Rebuilding A Wrecked 2019 Ford Raptor!!!

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think we should do like a baja build with this thing i say you go ahead and start that thing up man you have the keyless start oh look at this it came with a dog whistle look at that oh shoot what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are here at the original goon squad garage after months of working at the new goon squad headquarters we are finally wrapping that build up and you know what it feels good to be back dude it feels good to be back just around some cars man we got the lambo that was such an epic build along with the viper and dude they're a little crusty man these are some filthy animals just begging for a wash on this perfect spring day i think this is the very first day of spring would be perfect for washing a bunch of stuff especially the trucks that we haven't washed in months dude we've been working on the new house building we haven't washed the trucks i mean dude do we know how to wash dude dude we are rusty i don't even know what a wrench is i don't even know what bodywork is but you know what we're gonna have to relearn this dude we're gonna have to relearn and i'm just super excited i think we got it man because man this is just gonna be epic dude we're so ready to get back in this build that we got is probably the most popular truck in america this is one of those builds that we've always wanted to get ever since we got our very first truck we've been keeping our eye on this one and this is going to be super simple this is going to be the most epic truck build i believe on our channel today i agree with you 100 but as right now i guess we're just going to roll the footage of danny tv he delivered this sucker all the way from texas a couple weeks ago so it's been sitting but you know what this is gonna be a super epic build especially when we build it along with you guys so we're super excited to be back into it but i say we go ahead and present to you guys the brand new wreck 2019 ford f-150 [Music] raptor [Music] so [Music] that was a tough one right there dude that was super tough just because of how wide this truck is and those suckers on the side right there were actually like preventing it to just come right off yeah the trailer fenders are way too tall and this the way it was damaged we actually had to throw the spare tire up front luckily this thing had a full-size spare we threw it up there had to pick up the back end and just like slowly like just slide it off yeah with that skid steer right there if we had big bertha out here or big blue dude two seconds man we would have just lifted that whole thing up and just dropped it on the ground but big bertha is out there at our new shop location because we got stuff going on dude i would have drove it back here but you know how long it takes just to get from here to there about 45 minutes 45 minutes for like three miles or something like that which is crazy but anyways we got this sucker off finally it's on the ground on some blocks of course which we gotta that's probably the number one thing is to get that axle fixed right there exactly which we haven't even went over the damage because this is going to be like one of those videos that's going to go out like unexpectedly you honestly don't know when this video is going to go i don't know we're trying to work with all these big projects that we got going on but also we want to give you guys some epic content on on a bill dude dude this is such a sick truck right here don't want to talk too much about it but anyways i guess we'll catch you in what a day in a day or so [Music] all right so i've seen enough dude i went around the property looked at some of the bills and oh my goodness it's just heartbreaking honestly we're breaking man i can't wait to get our big garage that we're building the new gun squad shop dude we're going to have like everything parked maybe even do like some like deck the lifts and stuff like that in the ground lifts dude that'd be epic but you know what i want to just at least try to get all these builds up to the new headquarters property up the mountain dude that's going to be super epic can't wait to finish that off but you know what man the main event is here dude a couple days actually turned into a couple couple weeks man but you know what we are here and we are showing you guys this beautiful truck man this is like the ultimate f-150 right here exactly the raptor edition so it's the highest edition f-150 basically a lot wider really don't know too much about it all i know is this sucker can jump it can rip because this is a twin turbo which we're gonna get to that a little bit later wind turbo v6 which is crazy but you know what man let's just do like the original walk around around erected build i mean this is the most perfect corner right here man as you can tell this thing just looks absolutely aggressive look how much that fender comes out by the headlight man that's like three four inches right that is why but you know what just popping out to me is the color of the stroke honestly that's like one of the main reasons why we just hopped onto this one right here i mean i love all the colors but i think this blue is like the raptor blue this is like what a raptor color should look like right dude i'd say this is the best color you could do on almost like any truck dude i love that color right there dude for sick and one of my favorite things about this truck is actually the front end because the headlights the way they have that little like sea form over there with like all these little plastic goodness dude the big ford emblem right there with the little amber lights which i don't know what they're used for they just look good dude i gotta say dude trx probably copied them right there dude that's what i was going to say trx has the ones like up here and their little air vent and this thing has an air vent too so i mean this thing is just an awesome beast and our hood looks perfect i mean the front end looks almost perfect we do have a few scratches here and i was looking at this scratch really closely do you see that almost looks like fiberglass no it i think it's fiberglass that's kind of weird so we're gonna have to do some fiberglass repairing the last time we worked on some fiberglass was like the viper oh my goodness fiberglass is a nightmare but look at this is this a big old decal right here and this is plastic or something like that this isn't plastic right here i think it's a real vent this big old decal we're probably gonna