THE KEYS TO ABUNDANT LIFE with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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press the name of the lord just two scriptures and then we begin to build first chronicles chapter 29 please first chronicles chapter 29. [Music] first chronicles of the 29 from verse 11 first chronicles 29 and verse 11. let's just have kjv please look up and read it together ready please read thine o lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heaven and the earth is thine thing is the kingdom oh lord and thou art exalted as head above all reading to 13 12 both riches and honor come of thee [Music] and thou reinest over all and in thy hand is power and might and in thy hand it is to make great ah please keep the scripture look at what you are reading carefully that both riches and honor come from you [Music] and that in your hand you reign over all in your hand is power remember deuteronomy 8 18. in your hand is power and then it says it is within your power to make great both riches and honor come from you i'll be teaching very briefly on the laws of kingdom wealth and abundance the laws of kingdom wealth and abundance and as a foundation there are certain things that we must know and we must understand about wealth and abundance one of it is that all blessings come from god please write it down all blessings come from god all blessings come from god [Music] number two the second thing i want you to write down please is that all blessings belong to god this is very important they look very simple and basic but while any foundation all blessings come from god number two all blessings belong to god he is owner his master he is lord over all the bible says all blessings come from god all blessings belong to god number three the third foundation that we need to write is all blessings come to men through men [Music] all blessings come to men through men so number one that all blessings come from god there's no confusion as to who makes rich god number two that all blessings belong to him remember the concept of still worship we are not owners in this kingdom it is lack of ownership that gives you rest even in the midst of abundance if i am a steal word then moreover it is required in steel the bible declares that a man be found faithful so if this belongs to him the day he makes the man i should release it with all joy because i am a privileged keyword when i become an owner i can negotiate all blessings come from god they belong to god but they come to men through men are we blessed let's define a few things very quickly what does it mean to prosper the word prosper means to do well please write it down again the word prosper means to do well you are living in prosperity to the degree to which you are doing well it does not necessarily talk about finances not at all in fact as you'll be learning financial prosperity is only one of the dimensions of prosperity hallelujah there are five dimensions to prosperity maybe i'll just list them quickly sorry we may not have the time to deal with them so we can talk about other things but there are five dimensions to prosperity and in the kingdom even if you have four over five you still failed you must have all five to be considered prosperous ready number one spiritual prosperity the first dimension of prosperity i just want to touch on them very briefly [Music] the first dimension of prosperity is called spiritual prosperity the prosperity of your soul your relationship with the lord jesus christ [Music] no matter what else you have if you do not have spiritual prosperity you are terribly bankrupt this is the advantage we have ignorant people will look at those in the world and say they are better off than those in the body of christ because they have all kinds of things and the question i'm asking you is have you sat down with them to know other things that they do not have let me tell you one of the treasures of spiritual prosperity is peace you will never buy peace in the market you show me a mall that sells peace show me a hospital that has peace like a blood bank to sell show me a school that can award peace like a degree he said peace i live with you my peace i give unto you not as the world gives let me tell you the truth many people who are blessed without god do not have this treasure of peace they live in fear they live in doubt the higher they rise the more the troubles in their lives they suspect everyone they can't sleep they get to a point where they tell your wife you know what i know we are married but based on the lecture i receive you start sleeping in another room right now because my financial advisor said don't trust anybody what a life and just because of the presence of things around them we believe they are better than us believers you have to know the treasure you have one of it is peace that you can sit in the midst of a storm and smile as if nothing is happening a state of rest are we together now the kind of blessing the kind of prosperity that comes with sorrow is not needed in your life many people spend their lifetime accumulating resources trying to hustle and push through and by the time they really become wealthy the walls where their health is deteriorated their lives their family every other thing aside finances has died that was the price they paid to be reached then they now begin to use wealth to retain everything they lost that's how they spend their life that's not a wise life spiritual prosperity that you get to a point where in the midst of the influence and all the millions you still have peace with god you know that in the midst of all these things my hope is not just in this life the bible says that if our hope is only in this life where of all men most miserable most of these people fear death you know why because they are not sure they will be in control after now they are used to control they are used to honor they don't know what it will look like after now but there is rest uncertainty we are victorious both in this life and better when we are out of this place is a state of rest spiritual prosperity number two very quickly the second dimension of prosperity that we need in this kingdom is called mental prosperity the soundness of your mind mental prosperity ephesians chapter 4 and verse 18 paul was teaching the church in ephesus and he had this to say having their understanding darkened he said being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them he says because of the blindness of their heart or their mind so satan has an assignment that he can blind the minds of people and make your understanding unfruitful let me tell you you are prosperous to the degree to which you sustain superior belief systems believe systems that are beyond the realm of culture beyond your sociological context renewal and transformation is wealth [Music] i hope that we'll have the time to deal with one of the spiritual laws or one of the laws of wealth and abundance and then you will learn that true wealth is not pursued if you find yourself pursuing money you've missed it already you will never find it are we together that the moment you find yourself looking for or pursuing wealth you started a journey that will never be complete [Music] that there is a technology in the spirit that brings these things listen to me give a mad man one billion you didn't bless him and he will not bless you why there's nothing wrong with the money you gave him there's nothing wrong with his body there's everything wrong with his mind mental prosperity is real prosperity mental prosperity is real prosperity do you know why the mentorship side the reason why in africa we're not able to reproduce wealthy people is because most people did not become wealthy by following the pathway to wealth their mindsets were not renewed to match the level of wealth that they stole or accumulated so they can't defend it through their transformation it's difficult so if if you say rich people stand here they will stand because of what their bank balance is saying but now when you ask them to speak their understanding betrays their results they did not get it by knowledge they got it either by stealing respectfully speaking or by some blind inheritance is the reason why we don't perpetuate wealth in africa the jewish people made it as a point of duty before you see one shekel one naira there is a body of knowledge that must recalibrate your thinking in fact if all you were given in jewish days were physical things it was proof that your father did not consider you great if you were considered great you were not given physical things that means if your father gave you physical things as a gift is proof that you are other children are you learning something listen to me the journey to transformation is real wealth in fact in fact in fact this is one of the grandest second only to your relationship with the lord jesus christ this should be your primary assignment to content for transformation years ago [Music] i i remember this story now to my shame years ago i wanted to know the secret behind very wealthy people and every time i got materials all they were talking about was belief systems and traits and i felt they were very wicked and unfair what business are you doing for god's sake what are you selling what are you buying don't tell me behave well understand or not understand relationships what do i i mean well this is africa we have serious issues what time do i have to learn really imagine that you meet me and i tell you i'm on a journey to prosperity so what are you doing now i'm learning on relationships your father will look at you and say much learning makes me mad [Music] but how foolish i was they were giving their best if we have time by the grace of god we'll discuss true riches the capital that buys money that money itself is a product the name of the capital that buys that product is two riches and may you never be so poor that all you have is money if all you have is money a day will come where everybody around you has the same thing at that point your relevance climaxes and you will never go beyond that rent you can only use money when there are people around you who need it but you will get to a realm when nobody around you needs money you will need to bring another kind of currency [Music] many people never get blessed enough to get to that realm so the entire theology of wealth is just cash but believe me there is a realm where money does not matter because everybody there has it you don't sell air because it's available so if you have a business that you're selling air don't mean the one in the hospital just air to people who are alive and wealthy [Music] you have to bring another kind of product hallelujah there are seven currencies that we use to transact within this life the least of them is money as you know so i pray that god will grant us grace and we'll discuss it in the name of jesus christ so that when you leave church you can leave church even though trekking you'll be laughing like a madman and ignorant people say something has happened to you have you gotten the job and you say i wouldn't love this much if all i got was a job i've gotten what is greater than a job i've gotten the capital that buys money you believe what i'm telling you listen you will walk out of this conference and you wonder the ignorance of the people on the street based on what then to know you were like that before you came to church you would thank god for church for the rest of your life now you will understand what it means when the bible says i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord there is something in the house of the lord that is not found anywhere else this is what the bible calls the power to prosper god gives you the capital that buys money and says go and he is sure that you will return back rejoicing and you will play life like a chess and you watch men and women pay for their ignorance and you will thank god for god you will thank god for your pastor you will thank god for your leaders and you will quickly gather your children to say i found something let me show you [Music] mommy where are we going to get the money and you say no i don't hate you that much let me teach you what is better than money that brings you money through riches never forget this just the title alone can bless you the capital that buys money money is a product there is capital that buys it that's not even where we're going can we imagine we're still defining terms this is spiritual prosperity then mental prosperity the third level of prosperity is called bodily prosperity your health and your physical well-being your health and your physical well-being your health and your physical well-being health is wealth is a true statement health is wealth there are millionaires and billionaires today whose money cannot do them much because their health is so deteriorated let me tell you this you have a responsibility to take care of this body that your spirit lives in the reason is because there is a requisite level of health that allows your spirit to remain in this body if your body deteriorates beyond that level the spirit will have to live a body has now prepared bodies are prepared they don't just it is your responsibility to keep the body prepared so that you can do much for the kingdom this is prosperity we deteriorate our health we wake up early in the morning and we sleep late in the night only to eat the bread of sorrow and then at the end of it we are giving naira and kabul and a few dollars and pounds and then we find out that these things do not have the power we traded we blame esau and jacob and yet we make the same mistake every day when you give your health just for money that's the same thing you did health is very important i have the privilege to pray for people i pray for the sick all the time and i am amazed pastor at how helpless money can look like in the money is only useful when there is a professional who can administer something about your health but when the doctors tell you i'm sorry you have a week to go you hold all the money and see how powerless and valueless money is ask a dying man what is your greatest request he will not say bank a lot give me time the gift of health extend my life hezekiah said [Music] health is very important if you are healthy it is a blessing from god you should cherish [Music] in africa i'm told that the lifespan is 48 years we reject that result in the name of jesus but statistically speaking that if you are 48 years in africa they begin to tell you make sure your will is in place make sure if there's anything you need to tell your wife or your husband tell them quickly if there's something if you need to reconcile because they hope that you will not live long because we deteriorate our health we deteriorate our bodies [Music] number four the fourth dimension of prosperity is now called financial prosperity that's what we now call prosperity can you see that's only one over four financial prosperity let me define for you what financial prosperity is the absence of lack the absence of poverty alongside the negative effects that come with them financial prosperity is the absence of luck is the absence of poverty poverty there not just meaning lack of money but the capacity to be productive so you are financially prosperous to the degree to which you have no luck in your life to the degree to which you have the availability of financial resources alongside the capacity to be fruitful and to replenish this is a word we are going to be dealing with i hope you are not truly wealthy if you do not know how to replenish even if you are fruitful replenish is where the mastery of wealth comes from fear of money leaving you dies when you can replenish [Music] many corrupt people are not afraid of giving money because there is a corrupt system of replenishing i can give you ten thousand i can give you hundred thousand because i know how i can sign in a way that it will come back you only share things leaving you when you don't know how it will come back again you know that god built our system in circles there is the hydrogen cycle there is the water cycle are we together now circles there is rainy season in nigeria dry season it is a system of replenishing so you can have confidence that by this time this will happen again predictability to your life the name is called replenish you will fear money living your business you will fear money living your life when you are only fruitful it's good to be productive but if you stop there you may not do much you can get to a financial equilibrium whereas money is going money is coming to the point where your harvest overtakes even your so we replenish may that be so for someone here in the name of jesus christ the last dimension of prosperity very quickly is called relational prosperity relational prosperity is god speaking to us already relational prosperity relational prosperity what does that mean the health of your relationship be fruitful means be relational because everything multiplies on the basis of relationships everything it is your relationship with the holy spirit that provides an advantage for you this kingdom it is your relationship with god that even secures your eternal destiny it's your relationship with the devil that destroys your life and destroys everything about you relationships are very very important at the end of your life there are things that are very important one of it is your relationships they define your possibilities in this life like pastor was sharing before i came up that i say it this way that all blessings come from god through men to men that means that if god says yes and a man says no the yes will remain in the realm of the spirit it will never manifest as yesterday your life it takes both the spirit and the bride for the words to come the spirit says prosper the bride must agree with the spirit and say prosper too otherwise prosperity will not come god can say be healed but if there is no man to administer that healing the healing will remain in the realm of the spirit you need to understand that men are very important this is the world of men now this is why church people miss it [Music] we believe in god wonderful but we reject men to the detriment of our rising politicians understand this non-christian they understand this you know i always give this example what would make a man fly from the u.s ladies and gentlemen and coming to nigeria abuja or lagos to celebrate the two-year-old birthday of a wealthy man's a wealthy man's two-year-old baby is the baby the man's friend why fly a private jet go through that rigor while he's flying there people say i'm still waiting for you and he ignores all of them ask jesus who counsel crusades to meet with certain men he was on his way going for a crusade and he meets a man who is a man of influence his relationship with that man could liberate others and he said zacchaeus come down have changed it's your house i'm going to jesus did not hide the importance of men he would finish ministering to thousands of people and then you'll be with one person or a group of people it's only in trust that we ignore people and we ignore them to our detriment one man can give a recommendation you can leverage on his influence and your prayer point of decades can be answered in a moment in this kingdom who hates you does not matter but who likes you matters [Music] is god speaking to us [Music] notice we are not even talking of business we are not talking these are the foundational truths that we must have so when you are saying i am prosperous you know what you are saying my relationship with god is intact i continue to content for a superior belief system my health and my physical well-being is all right my finances are doing well and then i have quality relationships indeed you are prosperous if you have four over five you are not there now show me those without god and greet them by this understanding and then you see that you are admiring wrong people just because you saw the the fourth dimension so lavish in their lives most of them are