"Really Hard Mega Ramp" In GTA 5

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2 A.M let's do this dead all right let's do this oh dang it all right so stead warned us beforehand that this is a really hard mega ramp and it's gonna take a while so uh good luck everybody I don't know what could possibly make a mega ramp harder than usual but uh yes well yeah right yeah already for no reason yep oh come on hey I'm gonna re-explode I get a huge explosion from up here that was oh two people are now exploded three okay uh so something I see what you're talking about instead oh yeah it's very easy if you know how to control it whoa I don't know if I'm out yet or not I don't think I am I fell down to the pipes below does that mean I'm dead I don't know I haven't tried that just someone was parked on the thing I'm riding the pipes below and uh things seem to be okay so it's more challenging but I'm going places I think are you sure are you sure I'm not out like this buddy yeah you might be I don't know no one tries okay is the checkpoint up or down instead up then why am I doing oh my God I'm gonna lose my mind I don't know I've never tried it I care I did I made it to the end dropsy and there was nothing there was no salvation there was just annoyance oh God I flipped okay okay this is slow and steady wins the race so pretty much just don't go as fast as you can is the solution here yep it's about handling hey drops it's about slow riding I'm not I don't even have my hand on the wasd I'm just using the number pad to balance the car right now oh my God oh I'm starting to go a little too fast we gotta we gotta slow down oh no no no oh my God this is gonna be so hard oh my gosh there's also like longer cars there's like wobblier cars drum oh dropsy what that was going in a straight line that's what I told if you're running into me no no no no okay hello monkey so how did you guys feed it did you did you do it just based off like driving the right speed or did you just kind of bomb right through it like gravity do to work like gravity do the work do not let them through a little yes you're in there a little breaking here and there nothing too much though Jerome all right got it don't bomb through it I wish I could though I just get impatient yeah see I I knew this would be a struggle for you oh I'm stuck behind beholds Vapor there so I'm going fast his slipstream get away from me buddy get away oh my God I'm in sixth place really now one oh my God that's that's sixth place oh my gosh I guess there just hasn't been that many people that have beaten it so far well I think I made it to like a sort of checkpoint area okay yeah I think I'm two-thirds done instead how are you supposed to do this 29 times oh my God the more you do it excuse me right away I hope you're right dude oh my God I just watched why why dude like that's so lame really like dude that was so late you were right there oh my God I gotta go back down again uh I made it to like the very end too pretty much slow and steady I just want to get all fish transformation oh God oh God oh God straighten out straighten out straighten out straighten out do you want me to tell you what's worse Jerome there's enough I'll make it worse I don't think the F1 would be that bad though if you don't hit the W button it's stripped oh so it's just gonna fall apart then easily is what you're saying oh so if you do get hit and you survive your car might not really oh someone just blasted past me in it in the F1 car they're taking it fast no that's Venom he's going fast though I thought was you drops here you can go fast it's just I just kind of accept my fate I finally got over the First Transformation [Music] I was I lost it uh you have to type that to the chat first place is four minutes ahead of me yikes that's not that far I'm not gonna lie four minutes dude we've only been here for six dead it messes up one go down that probably knocks to two and a half minutes yeah that's what he said okay what that was so close someone really just tried to drive an F1 car into the back of a tank and expected it to go well yep sounds like uh the people we've raised yeah this is we business though this was a huge right yeah this was all you do it so the mini tank I actually can I don't have to I could hold down W because it doesn't go naturally too fast oh never mind slowed down sucked yep nevermind it was full Outlets I said I got a little bit of a boost out of that but you know there we go oh my God why are you like this and then I got hit if I survived I hit by a plane and then I survived well yeah that happens garbage oh my God why well drops you might want to speed up a little well that happened to that guy uh just I can't turn very well neither can I never mind oh my God foreign it's hard to tell sometimes okay that's on purpose dude I'm not I feel like I'm getting targeted very badly on this one people say targeted dude I've been getting non-stop hit from people like very deliberately very obviously because Steve's not here the targeting has to go somewhere I I think that is exactly what it is it's in their jeans yeah I'm a homie yeah oh my God okay everything will be okay here I think dude dude dude I'm clearly struggling why oh my God I'm sorry because they want you to struggle more I dude it's not gonna be doable for me at this rate you don't understand the amount of people who keep hitting me everyone else I'm looking at is going fine they're not bothering no one then it's me and then oh bump oh God the garbage truck is so difficult to handle or like you know the one the one that's made out of the rust uh oh the apocalypse Stumpy yeah the dumpy the one that looks like a dad strapped at it and then stood back and said yeah that ain't going nowhere a good old apocalypse dude I see first place right in front of me oh Willy Willy literally littered me oh yep it seems accurate oh no now I'm