REASONS WHY UCLA IS THE BEST I Why you should choose UCLA!

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not gonna lie the parties at UCLA are pretty strong everyone is just really proud to be there there's so many opportunities it is such a beautiful campus you see celebrities like all the time hey guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I'll be sharing all the things I'm wrong about you see on this video is part of a two-part series so in last video I talked about all the things I wish I'd known about before coming to UCLA so that video is more focused on the console UCLA and then this week's video I'll be talking about all the things I love about the school some more of the pros of UCLA that video can be found on my channel and I'll also make sure to link it in the description bar down below I also have a whole playlist of different UCLA videos whether it's a day in the life or just more informational videos that playlist can also be found on my channel but yeah in today's video I was talking about all the reasons why I love UCLA but in my lastest video I split up into two parts the first half was more academics and classes and then the second half was more social and what's like to live at UCLA this week I'll be doing like the flip of that so I'll first start with social and living at UCLA and then move towards more academic stuff I'll sit in my last video I gave a little intro blurb about me so I'm gonna do that in this video as well so I am a first year at UCLA I'm a business economics major and I'm from Seattle Washington so I'm an out-of-state student so without further ado let's get on to the video the first reason why I love UCLA is because of the people there everyone is just really genuinely happy to be IEC LA so high school spirit and the school spirit of UCLA students is just really really great and I'm not just talking about school spirit at like games and such but the private people have to be on campus and be able to say that they're UCLA student it really just makes me proud to be able to say that you study at UCLA and be surrounded by other people who are proud and want to be there as well and like disclaimer I'm not trying to brag or anything like that I'm just saying that everyone there wants to be there and genuinely proud and happy to be on campus we are in fact ranked the number one public university so that is definitely a factor into what makes everyone proud and what CCI being in well recognized school that goes into my next point that you have so many opportunities at UCLA whether it's clubs internships jobs just because you see is first of all a big school and second because it's long known there was so many different opportunities that you're given so for example the first one that I was saying was different clubs and organizations because there's so many different students there are a ton of different people with different interests and niches so as a result most likely more clubs with specific interests that might cater more towards you then maybe like a smaller school that just have a few basic general taught to the arts if you're interested to know what clubs I'm a part of I serve as the digital media intern for our film and photo Society I'm part of Beauty cosmetics Club and I currently serve as the videographer for our hard campus chapter there are time different her campus chapters across all different colleges um it's like a national club but because you see LA it's a big school there are a lot of people in our core campus chapter and every result are actually nationally recognized so that's another thing just because um you see like it's like a well-known school more clubs and organizations will have maybe more opportunities and other schools chapters might I also currently serve as I'm able in college and Baxter I UCLA this isn't a club at UCLA but it's by the Maybelline brand themselves like they recruit a couple ambassadors from a few different colleges so I'm really excited to say that I am a Maybelline College ambassador UCLA and they're a bunch of different companies that do this so I'm they're like Victoria Secret pink they have a couple ambassadors and a few colleges and then area like American Eagle the area line they have a few ambassadors at colleges but these opportunities aren't going to be given every single college across the nation but because UCLA is a big well-known school these companies come to UCLA and they recruit ambassadors so yeah this is another really cool opportunity that I was able to get that I might have not necessarily been able to have if I've gone to another college another pro of UCLA's prestige and just being able to say that you go to UCLA and being able to write that on your they it definitely opens up the door to potential job opportunities and internship opportunities and I mean even being able to connect with different UCLA alum who are in the field that you might be interested in being able to say that you go to UCLA just put your foot in the door and gives you that extra opportunity so I mean definitely don't choose your college just based on the name and like the recognition that I may have because if you do that like you want to make sure you go to school that you're genuinely passionate about and you really really love but I think it is important to consider like how well-known your colleges and what different opportunities it can provide you all right the next thing I love UCLA is because the food is home I have a local video about all the different dining areas on campus so like dining halls and takeout places I show you all around and I also talk about the meal plans so that video will be linked in the description bar down below definitely check it out but yes the food at UCLA it is a really really good we actually have the number one ranked college dining hall in the nation according to niche my favorite dining hall is B plate which is known as like the healthy spot on campus I also really like the takeout place to study there's also an Asian food thing dining hall there's a diamond hole with a pasta bar like the list goes on we have multiple dining halls and all of them serve really really great foods so there's never a day they go without eating some sort of good food I do CLA I know that some of my friends out there colleges only have like one dining hall they like or some cultist only have like one dining hall as an option so the fact that UCLA has multiple dining options and the food there every dining hall is really good just yeah the next reason why I love UCLA is the location obviously UCLA is located in Los Angeles and for me as someone who