my friends answer your BIGGEST college questions I parties, best dorms, easiest classes?! (UCLA)

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm super excited about today's video I got the opportunity to ask some of my friends some really frequently asked questions about college and UCLA these questions were originally specific to UCLA but a lot of the answers are super applicable to whatever college you go to and it's just really great advice in general for students who are going off to college we go over a ton of different topics so our favorite things our least favorite things dorms dining hall food sororities Greek life what meal plans I recommend how to make a good group of friends and a ton more so I really hope this video helps you guys out definitely make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe down below for more I wish I could have asked these questions in person but with the spring quarter cancelled luckily we did have zoom and FaceTime to use so yeah without further ado let's get onto the video hi I'm Sierra I'm from Gilroy California and I just recently switched you the neuroscience major my name is Emily I'm a first year I'm from Stockton California and I'm majoring in psycho biology hello everyone my name is Lexie I'm from the Bay Area and I'm a political science major my name is Sarah Burton I am from Bay Area and I'm studying Anthony : my name is Alicia Jen I'm from Seattle Washington and I'm currently a business economics major I'm Hannah I'm a third year sociology major and I'm a transfer from San Monica College hi I'm Nicole I am a first year Global Studies major and I'm from Huntington Beach I am Georgia Nicola San Diego California and I'm a first year data Theory major my name is Rachel I'm close Seattle Washington when I grew up in China when my major is psychology my first thing about UCLA is the people I feel like a lot of people are gonna say the people I think I've gotta believe the people that I've met people definitely everyone there is just super driven and passionate about something I love how big it is there are so many people and like within that it's really easy to find the community's overall vibe I like the feeling you get when you're there it's so happy and spirited it just feels like straight out of a movie um if everything it's a crazy amount of school pride that everyone has I came from a really small high school and from Community College where school pride isn't a very common thing definite favorite thing about UCLA is just the community of people you're carrying like too many books there's always gonna be someone who's gonna like open the door for you or if you're like looking like sick or feeling down someone will always ask if you're like okay I would say the size because when you're in a big school it can be really easy to feel like alone transitioning from the small school because my high school had about in class of like 60 people like I wasn't really used to it the size has they're a little hard for me to adjust you can be a little bit overwhelming and my least favorite thing would probably be the lines the lines are horrible sometimes but it's definitely worth it because it was great the sport our sports teams are not doing so hot right now hopefully things will pain I always seem completely savory yet the hills kind of suck the quarter system it's not something I like but it definitely took the most getting used to my least favorite thing is that it can be a little bit overwhelming sometimes because it's so big there's a lot of fighting for resources especially during finals week you're constantly fighting for studying spaces your financier classes so being in a really large public school it definitely has its cons and that if you want to get on top or if you want to do really well you do have to put yourself out there oh this is very controversial oh this is hard I can't choose between the study in be play it be plays is just so good and so healthy super food eating and gourmet nothing fake I always in Tyrande all-time Thursdays California State free no best thing ever Grande Ronde Breda the study the study the study this study a lot of it children sandwiches are built on solid mighty solid order at the study is goat cheese cranberries candied walnuts and avocado with muscling with um like the balsamic vinaigrette dressing all the way Fresno I've always thought the study be like it's a nine o'clock eighty percent of as I am access study it only promise it's kind of a long wait anyhow when you go myself corner I started going to feast all-time feast has great and some ramen all the Asian food that everyone loves I'm kind of her feast right now and there's like this one tofu dish that has like tomato sauce on it and it's really good I would always go to feast on the fun days or like the sushi pulls a favorite huh those were fired maybe be cab was my favorite takeout because you can make your own smoothies which is super say the food is honestly incredible like I've hear people from my friends at other schools complain about their dining hall food all the time but we just like don't have that problem you feel like food number one communications one with Dr Dee Bridgewater he's just like one of the most funny people I've ever met in my life that and it's you need probably the cluster I took if like the people are watching or freshmen and are interested in a cluster program they should