Rebuilding My Wrecked 2017 Ford Mustang Roush P-51 World War 2 100K Subscribers

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so guys before we get this video started on the p51 mustang we got something special that came in the mail this is our 100 000 youtube plaque before we open it up i want to say thank you guys so much for helping us get there for supporting us so now let's go ahead and see on what we got in here man we couldn't have done it without you guys man this is awesome here it is couldn't do it nothing not a better way than open it up on the roush mustang you know so let's see we got in here we have a letter from youtube right here we'll read that later just basically congratulating you from reaching 100 000 subscribers right now we're a little bit past that but finally we got this thing oh look at this condor builds man this thing is nice guys look at that man i cannot believe we actually found that we got the things to hand hang it on the wall this is crazy guys finally after so long we finally did it guys thank you so much how's it going guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to a new video so for those that are new to the channel this is our 2017 mustang roush p51 that we are rebuilding it's been a while since we made a video on it but today we're going to get right back to work on it we're going to work on this quarter panel a lot of it has been already repaired we hit it in a little bit now we just got to put some body filler on to it straighten it out and primer it we're also going to work on the front bumper it has a little bit of damage on the lower section where the lip connects we're going to get that fixed and get everything primered so let's grab the car bring it out back and get to work man guys this car is so beautiful i just cannot wait to drive this thing 727 horsepower this thing is crazy so let's grab it pull it out back let's just start working on it as you can see it's not much damage here and you see some light filler there and it should do good so let's just jump right into it [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh yeah never gets old [Music] happened all right guys so why we brought the car inside because it is hot outside and i want to do as much work as i can inside and plus we're going to primer it nice and cool inside here put it on the frame because i went ahead and picked it up and now i can work with this area really easily and we also have the front bumper right here as well we're gonna be fixing these areas on here we're gonna put it right here in the shade and get it all fixed up and let's just jump right into it wow all right guys so we got the quarter edge about as straight as it can possibly get looks really good now so now we can go ahead and start sanding it down uh probably grab a 180 grit because i don't want to go too high up here and then the main spots will probably go through with the 80 and because we want a primer along this edge so when we sand we don't have to sand too much and when we paint it we can basically blend it within this area and we don't have to go on to the doors or the rear bump or anything like that so we're going to go ahead and start sanding it down and it's looking really good i'm liking how it's turning out shouldn't take too [Music] long [Music] [Music] [Music] so while this first layer of bondo is drying on the quarter panel i'm going to jump on the bumper start fixing all these areas go through the 180 with the da all the areas that have some cracked paint and then i need to heat up some areas that's probably what i'm going to do first heat up some areas push it out straighten it out a little bit then we'll start going through with the da [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys so we are gonna need one more coat really light coat i'm gonna put on i did hit it in just a little bit more right here and next coat should do it we need one more little cut right here and right here we're gonna go ahead and pull it all in and on the bump i need to put it on a little area as well everything actually all the scratches everything came out really nice but there's one area that i'm going to put a little bit of filler and then we're going to get to taping everything and primer in it hopefully this is going to be it i think it will be and then finally we can go ahead and primer it it's coming along amazing a lot easier than i thought and it's really nice [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh man guys it is looking nice oh yeah yeah we can start taping it all up now perfect i'm looking good oh yeah oh looking good well now we can go ahead and start taping everything up and getting it ready for some primer perfect the bumper is done as well for just a little spark that needed some filler but we got a d8 as well and now it's just time to start taping it up priming it in [Music] bye [Music] [Music] all right guys so the bumper here is taped up this is the air that's going to get primered and if any overspray goes anywhere else we're going to be sanding down the whole bumper when we're painting it anyways and then this area as well is looking really nice and this is taped off as well i'm still going to tape a little more off so overspray doesn't go on anything else but other than that we're ready to start prime rings we're going to mix it up clean this off and man finally we're going to primer it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys so the quarter panel is now primered we got a bonded primered everything today and the bumper is fixed as well we got it primer and we've got the guide coat on here so next step for this is to basically sand everything down and paint it that's going to be the next part of this build and then it's going to be basically almost complete we're going to raise up the front coilovers a little bit because the front is sitting way too low and make it look a little better so stay tuned for the next part so guys that is gonna be it for this video it's awesome getting back to work on the p-51 i cannot wait to fill the 727 horsepower i felt 707 from a hellcat but never something from a manual 727 horsepower so we're going to see what it's all about we've got a few parts left to this build it's going to be all finished finally one of the big parts of it the whole bodywork is now done it wasn't too much like think about it there's barely any prime right here we didn't go any over right on the edge we did it so when sanding it's gonna be really easy so stay tuned for our next part of this build it'll soon be finished and if you like this build and you like our videos please don't forget to like and subscribe turn your post notifications on and also follow us on instagram at condor builds i post a lot of stuff on there as well and thank you guys all so much for watching we'll see you next time and hope all you guys stay blessed
Channel: Kondor Buildz
Views: 40,863
Rating: 4.9499679 out of 5
Keywords: crazy build, world war 2, p 51 mustang, rough mustang, supercharged, 727 hp, wrecked mustang, rebuilding a wrecked mustang, goonzquad, wrecked supercharged mustang
Id: Yn5PZzdk4JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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