How to Download and Install the REAPER DAW on a Mac

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hi there this is stephen gonzalez how are you doing today welcome to the first video in the version 2 max centric fundamental sequence for reaper for voice talent the purpose of this and the following videos is to basically journey together taking a cursory a surface level view of reaper from downloading and installing the program to recording saving and rendering projects and so with that downloading reaper that's what's next on reaper for voice talent in this video we're going to be looking at downloading reaper and installing it along with its user guide we're also going to be looking at two other things the sws extension for reaper and the repack add-on along with their user guides now about this point in pretty much every video in the fundamental sequence we're going to be having what's known as caveats which is basically a warning which will keep things from blindsiding us in this sequence of videos for version 2 we're going to be looking at reaper version 6 but more importantly we're going to be looking at catalina if you have a mac os version that's before catalina there may be some things that may not show up exactly as you will see in the video however just remember that catalina is a mac os that basically was started from scratch with security in mind and so there are a bunch of hoops through which we need to jump in order to make reaper work fantastically and that's the purpose of this sequence as well now if this is your first time within this video especially if this is your first time within reaper of a voice talent do me a favor and like this video and also subscribe to this channel and and make sure you hit that notification bell setting it to all so that you don't miss anything and while you're at it watch the videos all the way through because there's so much information in them even with them being reduced in size from version one to now so maybe you need to repeat watch them every once in a while and as always if you have any comments or questions drop them in the comment section below and with that without further ado let's get started reaper is not found at and it's not found at it is in fact found at and should tell you something about reaper any website that ends with a dot fm has to do with multimedia whether it's streaming multimedia or editing multimedia or processing multimedia and that's true with reaper as well and if you notice whenever you look at the website everywhere reaper is indicated it's all capital letters that is because reaper is actually an acronym it stands for the rapid environment of audio production engineering and recording and that's exactly what it does now before we get into downloading reaper let's look at the reaper website header and its seven links this is going to be important as you go along in learning reaper that these seven links are always going to be there for you starting with the upper left hand corner download reaper well we're going to get to that in just a few moments then we have down here download user guide this is what we're going to be doing in just a few minutes and then in the middle here we have purchase this has to do with carcasses three-tier licensing system and we're going to be getting into that in a future video in this sequence and then over here on the right side we have resources really the reaper writes or reaper heads or whatever you want to call us reaper users this is what we call the stash this is where things like themes reside or uh presets for effects or even some really graphically gifted people will mock up something that they're suggesting to be in future versions of reaper and it lets the community see what's going on it's very very cool and finally we have the lower right hand corner we have the videos and forum sections i don't know how many times i'm going to say this reaper is meant primarily as a music production software package a multi-track digital audio workstation daw if you will so is pro tools so is audition so is cubase so is studio one all those multi-track daws are meant primarily as a music production software package in the videos and forum sections it reflects this music production kind of purpose but there are things in there that can be very applicable for vo use and it's worthwhile going in there we're going to be mentioning them in just a few minutes again so now that's six links where is the seventh link that i promised well it's this guitar pick anytime you see this header or this banner in a reaper website page when you click on the guitar pick here it'll bring you back to this the front page the first page of the website and now with that let's go to downloading reaper we hit this link and we're greeted with this website and you'll notice that windows and linux is on the left and mac os is on the right and you'll notice that it's split up in versions from os x 10.5 to dot 13 is the 32 bit then you have the 64 bit which is meant for dot 5 to dot 14 and then you have catalina this is what we're going to be using and kakos did a really really wonderful thing kakos is the manufacturer if you will the programmer of reaper they actually took the time and the effort to get reaper notarized quote unquote notarized by mac so this is what we're going to be using so we hit download we hit save file hit ok and then it's going to ask me okay download and sure downloads is fine and like that it's loaded okay with that let's go to download user guide and here we have a bunch of pdfs that i'm going to be introducing you to starting with the rug the reaper user guide now to download it you can do one of two things you can either right click on it or you can do the control click if you have a two button mouse or if you have a pad you can do the two finger double click thing on the pad either way you greet it with this menu and you can say save link as now i'm using firefox for a reason that has to do with basically the tabs here but um you can use safari and download that pdf just the same so you can say save link as you can save it wherever you want at check this out as of the time of this recording the rug is over 400 pages in fact i think it's over 420 pages if i remember correctly anything you have in so far as a question for reaper can probably be answered in the rug another say 10 to 15 can be answered in either videos or forum and then the last part you'll just have to google it the point is this don't reinvent the wheel if you have a question about reaper then chances are somebody else has already had that question and you can find that answer and not spend the time or hours even sometimes trying to figure it out if somebody has already figured it out before what's new in the version six this is basically called a change log and it's a very interesting read if you want to spend the time to do so it seems like reaper comes out with a new version every so often and even if it's just a little tweak they'll put out a new installer a new dmg for it and this is where you will find out what the changes are basically now let's take a look at the topic specific guides here we have the quick start the reaper troubleshooting guide three effects guide multi recording paths which is incredible and then you have a sonar to reaper basically conveyance pdf the quick start this basically has a bunch of key strokes in