Rebuilding A Wrecked 2019 Ford Raptor Part 8

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what on earth is that hello dude all right so check this out guys before this video gets started i do want to mention that we're dropping one more hoodie on the website as you guys know we just dropped two and this is the last one here that we're probably gonna drop this season but you know i think we saved the best for last this sucker is super fire of course you got that brand new logo on the front and the triple color font these suckers are pretty dang limited so if you want to copy one of these and help support your boys be sure to visit but as right now let's get to the video dang son this looks crazy man what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are here at the original gun squad garage and today we're going to continue working on our 2019 ford f-150 raptor and as you guys seen in the previous video we are just moving right along making some major progress and we actually knocked out the biggest damage on this truck which was this quarter panel got that sucker puttied up and primed in and ready to be sanded there is just a little bit more body work that we got to do and that's exactly what we're going to focus on first and i think we're going to repair this pillar right quick and honestly i don't know how we're going to do this what are you thinking dude how we're going to fix this i think with just one hammer or two hammers and we got it going dude you think we'll have to weld anything onto it um probably not it honestly just depends honestly if we can hammer it out as close as possible then the rest will be body filler exactly so we're just going to test that sucker out there is a little bit more body work here and there like some hairline scratches and a few other areas that we're going to hand i think we're going to try to fix this little piece up front right here which is kind of missing a chunk but ford can't get that at all it's not even on their thing it's like a part that's discontinued or something we've never fixed nothing like that we're gonna have to add some plastic or something but i think we could take care of that we want to knock out all this bodywork that way we can move on to the bed and knock out those bedsides as well which i'm super excited about that process because there's not going to be any welding it's all going to be panel bond and rivets so i can't wait to get that knocked out but anyways let's just focus on this pillar for now bring in some hammers some materials some supplies and see if we can get it all fixed up [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so check this out guys so we just tried a bunch of different methods to try to pop this dent out of this pillar right here we tried the hammer method we took a few things apart from the back side see if we could poke something through and maybe just pop it out like that there's no access back there so we then moved on to this device right here this is kind of like a papa dent type of deal you glue this pin to it and then you slap this sucker on right there and tighten that nut and it should just pop it right out but the only issue that we were having is the type of bond we were getting so we tried a bunch of different epoxies a bunch of different super glues and none of that stuff was working so our last resort is code blue right here there's some super strong stuff and it dries pretty quick this is all made by crest they actually got a better product than this this is just all we have right now right they have a product called jet black but i don't know i don't know if it's going to be better because jet black dries like a solid like almost like rock solid this thing right here dries kind of like a little rubber which is perfect because once we're done with that we can easily just like cut it off or like sand it off exactly yeah that's gonna i think this is gonna be the perfect product for us we all we got to do is just give it about 30 minutes and we're gonna give it another shot and we could have aluminum welded to this but we don't have an aluminum welder right now or we need to just purchase an aluminum pin puller which when you work with aluminum dude then prices of that type of stuff gets up dude i think it's like seventeen hundred dollars for like a little pin puller i know the still one costs on like you can get one at harbor freight for like 150 bucks or something but you know what if you have that type of stuff dude it saves you so much time because already this like was wasting a lot of time we could have probably finished this in like five minutes with like one of those little pin puller guns that welds like aluminum stud we're gonna have to buy that because like we mentioned before all these newer cars are turning aluminum and something like that we need to start adding aluminum stuff to our arsenal dude exactly that's just a great investment but you know what we're gonna work with what we got we're gonna give this one last shot so we're gonna give it a little bit more time to cure in the meantime we're gonna probably work on that bed right there set it up on some stands just get ready for the bedsides [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so that code blue quickly turned into code panel one dude just popped right off dude i don't even know i'm guessing this is just a strong piece of aluminum or just a strong piece of metal itself because this is like a super small and it's right on the corner here and there's like three layers behind here as well definitely yeah super tough bend right there but you know what i think that's going to do the trick and on top of that we're probably going to give it overnight do this stuff overnight this panel molding right here dries like a solid we're probably not even gonna be able to take this off we're gonna have to cut it off or something yeah that's what i'm thinking we're just gonna grind that sucker clean off but hopefully it pops it out but anyways we're gonna set that sucker aside once again dude set that aside we'll get to that in the morning but look at that one bedside on here and we just got it mocked up and i gotta say man this thing fits absolutely flawlessly all the holes line up and stuff like that from the back and in the front over here due to everything for the front to the back there you go backwards whatever you want to call it but dude it just it's a perfect fit dude nice and snug it's ready for some panel bond ready for some rivets and we even have to remove a few other little pieces right here so the new bedside actually came with this stuff this is from the back over there and uh this is actually right here where the bed actually uh bolts down to so good thing actually came with this stuff because it's gonna make the job a lot easier which is always good i'm so happy that we're saving this bed because i mean look at this dude we're saving money and we're saving this redline bedliner dude so i mean bed liners are awesome man you can just throw stuff in there don't worry about scratching this stuff up but we're not going to rivet