Spawning 462,123 Slimes In Minecraft Monster Factory

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hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here alone with the buddies and welcome to an awesome episode coming at you everyone of Minecraft monsters Industries now for those that have never joined us for Monsters Industries welcome and also welcome to the Minecraft Community because I feel like this is such an age-old classic that most people at this point know what Minecraft monsters Industries is but for those that don't know pretty much we hop on down here and you on these buttons here to get paper you're gonna get different types of resources use the paper and the resources to buy monsters that you send to the other team's side to kill them every time you kill them your team gets 100 stocks and once you get 1500 stock you win the game there's a lot of other little things around along the way but that's like the basis of how it's played is Jerome's head still here for anyone else no do you see like a floating ahead of mine yeah I saw your head it was just I could tell whenever you were shifting to go down because it would just Bob in the air oh my gosh well luckily enough cap my head is now reattached to my body the team is gonna be me cap and monkey versus Steve stead and dropsy so it should be a lot of fun but apart from that everyone I hope you guys are ready for a great day if you want to and and you have the ability to in the description we have all sorts of crazy different things that you could do to change the way that we play the game thank you we get paid for starters off with a five dollar straight tip another stream to bully lead monk oh monk they're gonna be coming that's bad for us is it too late to change the teams monk to the other side dude oh geez all right well uh let's separate calls then and let's uh let's do this thing all right Good Luck Good Luck okay now that they left the call bad luck honestly to all of them obviously yeah dude the worst look look worse luck like five years bad luck dishonoring their family dishonoring their cow put that not their cat the cow did nothing the cow didn't have anything but we counted nothing wrong I've got some mad beef with that cow all right I'm hitting the start game here we go guys good luck come up beat him up beat him up beat them up beat them up beat them up all right let's do this thing okay so I'll be coming down for this side does anyone know the special way to do it so I'm going down the other end all right you ready Captain three two one bananas what do I want to start getting uh schedule for us let's get the bones and Captain once we get like two stacks each if you don't mind putting them in that chest there and then that'll allow me to go and buy us the next upgrade for money okay yeah okay this should be yeah so let's beat up in Middle here that should have given you two stacks all right you just keep working in the meantime buddy and I'll be back soon now that is how you do that the good way so now we have to do the same thing once we get uh three stacks okay you take that in so I guess once you get four Stacks Cappy because I'll be a little bit behind you because you were working while I was yeah whatever dude we we're coming in we're coming in hot here today dude all right starting off strong they ain't winning in front of the other okay I've got four Stacks let's go dude put him in the chest and we're good I've got a bunch you ever got a stack of Bones too I got a stack of Bones all right next up is buying the workers and then we'll work on upgrading bones for monkey sound good sounds good all right we got extra paper there now dude we're gonna be so set on these guys okay I'm just gonna jump jump a little bit okay let me know when you have like eight stat like a row the book the whole Road uncapped because then both of us combined well enough to get the workers I'm gonna hear this dinging in my head like a metronome for the rest of the day oh do you get the date too not just the papers for the bones are full me too buddy you want me to just bring it to you or leave it in the chat oh I was gonna say just uh you could buy them out if you want or I can get them if you want whatever you want okay I'll just leave it in the chest and I'll just keep collecting paper okay mine was enough to get five and now yours should be enough to get the remaining five and Alex if already the time out Steve and dropsy how long they take it out here I think it's usually we did in the past I think I think it was three minutes because we didn't put it on there for three minutes uh dropsy Ed Steve timeout three men dude three minutes and now all they have is stead in charge this stuff is such a good advantage point oh my god dude all right let's take advantage of this let's get our skeletons all the way up and then let's should we send some mobs actually come on give me give me a second give me your stuff we should stockpile mob materials until they're out of their time out and then send them oh to try and okay I see what you're saying Big Brand all right let me buy what I can with these so let me let me go buy out uh the mob rooms I'll have the mobs ready to go and then we're good to go all right dropsy's just freezing in place good cap a little more paper buddy yes thank you sir ah bam bam bam bam bam bam bam I still got like a whole hot bar full so oh man dude we are gonna be so rich now Perfect all right so let me buy out the stuff that we need before it's too late so foul tactics mob room three but now we're completely broke so we have all that but we're broke yeah and I need to go get some food all right all right no problem Cap oh they're also getting the bones the problem is though it's just dead right right dude that was huge out so much dude that was a huge jump for the team it's early on too oh my god dude they don't set a chance they don't stand a chance go there we go I should have enough here to buy out a bunch of skelemens I'll let you know if something or do we do vindicators sufficient to say I have a lot of bones for whatever we decide to do dude the arm ored in America superhero awesome uh yeah it's very expensive though do we wanna because now we have the vindicators ready do we want to save up to get uh superhero gear uh sure yeah I gotta move on for that all right so we have all this stuff ready so I'll just be saving up paper then cat in order to get a superhero gear and then we'll go from there I checked all the bones that I have currently in the crystal chest oh my gosh dude I'm gonna grab some paper and get food real quick though yeah with the 22 vindicators and the fact they have the timeout I'm not too afraid of them you know I'd rather just get ourselves set up defensively have that to distract him for a little bit longer and I think we'll get the Big W here Jerry you got a booger in your nose this no why would I have that you had to check no no no I'm sorry had to go on an expedition oh my gosh no they're out of jail they're out of jail no should we get any other materials let's go ahead and extend those mobs yeah here we go all right it drops you just got back there dude I think she's about to get clobbered aliqua with 150 stream dip Stephen dropsy three more minutes oh my God bro they can't play the game bro oh my god dude and she died and now she's going straight into that mode oh jeez man uh Luke let him know dude let him know let them know how it'd be also I don't know should I get oh I accidentally bought an extra pair of Captain America pants so someone else could be Captain America soon too I'll leave it in the chest there Captain pants America do we have any other mob drops upgraded or no um uh not at the moment and then let me know what you want to get I can go dude Jay portelli with a 25 stream tip to give us 100 free stock I don't know how exactly we do oh I guess uh intern I know how to do that you have to give me you have to give me some paper upstairs or I'll just creative mode duplicate it and buy the stock that's the easiest way to do this yeah or you can just slash kill one of the enemy I'm at also probably works it's so mean though so mean that definitely mean there we go thank you so much Jay for helping us out with that oh my gosh dude all right I'll go start farming some spider eyes yeah I had a bunch of papers so I just we got all of our bones in the first Crystal chest by the way nice dude I can't get over that though Alan guo dude you have saved this team before we even started all right I'm getting more like they doomed the other team but Same by same Vibe same thing same thing same vibe yeah I feel real bad for stead he's the only one I feel bad for right like Dude Dad's doing great good I love stuff and then he died as soon as he said that at any time I love stead he's my boy moisturized in his Lane flourishing oh my gosh dude he's thriving dude it's so bad um okay I might cap can I have some more paper by any chance absolutely dude don't worry cat and block America is coming to the rescue here oh they kicked the Luke I mean are you surprised no and I don't blame him either but you know all right got the I'll be able to get the chest plate and maybe the injection but the shield is third why is this I mean the shield I get because I guess because it's the best weapon in the game that you can get here but still it seems a little excessive but either way we got the chest and now the super soldier injection and Jamie Ford with a 25 stream tip for us to get another 100 stack guys nice three one two three one oh we gotta spin some huh we should spend some at this point dude I think we might have to oh my God the Jay portelli with another 25 scripted because another 100 stock so we're gonna go ahead and get another 100 stock two three four oh we'll see the need the tiniest bit more bro there we go dude that is ridiculous it is 800 to zero we gotta spend some stuff dude we gotta spin some I'm gonna take a little bit of paper I don't even know what to do at this point I mean first of all stop that music cut the lights no more pipes stop growth enemy upgrade room blocked regular pipes dude I already did it we aren't allowed to set curfew uh bringing the pipes could help them out more than anything but I'm down just to annoy whatever stop growth we'll do that it's mildly annoying enough that it's worth it and I called OSHA and deleted all their workers so pretty much we are crushing them they can't upgrade anything else they're stuck with bones though at this point guys we are not nice people also cap uh if I got more paper by any chance Oh Captain monk America hello yes monk America oh I want to be a captain you want to be Captain Captain wait Captain Captain America oh my God lord Grim with 100 stream tip to give us a stack of mobs Mr intern I'll be waiting for my free stack of mobs please dude dude the viewers want us to crush them they want they want them I think it's the interns I think it's I think he randomizes it to be honest I don't yeah I think uh also I just got Captain America Shields and I have the best weapon I've got the injection I've got everything we're ready internment why are you wearing that creepy tell me 64 blazes the interns lost is mine dude Luke you're sick why though uh so guys bad news I sent them Captain America's shield [Music] and vibration that's not that one's not coming back Jerry oh my god oh do you have speed boost now Jerome uh yeah I got my super soldier serum okay well then we're not gonna match up whenever we're running you got this bud [Music] that's too funny that that's genuinely oh my gosh dude that cracks me up man oh my God this man oh the viewers can help us so much but they can't stop my stupidity from holding us back they can do everything in their power to try and help but I'll always find a way to squander the opportunity friends away I need two more stacks and then I can get another shield and then I guess monk your closest so we'll get you next with one yeah I gotta get the serum first oh serum smells important part for sure that's what I'm working for okay monkey's on the uh stuff because he has that movement speed or not yet probably not yet okay but I almost but guys I do have a confession what I'm captain Bach America I took my man oh my God you can't tell anybody though you never we would never why did I butt you know just realizing the stupidity of this now I bought a normal Shield leave the paper to me you get spidereyed because that's the one entirely dependent on movement speed oh I see what you're saying all right dude that's what you want oh you maxed out spider I'm sorry I didn't even there's so much going on yeah I didn't even hear you did that yeah I know we're no worries dude we've got maxed out spider eye I've got three stacks on me so as soon as we get the money to back it up all right all right all right all right and monk you just keep on working again in full Captain America and then we gotta get Cappy at two if all of us get full cap America it's over dude oh my God Jay portelli with another 25 stream tip said get some more so we get another 100 free stock dude I pretty much just give myself free three stacks of paper because that's pretty much oh wait no it's three stacks of paper times so it's actually 12 stacks of paper is what I'm giving myself each time and that's about the amount you need one two three four there we go thank you so much Jay and then oh my God Alan guo with another 150 restrictive I know that a lot of you guys I like seeing instead suffer Stephen dropsy timeout again bro in turn timeout Steven dropsy please oh my God poor stead Evan all down the Old Fort over there dude that's just cruel oh my gosh Fort Knox dude so like more Fort fast I feel so bad Alan glow is just hindered the other team to no end and then Lord grid with a hundred dollars straight to give us another stack a month you guys have no mercy for them what are the what are all the donos again Jerome are there any that help them I mean they they have the option to make all these help them they just choose to help us they're literally they have not not a single person is streamtip to help them intern man please give me a stack of bad things what are you just get a stack of supercharged you're you're a disgrace that might actually help them clear their side a little bit is what I'm saying now since no one else will dude I respect it Luke I really do it oh my god dude a stack of Super Creepers dude they don't stand a chance anymore but all right monk how close are you now uh because we want cap to get superhero gear next for the for the shield I'm I'm getting there I got six tokens right now but that's because I just bought Cappy a present here you go cap superhero injections right behind you oh cool I'm gonna do the Olympics the Caps One Step Closer wait a minute yeah they have enough right now to get the shield okay so then cap we need you to buy everything uh as well I'm putting all my paper in here it's not gonna be enough for everything but it'll be a start and we're gonna keep on working towards getting you that full set buddy okay do you want me to get him the armor instead of a shield for me or do we want no you get a shield you get a shield it's just easier Okay cookie the rabbit god with a 25 stream dips and give dropsy the stock there we go someone's helping them out so um in turn if you want to give them 12 stacks of paper and tell them to go upstairs and buy 100 stock that's the only real way or do I lose anything if I die I might I'll just I'll just throw him a bone it doesn't matter yeah there you go game the stock I gave it to them no oops I died and Steve gets super creeper Jerome dude have you tried shifting shift life tweaking with the shield out yet oh my God don't do that it breaks the glass don't do that right here it broke it right here that's right left click that Shield [Music] well we really need to keep them locked down because they'll definitely Spike break the glass A 100 dude instead's gonna be doing it in seconds Steve is blown up now twice to the super creeper oh my God I am fully clothed as a captain should be that's yeah that's a good thing fully clothed I promise um so cap are you missing anything because we had a lot of extra paper do you need anything I need the shield and oh this is the most expensive part get this man Steve has died three