have to remove these suckers because we're gonna need to repaint this and stuff like that now i wonder if they'll look good without these decals that actually looks pretty sick right there it's almost like some sort of like a character too it almost looks like carbon fiber but let's look at this front bumper right quick a full metal bumper right yeah full metal bumper and i think it goes like pretty far back you know just whenever you jump jumps it doesn't hit your radiator and stuff like that which dude hopefully we can jump something dude honestly you know how there's been a lot of talk about the trx lately that's like the truck right now i think we should try to make this the trx killer dude is that possible i don't know man there's gonna be a lot of work to kill a trx but who knows man those things are pretty fast we're on the lookout for one of those two you know to put it to the test with this one but i think personally my opinion is this thing looks a little bit i think it looks better dude i think dude i really like the the new trx how it looks but you know what this has a beast front end it just looks super wide super aggressive almost like this front end better than there's a new one raptor front ends well they're their headlights are like super long and like kind of wide they kind of look a little bit different i guess they'll just have to grow on you but i think this is the best raptor addition they made right here i mean just all the way around i mean right here is our damage in the front as you can tell that is fiberglass too so the fenders are fiberglass that's going to be crazy right there we're probably going to replace this wider what if we went wider but it's already so wide dude you can go wider i don't know how wide you want it but dude i wonder if they have these in like carbon fiber oh my goodness super sick i know they got the flares and carbon fiber that looked pretty sick but if we can get this and carbon and the hood and carbon oh all in carbon dude just better even do like wider wheels and stuff like that do they like do you lift these trucks i don't really know i know there's people out there that get mad if you lift a ford raptor because it looks weird dude because of how well these things are already built but who knows dude what if we get bigger shocks that way we can jump bigger jumps dude just make it wider dude dude speaking of shocks let's just hop under right right here and look at these shocks we got full fox shocks dude dude those things look sick they got like that red on it dude those are some legit like shocks on this thing yeah but it drops yep exactly but i believe a lot of ours are actually damaged on here so let's just keep walking around these wheels are right here we're gonna probably replace those wheels i don't really like that i like those wheels those wheels are definitely ugly maybe get like some fuels or something like that something that'll look really good or some i don't know dude definitely you guys let us know i think this is going to be one of those builds we're going to let a lot of you guys we're going to do polls on instagram allow you guys to build definitely follow us on instagram because we're going to do polls on wheels i mean fenders just everything we want to build it just the way you guys pick it out to be and we'll see what it turns out to be definitely i mean we're going to need a front bumper so i mean you can go ahead and throw that in the comments do they have aftermarket but they do they sure dude oh my goodness all right let's keep on walking so this fender is going to probably need to be replaced i don't know if you can fix that oh my god dude look at this door and this thing is completely aluminum i believe this whole truck is aluminum and fiberglass so that is light super lightweight so if we even add more carbon to it it's going to be even faster wider even faster dude so we're definitely going to have to get a new door right here the door handle kind of got jacked up this is like the electronic door handle so we're going to have to buy one of those and i believe under here the rocker panel wait is there a rocker panel you can't really see it i'm not sure i think it's the door rocker panel what are these things right here basically rock sliders i really don't like how these look these are like original factory rock sliders the ones that are like on our f450 the factory ones that come out would be sick on this too but i do like the fact that these actually protect from rock sliding so we need something like that but dude let's move it right along right here it almost looks good but as you can tell right here does have a little bit of damage we can possibly try to fix this right here which because these doors are really expensive you're looking at over a thousand dollars of doors i think so yeah that's probably what it's going to be since these are full aluminum but you know what f-150 doors even f-450 doors for f-450 doors will like slap on here and work perfectly all you have to do is like change the mirror and stuff like that but one of the big damages right here is actually this quarter panel which is hot on this side dude i mean that we're going to have to be cutting this thing out maybe have to pull some of this stuff out we're definitely going to have to take this rear glass out which that's just alone going to be like a whole entire thing of its own but you know what i'm actually excited to do is like wait is this aluminum this is aluminum so this is probably all glued onto here dude dang so i wonder if there's any spot welds on there you know what i mean we're gonna have to do some more research on that but dude this is this just keeps going i believe they like ran into like a wall or something like that because as you can tell it's like a big old strike right here going out to the back almost looks like like superman just like punched that sucker man they just nicked this pinky right there dude hey my goodness this dude the television is in perfect condition man that's good these tail lights seem to be expensive i'm pretty sure they're like a thousand bucks a pop let's see this one both of them flawless that is awesome and the tailgate is a little bit damaged as well right here i mean there's just damage basically 360 degrees on this exactly so we're gonna probably have to get a brand new bed right here probably get a new rear bumper of course a nice off-roading style or something like that dude it did get kind of damaged right there dude we're definitely gonna have to do upgraded bumpers look at the exhaust this