that on or panel bond it just yet we want to go ahead and actually just get to this side as well pop this thing out because as you can tell it has way more damage than that side and i'm sure the wheel well in there is a little bit bent but you know what it should be pretty easy to actually pop it out yeah i think it's all aluminum behind there is that correct or is it still back there i think this panel right here the wheel well is still aluminum too awesome dude so we're gonna go ahead pop this side off remove all this trim and start having at those rivets and maybe get the new one fitted on let's do [Music] it [Music] they just had to rip this thing clean off man oh my goodness so first off we ended up taking off this whole entire bedside and then we made it to the wheel well and what did we find dude we found out that this thing was just crumpled man we even all three of us hopped on there and tried straightening out like a human frame machine but it just wasn't going to happen man we probably needed like 10 more people and we would have got it we were close though we got it out a little bit i mean it's pretty flimsy right here but you know what this thing took most of the impact because as you can tell this inner structure right here the still part is actually perfectly intact dude it is perfect right there which is a really good sign because we can just order our brand new piece which i already called the dealership and they said they can get that boy we just have to order it tomorrow parts department is basically shut down already shut down and this part should be fairly cheap i mean small and we might even get it in the next day just like we got in the bedsides you know they're super quick so if that happens we'll just splice that sucker in there throw in some rivets and then throw on the new bedside and it will basically make everything go a lot easier and better yeah because we could use the good old-fashioned hammer method and straighten that sucker out or with the knee right there but it'll be out of whack with a brand new piece everything will line up flawlessly flawlessly so we'll probably just order this tomorrow in the morning and wait on that in the meantime we're going to go ahead and jump on this other bedside that's already on here perfectly and all that good stuff i say we pop it off go ahead and prep all the surfaces throw on some panel ball and some rivets and get this sucker on here for good [Music] oh my goodness would you look at that this thing is finally on here for good dude and it ain't coming off with all those rivets and that glue dude that thing is on there on there it's on there solid and everything lined up 100 all these bolt holes over here lined up everything all it just it went basically back in its original spot yes sir and look at these rivets man they went in flawlessly they almost look oem and we didn't use the self-piercing rivets because the actual manual for replacing this calls for the blind driven right there you could use the self-piercing rivets if you had like that super expensive tool it will just get everything done faster but the blind rivets are perfect for this job and on top of that we got panel bond all throughout where the rivets are so this thing when it dries it's on there good and it's on there solid yeah it's almost extra reinforced because we threw glue into areas where there was not glue originally yeah and on this side over here lined up perfectly through all these holes yeah all these holes lined up these holes right here too try to mimic the exact location where the rivets were on the older panel the oem side and we just got it on there perfectly this side is almost 100 done i think what do we need to do here any type of seam sealer or nothing dude oh seam sealer that's it that's how it is all this stuff gets covered up anyways this little plastic piece goes on top right here this like faces towards the bed and stuff like we're towards the cab and once you paint it man it's going to look good dude i wish we had that other piece that little piece that we did that was damaged or we would have had this side just completely completely knocked out and ready for some paint that was actually pretty dang simple dude i never thought we'd be able to replace a bedside i think steel bedsides may be a little bit more difficult still bedsides way more harder they just take a lot more time because you gotta literally sit there and spot weld everything in this rivet it up and you're good to go man good to go and some glue of course but anyways that's gonna be all for the raptor i guess for tonight it's already getting a little dark on us but you know what we got a crate that's been chilling over here dude this is crazy goodness ready to be open this crate is something super epic it's not for the ford raptor it's for one of our other builds should we just go ahead and say it for our audi dude so our audi a7 is gonna be we're gonna build that thing you know what i mean we're gonna we're not just gonna fix it up we're gonna build that thing we're gonna build it to the to the top notch dude as best as we can you know what i mean that audi is gonna be super epic and this right here is gonna make that audi not only look good but perform even better [Music] what on earth is that hello dude these brakes are huge dude that's like the biggest brake caliper i've ever seen dude this is bigger than any brakes i think these are bigger than the ferraris these are crazy oh my goodness man that's like your semi truck right now yeah it's almost the same oh my god these are crazy and surprisingly they are pretty dang light dude check that out man and look at the build quality on these suckers we're going to mention where you can get these probably tomorrow in the morning but dude look at that the rear ones are i thought the rear ones were huge yeah the rear ones are as big as the front ferrari ones dude we're definitely gonna have to get some bigger wheels for that audi to fit all this stuff oh my goodness that's live almost looks like a flywheel it does look like a flywheel dude these are huge what kind of wheels like 22s or something so rs7 wheels will actually work on it but yeah we're gonna have to go i think 21s and 22s like we did on the ferrari as well that would be sick dude what if we went with like something like that like sort of set up like that because that way you can see the calipers you know the tiny smokes looks so good that would be so sick but oh my goodness i can't even believe my eyes right now this is insane like i can't even believe that this will fit up on that audi dude that's gonna be crazy but you know what not only like i mentioned this is gonna look absolutely amazing it's going to perform man you're going to probably stop on a little on a dime on the floor man i can't wait to test that stuff out but our main concern right now is to try to get that audi started which we're in the works we got we got some good news we got a key dude we finally got a key it's gonna come in the mail in a couple days and uh we got somebody that's gonna come out and help us program