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it's Judgment day today my BMW M5 which was in a huge accident is about to be inspected by BMW my M5 was left with some serious damage if you require support with your vehicle please hold the line no no with one repair in particular that only trained technicians could do are you mad but with no previous experience I attempted to do it myself since then I've repaired the rest of the car modified it and increased the power but today BMW need this car back for a fault which might not necessarily be my own so as you guys know we've replaced every single airbag inside this car including the dashboard the steering wheel airbag the new airbag and all of the curtain airbags yet we're still getting a fault on the dashboard for airbags in the previous video we scanned the codes and their only fault was the knee airbag although we bought a brand new one from BMW so we found it strange it was bringing up a fault when we tested it with the auto the ohm reading was meant to be between 1.3 and 5.4 when it was unplugged it was Zero but when it was plugged in it was showing 25 ohms after speaking to BMW they've told me I need to bring the car in with the airbag connected so they can test it to see if it's actually a faulty airbag but some of you guys have mentioned something and this is something that you've mentioned potentially could be the fix but in order to try it I need to remove the knee airbag once again it's only held in with two 10 more bolts so it's not too hard so here's the faulty airbag in question in but some of you noticed that on the actual airbag connector here there's supposed to be a clip on it and I didn't have the clear now this could be me being genuinely stupid but if this works then yeah I'm stupid now this is the little clip that's missing and apparently this thing's important what if you guys told me that when this clip is inserted into the connector a little bit of plastic sits between the two connectors to stop it shorting out or creating any static which could set the new airbag off that's connected I'm not feeling confident the airbag light was still on then went off then back on again still have a restraint system issue you know what let's scan the codes and just check so in goes the auto device into the OBD port and up come a bunch of old fault codes that we need to clear off first and once we cleared them we could check the results oh here we go okay oh it could have fixed it Matt wow it could have it could have fixed it has that done it One Clip was causing all this Hassle and now we're gonna have to go to BMW and say I'm sorry here we go let's see it's gone a faultless car yeah it worked a faultless car because of one clip well we've got one more thing to do before we take it to BMW and it looks like they're going to inspect the rest of the car in the last video we made a few modifications including the front splitter the carbon rear diffuser and the race spoiler as well I like the modifications that we're doing but I think that's what separates it from a normal M5 to my M5 it's what car modification is about and I think one thing that is missing to slide in the rear diffuser to the front diffuser I'm hoping awesome really nice carbon side scales but as we was unboxing them all was not how it seemed they were miles too short what nah no no there's no way okay well that's a fail um I thought we're going straight to BMW now the daylight today where we're rushing around to get the BMW ready to go to BMW I couldn't think of any better time to have a waifood meal replacement drink inside one of these shakes there is 26 vitamins and minerals it's high in fiber high in protein it's lactose free it's gluten free and there's no added sugar now it's impossible to say you don't like waifu because they make so many different flavors and for summer we've got all the tropical flavors this one is tropical this one is strawberry and this one is Peach and it wasn't long until we arrived at BMW so just bottles will replace one meal throughout the day it's gonna do so and with the fruity range it makes it perfect for summer especially if you're on the go like me so it's a try what food yourself today there is a link in the description box below and with this Banner appearing underneath you right now you're going to save yourself a nice bit of cash as well cheers why food this was it yeah yeah my M5 goes back to its home ground so here we are at BMW Leicester now originally we were meant to come here to have the airbag fix they told us to bring it here with the airbag connected we've managed to fix that that's not going to stop us getting a health check and seeing what the technicians think of my repair which wasn't necessarily done by a professional let's get this thing inside oh I just go hard Mr Armstrong how are we doing today good I'm good thank you good good for you I'll just take it straight to get it store it for you and then I'll be right back to the piece for it thank you look after it now before the M5 goes through into the workshop it first has to drive through these posts called a faster line which is actually pretty clever so this thing right here if I remember right it does uh it's called a faster line and I think it if everyone say it checks to check the wheel alignment and then The Bodyguard checks for damage so when you