Extracting Honey Without an Extractor

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[Music] whoo tied up today so today we're gonna be harvesting uh honey off of a few frames out of one of our hives um this will be the first harvest we've got i've got three hives going right now but uh only one of them's from last year and only one of them is really built up enough to harvest any honey off of so we're going to go try to do that looking like rain out there so we better get on it um we don't have an extractor well i'll talk about that in a minute come on let's go let's go get this done before the rain starts so [Music] [Applause] we've got a queen excluder on here so we shouldn't have to worry too much about her being up in this top box probably 60 percent of the frames in this top box capped let's see where we are now i shouldn't say 60 of the frames of the frames they were working about 60 of the honey was capped yes i know ladies you're not fans that one's not close to ready yet i don't feel pretty heavy uh we've got one side here that's just completely full and capped one side unfortunately that's not probably left sad is that nice now that one's full what buddy okay so what we've got here what we've got here is a stainless steel pot this uh two-part strainer it's got two screens in it one course and one fine what we're going to do it's called mash and strain so i'll try to put this in a way that you can see it set that there and using the bars that's high up using the bars i'm just going to come down through here and cut off our caps look at that that's nice can you see that yeah my life's getting a little bit gummed up all right now if i haven't had an extractor this next part would be easier what i'm going to try to do is without tearing up the foundation these are plastic foundation frames i'm going to try to just scrape most of that honey down without tearing up our foundation i'm getting stuck on right there oh by the way my wife has been out of town for the past week she's getting back tonight and if i cover her kitchen and honey it's not have to be as a perfectly happy honey homecoming all right that worked pretty well one thing i didn't do is give myself some place to put my utensils after [Music] so let's turn this around and do the other side [Music] i've got this little grill scraper tool which is working really exceptionally well but you could use something else you could use a spatula or anything flat maybe a flat wooden scraper would work and what i'll do you know there's still quite a bit of honey here and quite a bit of wax so what i'll do is after i'm done tomorrow morning i'll go set this out close to the hives but you know not not right near the highs because that can encourage robbing behavior but uh you know 20 yards from the hives and let the bees clean up the equipment they'll they'll take whatever's left of that get some wax out of this too all right frame number two oh that one's heavy maybe a little too heavy i'm gonna bring the camera in here and give you a bit of a close-up on this honey coming off if i can nope just sliding a little bit of honey honey won't be happy look at that that's awesome so so seems to me no matter how careful you are you're gonna get honey on you and you're probably going to get honey elsewhere as well a little bit on the counter top [Music] [Applause] [Music] see if we can release her back out that's one of our heroes of today see if we'll focus this too close anyway let's get her back outside all right i'll stir this up a little bit and probably take those frames back out to the bees [Music] all right it's not fully drained but it's mostly drained let's see what we've got here see can you see down in there not really oh how much we got there well you can't really see down in there can you i would say somewhere between three quarters of a gallon and a gallon i know maybe we'll find out before i close this video up but uh i'm gonna let this completely drain and i'm gonna get set up to start uh rendering these cappings got a good bit of wax there but uh anyway i appreciate you checking this out if this is the end of the video thank you very much if not then i'll probably cut this out and sorry then i'll probably cut this out and put it at the end of the video so if you want to see more of this boy that's good if you want to see more of this you can find all of our videos and content how to how to's and instructions on how to do things at self-sufficientpath.com thank you you
Channel: Self Sufficient Path
Views: 34,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honey bees, bees, honey, hive, extraction, wild honey
Id: 80UFh3M3fQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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