come and drop offering for church i'm talking of the grace tapping into the grace of god upon this man that there are sacrifices that god is going to speak to you in this season he will speak to you as a family he will speak to you as a company see except god is not god that you he to this that i'm saying you will testify in tears on this stage at the way god will shift you through seasons it is true hallelujah this is what i do this is what i live by it's not theory it's true that you can wave certain seasons goodbye and they will wave you back authorized to leave you certain dimensions of shame live your life forever till jesus comes please rise up on your feet we have just two three minutes in one minute i'd like you to talk to the lord father i have given you thanks for all that you have done in my life but i'm ready to shift seasons don't just pray for things pray for seasons i sense in my spirit that we are in an encounter this morning to shift seasons not just to bring more things not just to bring new things but to shift entire seasons in our lives from seasons of spiritual bankruptcy to seasons of spiritual buoyancy seasons of luck and wants to seasons of blessings and abundance seasons of mediocrity and obscurity to seasons of notoriety and honor are you praying please lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray [Music] lift your voice and pray [Music] exempt me from evil oh god exempt me from disaster i'm tired of shame tired of reproach tired of shame tired of reproach tired of the mockery of men let no man ask where is my god again put a testimony he said he put a new song in my mouth a song of praise in my heart many will see it and fear and put their trust in him someone who is angry with this current level like a woman about to give better are you praying father in the name of jesus as soon as zion travails she shall put forth a son i'm tired of this season in the name of jesus i have given you thanks and praise for this level for all that you have done from january february march april may june july august september october november now is the time to change to shift to a new dimension [Music] hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord now please listen i want to pray for you finally and then i'm off the stage i don't know what it is that god is going to speak to you on i will pray for the grace for prayer and i've taught you the mystery of praise your pastor is a master at understanding that and he's so demonstrated with his life upstage but the part that concerns me right now is the area of sacrifice and you don't have to do it you don't have to be co-asked but that there are people here by the spirit of the living god that the lord am i am i am i fine sir there are people here that the lord is speaking to you that you are in a strange season of a sacrifice or a season that demands a sacrifice this is not for everybody you will not go to hell if you don't come out but i know that there are people god is speaking to i'm not going to mention any amount but this is a sacrifice you want to change seasons in your life i want you to leave your seat please don't come out and stand here and then not obey god there is no point doing that you sit back don't feel bad at all i'm going to pray for everybody i'm just flowing as the spirit of god has told me please i'd like you to come and stand here quickly in prayer mean what you are saying mean what you are saying mean what you are saying don't this is not an emotional thing please let it be from the depth of your heart please give me a bit of volume [Music] it's time for seasons to change please don't just stand looking at me pray in one minute father i'm standing here because seasons must change and i must testify shali salah brandon says seasons must change financial seasons spiritual seasons by the power of the holy ghost god is not a man that he should lie not the son of man that he should repent [Music] hallelujah keep coming please make space for them please make space for them can we make space for them just if you need to shift a little you will watch the wonder walking power of jehovah over your life we end seasons through sacrifice and we breathe new seasons through sacrifice those of you here you can shift forward a bit so that you make room for more people [Music] we are here for you come and do what you do we are here for you come and do what you do [Music] set our hearts on you so you will do what you do we see some more we need [Music] foreign [Music] please look at me i'm going to politely invite your pastor and your prophet to join me as such such hunger to speak over the life of the people please hear me some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears i assure you by the god of heaven that if it is this god we serve and it is not if if i stand here to deceive you and that i'm teaching you accordingly device fables may cause rest upon me and my generation and my children's children but if this is the integrity of god's word then i assure you if god be god know that this the last season you came to this church with is the last season you have seen in your life forever [Applause] some of you what you are doing now is your children that will eat from it and your children's children they will ask you one day and say how did we come into this because i look at the past and it does not look like what should be and you tell them i i initiated a process of transgenerational relevance through the power of sacrifice the day i did mine i cried let me tell you i was not laughing no i cried don't be ashamed of your tears some of you are crying because you are tired of seasons one day you go baptize nonsense time does not change anything time only reveals when you think about your children you think about your life your ministry your destiny then an indignation rises in your heart and you say let god be true and all men liars let me speak over your life for some of you it is in this prayer that altars will finally be buried forever by the sea it took sacrifice to build those altars it is sacrifice that will destroy them some of you the voices speaking against your destiny that will never allow you rise it takes more than just casting out demons father in the name of jesus here at water life we stand and i stand again in partnership with the grace of the man of god for every one of you who is standing here i command fire from heaven and i pray oh god my god who is also your god the fire and the grace and the unction that shifts people to new seasons may that grace rest upon you now may that grace rest upon you now in the name of jesus christ [Applause] every power tying your finances your spiritual life repeating all seasons in your life you change jobs but the same seasons keep repeating you change location but the same seasons keep repeating i bring those seasons to an end now in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] the same thing happened when you were in lagos the same thing happened when you were in portugal the same thing happened when you were in london the same thing happened you were in u.s now that you are in abuja the same thing wants to happen i stand by the road of a higher priesthood and in the name of jesus i bring tragedy to an end in your life i bring shame and reproach to an end in your life in the name of jesus let me pray for your finances please help us under the anointing listen to me there are three levels of wealth revealed from scripture number one there is a level of wealth that has to do with exchanging your value and your time for rewards are we together now value that is that comes from transacting business number two there is the second level of world that is as a product of transformation you don't sell that value you give it free but the benefactors of that value are compelled to bless you such as what ministers do they don't sell the value but then when people are transformed they bless you but there is a third dimension of wealth is called suffering wealth wealth by prophecy that prophecy is able to create a climate of favor upon the life of a man it was a prophet that said by this time