afraid they don't know who trust them i mean they don't know who to trust they don't even know who can kill them they live with charms they live with all kinds of things no he gives his beloved sleep [Music] if i stop here this night believe me you have gotten something to go back home with so that the next time someone says i stopped coming to church because i got a job you tell him ah i greet you now i came to church and i was taught how to grade you are not prosperous you only have one over four [Music] or i just got a grant or whatever 10 million naira i don't need anybody to teach me again [Music] everything that is not represented in your mind that is in your hand will leave you is a law it's a spiritual law everything is viewed twice if if it appears only in your hand you only held the rubber ring you go back no matter how long it looks to stay it will go back we don't secure things in our hands no we secure things in our mind so if you do not sustain the belief system that makes for a prosperous life you will find out that as an individual you are not doing well as a corporate organization you are not doing well even though the value that you provide is there you will still be shocked that things are not going on well don't worry we are coming to issues of value but just leave that one first five levels of prosperity can you turn it into a prayer and say lord i want to be complete i want to be prosperous indeed [Music] please everyone pray this is a very serious conference god is working on us [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign mention the five areas of prosperity allow the holy ghost great you what area have i suffered what area have i left to suffer from the time i started pursuing money as you would say my spiritual life went down i have not contended for superior beliefs my health is deteriorating for some of you you are growing spiritually you are knowing the lord you are encountering god but your finances are suffering you are still not doing well [Music] one moment [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what is money i know that this is a church that is not ignorant as far as understanding money is concerned um is it all right if i bring a bill or not just to use i found out that this is a very effective way of making nigerians understand this definition no matter who is sleeping once you bring something up they understand immediately [Music] this is a hundred dollar view please look up [Music] and can i use you sir any one of you come [Music] if i give this gentleman please hold it up and lift it up if i give this gentleman it doesn't matter what direction you just hold it you like monia i will report you to your pastor now watch this if this gentleman is giving this most times we say he has money is that true and he also believes he has money are we together now tear this in pieces in your mind now i want one to respect this but just watch this while he's still standing remember he was happy that he has a hundred dollar now take it drop it on the ground give it back to him what does he have why what suddenly changed you didn't clean anything on it you only altered you just pour this in six or seven places and still put it back shouldn't he be happy that you even made it easier for me to put it in my pocket so the act of just hearing this suddenly frustrates this man is this really powerful then [Music] what sort of value is this that the moment i teach i can't do anything with it again take the ton money to someone in a shop and say i i this is not fake money i just have a childish child who while i was maybe using the restroom the child thought that this was a piece of paper and he was tearing it and said mommy see you think the short person says i understand you know children no he will politely dismiss you brothers and sisters understand i'm leaving you somewhere what is it about peace that gives you confidence one moment and just because something happened to it you become insecure immediately [Music] now what if you have 20 of this and then you set it on fire and it burns can you carry the ashes to cbn and say i'm an innocent nigerian what happened is that my gas had gas i don't know how this thing works listen if you do not understand the accurate concept of money you will live a very insecure life so if my confidence is because this is in my pocket i'm in trouble notice when you leave your house without it you quickly run back it has the power to send you back to your house and you pick it and put it until my soul find rest you left your house without it and you were not confident again so my audio i'm sorry the moment i give you this don't talk to me like that what are you saying what is it about this thing that seems to give you so much confidence and then at the same time withdraw that confidence again this is a deliverance service happening here [Music] goodness [Music] so this gentleman because he has this he may not rest again the moment he sees me he thinks i'm aware that he has this so he will hide it look what is happening to his emotions just because there is a piece of paper the paper does not talk yet look at the evil it is doing to you now listen carefully i'll tell the person please can you help me with and he is fighting a piece of paper in your pocket controlling your life relocating you from one region to the other that piece of paper forces you to get a visa whether you like it or not this piece of paper forces you to marry somebody whether you want blessing or not this piece of paper as innocent as it looks [Music] what then is money [Music] money more than just a system look up please there are three things you need to understand about god and the way he designed this system for you to understand money number one you have to understand time number two you have to understand the reward system of the kingdom number three you have to understand the concept of destiny if you do not understand these three things you can never really understand money [Music] the primary assignment of financial resources primarily the primary assignment of money is for time redemption and efficiency listen carefully not not houses and all of that the primary assignment of money is as a tool to help you redeem time and as a tool to make you efficient that means that if you ever claim to have money and you are not able to use it to redeem time and your life does not become efficient you did not use it well [Music] more than just a system of rewarding value and that is another valid definition too why because god designed us to live in the the economic system of the kingdom thrives on a reward system are we together now yes so this is a means of settlement a means of the international banks across the world some of them are called banks of settlement [Music] a psychological word in a financial institution why because it is a system of appeaser the secret to peace is justice so if i believe that i this is a hundred dollars for instance look at this if i give you this i expect you to give me something that i consider a value that matches a reward if you do not give me this then something is wrong we can't have peace because there is no justice so money is a tool that helps you to it's a system of appeaser and settlement are we together i'll be teaching you that one of the ways to live a peaceful life is to be rich listen it's going to be difficult to truly live a peaceful life if you are not rich jesus taught us how to be peaceful it's a gift to caesar every time you are serving god caesar is going to come and his assignment is the tribute so he says if you want to live in peace there are things that belong to caesar don't argue make sure while you are preaching caesar's tribute is there so that when he comes you will give to him when you can give to caesar what belongs to caesar and to god what belongs to god you become a peacemaker [Music] i'm taking this concept sorry for my going around with you like this it will give value when we begin to discuss a number of things and when preachers come here it will not just be i want to prosper i need a car i'm tired of tracking that definition is not deep enough to sponsor conviction the bible says redeem the time that means anything that stops you from redeeming the time is making you disobedient you must fight it [Music] there is only one reason why i hate poverty i hate poverty not because it's from the devil i hate poverty because of its effect [Music] if poverty were neutral i won't have a problem with it i hate poverty because of its effect to kingdom come to my life and to living [Music] are we together yes time redemption so if i can trek for five hours and i can have a car that turns five hours to ten minutes what did i do i redeemed time and if while i am in that car i have the privilege to be comfortable and to think well that is time redemption plus efficiency now it gives me the authority and the audacity to buy a good car without feeling guilty because i have i am sponsored by a higher motivation a motivation that is greater than proving a point there is a kingdom motivation so i don't feel sorry for buying a good car society this our world makes you feel guilty for prospering you prosper god lifts you you owe people explanations i'm giving you comfort by the world are we together money is not just a means of exchange of value that is a very professional financial definition but more than that money is a tool one of the most effective tools for time redemption is money you can outsource the services of others to help you to be efficient you have only 24 hours and the load in your life needs more than 24 hours [Music] so every time god brings this to your hands what he's doing is not just making you look down on others is his way of helping you to live a very efficient life let me tell you you don't know how efficient your life can be until god truly prospers you [Music] many troubles in our families can be rounded up in one week one week of peace and settlement are in agreement now but the trouble that lingers there can remain for decades you asked me to come and speak i hope i hope i hope we're all right praise the name of the lord leave business we're coming there leave value leave investments don't worry your pastor is a veteran in these areas if your motivation is soiled you will be so frustrated you will be engaging the emotions and not know why you are doing what you are doing god is helping us to live very wise and efficient lives because the unit of destiny is time and whatever you give your time to you have given a portion of your life do you know spending the rest of your life looking for money is a cost are you aware of that i don't mean to insult your pedigree but it's true to spend money is a tool that you should have just like anointing then use it to do something if you spend your life having it what is left for you to you see that now money was never designed to be a lifelong pursuit there should be a time t when god grants you grace like your degree like whatever it is then you can now use it if you become wealthy at 80 you become wealthy at night it's not a testimony not to you not to anybody jesus finished his assignment at 33 and we have remained benefactors of the speed on his life you know there is a course in africa that i'm hoping in the course of this conference will break is the cause of late achievement when a young man prospers at 22 23 people say no no something is wrong abroad you find people in in their teens i mean with the dignity of kingdom integrity you buy a first card 40 50 days it's all right you know that's how we are [Music] while i'm speaking the holy ghost he's speaking to you choose remember we how we started this lecture that you write down the things that lack of financial risks have cost to you [Music] what then is the pathway to wealth seeing that our lives are can be messed up by the absence of this and can be made efficient by the presence of this let me just balance another fallacy and then we'll discuss a few things no matter how much time i have will work the fallacy is believing that spirituality will automatically on its own translate into wealth and abundance that gives you stability is a very well intentioned truth what is destructive that just because i have a healthy relationship with the lord jesus christ i love him with all my heart i'm a prayer warrior god forbid that i suffer my brothers and my sisters listen to me in the name of jesus and the name of honesty if you do not understand the dimensions of the kingdom excelling in one aspect of the kingdom does not replace another he said i will give you keys not a key a house has many doors if you have the key to the kitchen alone if you are hungry good for you but if you need to use the restroom and it is only the key to the kitchen you have you are still in the house but you will see how everything how inefficient you will be you do well in that house to the degree to which you have the keys to all the doors if you have visitors and it's only the key to the restroom you have do you put them there no so just to say i am in the kingdom and i have a key a key of prayer or a key of spirituality it will not automatically no listen i love jesus so i'm a man of prayer i'm a man of signs and wonders i didn't come from a background that taught us this it didn't give us this balance and thank god for bridging it early enough we would have been paying the price today and making nations to pay the price there are implications to ignoring other dimensions of the kingdom you are not the only one who will go down you will punish generations are we blessed [Music] for many years we were told that you forget about all these nonsense people who are carnal you just focus on god and see if you disappoint you ah i know people today some of them wonderful contemporaries in ministry have you seen people go to pray and then they walk around for three hours you think they are praying they are thinking the bills are killing them we have children loitering around our society today children that come from christian homes but because they ignored this dimension they trivialized it let me tell you this you know how satan attacks people he studies what you know and what you don't know then he builds the system of attack out of your ignorance the bible says no weapon fashioned weapons on just come they are fashioned through study oh he notices that your your theology is imbalanced he can't attack you in the area of fasting he can make you backslide because you are passionate you've gotten the key there so he will come to the areas you have ignored and viewed the system of attack from it [Music] is [Music] most of our ladies that go into prostitution is he with four men please talk to me in the name of honesty the hotels that they keep them do you pay for it for nothing with it for nothing [Music] some of you are a ministry here it's until recently god began to correct that narrative you go and carry somebody who is a preacher and take to your father and they say okay my friend what are you doing i said well the lord called me i'm you know i'm a collaborator with god and so on and so forth now watch this for a long time it was like a scar a spa to call upon the name of the lord when did answering the call become a cause the people are sincere they look at you and say what is the meaning what do you do say i sub god what does that mean [Music] listen god can be speaking to the lady this is the man i've appointed for you but poverty can change that prophecy and take that lead into the hand of a devil somewhere and we keep watching and say it does not matter please for the sake of your children listen to what i'm telling you you ignore what i'm telling you you will pay the price some of you here you are in this city right now i don't mean to make you feel sad i i hope you understand that i'm not you you get what i'm saying as you are seated right now your loved ones are waiting for you by any means to lend this thing and come to them because they are absolutely clueless about what to do with their lives let's be sincere with ourselves this is more than an issue of car and house it's a matter of life and death there are people today who have gone to the great pascal who had no business going there poverty took them like an usher or shot them from earth to another realm [Music] the body of jesus was hanging on that cross 33 year old body hanging on that cross prayer could not bring it down fasting could not bring it down it took wealth to carry the body of your jesus to bring it down was at home your own do you know that tom had an owner otherwise i would have left the body of jesus outside where then would resurrection happen would you ever be able to say oh grave where is your was there ever a grave it took well to make a grave happen for prophecy to happen listen do not think that this is some jamboree financial prosperity conference just jumping for nothing this is with a kingdom paradigm don't reject poverty don't allow well-meaning people whether they are preachers businessmen or whatever it is don't allow anybody make you to make a poor decision to remain poor it is not spiritual the unfortunate thing is that it will take you a long time before you believe you are wrong by the time you turn back to correct it you're already a grandfather the elderly people have wisdom but they don't have time to correct it young people have time but they don't have wisdom to make right decisions conferences like this match the old and the young and gives wisdom to your time [Music] are you blessed so it is god's desire to prosper us [Music] let me give you three reasons why god prospers then i'll touch on one other thing and then we're done thank you sir thank you so much god bless you please pay attention there are three biblical reasons why god prospers us in this kingdom number one [Music] the first reason god prospers us in this kingdom is so that we can live a comfortable life please write it down the first reason why god prospers us in this kingdom is to enable us live a comfortable life god is not against your comfort in fact let me pause here for a minute and and mention something here as far as the quality of living is concerned there are forums as far as the quality of living is concerned there are forums the first and the last is dangerous you shouldn't be there the first realm which is the lowest is called survival [Music] as far as quality of living is concerned there are forums number one survival number two comfort number three luxury number four extra vegans [Music] both survivor and extra vegans can destroy your life forums of living the least is survival then comfort then luxury then extravagance [Music] is god speaking to us god desires for us to live a comfortable life please burn it in your heart and don't feel guilty about it god desires for me to live a comfortable life it is his will and i believe it with all my heart [Music] the second reason why god blesses us in this kingdom and why he prospers us [Music] is so that we can finance god's purposes on earth to finance god's purposes on earth to be actively involved in this project called kingdom come the second major reason why god prospers and why god blesses in this kingdom is to enable us to finance god's end-time agenda in fact god's agenda please look up did you know sir that in other religions it is part of the training and the indoctrination that you must be part of by providing finance for the kingdom agenda you understand what i'm saying that means for instance you look at other religions like islam and and maybe buddhism and the rest it is not a special ceremony to ask people is part of the training process from childhood that as you grow it is a responsibility upon you to make sure that you provide financial resources for kingdom activities that is a theology that is not taught the average believer foundationally speaking when we mentor believers immediately they give their lives to jesus christ this should be part of their training to know that supplying financial resources for kingdom activities is not something that happens