times the Super Creepers oh my God okay five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve is twelve per row so twenty four cat there might be enough in there for you tokens already so um okay then you're gonna definitely have enough all right so then what do we want to send at the end we want more I want to get more bones I want to send more vindicators to him guys all right we can do more bones oh you got the bones yeah I've got like all right I'm um spider eye there should also be more bones in the in the first Crystal chest I don't think we've used them all yep dude dude uh Jerome go check the first Crystal chest real quick I'll go check it beginning the beginning of the game bones were uh I forgot you did that uh yeah let me go head on in there real quick and take a look let me go take a gander dude um oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh guys what have you done yeah can I have a quest just keep feeding me paper like just bring paper to me okay I'm gonna be buying tons of Indica matchups dude what have you done what have you guys done are you just walking monkey no no okay I'm gonna go bring my paper monkey you said you got bones I didn't know what you meant yeah yeah you said get bones I said okay and then no would be like this these poor souls uh yeah they didn't deserve it but we didn't have anything else upgraded and we had bones at level six so you know it it seemed reasonable at the time the other team entirely immediately dude who decimated before we even started oh they are about to run into some bad times my friends as if they haven't run into bad times already I haven't been able to run they've been in timeout uh can I have more paper Monk yep yep on the way dude now that he now that he received that do we just go ahead and just clear the room until or clear their oh my God no that'd be so mean they're gonna die anyway dude it'd be hilarious I might do it it would be I'm a little bit of a chat chat one means do it do it to him two means let them breathe they're all saying one dude all right well that's what we know we know who raised these people poor other team oh I think I think if you leave paper near the villagers they they eat the paper what really they the chat has has been the first try first try oh my god let's try you first to try oh that's true I'm spawning now over three stacks of video first try dude oh my gosh dude I'm just gonna buy the cheapest thing if you guys don't mind bringing me more paper still I'm just gonna keep spending it on slime on the way I'll be gonna spend it on slime the the spider I do they're so cheap and they are the most aggravated thing in the world I'm gonna be able to buy so many stacks of this stuff just imagine uh yeah there's a lot of paper on you dude we might even be able to buy a thousand of these oh God you I I wish I could say I thought you were joking but that's horror just thinking about that it's terrible thousand slimes we might crash this whole server do it do it how many stacks is that 15 Stacks 16 Stacks something like that uh uh so it's a thousand so that would be uh 64 per stack math a lot it's a lot it's so slow to buy dude uh it is genuinely so slow I put all that can help you we're just gonna make it worse for you by bringing you more paper oh I put all that paper in the chest monkey I didn't want to just like despawn oh they're trying to use a bow let's teach them Jerry oh show them what's what you know what yeah you get paid for I'm gonna get more spiders we might need more blazes if we want to because if they're gonna be bowing then we need something which one of the blazes uh like what's there I don't remember I think gunpowder perhaps gunpowder maybe have we even maxed out gun powder I don't think we've maxed out anything but all right and so it's just shy by the way of 16. just shy of it so if we get 16 stacks of slimes that'll be a thousand that might be a tall order but I'm just gonna go I've got nothing else to do here I'm going for it cool all right I'm gonna I'm gonna grab some paper and Max set our coal okay sounds good no worries I'm on it friend oh my god oh no can we call you Kathy squared cap squared can't be squared captain captain Oh Captain My Captain Captain America I know this makes me a huge nerd but Dead Poet Society was a great movie and you just watch it Robin Williams is a National Treasure that's the one where he plays as Captain America right definitely okay yeah yeah honestly Robin Williams as Hulk would have been awesome oh my god dude I have six stacks of slime now God Jerome that's disgusting people are probably wondering why it takes so long and they're like I saw someone say get an auto clicker so it's has nothing to do with that there's a Max like I'm spam clicking quicker than it's going that's just the max speed unfortunately like that's that's just the way it is um if I got more paper though monk uh I you would appreciate it right now I'm getting out more paper for blazes oh thank you if you want to help me get more slime I'm gonna be short of being able by a thousand and uh that makes me very sad what do you need for getting a thousand a lot of spider eyes and a lot of papers yeah I'm out I'm now officially out of paper there's plenty of paper in the mob area Jerome okay okay I like it there's some in this chest and there's some in the farther chest all right I'm putting all these slime away I got all of our slimes away in this chest here it's a lot of stacks I need to buy about eight more stacks of it and then we should have a thousand okay where are these slimes at mob shop okay all right are you buying them too yeah oh I don't know we could buy them at the same time that helps out so much okay so if you get four stacks and I get four Stacks Cappy we're done and that's a thousand dude all right I'll bring more spider eyes when I get a few more and I'll stick them in the chest behind you guys you don't need any more spider eyes we're okay buddy yeah you focused on anything else we're gonna be good the nightmares the cap I just have to buy four more Stacks each plus my nearly eight Stacks I had and we're done so oh my that is a disgusting sentence okay but think about this Jerome think about the slime's dividing and think about the potential number of slimes we're actually sending at them well it could divide once and then once again right so it's four times this is basically sending four thousand baby slimes is kind of how you think about it I guess yeah oh my God oh my gosh dude what if we buff our mobs at the same time can we do that in this version yeah there's no there's no model for this one God like okay like we're gonna need it with a thousand slimes your computers are just gonna explode this is hilarious okay here we go and I have three stacks cap so I need one more where are you at I've got two and fifty two stacks from 50 on me you're only a little bit behind me then that's fine that's fine I just need to grab more eyes now more eyeballs the eyeballs they probably are wondering why things are so peaceful and then they're about to get hit with it probably just enjoying the calm right now uh cap I'm about to pass four and a half stacks so you only need three and a half now okay well I've I've got three and forty I'm just gonna go ahead and finish up the stack for us Perfect all right I'll meet you at Mid and that is four specs all right let's hit him buddy let's hit him good yo I'm gonna watch this I oh my gosh Kathy this is the worst thing I think we've ever done I mean that's an instruction this is one of the baddest things we've ever done look at this dude dude listen to them all oh my God it's so squishy oh my god dude hold up Jerome we can get a better Vantage Point bro oh I can see everything in the frame it's beautiful it's beautiful gappy and then if indicator kills him anyway oh my God frames guys we need blazes dude we need tool for blazes right yeah I got cold you think now is the time for Mercy we got it right where we want him bro I'll go put cold put the coal in the in the chest thanks buddy with the blazes it's in the third chest yeah I still don't have pants Kev what can afford the pants my dude yeah but I'm comfy oh my gosh oh my game does not like that dude we got him right where we want them now I'm about to send over a stack of blazes at him all right whatever even after all of that dude there we go that's a stack oh my God this is disgusting it the frames are so bad that sometimes it's so bad it's like it forgets that I'm not sprinting anymore and it's like you're sprinting right you're sprinting right I can't step on the cold pressure plate anymore dude my computer hates me I I can't step on the pressure point I can yeah this this has got to be banned after this help I'm rubber banding so hard I mean I guess I'll sit at 56 places too then Jerome bro this is miserable dude all right what can we do to make this worse now burn it down blazes I guess bro I'm like literally 40 blocks from Nicole and I'm getting coal right now [Laughter] uh do you wanna do more slime I never wore slimes one or more yeah they're the cheapest thing we might as well dude let's see if we can crash the server and rycon with a 50 straight of steak bumps instead and the internet that's not even what that means this time oh my God I know whatever just just stink bombs just steak bottom and turn just take button it wasn't better anymore it doesn't even matter anymore dude just let her rip they're they're done Zone anyway and he wants you to stake bomb on me like uh well you snake bomb on my head that's what he wants which is just gross man it's it's nasty hey this slime's got Steve oh my God have we done a bad thing here today yeah absolutely terrible it's been an awful thing that's why it's great oh my god dude my frames oh my God you pushed me out of the shop yeah I'm lowering my frames down we're gonna render I'm gonna render down to 12 chunks see if that helps at all barely I can't even stay in the mess look at blade that my server's screaming good do you need me to get more spider eyes guys uh yeah oh my God it just saw blades yeah it took you that long to get it oh my God yeah no dude I'm staring at a chest trying to open it right now it's about to die god dude okay I've got a stack of slime on me Jerry all right oh my God make it 2 000 Jerome yeah oh my god dude all right now hear me out what if we throw our Shields at the wall and start throwing them through and splitting all the slides no cause then they could get through and that would be bad for us we want it to only be bad for them are you new to this monkey is this like something we haven't explained to you look I don't think you understand what happens here you start winning you win more and then more and then you make it did it take that long for that steak bomb to come through is that the steak yeah oh my God they're trying to split the slimes so we have even now never mind left the game that's why Jane crashed that's what you get for trying uh did someone pick up my slimes by the way because I just got kicked out of the trader okay [Laughter] okay I have three stacks and I'm working on more drum I'm getting a stack ideally if it all works out all right here we go you want to crash the whole server Network drone dude that's what I wanted more than anything all right there we go dude this is going so bad for them I think I'm at like nine chunks right now that's the only way this game how many slime does everyone have I'm gonna have five at the end of this okay good good wait I'm I'm gonna be able to get like four to five so we might be able to send another thousand that means if we get to 16 again I kind of want to say all right all right each of us needs to get five and a third five and a third Stacks that's it okay do we need more spider eyes my question yeah I just got my fourth stack I'm gonna actually be personally okay I'll be out on my fourth stack I'll need like the tiniest one more actually I'm gonna need like three step three more stacks of spiders that literally takes like 10 seconds which is the funny part yeah yeah I'm already working on it it's just a matter of surviving the lag I'm good I'm good I got it I got it good all right all right toss it over I've got three you got three oh my god dude we're gonna break blade good he'll learn I'll leave some at the door for you Jerome very opinion it's like a crash God crash God dude I'm about to hit so I've got my amount that uh like I got my my amount you know what I'm saying so I've got to be five and a third I will be able to hit five Stacks but I need I needed the extra Fusion that's easy oh okay then we're good okay then perfect I would just say just for the sake of because we're gonna Crash It Anyway let's just cut it once everyone gets five and a half okay so whenever you guys have five and a half just let me know I have my five and a half I actually just bought infs now of six Stacks I'm just buying extra I have I have five Stacks all right that's over a thousand combined let's go let's go crash the server crash the server if we actually do crash blade we don't have any more streets for the rest of the day it's done it's it's done so already slash and bands slim Miss dude dude I am running at like a frame a minute oh my god when I get close to the other side oh I spawned mine in yeah I'm just running away I feel like this is morally wrong somehow it is okay okay we need to get on top so that we can see good oh my god oh it's beautiful I want to be clear that the viewers are somewhat responsible for this yeah you just enabled us and that's really the biggest crime here exactly like this is you know you can only blame us so much rain oh God I need to get to the top of the house because that that parkour ain't happening over there oh my god dude the lag it's look you ready stream I'm gonna move it left oh my God I don't think we've done anything like this in a long time this is the worst I think this is the worst thing that we've done in a minute I I genuinely that is preposterous so bad hey thanks for having me on your team this time around Jerome better group of people yeah this is beautiful we're gonna pay for this in the next one absolutely genuinely yes absolutely we are a little boy yelling at me totally worth it I'm not sure all of them respond yet let me see let me try and check on them no cap frames the frames okay there's still 17 slimes in this one I'm right in front of they're still spawning guys they're still spawning they still get away let's see there's none in this one okay there's ah okay there's still 80 in this one pretty much oh my God okay I'm trying to extricate myself oh I bet some of them are dying to entity cramming and that's causing them to die probably or entities okay just don't look Cappy don't look at your never-ending chain oh my gosh dude I don't know how you guys are doing anything oh I'm out yep was that the server closing or was that yeah probably I dude well we've got 1900 people watching welcome um server died tada yeah we did it let's see what happens hold on Vlog again hey it's back up oh don't worry guys although I lost I don't know if I didn't have night vision before but I don't have it now dude this is beautiful this is this is like the Mona Lisa of Minecraft right here oh my God it closed again [Laughter] some good work here doctor doctor oh my gosh all right I'm gonna try and rejoin I TR I did rejoin for a second it just kicked me again yeah legitimately broke it this is it dude we have 10 000 slimes would break Minecraft I don't know if we win though or not I don't think we win I don't I'm pretty sure we won dude can you imagine they come here talking smack about that tie dude this is this is it this is it that we this was the funniest thing I think we've done in a minute oh Becca you're on am I whoa does this mean it's me we're in does this mean what I I don't know the server is not letting us back on I think it's I think it's a tie I think you're lying because we're all our whole team's on yeah Steve get out there why he's done you hustle as hard as you hate pal nope it kicks me off immediately sorry no there's not steam no no no how come everyone else come on everyone else included the inter again but you can not on fallen for it except this L take the L there ain't no tie and this isn't soccer this is Monster's Industries we