Recess Imposter Mod in Among us

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so today and among us all the crew members are kids at recess and the imposter is an evil principle can the kids escape school while the principal tries to make him cry to death he can put a bucket on their head and smash them with a tetherball guys stick around for my turn to be the imposter this is good and also if recess is your favorite subject hit the like button below the video hit the subscribe button let's do this all right kids get ready for some reset i'm a kid the principal is among it guys be quiet the principal's here the principal the principal the principal's here the principal's here dude look at this now okay guys guys okay if we we need to finish off we need to finish all our tests no i don't want to be it i don't want to be it i don't want to be a gary you you're it you're in no no no no no no no no no take backs no take backs no tag back no there you go oh no oh no oh no oh no oh i can flick i'm playing so how this mod works we finished all our tasks right you can see all my tasks in the top left if my fun meter is high enough then i can escape school through this little hole with my puppy and we stuck in history can we henry henry don't worry i'll save you i'll jump over you no no ian that's not gonna help no i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die oh no oh no no no no no no no no i don't want to be tired you're dead i'm not okay i gotta get my fun back up okay let's jump on this yeah look at me having fun i'm having fun i wanna have fun i'm having fun and wait no i need that i need it right now oh okay okay okay listen i'm almost okay i'm done having fun now listen if you've ever been to recess hit the like button down below this video dude recess was my breast might was my best sport dude look at this look at that we're in a classroom look you put your shoes over here and also wait for myron to be the imposter they have some combos as always that i'm going to hit some uppercuts on what is this room up here oh this oh dude this is awesome i like this art and there's a giant jump rope that comes by oh look edward you want to watch me slide [Music] wait why don't you straight i can jump over [Music] 50 50. you either die or survive flico neither diary tell everything's 50 50. fenway medley mr principal stop this there's been death and destruction wait how's that yeah over i'll be there i'll be there in a minute fight i'll be there in a minute no no no i don't want to beat it i don't want to be i don't want to be sizzles you take it no take back no take back no take back [Music] oh gotta go gotta go gotta i gotta have my test on i gotta get my test done all right let's plan the monkey bars there we go go swing across monkey bar oh somebody's on that you see them oh i just glitched i did an exploit look i know somebody's down there hide here oh no i think we're good i think we're good follow me people follow me follow me i think we're good followers if i ever meet you in person what i'm going to do i'm going to dunk on you okay okay dude i'm a dude okay i'm in the classroom dude look at the classroom dude look at the glasses i am in detention with you why am i in detention with you well it's really oh andy's gone i'm in the desert for 20 seconds hey i'll help you there's no helping you there we go oh gotta go i just want to go i just want to go home with my donkey there's a mean principal is this it is that it i'm doing my test okay okay i gotta make sure my my my fun meter is full before i go home or won't let me go home go over here go over here go over here get my meter up no mr principal you leave me alone i'm just playing on being a good boy being a good player on monkey bars okay there get out of here there i saved you i gave you the correct answers now you're good can i leave can i see it final final let's go find out i'm going through the door oh let's go [Music] gg all right let's wait for my turn to get the impot the principal [Music] i'ma jump over you're literally so short i'm going to jump over you hey can [Laughter] i'm the imposter right okay lights are down transform look at me i'm a principal i'm balding look i'm going bald oh crap am i going ball let me check ah crap okay okay so check this out how this works i have to drain all of their fun once all of their fun is drained and i do an ability to them then they die i almost hit her with the book give me on this book oh hi mr principal i've been a good student i've been i i didn't ditch class the other day i promise put me down let me out of the chick please just let me know why you look at your head you look like signals uh what is that i need half of my fun anybody somebody please come here please you better dodge it how are you gonna dodge it oh or you gotta be kidding me oh i am okay i'll i'll let him survive i'll let him survive for now as soon as somebody comes and gets them i'm gonna drop a balloon on him as soon disgusting i'm gonna go invisible okay i'm invisible perfect perfect and a suit drop a balloon he touched it no that's cheating i'm mad i'm doing a minigame i'm mad oh mini game oh okay okay okay oh before what happened to your bar oh gosh i am almost dead i'm going number three four i'm going four i'm going four i'm going four i'm going four i'm going forward did we make it ah i hit the thingy oh and we got out there we go so since i'm the imposter i can see which one is good number two is good here