during a fundraising or during a special program it is part of the believer's responsibility [Music] that means you don't have to wait until a special offering or a special collection no no no no i am a child of god i am an ambassador of the kingdom my resources should be part of kingdom come [Music] david was so passionate about building god the house that he said lord i will build you a house even though you are in heaven the earth is your footstool you don't need an every place well i can't be in this palace i can't be this and then you don't have a house and god said it was a good thing but your hands have shed too much blood i will not allow you build he said still i will gather the resources for my son to come and build the character of love is that it gives for god so loved that he gave your seats there are mission agencies there are individuals there is the house of god like this i sat back and i watched i think one of the what what you call it now the clips skip him yes i was so touched i was just waving my head look at the joy that was on the face of those children [Music] listen to me [Music] the gospel is free but the means to take it to the lost is not free you have to understand this number two this god that we lift is very heavy it takes resources to lift him oh we lift your name high think about what you are saying [Music] it takes resources to lift him high above every other god so that the nations can see we need the availability of financial resources number three very quickly why does god bless us in this kingdom he blesses us to give us an opportunity to reveal the love and the compassion of the father to a dying world to reveal the love and the compassion of the father to a dying world in a practical and a definite way to reveal the love and the compassion of the father to a dying world in a practical and a definite way very powerful definition [Music] to reveal the love [Music] and the compassion of the father to a dying world in a practical and a definite way please look at me god is not only the god of christians he's the god of all flesh and pastor gave a very powerful powerful example very powerful teaching before he went down he said the truth is that there are people who cannot receive these true riches were talking about and so their prosperity and their well-being is dependent on your own obedience to god it is difficult for god to be able to reach down to them because they do not even have the faculty to receive so he will depend on you being prosperous and then you will reach out to them you are the revelation of god to them [Music] so every time god blesses me i'm aware this is why it came dr miles monroe said when the purpose of a thing is not known he said abuse is inevitable you know the reason why people just abuse money because they do not know why it came it's more than just building houses and having cars number one my comfort number two the kingdom number three the world god so loved the world he didn't just love believers alone are we together [Music] it is important i learned this very early [Music] spare me the next 10 minutes if you can and then let's begin to build on how god prospers let's do a quick recap i started by setting a few foundations as to the understanding that governs kingdom wealth that all wealth comes from god and then that all wealth belongs to god don't forget it all belongs to you oh it all belongs to you it all belongs to me [Music] all wealth comes from god so that when we are done when you go home you do a handover ceremony lord i'm tired of taking a load that is not my own you told me your yoke is easy this thing on me is about to kill me that means it didn't come from you i relinquish ownership like a faithful bride i'm comfortable with still worship remain abba i'm tired of carrying a load that is bigger than me [Music] ownership is a serious responsibility stay away from it and focus on still watching you do not have the strength to manage the body of ownership it takes a creator to truly be an owner the creator to be the owner are we blessed then we began to speak that to prosper means to do well by the way did i give you a scripture let me give you one i think we should look at one scripture [Music] your pastor made reference to it psalm 35 27 [Music] psalm 35 let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous course yeah let them say continually the lord be magnified which had pleasure in the prosperity of his servant so god has pleasure in my prosperity remember we dealt with five areas of prosperity remember number one spiritual prosperity involves your being born again filled with the holy spirit growing in the knowledge of the lord i command you he says to god and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified if you are not growing spiritually you are not growing in the knowledge of god growing in love then you are bankrupt spiritually number two mentally we spoke about that the development of your will emotions intellect sustaining superior belief systems philippians chapter 2 and verse 5 the bible says let this mind the word let means to permit permit this mind this belief system to be in you which was also in christ jesus the bible puts it in a very interesting way said these signs shall follow them that believe that means i know what you believe by looking at what is following you are we together now yes you don't drive what is following you you change what you believe what is following you is coming in honor to what you believe if trouble calamities disfavor all kinds of things are following you they are coming in honor to the belief system that you have you don't just cast them away there is a dimension of deliverance called deliverance through transformation deliverance is not only conducted it is preached [Music] and then bodily prosperity your health don't forget freedom from sickness diseases yokes and all kinds of demonic things that plague our bodies financial prosperity freedom from poverty remember luck and the negative effects that come there are negative effects jealousy anger all these things are effects that come with a life of financial bankruptcy then relational prosperity of course is very important now let's discuss the economic system of the kingdom [Music] we're dealing with the loss of wealth and abundance let me just start by way of introduction and then we'll continue please whatever you have to do make that sacrifice as much as you can don't miss tomorrow's service praise the name of the lord the lord is going to be taking us from one level to the other is god lifting someone already how god blesses [Music] this is a world that works based on knowledge god designed this kingdom to operate based on knowledge the bible says but the people that sat in darkness have seen a great light hallelujah isaac chapter 16 and verse 1 says arise shine why for your light is calm not your light is available it's always been there but the day comes to you amplified says arise from the depression and the prostration that circumstances have kept you it says rise to a new life for your light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you then he says for darkness shall cover the earth same word used in genesis chapter one to behold confusion and chaos and gross darkness the people the people are darker than the earth darkness is upon the earth but upon the people is cross darkness then it says but upon you the glory of the lord shall arise then it says gentiles shall come hallelujah gentiles shall come not to you not to you not to you not to you they kept passing you when you didn't have light they didn't come to you there is something that will make them pay attention to you it's called light it's a product light gentiles shall come to your light while the gentiles are coming their arrogant kings have light so they won't come immediately they will keep studying you but the time will come like the queen of shiva they will be compelled to see the excellency of your rising they come not to your light the brightness of your rising [Music] light is powerful please listen to me the moment the light of god comes liberty comes the moment the light of god comes enlightenment comes john 1 5 and the light shineed in darkness and darkness comprehended it not all light is powerful believe me light is powerful psalms 82 and verse 5 very powerful scripture they know not the bible says neither will they understand it says they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are out of course verse six says i have said ye are gods and all of you not some all of you are children of the most high the tragedy next verse but you shall die like mere men and fall like one of these princes [Music] we must trust god for light illumination by the spirit [Music] are we blessed [Music] so what you are about to learn now in the next do i have 10 minutes sir ok please let me 10 minutes i apologize already you will never be the same you've touched his grace your life is changed you will never be the same you've touched his grace your life must change i will never be the same i've touched his grace prophesy to yourself i will never feel the same i clash his grace my life must change the day i found these truths i cried like a baby i cried like a baby i rode before the god of my salvation i waved poverty goodbye and i was shocked it waved me back [Music] i'm sorry if it sounds arrogant but it is knowledge that gives you stability what you are about to learn listen to me it is not an opinion this thing i'm teaching you now is older than us we didn't invent it we only found it jeremiah 6 16 says stand in the way it says ask for the ancient parts it says when you have found it walk in it you will find rest for your soul these are the truths brothers and sisters that the patriarchs in the bible work with these are the truths that non-christians who will not profess jesus are still working in it i give you a guarantee by the god of heaven if you pay attention to this truth you are learning then you are on a flight that will never go down again [Music] do you believe what i'm sharing with you [Music] there are laws that govern wealth and abundance they are called kingdom laws the economic system of the kingdom is based on laws please pay attention precepts and laws that if we walk in keeping with these spiritual truths they sustain the ability to lift us to realms beyond the rich the limitations of poverty and so on and so forth deuteronomy chapter eight from verse one it shall come to pass the bible declares if thou shalt diligently hack unto the voice of the lord to do and observe all that i command you this day it leaves you with a blessing that you shall be exalted above all the nations of the earth and that this blessing will come upon you and will overtake you hallelujah for a very long time there has been an age-long fight between businessmen and pastors let's do a reconciliation service in one minute [Music] business people claim that pastors and ministers of the gospel only focus on giving thing and so on and so forth and tell people to prosper and in truth many people have done these things and it doesn't seem like the kind of prosperity they desired came to them and then here we have business people who say forget about all those nonsense pastors are teaching you you just come and learn principles here and there and all of them in one way or the other have results to show are we together the reason is because two of them are holding different sides of the same coin please look up that when it has to do with wealth and abundance it's a combination of spiritual laws and natural laws they all together are called the kingdom laws of wealth and abundance are we together so the laws of wealth and abundance are divided into two there are spiritual laws please take note there are spiritual laws of wealth and abundance and then there are natural laws or business laws or physical laws the assignment let me tell you this listen the assignment of the spiritual laws is to guarantee the safe arrival of financial resources that's it then the physical laws are responsible for the management and the multiplication of those resources if you know only the spiritual laws you will keep having testimonies once in a while but you will still be poor you will not get to that point where you can perpetuate wealth because the spiritual laws listen to me they ensure the arrival and the insurance the security of financial resources but when you want to perpetuate wealth and step into the dimension the bible calls a wealthy place leaving an inheritance for your children and your children's children you will have to understand the natural laws are we together so let me deal with the spiritual laws i'll just pick one for tonight and then we'll continue remember kingdom laws are divided into two as far as financial prosperity is concerned there are the spiritual laws of wealth and abundance there are the physical laws so let's start with the spiritual laws the first spiritual law that governs wealth and abundance [Music] is not given please look up the first spiritual law that governs wealth and abundance is not tithing the first spiritual law that governs wealth and abundance is called the law of absolute surrender [Music] now if you do not understand this and you do not put it in this order it may not profit your knowledge the law of absolute surrender first kings chapter 3 please the whole verse for studies from verse 3 to 14 but we may not have all the time so let's just look at maybe verse 3 and 4. look up please the bible says and solomon loved the lord many times we think about his giving the thousand bond offerings he gave his encounter with god and the blessings that followed but the bible says solomon it talks about his relationship with god walking in the statutes of david his father [Music] i have discovered pastor that for people to be wealthy and still be relevant the first law is the law of absolute surrender where everything you have your life your wealth your intellect is poured like a drink offering if that does not happen i don't care what else you obey there will be a side effect in the future proverbs 23 and verse 26 proverbs 23 please take it half of me proverbs 23 26 let's read together please one two three four five six the first six words ready one to read my son give me not your offering not your tithe not your business idea leave that one i want your heart because i designed the heart to host god so everything that is in your heart is your god no matter how you pretend it not to be there let me tell you this when your heart truly belongs to the lord when he looks at it he should reflect him back he should see himself but every time he looks at your heart he sees a business idea he looks at your heart he sees something else this is a secret that the lord taught me why is it that many people keep laboring they have all kinds of they have the shop okay you said i should sell buy and sell something and i will increase now i have a shop and it looks like i'm struggling when god can find the heart of a man [Music] you read your bible and see what god did to men who gave him everything i hope you know that when you get saved you didn't really give god your life the theological explanation is that you received his life [Music] you give god your life when you are ready to be used by him not when you are saved i know we say it i give you my heart god understands what we are saying but i'm telling you in truth surrender when your heart is with him god can say transfer that 10 million and he said lord it was always yours the last treasurer betrayed him god is still looking for treasurers they replace many of the apostles not the treasurer god is still looking for men today who will insert his bishop regret another take the bible never says paul was a treasurer he came as an apostle god is still looking for still words [Music] i'm telling you there are dimensions of wealth and abundance we are yet to see god is looking for men and women do you know the reason why you trust banks i'm wrapping up you trust banks because of one simple explanation ease of withdrawal that's it the reason why you trust banks is because at any time of the day you can slot your atm and your 10 000 will come out if the bank cannot give you money if you become like that atm god will no longer have a problem whether the money is with him or is with you it means the same thing ease of withdrawal are we together now yes sir [Music] that everything god gives me including my life [Music] this encounter message is about well too not even just about surrender or ministry are you seeing where a lot of people miss it so many times we teach about prosperity and there are people full of carnality and lust in their heart just wanting money they can kill for money they can betray for money they can leave god for money just give me the anointing for money they say show me the business idea but that lust and that corruption god says not my way if it's my way you must die first to live this was discussing wealth [Music] god is able to trust your pastors with the resources and the influence he's given them because he's found out that whether it's with them or is with him he's still glorified please listen very carefully is a big secret i have found with god if you don't give god your heart you have not started doing anything with him many of us bribe god [Music] we come and give god a seed or give god something and then our lusts are still piling up there waiting for money to activate them do you know why god needs your heart because this morning you see there is a spirit behind it if your heart is not surrendered to god prosperity will tear you into pieces [Music] by the time you become so prosperous you may not see the need to study scriptures again what for where you almost don't have any prayer point again [Music] you have a personal security system a personal doctor multiple citizenships bank accounts and investments scattered around the world then we may become like the rich fool my soul found fine rest and it says today that heart you refuse to give me today listen to me believe us the excellency of the entrustment of kingdom wealth in our lives it's not only dependent on business ideas and all of these things is that god can find the people who love him so passionately [Music] people who love him that anything at all i continue to pray this prayer all the time pastor that anything god will ever give me that i would not be able to give him back or use it for his glory may it never come to me [Music] minister freckel sang a song that really blessed me it's been an anthem for me of worship if it's not in your presence if it's not by your hands if it's not by your spirit don't let me have it [Music] for everything i need there are people who betrayed the lord because he prospered them there are gospel ministers who came and rolled before the church altar they received impartations and prophecies the moment influence began to rise they said god i suspect you are a nuisance to my rising you wait until the day i need you there are business people who that circumcision did not happen to there are even preachers who that circumcision did not happen to before god starts with you he says i don't trust you until my your heart is in my hands influence can destroy [Music] you know what it means when you get to a point where human beings are upon water you worship me because of it and god is saying before you become an embarrassment to yourself let's deal with it here i don't have a problem lifting you i don't have a problem prospering you one connection i can bring to your life can wipe your family's tears forever listen to me there are people here we're wrapping up but the holy spirit is speaking to you it's not because god cannot lift you it's not because abuja is a good land nigeria is a good land africa is a good land there are people who stumbled into prepared blessings because their hearts were already prepared before the lord there is something i know about god when god decides to shake himself to lift you you yourself will be the first spectator