ucla survival guide

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hello what's up guys it's big mosh and this video goes up wonderful particular class of 2024 welcome baby Bruins your hard work has finally paid off and UCLA here you come baby but man oh man Cody 19 has done y'all a little bit dirty you can't visit campus now there's no brewing day this is tough I'm not gonna lie to you but it's gonna be okay at least you have the internet which was actually an event at UCLA it's the best place of the internet it has a unique odor honestly though I was obtained on the interweb before making my college decision and since you have no choice you're gonna have to maybe you're doing the same and you stumble upon this video that'll basically I asked some of my friends to whip out their camcorders and send some words your way why you Congrats on getting to enjoy I feel like this is the aspect that a lot of incoming freshmen are just freakin stoked about college is all about meeting smart fools like-minded people that should be a top priority seek out spaces in communities that feel good to you it's easy to make friends at UCLA everyone's friendly tons of different people I met my roommates my floor mates my classmates this is just a really great place and a lot of people one really easy way to meet people awesome back and a big motive is joining clubs join clubs join a club join every club that you can even if you know that your schedule won't allow for it you'll weed out the ones you don't like how many to choose from you ask well UCLA has a thousand clubs and if you click on that link scroll down to student organizations you can look through them yourself and see what makes you feel some type of way no matter what it is you want you're into I'm sure there's some Club on campus for that I'm really interested in photography yards on architecture music and all that fun stuff that you don't get to enjoy in stem I get all the pressure to build their resume and stuff but I would recommend joining a club that takes you out of something for you at UCLA so you're nervous coming in don't be the run is so involved all over the place on your face in your class you will find your knees join mentorship because you get to work with children you get an awesome amazing people shameless plug here like a UCLA radio and you say radio I'm gonna throw our design manager check out CDC dependents Commission you get to have a lot of cool opportunities and just some sports medicine internship program awesome program a fear prevent and you love sports it's a no brainer fullest easiest one I think you can join this but also join some lab you could do some work studies everyone's just so passionate and I were thinking find upperclassmen to come visit them to the club they're a [Music] lot of the clubs are really competitive and the application process interviews not being discouraged another pretty easy way to meet people is through Greek life and I know it's not for everyone I can personally say that some of my best friends best connections best memories because I joined weekly and really could not recommend it more doesn't work out it's worth the shot for sure I was in it for two years and I met a lot of my closest friends another super cool way to meet people is through class and I've literally met some of my closest friends gonna make friends your class is no one's really too cool for that make group chats with other kids in the class do you remember how it came up soon I was like I always see you in class and we never talked the whole time and we saw each other you make best friends I know who would have thought that class would have blossomed such a beautiful friendship beautiful life long three year friendship everyone's in the same boat everyone is going through the same thing so don't be afraid to talk to people they're definitely going to get outside of your bubble and so still make friends holler at me but honestly the most common and easiest way to meet people freshman year is from living on the hill which is what we call our dorm and dining region of campus every one of my closest friends my freshman year were from my building Creek life major personality background one thing that I regret does not be more involved in my floor so please do that if you're always asking to do anything just try it out right on besides can also meet people have parties you know that's where all the freshmen or avoid foam tips but like sometimes blackout at Rocco's off of $6 am FS and become best friends with her meal he's a homie Rocco's place to be like you think Marsh is crazy we've learned a lot and if you feel like you're not finding your best buddies for life right away don't worry cuz you're not alone in that beginning of my experience I was super lost and I really didn't feel like I had made a great friend group like the one that I had in high school and I think that's how a lot of people feel so if you're feeling that way in this upcoming year that's totally okay but seriously don't worry friends will come with time I didn't meet the majority of my best friends until summer going into sophomore year when I took see such classes so you know patience is a virtue my guys hush made us most of our friends so I would say even if you live alone during feet that do it it was really fun get out there sweetie you got it I'm not gonna lie to you though it can be really tough so here's some really important advice try your best to reach out to family and friends from home which can be stressed a lot of times so it's important to go back to your roots studios UCLA is hard you see like stuff oh my god this is so hard it can be a little challenging to put it lightly you don't worry everyone's feeling that way welcome to the Bruin family now you get to and moan alongside the rest of us and hate midterms and hate finals and you know all that good stuff people at UCLA are obviously very competitive I want very motivated everyone wants to do well in school we all take academics very seriously that's why we're all at UCLA it might be a rocky start I know for me it was a Rocky's die definitely adjustment my fall quarter freshman GPA was the worst quarter GPA I've had so far and I was definitely shocked