bring it in so just so if there's any discrepancies it was ever damaged on the side it's never been damaged that car and a few moments later we were able to get the results to see if the wheels were in line how off is it so this is basically showing me now yeah the front is a little off yeah we need to do it with alignment it's not surprising that the front wheels are out of line especially with the amount of work that we've done to it but if I put that strut Tower in even one millimeter out it's going to affect the whole alignment even taking the suspension off and on again can affect the alignment so we need to get it on an alignment rack before we jump to any conclusions that I've installed the strut tower on we're reading the king so bring up the service data various error codes how much fuel you got on board any recalls no recalls great doesn't need servicing no I did that and reset the light yeah reset the light myself um in my BMW approved Workshop see where it's been serviced in the past sit now it's your food yeah okay at that thousand miles at nine thousand it crashed around then 12th of January 21. it crashed in February now the M5 was being taken into the workshop ready for its inspection but meanwhile I had another issue so this is another story in itself I actually lost the key for the car so I had to order one from here and in the meantime I found my key this is a non-returnable item though and that has just cost me a total of 341 pounds but at least I got two keys now another problem solved but back in the workshop rich is preparing the M5 for the health inspection and there's something you noticed straight away [Music] he's looking for an earth point for his battery charger but it actually turns out the inventory intake was hiding it it's covering it over just a couple things already seen yeah wiring Looms in bits as you can see that that looks like it's been crushed as well yeah and you see these are dates lines as well in here so obviously that that probably won't address it that's probably quite crispy as well obviously all the sealer and stuff like that I wonder why it's like that why is the ceiling like that I don't know I wouldn't like to say probably something to do with the new inner wings and things like that as you can see Factory this side as you can see Factory life but obviously that is done by a machine yeah yeah and obviously that one's been done by a junior looks dog I was gonna say someone they haven't done ceiling before yeah that's right so that's just a one of them things now after fitting structural parts you're supposed to use seam sealer to seal the gap between each panel the problem is at factory this is done by a machine and trying to replicate the way that they do it is pretty difficult and I was pretty terrible at doing it just look at that this is how it's supposed to be done with the right equipment it's not a major issue as long as this is all obviously safe and solid so notice that I'm going to Painted hinges it's all about that's probably the cheapest thing to paint okay maybe I forgot to drop the hinges to the body shop to be painted plug in see if there's any faults in the system and obviously work out what we can do from there so so what the the moaning at is these little Clips which BMW put way too many in so I've lightened it okay don't get it you don't get them in Porsches no no it's just in I've after Richard already upset me he's now plugging in the special BMW diagnostic tool to find any more faults Matt it has been mapped yeah so that's going to wipe it will it no it won't wipe it the only time we wipe it is obviously if we have to do a software update if we do a software but it all depends how the map's been put on and things like that so so why if it's mapped what is it going to show will flash up so is that my warranty voided yeah then we have to send a case to BMW say never touch this car as you can imagine I'm not too worried about warranty but from the sounds of it BMW can find out whether your car was mapped even if you take it off before it goes in it went bang then you can say well it's at a it's at a map so we're not going to touch it natural but the thing is even if it's not gone up or near that went bang and you brought to Tin drawn to get warranty BMW can actually search all the old history and actually find out they can tell you where it went bang and everything there you go if you want to take they're not the GPS signal knows where the car is all the time so because it knows where the car is all the time obviously it'll know that the car's static but it's doing 120 mile an hour yeah even if the empire has been on a Dyno BMW can tell if you're static doing over a hundred mile an hour it's a bit of a giveaway there we go for everyone watching if your BMW is tuned there's no hide in it really is though this can't really it's all there in black and orange onto the diagnostic parts and as the screen was looking green I thought it was all positive I'm guessing green means good green means good blue means there's something missing there is one thing which is still broken and I think this will pick it up and after a few moments of reach digging around the front of the car he found what was broken this is the bit that we knew was broke she said Swing Out connotation that's it yeah so Adam over there is um ordered me well I