have a winner and a loser soccer no ties here gotta let them know what it is oh God all the boys's Channel yeah Steve did leave this channel dude it is taking me so long to eat there's one I think at this point they have accepted their I think they are genuinely trying their best to die I think like they I don't blame no a fatal error so kill us what is it I wonder if that's it I wonder if it's just down permanently now that might be dude a fatal error that's a different that's different than disconnecting a fatal error that's yikes the bodies oh my God so not to jump the gun or anything but what are we uh playing after this uh yeah so I stream the next thing on the list say is cops and robbers then some lb walls um yeah wow this was why is the server exploding man dude this is hilarious imagine a reason oh my God this is too funny I'm not confident that this is coming back up I've never seen this on the server screen before it's all red it's just like the Matrix but red foreign [Laughter] Dr Jerry you did very good good job doctor doctor thank you thank you thank you this was uh honestly guys this is one of the prouder moments of my life and I just want to thank each and every one of you for being here for it this is uh we did a good thing here today driver's license we did it we did a good thing here today oh the server's back up and she's so happy to start off the week like this blade all it is is an empty void and it's raining I don't see anything it's just there it goes wait there did we spawning yeah yeah man let's go you know it's probably even worse is they're definitely triggering those pressure plates yeah they are oh my God are you guys awesome are you actually on really oh Steve died again you died you guys got over a thousand well we need to get to 1500 though dude otherwise they'll be like do we buy stock then there used to be a thing a stream tip um then there used to be a stream tip to clear things yeah but that might be a monster Factory oh so sad anyways some women says doing some some funky Shenanigans over there looking at the stocks oh we've got ten thousand crazy would you look at that guys I think that is them admitting defeat and giving us that thousand points we win Jerome blade just doesn't want that server to be a fire hazard no I know all right let's get off the server you can close it down here we'll stop the recordings oh my gosh all right guys so there it is we're ending it there GG we're gonna start loading up some cops and robbers here now uh we did a good thing today though crashing the server until you can't log into cops and robbers why are you starting my week like this Drew welcome back dropsy oh my gosh hey command which remember that conversation we had like a couple months ago we can we could rehab that conversation about how to make things break proof it'll never work with the Buddies they'll never you'll never contain us Blade the Buddies uh find a way you can't contain the uncontainable dream the undreamable beat the unbeatable we are the Buddies I will break the entire server with a bird again blade don't make me oh my God sorry we had to do that to you Steph we got a bunch of stream tips in there by the way during that um that didn't make it to the thing we got Wicked pain uh thank you for the five dollar strength of Keith Art thank you for the 20 stream tip and for the kind words there Ruby Lou thanks for the five dollars three or ten dollar stream tip he wants a fireball for cops or Robert I think blade will explode if we do something bad again like that after I think it's a five dollar stream tip fairer thanks to the five dollar stream tip sour wolf astral my master Uptown chicken Samuel Colburn takes the five dollar stream tips Samuel Colburn thanks for the 10 story dip along with Aaron Stevens Jamie forward the five dollar stream tip as well thank you all so much and we're gonna be getting ready here with some cops and robbers I just have to change around the title description and the the dad the new dad julator most importantly is probably that's probably the most important part where exactly is the new dadulator located um underneath the funny bone oh dude adjacent to the Glockenspiel exactly you understand yeah Cappy's of antibiology yeah I went to college dropsy now your Trip's over you can tell people where you went if you wanted do you want to tell them about your uh your trip we got we got her Vlog filmed so now we have the Alaska Vlog films we have dropsy's Vlog film we have the Utah Vlog already up on the channel where we're moving to grooving as promised everyone we're getting through it uh they have to wait to see it okay well there you have it you guys don't get to know anas thank you for the 50 I guess it's Egyptian pounds thank you buddy uh I'm doing great what about you thank you be spit for the five dollar stream hey there buddies hope you're having an excellent day thank you very much we are having an excellent day except for blade he's probably not having uh this is my Monday yeah [Music] but you know I'll remember guys don't step on the pressure please why are you punching me Luke today is supposed to be the day that sets the mood for the entire week yep and yeah and I'm done job done yeah what this is the mood the almighty intern of the month is back bow down to drops that's true drops your intern of the month is here oh yeah and Luke tried to steal again yeah but I am I am present the day you left why no he he was replaced okay yeah I was replacement intern of the month because he was gone I was replacing you if we're going by votes replacement in turn would have been stead what are you stealing it your spot in the recordings give player Contraband weapon Contraband oh my God you know what I'm gonna do another one too damage you cannot block you cannot okay so maybe we don't do Cappy with TNT this could be bad all right yep there's no warden in one fifteen two drum yeah there's no ward in one okay so we can't do that either it is I don't know does the Wither going around the jail what could be what's wrong with that you know what I'm saying yeah there's nothing wrong with it I mean the warden might have to kill the Wither at that point so that's fine all right well if you guys are ready I'm gonna go ahead and hit the start button started Dependable started recorded start recording it wasn't even on the server yet man that's crazy I just did but did you start though but did you die though okay Jerome dude Stephen pop Gabby Bop instead you're happy monkey up Steve are you away from your mic yeah sorry I am dealing with a lot of stuff right now all right okay as long as you're right I just want to make sure your mic was good chat pop go get the chat box going chat pop chat pop chat pop keep your eyes thank you yeah sounds fun Willy I don't even know what that means but that's not a chat Bop you're getting in timeout buddy we're trying we're trying to be serious businessmen here and you're you're getting in the way who's it um it's a very good question a very good question who oh who um I could tell you who's not it me not it um yes there wasn't dropsy yet last time yeah I think it was I'm in a lot in this one yeah we got a another unwilling sacrifice last time I don't think it was me but internally might have been the last time was Luke so oh was it oh okay um well let's do um that would be terrible I feel like that would descend into pure chaos so quickly yeah that's the thing like it would be good anyway yeah how about hmm it would be good to do it again oh hello uh if the chat wants me to be the warden again I'll do well you guys like Warden intern again or would you like someone else would that be a lot of people are saying monkey actually a lot of people want Le monk monkey as Horton could be great I don't think monkey has but Morton has he dude it's pretty much more people are saying monk than dude almost everyone's saying monk are you down though uh yeah prepare for no one to listen to you monkey see that's that's what the sword is for um and you think I'm afraid of the sword still learn he'll learn Jerome oh I don't expect them to listen I expect them to fall quickly when they don't yeah let's do it all right uh okay foreign well um we're all ready to go let's do this and Jay portelli I got you dude we will say that stream tip once the game gets started here alrighty and I noticed it don't worry okay um just making sure which way it was I guess I think in order to get started monk do you have to step on the Press Play is that how that works yeah I have to step on the pressure plate all right let me know when let it rip buddy oh I don't have my jumpsuit right and hey guys welcome to prison with 25 stream tip stand up in a puke I gotta stay good buddy where's he puking here there's a toilet right there there's the toilet right there Jerome all right I'm ready I'm ready oh God you know never mind we'll give you permission to puke in my prison uh I'm not puking dude laughs uh fuzzy one who's puking is there anyway I'm supposed to get that get that one hiding in the corner ow what the heck get him out of here what did I do out of them right now all right I'm leaving the cell salted the warden hey assaulted he didn't do anything I didn't do this I did not I did yeah before hey oh you want lunch I got you where are you ten years instead died I wonder why I died monk ah drums I don't know that's the lunch special team supposed to be here somewhere special the intern's gone he's not here today he said nah okay I was gonna say we're still missing stead yeah I already got it he's fine oh you'll come back no I won't he decided I got it is it a timer thank you no it's a timer get the sick beats yeah Steve all right monk so what are we doing here I needed some steak yeah where are we gonna hey hey is this violence my prison well Pharaoh what's it 25 straight bomb on monkey now you keep your puke away from the cake oh God Steve's getting ripped what I'm gonna do if Steve gets more ripped nothing I'm just out here benching all right since since you guys are already so eager to fight take over you thank you hey save the violence come on Captain blast America to have a big steak bomb big steak actually wait yeah we weren't supposed to tell your secret identity oh God No No Cap it'll be okay I'll be fine oh gosh you don't really have hair I can hold back do you want me to rub your bald head while you oh God good luck in some cultures we're gonna do a fighting Club Ice Mr Warden do you even know where we're going right yeah it's this one get on in we're going to fight we're gonna go fight in Club Ice I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't remember saying a Fight Club monks yeah and I've got some experience with fight clubs yeah this is not a Fight Club it's supposed to be a dance club yeah where's the bus what do you mean where's the phone books Steve stole the music disc oh wait there's no such thing wait back here nope locked I was in there it was in the chest right in the beginning I've got of Music this but I'm in adventure mode so it won't do the thing yeah well look at that suddenly the wardens in survival not that hmm well is there one in there no there was one in the chest but someone sucks it doesn't even have music there's no music dude this might be the worst night I don't know ever answer oh it's a light show pants and pants oh so why did we in club ice again we're fighting there's gonna be a dance fight and then there was no because drum broken pants in time my shoes and boots and our China I think for the 25 stream tip stake on intern Luke yeah get the intern thank him all right that's it I think we need to cause a distraction guys he's in the chat room I couldn't say that in his presence we could still cause it just because he's here doesn't mean it won't work in here and you're just smacking oh God puking everywhere why is he Invincible I'm puke in here no he's not yeah he is he died this place was supposed to be a place of fun and and again what are you talking about have fun and play games and don't give people the wrong idea this person is not a fun place we're going hey where are you going by the way away from you early with the 40 stream tip said Cappy boom we've removed that one because we can't have him destroy stuff I'm sorry early yes where are you going where are you from where are you going buddy leave me alone 25 stream dip said they want steak bomb on monkey yeah that's the distraction We need oh God I know exactly where I'm going from here I just genuinely don't know how to escape from this prison I know like I know it's ironic I found the real way to escape last time we played what's up I know how to escape the map oh my gosh I've got a good lunch about it but I don't know the full way I found it last time and then right as I was reaching the exit doors someone TP I can't oh friends I think I'm gonna die in here yes you're rewarding right now I don't know about that I said after all we've been through yeah we're not I'm saying like right now I don't I might have found I might have found a way I might have found something guys did you find it way I might have door alarm triggered where uh guys I'm getting flushed down a toilet is that wow gross this is some great cake are you eating toilet cakes no no yeah well there's one right here hi yeah I track myself backstage guys all right let's go let's Posse up everybody that I got a really good idea Max I'm helping you hey Steve come on we just want to talk he's at me now ran away from the warden I'm gonna send him back to Max I'm gonna keep him in here every time he dies in a bag [Laughter] beat up oh I beat them up their timers recite too they're rolling with a 50 total dollar straight to the TP everyone to the warden oh [Laughter] [Music] Steve's time hi guys the gang's all here oh Blazer and it doesn't work like that I was gonna say there's some people hanging out huh are you headed bud I feel significantly less threatened by The Three Musketeers and more by Cappy and drops you went missing what's up don't worry about what I was doing worry about yourself I'm doing what you want hey all right I'm just like all I had to say was I'm doing what you want oh you gotta stop beating you here steak okay this person is weird out here where's your friends go um we're over there oh oh there's Steve hey can I have some steak don't worry back to back security setting it back there you go all right let's go Steve sorry as long as this if they start getting to you as long as you're my protection I'm here with you all right hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy Max but you know oh God he's gone I'm trying I'm sorry my finger smells like immediate turn Steve I can I go swimming and poo I'm doing it I'm kidding I'm kidding I mean get out of here someone's venting someone's venting oh my God all right oh my gosh this is the worst who's got a trident yeah hold on what excuse you it's called a dinglehopper uh excuse you can you say that on live television I don't know I'm not sure do I all right let's let's look around instead it's illegal oh that's fine who has the Trident hold on oh that trip buddy I'm sorry it's all right it's all right I'll wait for you I'm coming up door alarm triggered oh God they're up there already who's the Imposter hi it is me the not imposter let's go back together again sure would be a shame wouldn't it so what are we doing over here stead where are we going what is this dude come on man how did you find what's going on um you can't I can't be allowed there's still so many steps there are but I need to track down Cappy dude I don't know how stead did this but then alarm oh we're doing smart thing instead we're actually being we're doing smart things dude triggered why are you triggering all these ventils we're not all triggery dude I'm like underwater um [Music] dude I feel like not all too common Jerome it is amazing that's why it's so tricky I could use a steak bomb right about now me instead cutting this one man if only hadn't turned into a warden before getting the stake yeah I mean after the steak man I didn't turn in the warden I was just trying to smack Steve into it uh don't pay attention to that vent alarm it's not real no sorry seems kind of real seems like uh something I should investigate I buy one I wouldn't really no it's not worth your time really I think