You Need To Pay Attention To This Growing Storm…

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hello there it is May 24th 2024 I am making this video ahead of what will hopefully be our last string of major severe weather outbreaks in this really active and potentially even historic sequence of tornado outbreaks and severe weather outbreaks that we've been seeing since April I really think that as we go towards June things are going to calm down a little bit but man things are not going to be calm this weekend and maybe even during the beginning portion of next week here's a look at the current satellite imagery as I am recording this video we've got leftover clouds and storms once again as a result of big storms that happened yesterday moving across the Great Lakes in the lower Ohio Valley we've seen this a million times these clouds yesterday produced some big tornadoes Riley Dibble himself got one on camera here down there near El Dorado and Altus Oklahoma this ended up being a pretty big tornado a lot of people got photos and videos of this thing thankfully it occurred in a very rural area I don't think there was a Structure hit or damaged by this thing but it went on for a long time and it was a very big tornado at one point and speaking of very big tornadoes here's just a little update on the Greenfield Iowa tornado that we covered live the other day this is preliminarily already an ef4 tornado with Peak wins around 185 mph it's likely that they're going to update that and really refine that number over the coming weeks but already so far they've found ef4 damage which is one of the bigger tornadoes that we've seen this year definitely in the top three there so injuries 35 five deaths as well associated with this one about 1,000 yards wide and yeah as you can see here it very frustratingly lifted right after it passed Greenfield If This Tornado had formed 5 minutes before it did it probably would have lifted before it even hit Greenfield so yeah just a really unfortunate update there concerning our tornado that we've been covering and of course Hunter Hurley and the ya' squad is still on the ground in Greenfield right now serving hundreds of people free meals First Responders residents down here have been coming by and telling us their stories we've been giving them hamburgers and hot dogs for free and other supplies and meteorologist Andy Hill himself has been on the grill serving burgers and hot dogs to people out there on behalf of the ya'all squad and we have already found multiple people that we're going to be helping on a more personal level as well thanks to you guys donating once again over $100,000 to our relief efforts down here for these victims of tornadoes unfortunately we have more severe weather to go it's not over yet we have a enhanced risk of severe weather today in Northern portions of Illinois and we also have an enhanced risk of severe weather for the Dallas area up into Southeastern Oklahoma slight risk goes all the way over into the mid Mississippi River Valley and a marginal risk goes all the way over to the Atlantic Ocean and the Carolinas additionally we have a day two enhanced risk of severe weather over here in Kansas and Oklahoma and Western portions of Missouri this is driven by a wind and hail threat but we have a tornado threat as well a already a 10% hatched risk of tornadoes tomorrow here in Oak Oklahoma and Kansas it's very likely that we're going to be going live for this tomorrow on the Ryan Hall y'all channel here because I think this has the very real potential to be a tornado outbreak now it's not going to cover a large area but man the parameters in place for tomorrow are absolutely Off the Wall let me show you what I'm talking about here on the simulated radar a lot of what is going to be responsible for that enhanced risk of severe weather is going to be mostly over by the time this video goes up especially up here in Illinois you're seeing those storms this morning and the early afternoon hours while I'm recording and editing this video but there will be more storms that pop up over here in Wisconsin Iowa and Illinois this afternoon and evening as well around 5 or 600 p.m. some more strong storms will roll through those will get to Chicago around 8:00 p.m. and that is actually going to lead into these other storms popping up down here in Texas and Oklahoma and this is where that secondary enhanced risk comes in okay so we're going to be watching these storms for the threat for large hail damaging winds and of course an isolated tornado to can't be ruled out but the big time severe weather threat is going to be mostly over by the time we get into midnight and 1:00 a.m. we're going to have some lingering rumbles of Thunder kind of just wandering around down there in Texas moving into the Memphis area maybe around 3:00 a.m. but the severe weather threat's going to be mostly over by that point so that's today now tomorrow whenever the Sun comes out tomorrow we're going to see a rapidly destabilizing air mass occurring here in portions of Kansas Texas and Oklahoma and I'm going to show you some more details on this in just a minute but like the kind of atmosphere that's going to be in place here because we're not going to have any cloud cover we're going to have untapped like just a lot of fuel from the Gulf of Mexico coming up into the plains here we've got a storm system carrying some cold air Loft with it bringing that down into the plains as well it's kind of like the perfect May severe weather system and then boom the HR does show supercells convecting in