in the fifth again I've made my way to seventh yeah I've made my way to 17th are you in the Doomsday Vernon I am in fact in the Dune don't be Revenge Vernon so sweet okay stead that that was just your fault he landed on bed of the truck and lost every exterior part of his ass [Music] [Music] than us [Music] oh it comes back it does come back yeah eventually I'll use it at the very end I feel like there goes It's All About balance speed determination oh geez stead you dropped down to where I am now from first 100 concentrated power of will oh my God cap cap was saying that as he was leaning a plane towards me in pain we're about to turn it to 100 painter oh no cat please nope oh the alien vehicle all right there we go doing a bigly we're doing a bigly we're doing it well doing it and doing it and doing it well geez a lot of people well a plane came through the front part and crashed into a big boy so uh he exploded bro tropical Place wide oh God I wasn't first for a microphone about this these people don't know civil I don't know if it does I don't know the only civilians I wasn't interested someone in the apocalypse don't beat and uh they just kind of let me go you know well that was nice oh yeah good the mods are taking themselves out now we they're fighting amongst themselves guys we're fine they're fighting for power oh my God what are they what is that what has even happened guys there was a kerfuffle it's like a couple going on yeah and by the way uh drove there is a vision uh thing coming up here so have fun the colorblind Vision tests are regular no uh from Avengers you gain a green effect around your screen oh so we'll just see how drum normally sees oh no no you're gonna be very so it's like night vision is or is it a filter it's uh effect oh there's a filter okay no not a filter you said the whole screen's green hey I think he's trying to go hard it goes like nauseously too it's wavy yeah like there's a filter on the screen like a Minecraft it's like Minecraft which is a filter I don't know I don't consider that bro why why me why are you constantly hitting me call them out Jerome call those mods out what do you mean it was V Smith you could see it I know it's it's basement it's down I just keep getting just leave me alone I'm not number one I'm not even number 10. I'm 17th Place there's there's a guy I keep passing the poor guy we've passed each other like a few times and uh he's still on the first call ow who did that oh my God that wasn't nice I was just minding my business wasn't that the one who just tried to take us out at the very end a minute ago oh the apocalypse dumpy's pretty good it kind of just drives itself I feel like yeah yeah oh God that guy's lagging that guy's lagging bad towards the end here I can just speed up yeah when you get past like the singular jumps you're kind of safe to just hold it if you have a stable vehicle whenever you walk into it I had to forget what you walked in there for that's just real well over a leg my brain has 200 pain things I do that all the time why they come in here right now here's the thing I never remember it never comes back I'll remember the moment I sit down again it will be legitimate times where it's like I was gonna say something and it like it had importance like it wasn't for nothing and it's just why why behold why so he's curved up at the end and I died too that was just unfortunate this car is part of the campaign right the one that has the thrusters and has the alien noises like them yeah yeah okay I didn't play anything to join Nicole what uh really it's part of the game yeah it's pretty funny it's like the Illuminati one they can keep you Kool-Aid I don't want it I don't know if you meant like that huh what else would I mean you can keep your Kool-Aid oh five cap oh bye there's also that tractor who drum that we've driven before tractor yeah the rusty tractor that has no experience on the tires yeah that's from story mode as well dude what I keep getting caught up in kerfuffles for no reason I'm really I'm really happy with the use of kerfuffle today yeah like it's an odd one but like it's easy here it's the s.a.t word of the day calendar for today someone just really tried to crash into me there hahaha okay at the end of you to win really really goodbye buddy okay well that didn't really work out for you I don't think the way that you wanted it to you know something I am genuinely surprised at is all this time playing GTA like I used to be awful with any of the air vehicles and now I can actually like fly the planes decently well like I can yeah I can adjust myself helicopters though are still not helicopters are still rough but like anything that's a plane I'm fine on a controller well numpad just changes the whole game right pretty much like it makes it so much easier it's it's specifically because oh my God lost his wing at the top of the ramp plane and there we go nice and steady now what did I even hit I don't know but a car tried to run into me as the monster truck and let's say it didn't end well for the car oh I landed on someone ah bro okay I'm just bro you could have just avoided the giant monster truck is all I'm saying nah I survived that that's crazy down lacrosse ran into me as a plane me a monster truck I managed to land back on my platform and turn it around nice that'll teach you messing with the liver I won't do anything oh my God someone just tried to undermine me in it oh my god it worked they literally stuck their F1 car under my front tire exploded it and then made me explode because of bouncing [Music] okay and got it okay I have now hit point 19 I'm in third place oh no there's so many left still bro the thing is I don't think there's any repeats with the numbers all right I don't think I I'm jumping there's nine two but it's not for a while well but it's not a repeat in the sense of like you know when you set more laps