to your miracle you will watch with wonder god what is this [Music] listen this is a prosperity conference and many times is very difficult to give testimonies but i'll share one but with my life and they said no we're not doing this emotionally and i stood there i said okay what is the meaning of this and then i remember [Music] when you give god your everything then it says now shift and let me show you what i can do don't think i don't know what i'm saying my brothers and my sisters like i said we live in a world where people misunderstand everything preachers say so it's difficult to even share testimonies that challenge you because people will be angry and there are people who may mistaken this now for pride but i'm saying it so that you will believe testimonies were recorded that's why we have faith today [Music] it was in this city while i was in zaria a group of real estate people came and they said we enter a covenant with god that everywhere we build every estate we build in the world we must keep a house for you every provided we build an estate just know there is a house there i have never gone to one of them to check what is there which one is my own because i gave him my heart i truly did many of you watch the videos while i was in kenya a few years ago having a program and i'm about to i'm done just created everybody and i was on my way and the pastor calls me and a group of businessmen who were in partnership with the american government and doing the business and the apostle the lord led us to give you five properties in kenya i have not gone there i don't know where the ground is they said choose what you do with it whether is to sell it i said god what are you doing to me what is this so listen to me for some of you who sit down say preachers don't know just leave me to hustle you keep suffering the way you are suffering or pay attention and let god show you the path that brings you out can i tell you this i stand before the god of my salvation there is nothing in my life today that i cannot give god including my life may god forgive me if i stand here and i'm lying before his people there is nothing houses nonsense businesses or no no no why should i fear what people say for they don't watch me we're praying some of you are seated here i'm saying apostle i didn't come from a family that had any privilege [Music] and i'm the first god wants to raise you came here with documents about business leave it we'll discuss that one later on what god wants this nice is not your document you have been throwing it we are going to spend the next two minutes i don't know how you will cry before god in this church and those following online you've not seen a prosperity conference like this [Music] i know you are not shouting up and down but i'm showing you an irrefutable formula there is a god in heaven who can live [Music] there is a god who can bless he can take a man's prayer request and give you as a gift this is a lover's affair it's not just some selfish exchange between you and now [Music] is someone ready to cry before god in one minute [Music] my priority who can compare to you great is the magic of your own reality oh morningstar you truly are every everything [Music] [Music] take away the corruption the pressure to prove a point lord prosper me there are relatives who don't believe me i need to show them there is nothing to show my brothers and sisters pray lord bless me there are people i need to punish there are people i need to know that's not the kingdom's way it is jesus ever jesus only in this kingdom we only gain when we lose whosoever keeps his life shall lose it the bible says just one minute and we're done father take away the corruption and the lust that is in my heart when god tells you to hand over your heart money can destroy you let me tell you brothers and sisters it can bring pride it can bring spiritual complacency prosperity gives you options [Music] take everything jesus it is yours i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours forever i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours my life is yours it's yours it's yours forever i'm yours i'm yours of me i surrender [Music] [Applause] me father we are crying before you the god of heaven you know our hearts you know our lusts you know our tendencies revealed and not yet revealed we pray in the name of jesus that in this kingdom wealth conference let there be a genuine circumcision circumcise our hearts oh god so that you can trust us with tremendous levels of access to the resources of heaven [Music] so that we do not become disappointments to ourselves and the kingdom on account of your blessing take our hearts o god so that our prayer lives don't go down as we rise so that our watch study lives don't go down as we rise so that our sense of regard for god and for men that it will not fail while we rise bring us to a point oh god where you are exalted above anything you give us leviticus 27 and verse 30 the law of the tithe the law of tithing leviticus 27 and verstati he says and all the tight of the land whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree is the lord's and it is holy unto god i think this is clear enough that the tight weather of your seed or of the land it belongs to the lord praise the name of the lord popular scripture that has also become a controversial one malachi chapter 3 when you read from verse 8 to 12. the bible there talks about people robbing god in tights and offerings it says and then from verse 10 it says bring you all the tight into my house that there may be meeting my house and then the bible lists seven prophetic blessings that follow the titus number one it says i will open you the windows of heaven that's a very interesting statement you need to study what happened the last time the windows of heaven was opened i will open you the windows of heaven remember the foolish man when there was farming in samaria he was arguing about the windows of heaven if god would open the windows of heaven is it true that samaria will be transformed overnight hallelujah and they say you will see it but you will not partake of it i will open you the windows of heaven number one number two i will pour a blessing that you will not have room enough to contain it number three i will rebuke the devorah for your sake number four he shall not destroy the fruit of your ground five neither shall your vine cuts is young before it's time then number three number six the bible says please give us verse 12 it says all nations shall call you it's one thing to believe you are blessed but it's another thing for nations to call you blessed hallelujah and then seven it says you shall become a delightsome land dula and hefsiva the delight of nations seven prophetic blessings that follow titus let me tell you this the law of the tithe is not about money at all is the law of open heavens you have to understand this the reason why people argue a lot about tithe is number one because that circumcision has not yet happened and number two um we think it's all about money tithe is first an attitude much more than just money is a state of understanding it's a state of consciousness hallelujah the law of open heavens it is a very powerful spiritual law that has been observed and respected by both christians and even people who practice wizardry sorcery among their mentorship sessions they have learned that if you ignore this one principle you can live perpetually under a close heaven we have to hurry up the law of the tithe very very powerful kingdom law and the type is also a system of insurance you have to understand this it is true god did not build a faulty system he did not build a faulty kingdom it's one thing to have blessings to have resources but it's another thing to have them secured the technology that secures what we have in this kingdom is honoring the lord with our tithe hallelujah press the name of the lord i want you to know in truth you don't give tight it's a command tithing is not proof that you love god it's proof that you are obedient are we together now yes because you are given an exact instruction when you give you gift from your heart every man according as he has purposed in his heart the bible says so let him give but tithe you don't just choose oh i think i need to give one percent no no no no the benchmark had already been given even if god tells you to give 90 percent it's not a doctrine for everybody it's a personalized dealing between you and god are we together now the tithe is very important if you cannot trust god with 10 percent of your resources you know i sat back there and i listened to what you shared pastor just on the screen such a powerful revelation that the way to win with god and even to win with men is to lose with him jacob thought he lost but god said you fought with me and you won what a revelation very powerful if you cannot trust god there's no time i would have shown you the revelation of tithing and that that was what was used to defeat jericho when when joshua came with all of the people they did not know how to receive the strategy to defeat jericho and they couldn't be assisted he was wondering why and god said there is a circumcision that has not been done in your camp that's why i cannot come it says now circumcised all the males the moment that circumcision happened suddenly an angel came come and receive the blueprint to conquer jericho there is a partnership with heaven that happens at the instance of tithing if you do it out of a ritual you see in this kingdom our activities only produce when they are sponsored by an understanding it's more than the activity most people just drag the tithe and then they come as though they want to bribe god the bible talks about this strange entity called melchizedek called him the king of an ancient city of peace called salem no beginning no end no father no mother what a man and the priesthood of jesus is in the order of that melchizedek now listen very carefully the bible says that when abraham came from um rescuing lot he met melchizedek and then the bible says he presented unto him a tenth of all that was obtained from the war are we together that was a representation of his diligence his commitment his hard work his creativity he brought a tent of it to melchizedek and then in return melchized melchizedek blessed abraham and yes what he said blessed be abraham son of the most high he called him the possessor of the heavens and the earth a man cannot bless a man that way so the bible says watch this it says that when we come to our high priest who is in the order of melchizedek that there is a high priestly function the only high priestly function we see melchizedek doing is receiving tight and speaking over receiving tight and speaking over so when we come to him with our tithe that priesthood he receives it it is true that you drop it in a bowl here in church but in the realm of the spirit and in heaven the bible says a transaction is happening your melchizedek jesus himself will make those declarations in the similitude of what melchizedek did to abraham bless said be abraham son of the most high possessor of the heavens and the earth are we blessed the next law very quickly next spiritual law now it's called the law of seed time and harvest you may call it the law of giving the law of seed time and harvest galatia genesis chapter 8 and verse 22 very quickly genesis 8 22 noah after the flood the bible says that he reared an altar and sacrificed of the animals and it rose as a sweet smelling savor and it caused god to make a proclamation upon the earth he says while the earth remains see time and harvest and if you ever doubt whether sit time and harvest remains i attach other reality so you can compare cold and heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease the bible says for as long as the earth remains the kingdom will operate on a seed time and harvest basis very very important that means it is fraud to expect harvest from a seed you did not sow are we together now that this kingdom operates on the basis of seed time and harvest this is not about money that everything you really receive is a harvest so if you want it the seed for friendship is friendship he that wants friends the bible says must first show himself friendly if you do not sow that seed you cannot have a harvest of friendship are we together now honor is the harvest or the seed that you sow for access a question is the seed for an answer there shouldn't be an answer when there is no question are we together now yes prayer and fasting among other seeds are the seeds that you sow for genuine spiritual power knowledge is the seed for transformation so the bible says that the earth when you watch people don't just be captured by their harvests look for the seeds that they sow sow the same seed and the bible guarantees that as far as the earth remains there can be a harvest there will be a harvest hallelujah now under the law of giving or seedtime and harvest we also have a scripture one more scripture quickly to look at luke chapter 6 please and verse 38 jesus again is speaking and he said give give and it shall be given i love jesus he's teaching us now he never said give money he just said give and it shall be given unto you anything at all give wickedness it shall be given unto you give jealousy it shall be given unto you give love it shall be given unto you give mercy it shall be given unto you are we together yes give money it shall be given unto you then the bible tells us that what is given unto you will always be greater than what you gave good measure it says press down shaken together running over now he tells you who will give you shall man give that means your prosperity and your blessings comes from god what is currently in the hands of men so don't think it's strange when god begins to bless you you know most times when we say god bless us we are hoping that some superstitious things happen men are the conveyors the blessing will come through men shall men give unto your bosom then it says with the same measure you meet or you give that is the same measure that will be given to you don't say the size of your seed doesn't matter it does matter agriculture teaches us that the size of your seed matters and the quality of your seed matters are we together press the name of the lord now there are there are several i'm not sure that we'll have the time to deal with them but there are several kinds of givings under the law of giving the law of satan and harvest we're still discussing the spiritual laws let me list a few of them and then i'll just pick out three of them that are responsible for transiting us to realms of abundance all of them do not carry the same blessing number one what we call our our worship offering our worship offering according to deuteronomy 16 16 to not come into the house of god empty worship offering it is mandated according to scripture that every time we appear before the lord we come with a worship offering then we have the first fruits then we have our vow then we have what we have come to know from scripture and in the church as prophet offering it's been abused but it's still very valid and very true let me just give you two scriptures for reference second kings chapter eight from verse eight and nine and then first samuel 9 from verse 3 to 13. apologize we may not be able to read them second kings chapter 8 from verse 8 and 9 and then first samwell chapter 9 from verse 3 to 13. remember one time when saul lost um [Music] the donkey of his father and they were about to search for that donkey they wanted to meet the seer called samwell the prophet and their challenge was that they did not have anything to go and give him and one of them said i think i have a few things let's go and meet him it was a culture in those days that you did not appear before a prophet of god without um without an offering to honor him then we have kingdom investments all kinds of givings for building of the lord's house and for the advancement of the kingdom these and many more there are so many more under these givings we also have given to the poor and needy giving to the poor and needy giving to parents both spiritual and physical parents honor your father and your mother the bible says that your days may be long and that it shall be well with you you don't want to live long in a very horrifying manner so you also want to live long and that it shall be well with you hallelujah now of all these let me pick three i'm not picking three because they are necessarily the most important but i wish we had time i would show you that every one of these um giving platforms have specific spiritual blessings attached to them are we together now yes what the worship offering will give you is not what a prophet offering will give you it's not what a giving to parents will give it's not what giving to the poor will give you they all have their allocations but then i have learned from scripture from the life of people with proven results and in my own experience that there are three as far as the journey to stepping into the wealthy place is concerned there are three of these giving platforms you must take very seriously number one oh i didn't mention seed faith you can add to it seed faith is one of the prophetic platforms for giving activating the law of satan and harvest i don't know how many have listed but just have that down so three of them that you should pay attention to number one kingdom investments if you truly intend to rise financially these are some of the prophetic platforms under the law of giving the law of seed time and harvest kingdom investments finding a need in the house of god whether generally announced or as far as your passion can reveal to you and being part of kingdom come in a very active way is one way i know that you can command the attention of god to bless to lift to multiply you kingdom investment is a real investment if they ask you what are your investments don't just say real estate this and that you can say kingdom investment and any wise person should not laugh at you because kingdom investment is a real investment the bible says to lay up treasures for yourself in heaven where there are no thieves where all of these kinds of things don't happen kingdom investment is a real investment you must find a need in a church like this as a believer you know pastor like i observed yesterday it believers should not have to wait until there is a special announcement oh we need to buy this we need to buy these it is part of the spiritual training process of believers are we together we don't only have rights in the kingdom we have responsibilities there is no authority without responsibility and so whilst you sit in church you must always look out for a need [Music] or in the name of jesus for this year 2021 i will ensure that the welfare of pastor i will foot the bills that is you are looking for it by yourself and you insist oh we already have someone no no by the grace of god my seed must also speak it is powerful this is not donation [Music] this is a spiritual transaction with understanding hallelujah press the name of the lord and then number two the second i'm discussing three of them remember prophet of free now oh dear let me tell you this please look up prophet offering is a very powerful spiritual mystery i know that it has been abused i i i admit that here and there there have been imbalances people have been taken advantage of by women of god respectfully speaking but then just because a spiritual law has been abused does not mean that there is no place for it in the dealings of god there are limits to which any man can rise until you connect to certain graces with understanding praise the name of the lord the law is that every man gives according to his riches and glory praise the name of the lord and so you are lifted by that anointing when you connect to a prophet of god your pastor your leaders with understanding what you are doing is that you are among other things taking advantage of the grace and the covenants that they have with god there are