REAPER Projects for Mac

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hi there this is steven gonzalez with steven gonzalez voiceovers how are you doing today in the previous video we recorded a media item and now it's time to save our work and get it ready for delivery to the client and so working with projects that's what's next on reaper for voice talent in this video we're going to be saving projects within reaper and everything that goes with it including file organization something extremely important and then we're going to be looking at the render window and wild cards now if this is your first time within this video especially if this is your first time within reaper for voice talent do me a favor and hit like on this video subscribe to the channel turn on that notification bell sending it to all and watch the video all the way through so that you don't miss anything and of course if you have any comments or questions please drop them in the comment section below and i'll get to them as soon as i can and so with that without further ado let's get started okay we have reaper here and that's the project that we did in the previous video but we also have finder here and i wanted to show you what a project actually looks like and so i have the hard drive going all the way through documents and then there's this reaper media that's automatically generated whenever we do reaper and then everything is put under reaper media let's clean all this up using the save command now we can either go to file and we can go to save project or we can do command s and either way we're greeted with this now we can expand this window by clicking on this thing and then we can have a better view of what's going on or we can just keep it compact let's say that the title of this project is going to be test123 really original anyway create subdirectory for project you really really want to do this everything for this project is going to be incorporated inside this folder called test123 in which is going to reside a rpp called test123 move all media into project directory right now this media item this wav file actually is not under a test123 folder it's under reaper media what we want to do is create a directory called test123 in here and then using those global project settings that we set we're going to create a subdirectory in here in test123 called media then inside media the wave and the repeats file are going to go into that directory and then there's going to be a rpp file called test123 inside the directory and i'll show you what i'm talking about in just a second copy rather than move source media you can do this if you want i'm thinking of something like room tone if you want to have a copy of room tone inside the project with the project and that's always a good thing well then on the first time that you save this project if you have the room tone in the project already then it'll be copied over to that media subdirectory and then from that point on you can just uncheck this unless you import something else for now let's keep it unchecked so that we really do move everything now whenever i hit save watch what happens let's take a look at what it looks like in a physical realm here we have finder and you can see that indeed the wav files have moved from reaper media and you'll see now that there's a project directory called test123 inside test123 we have the control file the dot rpp file with the project name as its file name and then global project settings we set it up as raw audio not as media but as raw audio and then inside raw audio we have the wave and its repeats file this is what i'm talking about good file organization and in fact later on in this video you're going to see another folder being created here called renders and that's where the final product is going to go speaking of that let's set that right now now we can go under options and we can go under preferences and then we go all the way up to general and then paths and default render path this is where we're going to set this again there's three ways we can do this we can either say don't put anything in here and the final product is going to be in the project folder itself or we can do something like that which is always bad you know it's a centralized directory all of your mp3s all of your wav files all of the client files will go in there or we can do a relative reference like that now what this says is that whenever i render this project a subdirectory called renders is going to be created if it's not already there and the final products are going to go into that folder that is the power of this wonderful preference so we hit apply and okay and now it's time to talk about rendering this thing converting what we have in reaper into the final product that's what rendering is there's a few ways we can get to render we can go file and render or we can do option command r either way we're greeted with this this is a very very important window to say the least let's go from the top and work our way down and let's start with the tail please do not add the tail what the tail says is it's going to add a thousand milliseconds or one second of basically nothing what this is meant to do is to allow music reverb or delay to finish and because we're not doing that we don't need it in fact it is a hindrance so let's not do that output normally directory plus file name equals the render to path but because we did the options we said we want the renders to be in that relative directory that's why we're able to see all of this stuff now the file name is the project name right now let's make it a little bit more generic by using what's called wildcards and the way that we do this is by going to wildcards and say project information and you'll see all these things with the dollar sign in front these are variables and if we do project for example it pulls the project name and puts it in the file name as you can see there remember in the global project settings we went to notes and we typed in our name within the author input line well this is where it comes into play let's say underscore and again wildcards project information and author and now the name is inside the audio file name this is very very cool now let's talk about options for a second sample rate remember we want to record and we want to hand in at 48k channels if you're doing something with music that is stereo or if you're a podcaster and you have the host panned to the left a little bit and you have the guest a little bit panned to the right then stereo would be cool other than that please set this to mono let's take a look at the primary output format and the secondary output format this is something that's new with version 6. it's wonderful primary output format let's say is wave so we change it to wave 24-bit pcm or 16-bit pcm or if you're doing ivr here is where you would put 8-bit new law remember in the global project settings when we were setting the defaults we did not set this to 8-bit new law well this is where you would do your rendering into 8-bit new law here let's say 24-bit pcm here no markers in regions this time because this is going to the client now if the client's an engineer then sure no problem that takes care of wave let's take a look at the secondary output let's say that they're mp3 and the defaults that we had set up show here now if you notice it says two files if we click on it it says here are the two files that i'm about to render under renders i'm going to do test one two three underscore stephen gonzalez.wave.mp3 they're both seven seconds this comes into play whenever we're talking about region rendering each region will have its own time you'll see it here when we talk about regions i'll expand further on that this looks all good so let's hit apply and now let's render and like that it's done it says render complete now in this window we see a couple of things that really are cool the first is that what was the output file at least the first one we see the format 24 bit pcm 48khz one channel it also shows the time that it took to render the files remember whenever we were over here it said two files at seven seconds apiece and it only took roughly half a second to render and so that's 14.1 x real time and then finally we see the peak here negative 7.6 if the customer wanted it between say negative 9 and negative 6 this would be perfect if they want it between negative six and negative three we would have to turn it up a little bit now there's one of a few things we can do we can either launch the file and it will be playing in our favorite media player or we can show in finder which is what exactly what we're going to do in just a few seconds there's a difference between close and back close says close this window and the render window back says simply close this window and go back to the render window for now let's just do close and now let's look at finder notice as i said before there's the renders folder and inside the renders folder we have the mp3 and the wav file ready to be delivered to our client that is what i'm talking about good file organization and that also brings us to the end of the fundamental sequence for max if you have any comments or questions please drop them in the comment section below and be sure to know this other videos will be coming in this channel the link to the maxi trick playlist for the fundamental sequence is in the description below and be on the lookout for the reprofil voice talent course where we'll take a deeper dive into how to set up reaper for possible recording editing and processing workflows thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening this is stephen gonzalez with steven gonzalez voiceovers wishing you all the best and you have a wonderful and wonderful day you
Channel: REAPER for Voice Talent
Views: 380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaper daw, reaper tutorial, how to, digital audio workstation, download daw, best daw software, cockos reaper, Steven Gonzales Voiceovers, SGVO, RFVT, Reaper for Voice Talent, reaper daw tutorial, reaper daw tutorial video, reaper daw beginner tutorial, reaper 6 daw tutorial
Id: hFNTSRSc_o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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