Fixing A Range Rover That Was Buried Underground For A Year Was A HUGE DISASTER

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okay who it is look at it it's going that is awesome oh that oh that windshield that Tyler that windshield oh look at it that's not bad it's not bad at all so if you're new to the channel thing is so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed and if you do consider subscribing today is gonna be a different kind of day I'm actually not in Florida even though it really does feel like Florida is like a hundred degrees I'm in Kansas and I'm standing in front of my brand-new car this is a 2003 or before I actually don't know here it is it's a Range Rover and I just spent some time taking it out of the ground well not me a bunch of professionals with professional digging equipment took it out of the ground check that out [Music] alright so that is some very wet ground [Applause] yeah it's just super compact that thing is gonna require some some manual labor to pull it out yeah last time with the librarian we had to dig around a little bit and then it just sucks rolled in there buddy we had we had pay dirt at Summit Oh white now there it is there she is yep oh yeah caught a little bit of it yeah that's that looks uh laughs a little bit that does it's okay it's alright [Music] so if I take this to the dealership what do you feel safe Carmack's no I'll take it to the Range Rover dealership all right yeah I feel I can you assess this can you uh in Jalan yeah check I don't know what it's for that all came from the car that's buried underneath there this is gonna be interesting oh there goes some water there yo hey there's a car and the mirror still intact there we go that is coming out over liberal riskily yard that's coming out of the engine bay there is a showroom quality example behind that dirt I'm telling you dude look that's not that bad look at that and water pouring out of the wheels just like unearthing a mummy's tomb and check it out it's it doesn't actually look all that bad the tires are still holding air and the paint's looking the same color I mean this car other than the electrical issues and the mechanical issues and the cosmetic issues it's pretty good it's a pretty good car what do you think like a phoenix rising from the ashes we have Range Rover okay who it is look at it it's going that is awesome oh that oh that windshield that Tyler that windshield oh look at it okay well there you go that's not bad it's not bad at all it's like it has dead air Springs but it was converted to normal coils yeah I've never never seen that happen before honestly I think just a nice trip down the road and she'll be fine yeah this is this is not this is not a problem you wanna okay I'm gonna stand back up for that one you go ahead oh that's it that's not that's actually not that bad he's still in it and it doesn't smell doesn't smell horrible no I don't think the poop water got in here no I think that was just mixing with the mud dude this might be okay we're gonna attempt this back here [Music] sodid came in a little bit ceiling look a little bit I mean we had a lot of headroom you know in the car it's just a little less it's not it's not that big of a deal dude this car was really clean why would you watch it bury it it was total it's mechanically told I said like all the Range Rovers to sell the Jordan look great okay so windshield will definitely need to be addressed but well let's see let's see if she has oh there's that put water there's that poop smell and do this engine bay is mint look at it yeah that was not that bad there's a there's a ton of dirt just like caked in I'm willing to bet that this will fire right up what do you think yeah but all that is in the past and now I have to look towards the future because this car I'm gonna try to get running now I don't promise anything I don't know if I actually can get this running I'm just gonna try and the reason why I'm here is because my friend lives here and this is his car well now it's my car but hey you guys you guys know this guy this is Tyler Hoover from cuvees garage Murch Lincoln bio this is your car why why what why'd you do this well it was mechanically totaled so how much total total total total so it's a beautiful Range Rover once upon a time it was but it is probably eight thousand dollars worth of work to be running and driving again and then it would be only worth about three or four thousand dollars once you did that so there was it wasn't no point I could have jumped it but burying it seemed like a much better idea so right off the bat we can see that the windshield is caved in the back glass is caved in it's been raining a lot here right right yeah is record rain and unfortunately that record rain all got inside the rain chopper but it ran wind parks first thing is first and that is getting all this dirt and mud well for the most part off the car and the only thing we have is a little little garden hose where you have a pressure washer this is literally in the middle of nowhere we just have a garden hose on we're just gonna wear he's gonna do the thing they're just gonna do it and it's it's gonna get clean I really don't know I don't know what I'm doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to day two of the Range Rover restoration and I think I have some bad news for you guys I'm not quite sure this is gonna run for a few reasons number one I mean just just look at it doesn't exactly look as good as it did when it came off the factory floor but right here is one of the biggest issues the suspension is completely completely shot this is collapsed I don't know whether it's just something that went through the floor or the springs broke or whatever I haven't been able to get underneath it but this has been converted to springs it doesn't have the airbag system usually these have airbags now this is really bad because although I can compress this a little bit this does go up and down this is basically hitting the bump stops and I wouldn't be able to drive this in any case now the interior is a different story we left it out to dry