PJ Masks Mod in Among Us

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so today and among us we're playing a different one this is pj masks as romeo the imposter we are trying to collect all the heroes and then take down luna girl and dude stick around till the end we do another trolley spawn camp and also in honor of mask i have to ask you to hit that like button please hit the subscribe button let's do this and boys i'm romeo this is pj mask look at this hold on can i zoom out look at this map okay okay so how this works we are racing you can see in the top left our first mission is to find pj robot and fix him we are racing to see who win we're trying to defeat the end boss the boss is called luna girl okay i gotta go fast gotta go fast hey nerds i'm gonna be the best pj masks and i'm gonna save this city because you're a dum-dum so i'm going to save this chicken all the bus right now you'll see that's what i have to say about that okay i gotta go find all the parts so first task find pj robo here's one of the parts there we go dab dab dab and then i gotta go up here and there's pj or there's the robot what's the robot's name pj robot oh that's his name it literally says it right there i'm an idiot listen gary told me that pj masks is a very popular tv show it's pretty cool let me know what you do have you guys ever watched pj maxx or pj masks uh let me know and also hit the like button if you have wear pjs what keep giving us more mod ideas down in the comments and hit the subscribe button i'm done talking let's do this okay okay so i need to find i think six parts to fix pj robots hey pj robots i'll protect you i'll fix you pj robots look ups have you seen all the parts hello hi hi does anybody see and since i'm the imposter i can zoom out but i get a limited zoom out it's only for a few seconds then it goes back in but check this out i can transform and then go invisible and as i unlock these heroes i get more abilities so uh and boys stick around till the end we are going to take down luna girl okay here's another part oh i got another part okay i gotta be careful go on invis hey baffle i will i will fix this robot do i have enough parts i don't crap i need more parts babe huh well there's a part down here there's a screwdriver right down here underneath this tree and there we go i need i think i need one more part did i see a part down here i did is that enough i don't know if that's enough i can't zoom out to find out hey man make sure i'm muted i gotta be careful hey man yeah make sure i'm muted and oh there pj pj robot hey i got pj robot noises robot noises translation whoa thanks let's use my scan to find catboy i have pj robot okay so now what i have to do look i'm i have to scan i have to follow the footprints follow the footprints follow footprints follow footprints follow footprints follow me oh i got the kitty cat let's leap over this fence and scan for gekko okay so now i have pj robot and catboy no now i can leap look i want to do the same i need to find all the parts right now okay have fun i'm a kitty cat robot part oh robot part yeah that's what you get okay so now that i have the cat right i can transform check this out now since i got the the the robot and the cat i have two abilities check this out let me zoom out actually i could also do fake tracks which look all these red tracks that lead not to the cat that fakes them all out so they're going to get the cats shorter or it's going to take them longer to get the cat okay so i unlocked the robot check this out robot time no no no no no no no no no no no oh my leg so now that they're dead it takes them uh i think like 20 seconds to respawn which makes me be able to beat this faster okay what do i have to do next uh okay look at the top left scan for gecko in the school yard okay why do i do that i'm skating with the robots where are you gonna lead me this way oh wait i forgot i also got cat claw let's do cat claw hello stupid oh my gosh it's scary right now okay get away get away from me hey hey oh i'll show you oh i'm gonna put another robot laser down i gotta kill all them i gotta keep killing them attack attack attack he died perfect okay i'll show you cat claw in a little bit i gotta get over this fence okay where's the fence and i'm alive i'm back and i'm uh no oh no no i'm gonna wake away no i don't even have all my cars okay they're all dead they're all dead okay let me zoom out make sure nobody's around me and then i'll on invis and untransform perfect hey guys hi i got a nice hat okay listen uh come follow me i think this is what i have to do follow me what do you have to do okay if i stand here yeah here's the school yard i got a cat leap how did you do that come on over guys come on over come on over here what's going on why are you so fast you know why yeah i know okay let me transform i'm gonna do fake tracks again there we go so now they're gonna have fake tracks it's gonna be harder for them to find the cat the cat boy all right so now i'm looking for gekko right where's gekko oh is this gekko hey okay hold on let me scan scan oh no that's the ninja dude wait where are you going ninja that was one of the ninjalinos oh no okay okay do i need to find more i gotta scan for gekko we just keep looking hold on i got an idea what if i cat leap and zoom out can i can't leave across the map wait i gotta be careful with that though they'll know that i'm the impostor because i can zoom out they can't zoom out oh no i gotta be careful and also have the cat scratch where it okay i'm looking for gekko gekko are you in the play place no where is gekko look up i know look comes up here where's look him look him have you seen gekko no i haven't seen him oh wait hold on i got another scan hold on it's ninja again it's ninjalino no hey hey where is gekko hey tell me where it get where's gekko hey pj robot can you help me with gekko look him can you help me find gekko please yeah i'll help you right now okay look i'm just getting too close look who's getting way too close okay transform go invisible throw down a robot once i get to look him right no okay i'm standing again kill him [Music] they're getting too close i cannot allow this okay here we go i gotta find them let's uninvis untransform and also have the cat scratch i'll do that in a second okay i need to find it where is he come on gekko show yourself look at this playground though dude it's pretty sick right look at this there you go star there you go heart there you got a little hopscotch you guys ever play hopscotch before hit the like button if you ever play hopscotch hit the like button if you ever went down the slide before oh i'm a weird person all right where is gekko hey guys hey guys everyone okay over here hey we're playing tic-tac-toe i'm pretty sure that the uh oh no no no no if if if circle goes next then it's going to be