Oklahoma around 7 or 8:00 P.M this if it actually occurs this way has the highest ceiling that we've seen for severe weather this year now thankfully these storms are not going to last a long time and they're not going to cover a very large area it's very likely that the storms that we see pop up around Oklahoma City they'll be gone by midnight and of course there will be some lingering severe weather problems associated with these storms up here in Nebraska Northern Kanas and Iowa but I think that's going to be mostly a hail and damaging wind threat I am mostly concerned about this right here if we actually see discret supercells popping up like this in Oklahoma tomorrow it's going to be wild and why do I say that let me show you something called the significant t tornado parameter which is something we've been looking at a lot this year some forecasters don't like looking at it for whatever reason it's a good tool it's a composite tool it looks at all of the stuff that you would normally look at on forecast soundings and the upper levels the mid levels and the lower levels of the atmosphere and it puts it all together for you and really just paints a picture of how favorable the atmosphere is for tornadoes in a given area now it's not always correct and it's not always the best tool to use especially not by itself but it's been really good this year to help us pinpoint where tornadoes might happen now look at this when those supercells pop up tomorrow around 700 or 8:00 p.m. once again we're already going to have some unbelievable significant tornado parameter values in place we're going to have convective available potential energy a low-level jet stream lots of wind shear in place and it's all going to be kind of focused on where those super cells are supposed to pop up look at this number down here in the bottom right 3359 that's about as high as I've seen it all year you usually see the significant tornado parameter on this website maxing now around 20 on a high-end day but I want to take this even further into the future here look at that 51 never in my life have I ever seen the significant tornado parameter value that high on the HR model and it's not just the HR model that's shown this the N shows it as well and a few other models are showing a very high-end scenario for the favorability for tornadoes here and that sustains itself of course all the way through the evening and we're even going to have very high significant tornado parameter values up here with those storms that will be forming in Nebraska and Kansas and you know they're going to have plenty of energy to work off of as well so once again if the data remains consistent here the storm system tomorrow in Oklahoma will have the highest ceiling of any storm we've had this year and we've had a lot of really bad storms this year the only good thing that I can think of here associated with this is it does look like it's going to happen in a very small area this won't be a widespread thing and also it's completely dependent on whether or not those supercells fire if that doesn't happen we're probably going to be fine so we have to be paying attention to the weather tomorrow especially if we live anywhere in Oklahoma and guess what it doesn't end there all right we're going to have more significant severe weather on Sunday May 26th this also looks very concerning to me and we're going to dive into the forecast on this day right here in a minute but first I want to remind you that if you're feeling a little thirsty and you're feeling a little dehydrated we've got a great solution for that thanks to today's awesome sponsor liquid IV the best way to stay hydrated you guys already know how important it is to stay hydrated that's why I'm thrilled to once again partner with liquid IV the hydration experts who who are shaking things up with their brand new look you've seen me chugging this stuff down on live streams drink some water Ryan yeah I've been chugging it two liquid IVs Down the Hatch we're good to go I'm going to go prepare a giant liquid IV I've got to go get myself yet another liquid IV it keeps me going for 12 hours straight in intense weather coverage but even on normal days it keeps me going with two kids a household businesses to manage and storms to chase it's easy for me to get in a situation where I become severely dehydrated and this stuff snaps me out of that say goodbye to the old and hello to the Bold liquid IV is giving their packaging a major refresh and with three times more electrolytes than the leading sports drink you know you're going to get Superior hydration with every drink that you take plus they've made it super easy to spot the benefits right on the front of the packaging there's no more guess work just grab pour and hydrate like never before and guess what for a limited time only you're going to be able to get 25% off your order when you use my discount code discount code right here here just use that when you click the link in the description and once again you're going to get 25% off this is an amazing deal you're going to be able to stay hydrated you're not going to regret it and let's get back into the video okay so Sunday May 26th 2024 we've already got an enhanced risk of severe weather here in Springfield Indianapolis St Louis Louisville there's already a hatched risk for significant severe weather in this area as well I believe that this will be a wind driven threat but the tornado threat's also going to be pretty elevated as well this will likely be another day that we go live I think we're going to be live on this