you should worry about the smarter people that are on the outside I'm not on the outside I was murdered man I know that's why it's convincing because I put you in there instead did you do it okay okay where do we go from here all right dude you guys are playing checkers me instead are playing Pac-Man we're on a different playing field than you Trump yeah is that resting quarters okay this seems like a good area [Laughter] [Music] we made it so hard so did everyone else also know where they ended up oh yes we had we had been there I mean that made it so far bro I am very close I think the Misadventures of Jerry instead are thwarted maybe not I mean I'm sure you guys will have more Misadventures so oh God this is well it's supposed to free someone but instead midnight Reaper with a 250 stream has decided to give me a 10 times length steak bomb no we're gonna we're gonna knock the Daylights out of Steve get him get what did I do to you guys today you know what you did we're gonna beat the Dallas at him send him into a security mess that's all I'm looking for you cap oh Stephen Max secure here's dead instead put me in there kill me pull you in there yeah put me in there I got I got unfinished business to settle with Steve bro get me in put me in Max again hey can I get some of that steak off you by the way oh yeah yeah let me hear Let me drop some out the window here for you there we go thank you thank you you should be able to pick up some of that thank you thank you now where was I why would you do this midnight Reaper this is disgusting on many levels funny I gotta send Steve back into Mexico I gotta restart get ready to catch instead in case he gets out got you bud I got you oh no is he out he's free he's out he's out I gave him a few watches oh my god dude I'm gonna crash again I think I might crash I need backup dude I genuinely might crash God oh my God I can't shoot because it's a stupid frames I'll give you some steak buddy through the window here there you go three Stakes so you can't run too far there you go buddy I threw a couple reels thank you oh my gosh there's so much bro how is the server still alive Revenge yeah I lost my baton yeah I noticed that happens when you betray the war no I lost the Baton because I was trying to help you and put them in jail but they they yeah he could have chosen a free one of us and instead he chose this yeah I know it's great dude there's so much stake everywhere dude I have no frames right now oh my God I'm gonna get worse don't put it back don't put me back you can find me I'm putting you back I still don't have minutes just don't put me back in the Box Dad please throw in the Box no at least you're here with me Dasher with a 25 stream tip to add the steak bomb timer so now what is that another 30 seconds blade oh my God all right I'm gonna go shut up frames the second right now this is never gonna end I'm gonna do it I think we broke it I think they're trying to extend the steak timer and perpetuity here which I I please do no yeah um we're gonna I feel like I should have been let out by now that's you can believe whatever you wish Daniel with a fifty dollars big bombs for all oh right here next security we got him right here I need back up I can't help you if you're running away again to you get him get him get him set him back to Max send them back to Max oh my God it's so hard to hit you're moving it's a really bad frames I'm hitting maximum beef overload oh my gosh oh my gosh bro foreign [Music] with two more extensions why special door unsealed what are you guys doing I legitimately I didn't know we had we had actually completed some stuff behind the scenes that's kind of sick yeah no they're they're doing things in a midnight Reaper with another 250 stream tips to extend the time you have fun with that drum does that put me at six and a half minutes now blade another bro I'm gonna crash you're sick you're sick midnight Reaper I'm going to crash before the end of this video I mean drove you at least have a buddy in there with you then you know if you get sent back hello oh my God hello job see I'm like on I'm flying guys and I just can't figure I'm just hanging out in the kitchen I just want to eat some cake like I've made it to the thin slime oh hi Jerome would you like some puke you're going to Solitaire oh my God you're so lucky no no no no oh this room is disgusting guys it gets worse with a 25 stream and P's been with a 20 to five dollar stream tip for more steakball there's another minute I'm destroying the pool I'm destroying the local pool I'm gonna spend all seven minutes that's uh get away from me I'm gonna reset your next timer and they're gonna keep on extending my steak Bomb Timer I'm extending your max security timer you're gonna get stuck in here we're not out of here I'm gonna puke in that pool for seven straight minutes you're more than welcome bud oh my gosh dude oh my gosh dude this is absurd dude I'm gonna I'm gonna break out of here and whatever time's up to five and a half minutes and it's all going to the pool all of it's going in the pool and you're not stopping me I can imagine I don't you're more than welcome if that's what you want to do with yourself sad that I can't even eat I'm black dude I'm lagging so badly right looked at Jerome and I had 10 frames hi Jerome dude it's laggy so bad I'll let these last two slide but then we're bringing it back a three slide but then we're bringing it back it's 25 to do it but vintageian Aaron and my master 25 stream tips to extend another minute and a half and then P's been with another 25 certificate dropsy of steak bumps it drops against one I have another minute and a half of my timer dang it they've set up my timer a minute and a half you guys are all sick and I'm going to the pool and you're not stopping me monk we're bringing this to the pool you're welcome to do that jeromeas that's if that's what you wanted I have seven minutes a day you're lying this pool is gonna be destroyed seven minutes is this what you want seven minutes of this it is dude don't come into the pool room today whatever you do I can't leave yet but I will come check it out once I'm done I wouldn't recommend dude I need one more person to get where I am oh I have no clue where you are I just know this is my fate oh hey I'm out what oh my God he meant out of his cell not the game bro I thought she just broke I can show you the world Shimmer mistake and splendor [Applause] because of the water physics in this game that's the worst part the uh what do you think Steve drum you're you're missing you're missing this is your Monday six minutes left of steak bombs hey can I get a stack of that actually please I'm getting kind of hungry oh yeah hey what year I'll give you it uh there's a legit stack in there there's one legit stack in there did you get it thank you oh my god dude this is a disaster this is a disaster what have they done what is this whole video is just gonna be this what are dropping Cappy up to what are they doing I I legitimately haven't haven't done anything because I was getting steak bombed like I'm really close to actually just solving the equation oh buddy there might be someone else who can who knows the ways to get out dude yeah you're supposed to get 60 frames a second this is 60 seconds of frame this is this is the first Computing out here all right bro oh my God I have 20 frames I was in I was in the library bro Dasher with a twenty five dollars three dude said Jerome I heard you like steak they extended my timer again dude I'm I'm totally gonna correct dude I can't even oh my God he took a minute take clear F3 you should see your name I'm trying to walk to the library 1998 uh CD-ROM games right now like I'm dude dude did I play with those point-and-click Adventures where you click and then it teleports you to look I play in a point and click hi Steve hey everybody I legitimately I can't see a thing I stopped lagging for a second good I'm gonna ruin the library now I got the top of the map and I'm still lagging Aflac no with a 25 stream tip for more steak bomb drum drum find it I don't even see you cat I can't see anything uh what Kim I don't know why I can't see you I'd shut you with these kids to see you you're right you're right I see you I see you oh my God oh my God I just oh okay there's no way to keep control of this prison all right how can I help hi guys okay okay even thought you could monk oh my gosh so if we backtrack we'll get back to the main entrance I just don't know where to go from there huh let's figure this out they'll never find us especially with the trail of steak behind us Steve just so you know there's a good chance you're going to Wyoming today you have to do nothing I wouldn't worry about it oh my God don't worry wait cap could you wait up it's hard to see on account of I'm constantly puking okay so I'm actually super lost here uh hey let me just puke in that cobweb that might help did I give any inspiration you know what I think we I think you found it you did it I did it okay oh wait cap I mean there's the door here we can just go through here right yeah this is the staff room what staff room oh buddy God I can't make my way up this stupid stairs I'm lacking don't worry guys you're so like I know my guys did you see the marketing department room it's just a bunch of lanterns and signs while it says how do we the prison improve branding that's what it says yes you're not oh thanks Mark I got you bud all right I didn't know where I was ready yeah help me out here instead would appreciate it badly annoying yeah send them to maximum [Music] 25 frame tip but he wants more steak bomb Oh my God what how much longer do I have blade how much longer do I have we gotta send him to smash oh cap you got it you got me oh he fell down that's fine that's fine that's fine all right let's keep on Wow you guys are jerks Thomas already with a 25 pound stream to extend the steak bombs bro how much blade how much more time do I have now with those two extensions please tell me I'm like less than three minutes at least the love of God oh my God God I'm not this is uh something he doesn't end dude it doesn't end or alarm triggered or alarm Center for visitation okay cap uh I don't know how to get past this area I've never made it this far neither have I I'm completely clueless about this spot so we can't really open that door I guess we gotta go through this one I don't know how far you guys are that's the problem I don't know where I am agent monkey where how are you missing this trail of stakes like Rapunzel like Hansel and Gretel over here oh my gosh cap where are we right now what is this is this showers huh I need uh I don't know I'm kind of in the uh in the long gray hallway of doing that's where we came from [Music] oh my god dude oh my God this just takes us back into the regular old cell block dude I think we might have took a wrong turn because I don't know where else we could possibly go from there let me see we're coming on this hall right all right what's up dude I just followed you know oh wait cap come through General storage oh man did he get a promotion from Captain storage there's gold ingots in there oh there's like a vent up there dude what about that guys yeah you can jump that I think wait wait there is a thing up here I think I'm in the warden's office there's a book in here could someone could someone pick up that book say monk knows where that is Zach Rose and extra 50 stream tip let everyone be near the stake oh no no no no no we were now so close [Music] don't worry Jerome I've got a memory nowhere you gotta memorize you know to get back there wait no no no we're friends sorry Steve there's there's something I gotta do right now and I gotta can't be worse can you drop some of that steak so we all have food drum I can't uh yeah yeah here uh I'll drop there's one pile right there here's one pile right here dang I couldn't see because of Jerome steak bombed so I don't know what drops Steve's timer here yep go ahead go ahead yeah we gotta extend his timer and Max yeah there we go yep sorry Steve sorry I'm not even gonna bother yeah that's Jazz good choice yeah that's something you would say yeah good choice good choice character today Steve killing it there we go you got this you can do it come on half a heart yeah extend extending the max just broke him do it again oh dip hey buddy you got teleporter that means I'm gonna tell you oh my frames Jesus oh yeah I'm free I'm free [Laughter] so this is a framiest shot I've ever taken dude that was so pretty wait how much longer please tell me I'm almost out uh another minute and a half you got another it's done that's done I'm free I'm free as you let it end erling thanks for the 25 stream tip for the steak bomb buddy yes oh my God more alarm trigger drops see what are you doing oh my God two door locks session I just got it yeah that rapid drum you thought you were gonna end the steak song you were wrong oh Dash over the 25 stream tip as well this for the steak bomb for Wyoming Steve they want you gone dude they want me call me call oh the jobs you're saying why roaming incorrectly oh hello [Music] with a 50 stream tip for another double stake bomb that's four stake busts bro it's too much what's the new timer what's the new timer this video I just want to see what the editor does with this video what can they possibly do with fries I'm just gonna cry with this video oh my God bro everyone else's perspectives are going to be used not yours Jerome dude card Slayer the 25 stream did to keep it going peasman one the 25 tribute to give the intern a steak Bob thank you someone else not me thank you hey drum oh where are we going I don't know I can't see I have no idea what's happening anymore I'm gonna go puke in the pool he can't figure out his lefts from his rights and his UPS from his Downs they're just steak we're just gonna we're gonna destroy the pool here could you puke in the direction cap he went I don't know where he went I don't know where I am I have no frames I have nothing to live for so he knows his punch Steve all I have is steak and punch Steve and that's it that's my life now okay [Music] um I thought you were actively punching Steve and I was gonna have to step in but he was but I ran away oh can't even punch Steve anymore I need help I'm losing my mind I mean Sam but you know I've got steak only one minute left on the stage for everyone's own good I'm gonna lock myself in solitary confinement is that for everyone's looking good yeah this is for everyone's very good did I just run off oh no stick bomb solitary unit card Slayer next to 25 straight up for a steak bomb on Cappy now you'll know what it feels like cap it feels horrible like Taco Bell but the bad way I've locked myself away in solitary confinement for all your own safety hi cap the words like can we please there's the entity clear loving it frames it's not enough it's been so long dropsy I can meet up with you again if you want I I know the way oh God oh he left him behind no I know the way I wait I stopped the snake bomb let me free please cap thank you follow me thank you Cappy thank you where you going oh this could be only terrible Daniel with a 150 stream dip to give dropsy a Contraband weapon oh oh no dropsy that's that's worse okay over here oh my God Aflac with a 75 turned it for a steak bomb on dropsy and TP Auto awarded wait you picked it up oh I got a bag oh my God oh I can't see just the mistake oh my God you have to run Zach Rosie give me the fifty dollars for devoted snake pop and Dasher with a 25 shrimp dipped the steak bomb blade blade deserves it blade deserves all of it [Music] Steve you get out of here this is much more difficult don't you add yours to mine that's it blade you accept the snake bomb and you oh my God oh oh my God I have run the same path over and over and over again for 30 minutes we're never getting out dude we're never getting out that's not the problem the problem is that two of you know how to get out and huh yeah all week two of us is Champion drops so you probably haven't memorized by now I have it too dude I know three ways to get out all I know is steak steak is it steak is all right oh my God you're such a menace drop day huh what's going on I'm not where you think I am I know where you are what do you mean you know where I am oh my gosh