is born and raised in Seattle I was getting really tired of that notorious yellow rain and I was ready to move somewhere sunny so Los Angeles but in addition to wanting better weather la also has a bunch of different opportunities in the fields that I'm interested in so as I said I this is economics major and I'm potentially interested in like marketing or even maybe the entertainment industry and because la is like the hub for entertainment it's just a really great opportunity to be exposed to that feel and you have to turn it like job or internship opportunities well location shouldn't be like the only reason that you choose a college I definitely think it's a really important one because you're gonna be spending like what at least three fourths of the year at your college so for example you know if you hate snow you probably don't want to choose an East Coast College because there will be times in the winter everyone will be wearing your thick boots and having to walk through like a foot of snow so if that's all something that you want to see you should probably consider that when you're making a cold decision I know I personally am really happy when the Sun is out so banks those just so much sunlight has really lifted my mood and I found myself being really happy at UCLA also sign know a really cool thing about living LA is that there's so many different like award shows and different events that you have the opportunity to go to just because you're in Los Angeles so I remember one weekend I was able to go to the American Music Awards and I actually got front-row tickets for free so I said we'll see like Taylor Swift Alyssa Slater Gomez Camila Cabello Shawn Mendes like a ton of different properties and be front row for their performances for free I'll probably make a whole nother video about how I got tickets for free but basically it's - this app but yeah it's really easy to get ticket if you're interested in that kind of thing I definitely recommend checking it out if you guys want I can make a video about that but yeah just live in Los Angeles and having close access to that it is definitely a perk about UCLA another really cool thing is that you bump into celebrities all the time and because easy la is a well-known school submarines will come onto our campus to just film or just do random things like there's always some sort of movie being filmed at UCLA and for example like Justin Bieber was on our intramural field randomly enough I don't know what he was doing there but I was in the middle class when he just came to UCLA and didn't know until my class had and it's my phone was bombarded with questions of people telling me Justin Bieber's honor I am feel and I was like I just it's okay I'm okay but yeah we've also had David Oprah come on to our campus he actually comes on to our campus pretty often um to like film videos josh hutcherson animals on our campus like the guy from The Hunger Games and that was all in the past corner alone so pretty sure that there will be many more opportunities for me to bump into people but even just walking through Westwood Westland is like the cult town area that you see is located in I bumped into other famous youtubers so one time when I was walking target I bumped into Meg DeAngelis another time when I was walking to Target I bumped it to Shelby Church and then one time I was walking to Whole Foods I bumped into Morgan Yates so yeah three youtubers I bumped it to within one or two quarters I think that's pretty crazy nothing that I ever think would have happened if I had gone to school at a different College we also have really strong sports teams and as a result we have some pretty famous people on our teams so for example our gymnastics teams we have a couple different Olympians on our team I know that Kyle Ross and blessing coaching coaching sorry I'm probably butchering their last name but they weren't previous Olympic athletes I'm a pretty big gymnastics stance so it's really cool diamond able to go to these meets for free and sit front row and watch Olympic athletes perform because it's basically like run chickens Olympics for free so yeah that's just another bonus of UCLA all right the next point is that our party scene is pretty strong I'm personally not a huge party person but I have got two different frat parties and just different parties generally but yeah if you're in departing you'll definitely love it at UCLA people start partying on Thursdays so if you want to you could go out on Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday like it's up to you but yeah if you're into the party scene I think you'll definitely like it here and even if you're not into partying like there's nothing wrong with that I personally am NOT a huge partier myself you don't feel pressured to go and I don't really feel FOMO or anything so yeah it's really up to you what your interests are because there's so many different kinds of people at UCLA you'll definitely find people that you connect with another thing that I love about UCLA is how diverse it is yes there's a lot of in-state students but there are also a lot of on the state students international students I've met people from all over the world and it's really cool to be able to hear people of different backgrounds and all their different stories personally for me I came from a really small high school so there's around 80 ish people my graduating class so I definitely wanted that big college experience and be able to meet a whole bunch of different people because the people I went to high school with I graduated high school with like we all knew each other really well so I was ready to be able to expand my horizons and like me a bunch of different new people UCLA has definitely provided me with that opportunity you're constantly exposed to new ideas and different viewpoints and just the wide array of people coming from all different sorts of backgrounds and all different sorts of places it is really really cool in my opinion also just after going to a school where everyone knew everyone for me it was really nice to be able to walk to class and not recognize everyone or not have everyone recognize me and as weird as it may sound it was kind of comforting in a way to be able to just disappear to the crowd and just walk to class and not be recognized by everyone or or like you know everyone that is walking by so it really depends on you like some people don't like the fact that it's a really big school but for me that's personally like one of the main reasons why I chose UCLA another reason why I love UCLA is because the campus is absolutely gorgeous whether it's