Reason Why US President is Banned to Fly His Millions $ Transformer Helicopter

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to the fluctus channel [Music] while the president's flying White House Air Force One remains one of the safest places helicopters undertake the arduous task of whisking the POTUS to an air base where he can board Air Force One [Music] with that said there is one helicopter that does not welcome the president regardless of its being an engineering Marvel [Music] thank you the Marine One helicopter has been the most proven way of Bridging the Gap between the ground and the air in presidential transportation [Music] moving the president on the road is considered more complex and time-consuming than traveling by air a helicopter could land in urban cities and fly to remote locations where an automobile or a fixed-wing aircraft cannot more importantly when the president is on the move with the motorcade Marine one has a bird's eye view from above making it an optimal Airborne surveillance platform should there be an emergency situation Marine one has the possibility to extract the president and evacuate him to safety quickly for almost four decades two variants of Sikorsky helicopters the vh3dc king and the vh60n Blackhawk have been engaged in a no-fail mission to transport the president thank you as these helicopters were reaching their Sundown the Navy decided to entrust the Sikorsky VH 92a Patriot with the momentous task of moving the president the vh92 is a much bigger helicopter compared to the previous models although the White House military office has not yet given the green light to utilize vh92 Patriots for transporting the president the helicopter successfully completed operational testing the Marine Corps has decided to continue the legacy of the white tops with their elegant white and green color scheme for the Yet to Come president's new ride as per the plan Marine Corps Squadron 1 or hmx1 will receive a total of 23 vh-92 helicopters for transporting the president vice president and other delegates whether it's a short leg from the south lawn of the White House to Andrews Air Force Base or an hours-long Journey the safety of the president remains first of all [Music] flanked by a squadron of helicopters which may include up to five decoys to deceive any potential threats the Marine One Pilots or Nighthawks continuously shift the position of the helicopters concealing the Marine one's exact location threat to helicopters from surface-to-air missiles launched from manned portable air defense systems or man pads have become an escalating concern both the vh3d and vh60n are equipped with decoy flares to counter heat seeking air-to-ground missiles Additionally the helicopters have a large aircraft infrared countermeasure system which incorporates a missile warning sensor and a Jammer that could kill the sensor of the infrared guided heat-seeking missile this high intensity laser-based countermeasure system works in liaison with the traditional flares to keep the presidential Convoy indomitable at all costs while the vh3d and vh60n helicopters are responsible for hosting the president the story of the presidential Convoy does not end here are other helicopters taking part in the Convoy fulfilling logistical needs and providing backup support at the very moment a requirement arises Marine helicopter Squadron one is basically divided into two elements the white side and the green side the white side shoulders the arduous task of presidential Transportation while the green side is responsible for carrying Personnel from the White House the Secret Service and the Press [Music] 22b undertakes greenside Transportation along with other helicopters during a mission the mv-22b Osprey stands out from the other helicopters due to its iconic tilt rotor despite the mb-22b's futuristic design and unparalleled capabilities the president cannot travel on board this aircraft for several reasons the first reason is the patchy safety record the Osprey holds quite numerous fatal accidents costing lives and property with that said challenging the odds on a presidential flight is definitely a horrible move this keeps the v22 out of the Marine One League in addition to the impaired safety the complex mechanisms associated with the Tilt rotor inherit frequent maintenance and extra weight which makes the aircraft a money pit [Music] but the v22 is capable enough to stay in Marine helicopter Squadron 1. undertaking the green side responsibilities with the capabilities of the v22 Tilt rotor it could play a crucial role in any type of military operation [Music] the ability of the v22 to act as a vertical takeoff and Landing aircraft and Crews at higher speeds like a turboprop improves its versatility [Music] Japan showed interest in this Workhorse to strengthen its ground Defense Forces to safeguard remote Islands under Japanese jurisdiction [Music] Japan received two V-22 units in 2020 making them the first International operators of this audacious engineering Marvel They will receive a total