we're just shy of halfway to Wyoming buddy pack your bags soon you better start packing oh my goodness you're going home you're doing Wyoming no there's pet a cow dude that's why I put it on there there's more cows than people all right I absolutely love cows well good because there's more cows in Wyoming so germ come this way what are we doing what are we doing Steve we're leaving we're getting out of here do you know how to get out of here oh my god I've heard this so many times every time I think I'm getting somewhere I get TP to all and stake bombed I don't think yeah there's not it's got to be running out soon there's no way it's not played this is only like two of them and I feel like it's been going on forever I can't hit the button your steak's in the way oh my God 10 seconds all right well good luck Steve it's okay buddy we're doing this David Valenzuela with a 400 stream tip to help send Steve to Wyoming and he said keep steak bombing that's eight steak Wait no that's 25 sorry that's 16. that is six oh my God it dies David yeah and then at black with 25 because why not so 17 steak bombs on me 17 more wow how long is that how long is that oh my God we passed Dodge bro it's not gonna end oops no you can't say that because we don't know how long the stream's gonna be blades we don't know you can't say the rest of the stream It's gotta be a number so it said eight and a half minutes that okay that the math is math thing there's eight and a half minutes blade oh my God bro why David valenzuela's midnight Reaper why dude why would you erling with a 25 stream tip to add on to that blade you're just not allowed bro I just uh nice there's one I'm just not alive I'm just contacting one of my leaves Steve this is ridiculous you missed I haven't been chasing you guys in circles the entire prison oh my God back to the 2 000 people watching if you're having fun hit that like button oh my gosh I just want to stop Derek Morgan with twenty five dollars yeah give Steve the steak bomb let Steve enjoy it here we go actually I did need steak so I do appreciate that steak bomb thank you may I have another um you let's see what is this so this is the way this is the way yep this is the way is that what you're saying yeah it just away I was gonna say I saw him I know well drum jump uh jump over the barrels behind you and then you're gonna have to shift over dude it's so hard to parkour right now I know it's so hard but you know with the steak bomb going on bro oh my gosh oh my God hey which way which way wolf or Ryan gaming with a 25 stream tip for a steak on dropsy yeah that way thank you and NR China with a 25 stream tip to give me another steak bomb Arena oh my god dude so I now have room dude how well what does that put my timer at blade what does that put me at right 15. seven and a half minutes bro you're lying you're lying right now that is ridiculous Steve Steve I will so much dream to give me a Contraband weapon I got I gotta I got something to take care of I gotta worrying and super max I got something to take care of trying to track down all the ways you guys are escaping at once is so obnoxious Joshua who's the 25 stream tip to eight it's bomb is closer to Wyoming Steve they are less than 2K away from sending you to Wyoming dude it's gonna it's going down it ain't gonna happen it's going down and I'm yelling timber jump from this the the one next to you yeah from that one Steve I don't think this way the Sprint only works like a half the time dude I don't know how dude I'm lagging so bad [Laughter] yeah thank you 25 stream tip for more steak bomb also I think I'm like stuck back here I don't even know dude I'm breaking this thing here in front of me Trail what is my chance Steve I can't see anything oh uh some of the entities got deleted so um the lag went away for a second yeah and then by the time you're done breaking that single block you'll be oh hello Jerome just take me out just just take me out trying to put out of your mouth back to super max over the 25 stream tip steak for Jerome hashtag Wyoming thanks Dasher oh my so mildly annoying bro still seven and a half every time it goes down a minute it doesn't it instead is free bro oh wait that counts oh I don't think that side worked uh you can escape from pretty much anywhere as long as you're doing the wow drum they're working for him they're working working for the feds drop she's at the end with the Trident I was Undercover the whole time there's nothing in the opposite way they're working for me dude I should have seen this coming cap did that because it was funny I sent you back so that you had to go back to jail I just told instead the wrong way to go when he asked me that's actually hilarious watched him run away from freedom I was like oh okay bro I can't escape so I I can't do anything either because I'm having the same problem I escaped dude what the heck sorry stud can the wardens see our name tags or no no now you could try and show me the way out because I need help drum I showed you that much actually instead I'm not gonna entertain you I can't but yeah Steve behind you yeah she's sitting right at the end room like right on top there's no way you get a Contraband weapon to take her out dude no no you don't know come on this way Jeremy I'm coming back for you buddy I'm following instead stead Scott he's escaped no you're not see if you're just gonna put him back in Max no one instead I lost you jump down Okay jump down Okay jump time I'll make this easy sorry instead I just don't like it's so hard to see dude you're on bro I was nearly impossible for me to get out too because of your stage dude I can play in F5 that might be the only way this is gonna happen yes teriyaki with 150 stream tip so I get a Contraband weapon yay I'm lagging so much he's trying to give it to you well he's gotta drop it down drop it down drop it down with a constantly wait he was my way out always concerned about hi Jerome hey where are these oh my goodness buried oh my God blade why are you monkey oh I'm around you know I've had to try to learn every way you guys know to get out while I don't think I'm gonna be able to get the Contraband weapon anymore I um why'd you turn around there that was really funny I guess that you can have my weapon because I literally like oh my God I can't I can't 100 dude oh my god dude big big chunk did I just want to get to this weapon that's all I want Jerome are you quick dropping everything I'm quick dropping like control Q yeah I'm control q in it yeah okay I'm just making sure you're not individually because that would that would that would take a long time instead I see what you're trying to do here as far as getting him up here but how does that work how do you get up there I trust in the power of the steady uh drum I wish I could have picked it up but it says you're controlled queuing it I just filled my inventory I'm trying how much longer do I have blade on this let me out and then oh my God let me go Let Me Be Free how much more fake is there it just doesn't end I don't think I'm gonna only one thing I need to stop Jerome anymore I don't think I'm getting this weapon ever so uh what's new with you uh you know I'm just I feel like I got scammed no no I had it for a second and then I dropped I got it Jerome I got it you got it you got it how did you get it bro and then Steve's sending you back to Steve said you back right here right now what are the odds you could throw it to to the right of me here or drop it behind me drop it like behind me drop it like okay it's dropped okay ready hold on it's you're right on top of it so it should go in there the problem is how quickly the stake fills back up I don't think yeah I don't think I'm destined to get it dude all right I picked it up I tried dude I got it for you I tried do you want me to be stead up now that is our I know how to go out too I don't need stead instead I actually do what's deep I have an idea Steve you ready wait wait can you drop it behind me real quick I have an idea I have an idea [Laughter] you guys it worked dude no no Jerome after all the efforts I just helped you out so much Jerome without me all right I'm coming today this one you got a crutch down um all right right right right I think oh wait dude I can do this I can do this got this here this oh my God blade how much longer do I have am I almost free of the stake bomb so finally this viewers thought they're gonna let me go They're gonna let me go bro all right one minute guys you gotta gotta Slayer with a 50 stream tip but he didn't say what to do so I don't know what to do with that he's right there he's right there oh God I must go guys the the Loyalty worked but I couldn't pick it up because the snake bombed I don't know where it went it's just following me everywhere wait wait I gotta do it clear yeah it worked okay I have to do that in the Run slash clear or okay stop guarding the only way we know out yeah come on monk there's another way oh is that but that's the only way we know oh my God oh my gosh blades right 50 to the TP Auto Warden oh my God I forgot it was real unfortunate if you did that right now oh my God I'm gonna lose my weapon I lost my weapon everything I hate everything day one right as she gets back yeah don't you oh man let me have this don't you love me it's over let me have this guys send it send them to Max send him to Max over seven Max this is what we're doing in the max I'm just kidding all right I'm gonna mind master no we just got done with it 25 streamed at the snake bomb me we just got done with the steak bombs bro did you I'm gonna go exploring we did get done with it and now it's back for 30 more seconds I hate everything and I I can make a nice way out of this window Jerome but you know you're supposed to be in adventure mode instead I don't think I know I can't Zach Rose it with a 50 strip to give me a double stake oh my God so now we're back to a minute and a half on dude Steve I mean mine was pretty easy but yeah sure I just want to show you stud's way okay seems to be a little bit he wants it stands way you know what I blade gave up he didn't even give me the stake bomb for this next minute and a half and I'm okay with that you had to say something I'm gonna eat all I'm gonna eat all the cake around here you have an inventory full of steak and you're eating the take yeah so you guys can't eat okay it has to happen it has to happen monk you know if you guys time it right you could steak bomb me as you're trying to escape oh my God I'm not giving up I I have the golden way I believe in you I know the golden way to get out of here now the other way I've discovered the second way monk the second way yes but what about the third one so your plans are going to be thwarted now that I know the secret way be overly confident about that this way Jerome we don't talk about the fifth way I actually don't even know how many are I know there's at least two is there three ways though Steve yeah I I think there's three Steve I'm gonna let Steve get out but uh instead you heard him I'm allowed to get out well I said I'm going to I never said she wouldn't stop you oh my goodness put him in their camp in the end they're camping like if Jerome can get past this oh hold on oh my God that is the end over there I took off the armor sneak attack where Wham oh my God no no no probably frames are so bad the lag oh my God no no no I might be able to beat him wait my snake bomb's over get your boys getting the frames back he's getting the frames back baby he's got the frames and now he's gonna give him the old res the old res no no it's just so close I was at the exit I had it I had it in my grasp I had freedom was that running off in the distance no that's me oh my God no no no no no no no I saw somebody else I'm gonna let dropsy handle things now I'm out Cappy out so is it just me and Steve that ever broken [Laughter] handle things you guys no longer have to get past me you just gotta get past her oh that's Easy Pickins sometimes I think it's too fun to chase me and that's my problem you're a little bit yeah laughs dude I'm I'm getting out of here so just me and Steve left they have to break out instead died again we're not counting retain because there's no way you can run forever you don't have to run forever I'm going off this map the deputy next to you Deputy next to me what do you mean yeah it's dropsy she's not nice to me dude she's just kidding oh my goodness yeah I'm gone Monk that's you it's your right who's that over there the Frozen oh no it's you Marco hey all right all right I can get out yep I'm done and I'm looking out over there if only I remember the way bro that's the problem I don't remember the way to get out well sure doesn't look like you don't know the way Drew you should get away from me dropsy the the polar arctics Zach Rosen makes a 25 stream tip many more steak bomb for you oh god I've escaped I win sort of I mean I got second to last place but I won in spirit g g oh my gosh all right everyone and satellizer fridge I think said 25 stream tip they wanted a steak bomb but we just ended this segment here thank you so much everyone we're gonna be getting ready for the final segment of disturbish's lucky block walls I do have to go to the bathroom though quick um but we're going to be getting there ready oh my God y'all just oh you guys are running in circles dude that was genuinely hilarious I was dying laughing but those steak bombs man oh my God you I think you single-handedly hindered me most of all because everywhere I'd look it was my negative phrase dude lb walls is that a four person or did we rig it for six four person all right I'm going to the bathroom that's all I know damn that was a good one though stream wow okay foreign really been all right I'm I'm just very tired okay well I mean I hope you get some good rest tonight then say I uh why at home until like 8 A.M man what a trooper you are still being here bro wait but I am here hands up for dropsy yo okay I am getting on the server right now oh those are some ominous looking Lucky Blocks let me tell you uh who was joining for this exactly I'm already on and of course if one of you guys wants to take my spot I won't fight you on it though like you guys are great so what lucky blocks are these well you can always just middle cook them and find out no you can't they're actually yeah they're polished uh diorite oh okay oh it's in 1194 so command witchery did these yes he did yeah I I can guess I I think I know because I peeked in that chest earlier intern oh okay yeah no you know then I won't spoil it though you can spoil it if you want they're FNAF lucky block me because I legitimately needed to know it I'm like just tell me what they are foreign hello and welcome to the world of tomorrow all righty guys we got an awesome lucky block wall segment here should be fun nice little way to end off the day right I'm excited I love lucky block walls dude classic game I like any of the classics really yeah so there it is everyone our beautiful lucky block walls and for this I think we have some awesome stream uh tips and stuff and the like yeah we do all right all right all right all right all right um let's see spawn oh we can spawn wardens in this version all right I'm just changing up the things in the description a little bit just a wee bit and boom all right I changed up a couple of things in there this should be fun though everyone it's FNAF Lucky Blocks so for those that don't know how we play lucky block walls let me give you the briefest of explanations these are the lucky block walls on the timer we'll do what do you guys think like 25 minutes maybe to collect yeah so we'll do 25 minutes then you have to stop breaking you can't do anything else you could take a few minutes I guess to get your inventories prepared and everything and if you need a smelt or something like that and then after that we do a uh I think 15 lives battle to see who got the best gear um and that's it all right so I guess we're all set who's here mean Cap all right you ready cap for the 1v1 oh yeah baby we got some Firepower in This Crew oh all right so I think I think monk instead hopping drops he's had a long enough week s this is your whole week drunk whenever me and drops you turn like team up I call it short fuse I'm gonna call me and Jerome teaming up dirty bomb Oh