three basic platforms that we're receiving in this kingdom one is encounters directly from god number two is by observing principles there is a dimension of god's power that is invested in principles you don't have to believe in god for that to work just engage the principles i need to work and then number three by your alignment to men and the covenants they have with god there are times that it's not your personal covenant like we enjoy the covenants today that abraham had with god are we together now galatians chapter um three i believe verse 29 and if he be christ then i ye abraham's seed the bible says and heirs according to the promise amen so when god calls men and anoints them many times he has a personal covenant with them not old testament not new testament covenants that define the terms of his dealings with them and you can through understanding tap into those covenants using the prophet offering it is a powerful revelation very powerful revelation if you ask your pastor he will tell you that there were moments in his life and i believe is still a process that is ongoing where he's had to connect with higher graces sacrificially connecting with major men and women prophets of god and they swore blessings upon him that shifted the atmosphere financially for him this is a law that would not fail press the name of the lord and then lastly the principle of seed faith again this is one that has been abused but the principle of seed faith is based on two mysteries in the kingdom one is the mystery of resurrection and then the second is by a mystery that god is able to give a man's seed another body the principle of seed faith is not so much about money is using the principle of resurrection and transformation to change circumstances in your life the bible lets us know that there is a unique mystery that surrounds the seed number one that when a seed dies it is able to come back to life again that means anything i i want to kill i can tie to a seed and kill it with that seed i can tie unfavorable seasons i can time moments of favor in my seed if that seed really dies that season will die with it too are you getting what i'm saying you can shift things in your life failure and all kinds of things are happening around your life this favor you can package that this favor and tie it with the seed so that you kill that season because it dies in partnership you have connected that season with that seed as that seed dies that season also dies don't sit and watch unfavorable seasons happen in your life and you just watch no once upon a time the people of god were fighting a particular nation and it was clear that defeat was imminent the king carried his own son and slew his son and the bible says an indignation rules to heaven end of the war you can use the principle of seed faith to kill seasons to bed new seasons that means i can sow shame and not reap shame god is able to do something to my seat before resurrection carly parascuba i can sow shame and reap honor this is powerful the principle of seed faith is not just that you reap more of what you want you can also a transformation can literally happen so you can sow in tears and not reap more tears you can reap in joy you didn't sow joy you sowed in tears but god is able to give your seed another body please believe what i'm telling you and shake yourself out of negative seasons alice calibra i can array the seasons in my life why is this door refusing to open i take the closed door and tie it to a seat and as that's why you've heard me say it it is dangerous to steal money in church because you don't know what season someone is killing you are just seeing an offering but you don't know that someone has tied all the courses all the yokes and brought it to the altar you didn't allow the seed die that means the season is still alive as gehazi just because naman was healed did not mean the leprosy disappeared out of earth he just left the man but while naman was stealing he did not know he was inviting that thing to come back i tell you why many people carry casualties in church oh it's just 10 naira it's more than 10 era that person tied poverty transgenerational poverty to that 10 naira and you just felt let me quietly help myself god says no you didn't allow the seed die the season is very alive you carried it on your head [Music] number two when they give you a seed and say give you a pastor and he said what it doesn't matter let me keep it you see there is a grace god has given him that can help fight certain battles the person transferred his battles to a seed to a higher grace that can help him fight it my level of spiritual enlightenment the level of the covenant that i have with god may not be able to fight this level of warfare and so i use a seed i carry that trouble and i transfer to this grace and you who was midwife in the seed you would have quietly just allowed it land there you received it and the realm of the spirit respects that okay that means you are ready to fight the battle and you go back home and things begin to change these are spiritual laws [Music] you came to church this morning i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord are we together these three giving platforms work wonders kingdom investments finding a need in the house of god and fulfilling it with excellence number two respecting the prophet that god has sent over your life and has placed over you you see him just as my man of god who is intelligent after all people say he's already a rich man that is the deception of the devil [Music] a higher grace in the spirit can bring you into that realm it's like it's like initiation you you only receive from people who have already obtained the bible says follow them who have obtained not those who are obtaining hallelujah when you sow into a high anointing it brings you he brings you into his realm of reality notice i didn't mention giving to the poor giving to the poor it's important but it's not responsible for your rising jesus said the poor you always have with you believe me you want to rise just leave the poor give them generally as a very kind believer but i mean you are connecting seeds for your rising you better find someone who is prosperous first connect to that seed when you rise [Music] you go and meet people who meet witches and wizards and all of those kinds of people they will tell you you better go and find a rich man first and give to him you now see why god when you give to god you know what you are doing he will keep lifting you even to his realm of reality because everybody gives according to his riches in glory [Music] praise the name of the lord spiritual laws now these three principal laws broken into subunits the law of absolute surrender the law of tithing the law of sit time and harvest they constitute the spiritual laws of wealth and abundance are we together now so when you're talking about the spiritual laws of wealth and abundance you're talking about the law of absolute surrender everything your heart belonging to the lord number two tithe that opens your heavens secures your blessings number three your giving channels that begins to make that spiritual transaction right quickly what are the return channels when you fulfill this spiritual law something begins to happen in your life three of them one is called favor favor the first return channel that proves to you that you are engaging the spiritual loss of wealth and abundance properly is favored i can teach a whole week on favor my life is a testimony of favor i understand what the favor of god can do the favor of god is a cure for emptiness exodus 3 21 and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians the bible says when egyptians favor you you are really favored [Music] and it shall come to pass this is the proof that you have favor that as ye go ye shall not go empty esther chapter 2 and verse 15 the b part virgins were gathered together the king was looking for a wife and they brought a village girl called hadassah to try her luck but when she came she was not like all the city girls one man who was the keeper of the king's virgins called a guy he said come let me teach you something i know this king i've worked with him for a long time forget about all these practices of god walking they are doing come let me teach you something there are two oils i'm going to give you keep rubbing it on your body for one year just do what i'm asking you to do the bible says and esther the people obtain favor let me tell you how favor works number one favor does not work only once that's breakthrough it has to be consistent for it to be favorable [Music] number two favor works with the power of sight that means when the favor of god is upon you everybody who makes connection with you and actually sees you they are compelled to support you the proof of favor you may have heard me say it's not just money it's loyalty to the hearts of men [Music] and esther obtained favor in the sight of how many all them that looked upon her including those who didn't like her not just even if you didn't like esther the moment you saw her it is a charm-like reality on her you were compelled you came under the influence of what she was carrying when this comes on you you walk around the street of this city and you will think you are holding a charm believe what i'm telling you [Music] verse 17 may this be someone's testimony not not even the king could resist this this spell-like operation of favor and the king loved esther above that means before she came there were other women he was considering but as soon as esther showed up the king loved esther above all the women and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins the bible says so that he set a royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of vashti first return channels for obeying the spiritual laws favor favor men willing to stand by you and support whatever it is that you have that you are part of favor is real you can end a living through favor number two wisdom the second return channel is wisdom is the principal thing the bible says therefore get wisdom exalt her she shall promote you she will put a crown of glory upon your head when doubt does embrace her he says do not wisdom cry wisdom is powerful by me kings reign and prince's decree justice he says with me our riches wealth and honor yet durable riches and righteousness wisdom divine direction is a dimension of wisdom because wisdom is dimensional divine strategies is a dimension of wisdom the capacity to know what to do illumination by the spirit [Music] are you blessed yes and jesus himself knew what to do this is by the holy ghost you know what to do you know what not to do the voice of god coming to you thou shall hear a voice from behind saying this is the way walking in it hallelujah and then the third return channel is the activation of the blessing on your life the blessing activated on your life do you know what the blessing is [Music] we're going to pray if i were you i would not miss the next service oh just go out and come back in again and sit down quietly in the name of jesus christ think of your children while you are i'm this is a an honest request from a loving heart just sit down sincerely and get this meal because the second service what i'm about to explain to you i think that it is life-altering please listen [Music] the blessing [Applause] is a dimension of the operation of the spirit that was given to man is a force that compels creation listen carefully it compels creation to happen to you and it compels is a force of attraction are we together now it has an assignment to compel creation to listen to you and to partner with you is called the blessing not cast not houses is a dimension of the operation of the spirit in fact the holy spirit is what we call the blessing just because his operation was released by speaking the blessing is more than words it's not a pronunciation no it's an engracing of the spirit that rests upon an individual you become creation has never been disobedient when you carry blessing all those who carried it when they stepped into an environment creation said this what we're waiting for there is a sound there is something that comes out of certain people you enter a city and every good thing like a magnet starts looking for you someone was supposed to travel out of the city but because you are entering you brought an atmosphere that forces that person to stay back because there is something you need and he has the power to provide men are not just these physical beings you are seeing you will be surrounded by a mystery of coincidences that keep repeating themselves and look like mistakes only that they always keep happening why is it that the moment you have a church you are looking for a keyboardist five of them come just when god is promoting the five the other five come again from somewhere where did they come from the blessing quarter to shame and tragedy someone will lose sleep and stand up just for your sake that was what the lion saw it was not just the presence of the angels daniel entered the tent with something and the lions felt like they were in the garden of eden again there was no need to fight when he came out the lion showed that they were always hungry so it was not just that maybe they were filled and no no no no they were very hungry but they brought in an atmosphere so this is a blessing you can enter a harsh office and everybody just keeps quiet as though they are under a spell i thought you people were just talking about this person now and said by tomorrow we are going to drive him what suddenly changed believe us what is on your head is a mysterious spiritual substance the blessing it is activated as you doing business without these things you're only wasting your time believe me you see why i said wait with all the issue of business and job investment just leave all those ones they only find their credence when these forces are in place i step into every city as though the city owes me because there is something [Music] carry a magnet watch this carry a magnet we have two minutes put nails scatter them all around you don't need to call the nails one by one what sort of a labor is that you just carry the magnets keep moving it around suddenly the things that look like they are dead they are only dead in the absence of that magnet business people call it the law of attraction it's more than the law of attraction they explain it [Music] in physics this is what sir isaac newton was trying to unravel he noticed that bodies in the universe were showing that they were showing the the quality of magnets and living things that under a certain condition what was immobile can move to you we have to pray please rise up on your feet this is only the spiritual law these things i teach you are true this is what gives you confidence in this city [Music] how do i know my 2021 will be blessed not just because you have a job not just because you have a business you can lose it overnight the presence of the favor of god at work in your life the presence of the wisdom of god at work in your life the blessing activated in your life is what gives you certainty and confidence if god sends you to cano you go with confidence if he sends you to us you go with confidence if he tells you stay in abuja anywhere paul it is not the location power noise my head not my cup my head the proof of what is on my head is in what i see on my cup if my cup is empty the problem is not the cup it is what is on my head lift your voice in one minute and begin to pray it's a new season for me it's a new season for me someone is praying in the name of jesus i obtain grace obtain grace from the lord in this first service obtain grace grace to surrender everything grace to be a faithful consistent title with understanding grace to be a giver kingdom advancement your prophet offering seed faith killing and voting seasons supernaturally through the power of seeds [Music] for favor in the name of jesus i am favored supernaturally i obtain favor as a return channel i obtain wisdom in the name of jesus the blessing is activated upon my life creation responds to me favorably in the name of jesus i'm a spiritual force compelling everything that makes for life and godliness [Music] we spoke about the spiritual laws of wealth and prosperity for those of you who are just coming sorry we may not be able to go back to discuss but we are now discussing the kingdom laws spiritual laws for wealth and abundance and physical laws together form the kingdom laws the first of them we started considering yesterday was the law of absolute surrender and then the law of the tithe or the law of tithing the first service we also dealt with the law of seed time and harvest all of the givings and the platforms that come under this law then we spoke about the return channels that there are real return channels number one is favor favor with both men and god luke 2 52 and jesus increase the bible says in wisdom in stature and in favor with god and with men you need favor with men also if you have favor with god alone you'll have encounters you'll see angels but you will still be suffering on earth you need favor with men praise the name of the lord if jesus didn't have favor with men he would have been arrested for carrying somebody's donkey and using it for a triumphant entry praise the name of the lord and then we spoke about wisdom wisdom and then number three the blessing activated upon your life [Music] now [Music] for many people and this has been [Music] a very big challenge in the body of christ usually this is where we stop as powerful as it is so we teach people to love god pay your tithe give and then when people begin to practice this miracles begin to happen [Music] testimonies wow a door just opened for me someone who forgot about me just remembered me gave me 500 000 a million that's wonderful but you cannot be transgenerational that way i told you that this spiritual laws you see [Music] um let me say something and it's an admission the way god blesses ministers of the gospel men and women of god is slightly different from the general way he increases people there is a levitical advantage we have by reason of priesthood are you getting what i'm saying even though it is still value but i can pray for someone now and god will lift him and he can buy me a car and give me a house you see if you are not me and you are not preaching that template may not be easily available for you so you have to learn god's defined patterns not the exceptions most times what we teach are the exceptions so you find out that the individual now who does not have a mic to talk to anybody or prophesy to anybody does not have anybody who just arbitrarily give you a car in a house so you must learn how to build one are we together now yes [Music] the spiritual laws are responsible for the arrival of resources [Music] but then just because the resources have arrived does not necessarily mean that you can perpetuate wealth this is what business people and captains of industry have observed for many years they have spoken and said pastors and men of god we respect what you have been teaching but we think something is incomplete in your theology of wealth as much as you have spoken about surrender as much as you have spoken about tithing as much as you have spoken about giving just merely giving and merely typing will not arbitrarily make people wealthy transgenerationally spiritually the engracing will be there but in reality and an experience you may never have that and so thank god for a platform like this that creates the balance are we together now so what you are about to learn are the principles these these are principles that are consistent with scripture but i want you to open up your hearts to lend them because in addition to what you learned yesterday and in the first service and the many more that you'll be learning there is nobody who will truly teach you the kingdom's way of wealth and ignore these truths they are not opinions they are the precepts there are not many ways there is the way hallelujah