RECORD Honey HARVEST | How We Extracted Our MOST HONEY EVER!!!

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well it's july 2nd we're down here in hartford at rusty's place with herding bees with rusty and mike we're going to do a honey extraction today yesterday was a big day with uh our largest pool ever of honey we got 158 total boxes so it's gonna be a long day all right so here's the honey we got these and two stacks here we got stacks of eight on most of these stacks it's a lot of honey as you can see for uncapping we use these simple harmony farms and cappers i've got a 20 frame accent extractor right here and rusty has a 30 frame license over here both really smooth machines they work great we got another uncapping tank here got richard here he helped us pull yesterday he's doing double duty down there we have michelle she came all the way from mobile she lives up towards birmingham and then we have lily my daughter and chris they've helped us in the past so it's the start of our crew we got more people coming we got jeff brother hey jeff he helped us pull yesterday look at that beautiful frame behind here royce to tell us how this uh tell us about this simple harmony frames and capper here how it works all right uh whoever invented it was an absolute genius these two rollers are connected by a fairly heavy duty o-ring that allows them to flex and as we press this frame down through them obviously they roll together and then pull back together or spread apart and pull back together cut and uncap that coat so you don't end up with a ton of wax cappings to deal with at the end nowhere near as much as you would with a hot knife it's fairly quick and simple doesn't require a little technique based on how drawn out the comb is and maybe a little bit of cleaning up with a pin roller or uncapping fork on the edges but boom you're done just that fast with the frame yeah it's been a game changer for us we used to use a serrated knife man this thing we just we just slice it and then we run a pin roller real quick just to make sure all the cells are open just pop it in the extractor it really works well it's uh obviously it speeds everything up and rusty and i are firmly in the sideliner camp and so we got to move quick i know some people still prefer to use the hot knife or whatever other option they use a lot of people like to eat a lot of cappings and uh but as far as i'm concerned i don't need a lot of cappings and we get plenty for what i need it for so that's the first step we get them through this uh we slice them here roll them then we're gonna load up the extractor and spin it and get the beautiful south alabama honey so once they get them there we load them up in the extractor you might be able to see it's spinning out in there a little bit we're gonna turn it up a little bit right there it comes down to this strainer right here and then we have a five gallon paint strainer here that catches the the finer stuff as it as it restrains more the wax cappings go down in there and it gets to where it won't drain through as good and so that's why we keep it moving or these buckets on amazon i ordered 15 packs of six reasonably priced they've dropped them off on my front porch saved me a trip to lowe's and our home depot to try and find buckets my wed showed up we got him here again and chris is over here working chris what you think about this here she is again rocking and rolling so far we have seven buckets over there and we got a few over here that are about ready to put over there so we're making some good progress all right jeff tell us who this is you come to help us out hey hi jesse thanks for joining us thank you you guys a great crew here i'm just getting a lot done [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this kathy came to help we got rufus we got lily cole and kelly okay y'all might just be on youtube all right we have grammy here grammy's in the house what's up lisa what are you still soaking wet for being in the apiary this morning awesome yeah awesome crew today we've knocked it out it is got that much left over there these are all issues right here still going and uh it's 2 15 in the afternoon is the buckets we have so far so we are rocking and rolling all right it's 4 40 and boy have we made a lot of progress here we got this many boxes left over here those are all done and we got these back here a few right here there's jessie she's knocking it out her and jeff and rusty over here but we are getting there making great progress i think we're at 71 buckets so far a lot of honey it'll differentiate what we come up with didn't show you over here we've got our little settling tank here we put the cappings in here and honey drips through the hardware cloth we got oh we got the last one last frame here we go we are done for the day 158 boxes all right i'm gonna roll it we're ready to go we have all the uh uncapping done now we just gotta finish spinning them out got jesse over here still working hard got rusty watching jesse work hard we got jeff over here watching jesse work hard chris is out here working hard still ed's over here still trying to get these darn things filtered and that's scooting the bucket over elise is up there doing her thing and i'm that good on the camera just simple harmony farmland cappers you don't get very many cappings it's a paramount but not like you would have obviously got a hot knife or remove the capping some other way extractors are going to be glad to rest here for a little while but then russia's going to harvest next week again fun times oh look over here at the pole so far i think we might be at about 85 buckets now we've still got probably four or five more to go so we're gonna be about 90 plus or minus i think for the day here they are robbing them out set all the supers out here and we'll just leave them here on the trailer for a couple days so i come back and get the trailer and they're going to rob this out these are rusty's bees we ended up with an extra deep frame i have no idea how pretty wild just all the bees out here robbing these boxes and then one thing that's interesting is right over here past dead there's this tree right here and the bees are all up in here just kind of landing it's all i don't know why maybe they're sticky maybe they can't fly very well i don't have any idea why if y'all know why let me know in the comment section below jessie came out to join the party too hey jesse hey amazing see i'll tell you what you thought lisa what'd you think what'd you think lisa it was an experience yeah it was that what about you i enjoyed the community the three hours drive each way um it was definitely worth the drive it's not worth the stings she got a sausage what you think man i have fun with it it is son of one on youtube it really i didn't know that this whole thing yes i'm sorry she's michele bee honey that he had oh tootsies okay lisa's grandma grammys midwives suburban grammy's been watching homestead and michelle you're into this i don't have a channel all right guys we appreciate you coming i got it it was a lot of fun 90 what made them 92 buckets it was hard that's 460 gallons you ever take that's a lot of honey that is a lot of honey tell me what you all thought it's exciting exotic sticky slippery yeah these guys tell you what everybody here worked hard you guys probably worked harder more than everybody else you did great appreciate y'all thank you for having us all right thank y'all what'd you think man well i can't believe that i lost 27 pounds in the last two days awesome man that's a rough way to lose weight yeah it's great i loved it thank you uh for inviting me that's what we ended up with 92 5 gallon buckets so honey harvest 2022 is over and now i got to figure out how to get rid of this we had a great day today we started about 8 or 8 30 this morning and now it's 7 41. the honey house is cleaned up the crew is basically gone and i can't thank them enough it would not have been possible without them here thanks for watching the channel y'all take care be safe and we'll catch you on the next one it's fourth of july i recruited old justin to help me get these buckets hauled back to the farm first thing justin lots of honey man huh oh yeah 92 buckets [Music] all the honey [Music] you
Channel: brucesbees
Views: 35,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honey harvest 2022, brucesbees, apis mellifera, meet the beekeeper, beekeeping tools, beekeeping equipment, beekeeping basics, sideliner beekeeping, beekeeping tips, beekeeping tools and equipment, beekeeping supplies, sideliner beekeeper, alabama bees, local honey, bee keeping vlog, beekeeping 2022, honey supers, honey processing machine, beekeeping business, honey extractors, make money beekeeping, honey comb
Id: I5ZvI-sdBKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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