Receiving Bible Blessings while you sleep: I AM LOVED Positive Affirmation

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find rest for your soul as you listen to this peaceful bible meditation for sleep and relaxation click the join button below to upgrade to an abide youtube channel membership unlock channel perks like early access to new videos before they premiere members only videos live chat premieres discount codes and more for access to more bible meditations that can be enjoyed ad free at a length and audio background of your choosing download the abide app from the link in the description below or in the itunes or google play store good evening and welcome to this abide bedtime story these stories are designed to help you find peaceful rest in the arms of god as you lay down to sleep this series called i am is written to offer you thoughtful affirmations and reminders of who you are in christ tonight we will affirm the promise that you are loved [Music] you might struggle to believe that you are loved by god might be because of something in your past or something that was spoken to you by someone else it might come from a combination of several things that lead you to believe and feel discouraged and heartbroken but god's word affirms and reminds you that you are loved you are deeply loved by a god who delights in you before we begin our story make sure you are comfortable and in a comfortable position rest your head on your pillow and let the weight of your shoulders and body fully sink into your bed a slow deep breath pausing slightly before exhaling as you exhale say i am loved [Music] close your eyes and let your mind slow down this day is over and the time has come for you to rest and be refreshed in the love of god psalm 127 says it is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest eating the bread of anxious toil for he gives to his beloved sleep this night of sleep is god's good gift to you receive it from him dear heavenly father thank you for the good gift of sleep [Music] thank you for your beloved child and for another day that you have given them to live and work and play as they lay down to sleep tonight i pray for peaceful presence your peaceful presence would rest upon them may they sense and know your nearness as they are reminded of the deep love that you have for them may they find rest in your arms lord god and may this night's sleep refresh them for all you have in store for them tomorrow thank you so much dear god for your unfailing love amen the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was [Music] for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed [Music] no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god [Music] in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you [Music] you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true [Music] so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true [Music] so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun [Music] you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left [Music] he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey [Music] as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground [Music] the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you [Music] you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution that god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left [Music] he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain [Music] wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god [Music] despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god [Music] may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day [Music] everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail [Music] imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then [Music] you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love [Music] though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain [Music] as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then [Music] you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love [Music] convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love [Music] no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain [Music] you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god [Music] in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you it might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition [Music] surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you [Music] you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go [Music] you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop as trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain [Music] as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution that god's love left you then [Music] is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left [Music] your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all [Music] amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved [Music] you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belonged to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail [Music] imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you [Music] you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming [Music] yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was [Music] for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day [Music] everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you [Music] like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go [Music] you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out [Music] you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love [Music] though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face [Music] one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution that gods that love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way [Music] you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god [Music] i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen [Music] rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep [Music] remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust [Music] smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god [Music] as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger in death [Music] you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 [Music] may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god [Music] in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop there's trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love [Music] though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung [Music] you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place [Music] just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution that god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace [Music] you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god rest your head on your pillow [Music] and let the weight of your shoulders and body fully sink into your bed take a slow deep breath pausing slightly before exhaling as you exhale say i am loved close your eyes and let your mind slow down this day is over and the time has come for you to rest and be refreshed in the love of god psalm 127 says it is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest eating the bread of anxious toil for he gives to his beloved sleep this night of sleep is god's good gift to you receive it from him dear heavenly father thank you for the good gift of sleep thank you for your beloved child and for another day that you have given them to live and work and play as they lay down to sleep tonight i pray for peaceful presence your peaceful presence would rest upon them may they sense and know your nearness as they are reminded of the deep love that you have for them may they find rest in your arms lord god and may this night's sleep refresh them for all you have in store for them tomorrow thank you so much dear god for your unfailing love amen [Music] the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did [Music] for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day [Music] everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god [Music] paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord [Music] god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true [Music] so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left [Music] he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all [Music] amen [Music] rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was [Music] for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did [Music] for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love [Music] will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you [Music] like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured [Music] did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution [Music] you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution that god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue [Music] as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution [Music] was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack [Music] questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain [Music] as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had god's love left you then is that why you struggled [Music] despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss [Music] despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left [Music] your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord [Music] his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god [Music] may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you you might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail [Music] imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag [Music] next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground [Music] the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left [Music] your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming [Music] yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all [Music] amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god [Music] the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace [Music] he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you it might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you [Music] you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god [Music] as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had gods that love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream you are deeply loved by god we hope this relaxing bible meditation brought you peace click the join button below to upgrade to an abide youtube channel membership to unlock channel perks like early access to new videos before they premiere special members only videos live chat premieres loyalty badges discount codes and more for access to more bible meditations that can be enjoyed ad free at a length and with an audio background of your choosing download the abide app from the link in the description below or in the itunes or google play store you
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 473,269
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: Guided meditation, meditation, meditation music, Sleep music, Relaxing music, Healing, Meditation for beginners, Meditation for Anxiety or Depression, Positive Affirmations, Mind Reprogramming, Affirmations, Change thinking, Affirmations for Abundance, Abundance, love, Receiving mode, Art of Allowing, In the receiving mode, Transformation, Transform your life, I am, Reprogram your mind, guided meditation, Christian meditation, guided meditation for sleep, Let go of stress, Bible
Id: ydx6I5ZnXI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 14sec (10574 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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