tomorrow let me speak over your finances i stand by the grace of god i stand as one helped by god almighty i stand in faith with your pastor and i pray if god be god i give you three months from today 90 days by prophecy may your life shift in a way that will surprise you in the name of jesus may that prophecy rest on your life let it go home with you let it go to your place of work with you may this prophecy go to the market with you everywhere it will go with you and it shall not fail till it comes to pass in the name of jesus christ [Applause] [Music] everything in your yesterday that needs to come to an end right now by this sacrifice in the name of jesus i end it now the shame of yesterday and now the pain of yesterday and now the tragedy of yesterday and now the lack of yesterday and now the bankruptcy of yesterday and now the coldness of yesterday and now and i speak you to a new season of victory i speak you to a new season of power i speak you to a new season of fire i speak you to a new season of abundance i speak you to a new season of speed in the name of jesus christ your pastor is going to speak and prophesy over your life right now please open your heart to receive it lift up your hands wherever you are jealous [Music] this is the season of the wiping way of tears the season where reproaches are rolled away this is where shames are rolled away i speak over your life right now that your position you will no longer lose every last position i command the restoration every last position i command the restoration every last position i command the restoration in the name of jesus there are positions you need to label to step into there are positions where people need to be shifted and further means to bring you into each other there are positions that you step in by sacrifice i decree today that by this sacrifice let that don't be open for you right now that position that is above you i shift you up there right now that position that is before you i move you into it right now in the name of jesus the lord is shifting glory in the life of a family from the level of the glory of the star to the glory of the moon and to the glory of the son in the name of jesus i pray for you today anybody that brought you shame the power behind that battle that brought you shame i humiliate them today by fire by humiliate them today by fire in the name of jesus they got their favor joseph in the strange land let that go remember you you coming to visit as a stranger but the lord will give you a voice and make you a lord the lord will give you a voice and make you a lord the lord will give you a voice and make you a lord in the name of jesus i pray for you today by the anointing of god may the lord render your competitors your competitors may vastas give way for esther's to be established may amends give way for mordechai to be established in the name of jesus i bless you with the blessings of the heavenlies every precious thing is in the heavenlies i command the release right now upon your life i command the release right now upon your life i bless you with the precious peace of the mountains and the precious blessings of the heroes by blessing with the precious things underneath the earth in the name of jesus i pray for you today that your men shall not be pure your men shall not be fueled and the base of your existence on this shall not be fueled in the name of jesus may the mistress of god dwell with you may the revelations of god dwell with you may your life become a mystery to your competitors a mystery to your rivals in the name of jesus may your life become a mystery to your may they see you and yet not understand who you are may bless you and yet not figure out the grace behind you in the name of jesus i prophesy upon your life the last time you were defeated shall be the last forever from this day may the lord give to you the horn of victory the hand of victory your heart shall the lord exhort like that of the unicorn and by this son you shall move your enemies out of existence in the name of jesus they land where you are right now when it looks as if you're about to be swallowed we pound things around we're turning things around we're pumping around we're pumping around whatever that followed from the village we said back to sender anything resisting in the city will bring them into subjection everything in the world fighting you we command them to disappear when the name of jesus by a prophet israel was delivered and by prophet israel was preserved i pray this prayer upon your life number one no chain holds you down anymore no power holds you down anymore and number two everything and everything about you becomes untouchable by the powers of darkness in the name of jesus whatever that left you towards this order towards this ministry into my life i stand by the prophecy the prophetic grace that multiplies the grace that changes the economical situation of a nation a family owned state the grace that changes an atmosphere a political atmosphere a governmental atmosphere the grace that turns around an environment i release that grace upon you right now i release it upon you right now i release it upon you right now i decree today that your financial status skyrockets the financial standard changes i expose you to every currency that exists but from the planet i expose you to the level of world that nobody in your family or community has ever touched i expose you to trumps and to authorities i expose you to those that matter to you matter to your career matter to your business not that your family matter to your destiny market to your ministry i expose you to them anybody that has nothing to add to you may god separate them from you and everyone that carries what you need wherever they are hope or abroad may they fix an appointment may destiny cause them to fix an appointment may blessing may cause them to meet you on the plane in the ship in the vehicle in mighty places in corridors of power in schools on the streets wherever may divinity cause that appointment to happen right now in the name of jesus [Applause] father [Music] may the children of this one celebrate them may their contemporary celebration may fathers and leaders that be celebrations in the name of jesus the lord just opened my eyes and i see heaven with a golden pen and does it somebody a document has just been signed in your favor a check has just been signed in your favor that landed property just been signed in your favor yeah that got that loan just been signed doesn't counsel in your favor that transaction being signed in your favor in the name of jesus in blessing i bless you in multiplication i say multiply in greatness i say remain rich in authority to be exalted in the name of jesus christ reserve the sense above your hearts i pray for you today may heaven kiss these hands with people heaven kiss these hands with favor heaven kiss these hands with favor in the name of jesus as many of you that are part of what is going on right now online god is never restricted by distance no it's called omini presence is everywhere at any time not being restricted by anyone i prophesy upon your life that the move of god here will be multiplied where you are the hands of god torture those of you watching from u.s from united kingdom from asia from europe from the pacific any part of africa wherever you are any part of nigeria and after the hand of the lord his grace is power be extended to you right now in the name of jesus your life will never be the same i release the opening of the heavens over your lives and i declare you blessed thank you father may this be a comeback without going back may this be a comeback without going down may this be a comeback without going backward in the name of jesus thank you master because it is dawn in jesus name celebrate beloved club and with the shout [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: SBiC Connect
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Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 328min 8sec (19688 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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