no I don't know about that one oh my God love it it's gonna be fun this is gonna be a fun one no they're already planning Eternal steak bombs again please no more eternal steak bombs my stomach can only take so much my stomach can only take so much this time Luke's doing the steak bomb foreign and I don't know how to count well that's just you need to learn no no Jerome Jerome yes [Music] so it might go on longer than you it should be right back I don't believe you a whole week's videos this is gonna be this is what happens when you get steak bombed steak Bob steak bomb but steak bomb steak bomb uh cap did you choose a corner yet not yet no I was waiting for everybody to get on I'm gonna I'm gonna steal a corner then I'm gonna snag one okay I've got the one to your right then all right we can make a small beacon in our corners yeah you know it's not a bad idea let's do that let's make a little Beacon here uh with a light blue pain yeah there we go nightmare spiral thanks to the 10 hour stream of Jerome please I need an answer I'd love to play Insane craft you know a PC I have no idea what PC Andrew uses I'm sorry buddy I'm assuming like most content creators is probably a pre-built though or sorry and not pre-built a uh you know they built it themselves so they they probably he probably just picked out a bunch of really good parts and built that um so I'm sorry buddy there is some know-how required for putting together your PC but it can technically save you some money if you're willing to spend that extra time shopping I also love how he's like I was in that series and he's like I don't want to ask your advice on this your computer is trash like he just completely like he could have just answered me he just goes no fan Minecraft is like a crazy mod pack though that is an absolutely insane I don't even think there's like any I don't think any of our computers fared well quote unquote it's a PC killer didn't you go through a PC whenever you were going through it I'm convinced that I ran through at least one PC actually believe it or not I I do actually I don't have any proof because I'm not like a computer tech guy but I do believe it was due to that I really do I'm pretty sure there was some other factors in the way that you you know maintain your computer it was one of the new ones it was literally like a year old remember it was one of the ones we built uh it wasn't the gamer wine no not that one that PC needed to die I thought it was that one but oh FPC was begging to die I think that was one of the PCS that was one of the two so fine we won't attribute it to that but there was another PC because I that's the thing I did so that confirms it because I ran through my New Jersey computer too and that one was unrelated that one didn't have liquid cooling or anything that one just literally so uh it got to a point where over the season of insanecraft it went from taking I think it was five to seven minutes and then at worse it ended up taking 10 to 15 minutes it like kept getting worse and worse and then finally I it was just not playable for recording and it finally got something about uh uh mod pack specifically for Minecraft uh the larger they are uh the biggest thing you need to run them smoother is more RAM that's just the way it is like as much as it is a meme to go into like like the more that uh your CPU doesn't matter because Minecraft just runs on a single thread no matter what there's no changing that Graphics can only go so high on it uh other than particles but you can turn those off challenge accepted more RAM that you can dedicate towards it you'll have better chances of running a spoiler um nightmare spiral the 10 stream tip said Jerome I did ask you which of your PCS would work best and you said none of them that's correct that that you know you know buddy I apologize I that sounds like something I would say so I'm sorry but honestly I'm sticking by that answer that pasture um uh allegedly said I'm sticking to it sticking to those guns foreign okay I set my spawn point Luke has gone around and added the chests I believe so that we can have pickaxes I accidentally gave you guys two stacks of Lucky Blocks originally and I'm like wait and then I looked and yeah I was like are we supposed to be like huh that doesn't look right nightmare spiral chances bruh [Music] dude my I I I'd shoot my computers like garbage I'm I'm the worst you know what I'd be really interested in getting uh Jerome it's one of those mobile hot spots like they can get really powerful these days if you're looking to get a pre-built computer to run something as intense as that I'd go for 16 gigabytes of RAM minimum but if not like definitely go for a lot more 32 to 64. yeah but this is a 16 gigabytes of RAM if you don't use Google Chrome hmm thanks to the five dollar stream tip and said how much rushing it there is a very strong possibility that Steve gets sent to Wyoming by the end of this segment but uh I guess let me see this is a chess by everyone's chest does get another airplane all right everyone's got their stuff so I think we're all ready to go I'm gonna hit start uh recurrini a macaroni recording macaroni I'm macaroni this old man he played one he played knick-knack on my bones there's a knickknack give a dog a bone uh chat pop question mark s chap UPS thanks for uh Hyrule Champion for the five dollar stream tip he wants a Zelda Lucky Block I think we already did that yeah yeah uh we still need to sync ourselves though oh yeah Jerome Bop instead monkey pop and then he also asked about making them public we get that all the time I refuse to at all on my platforms on anything uh release those Lucky Blocks um if command Witcher the developer wants to do that on his own volition and take on all the legal liability that is on him I am not releasing any of these Lucky Blocks I'm not not happening but if CW wants that headache he can go ahead um that's the honest answer the answer is a firm and nothing you can do about it no from me and I'm sticking to that so respect that for what it is respect that for what it is but the answer is a firm unchangeable no Aflac thanks to the 10 stream but everyone gives a dollar we get there I mean you're not wrong dashboard next to the five dollar stream tip he said chat we need a steak bomb Luke and send Steve to Wyoming I agree yeah I agree Wyoming is calling Steve's name I'm bringing this master that's the five dollar stream tip um wait a minute bossaquade said Jerome Willie bopped is that true boss equate all right we're gonna timeout Willie I trust you we're talking about right there yeah I don't know what that guy's doing something really would do I trust Dasher thinks that five dollar stream dip said steak bomb soon Buddy probably no no one you guys all right here we go three two one and all right let's do this thing 25 minutes immediately coming over to your side Jerome and I'm gonna ruin your life get away from me you sicko I'm here no go away how'd you get here so quick I lied I mean he's probably like right next to you oh wow that golden Freddy's head oh I got the hook I got the notification Bell already oh oh cap I just got the hooks dude and I got the combat log token but wait is this the fixed combat log token or the still broken combat log token I think it's the you know fixed one uh oh well I don't want that and that if that's the case I'm just gonna use it now I like the broken one I like the broken combat log token but didn't send me a new Arena where I die a million times with a super powered boss I think that was hilarious if I wasn't if you do use the superpower or the if you beat the super powered boss you should get a really good weapon out of it I got the fazer Blaster well it should be the phasor blaster does this work dude it's only the baby zombies that scare me every time I'm in the Arenas oh yeah big zombie I always shoot them before I do anything else because they're uh the worst part okay you all right there buddy geez don't don't know like I am vex no worse what's worse what's worse than the GNT Bobs yet what what step what is happening over there dude that's having a moment I'm not sure what else that was uh is that a cute are you okay no I don't think so okay I need a lot of minutes I'm fine uh Victory okay come on give me the more dagger give me the void dagger he looks dangerous wait can I put that in my off hand for no way please I could put Foxy's Hood hook in my offhand to get the speed boost but I can still use the fire Cutlass yeah nice wait no not nice don't do that please that's so op yeah you think that the fire Cutlass would not be good against those blazes but I was chopping them to bits get a balloon boy how much bass balloon boy let's do 16. oh that's not bad at all yeah dude and it's got a special ability with right click to shoot a fireball I probably shouldn't have sampled that on my side anyway about yourself I got the guitar but the guitar is actually worse than the Cutlass dude that was a good Arena token it's been a while since I got sent to the arena I'm proud of that it's probably my favorite part yeah I've been telling command witchery he could probably just make a whole game around that card selection thing oh yeah right probably I wish came true oh yay what type of wish was it was it Rome falling out of the world was that your way sure right as you said I would never tell you I wish today I got the phase blaster oh diamonds Steve with a 25 stream tip to start the Eternal steak bomb on Jerry all right Steve I hope they send you to Wyoming bro I hope they send you to Wyoming oh my God well let the steak bomb begin and hopefully end hopefully it's not Eternal I hate when I get eternally steak bumped that's an internal State never mind I will leave you now oh that's right bomb it's giant dude oh oh Zach Rosen with a 25 stream dip to extend the steak bomb no let me be non-stick bombed please into the world Jerome now you do I didn't make them it wasn't even my idea [Music] I literally can't even pick up one of the things I need oh what does the balloon even do I don't know because I can't pick it up sounds balloon boy what does balloon boy do Luna with a 25 dollars to make the Eternal steak bomb no let the street bubble go let it die let the snake bomb die okay I think I'd rather just slash kill than die challenge complete 50 000 big stay what yeah yeah that's beautiful why did you spend your time and money doing this y'all are weird man 50 000 big steak achieved 50 000. that's actually pretty hilarious how many steaks do you think were dropped oh wow it's over I did it guys episode that's what it did right click the summon balloon boy wow that's a really big deal dude the balloon boy's really good he fights for you I know I told you that's what I did oh I wasn't paying attention to you on account if I was puking my brains out from steak foreign oh my God oh geez my side is disgusting my side oh God you all right get you two no yeah dude all right bro yep you scared me pretty bad oh my God what was that wait was that in the original or did he update these like I said I think it's an update drum oh my God the jump scare was in the original I remember getting jumped every time dude I don't remember getting jump scared of the original yeah yeah dude I've been jump scared so much interns saying it was in the original wow shaved the last time I can't believe you guys got so lucky last time but uh you're so lucky last time I think this Hero's pickaxe might be better than my netherright yeah like efficiency three on it oh oh my gosh Abyssal flame with a hundred dollar stream tip to four x super bomb me so that's two more minutes of it bro why you gotta do this why you gotta do this the answer is you don't gotta do this you choose to do this you choose to cause problems and some pants I think they enjoy the problems that's what I'm saying dude just like I hope you enjoy the problems I'm going to be leaving for you I've got enough issues killing you that I have enough issues on my side my life is insane oh my God the zoglin is fighting a witch right now I blew myself up I hate everything I wanted to know how I get the air um I've got some Freddie pants if anybody I like I've got a chance this eternal station would also be what I did that's the issue I think I had one of those and it got struck by lightning I'll also take golden Freddy stuff I don't have any armor I'm wearing my golden Freddy I'm still struggling dude but if I get something cool I'll let you know I had like tradeables I got a guitar nice you know you want a golden Freddy's head oh my God I'll be down to trade once the timer's up because we're not going right into battles you have some time the problem is while I'm stake bombed I can't pick up my drops and so I literally am just it's like putting me in timeout so I'm in timeout for another like minute here or 30 SEC Man actually it's got to come to a close in a second right can you Chris can you oh my god Daniel with a 25 stream tip to edit back on the integrals you're almost done never mind oh my god dude the steak bumps hey guess what Jerome it's not over it's never overstead I'm constantly going to be stake bombed ever five ever dude I'm gonna be steak bombed out here might actually be an accurate number oh my gosh five ever two thousand years later Andrew I'm still panicking steak thousand years later oh the steak will never end at your own well I think I did I think it just did end did it or am I just lagging that much no it didn't it might be like we're good no we're good we're free we're free they can't stop me they can't stop me the viewers got nothing let's go all right oh that's a big boy on my side oh that's a lot of zombies that's a lot of zombies fast bear armor he's real if you get a golden Freddy helmet I have a regular Freddy helmets and legs to trade is the gold candy better than regular I don't know how I got that the illusioner is Gold Freddy better than regular Freddy uh cap or are they the same armor uh let's see the legs is plus eight armor for Golden okay they the golden is slightly better by like one point yeah the golden is slightly better is that a totem that is a totem I'll happily take that 25 three people said we got nothing have more state [Music] Eternal steak right dude my life is a turtle mistake I can think of worse things he's pescatarian bro yeah but you know he doesn't have to eat it himself just surrounded in slabs of steak the unfortunateness I want an arena ticket you like CWS here it's like a break I could break a block again we're good we're good an arena token your boy I'm so jealous show receive apparently I'm safe here from the viewers they can't hurt me while I'm in the arena only the Mobs Can now you'll know no no no yep now you'll know the truth something oh dang let's just get the jump scare I got no I got the I got the pit Flawless the first one I broke after re-prepping myself and cleaning out my inventory Zach Rosen with a 25 stream tip to steak bomb me in the arena oh my actually dude this might be worse that's the editor yeah and you're gonna lose frames dude it's actually not easy to fight these guys under these conditions oh my God I hate this I hate this so much I hate this oh my gosh I need like a helmet for the golden or chest plate for the regular Fez there for the regular Freddy I need a helmet for Golden God I hate it it wore off I'll be able to defeat this Arena dagger and oh the boom a ring oh yeah why are you here with all these things for this reason instead you have fun with that but I will be leaving on that Accord get over here so you're not escaping that easy I'll send you there myself thank you thank you actually yell laughs it's working against him you know I actually broke one of Jerome's Lucky Blocks I gotta go in Freddy's heads so thanks bro oh dude why you gotta rub that in like that adding insult to injury by telling him that that happened yeah that can be interesting I didn't know you could dude I just want a full set even if it's not golden Freddy I'll take a full set of regular Freddy if if I found another Head drum I will give you a head I spawned balloon boy in this lava pit saved myself [Music] so I got stead with my two right there oh no oh I I I it drives you so lucky is so lucky Elektra is not really good in this one it's not as good as when it's in like um whatever it's called