we go um um i'm going number two i'm going three i'm going going for it i'm going for four's my lucky number yeah this is i just win i just immediately win i win i win you're going four okay jump down hey zod hey we out here gg oh hey guys you have one choice they have one choice one or three if i say three i'm staying three i'm staying through it four five and two are covered they did it oh no who's gonna die who's going to die mass is dead oh no that's a bad day guys look i'm going to jump over you i'm going to jump over you i'm jumping just jumped over you're literally free you're literally free i wanna get some oh there's cake [Laughter] where do you think you're going [Music] dude i'm trying to snipe but it's not working you know what get booked oh no that's perfect i don't even like history i like math and science it's detention for you that's come out of it let's go down here she's in detention right for 23 more seconds [Music] listen young man you just killed another student this is not okay i mean i'm not playing i wasn't bringing hello mr principal uh please [Laughter] this is this is talking this is i'm just kidding i'm just gonna keep it there until piffle comes out that's that kill the tether i don't give myself an alibi hey bibbles hey i wanna play can i play bro watch me play ah you're in it ah crap no hey look i don't want to be it ah crap i'm it i gotta go give them it here come here come here i'm gonna jump over you idiot here you're in no you can't jump no take back these no take backs no take backsies yeah no tag bags wait guys i have an exploit nico tag me tag me look it's here look at your fun bar now i tag sigils look at your fun bar sigils i think this is how we break things yeah this is going to end poorly oh look at his bar i could jump for joy i could jump for a day i'm out of here you know i don't want to exploit anymore stop exploiting they're cheating pat they're cheating what swing back wait wait why do i see tiny little feet hold on wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no detection for you young man okay check this out check this out take this out here's what i'm gonna do to henry i'm gonna drop a balloon on him boom every time i drop a balloon it lowers his health but look at he's at half now here's what i'm gonna do as soon as he runs down here he's gonna try to get on this i'm gonna corrode it i'm gonna corrode it as soon as he tries to get on this three wait why is that step foot oh my goodness okay okay get out of here oh he didn't work okay i gotta put him back his attention gotta put him back in detention oh he's playing on that one dang it i gotta hit him as soon as he comes out i want them to jump on this one to save their life and then they'll die let's get him let's get him let's get him okay [Music] got him i just want and detention are you serious i wanna hit him with the combo oh okay if i hit him with this he'll be really low yes he's gonna immediately jump out onto this one for the same thing twice wait i'm so stupid there's literally a slide right here okay as long as i get free i should be fine i'm just not gonna move why is my energy already out no idea i'm just playing the swing right here as soon as he jumps out so close please what just happened he just got a splinter oh that is beautiful i gotta quote another one i gotta i gotta i gotta say i am the best pittsburgh ever i put this splinters in playsets this is not good i'm a bad person you know what let's put one right here there we go crowded that one that's pretty good okay so i have i'll stick oh [Music] uh we'll go see the nurse just kidding we don't have one i don't know okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait give me the answers all right listen that's not oh that's not good uh principal i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll come to school more often [Laughter] i just corroded [Laughter] i love this okay what else haven't i done oh i haven't done the dodgeball spike [Music] now you get rained out no now you get rained on no please don't come on all right rain rain go away yeah yeah i just made you cry to death mr principal ah i've been a good boy have you been a good boy gary i've seen your report card you have all d's and f's gary you're in detention young man i miss the principal i've been just doing my homework i i didn't mean to sneak in don't you talk about him like that biffle bible detention for you young man um i'm gonna corrode this i'm gonna close this listen here boys listen here boys gary has d's and f's biffle you said bad things about another student the student may be dead but it's fine you know what you know what i'll help you i'll help him i'll help him are you sure guys yeah he's wait is that good or bad that might be bad this is a 100 kill you know what for that oh never mind i can't tag you gotta go where are you are you kidding me oh my oh biffle come over here biffle i need to talk to you i need to talk to you for a minute i need gary gary i need you i need to talk to you i need to talk to you gary come here i need to talk to you i need to talk to you here oh this is fun this is fun let's go ahead and hit him with a double let's hit him with a double hit the like button hit the subscribe button
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,688,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u9ZOjwbEZYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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