a cat wins yeah you did this you did that yeah you guys get it okay let's just keep looking oh wait didn't already find you why why what are you who are you what are you doing oh what is that oh i have an ability called did you just throw a booger at me hey somebody somebody's throwing a booger at me where wait oh no it's ninjalino it's teenie weenie why i'm a tail whip oh my tail what oh oh you got him what does that do wait he's up here now what what happened to me you just threw your booger at me i just got hit by this guy's booger tailwhip you're stinky yeah yeah he's over here now oh no okay i gotta start stopping them i gotta okay let's mute i gotta start stopping them transform go in this i'm gonna do the cat claw now i've got him kill him why am i limping the boss doesn't do this guys if i'm stuck oh you're limping you're an idiot huh wait sigils i'm scared [Music] oh whenever i do cat scratch who's in charge of this playground man jeez it hit niko robot time i must stop them all stop them stop them stop them stop them all okay once they die i'm gonna i'm gonna untransform okay what did this stop it why is everyone dying okay oh please stop it he needs to die he needs to die so i can untransform okay go out of invis on transform and then i'll walk down there when he dies hey hey you need to stop this ow you're going to get tail whipped in the face idiot wait what is it oh there's gekko hey gekko dude look owlette's got to be around here somewhere let's check the trees get it look i got i got gecko yeah dude i got gecko dude okay shake the trees to find owlette okay how do i do that are trees in here uh i don't think there's trees in the plate there's no trees in here okay okay now i got that i got that let's go let's do this transform do i have another ability ah i can't tell if i have another ability oh no it's going viz oh it's robot laser i gotta keep them all in here robot laser okay oh they're all dying there's pat let's catch along what was that okay make sure they're stuck in there on invis untransformed then we got a cat leap out of here i'm gonna can't leap far okay so now what i have to do i have to shake the trees to find owlette here's a tree let's shake it nothing crap now that goes on cooldown so they're gonna start catching up i have to kill them in this oh look and here's my team look i got [Music] what this is that's rude okay we got catboy we got gekko we have the the little airplane thingy from owlette oh pat just died okay hold on let's go on in this and then shake the tree nothing dang it okay go back and go back into this form is there anybody near here hold on let's do robot robot lasers get him get him get him get him take them all out take them all out there we go now they're gonna be dead forever okay so i shook this tree let's go shake this tree now did i shake this tree i did i can't shake that shirt i can't shake the same tree twice let's go shake this tree cut crap all right let's go kill people robot lays us there's nobody near me dude we are owning this oh let me go shake this tree and then i'll set off a laser look at him i get set on fire one more time no no no okay attack attack stop it stop it stop it i just dodged everything okay i gotta wait for him to die and then i'll un-transform okay i'm gonna untransform and then walk this way perfect okay let's go this way quiet quiet they're dead they can't see me i gotta go shake this tree shake the tree crap nothing i i got a cat leap i'm out of here dude i need to shake more trees oh stand out robot laser get him get him i got schedules they will keep dying i'm gonna shake more trees okay let's shake any trees down here tree right here okay let's see shake the tree come on owlette dang it dude this is so difficult okay let's cat leap zoom out up here yes we'll use the cat leap to our advantages uh anything over here owlette come on owlette okay let's cat leap across the pond here we go and let's set out uh robot attack useless literally useless all right let's shake this tree oh owlette hey we found owlette boys that's what i'm talking about oh no luna girl is flying high get back to hq take the owl glider and kill her oh gosh we don't kill things this is a kid's show what's wrong with you oh look there's owlette oh nice okay i gotta stop them i have my wings oh wait i'm flying as oh no i can't be flying as romeo um okay okay this is gonna give me what yeah there's the there's the j so my next thing get back to hq and fight luna girl go the other way go the other way attack attack attack um okay listen we can talk about this attack oh stop taking me okay i gotta untransform before they respawn right and now i'm gonna uh owl glider look at this boy we have the owl glider luna girl bring it bring it luna girl what does she shoot is that what is that is that a thingy okay what do i have now uh air dash air dash oh get out what's up luna girl what's up you can't hit me what is that okay what does that even do you shoot out butterflies okay oh god wow that hurt why would you idiot get out oh dodge look at this air fight i'm a better flyer than you i got frequent flyer miles i fly often ow now you know what you're dead now i think hopefully this is enough airdash easy get out of my house get back to hq uh-huh that's just flying there i gotta take the thingy back hourglador easy okay now what get get back to the owl glider do you have another task what do i do now do i win how's it going let's go to the fight bus fight team um wait you guys hold on you guys want a boss fight hold on we got okay boys join us boys boys you're doing a boss fight we need to go towards this boss at the exact same time all of us together okay all of us dude this boss is insane i'm afraid to go by myself i'm waiting for everybody to get here so we can fight the boss together all right squad follow me come this way i'm gonna give you guys a pep talk everybody get in line before we take out luna we have to talk about some things first she shoots out damn butterflies the butterflies scratch your face with their wings and last but not least you will die i want to go i'm leaving you oh and i also got a new ability for him fighting this so whoever doesn't die is going to die here goodbye please please please please please oh my god a gust ability come here pat gust goodbye you all die are you guys are you guys having fun [Music] gust all right boys well listen i got all the i got i got gekko i got cat boy i got owlette it is blast off time goodbye losers by the way i've already killed the boss so uh it was just a good it was a meme it was a good meme later nerds we have taken the ship romeo wins hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,081,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RXQ-1laRCZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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