definitely look into it it gets like a lot of cheese out of the way and I talked to one of the cosmos and we learned about like space I'm learning about like astrophysics and stuff right now if they take you on like field trips the political violence cluster and I learned so much and it just helped me figure out what I want to do but like I learned something new and something important every single day that I was in that class and use a feel like food so there's a one unit classes LS thirty a and I was thirty be my professor was Yuka and he was like so great super funny engaging thirty seriously can you cook it's so fun and the class is really really easy it's kind of like an excuse for a mouth box Poli Sci fifteen its comparative politics my view for us right now is communications ten and it's not an easy class at all but it's super interesting and it's like pretty low-key one about differences and the ways like men and women communicate and would say like even though classes are challenging sometimes if you find them interesting then like it's more worth to like go for them that's funny which is usually requirement for stats and data theory majors it's impossible and completely ruin my winter quarters I don't recommend taking a cluster specifically mine it was history of modern thought it was not a good time I'm really a philosophy person if you are I say go for it had a lot of reading it's a really intense program I know some people really like theirs but for my experience I would not recommend it I don't recommend the 7 series this is kind of just like a life science core that most people will have to take if you're doing pre matter if you're doing a life science major but if you don't have to take it I would definitely recommend avoiding it if you can it would really depend on or you're in goalless personally Fall Quarter I signed up for this class cuddling one which is known for being one of the easier classes so I kind of walked into that class thinking now this was going to be an easy class and it was but I also didn't feel like I got enough out of the class I'm not at all ready and I do consider rushing when I first went but I think that if you're in a sorority or not it's always going to be easy to make friends still easy to like go party isn't like have a good social group that's a ministry I'm in kind of I get it it's literally amazing it really changed my college experience if I can't imagine not being in it I'm in a sorority I do recommend rushing when I rest I met some of my closest friends it definitely took me out of my comfort zone although it is hideous and intimidating I think that it's such a unique experience I'm not a story but I kind of have a little bit of FOMO but I think I just have it be hard for me to manage time being in a sorority pieman kayo super fun great experience I rushed this year as a second year so I had a little bit of a different experience but I wouldn't change it for anything I'm glad but I didn't do it as a freshman just because I made friends like outside of my sorority though I'm an authority and I really recommend it it's not all about the party you get a lot of really close friends out of it I personally am NOT a majority ously are founded necessary I have been able to find friends and connect with people around me I would recommend more than anything that you should rush it's literally the best experience it's the best way to make friends I definitely was one of the people who was like I'm not sure if this is for me like I don't know if I'm a sorority girl type whatever but I think the great part about YouTube it's like really chill like you're just trying to make friends you can totally do other things it's not like your whole identity is like the house that you're in or whatever it definitely recommend it and if it's all for you like that's totally fine it does not have to be I was at a classic triple or even whole super fun honestly it's kind of intimidating when you're looking at it online I was kind of like how am I gonna look at such a small space of three people I love my roommates we didn't really think of each other space and then it was like fun to like hang out with my Hall mates in the lounge a lot of people choose a classic triple knot because it's small or it's also the cheapest but it was also social I in the you know bathrooms some people don't like that but they get cleaned every day so I never had to wait in line for a show or anything so I had a classic triple and Reber Hall which is supposed to be one of the more social dorm guys definitely recommend going classical just like get the freshman experience ers on the floor they try really hard to welcome everyone so there's always events going on they have like a Denny's and drag queen event they serve pancakes and watch the drag queen performed so like that's what you get in Reverse so I had a private triple engine of I like having a private cause like you have the privacy but also like it was a struggle living with two other girls especially and if you have conflicting morning schedules and you all have to share the bathroom it can definitely be a challenge if you have a private bathroom try to like know your roommates like schedule so you know how long to spend in the bathroom and like try to be considerate of that hello to River Hall it was classic triple I really enjoyed it but the con was that it was really tiny so you are living on