Island thank you okay all I need is a Freddy helmet for a full set and then I would like though to get gold Freddy but I'm also reserving all hope because I keep stay following me and I have limited time on this Earth I almost have a full set of golden Freddy I'm missing the boots but you know there are worse things than missing the boots is there a full set bonus in this I forget I don't I don't think so not for these sets of armor I don't think but it would be really funny if occasionally it just jump scared people that you're fighting um this is a set bonus I don't know I just got set on there's a ravager outside of your bass drum one of them no but there's a outside your base some lucky blocks that was okay I'm just over here breaking blocks oh bro yeah why are you over here bro why are you over here why are you over here oh my gosh you came at me you asked for that boy you were in my area what do you mean yeah but I was peacefully in your area breaking your things is that how that works oh my God yeah is that how that works I don't know I mean I didn't start stabbing you until you started stabbing me yeah makes some convincing points dad I feel like I have the right I don't know my land I mean you're dead now sometimes geez all right let me get rid of droves those let's go yeah I just got one of those as well that's big dude uh we have eight more minutes left oh my God that's upstairs unnecessary yeah it is early with a 25 stream tip to send Steve to Wyoming and get me a steak bomb you guys are it's less than 1200 away now and this is the closest we've been to getting him to Wyoming I'm pretty sure Kev why are you on my Island I'm peacefully breaking things and I'm unpeacefully breaking you was that the boomerang that was the boomerang it's dangerous buddy yeah the boomerang breaks the lucky blocks and that just causes all sorts of more problems for me come on I'll see him take it ooh knowledge wish wait a minute there oh my God I had a knowledge wish but then hey look you did it buddy hey ow stupid how did you get the 50 000 big stages without all the streets I don't know I'm just built different I guess simply built with steak all right that the ax hey Jeff hey oh another drum's nose peacefully breaking thing you're coming with me there you go buddy goodbye there's so many friends peacefully started an apocalypse on my on my side tab I didn't cause the apocalypse the apocalypse just followed me no he's on to something oh my God correlation does not equal causation [Laughter] Hey cap I'm gonna go over this way if you want to come this way well uh cap okay okay all right I have an offer to show you yeah what sort of offer a Dr a uh a golden Freddy head you got you got a Coliseum ticket [Music] I don't have one so I am sad well if you get one and no one has taken the offer by the way guitar hold on to the one I got now and I'm gonna just open it whenever yeah the battle starts Diamond pants oh my gosh how many of these am I gonna get oh my God this is a mess foreign why are there literally two bobs well this map is a mess yeah I might have had something to do with the Bobs I'm not gonna lie dry I doubt Bob's did this instead I'll be real no I had something to do with the boat ah okay yeah yes another drums though no I had an ax that was on the ground and it took the enchants from a book that that fell there's Jerome's nose oh dude just so much also my inventory is just it's a mess right absolute mess but I have so much stuff that I would consider like okay and valuable in ways that I'm like uh yeah I don't need this right now but there's a very decent chance that I will turn like dude uh you're handsome I don't know bro if you weren't handsome why else would we have a shirt I'm just getting rid of the guitars because I I don't need them and they're taking up inventory space simply gorgeous Luke same with that there we go I gotta start being picky about what I keep my inventory four minutes left come on Blade with a 25 stream tip steak for Jerome let's send Steve to pedicap Blade why steak Bob me why is it always got why can't it be monkey what and then I get jump scared well it's gonna bully me enough you know it'll be fine you know you know you know you know you died why am I always the one to get the after effect dude Luke did you summon that on him there we go don't tell them handsome instead I did not convincingly oh yeah that's the problem why I'm convincing yeah wait is this a wait a minute wait a minute dear meaning [Music] wait a minute here an old arena ticket he was a moldy or something it's I've tear try it you know what happens nothing happens you break like it to do nothing all right my my sentence is over I have three more minutes of breaking blocks to hopefully get what I need here it wasn't a very long sentence it's only 30 seconds dude no I mean the one after that okay Luke now you just yes team Lakeside with a 25 stream dip to steak bomb the stedinator ha someone not me and I reiterate huh a drum you wanna do one thing for me can you do slash kick in turn one two three because he keeps jump scaring for no reason oh yeah sure thanks yeah probably every option yeah all right now we're kicking we're kicking the intern again yeah I see like he keeps just doing it himself now I feel like oh gosh oh gosh okay that's all the pigs the piggies the god came with a total of 25 stream tips there wants to cancel or reduce the timer on drums like yeah so still mistake bombs next it gets taken off of me is that legal I mean I guess I'm getting this fine server I have a meat drop makes the rules here so and Chaos right over the 50 strip it's a double steak bomb monkey feel for Jerry's suffering yeah that's a whole the inventory is full already did I hate that jump scare so much they're back slams oh I fell in the pit again oh my gosh oh my gosh stay back oh a helmet for me golden Freddy's helmet so I had Freddy's whole body and gold there's though we we agreed there was no armor bonus right so it doesn't matter I don't think there's I don't have full golden Freddy well that's fine by me then I've all got the golden Freddy helmet and the rest is all regular but at least Christ Luke I wasn't even breaking a block You're such yeah you just dumped it that's hilarious though I think he did it to me but I couldn't tell him you only get 30 more seconds to break lucky blocks that's fun yeah that time he did it to me uh oh oops all right oh that's a lot of TNT and then a 50 streaming from erling for a double steak bomb on Jerry and The Time Is Now up no more breaking blocks you can organize your inventories and trade uh all unfortunately have to be puking steak on you guys while we go to trade so I haven't yeah I have a trade adoption for someone golden Freddy's chest plate or a helmet for golden Freddy's boots I need his chest plate I need any piece that isn't a helmet and I can give you other stuff if you've got Jerome's knife I didn't end up using golden Freddy's at all hey Kyle seemed to give that I could have drawn I don't have a Coliseum ticket but I got chica's cupcake I have five of those thank you I also have five of those I have six and three stops doing the horror jumps Minecraft junkie sticks are 25 stream typically said Luke's choice for a steak bomb Luke make responsible I'm adding as a journey um use this pit it's a lava pit all right what so is there anything I can do to get them off your hands um if not Captain I feel like we should just what do you want turn if you got drone's nose or anything I do have a Jerome's nose but I don't know if it's worth what what's the what's the uh stat points on the chest plate 10 armor and three armor 30 seconds on one those is worth more than plus one armor unfortunately I've got oh do you need any other armor pieces I need all the bottom of it anything but the helmet of golden I have everything I'll give you all three of them oh for okay I'll do that then for Jerome's yes wait can't you um I I already I already did a mental handshake with Jerome so deals I actually just funny enough I found golden for in France lying around but I'll still do the trade with you cap do you have a golden chest plate if you want nah unfortunately I got this deal with cap who will give me all of it um there's my Jerome's nose imagine yeah that have been so funny and then uh thank you spectral Supernova for a 50 pounds straight to for more steak for Jerome bro no that's all another minute long steak bomb why do they do this to me these people are kind of nuts with us dude I literally can't even do my custom enchants or any of that stuff while the snake bombs are happening I can still get other preparations ready but I gotta wait for the custom stuff yeah oh you can't understand the fire cutlasses no because it comes with fire aspect so that does count as its enchant which is fine which is you know it's nice oh my gosh dude you can do that all day Luke it's not gonna work prop one let's go prop one ooh I'm liking everything prop one good mistake bomb is worn off that buys me a split second here to do what I need to do chess play oh it's just put his ice on it already a helmet I can put I did have another Jerome's nose let's go put that on there and then I just have all just a bunch of ice really for the rest of this which which is fine it's annoying enough to make sure that people can't run away from me oh I've got an enchantment table forget to enchant the interest question mark okay weird there we go all right so I've got that all good there oh you can't enchant the boomerang cat bro that's disappointing you can't even custom enchant it with ice I was trying to freeze people to the ground and then just oh my God that would be so obnoxious dude this is hilarious all right uh speed potion's good let's get those all in line did you guys rather I use my first Coliseum take it now or when the round actually starts just do what you want man it's up to you buddy yeah they'll use it now all right away my crib junkies thanks to the 100 stream tip I think we gotta wait till it starts unless I mean to be fair actually he's in the Coliseum fair is fair lights out warden's coming monkey John have been kidding me looks like you just wasted your ticket bro and that's a life because lives are on the board did you say we'll see monkey you're not killing the warden no I just have to see if I can get the warden to kill everything else first technically the warden is aggressive to all my fair oh that's what I'm going for here fair dude I didn't even think of that but monkeys more noise than I do you might actually cheese this bro I don't know honestly I I think it's fine to have the warden in there all the time no bite your tongue yeah all the time oh my God this is miserable um I don't know who put this in here but your butt is it delightful is it everything you ever hoped no I can't even see it because there's stupid big steak in the way that's what we love to see love it oh oh taking out something you know it had nothing but nice things to say about you is all I'm saying it's staring about the zombies oh my God please I can't wait to see Monk's uh gameplay for this bro this is awful well you probably can't see anything because the warden is blind in them dude oh my god oh Sweet Moses no no yeah that's one that counts that counts oh my God I oh my gosh dude that's amazing that is amazing some Monk starts off at one less life and he wasted the arena token thank you Minecraft junkies appreciate you pal I was really I was really sick that was awesome do it again all right well guys are we all set and ready to go here yeah I'm sorry I'm good to go all right it's not going away so I use the second one so all right let's do it three two one let the battle begin oh my God stop with the jump scares oh my gosh dude this is gonna be I think I'm stacked right now I really do I don't think I was doing good at first but now I am yeah better armor than I do for sure whose side is this oh this is capside I'm gonna blow up his chest there in case he has anything in it there we go that was from my side no the color beacons I can tell it was yellow oh okay all right I gotta I think we all just zipped past each other I'm doing some big brains no way this is how I die you guys have fun oh this might be the day that you almost yeah Jack Sparrow you guys have fun with mid oh I think I caught it yeah that was the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow I live I live what happened dude I uh I was trying to blow a hole through stead's wall and broke a Lucky Block that had me do the lava fall trap but I caught myself out of it man where are you guys I'm trying to climb out of the Fall trap buddy I wish I wasn't here I'm gonna fall on top of a building oh my God I almost immediately got shot back no not a chance another one oh my God bro dude ridiculous I just got out of one of these oh my God you jump in the cap you don't want to be here come on yes you're free at least you got me out buddy all right I beat the Coliseum with the warden in it how many tokens why do you always get more I feel like you always get so many I I only had two but uh I just I felt the need to accomplish beating the Coliseum with the warden in it well Zach Rosen with 100 face that's monkeys okay monk Your Spawn is not nice I thought it was Cappy's but worst kind of person also I blew up your chest earlier although I blew up you well you have a warden that lives at your spawn point now so uh do with that as you will buddy stay in the pit there pal oh well uh he might have Sonic shrieked me but at least he's your problem now what's up Luke time to leave oh my God I feel like this is all right all right no just causing more issues like what what kind of attraction to Warriors have to me God Abyssal flame with a 200 stream tip for a four minute I don't think that's just the math math there yeah it is foreign that's like the most unfortunate thing in the world oh my God who's blade picking oh I think it was up to Luke he's just dead instead why you gotta do stead like that dude he's the only one I think that has the ability to manage with it [Music] you get a compliment a major Doom no no it looks a loose thrown in jump scares now no no I was okay with it and then Luke started throwing in jump scares instead where are you going I'm trying to I started no I'm trying to go like get away like I can't see monk like I said I'll take care of you buddy thanks oh my God I don't know where I'm at I just shot you up onto a block it'll be okay oh no and then with a 100 stream tip Minecraft junkie wants a warden on Stead oh bro oh I gotta start running the opposite way instead with a warden and a stake bomb for many men you go take care you go take care of your business now no you got you got a business to attend to hang out with your new best friend award instead it so I believe I'm trying to leave that Warden uh me now Hakeem C I know Andrew had the warden too near you dude near Your Spawn and everything I don't know if he's there actually where else would he be I don't see him oh my gosh oh hey monk hey person is that backstab them I can't tell it's backstabber man I thought it was you but then I couldn't tell because there's too much stupid stake everywhere dude big steak bombs are very hard like stead there's no way you can see anything no oh Stu yep I walked right off the edge I thought I was being smart oh I'm in a wall I'm in the wall too what happened well this is a bad time for it Zach rose with a hundred dollars draped it for a warden on me I can't see anything I'm in a wall oh my God I'm so sorry we're doomed um we're getting a warden in here oh I could hear him wait the water might die in the wall we might get away with it yo dude let me out of this pit so I can get away from this Warden it's down there somewhere oh there he is what's up Warden he looks angry why is Bob here Bob's everywhere dude anytime there's misery there's Bob are you taking damage yeah okay oh yeah definitely taking damage oh my gosh that Ward and I got away with although that means fire aspects so has anyone killed any of the wardens because if not there's three on the maps now and one in the Coliseum God Kathy oh my gosh bro who would not go down no I wasn't you're making that difficult yeah but there is one on in the Coliseum still I just avoided and evaded him until he left me alone how much longer does