are we blessed [Music] so let's look at the natural laws of wealth and abundance i don't know how many of them we can cover but will hopefully just touch one or two and then pray the day the lord grants us another opportunity i'm sure that the lord would use me or any of his servants and grant us grace hallelujah natural laws natural does not mean they don't have the power of god no they are just that these are laws that are applicable to all men the spiritual laws give us an edge and an advantage because we're in christ but these natural laws are principles that anyone can apply you see the thing about the laws of god the natural loss especially is that you don't have to believe in god for them to work for you there is a dimension of god's power that is already invested in them even if an ambrose farms the crops will yield are we together now yes because a law was already invested in the earth that it should produce [Music] so i pray that god will grant us grace the first law and this is one of the most powerful one of the most powerful natural laws that you will ever be taught about wealth and abundance is called the law of the mind [Music] the law of the mind the law of the mind this is a very fundamental financial law remember i told you yesterday that years ago in my quest to learn about finance i stumbled across books i have studied the forbes list of hundred billionaires one by one every one of them [Music] you know most times people think men of god don't know anything about money that all we're doing is just fasting and praying we have serious people and then because i also don't want to be poor but we've agreed that poverty is very evil and bad don't believe it don't accept it not for you not for your children there is no blessing in it believe me i've had the privilege of studying materials of very successful people in a quest to understand and foolishly [Music] every time i saw them talk about the traits and the mindsets that made for wealth i thought they were just deceiving people i was really sad because i thought you just tell me okay this is a book what business are you doing what job do you have go straight to the point i said don't have that time to you write a 240 page book all talking about how to think what in the world is that but i didn't know what i know now but thank god i still know it now all the same and i'm praying that as i share with you this truth that god will grant you the grace to really really understand the mind is a powerful miracle a powerful miracle that god gave man [Music] you cannot sustainably be wealthy if you do not possess the requisite level of belief systems please listen there is a set of beliefs that make for wealth there is a set of beliefs that make for poverty in fact the reason why the law is this i started talking about it yesterday the bible says this sign shall follow them that believe so everybody believes and what you believe will attract physical things to come to you trouble tragedy failure something about your belief system is attracting them if you are tired of them you don't drive them away they will remain provided the belief system is there what you do is to change the belief system and then they will go with that belief system now there are many wrong belief systems the bible says for us he didn't get in his heart he didn't say so he will become so he is you already are your thoughts literally literally your belief systems create your possibilities and create your realities this is not some scientology this is a word of god the bible says let this mind be in you jesus did not just carry a healthy spirit he carried a healthy belief system there was a belief system that made for the signs and wonders there was a belief system that made him to build something and conquer the whole world in three years he says permit that mindset to be in you which was also in christ jesus hallelujah the journey one of the hardest assignments of the holy spirit if i would use that expression in the life of the believer is convincing you to leave your current thinking your current mindset and adopt the superior one because you see we have built a system of comfort around our current thinking and every time the challenge comes to transit is usually uncomfortable so the holy spirit has to continue to help us through the world to engage in strategic transformation not just new information information that is superior and sustains the ability to change our lives [Music] you are not changed until your mind changes watch this i i gave this example many years ago while i was teaching on a financial series you notice that someone can wear a nice cloth beautiful cloth say a white shirt and that person may be with that shirt for one year and you'll see it looking new carry that same and give someone who is running around the street in two weeks the mindset of that person will start speaking on the the same someone wore many times we complain and we say a ceo is receiving one million per month and not doing anything we say under ac with juices and all kinds of things and then we complain that there is a security man at the gate and is receiving 30 000 it's unfair here is my proposal switch them take the ceo to the gate and take the gate man to the office let me attempt to describe for you what will happen the first thing the gate man will do is to steal as soon as he lands there the shock he knows that he will not be there for a long time he's already aware so the first thing he will do is he will not place value on the files because information is unnecessary for him he will never open the laptop or he will be thinking of selling the laptop not opening to find out what is there he will check quickly if there's physical cash there are we together he will not collect the phone numbers and the contacts there they mean nothing to him he wants to sell the phone the owner whoever he sells the phone to can delete the contacts because to him the phone is richer than the contacts [Music] are you seeing now i'm describing for you what will happen he will open the fridge and eat and eat even when he's full and steal everything and two three days the office will start looking like his mindset dirty unkept everything scattered disorganized now let's go to our ceo who is at the gate the first thing the ceo do is how can i automate this gate because i can't keep pushing like that he will sit down the first thing he's at the gate and then his character of courtesy will make the people to not need to go to the office again they will start stopping at the gate because their problems will be solved there [Music] so the man collecting the 1 million was not the ceo it was the mindset [Music] the man collecting the 30 000 was not the security man it was the mindset come let's assume that this gentleman is an armed robber the moment you catch this man stealing and you shoot him it is not an um robot that is on the ground it's a dead body so who was really the ambrose there was a thinking that convinced him that you have to steal to get now assuming you preach this man comes to a church like this and suddenly you preach to him and he gives his life to christ the same person who was once an armed robber now becomes a man of god the body did not change watch age now look with me a naive young man who just gets admission to study mbbs confused and yet believes that one day he will be called a doctor they never change the body they may not even change the cloth they pass him through a system and after six seven years his name changes immediately because a belief system was given to him [Music] so the millionaire is not the body the millionaire is the mindset the poor man is not the body the poor man is the mindset as he thinks it in his heart something that has refused to leave you is there in honor of your mindset the pain the disappointment there is something about your belief system that drives good people from your life it's not just everybody hates me no you may be well intentioned but you must be schooled and mentored and reoriented [Music] are we together have you noticed that as you rise higher and higher the executive kedah the people are more cautious more understanding lower down the chain you find people shouting what what do you do do you think it's just because i'm walking here i'm this adapter and that and then someone comes out who is the head of operations all right sorry we're really sorry okay that's okay let me talk to the person and they know immediately that this is a senior executive he doesn't have to say he doesn't have to wear anything his mindset immediately shows the difference between him and the rest and he invites that one to the office and he's talking could it be that the reason why things are not working is because there are belief systems we have sustained are we together now thank you now let's examine very quickly if you believe systems i'm going to be very fast forgive me i will give you very quickly four reasons why so many people are poor are you ready number one they have not decided to be wealthy on the one on the line the world decided many people are poor because they have not decided to be wealthy they wish to be wealthy they hate poverty they talk about prosperity but they have not decided to be wealthy the difference between a wish and a decision is that a decision is a determination to reach an end with the awareness of the consequences that it will take are we together one day go better is just as sociological why say a decision is a determination backed up by the willingness to pay the price until that willingness is not a decision many people have not decided they have decided to hate poverty they have decided to talk about their problems but they have not decided to be wealthy [Music] number two why are so many people poor they do not have a goal to be wealthy a clearly defined desire a clearly defined expectation pastor things are not working in my life what do you want i don't know i just know that things are not working you are not going to get it that way imagine a man entering a car and he just kicks it and starts running where are you going to say just keep watching have you climbed a bike going somewhere and then the bike man claimed that he knew where he was going or do you know this player i know it and then later you find out that he's been going around an area for a long time i thought you said you know it said well at the last time i don't know if he's that i think we missed somewhere yet the guy claimed he knew where he was going [Music] it's amazing that for 99 percent of your journey you never see your destination yet if you are sure of it you will get there there is no goal for many of us we have not set it as a goal to be wealthy number three why are so many people poor [Music] they lack the understanding of the real formula for wealth and abundance oh there is a there is a real formula there is a science to wealth and abundance and many believers many well-intentioned well-meaning church people do not really know the formula we just know pieces of information that relate to wealth but they've not been sequentially and methodically arranged to produce prosperity the formula for wealth and abundance and then number four why are so many people poor lack of the mental transition from the realm of poverty to the realm of wealth the inability to contend for transition the mental transition it will take to move from the realm of poverty to the realm of abundance is god helping us already now i'm working on our mindset now there are five myths that surround the issue of prosperity and abundance there are five mindsets five major mindsets pastor that i have found out that most people who don't succeed they have those mindsets dangerous belief systems can we walk through them fight very quickly number one the first belief system [Music] is that money and abundance is carnal is evil or is unnecessary and they get that scripture from first timothy chapter 6 and verse 10 money and abundance is carnal is evil and it's unnecessary so in a bid to be holy or in a bit to love the lord they feel that i have to reject wealth and abundance and this is the scripture for the love of money is the root of all evil the bible never said money is the root of all evil he says for the love of money the word there is eros one of the translations of the word love eros eros means an ungodly affinity an attachment that is at the detriment of your relationship with god it says when you have that kind of affinity towards money it becomes the foundation for all kinds of evils are we together now materialism is not having materials materialism is the influence of materials over your relationship with god there are poor people who are materialistic [Music] money and abundance is canal if i ask all of you to shout the word rich you will be surprised how embarrassed you will be mentioning that word you are a christian or you are born again you've been praying in tongues for a long time i just said shout the word rich will feel guilty almost to ask for forgiveness there is something there is a programming that has happened to us we associate wealth with a very very negative disposition number two very quickly what's the second myth that keeps people poor if god really wants me rich he will make me rich so we leave the responsibility to god and we get our backing from psalms 84 and verse 11. please pay attention if god really wants me rich he will make me rich so if i am not rich it must be that god wants me this way and here's the scripture the bible says for the lord god is a son and a shield he will give grace and glory no good thing with him withhold from them that walk uprightly so we use it as a justification it is within his power to make great riches and wealth and honor in his hands so if god wants me to prosper i'm sure he would prosper me it was bishop poetico who said every christianity that makes god entirely responsible for the outcome of your life is an irresponsible christianity there will always be a participatory role that you have to play in actualizing any divine promise in your life are we together myth number three that tithing is the one and only key to abundance it looks like a very sincere understanding what is a dangerous one there are many people who believe that the only key to wealth and abundance is tithing tithing is the one and only key to abundance they say because of malachi chapter 3 understand that is a very destructive myth tithing is a foundational key like we've considered but in truth it is not the only key it is one of the many keys are we together very quickly number four and pay attention to this one because many many people africans nigerians are victims of this mindset here it is if all i have is a business idea and startup capital i will be rich oh dear i repeat if all i have is just an idea and capital i will be rich it's not exactly so business idea plus capital is not equal to abundance there are many other variables in that equation [Music] are we together i remember someone who met her uncle years ago harassing the man and trying to point to the man that he's been so insensitive to the needs of the family and the man said i know if i give you people money you're not going to do anything and he said uncle gave us xyz amount and will never disturb you for the rest of your life and the man the man just left and he gave them something small he said if you can come back after two hours was it two or three months and prove to me that you've used it well i will give you more guess what happened they never came back because chances are if they give you capital your mindset will not allow you to rest you first touch it then you borrow from it promising to return back then you get into trouble then you'll pass a restaurant and there's no self-control and you say what is there i can't be holding money like this and kill myself even god knows that you see that these are all the traits by the time you get home the money is divided into half then you will emotionally get up after listening to a message and carry the remaining and say you are sewing it and as good as that looks at the end of it you will go back and you will feel you will feel evil for what you have done mindsets didn't work that means there is more to the equation let's discuss the last one the last one is called entitlement mentality oh dear nigerians entitlement mentality what is that the feeling that someone somewhere is responsible for your success the feeling that someone somewhere could be an uncle could be a friend could be your pastor could be your family members could be your relatives that somebody somewhere owes you success [Music] there are people who move around getting angry with uncles and aunties in nigeria if you prosper from a family where you are the only one who rises you have to pray for the rest to rise to because if you rise alone everybody will come and blackmail you i'm a stakeholder in that such confidence they harass you they make you feel guilty that's why people don't testify nobody will testify that the money they have been waiting for has arrived because they don't want trouble as soon as people are aware oh dear [Music] mindsets mindsets mindsets let me show you something genesis 11 genesis 11 we're going to read the first four or five verses it was a revelation god gave me that changed my life bastard [Music] and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech please look up verse two and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east they found a plane in the land of china and they dwelt there nimrod kushnow and his team verse 3 and they said to one another go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slam the heart for water keep that scripture there now let me explain to you what happened nimrod kush alongside his team they came from the east to the land of china intending to build a city and a tower they said whose top will reach the heavens and the first thing he began to do was to market that idea they had not started building he started speaking to them ladies and gentlemen we are going to build and the tower will reach the heavens let's see what happens in the realm of the spirit verse 4 it says let us build a city and a tower whose top may reach the heavens and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad from the face of the whole earth verse 5 now the bible says and the lord came down something was happening from earth that attracted there not many times god came down to the earth remember in this story demons are not mentioned satan is not mentioned just men and their minds the bible says the lord came down to see the city and the torah which the children of men have already finished building they have not started building it yet but just because their minds were receiving that idea in the realm of the spirit god saw a structure already building understand this and he came to see it and he said as far as these people are they have conceived this as a reality the building is finished he had to scatter them physically this they begin to do the next verse says and they have one language and this they begin to do so physically they were about to start the project but in the realm of the spirit it was finished this is powerful everything is built twice first in your mind and then physically if that thing is built in your mind already there is no power in existence that sustains the ability to stop it from manifesting please listen listen i always counsel people that rather than living a fake life trying to wear clothes that you are not yet ready for trying to you know fly a business class you're not ready for no don't worry don't worry about the body just let the mind go ahead your mind can be an usher when it gets there your mind will lead your body to that realm for sure are we together now yes every man you see while i was watching the the documentary of one of the men who will be coming to speak to you your pastor was just telling me a little about him and could you see the contrasting photos a young man who was playing looking dirty and tattered is the man now who