top of like your roommates but it's like manageable I loved in a closet triple and Hedrick summit I really really loved it I think it's worth spending a little bit more money for the plaza having that extra space is really really nice especially for studying in the room and just not feeling cramped all the time Patrick summit can be a bit hard at times because you really have to walk really far it's at the top of the hill I lived in Hedrick Summit which is shared Plaza so my two roommates and I shared a bathroom with our 3 suite mates and I personally really liked it having the bathrooms was very very convenient I lived in has Rock Hall which is a classic triple a major cons living in a classic triple is a lack of air conditioning because during Fall Quarter it gets really hot and it's very hard to sleep but well I did was I bought a clip on fan put it on my bed and it worked fine I lived in Reber all my freshman year loved it it still had communal bathrooms and everything like that no a/c but honestly it wasn't a problem as long as you like kept your blinds closed and it was super sunny in the day and then my second year my sophomore year I lived in gardenia which is deluxe style we did have AC much bigger rooms communal bathrooms still but it was nicer it looked almost like a hotel bathroom or something and that experience was really good too it was just less social I lived in a one-bedroom apartment when he was just an apartment I found on my own my meal plan was 14 feet and I think it was the best option because it was just enough food being on the premium plan instead of regular plan is super great because you can swag as my name is blot and the same no period so if you want a smoothie you can get a sandwich with the same time allies you'd have to weigh or maybe ask a friend just why use I surely a 14 P and I think it's the best you'll pay because the meal types carry over it some days you won't be feeling as hungry and some days do you want to eat like five meals a day and that's totally fine I'm 19 P and that was just too much food like it was just way too much food for me but the nice thing was like the P plans is that you can swipe anytime so I I never had to worry about cleaning out my meals and I would probably change the 14 piece I have 19 P and I think that was too big honestly because Westwood has so many different cool eateries that you're not going to be eating on campus every single day three meals a day I think 14 P would be good for me I have 19 P I have found this plan Darius who roll for me just because I actually make an effort to wake up for breakfast I had 19 R which is the regular meal plan I definitely found myself forcing myself to use up my meal slidebar can be annoying especially during finals week if you want to stay on campus and study for like the entire day having to walk 20 to 30 minutes of the hill just to use the meal sweat can be really annoying I had 19 P so I was one of those freshmen people would ask me for swipes all the time which is kind of one of the benefits you just like get to hang out with your older friends you like don't live on the hill anymore but and it is like leaving each quarter with a whole bunch of extra swipes left I will probably go to 14 P you I had 19 P I also got it as my sister off with UCLA so she kind of bullied me into swiping her in so that I eat a watches though I think I'd recommend 14 I was really shocked by how often I see a familiar face on campus given that at such a big school that there are so many people so many times to take classes and all that I really thought I would maybe have one class at some point with someone I recognized but it's like to the point where at least four or five people in my class will have been in a previous class of mine what surprised me was how outgoing everyone is I was actually really surprised by how many people liked to party I know it's LA but I was coming into the school thinking oh my gosh everyone's gonna be super smart like nerdy type you know but no it's a good mix I feel like a lot of people what you say they are really balanced this is a bit of a con but I was surprised and the inconsistency of my professors I definitely had some that I really loved but I was surprised that I have had some that I think have made the learning process a little bit harder to include about was the community that I found how nice everyone is it's a really hard we'll get into but I thought of you like see the competitive and cutthroat but everyone is really supportive there's like a lot of people so that is obviously gonna be a lot of groups that you can fit into and first you're gonna be intimidating but I think as long as you put yourself out there and you introduce yourself and you hurt to make friends making friends will come I think it's super easy to make friends at UCLA as long as you put yourself out there when you come in as a freshman like everybody's going to make good friends even if it makes you uncomfortable just put yourself out there like meet people ask them like you know what like what's your major were you from yes it was really intimidating having to reach out to people at first and sometimes it can be bias awkward just turning to the person next to you in class and being like hey my name's blah blah blah so it's definitely hard to start off but I realized that almost all the people I met have been very very open to conversations they understand