you know like there's no repeats technically I'm in 10th place now so I'm not part of the dunf gang but I'm six and a half or was yeah six minutes behind second place it said I'm five minutes behind first but six minutes behind second you feel me like it doesn't make sense that's what I'm saying I'm saying like it makes no sense how am I oh no no not a panto oh God why is the roof off why don't I have a trunk oh you shouldn't have uh fenders either why you don't need them fast [Applause] why now you'll have them I think this Panther's gonna well yeah you respawn with everything same with the F1 but no you guys let cap get ahead of me I swear to God don't do it don't do it was at first overall it's just to be first in the Buddies wow wow oh my God someone hit him someone hit him I finally hit Max Health apparently I haven't hit that I've played how many hundreds of hours that makes no sense yeah drum that happens to me quite a few times too it tells me I randomly get 100 strength or something okay so I had 100 Health it's just you probably had it it's just it was just like hey man good job you did it yeah you did it yeah just a reminder that you you have it GTX spinning out up there oh my God I went from second to six but now I'm in fourth now I'm in fifth now I'm in fourth I've said it before but sometimes I think I make it too fun to chase me down when I'm winning so I'm in 14th out of 26th so technically I'm in the did not finish gang now so I need to fit I need to hurry up I need to join the notebook drum there's three people you're fine no it's only 26. because people have left so I'm saying I'm not fine anymore I didn't realize people left okay I'm in 13th now so now I'm okay 26 dead that was the total yeah there was like 30 though yeah and four left and another one gone he has to get up even higher oh my God now 13th isn't safe anymore again no no don't worry don't worry I'm 15. and I might if I play my cards right here oh my gosh way to go dude you got this we got this drum We Can't Stop where is it dropsy entirely unnecessary this will be the first time I've tried to hit someone with my plane or is he no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay you can't even unless you turn back around that'd be really funny but I'm not gonna do that oh my God someone foreign [Music] we had another leave there's only 24 Luts you need to be in 12th Place in order oh my God Venom what is dude it's so annoying because every time I take the place of like wooden Dunst immediately someone leaves then I have to progress another place it keeps happening it's it's motivation finished it first bro how are you done already that's messed up now that's messed up I didn't even hate you and you hit me well now you can get one in go for it bro I can't we were trying to hit him so I wasn't legitimately it was a joke I didn't legitimately think I could hit you on the bike honestly did you do it in a plane yeah yeah he hit me all right you you get I think you get away with that because that's impressive you know dude I'm why I'm literally in 12th hey my good french steadfast ah what's up does that slow down a little let me get your slipstream no I need because I lost a place sorry I'm catching up I'll catch up to you you probably will I actually because I think ketchup is on no I mean in the plane oh in the plane yeah I'm ahead of you in uh in the scoreboard I just wanted to catch up to you on the play oh did you know that airline food tastes bad because of the elevation I've heard that before actually yeah because you can't really smell much on a plane uh and because like your nose is such a huge part of taste it changes how things taste in a plane yeah I don't think it's that bad it's definitely not great but I've never minded airline food it's all right well you know what you're gonna add like an airline meal you still hit me though my bad all right well I am hanging on by a thread here okay dude I've managed to keep it so far but oh God oh God and just like that I'm back in business I almost got Jordan with four players left yet we're okay we still got 24 players left guys legitimately I was bouncing the whole way down I I was gonna lose it it's not difficult anyways I'm done I'm pulling instead and now that I'm in 12th out of 24. the 24th Place is going to leave and going to make it 23. so that the last time it was hard that is hard to balance you're gonna have a bottleneck here soon Jerome that's a good thing for me as far as I'm concerned because while everyone else is stuck on it it gives me a chance to catch up and then I'm an equal playing field with them they're bigger to hit so the planes are probably taking them too I can do it I can do it on your Baconator Jerome you can say that nah I can do it I'm doing it I'll behold bro okay I have had to pee for a second I am going to park right here how many people have finished is it three only uh I'm in third place and I could finish right now but I'm about to take a bathroom break oh God turn off drone don't speed in the panto buddy you can you can take it slow there we go what do you mean I guess I'll stick it fast see look at that drops yesterday boys yeah that truck in front of you is not gonna make it fun though oh thank God he fell off okay he's in a better place I don't know why but like on my screen you're Invincible but I know you're not also why didn't Cathy just finished before also you see that airplane there dropsy I'm telling you it's been like this all I believe it oh 11th dude you're you're in there just keep it up drops you look at my screen oh my God never mind I'll just say I cannot switch that fast oh my God I recovered something horrible oh no I I should be dead but I'm not Jerome oh body you will be able to wheelie down on the bike and just cook what the bike's always the easiest part of these I'll say the bike's easy I was just hit by a plane multiple times