a little bit because it has been like a hundred degrees and the interior is just it's up it smells like it smells like a public bathroom in here it smells horrible so I'm gonna try to clean this up and get this looking a little bit better and hopefully not as bacteria-infested but the water you can see the water line actually went right up here it's there's water inside the gauge cluster which means that every single piece of electronics has been flooded I do want to put some 12 volts to the battery so I want to see if anything lights up or we just get a massive short and it catches on fire but I want to see what happens however I don't have any sort of confidence that any of this is gonna work ever again and if we look in here I did a little bit of cleaning up with the power washer but you can still see it's yeah it's it's really really dirty this was covered covered in mud and I took this off and you can see that it is a very very wet in there and it's basically gotten like sandblasted with dirt dirt blasted I don't even know if that's a thing but this engine definitely has water in it because you take out the dipstick you can clearly see some milk shakey goodness right there there is some a little bit of oil in there but there's a lot of water and that's what it looks like when water and oil mix now I can take all the oil out and all the water out and then put fresh oil in there and then take out all the spark plugs and then see if it cranks over and I might do that what I'm thinking is if I have to drive this especially like on the highway or something this is really really dangerous now this is where all the computers and ECU sit and I'm thinking that yeah this was not exactly watertight this has kind of ballooned out a little bit over here so I'm willing to bet that this is full of water oh also the gas tank the gas tank is not sealed usually they are vented and since the water came up to here the gas tank is a hundred percent full of water so that would have to be drained because even if I were to crank it over I'll be putting water directly into the fuel injectors and then that would be going into the engine and then the engine would break because a water doesn't go in an engine this is a master class on why not to bury your car if you ever want to drive it again but right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to get the back end of the car up I want to get some air in these tires because I think the bead is broken on the other side and then we're gonna see how it sits we're gonna go underneath we're gonna see what's going on there and then we're gonna see what happens when we put some electricity to it and also we're gonna clean some of this so I don't have to sit on broken glass literally and then also touch that mold this is a great idea so I should probably talk about where I am in a shop with a ton of really really cool cars and you might have seen the shop in some other channels on YouTube and that's because this shop belongs to a guy named car wizard actually that's not your that's not your real name or is it I go by car wizard a lot okay time car wizard half the time David okay so you are David yeah the car wizard and he will be helping with this Range Rover he's gonna be doing all the work no he's not gonna be doing the work but he's gonna help a little bit what do you think of the Range Rover I think if we didn't have so much rain here recently in Kansas it would have been a viable project as far as getting it driving and everything but the water table came up while I was buried and pretty much decimated the poor thing yeah it was there had to be like six feet of water in there it was a yeah and it smells really there's still water and it's still like there's a puddle on the ground and it's been drying out for a few days yeah okay so what I'm thinking is we can take that forklift over there that you got and we can lift the rear end and we can see what's what's going on under there yeah take a look at the springs and get the wheels off okay cool I see you have a you have one of these be it this is this is nice so is this this one it looks like when it's all together a little bit yeah but it's 125 percent always takes 75% of the time yes all right let's let's go check that thing out safety first now won't go anywhere just remember dude watch the paint that's crazy it's a looks like it's lifting your your forklift there it's just a 6,000 pound automobile alright let's see why this is so collapsed on this side okay there's a problem it completely came off the B's and there's dirt just packed in there this might be might be savable okay so let's take a look at what we have here here is a spring conversion spring and shock or strut can't remember which one is which but this spring it doesn't look broken doesn't look cracked or anything however I think that with the tons and tons of dirt that have been on the spring for such a long time I think this spring just lost all its springiness I think it that just became the new normal you'd need to replace parts because when I put this car on the ground it is literally just on the ground it's all on the bump stops you can see where the bump stop made contact right there that's the only suspension that we have in the car right now whew this is uh this is not a great idea burying a car is a real real dumb [Music] all right let's see if the bead goes back on there's a lot of water in that tire and that's I should go your side all right yep there we go look at that right yeah that that wasn't underground for almost a year Craigslist yeah there we go $100 OB oh I know what I have no tire kickers I filled the rear tires up with air and as you can see they are holding air just fine except for the fact they're not holding air at all at least this one's not yeah it's it's a real bad shape I think that it didn't either see it on the bead or there's a massive air leak somewhere else but I think if we fill it up we can at least get it rolling a little better actually we got it right in front of the wizard shop here we pulled it with the forklift but this one is holding air sorta sorta kinda so