what it's like to be a first-year whether they are a first-year themselves or whether they're upperclassmen who have lived through it I think it's definitely really easy to make friends it's a very consistent group of students who you know how to balance academics and social life there's a very friendly culture you see everybody's very like welcoming but I also think in terms of competitiveness is very competitive people are pretty studious but I think in comparison to other schools it's not as cut grow and there's definitely like a collaborative atmosphere - there's a lot of places where you can find people who have the same interest with you because it's such a diverse community there's bound to be someone who has similar interest we have a good time it's definitely a nice balance between like work and social life party that usually aren't great usually loves to party if you want to party you can definitely find it a lot of Asian spots they're definitely really fun the nice thing about the party that he don't have to be in a sorority to get in I know it's some schools eating like wristbands you have to be on like a list or you have to be in a sorority and if that's not really the culture here I personally didn't go to a lot of parties this past quarter from the few I have been to they're decent better term I'm not a huge party person but the parties that I have gone to have been okay I definitely prefer frat parties over club parties but they can get chaotic at times my friends that I've become friends with we're all third-year transfers and we all just go and just dance as if literally no one's watching you'll see some people who are there to like meet guys and then you see awesome corner looking shows ridiculous there is take your Sunday if you're looking for somewhere to go there's always a place but it doesn't overwhelm UCLA I know there's plenty of students who aren't involved with a party for sure so I think it's like a healthy balance and totally askew you want to be involved I'm part of UCLA Club track it's recreational but it's also competitive so you can choose whether you want to go to meets on weekends over the business but professionally has helped me a lot I firmly have an internship and I don't think I would have had this opportunity if I'm working like I'm a part of no team so it's like skiing and snowboarding so much fun I was always in Mammoth and then I was also on a hip-hop team those off-campus there's also options all on campus do you want to like dance in a parking garage tilt Rams foundations which is a dance organization every Tuesday and Thursday from 7 11 sometimes even beyond 11 p.m. you would see us just chilling in the parking lot and dancing I personally made some of my best friends my team let me tell ya it has become a family so we've got PI Omega I'm also part of the club volleyball team which I highly recommend you just like tryout its if you did in high school like I'm also part of the pediatric age coalition and we have a Dance Marathon every year they decide Union which was cool because I got to meet a lot of people with the same study interests as me I also had a garden in some separate where I grew my producer just pretty cool I was a part of Watts tutorial program we tutor kids from elementary to high school my main organization is Chi Omega the sorority and then I also just joined tau Sigma which is an honor society for transfer students it was the team UCLA and u-dub and even though we've had a Business School which would be a plus I really wanted to challenge myself and be more independent by moving to a completely different state where I wouldn't have my parents to rely on all the time and I'm really grateful decision because I feel like a lot of my friends back at u-dub have all the same high school friends and all the same wife styles and everything and I'm really glad that I was able to like stuff out my box and like grow more actually just had a feeling noticed it I think that it was the one that you could totally see myself living there am i calling that my phone for four years it is such a beautiful campus feeling it wasn't one of my top choices originally but it kind of boiled down to location it can be still in such a nice neighborhood I think the one everyone would kind of say is like oh it's the number one public institution and get all excited but my big one was that my dad so I'm a first generation college student like I said and my dad growing up always wanted to go to UCLA he would like tell stories about how he would like go play video games at the UCLA library because I was the only place with the computer and like all this stuff and so I really just wanted to go because he couldn't I knew that I was gonna have a good time here at UCLA I'm super happy with my choices I was debating between Berkeley and UCLA so glad everyone kind of between UCLA and Berkeley and I knew that UCLA was a school where I'd be capable of getting a good GPA but it's also challenging and another good thing especially being pre-med is the amount of research experiences that UCLA offers being at a number one public school offers a lot of opportunities to talk with people who aren't really high up in the fields but you want to go to and also the location of UCLA I really like fashion and drifting and they really like films and la is kind of the center of that whole culture and lifestyle there are so many opportunities