you're hyped up from someone hitting me in a monster truck oh that well whatever it takes because I swear on all that you stand for if you all right drum you might you might be able to get 10. someone blew up let's go 14th right now so we'll see yeah I'm hoping for the best here yeah someone just took third from you oh I was in the I was in the bathroom because there's a spawn point here and now I can bother people oh Jerome you need to you need to relax on this part Bud oh my relax is my middle name no it's not oh your middle name is instigator the instigator I was literally on the bottom platform in the truck in the final truck and then someone just dope oh my God Kathy I would have lost it I've been stuck on this dang little mini car for so long ah homie drop homie drop dude I'm not gonna lie I do not like delicious smart cars in real life I'm not a big smart car fan you saw me try to fit into a normal sizes car Jerome it doesn't work well I once saw a pull to start smart car what I've also seen people try and use smart cars in like places they shouldn't like they might get on like the highway for a second I'm like dude like yeah if anyone even it goes like this car you're I I don't even want to know I don't think I don't know if they go any faster because 70 miles an hour tires oh really yeah if it's windy yeah it's bad long Breeze in the end of the smart cars I tried I tried to get him out of the way it's a drum just you can just hold W on this part yeah drum you can just hold W stop trying to wheelie just hold W okay stop like I just wiggle Waggles sometimes on the bike yeah the bike is the easy part I'm literally holding w oh yeah the bike's so easy well the worst part about the truck isn't the truck itself it's the people around me while I'm in the truck if you have another person that's joined you down there cap yeah it's behold me and him are just chilling you guys are fifth and sixth yeah you guys are leading the pack there is that you Jerome no I'm in a plane I uh I got past you guys I don't have many left I'm on the workout I'm your bouncer no one gets in wow this is you're right this is quite the Bottom now because this is the last transformation I'm pretty decently sure and if it's the truck yeah it is it's hard to do I I only made it because not a lot of people were the trucks at the time but I was bouncing the whole way down it had to keep it balanced Camp it's me it's a thought dead is it yeah I tried to stop I was too fast I tried to okay there we go but drum you can snag that if you take it slow don't you dare you can snag it because I snagged it from Monk a bit yeah dude you have no idea I've made it down like three times in this thing don't worry right at the end of evil undermine me in a plane yeah like they they just dive under my tires because that's the that's normal anyways here we go I'm actually doing all right as the giant truck I'm doing our another left oh so now the race is really on though you still have to do if you're in single digits yeah but oh [Music] I actually don't know I actually do not know if I can pull it no so close to the end too we're stopping a truck oh my God push them off push them off we're trying four trucks they're pushing the dunes off for you Jerome predator hey drum nice you ranked up to 300. what are you doing yeah you're 300. nice I feel like it's unfair because I think I got into a glitch Lobby one time I don't think I'm actually 300 but Minor Details Minor Details I'll take it thank you sixth place already finished up give it to this monster truck dude why to buy a Jordan hahaha don't you dare be Smith bro oh my God Jordan's so mad that's it deserved really blasted hung Jerome if you see a longer platform if you have to like slide on the longer platform and like stop you can still back up and make it ah so if you see a three blank platform yeah try to break longer on that and stabilize yourself yeah any suggestions as well like just for this or is it just oh slow right slow dude the problem is I I keep wiggling and wobbling I can't keep my wheels straight you're that's the that's why you have to take it slow at the start what I do if you're on the truck I was pumping my brakes every time I landed okay I'll probably start uh like s or your handbrake yes like like reverse yeah like yeah my hands weren't on my mouse at all I was also a break and I was just balancing try to tilt yourself back as well make sure because it's front heavy okay you're Landing yeah oh I got it as solidly as you can yeah now you got it I have a guy driving uh erratically in front of me though scare oh now I'm starting to lose it way way you can stabilize now you stabilize it yeah yep yep back up now just full set and then start breaking again yep yeah there's another break up ahead here so I can take the break most of these up here are going to be like threes now up here yep okay there we go oh my God are you serious dude take it nice and easy oh my God this you were right said this might have been the hardest mega ramp we've done in a minute yeah that's why I asked which you wanted to start with there we go come on oh dude I'm hoping you're right buddy I'm hoping you're right yep just send yeah Jerry um I did it yay [Music]
Channel: JeromeACE
Views: 68,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 online, grand theft auto 5, gta, gta online casino dlc, gta 5 new update, casino dlc, gta 5 funny moments, gta 5 casino dlc, gta 5 update, gta 5 dlc, gta5, dlc, gta 5 spending spree, gta 5 money, gaming, gta 5 mods, gta 5 stunts, gta online, gta v, gta 5 casino, jerome, jeromeasf, jeromeace, hilarious gameplay, kid appropriate, funny, fun, gta epic wins, funny moments compilation, gta fun videos, gta v random moments, gta v funny moments, gta V funny, funny moments
Id: NjbBGlpPpo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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