it and speaking of that in the description below you're going to find a link to a pdf that has a bunch of keyboard shortcuts in it and i really would like for you to maybe consider using that instead of your mouse especially if you have something like a contour design shuttle pro v2 or a logitech g13 controller or whatever it happens to be that you can assign keystrokes to a certain key that way you don't have to use the mouse as much which is actually slower than using keystrokes so quick start will help you with that as well as that pdf guide reaper troubleshooting guide this is well worth the read if you get into trouble and in fact if you go to the reaper forum many times they're going to say they're going to ask did you check the troubleshooting guide first because chances are if you have an issue you can find it in the troubleshooting guide the answer re-effects what are re-effects well like eq compression um limiting uh reverb and and delay and all this good stuff that's a real effect because it's in reaper so that's kind of the cute way of labeling and and kind of branding their effects and it is a very comprehensive guide to all of the inboard default uh effects now multi-recording pads we're going to be coming back to this one in a few videos this is one of the best parts of reaper this is the ultimate safety net if you have an external hard drive and it shows you how to set up basically recording once and storing in two different locations that's what the multiple recording pads is all about so it's basically a built-in backup really really cool and it shows you how to set that up all right so that's the reaper site now let's go on to the next topic here the sws or standing water studios extension for reaper now what exactly is a standing water studios extension for reaper well everything you well almost everything you do within reaper is known as an action and it could be something as simple as say saving a document or in this case a project recording a media item uh trimming the left edge of that media item even something as esoteric as say inserting four points two on either side of a time selection within the pre-volume effects envelope inside of a track and yes there is such a thing as that i use it all the time there's a bazillion actions within reaper but the sws extension adds to it we think it's somewhere between 33 and 45 percent more actions and some of them are very very useful we only have one download link so this is the one we're going to be using and we hit that dmg we save it to the same place as the downloads here and there it is okay now let's talk about the sws extension user manual which is right here just like for reaper you can right click on this link and say save link as or however we do it in safari or google chrome or whatever other browser you use or we can simply click on it and the pdf will pull up inside the browser it is just as comprehensive about the sws extension as the rug is for reaper it is well worth the read and now finally let's talk about the repack package manager for reaper this thing is to scripts and to editing processes and all this good stuff as sws is to actions reaper users know that reaper is a very good daw but we seem to think more and more now that the sws extension and repack installed with reaper makes it into a superior daw and uh so we're going to be downloading this into the downloads directory so we click on this and we put the dye lib dynamic library we're going to save it and then we're going to save it into the downloads directory or downloads folder and that's it there now let's talk about the user guide for a second unlike reaper and the sws extension the user guide for repack is actually a web page if you will but it does explain how to install it how to use it all that good stuff and we'll get into that later okay let's go ahead minimize this and start installations the first one is reaper so we come over here to downloads we hit the reaper dmg and catalina is going to mount it and to you know take a good security look at it okay now that it's mounted and is securely checked we can drag reaper 64 into the applications folder shortcut now here's the deal with catalina sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't if it's not notarized probably it won't work but even if it is notarized sometimes it does not work if it is not notarized what you need to do then is to pull up the applications folder manually this window here in finder and then drag the application into that and not use the shortcut so then let's try reaper 64 going into application shortcut just to see and it appears that it is indeed going to work and it is copying okay reaper 64 is now installed do not engage it yet though because we have a few things to install before we run reaper and that actually the reaper run is going to take place in the third video of this sequence so let's go ahead and eject the dmg now which will close the installer window of course now let's go to the sws extension dmg and that is going to mount i'm going to hit agree and now it's ready to rock and roll but notice that the user plugins does not have the folder icon that's because user plugins is not created yet here's the deal we can go and create library application support reaper user plugins we would have to authenticate every single time we put something in there or we can create the user directory library application support and then we would create reaper and user plugins and that's what we're going to do so we go to go now you'll note that library is not there if you hold down option you'll see that library pops up so we're going to click on that and now we're in our home directory under library and then we're going to go to application support and then under application support you'll note there is no reaper so what we need to do is actually create one go ahead and get this out the way here we're going to say new folder we're going to say reaper and make sure it's capitalized then under reaper we're going to generate another folder and we're going to call this user plugins with the u and the p capitalized now from here we can take this dilib and drag it over to the user plugins directory and we've just installed the sws extension dilap let's go ahead and eject the sws extension dmg and go forward with the repack which is already a dye lib so all we have to do is take this and drag it again into user plugins and it is just installed just like that you may have noticed in firefox that there were three other tabs that we didn't touch yet those are going to be handled in the next video now in the description below there will be a link to the reaper website to the sws extension website to the repack website to the max centric fundamental sequence playlist and the link to that document with all those keyboard shortcuts this is stephen gonzalez with stephen gonzalez voice overs wishing you all all the best and i'll see y'all in the next video
Channel: REAPER for Voice Talent
Views: 6,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install reaper on mac, how to install reaper, reaper daw, reaper tutorial, how to, digital audio workstation, download daw, best daw software, cockos reaper, sws extension, Steven Gonzales Voiceovers, SGVO, RFVT, Reaper for Voice Talent
Id: -4BVob_Ifgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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