and like a smaller school because I was deciding between that and the small school like a smaller school would have not put me where I am right now my favorite place on campus would have to be gem stuff span that trans stuff and stuff it's still fun to just chill you can bring a hammock out there with some friends have a picnic it's just look so beautiful my favorite place is the botanical gardens the little spot where there's like a river and there's Turtles and really big koi fishes the sculpture garden or oh the botanical garden is really cool I'm in North Campus major so I hang out a lot in the sculpture garden with study if I can cliche we go to Santa Monica a lot like UCLA is in a really good location where there's like a lot of fun things to do around so you can go to a first-year promenade where you can find like a cute cafe in LA to like study on oh we go to k-town really often for Korean barbeque on the weekends I like to try to get out explore la a little bit so like getting museums great dream space I really want to do the Hollywood high the Melrose trading post is really fun I usually just chill like whether it be with my friends or with myself as much as I am extroverted I also need my down time I tried to recharge I would either just hang out with my roommates and we like to do something or hang out with friends from like my sorority sunset just another one my favorite spot on campus like by the pool car sunset right a little bit and maybe go swimming I wish I knew and like expected that changes okay because coming into college there are a lot of changes especially in dynamics between your relationships whether it's a friend your family boyfriend girlfriend whoever like things are gonna change and it's a little scary but you just have to know that everything's gonna be okay it'll work out and you'll get a lot more comfortable in your environment as you spend more time there I wish I knew that you don't really need to be set on exactly the major you want you know exactly what you want to do I think I was definitely feeling a lot of pressure to have like my whole four years figured out but it's so easy to change your major at UCLA especially for changing like within life sciences or within communities I would say given Balthus as many organizations as possible because like one that's the easiest way to make friends and also it's a good way of making sure your life isn't too focused on like just schoolwork if trying get involved in as much stuff if you can I think when you go into college a lot of people tell you to get involved in everything can you know like sign for a hundred clubs and do a hundred different things and be the president of a hundred different things I think that for the people who can do that I applaud you but for me like I could not do that and so for people like me where you don't have like a ton of time just like find one thing you're passionate about or that you have a lot of fun doing and just really commit to being involved in that I think my biggest he said I was right is that you shouldn't come into college with a lot of expectations like obviously in every movie or according to everyone college is like life training experience that will be like the best of of your life especially your Dutchman year Fall Quarter but each tradition is actually really hard for me and like I just didn't expect that all I would say like kind of be shameless like you kind of like when making friends are like doing classes or like talking to people whatever yeah you're just gonna kind of do it and enjoy it try to say yes to things you're gonna be exposed to a lot of different things like allows different people if you want to small school like I did it's very different but it's okay and it's okay to change it's okay to grow the upperclassmen are very excited to meet you I personally came in thinking that you know all the upperclassmen here have already lived up the hype they've already experienced the excitement but now that I am on the other side of the perspective I guess I have surprisingly found myself to be so excited about meeting you guys I cannot wait to see your excitement and your joy coming into this family and we really do mean it when we say welcome home because we we think you are a part of the family now alright that's it for today's video I really hope this video helped you guys out thank you so much to my friends who answered the questions and helped make this video possible all the instagrams link down below I know that I personally wish that I had this kind of video to watch before I started college or when I was making my college decision so hope this video helped you guys out and until next time I will see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: lifeofmeili
Views: 6,897
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: college, q and a, advice, q&a, ucla, day in the life, dorm, parties, party, sorority, greek life, sorority rush, sorority recruitment, ucla food, college advice, pros and cons, why i chose ucla, college reaction, ucla day in life, ucla life, ucla campus, berkeley, berkeley day in life, what i wish i knew, the truth about college, college freshman, transfer student, ucla academics, ucla parties, ucla dorm, college dorm, college parties, ucla classes, ucla orientation
Id: n5_iHw80nDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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