is one of the coolest part of this truck is they just come straight out the back which definitely gonna have to do an aftermarket exhaust man we're just gonna have to build this whole entire thing which we already started this truck up to get it off the trailer like a couple weeks back and honestly i don't even remember what it sounded like i totally forgot what it sounded like i don't believe we even read it because we were kind of scared we had to check all we have to check all the fluids before we do anything exactly and there's some more damage in this corner before we keep moving i believe the whole entire like uh spindle or something like the whole spindle i think the actual extra shaft and everything is completely broken we just managed to put that wheel on there because we had to get it off the trailer right there and there was actually a full spare underneath the truck that's the wheel that actually came off it broke that it broke all that stuff dude this thing just got hit it broke the whole half shaft in half basically in half now i mean as you can tell the bed is still damaged on this side as well i mean this thing almost looks like it's been real rolled over but like when you hop up the up at the top over here let me hop up there with you he has a full sun totally forgot about that a panoramic this is just like the f-450 a panoramic sunroof moon roof or whatever you call it that's just going to be super sick yeah but you don't notice like any damages up here because i mean it almost looks like this truck did do like a little rollover what if it rolled over but like missed the roof like it landed like floated over that that could have been a possibility right there to be honest with you but dang dude we're definitely have to get a brand new bed which is gonna be a hefty price right there moving right along no damage to this side of the axle is there no damage we don't know just yet i mean it's all gonna tell whenever you like go onto the frame machine stuff like that but look over here dude do you see that dude that thing is just crushed so we do have some damage to some of this suspension so we may have to just go ahead and get a whole new lift kit pull over conversion dude this is basically i think we should do like a baja build with this thing right here right that would be totally epic maybe do like like we mentioned before i wonder if they had the wider beds too like the bedsides dude dude that would be super sick so let's go to this door right here also a good bit of damage right there and i think we could open this door let's get this door definitely opens up right here like this look at the interior man carbon fiber oh dude that is legit dude is that real better so dude we need we need all the weight reduction possible here and it looks like there's some sort of body damage right here as well there's some rocker damage right there that we're gonna have to do so basically this truck is definitely look like it's gonna have to get a whole entire paint job yeah definitely gonna probably have to we definitely want to paint it probably the same color should we change the color let us know guys who knows man there's some pretty slick colors out there but the blue right now is probably my favorite right is this door damaged right here the door looks like to be one of the most perfect doors on this truck and that is just a good thing this is the driver door there is a little thing right there that can be fixed so there's one good door on here one good mirror is this fender good one good fender and one good hood so the rest of this stuff is just completely damaged so we're gonna need basically three doors a whole bed the like the bumper that fender i mean this thing just got beat up it's it's basically a cabbage bag basically but i noticed this is all just body damage is there any frame damage dude that's one of the biggest things whenever we're buying this thing we're looking through all the like pictures and stuff like that just to make sure there's uh there's no frame damage at all because of how much body damage you don't really want to do framework with a lot of bodywork you know exactly and it appears that there's not any frame damage at all but it's going to come down to taking stuff apart which like we like to do we're going to pop that whole entire bed off pop all the doors off pop the front end off right pop everything off just go ahead and completely strip this thing and just i wonder if he'll drive after that dude dude i don't know anyway what do you want to do right now we could either hop inside start the sucker up or we could pop the hood and check out what's what's it working with before we start it up we do have to pop the hood to check like all the like fluids and stuff like that who knows man this engine could be bad you know all the oil could have been out of it when we started it could have blew up dude dude i don't know it actually sounded good when we started let's go ahead and pop the let's just do that yeah let's go so we're gonna go ahead and open the hood i guess it's just like the original force when the lights came on oh the headlight even came on there let's pop this hood amber lights i like that that's a vibe right there dude pop that sucker open let's see this v6 twin turbo v6 v6 twin turbo i'm a little rusty guys almost looks like a v8 look at ford performance and this is going to have to get changed right here we're going to do charge pipes cold air intakes and all that stuff all that stuff man this is the ecoboost twin turbo and i did hear a lot on these engines these are a lot faster than the the 5.0 v8 believe it or not the 5.0 actually eat less gas than the v6 really so these are less economical than the v8s which i i mean i believe i mean you got two turbos you're not you're not going to drive this thing slowly you're going to be always on that gas which is awesome so you just got a simple setup right here we're definitely going to change up a few things i mean but the most important thing is we do have coolant in the coolant jaw right here where's the oil dipstick i have no idea let's pop it dude hopefully it's nice and clean let's go ahead and check that well it's pretty clean right there good level in everything which this truck only has 3 000 miles on it dude so i don't think maybe it's just like still a factory oil change and stuff like that oil change probably still under warranty i hope so but anyways let's just go ahead probably hop inside right quick and then we're gonna probably start it last right yeah let's go ahead and check out the inside