that's good so three out of four that's not bad so what we're gonna do right now is I am going to take out a spark plug and I'm gonna see what's going on in the engine because I borrowed the Wizards borescope here I know you guys love Bora scopes on this channel to see what is going on inside the engine and I don't think we're gonna find anything that's favorable to starting the car all right so I'm gonna take off this cover boy Wow that's enough you guys can see that that is that's water real okay I don't think we need to see if there's any water in the engine actually well we'll check it out in for a penny in for a pound okay and whoo that is one very wet spark plug it's not rusted but the fact that the water did not go down at all when I remove the spark plug is not a good sign it means that there's water all up in this engine so let's put the borescope down there and see what it looks like so for those of you unfamiliar with what a borescope is it's this little probe and as a light and a little Camryn here and you can see me right there and hello everyone yeah this is gonna be weird so I want to put this down into the murky depths let's see if we can alright you can see under this it is like the Titanic down there literally it is just rust and oil and you can if you can see right there it's kicking up a bunch of stuff so it's rust oil and water and it's all a frothy disgusting mix and I can't see anything so that's the top of the piston I'm hitting right there and that's that's it this is this is so far gone I don't think that there's any cylinder liner left and even if it wasn't just completely welded to the piston ring and I wouldn't want to move this even if I did like ten oil changes and to prove to you guys that I'm not just making stuff up check out this throttle body yeah that's a startling amount of clay and mud in there so let me open this up a little bit and now we're gonna go and turn turn turn turn turn to the data alright so the entire thing is coated in mud yep it's it's all wet you can see the walls are glistening but since I am a man of my word I am going to attempt to put 12 volts to this electrical system and see what happens so a few things can happen number one nothing nothing because all the fuses are blown and that's probably the best thing to happen number two this just turns off my battery box and number three massive fire number four is everything works I don't think that's gonna happen but but let's just test it out okay that's that turn it on okay nothing seemed to have happened I'd seen that anything is happening right here mmm do we have any now nothing seems to work all right as we thought the electrical system is completely dead but the question remains what can we do with this I mean this used to be a nice car somebody somebody not me paid almost $100,000 in today's money for this car and it sort of looks like it I mean if you squint really hard from a thousand feet away but it's it's probably worth saving to the right person if you wanted to maybe make it a convertible or something but this would require tens of thousands of dollars of work and parts and it just isn't worth it so this is destined for the scrap pile this isn't even worth what its weight is in junk because all the electronics all the mechanical components those are all just destroyed maybe you can salvage some of the interior maybe like a door too but even those are super damaged so there's nothing really on this truck to do so I do have to junk it however not just gonna take it to a junkyard I have a better idea so that's why I brought this car out in the middle of nowhere we are not in Kansas anymore and no that wasn't a reference to Wizard of Oz no actually I didn't bring this car out here it was my friends at Sherpa auto transport and I ship a lot of cars out throughout the years and it's great to have a very good car shipper and they actually gave me a discount code so if you guys want your car shipping go to Sherpa auto transport calm slash to varnish and you can get $25 off your very first shipment this is looking pretty good I think it's in its element right now what's what's what's what's going on what's going on here but he knows something okay alright alright this hey hey so I brought you a I brought you a gift yeah thank you for that gift you're the yeah so um well it needs it's a little needs a little TLC but I think it's outta gas so that's why I parking up from the gas pump we can we can fix that we'll just pump it right in there yeah so uh looks like you said it's good a condition as your Range Rover yeah yeah so we're gonna see if we can actually get this thing running right yeah okay okay cool so for that video you're gonna want to check out his channel my channel demolition ranch it's way better than Tavares Channel yeah just hitting it's not this is this is not you spelled your channel wrong yeah this is my militias name we're going to area 51 you guys want to come okay so if you guys watch you guys want to check out his channel link will be in the description below and we are going to see what we can do with this thing but that's that's gonna be in a different video so until next time is me reminding you that on cars like this that actually can't get running at all and you need to do a lot of work to them you guys need to wrench every day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 7,200,381
Rating: 4.495141 out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, hyundai, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, mr2, sw20, 3sgte, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, r230, r231, m113k, vantage, v8, v12, v10, v6, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial, range rover, land rover, build, restoration, bisforbuild, goonzquad, buried, salvage
Id: lYH19A1AvII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
Reddit Comments

I didn’t really get why he buried that car until he dug it up and power washed it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FantasticAlps 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
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