owns a group of companies around the world what changed not his body you could still identify his face the mind let me tell you transformation is a real miracle more than lifting someone from a wheelchair transformation is a miracle the miracle of the mind my life began to change when i found out that when you change in your mind everything around you changes [Music] now i want to demonstrate something i do it every time i'm teaching about the mind and i'm praying that if all we talk about is the mind that's that's still sufficient for this service because for many of us these business ideas investment just leave those things wealth is not pursued wealth primarily is attracted to your growth and transformation more than what you do it is who you are that attracts wealth [Music] listen again more than what you do it is who you are that attracts wealth life is dimensional and every level you rise to there are possibilities already designed by god to come to you [Music] let me give you an example [Music] how many of you know that if your pastor stands upstage here now and says i am hungry what do you think will happen to you as soon as you hear him say i am hungry you will begin to invent what can i cook for my pastor because the level god has lifted you should not allow him say i am hungry and remain hungry so now he is getting that blessing through growth is not so much what you are doing the most powerful blessing in your journey to wealth is not the money itself is what happens to you on the way it is greater than the money ask any blessed man their real satisfaction is not an iron cobble the narayan couple is just the receipt that you arrived well it is your transformation who you become the newer version of you is more superior than the business when you talk to wealthy people when they are talking to you personally they will not talk about their businesses they will not talk about all those things they will talk about their stories they want to show you their transformation now i want to show you something many of you have watched videos where i demonstrated it let me do it one more time is that fine please let me have six people six well-dressed gentlemen no no you sit down let the workers okay just a few people just come just stand three here and then three here please may you never forget this example for the rest of your life stand this way my friend just turn you stand just on all of you facing me you turn the same way yes now watch this [Music] ah may someone say this and understand space yourselves a bit guys watch this life is in levels everybody watch this place life is in levels you hold this [Music] you hold this hold it carefully you hold this don't mind my example i'm i'm insisting that you must understand are we together now at every level in your life watch this remember these are the things lift everything you're holding please remember these are the things you want fame cars business pounds dollars they are already a possibility but every time they come to you there is a version of you they are looking for listen carefully it is not every version of you that can attract them so they keep coming and they don't meet you because the you they are looking for has not yet evolved listen carefully it looks like right now this is you standing here oh god why wouldn't my life change what is there about a car that you would not give me it's already in your destiny but the version of you it is looking for you have not evolved yet into it please listen carefully so what happens these are all the things how am i going to get a house how am i going to get money how am i going to get lifting don't worry that's none of your business the god who designed the system is intelligent enough save yourself the stress of thinking of how they will come they are already there everything you are looking for is also looking for you but it's not looking for this version of you please listen you came to church gentlemen please shoot back a little here's what i want you to do for me every time i take a step forward come close to me too watch this i'm transforming my mind i know that one day i will meet these things so as i'm studying books and praying shake it lord i will not be a failure are you saying this now i am growing what is happening to me as i am growing suddenly i begin to have some testimonies in my life what is suddenly happening in my business i'm beginning to meet a class of people my phone contact is changing it's a report card i didn't even know when some numbers were deleted from my phone i didn't delete it intentionally very soon my phone too will change not just the contact one day by what you call coincidence i will meet with the teller who is not sowing properly for me he was always there my growth [Music] listen come a ram will come when you are in the middle of all this the wealthy place at your beck and call you can pick them they have now come close to you go back again guys let's do it again let me show you where you are now every sunday when you come to church you may not know what is happening come sunday next week week after next while you are praying in your room while you are studying personal materials this is what is happening foolish people will tell you you are still there in that one room they do not know that your evolution is calling things to your life listen to me now watch this go back let me show you something let me show you what a fake life is stand here a fake life is you have not been transformed to this realm yet you want the result of that ram so you will quickly save money and buy it and the moment you buy it your mind will interpret it as an error because your mind says you are possessing something that your growth should not have in your life coincidences will make that thing leave you you must return back to your real estate this is a law this is the mystery behind this balloon success you see here and there suddenly someone just got five million and the guy is happy and in his mind he believes that his colleagues with all those who grew to that realm you know you have gotten to a realm where everything in your life also grows you cannot be in a business class i'm not insulting you don't feel bad you cannot be in a business class with a wristwatch of 2000 you are not yet there because when you really grow there everything grows also are we together you can't be driving a trip and then parking to buy one gallon of water you are not there no [Music] true wealth is a product of being not doing but the people that do know their god so knowledge first then they shall be then they shall do they shall be then they shall do focus on being more than doing this is why any business you just fails it's not always an attack the problem is a mindset if i wear a dream trousers to send me if i decide to wear akbar is the same me so no matter what business you switch to if it's the same mindset running that business it will still fail the same way if your mindset has transited anything at all can bless you [Music] someone lay hands on your head and decree and declare lord i agree with you for my transformation i'm tired of holding on to age long beliefs that keep me poor that keep me limited now i know that it's not just about doing business as important as that is it's about my transformation my growth [Music] hallelujah listen many years ago i was in one room one small room when the lord told me i would take you to the nations and i will bless you you will stand before kings one room and yet i agreed with you my body did not need to leave the room my mind since i can't get a visa let my mind go no immigration officer will stop it holy spirit hold that mind and let's go [Music] and when your mind goes there your mind returns back to tell your body that place exists let's go [Music] your mind is the authorized usher that leads your body are you getting what i'm saying now [Music] most of us feel stupid if they call you now say what are you doing about your finances and you say i'm studying materials and i'm building most people laugh at you and say sit down there and die don't go and look for something to do it's not always what to do it is your being first you do not get afraid take your pastor now and his wife take him to london take him to us give him six months he will reproduce this result because he did not come by chance is a product of knowledge and enlightenment when you prosper just by doing you will be afraid of your results because you will suspect it will not last and you are right it will last [Music] but if what you get is by growth everything around you does not make you afraid because even when it disappears you have the power to make it happen again this is why it will be easy for you to give if someone does you money and they gave you one million if i come as a man of god and i say give me the one million will you agree you look at me and say i respect you but i i cast that spirit from you [Music] but if you got it by knowledge and growth you can give freely because you have the power to replenish [Music] i'm not afraid of any result in my life today i tell you sincerely none of it came by luck it can be reproduced a thousand times regardless the geography i'm sorry if i sound arrogant it is true [Music] if in 24 hours no one favors me i'll go for a retreat at the level god has brought me now because i know 24 hours is too much god brought you to church to shake you and to challenge you not just that you are mesmerized by this truth because some of you you are here you are saying apostle i don't know where to start don't worry you are learning the laws remember again [Music] you are a man of god you are moving around with invitation cards i'm anointed no the fact that you have to tell people you are there as a man of god is a sign that something is wrong [Music] you're a walker in church this is how you start while you are growing this will start happening to you supernaturally in your department they will say leave prayer one day and you see now when you lead that prayer then one day the pastor will say lead opening prayer in church and he will gather all your destiny helpers in front of you that day but when you have walked on yourself it becomes your season of appearance the moment you say that god will cause someone to look at you and say ah what is it that you do say well god is helping me say i have one youth fellowship would you come and just say hello to them don't despise them because that day god will make the owner of an oil and gas company to come and just decide to join his children that day let me show you the mysteries of the lifting power of transformation while god was training you he never told you you meet an oil and gas person your growth keeps drawing them save yourself the stress of knowing how it will happen no that's not your assignment how is a burden that is bigger than you just as you do not know how bones are formed in the womb of heart who is with child not the way of the wind the bible says so you do not know the ways of god his ways are past finding leave that to his intelligence yours is to just trust there are people god has brought to my life today i never how would i have met them growth you see when you are growing you are not the only one growing so all those who are growing like you there is a point you will meet [Music] the ceo that you are looking for is also growing you just keep growing forget about trying trying you are not alone the holy ghost is there helping you one day somewhere at the point of your growth there will be a coalition [Music] it's no coincidence that we're meeting with your pastor today and his wife and preaching in the church here remember once upon a time this place was not here i was asking him yesterday and said how did you build this amazing place and when he told me the story i said there it is egypt they left egypt in one day but they carried egypt in their mind egypt kept causing trouble for them a journey of 40 days became 40 years because egypt would not leave them many of you have left your village but still with you many of you have left your pain but is still with you many of you left yesterday but yesterday still relieving itself in you you came to church this morning to say enough is enough some of you just you are waiting right now oh god capital are you seeing that not every delay is demonic god delayed your uncle from giving you that money until you hear this message otherwise you will waste that money the same way it happened last year again [Music] i know that all it takes in fact i know the mistake i made yesterday i'll correct it now and your mind is stealing yesterday [Music] i am passionate about my transformation i am passionate about my transformation jesus at age 12 when his colleagues were running around causing trouble in the city he was dead engaging in transformation by his 30 that gentleman was already ready to take the world listen to me some of you are seated here right now nobody may know you but let your mindset transit enough and one day you will see the people you used to admire bow their heads and say it's an honor to meet you and then you tell the person do you know i desired seeing you [Music] brothers and sisters listen to me i know what i'm telling you the lord through your transformation you give god space to open up doors and do tremendous things in your life [Music] one more time let me show you your destiny are you willing to pay the price instead of buying clothes and living a fake life buy the materials that transform you [Music] i came to your house and all i see is just gary take it with honor while you grow don't be embarrassed at your today you will miss it soon don't rush seasons and while you grow lord i know sheikha paratha qatar the nations will come to bless me in the name of jesus lord i may come from a background where nothing is happening but i trust your ways i know i am rising i know i came from a family where we never had a television for lord i know and you open your eyes one day and you're in the mix of blessings that will never be reversed again do you believe what i just shared with you listen to me i give you an assignment [Music] focus on building your mind more than the job you do more than the business you do the real place of investment is your mind anything outside you don't trust it things are only secured when they are inside you [Music] i don't trust anything outside me but what is in you [Music] are we blessed you have some money right now in your pocket you have some money right now in your account i know you have some properties for some of you you have some businesses that are flourishing i agree i respect what you've done so far but god is shifting us to realms realms beyond what you have seen possibilities that will confound you many of the people you are looking for today if you pay the price for your growth i tell you a law was created and creation still respects that law when you grow that which is equivalent to your growth must come to you [Music] must come to you must come to you [Music] how many of you have thought of someone and then the person is just calling you because it's a law he didn't just think of you he didn't just call you there is more than happening that happens in our world than the physical you have to believe this [Music] do you know why god is teaching us this so that you can defend your prosperity because we live in a nasty society that believes people are just lucky so when you come they just tell you you are lucky i'm sure they just favored you that surname is it the one that i know and you are even saying you learnt any praise but it does dash you money no you can make defense of the truth that you have that i was yes is the grace of god but it's not by luck i can't reproduce it again then you can raise others also literally lift people from ground up there is a science to abundance one of it is the law of the mind can you give me five minutes to talk on one more gentleman thank you the lord bless you you will never go down in jesus name amen and amen thank you are we blessed pray in the spirit in one minute just to absorb what you have received that's all right praise the lord not listen [Music] the second law is called the law of value the second law is called the law of value proverbs [Music] chapter 18 [Music] and verse 16 the law of value my god somebody's life is truly changing in the name of jesus the christ of god someone's life is changing look up please proverbs 18 and verse 16 says the gift of a man [Music] makes room for him the gift of a man makes room for him and that gift like an usher can bring him before great people he has no business being among the great but his gift can make room before then there's no room for him there was no room for esther [Music] the palace already had someone sitting there but the gift of a man the law of value write this down your value is a measure of your usefulness your value is a measure of your uniqueness your value is a measure of your capacity to provide solutions your value is a measure of your usefulness your value is a measure of your uniqueness your value is a measure of your capacity to provide solutions this is a world that operates based on a reward system that means that if you are not providing solutions listen carefully there is no reward that is mandated to come towards you if you are not providing solutions [Music] only those who provide solutions are authorized for reward not those who are alive not those who are living not even those who are sincere your value is the edge that you have in this busy world that's what sustains the ability to cause the attention of men towards you to love you to reward you and to see to it that you are blessed many many people do not pay attention on this law the law of value the bible says the gift of a man can make room for him it says and that he can bring him before great people i wish we had time we would have looked at genesis chapter 40 and genesis 41 write it please for the sake of time the bible talks about a young hebrew boy when a lady said he raped her the wife of um what's his name now potiphar they threw him in the prison and he was there they didn't know he was just days i mean maybe about two or so years left to be out of the prison he meets these two gentlemen and then interprets their dream one was hung and then the wine presser was restored back watch this when it was time for god to lift joseph he shot the heavens over the sorceress the necromancers they could not use divination again to access heaven let me tell you how god lived he makes sure that everyone who can be a competitor is out of the way and then he pushes you and shines the light on your value in the presence of those who need it your value on its own does not reward you until it comes in the presence of those who need it your value must be needed and useful within the context of a civilization for it to be rewarded mere value arbitrarily speaking does not bring reward but it must be needed and useful so that morning the king woke up with a dream and he said something is wrong call my wise man call my necromancers and that day the heavens could not open for them and then the one president said i remember my wrong this day there was a young man we were in the prison the king was angry and it and this and that and that and he's still there the bible says and the king sent for him and they brought him out of his dungeon then the king began to narrate his dream and pharaoh i'm just have laughed i'm sure he would just be happy and say my time has come i know i'm not going back to prison again all king god will give the king an answer of peace the dream you've had is twice and when he interpreted it that was not the solution they would have said thank you very much give him one days off back to the prison but he said king let me give you the solution find a man it's a diplomatic way of saying i dare you such if you will find a man he just was being polite about it he wouldn't market himself directly like that so he angled it he said let the king use your initiative and search the entire egypt