i'm gonna try to hack into this thing dude do people even use this anymore i don't think anybody uses that what is that even for dude this is like to enter without a key but you know what would be even cooler a fingerprint why why haven't they even thought about that i just thought of that i just invented that right there dude i wonder if any cars actually have that but it does have the keyless entry do you have the key on here or do you yeah go ahead and just touch it there it goes man let's go inside into the main driver area right here the cockpit right here dude look at these paddle shifters dude dude i didn't even know i had paddle shifters are those suckers aluminum dude those little aluminum look at the steering wheel man the steering wheel feels nice and stout it's like thick you know you got that red stripe on the top right there you got the ford performance right there you got all the raptor mats oh my goodness those are the legit mats too you know those are the rubber mats man look at this you got lights on your i'm guessing on your mirrors and all that good stuff you've got carbon fiber more carbon dudes more carbon on the shifter knob you've got carbon on this little cover right here but it looks just like the f450 in here other than like some extra carbon accents right there dude that's the that's the most important thing is carbon fiber because as you guys know we do kind of love carbon fiber man everybody i think everybody loves carbon fiber it's just nice dude it looks cool and it just makes your clothes look at the back of the seat right there that looks good man these seats actually look super sick they look like racing seats exactly yeah they feel like like a bolstered or whatever is that the word yeah bolstered seeds i don't know lumbar support all that stuff dude that is super sick so far dude this just feels amazing dude i'm ready to rip this thing dude dude the sunroof and all that that's what i'm looking at i absolutely love that right there same setup here as the f450 once again got some extra parts up in here dude that's just sick should i just start this thing up or should we go to the back end right quick dude i say you go ahead and start that thing up man you have the keyless start oh look at this it came with a dog whistle look at that oh oh shoot i shouldn't have done that right there dude but anyways i guess go to the back and we'll just just start off right here we want to go ahead and just listen to it go ahead and hit her up i'm gonna do a little countdown five four three two i can't hear it dude check out this dash hey man that thing actually does sound a little bit good it kind of like rumbles dude look at that dash dude we got a full tank of get almost a full tank of gas like 75 percent of gas we got good oil damn heartbreak limited just go ahead and scroll through all this stuff i mean we there's a lot of stuff dude this is sick should i river or should i give it some time to warm up i don't know man i say go ahead and cold drive it man dude i can hear the turf hey it does pop a little bit too dude oh let me get that hold on grab that one more time dude that thing actually does not sound bad i'm saying for a bone stock a raptor right there that sounds pretty dang good but you know what we're definitely gonna make this thing far from stock let's hop into the back end over here right quick see if there's anything good up in here dude i love how there's like leather in the center and then you got like this stuff right here like hexagons which is pretty dang cool and also look at the map back here you got a full mat let me hop up dude i'm definitely digging like the rubber mats and stuff definitely going to protect your carpet and stuff like that but dude this interior is pretty filthy though super filthy i can't wait to actually clean this sucker up pretty roomy up in here dude is it as big as the f-450 in the back same exact i think they actually use the same exact box yeah that is just crazy but of course you got the heated seats back here you got the charger ports you got a whole entire socket up here and speaking of socket are these uh does this come with a trucker these danny tvs i don't know man i think they came with the truck definitely they came with the truck right there but it got all these other tools that we used to actually when we were unloading it but that's pretty much it for the interior i think we're gonna keep the interior stock because it's super sick but as far as the exterior goes dude we're just going to go ham unlimited man unlimited so here it is man the 20 a 2019 ford f-150 raptor the build is going to begin we need to start ordering parts we need to first get this thing driving dude yeah that's the number one thing is to order the actual parts order the suspension parts and stuff like that because i don't think this thing will even like move without like turning turning sideways or something try it dude we could try to we could easily try it dude we're gonna probably buy all dealership parts that's the way that we like to do it because parts are going to be fast i mean there is cheaper alternatives like ebay and stuff like that unless it's like upgraded parts like upgraded like actual shaft or something like that or upgraded like uh brakes or anything man exactly but there you have it guys that's the brand new build we're super excited and it's definitely gonna be a super epic win and i can't wait to just dive right in dig in i don't know if we're gonna watch it in this video but definitely in the next video we're gonna give this thing a complete wash maybe start tearing it down and start ordering parts so definitely make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and definitely give us a follow on instagram where we're going to be doing a bunch of polls just getting your guys advice but with all that being said thank you guys so much for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you guys next time [Music] peace
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,266,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebuilding a wrecked ford raptor, rebuilding a wrecked ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a ford raptor, rebuilding a ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked f150, goonzquad raptor, goonzquad f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked truck, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 f450, goonzquad, goonzquad garage, goonzquad headquarters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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