that whole entire thing so we're super excited about that and uh when that thing gets started this thing and everything else that we got in store for this audience we're just gonna slap it on there on there man but as right now it is a little too what's this this is uh one of the one of the back ones right here oh same thing as we open up up there no this is actually brackets right here this is all brackets and stuff this is the whole entire kit this is going to mount up directly all we got to do is do a little bit of uh customizing over there of course you need some bigger wheels and that'll be it yes sir dude but it's getting a little dark on us and that's going to be all for tonight i guess we're going to catch you guys tomorrow in the morning [Music] all righty guys so it is actually the next day here and the very first thing we try to do is pop this dent once again and how'd it go this thing just popped off once again as well dude so i don't know we're probably gonna go ahead and send this back off and not only just saying this i might end up sending this thing scuffing it up but no more panel because we finally got our jet black in in the mail right here to check this stuff out man oh my goodness and we used this stuff in the past and it has been amazing so we had to have some more dude you can just tell by the logo right there a dude in a fighter jet you know it's some solid stuff work time in 1.5 minutes sand and paint time basically cured in 10 minutes now i get why they call it jet black because jets are fast and that stuff works fast dude this stuff is absolutely amazing it's perfect for anything i mean look you can repair metal plastics carbon fibers cmc fiberglass aluminum just any everything and that stuff works amazing on headlights yes sir so you got a broken tap on the headlight you put this stuff on there and in 10 minutes it's 100 cure you can go ahead and throw the headlight on and it dries like a gloss black which is just perfect blends right in and we do got some other formula right here that's almost similar yeah so it dries the same it's all identical just works on a little bit more stuff right here so this stuff is just amazing dude i am so happy that we found this company right here they have just speeded a lot of things up for us if you're looking for something there's the website man look at their packaging as well dude in there they're packaging red white and blue stars that just screams america right america but anyways we also stopped by the four dealerships right by the ford dealership and we went ahead and ordered this whole entire wheel well thing which was like 300 bucks it actually comes with these two pieces right here and you order this little metal strut that actually goes to the actual frame of the truck that holds everything together and we expedited it so it'll be like a day or two dude i can't wait for all that stuff to come in that side is solid we're done with that over there yeah we can go ahead and take all these clamps off right here this thing is not going anywhere it's permanent now we can probably even throw in the tail light just to see how everything fits but as of right now let's just go ahead clean this area up throw some jet black on there and see if we can get this thing out [Music] dying son this looks crazy man that almost looks like some sort of work truck or something dude on that bedside and it looks crazy from the back end without this bumper or anything looks kind of weird but when you make your way over here look at that right thing man finally good to see one bedside complete and looking amazing man we just wanted to throw that sucker on there just to see how everything lines up and it lines up perfect and we just wanted to see how wide this sucker really was and we were thinking about going even wider but you know i think the stock raptor is wide enough dude that's wide enough that's why you buy a raptor for the wideness and the wheels and and the suspension and everything else dude another question we have for you guys is should we go carbon fiber flares or should we do just the stock gun metal flares they both look the same but you know what carbon fiber always looks better it's lighter faster you can jump higher and all that good stuff hey and it's substantially more though so i think it's like a thousand bucks for the front flares and a thousand for the rear ones that's 2 000 bucks just for flares right there i think the original ones will be a lot cheaper but you know what carbon fiber weight reduction dude carbon fiber beautiful look dude let us know what you guys think i think it will match the interior carbon dioxide perfectly but other than that this whole entire side right here is almost complete all it needs is a bunch of sanding and a little bit of paint working that'll be it dude oh and we almost forgot we actually got to do some bodywork right here which that jet black actually popped it out it popped out way better and it made this line a lot straighter to this corner piece that's the most important thing that way the door looks good and i mean all it needs is just a little bit of filler and that's it yeah we're definitely going to take care of that with filler and some primer and that'll be it but that's pretty much going to be it for the raptor for today i want to jump back inside and talk about these g-stop breaks right here one last time dude i was thinking about these suckers basically all night and we forgot to mention that these suckers right here are actually eight piston i don't even know if like any of the super cars that we got used never heard of eight piston man and the rear ones are six piston and this is just insane man not only do they make actually calipers just for the audi a7 they can customize them for almost any type of vehicle and not only do they make them look amazing they also focus on performance and they can customize them to whatever you're going to be doing whether it be racing drifting so on and so forth we're definitely going to leave all the links to the company down below dude but that's just going to be pretty much it for today we got a lot more stuff coming for that raptor so definitely make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and if you want to inside scoop before youtube definitely give us a follow on instagram at gun squad but with all that being said thank you guys so much for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below we'll catch you guys next time peace
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 887,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebuilding a wrecked ford raptor, rebuilding a wrecked ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a ford raptor, rebuilding a ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked f150, goonzquad raptor, goonzquad f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked truck, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 f450, goonzquad, goonzquad garage, goonzquad headquarters
Id: ZocQnZ-nPUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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