of 17 Ospreys in due course take off like helicopter and we fly like a plane we can lift a lot of weight I mean we can fly really far we can fly you know airplane speeds faster than a lot of aircraft can and we can also act as a helicopter so we can go it just it shrinks the battlefield a lot of the guys are you know real smart guys that realize that the future of uh of War fighting is shrinking the battlefield that's what we do the first two aircraft reached the Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni which could host large vessels thanks to its deep water port the compact size of the aircraft with blade folding and Wing stowing capabilities made the transportation feat easy as it took up less space on the cargo deck once the Osprey lands in the helicopter configuration with the vertical tilt of the engines the outer Blades of both engines are folded in board and then the wing is rotated clockwise to align with the fuselage and the engine switches its orientation to Vertical from horizontal [Music] it takes only 90 seconds to complete this entire process and in compact mode the v22 takes up the same space as any other helicopter the entire process is automatically done with a manual backup [Music] the v22 Ospreys arrived at the Marine Corps Air Station took off into the Japanese sky for the very first time in history and headed to the Japan ground self-defense floor space at camp kisarazu the v22 takes off vertically like a helicopter once Airborne the nacelles Tilt forward resembling a turboprop fixed Wing aircraft [Music] the Osprey has the ability to continue its flight with one engine the remaining engine rotates the rotors of the field engine through an interconnecting shaft the combat range of the v22 Osprey depends on the number of troops and cargo carried it can receive Fuel and flight via a retractable aerial refueling probe to increase its combat range the aircraft receives fuel from an aerial tanker via a probe and drogue extended from the tanker aerial refueling requires stringent adherence to safety protocols due to the gigantic propellers with a diameter of 38.1 feet rotating close to the refueling probe despite the V-22 Ospreys Immaculate performance record in inhospitable environments the aircraft is aging and inherits drawbacks such as frequent maintenance and higher operating costs with that said the Pentagon was expected to replace this iconic Masterpiece but they could not get away with the Tilt rotor technology that offers a plethora of advantages over conventional helicopters [Music] this paved the way for an improved version of the current tilt rotor the result was The v280 Valor which flew for the first time in 2017 and is expected to enter service as a long-range assault aircraft [Music] among the many improvements made to the v280 compared to the b-22 the most significant improvements is the Tilt rotor while the v22 rotates its entire engine to alter the Tilt the v280 achieves this by only tilting the rotor while keeping the nacelle fixed the art masterpiece piece a game changer in Modern Warfare the Tilt rotor offers unmatched Speed and Agility making it a capable platform for a multitude of missions with a cruise speed greater than 280 knots and a combat range of 500 nautical miles the v280 could be the go-to option for expedited infiltration missions extractions and medifac flights Bell strives to optimize the aircraft design with the feedback from operational soldiers to smooth the interaction between the soldiers and the aircraft as they will be relying on the aircraft in the most inhospitable environments Bell has taken measures to integrate the modular open systems approach when manufacturing the aircraft this could be a Salient feature of the aircraft as it improves operational flexibility and ease of integration say approach follows different vendors to provide modules for the same aircraft model maintenance and upgrading becomes easy which contributes to the sustainability of the model [Music] maintaining the most coveted and defended air fleet is no easy task even though the presidential transport has been a no-fail mission so far the risk is always there hence it is of Paramount importance to induct new technologies into the presidential air fleet to safeguard the first person from all types of emerging threats that's the end of this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any of our new content see you next time
Channel: Fluctus
Views: 329,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marine One, Sikorsky, VH-3D Sea King, VH-60N Blackhawk, Sikorsky VH-92A Patriot, Marine Corps, Squadron One, HMX-1, South Lawn, Andrews Air Force Base, Nighthawks, Man-Portable Air Defense Systems, MANPADS, flares, Missile Warning Sensor, heat-seeking missile, White-side, Green-side, MV-22B, tilt-rotor, Japan ground defense forces, retractable aerial refueling probe, probe and drogue, V-280 Valor, Long Range Assault Aircraft, LRAA
Id: GULOH9q-Ojw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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