channel tomorrow and Sunday as a result of this significant severe weather outbreak this one I think will be a little bit more widespread we're definitely going to have a lot more people impacted here by the severe weather on Sunday but I'm hoping that the tornado threat isn't as crazy as it looks in Oklahoma on Saturday uh let's take a look at the European model and where it thinks lightning strikes will occur over the next little bit this is a good way of kind of determining where storms will be as we go into the future once again on Saturday during the heating of the day we're going to see our big storms capable of potentially producing a regional tornado outbreak occurring here anywhere between Oklahoma Kansas maybe portions of Northern Texas have to be concerned and Southern Nebraska as well that is going to turn into more of a multi-cellular a more like clusterlike system of storms that traverses over Missouri during the overnight and early morning hours on Sunday these storms will be capable of producing large hail damaging winds and tornadoes but I think the threat really starts to ramp up again during the heating of the day on Sunday as we see new convection forming back here around spring field around St Louis these storms are going to be capable of producing tornadoes we're also going to have storms around Louisville and Cincinnati this is going to be a day where we have multiple rounds of storms that start off as kind of multicellular or super cellular with a tornado threat and then they quickly congeal into Squall lines that mainly carry a damaging wind threat so you can see that more linear mode here as we get into the 9:00 p.m. time frame but don't rule out a couple of supercells popping up out in front of that linear mode causing an even larger tornado problem in with the damaging wind problem so this is going to be a more traditional widespread severe weather outbreak that occurs from later in the day on Sunday all the way through the early morning hours on Monday we could have a pretty large damaging wind event occurring by 4:00 a.m. Monday according to the euro here and then of course we do expect those storms to potentially respark and cause more severe weather later in the day on Monday maybe over here in portions of the Del Marva area Southern New Jersey all the way down into Eastern Virginia and Central and Eastern North Carolina this is a little bit too far out to really be talking about like in depth but hey the risk is there and we'll keep you updated and once again specifically talking about Sunday this CSU machine learning model that we've been looking at a lot this year and has also been a huge help and quite accurate is continuing to paint a very high high-end scenario for Illinois Indiana portions of Kentucky and Missouri as well on Sunday so just another reason to be paying attention to this if you live over here and just going ahead and getting ready now for maybe another big severe weather outbreak don't be scared be prepared and once we get past this once we get past Monday I really do think from May 31st through the first week of June I think we're going to have some really quiet weather it's not going to be completely quiet obviously it's spring we're almost in the summer we're going to have isolated severe weather every day somewhere but no more big time tornadoes and severe weather outbreaks for the first week of June because we are going to have this lobe of cold air kind of settling in here in the Eastern portion of the us and we're going to have this big Ridge forming in the plains which will keep a lot of severe weather from happening now down here there might be some interaction between some outflow boundaries and some cooler and warmer air that still leads to some isolated severe weather because we are going to have so much Gulf of Mexico moisture and Cape values are going to be off the charts every day down here but I think that the vast majority of our huge damaging storms are not going to be as much of a worry once we get past May 31st now as we go later into June is that going to change again probably I hope not but I'm just trying to give some good news here as we look deeper into the future and by the way it's going to be hot in Florida man record break temperatures once again and the oceans down there are heating up so much unfortunately I think that we're going to be talking about hurricane season in a very similar way as we have been talking about tornado season I've been trying to avoid it because it's hard to talk about this upcoming hurricane season without veering into Hyperbole and I don't want to do that but it's not looking good but let's focus on the short term let's be prepared for severe weather this weekend and let's enjoy the little bit of a break that we may get for the first week of June and then we'll talk about the rest later okay thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one goodbye oop
Channel: Ryan Hall, Y'all
Views: 752,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weather, weather forecasting, forecasting, forecast, wild weather, extreme weather, intense weather, beautiful weather, weather channel, weather hunter, severe weather, major, intense, extreme, historic, blizzard, snow, heavy snow, major snow storm, snowstorm, snow squall, one foot snow, two feet snow, winter storm, tornado, tornado chasing, tornado chasers, storm chasing, storm chasers, tornadoes, ef5, hurricane, major hurricane, ryan hall
Id: sEHMlfO-WC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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