and I said well I gotta figure out take it easy on yourself you know you're gonna get a bad grade I get bad grades all the time don't be afraid to fail of you because that happened every quarter even to the smart people it is definitely a learning curve it's important to remember that you are whole and don't be afraid at all as tough as it is you know you get by with the help of others biggest piece of advice to not stress too much about your homework / exams don't overwork yourself still care but it's okay if you don't do as great as you were doing in high school go with the flow because the quarter system can be super chaotic at times and read ten weeks good call classes and surround you the quarter system goes by super fast the quarter system is definitely something learning about the syllabus week one and the next thing you know you have a midterm you'll feel like you get adjusted to but at the same time you don't put opportunity to foster new relationships and new projects and discover new academic paths kind of taking the highs and lows as they come and like I feel like the more control you try to have over the the chaos like the more frustrated you can be I came from a really small high school and I remember the first day I walked into lecture and I was like holy like this is like a concert like there's so many bodies right before you get into those lectures you gotta sign up for Omaha so you sign up for classes on my UCLA and we use this app called duo mobile meaning you have to have your phone with you in order to get into your account to verify it and all that so once you verify your account and you get in you go to class planners and this is where the scheduling magic happens baby this is my schedule for spring it's a little wonky and I have some overlap just because online school pre-recorded lectures that whole thing and this is probably just me but for two years straight I would find my classes like this and this is the dumbest way possible you should click find a class and enroll and then that way you can see all the classes and pick which days you'd want it you know it's a lot smoother take cool classes like take the classes that you would mess take because you'll find out some pretty cool stuff like history of rock'n'roll there's a class let's also make sure to check your professors ratings on Bruin walk before enrolling in any class you can also see great distribution on this and it's pretty good also make sure to download the app course cool it tracks and notifies you if someone drops a course that you're interested in enrolling in a lot of the times going to a big school classes will fill up before your enrollment period even starts and it doesn't matter if you need the class for your major you just have to wait it out until someone drops so freaking worried you don't know what you want to do after college don't worry none of us really do there's no pressure to figure it out right away experiment and see if what you think about who you are and what your interests are translate to the real world if you really just have no idea what you want to study just take jeez you're gonna have to get those done regardless so you can do that while you figure out what you like keep an open mind and be open to the possibility that your interests might change if you're ever unsure on what classes you need to take you can run your audit and this is super helpful because it gives you an overview on the progress and you can actually run any UCLA program so if you're thinking about changing your major you can see if you have overlap from whatever classes you've already taken sometimes just take a step back and remind yourself about what's actually important because it's not always school and it's really easy to get in that mindset especially around a lot of people who are in that house it's a requirement for all freshmen to live on campus and I'm sure you guys have noticed but the housing application is horrible they don't give you any insight on what any of these options are so I'm gonna take it upon myself and welcome to my crash course on housing so there's four different types of housing classics and Deluxe's are both residential halls and then there's pauses and Suites so down the line they get more expensive less social but they do get bigger and less grimy so all right let's get into the classics baby we got Dijkstra Hedrick Sproul and I lived in one of these small [Music] communal bathrooms but whether or not you consider yourself a very social person living in a bigger residential area can lead to more social opportunities and meeting a lot of people that have interest outside of your own there's a hundred people per floor if not more it's a triple classic everyone should do it live in a hall okay let's talk about Deluxe's now you got to NAV Holly and gardenia and spell Cove and landing I don't have a video from anyone talking about these sorry not sorry but they're pretty much the same as classics except they're a bit bigger they got nice a bathroom there's air conditioning so in the crisp Los Angeles heat or you're just like it's so hot it's nice to have the air conditioner I really really need it time next we got plazas I'm not gonna read that I'm assuming you are literate but these suckas got some mixed reviews I lived in Delta Terrace Delta's Harris it's pretty nice we had our own bathroom in an adjoining suite one piece of advice would be not to live in a Plaza with a private bathroom especially in the nav Deneb if you want a social life it was quiet which is nice but also quiet in the sense that it wasn't that social wasn't social dorms which kind of sucked did not want to talk to me while my friends were partying it up in there Masek residence halls so stop do to yourself I lived in Hendricks Amish all the way at the top of the hill my freshman year plenty of stairs get those leg muscles up I hated the walk I definitely get your tasks into good shape our floor and evergreen last year wasn't that outgoing even though other floors were it's kind of one of those things they don't have that much control over I think if there's nice outgoing people on your floor cool if there's not it's not the end of the world we've literally any other room just