if you find such a man appoint him to save 20 percent of all the increase now for seven years so that at the time of famine you have enough and the king looked at him and said you think i'm a stupid king didn't i search for people before i called you in a moment his value gave him a wife you know that he married the daughter of potiphara the priest of on like that without any waste of time of will you marry me and the wife was given to him value are we together number two the king said from today it is only in ranking that i'm ahead of you as far as administration is concerned you are the face that the whole egypt will see i wonder what potiphar would have done i wonder what the wife of portifier would do save him now brothers and sisters your value has a lifting power it can elevate you and put you in a position that your contemporaries will not even be able to go there value is powerful just let me a few minutes were done [Music] when i found this i made up my mind pastor that in every area where the lord would have me serve the body i would be competent and be valuable it was a commitment and a covenant that i entered with myself and my destiny apostle but i'm valuable relative to whom [Music] oh i'm a good cook until you can serve kings you are not yet there if you want the reward of kings you have to know how to serve kings [Music] i am a cook who is eating your food [Music] why do they have to call you only when the professionals disappoint people that's already a call that you need to step up this is even true for ministry maybe there are people watching who are ministering you think just because the holy ghost comes upon you are we together just because of the grace of god no you must study to show yourself a proof you must be students of scripture make up your mind i say the truth and i lie not you go to my house now you will go and find videos i'm watching there are things i'm doing [Music] even though there's service in the evening but once i'm back i could take a nap and i'm not just going to laugh until my apostle joshua salman the story continues i can return back from a great crusade lord thank you for what you did that's it let's get to work champions don't patch themselves for too long listen to me you are not contending against mediocres you must rise to a global standard and it takes diligence you must be valuable unquote scriptures anyhow as a man of god you are saying things that are not there prophecy is still wrong you call somebody's name he's not the one you have five children no i'm the only one child no no no i'm not i'm not condemning you but go back and walk on this thing [Music] are we together you have a restaurant your food bonds before the time people are hungry they are tasty they are waiting there's no excellence you must be valuable the superstition we've put around finances is why we don't prosper there is a formula for wealth in business we call it the law of compensation let me just state it and we'll wrap up for this service this is church you see why it's important to hold conferences where we can come and face because this thing takes time [Music] i found this law and it changed my life write it down please that our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to three things our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to three things number one the need for what you do number two the ability your ability to do what you do that's your level of proficiency and then number three the difficulty in replacing you our rewards will always be in exact proportion to three things number one the need or the demand for what you do number two your ability or your proficiency in doing what you do and then number three the difficulty in replacing [Music] you you are valuable to the degree to which it is difficult to find a replacement for you no man is indispensable but be very hard to find a replacement for you then the nations will call you then even those who don't like you will have no choice and to be at your back and call when i found this formula i said this is it the need is there a need for what i do my god there is darkness in this whole world so the next thing is my ability the union of the word and the spirit i read in my scripture how god anointed jesus of nazareth not just that he was anointed he was anointed to such degree and such proportion and i said this is it and then the difficulty in replacing you will you truly find another pastor godwin and the wife oh it will be difficult many of us are easily replaceable that's the reason why you can be downsized carelessly that's why people can give you promises and say when i spoke to you i didn't know there was another person now that they are here please can you go i will consider you another time you must make up your mind that i will be so valuable so valuable [Music] years ago when i was teaching this series i got to meet a gentleman who used to work then in kaduna state his minimum salary was 500 000 he was working three times a week and he was working in three places he was an i.t consultant [Music] they would fly him in from lagos to kaduna every week without fail he was so valuable for many years they pleaded with him to train a few people but he did and the guys were not understanding it and the boss said no matter what i will keep you you are valuable oh i'm not feeling fine can we get you a doctor what do we need to do because the is at the mercy of one man's value i pray for you in the name that is above all names may the graceful diligence come upon you listen chasing after mediocre rewards will only frustrate you 10 naira 20 naira 150 no make up your mind that the time will come when kings will bless you and still say thank you listen now i don't want to bring bad memories forgive me but when there was answers there was something that happened palliatives were kept somewhere in a warehouse is that true the warehouse did not have an address the warehouse did not have publicity it didn't have an osha but they were bags of rice inside bags of indomie bags of sugar bags of salt and hunger drove people to navigate among all the buildings to find the one that had it and when they found it they brought that building into two look at the skills that were invented to jump those buildings what if you are that building what if you become that building a compendium of value the address was no longer difficult to locate nobody said that the building is not very nice they looked past it they knew let me tell you men will give every kind of excuse to find you when you are really valuable i know this [Music] challenge pretty siata you know you are valuable by who seeks you all men seeks for thee all men there are things when you have only your tribesmen will look for you there are things when you have only the rich will look for you there are things when you have only the poor will look for you there are things when you have only children will look for you there are things when you have only the educated will look for you but brothers and sisters there are things when you have all men all men [Music] all men pastor god when i made up my mind and i told myself to write your exams you mark it you award yourself no [Music] rank yourself by a global reference africa thank god for this continent and i know god is helping us but we must be careful because for many of us where we come from even at the point of failure they start clapping for you a world is full of people who don't do much in ministry demand applause whereas there are people changing nations and changing cities god brought you to church so that you will learn i spoke with um a gentleman who is a personal photographer to the president of the federation and i remember when i was speaking with him before i would pray with him i said young man you're not from the north you're not fulani you're not house how did you get into the presidency because i hear he's one of the few people that can literally play with the president like play and i said okay this is interesting how did that happen was it through a connection and he said no i found out it was just value and grace [Music] value listen i hope you are not angry [Music] leave that local champion mentality leave it [Music] if the highest student in the class gets 20 over 100 he's still the highest body pass [Music] many years ago i was in secondary school and we had this debate you know this quiz and debate and in our local environment we seem to be the best no matter what we did we were still the best until we went to do a uh i think a state of national competition we knew we were joking when we got there the english of the student you know good schools good school fees the uniforms alone when we returned back for the first time i was embarrassed being in that school as young as i was i started going to the state library the state library i said no even though i'm from this background i reject i i will not receive the prophecy that comes with this background don't give me the excuse and say i came from this i didn't have the opportunity to go no kill that excuse today in the name of jesus i want you to leave this service with an anger a determination god is calling me to the oil and gas sector the key is not to roam around nmpc leave them alone go back and do your homework don't pamper yourself even when you cry burn the candles wake up in the night when others are sleeping [Music] you're a man of god is not the time to sleep it's too early stay until you get something that is of substance open your bible and study when they are sleeping pray cry before your maker god brings something upon my life you are praying that if anybody ever gives me his mic to stand up on his pulpit he won't be waiting for me to go down and then won the executives and said don't ever bring this man to this church again no money is a receipt money is proof listen when you buy a product you only receive a receipt when it has been paid for money is a receipt that you have paid the price when you have paid the price the receipt comes to you we have to pray please rise up on your feet [Music] our service time is gone i apologize for taking a few minutes but let's just steal two minutes out and pray listen i don't know why god brought you here but after me will come many great speakers your pastor inclusive and they are going to be sharing with you very serious things i wish we had the time to deal with other issues but this is already sufficient foundation for you it is on the strength of this business is simply a channel that gives your value expression listen to me it is not just about business business is simply a channel when you package your value listen carefully you package your value and you serve it with excellence to a targeted consumer base that is business that's all business is business is not a shop it's not oil and gas it's not real estate it's simply the art of packaging your value serving it with excellence to a targeted consumer base the most important thing is not the building is you are we ready to pray father i make a covenant with my destiny that i will never be mediocre i make up my mind that i will contend for transformation i make up my mind that i will be exceptionally valuable exceptionally valuable as a man of god as a business person as a lecturer as a career person is someone praying let the days of shape and reproach that comes through incompetence and amateurism be out of my life i embrace competence [Music] master your field master your field in ministry master your field in business spend time buy books buy your pastor's materials spend time listen and listen again listen and listen again listen and listen okay pray whilst you do so hallelujah praise the lord this is my final session i want to speak over your life [Music] you don't have to kneel praise that after teaching all of the principles there are others there are three supporting principles to the law of value hallelujah it's called the law of productivity productivity is turning your value into products and services that are needed and useful then serving them with excellence [Music] the third law i wanted to talk about is called the law of increase and there are three supporting laws there one of it is called the law of exchange [Music] your pastor alongside other people will teach you they will teach you multiple streams of income they will teach you the laws of investment they will teach you financial management because management is the key to increase every time there is no management increases withheld [Music] increase is proof that there is effective management [Music] but then there is a prophetic dimension to wealth and sad for the time but i want to just speak this i sincerely apologize i am sorry and i apologize to you but i have to tell you this because we are people of the kingdom when we have an advantage so when we journey through these business angles now just prophesying and speaking to people without teaching them these fundamentals will only destroy them and produce lazy people who move around and say i have an anointing for prosperity and yet they are not valuable but then in addition to all of these laws let me give you a story it was not always like this for me i shared with you my story once upon a time we went for a crusade and we could not pay the sound people 150 000 i was about to be taken to the cell not because i was a bad person i preached the gospel people were healed but i could not afford to pay 150 000. someone came and wrote me a check of 80 000 and i gave the person they went to the bank and it bounced they came back together with security people they came down they said no you want to deceive i said no i'm a sincere person that was when i found out that being anointed and just being sincere is not the seed to prosperity [Music] how could a man be so anointed death ears were opening blind eyes were opening people were healed and 150 000. it was a while ago but it was still a serious thing i pleaded with them and then i saw a scripture genesis 42 and verse one and two and jacob told his sons he said i have heard that there is corn in it he said get the theater and buy for us so that we may eat and not die even a prophet will die when there is no corn the bible says proverbs 22 verse 1 and then verse 7 it says the rich and the poor meet together says the lord is a maker of them all he never said the lord made them so the lord made them all and then when you get to verse seven there is a fearful and instructive scripture there the rich anybody will rule over the poor anybody the rich unbeliever will rule over the poor prayer warrior [Music] and the borrower will remain a servant to the lender and i said mine as me listen to me there is a prophetic dimension to wealth i assure you there is wealth by prophecy it says believe in the lord your god so shall you be established believe in his prophets there is a real grace for wealth and prosperity i began to search for men and women with that grace because i was tired of the situations in my life it never tires me to give my story sir i bought sugar cane for two women in jos and they blessed me i just wanted to bless them because they were elderly people i said no i was trained well i can't allow my mothers to come here and i pleaded with them i said please let me pay was not about hundred naira and they thought that began to bless me [Music] and one of them looked at me and said my son forever woke up on goals [Music] the lord gave me an instruction that one day he was going to send me to one with god's servant bishop david and on that morning i woke up and he said today is the day i carry the seed i will not tell you but that one is not ishmael that's isaac when you give it you can drive ishmael without thinking about it but the day you give isaac you would know seeds when i went down to canaan land did what the lord instructed me to do when i came out the holy spirit told me said put your hand on the ground i laid my hands on the ground and he said from today you have entered the overflow anointing i was in portacot in 2007 it was a prosperity convention like this please listen carefully and after the first day it was reverend eddio wassey that was brought to come and preach evangelist when it was done by the next day the holy ghost gave me an instruction he said to give everything how many things did i have got had everything plus my recharge card and locked it in the bag that if i give you not even collect i prayed in tongues for three hours there because i was tired most of you are not yet tired of your situation sincerely i'm telling you i dragged that thing i was outside like many are outside now it was an overflow and when they finished the meeting people came gave lands gave cars gave houses and i wanted to come out and drop my seat and the holy ghost decided to embarrass me it's a remainder list when everybody finished giving theirs he said now you can go i held my bag like i was going for a funeral and i dragged that bag there people were looking at me when you are serious about change you will not care who is looking at you or who is not looking at you when i came i dropped that back something in me died with that back because it was everything i had i went back outside and i sat down and god is my witness i had the voice of god and he said my son you have entered into wealth by the next day 6 10 exactly in the morning somebody calls me shaking under the anointing who is this and he said are you joshua salman i said yes he said send me your account i said all these cameras no way how much do i have there you want to now frustrate me and he said no god gave me an instruction i could not believe what he said who are you said it doesn't matter i was instructed [Music] the rest is history [Music] listen i want to challenge you it is not my culture [Music] and you cannot imagine how difficult it is for me here but let me tell you this if i just tell you share the grace and go home i lied to you listen to what i'm telling you i lied to you i'm going to challenge you there has to be the release of a seed and a sacrifice if you don't believe what i'm telling you no problem no we are people of integrity you can go home the way you want but i'm telling you what i did and what i know happens in scripture he offered a thousand pound offering that night and not an angel came god he said what should i do for you and he said god give me an understanding heart he said you are wise listen there are times where we've had to shift things [Music] i wish the body of christ were matured enough to allow us to share some testimonies but sometimes when you want to say it you just remember what can happen and it's better to just give god glory and continue but honestly my brothers and my sisters listen to me i know what it means to move from grace which one is first class to grace and someone is here you are standing you are not standing for yourself hello here at this house the lord is giving you an instruction [Music] i'm going to ask as many of you who the lord is speaking to and saying is a new season for you that there is a sacrificial seed don't do anything emotional and then come and put yourself in trouble no let every man give us yes purpose in his heart but there are times that you cast even your bread upon the waters bread is for eating but there are times you cast even the bread the bible assures you that after many days you will find it it says give a portion to seven and evenly to eight you do not know the disaster that will come upon the earth i live my life and it's a life of sacrifice i know what god can do it will not always return as money it can return as relationships in this kingdom who likes you mata so someone can look at you and vow no strings attached that for as long as i'm alive as god leaves me he will lift you [Music] you
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 3,040
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: 9VBQmpU0vQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 12sec (13272 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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