the buildings like the architecture or the different greenery the scene at UCLA is just so so pretty and when the Sun is out it's just honestly so so beautiful every time I walk by a Powell library or I'm on like Jam steps those are two pretty iconic spots on campus every time I walk by them I'm always no surprised by how pretty it is they're legit people who shoot their wedding photos at UCLA's so if that doesn't give any idea of how pretty our campus is I've had a couple different photo shoots around like the Powell library slash like Jam steps so I hear some photos from there and as you can see very very pretty background it's just really nice to be able to walk around and be surrounded by such a pretty campus additionally piggybacking off of that something that I really like about UCS campus is that the classes and like all the academic stuff is pretty separate from where the dorms and the housing is so all the housing is on an area called the hill and that's where the dorms and the dining halls are there's also a little campus shop so you can pick up like necessities at that store there's a mailing system there there's also gym on the hill so honestly if you don't want to you never really have to leave the hill like everything's right there at your disposal but yeah I just like that the living space is separate from the classes like having that distinction I just personally really like it I know that some colleges able to just like roll out of bed and in your class is literally like a three to five minute walk yeah that is not the case I need CLA some people complain about all the walking but I personally don't mind it that much and yeah I just like that the to like your classes and the dorms are separate UCLA is also located in a really cute college town called Westwood and I really really like Wesley there's a ton of different stores and restaurants so there's like a target there there's the core power yoga there they're grocery stores so Ralph's Trader Joe's Whole Foods and as I said there's a lot of different restaurants so obviously some of my best memories are like going to the restaurant and Westwood after class with my friends or going on the late-night target run I really like that Westwood is just right outside the campus so the moment I step foot off a campus you're right - Westwood and you have all these places that you can go another thing that I love about UCLA is they provide their students with a lot of different resources to prepare for jobs internships interviews or writing resumes you name it they really want to make sure their students feel supported and prepared so for me I know that one event that I really enjoyed this past quarter is that they had an event where a bunch of alumni currently working in the entertainment industry came and they had a bunch of different tables set up in like a ballroom and you could just go around to each table there were a couple different alumni at each table and you could just ask them about their career how they got there and just any questions you might have had about it especially since I'm a business economics major and I might be potentially interested in like entertainment or PR and marketing that was really cool to be able to talk to these alumni and ask all my questions there was some really big name brands like I know there are people from Netflix Hulu Warner's media a bunch of different PR companies so yeah I really love that easily it puts on these events and make these connections so that they feel supported in whatever they may be interested in the next thing I love about UCLA this one's more geared towards academics but because there's so many students and because it's a really big College there are a ton of different courses to choose from there is a huge catalogue of a bunch of different classes and a student coming to UCLA everyone has general education requirements or GES that you're required to fulfill so for me what I did is I just made sure to take the easiest classes from my GES so that I could raise my GPA and kind of like protect my GPA for those harder courses I'm required to take for my major because there's so many classes offered you can definitely find those easier classes or just classes that you're really interested in Alya I took a really really chill class last corner where I love this lucky during every lecture and the midterm and the final or both take-home message so I didn't have to study for that class but I mean I got an A so yeah that was really nice and lastly kind of like I was saying in the beginning in the video the people at UCLA are genuinely really great people and really really nice yes there are a lot of factors and reasons that contribute to why I love UCLA whether it's the pretty campus or the classes or all the opportunities I have but honestly nothing compares to the people at UCLA it's really important to think about who you want to surround yourself with for the next four years who you want to be as a person and who you surround yourself with is definitely going to impact you as a person so you know think about those things like who do I want to be in four years or who do I want to be spending the next four years with I know that for me the people that I surround myself with I am proud to be able to call them my my classmates they're just genuinely really great people at UCLA that I never would have met if I had gone to another college so yeah that's pretty much it for today's video I really hope this helped you guys out if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe down below for more as I said this video is part of a two-part series where I talk about the pros and cons of UCLA so if you wanna see the video where I talk about the cause UCLA and things I wish I had known then head over to my channel and also leave it in the description bar down below if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will make sure you get back to you on those and yeah until next time I will see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: lifeofmeili
Views: 10,509
Rating: 4.9213481 out of 5
Keywords: ucla, pros and cons, why i chose ucla, college reaction, college advice, college, ucla day in life, ucla life, ucla campus, berkeley, berkeley day in life, what i wish i knew, the truth about college, college freshman, transfer student, ucla academics, ucla social, ucla parties, ucla dorm, college dorm, college parties, ucla classes, ucla orientation, dining, ucla review, college application, common application, college essay
Id: r2tkUemcT8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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