not a Plaza with a single pass blast and definitely should be least on your list Suites pitch and Saxon not the move for freshmen and I actually know someone that as a freshman applied to be in these and was stuck in a room of every class in which roommate you know always want to go with those random roommates but you never really know if they're gonna be cool or not I did the classic random roommate selection and honestly I have to say that was kind of my favorite part about you select random roommate I really enjoyed doing that my best suggestion is don't do random I would find the roommates beforehand it's know them a little bit as definitely it's like a big plus having two roommates that you're actually France would and not just living with people that you're like forced to so definitely like check out the Facebook so we met on Facebook two roommates that I found on Facebook find people that you seem like you'd get along with one of them I found through the Facebook group and she reached out to me and be roommates and then we just decided to go random for they actually found me as a roommate but the way I kind of chose them was kind of like texting them saying what the Bible I'm like your online dating when you're finding freshmen your roommates because everyone does it and it makes it way easier to find roommates are good I'm from New Jersey you couldn't tell already my roommate is also from Jersey we met through a mutual friend my senior year they're kind of cool if they're not then them you know them because I've heard some horror stories of pretty crazy random roommates that just sucks some b-ball have unfortunate we made situations but we got really lucky I'm still rooming with one of my roommates now so random can go well had great roommates really liked them actually live with Lauren as juniors also I mean there are the roommates that you find and they been crazy everyone looks pretty on paper but then when you actually get to know them they're not always the same person no I'm saying so kind of just be wary living with two other people at uh close proximity you gotta communicate with one another that's the most important part no conflict I mean honestly just talk it out you're in the adults get over it by one roommate consistently got Ronde and we just leave it happy not a desk the room would smell like so I just had to tell him listen you can eat Ronde and they just got thrown out people are always worried about the whole living situation but I would say not stress about it too much because like it really is just luck of the draw leave dining hall UCLA dining is the best in the world I'm not even kidding I mean for realsies Business Insider gave us number one baby ante if you can't get a pluses on the transcript at least you can get an A+ and yo tummy let me just talk about the meal plans before I get into the Robin so for UCLA's meal plans you can decide between three weekly meal sizes 11 14 and 19 and then you can decide whether you want to get regular or premium for premium your weekly meals will carry over to the next week whereas for regular they don't and for premium you can eat multiple times in a meal period and regular you can get 19 P because even if you don't use all of them there probably be some like cute seniors that want your sweats and that's a great tactic to meeting people and once you pay for your meal plan all your swipes will get loaded onto your broom cart and you'll also use this card to get into your dorm building you'll need it for tests and getting into the gym and you might get like I do if you don't want to gain the freshman 15 do attend one dining hall be played so loyally that you're set amazing fresh new roommates make you a custom shirt for your birthday and the fact that you will strip for me plate it's super healthy healthiest so many options cool people good music the vegan brownies and not because I'm vegetarian but just because they had different every plate you have to be sober pretty crowded went for lunch most of the time because it was a lot less crowded than dinner weird enough you have to go drunk if you're hung over go to dev perfect Koval you have to go hi found myself eating at Covell a lot for lunch sort of my little the hill my pack the variety is not necessarily as as great as it is with some of the other dining halls if you desert but I found that especially in the afternoon there's almost no lion best meals to get and take-out dining halls BBQ chicken quesadilla from Ronde rendezvous that place get yourself a burrito oh man sandwich from the study study I basically live doclet study sandwiches I've heard the sandwiches are really good I have celiac said I don't about study Pizza the study really can't go wrong study salad suck I like the salads personally Cuban sandwich can beat out the attack at that chicken Caesar sandy or pull a turkey sandy and they would just get the job done every time any kind of pizza from cafe and her face is just a wild card get excited UCLA is so much fun a lot and welcome to UCLA best school in the country congratulations on getting in yeah good luck you guys thank you so so much to all my friends that contributed and offered you guys some words of wisdom and thank you for watching I hope you guys enjoy it and maybe found this helpful if you have any more questions that maybe I didn't cover or other topics you'd want me to make a video on just comment down below and like and subscribe you don't like and subscribe to this video there's no chance you're getting in any way so just give up
Channel: big mash
Views: 28,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stanford parties, clubs, ucla clubs, uclaenrollment, college orientation, club sports, collegeparty, college student, collegestudents, uclaorientation, freshman orientation, freshman year of college, my freshman year of college, how my friends got into ucla, uclaparty, uclaclubs, ucla party, orientation, dartmouth college, how i got into college, college freshman year, how to get into college, college advice series, stanford valentines day, how i got into ucla low gpa, studentsanswer
Id: IeJo9aaGx2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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