have actually got the plug yeah but uh yeah I didn't have time to uh oh I can't fix that but yeah well at least you found it well it's not that we'll just move them out the way to the shorts against each other oh look at that there ain't many in there I was expecting later it doubted me so basically the only faults you've actually got in there are four the aircon because obviously it needs gases yeah and actually for the original cameras because obviously that's saying the control unit can't be found yeah and then that's saying that it was programming we're pretty much faultless that's not bad that is not bad and now he's on to the body inspection it's getting a little nerve-wracking this little little covers like out and clips and whatnot that you know just one doing and a little tidying up here and there a bit of cable management so far so good there's only a few cosmetic things that I needed to do just to tidy it up well yeah I mean obviously in the wing it's all in place it all looks good for you so that's quite a good one as well actually it was getting a lot of comments saying that because there was just a hole in the strut Tower people were saying I could have just filled it with Weld and carried on I'm guessing that's going to affect the whole structural Integrity of the car because because they're all cast and everything else yeah I can't do that's why I see you've got all these little bits in it and just look like a bit you know these are all strengthening points all around this and that's why there's so many of them laced out around here obviously where the spring Tower goes and everything else you've done exactly the right thing even though this was more issue yeah yeah that's really good to hear so the strut Tower is looking good just a few things need tardying up now rich is on to the rest of the car everything on the front right side is looking great and on the rear right side is looking good but as for the back left we have an issue [Music] so well that's new my dad was sitting in the back so we'll blame it on him that's only just recently done that and it's only done like 11 000 miles now but I don't think the Springs have helped that situation obviously we're lowering it so the shock absorber has got less travel which I think will probably affect it if it's not his state if it's an older shock absorber then obviously all of a sudden it's dropped yeah then you're gonna get that as well because the seals are going to be sitting in a slightly different place it looks like the seals in the rear shock absorber have completely gave up and there's fluid everywhere but as I mentioned I don't think the adjustable Springs have helped that situation yeah what I would always do is put new bolts in here right someone said that there's stretch bolts or something yeah but there is actually a torque procedure for them right because what you can get uh you can put them on sometimes going down the road here a really horrible creaky noise sounds like suspensions coming out of it right and all it is if these aren't torqued up in like the correct pattern obviously you'll get the knot and the noise will come from this no leaks in the diff obviously all this oil is from the shock absorber yeah it's propaganda bang that is I don't know that's it's strange because I mean it's not a high mileage car or anything but I get I'm thinking yeah the spring has not helped it a lot you know and that BMW would you replace them in pairs or would you just replace a forty one of them car replacement pairs that one's gone chances are that one might go soon just purely because obviously what's on it and sure you know I wonder who did that I wonder who so my dad drove this car for one stint at Gumball and I have scratches on the wheel here and scratch on the wheel here yeah Dad you're getting the blame for that one because Matt was in the car so he witnessed it put other than those few issues overall I think we're looking good and we're not far away from getting this car perfect but what does Rich think and there we go I think personally we've not done too bad but thanks for checking over the car and we need a final rating every time we've done this we had a final rating if 10 out of 10 was a brand new showroom car and a zero out of ten was how I picked it up smashed where would you rate it on that scale probably go about eight looking at it to be honest with you there were two eight out of tens one from pause and one from BMW so thank you so much for that I'm really happy with that there's a few little things to sort but I'm sure we can get there but thanks so much for watching this video If you enjoyed it hit that Thumbs Up Button hit that subscribe button and I'll see you in the next video [Music] no that was uh someone came into a unit and did it overnight yeah right [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mat Armstrong
Views: 1,957,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw, bmw m5, m5 competition, cheap m5, m5 rebuild, rebuild, restoration, rebuilding a wrecked car, matt armstrong, mat armstrong, bmw m5 f90, car rebuild, bmw build, co part, smashed bmw f90 rebuild, bmw m5 car, rebuilding a bmw, restomod build, bmw m5 competition, voided warranty, inspection, faults
Id: h_NEZ1QIy7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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