Ted have on that uh no I'm done are you done all right nope no all right hey I don't you want to do this again yeah oh the winner no I've got more bro I don't I don't care half flag of the 25 dollars oh uh-oh that's good for us guys we gotta take advantage of this ah this is the jump scare I have fallen still not gonna work Luke still not working many armpits oh God balloon [Laughter] I was in a lava pit but I got away with instead again it keeps happening dude I just don't look before I leap oh look it behind you monkey I did it oh I can hear a warden oh no I'm blind now dude there's so many wardens patrolling this map I hate it oh my God where even are you guys you're like so mild oh wait I'm sorry can't be said who is it drum I can't see I keep game I can't either I'm Warden dude I'm right there with you man no I keep getting the jumps oh my I just got the jump scare too yeah yeah you transferred it to me no you can have it now where are there what did you just drink yeah what's up I will find you oh you got me that was that was so cool not doing any damage to you oh no it's doing a lot of damage I just yeah I've used about half my half my stock of golden apples since we started Sonic Street by three wardens right now dude I'm blind if I've run into another one hungry scream I just ran into one I'd rather not stick around to find out how much worse things are going to get for it that could be nice for I said nice try I was hoping all right a monkey needs to be knocked down a few pegs I can't find any of you guys I don't know I just keep fighting I literally just keep finding stead I have killed myself I am going to kill you again because I can't find anyone else so it's either kill you or have no confidence ever my quadrant steagall actually killed me the last yeah look at the Kellogg dude man I understand dude I'm I'm sorry that's all I can say is I'm sorry instead I don't want it to be this way oh come on let this work yes it works your speed potions can't save you now Captain where are they man run my stuff over here I don't see you so oh what you want my foot poke oh my God that hurts dude what the fire Cutlass yeah the secret is fire I think you don't say you don't want round two of that you don't want round two of the smoke maybe stud does he's behind you oh he's dead ones around what what round are you on round seven how many times oh my God Zach Rosen with a 25 stream tip stink bomb Jerome he said Eliza gotta be Jerry good you can't see then well it's getting up why you gotta do this to the Jerry I would have lost it if I fell in like the that would have been like the fourth pit I've fallen in this battle phase oh hey stead I how many times how many times wow either oh my God why did you where are you guys Joshua Cruz a 25 streamed at the stink bomb monkey then we have Alan of 50 free chip Target lay monk for a life let's go oh my God finally I've been following this guy oh my God and then early with the 29 stream into State bomb me all right so we want to team up on mug for a life I gotta stay from here and then the virus with a 500 stream tip he said we have to break the server and send Steve to Wyoming Monk Is Dead he's in a better place now is he though no oh my God virus though that 500 stream tip dude we gotta decide how we're breaking This Server I'm thinking an old-fashioned Fireball might do the truth yeah God said just run from a fight every once in a while and healed Six Lives dude I'm not gonna do it I'm I just told you I was kill you I love so I'm not killing you where are you guys at uh it looks like your side your side where are you everyone's there kept everyone's understanding that's so funny the gang's all here dude we came to say hi oh man my team can explode monkeys poison site is not a joke [Music] I just used my I put a uh Lucky Block enchant on my bow so it's like a lucky Blow from uh from the old uh no the old blocks there we go so that's that's why you blew up monkey monkey monkey it's on pal oh are you on my side where you at I'm not no I'm at my eyes I'm still on my side I'm on the way hold on I think you're uh you might actually be the farthest person away from me no no you're right here oh there you go there he is uh where's there I'm blind behind you that uh oh hey buddy get a balloony now you get them balloony I forgot to use my balloon boy up until now for how powerful he was gonna have powerful this is trapped in a wallet I was blind all of a sudden oh my God mild inconvenience the big steak is still all over the place just being the worst oh both of our balloon points are going after us I know did I saw you didn't see it I was like oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dude what is the range of this balloon boy he's still following me behind you monkey behind you oh no no no no no no that won't be good in a second but for right now we're okay stop using those no stop it cap you don't need them I believe in you you can die with dignity you're dead bro die like less of a chump I mean I don't know oh I don't know where you went all right lastly let's see where everybody is ah balloon boy's going this way there he is I'm on Mount stead and everything looks fine over here what do you mean what just the hill by your respawn oh this is so annoying God I put ice on a cross I've got another because hey I'm on uh monkey side and he's been fighting me a lot did you guys do something about that all right I'm on you I really wish I could but I haven't seen Monk we're on my side right does that work yeah it's you're great right yeah we're on my side dude I think we got to start killing these Wardens I eat it I might have found the safe way of dealing with this yeah if you arrange them with a fireball that works I was gonna say or like I had the batter right you just got to make sure you stand like really far away because you know I get crazy range the batarang is gonna help too mm-hmm all right I'm on Monk's side and I don't see you guys oh you don't mean that all right I'm heading back hold on hold on I think I'm on my side oh my God yes you're on your side okay I can't ah there you are hey buddy oh my gosh oh golden Freddy armor nice yeah but the unfortunate thing is that Jerome's nose does not work on it I killed one of the wardens but it took a lot of firing there I have two things of drums nose on it and it does not work all right let's see let's see do you have lucky block on something yeah yeah there we go wait you totally got your kills dreaded stolen oh my God I don't know how I did it but I'll take it I guess that's just better than you at Minecraft mile sticks a 25 stream tip to steak bomb me no not while mid-fight with them oh my God I had to get my advantage I had to get my early Advantage now I can't see anything oh no my advantage is gone resistance is futile I don't know what's going on here ow I I'll find you to swing dude you severely have poisoned me now yeah but I have to fight you through the snake bomb too dude you severely hit a balloon boy oh my God I don't know how I survived that I could spawn camped dude that was terrifying I did not like that one bit sandwich with these shenanigans I think Luke should be banned from being in charge thank you is there an evoke there must be an evoker I just got hit by the vocal yeah this isn't a voker I think I saw him in mid somewhere yeah he just used the evoker's teeth on me ah what ground teeth all right who's oh it's a stupid Vex all right drum hold on the temporary temporary deal stead Mission instead why what did I do you kill me go sit out somewhere in a monk I can't get you to region you cow or not run away I run away from the whole game oh my God you all have doubled the lives that's true what else am I supposed to do wish you had more lives I don't know simply build different instead we were in the quiet where are you he's built up I think oh my God no you don't want to do this dead instead bully me Bob you can tell if I'm hitting you or if I'm over here I think there it is bouncing off because I definitely saw it bounce off are you really building yeah to get closer to you what do you mean am I building up I don't have the building blocks to get up there anymore so you guys gotta figure it out for yourselves working on it as soon as this is done I'm coming down oh I put him in the Box oh my gosh oh well all right the Box always gets them Minecraft junkie sticks the 25 stream tip he asked them for a steak bomb just no more kicking Luke I think we should do it anyway oh my God passion for the intern yeah I think we should do it anymore and that immediately gets thrown in my face by the intern with the jump scare uh exactly oh my God I think you know stop kicking we should just ban him well I know right I got a lot of hide on that one yeah I gave you some good height large get him balloon boy good job GG I was really hoping you killed Jerome there monkey no he almost did but I got away his balloon boy wasn't fast enough he sent me wrong she's back up there yeah what else am I you always make me with your swords in it I am young man of 20 years old says oh my gosh mug I fought more than you have all right have you yes I've dying to draw more you've died you've died more than I have that doesn't mean you fought more uh kick Luke man Luke I'm okay with either I feel like they cancel out now so I feel like if Luke does something wrong it's fair game to kick him but so insurance so I feel like nah he jump scared you remember yeah but that was after someone said not to kick though all right now he's getting the kicking I can't do the opioid yes oh I tried to get my bro hi Jerome oh my God cap oh my God I'm waiting dude that was so much TNT my game was lagging oh my gosh then I got away with a cat he's watching it as soon as now I'm coming for you won't be worth it my dude oh you and your Foxy's hooks they're going down buster out oh my gosh I'm taking on heavy fire dude oh it's right gotta finish how I started there and then monkey coming in with a third party what do you think you are third party man no I think I'm fighting third party man and backstabber man sounds like cry baby man you know I got my old balloon boy now to send at you oh no that almost killed me oh my God what you gonna do about that buddy to be fair the balloon boys really the balloon boys really do almost kill you like they are so yeah no they're like they're dangerous if you're not looking for them you got to be careful about them dude the dangerous oh no no no no to go off I don't know Abyssal flame with a 50 stream tip said off stead and ban Luke while all upstairs and I'll leave that for him but at first I gotta finish up with this monkey fight here good game dude you almost got my totem you did almost all right all right I I can appreciate that then slash solid fight I can't even option he's already an operator oh okay assistant you do your worst buddy that's not even here anymore looping command block I just got the Godmother's wand I don't what what I don't know instead of playing with Shrek lucky blocks dude we're playing checkers it's Dead's playing chess out here it is I third party man get em balloon boy on behalf of third party man No One Is Safe you're gonna let him get away monk really I'm not trying to let him get away I'm not trying to let either of you get away I got the totem that time letting you let him get away and heal up all right then I'll kill him first and then I'll finish killing you oh will you now oh will you where'd he go there he is ah there he goes oh so is this how you respect to these things to go down get him bloody much yeah yes yes third party man always you have oh that's my last one that's your last one oh buddy third party man always gets the last laugh for monkey we'll see what it did hmm dude this is a battle it's it's a long one but a good one it's a solid fight that flame cut list though that's it's doing some good work oh yeah well you got the poison site that's pretty good too yeah no it's it's very solid I like it a lot I think the void dagger out of all in is my favorite weapon that's nice but it's really hard to use if you don't have anything to increase your range not just get up close in their face oh no Jerome Nowhere Boy Ally get a balloon that's your boonie isn't it and so is this get him trying to find you guys oh my God I had you on the ropes there but that totem definitely saved you oh you had another totem another totem oh my gosh that one again I have another two oh my gosh how many more two oh well I wasn't using them I wasn't really using the totems I had golden apples so I figured that'll that'd hold me over for a while I haven't seen stead in a while yeah he's hiding on the wall still yeah hey we're gonna fight I gotta know also the Godmother's watching anything hey so fire is like magic spark yeah but it doesn't oh yeah you guys dieted yes yeah I had a strength potion for that one ah okay I used up all mine that you seemed to be hitting really hard oh yeah I've used up all my consumables dude I'm not risking that no way where you boys at I'm on Cappy's side on the ground where are you uh well on the wall of course well like I can't really you know oh my God no I am not falling in a pit again I know I just fell in a pit of despair ball balloon boy get him well my balloon boy get them oh my God why would you charge I love it I love it and then you shot me off I was trying to escape my way out of here and then just boom belly flop Two's Company Jerome how are you still alive down there I think I'm lagging oh have a balloon boy you stop that hahaha I put him in another wall I'll be fine now oh there's blazes are you guys fighting each other way way up there trying but instead is hiding punching me off the wall and stuff oh God pigs Bad Pig oh I don't know why you're coming from me monk I have the least amount of lives here I have the same number of lives for me because I'm still fighting I did too holy Moon my boy could jump in minutes okay letting them deal with the potion of fire resistance Jerry oh no no no really that's actually pretty big don't flatter yourself Luke that's pretty big actually cap for you oh my gosh you don't you know I have poison resistance hi monk oh bro stop what you fighting me because I'm third party man yeah so third party the other guy third party man doesn't choose his victims it comes to him in a dream I have a vision of how your brains I'm sorry monkey oh my God steadfast games oh my God it's dead I got monkeys why are you down here yeah if you if you want this and we'll fight God yeah hey I really I wanted you down here this is all I wanted I'm down here so what do you want for you to fight the other guys I love avoiding the whole game I've been fighting drum the entire time Monk oh your fire resist is still helping you out piggy isn't it yep at least it does not explosion resistant so like the fireball still does damage just not as much and the the fall does damage if you if you can launch them up go my balloon boy get him so I will knock you out of that tree Cappy look they're on a playdate so where are you guys fighting you're uh I think your side actually yeah yeah we're just hanging out at Monk's house oh sweet he's right behind you in the middle of the street Monk's house can you punch I can't I don't think you can stop the beacon yeah you are on me Jerry like that I got you're the competition right now for me yeah that's valid man you I mean you are Relentless dude I got I gotta go for it man I'm getting the W today I believe I'm blind why am I so blind bruh what just happened puts you in a wall oh my God son is that a Glock yeah I fell into a pit of lava because I'm opening more I was wondering what's your shoes my stage is rocking rolling up with a with a handgun I'm like yeah oh my God instead where did you get a Glock uh The Intern oh look what look why did you give him a Glock it was a beast so he doesn't mind Minecraft junkies to the 50 stream tip said to Target me for a life I have too many he said is this how you're gonna Whittle me down is this your guy who's playing to whittle me down like this you are strong where is he I'm on your side Monk I'm on the way just hanging out it's kind of hard to tell where my hat where my side is nowadays monkey's beacons broke yours wrong game wrong game peeking Bork oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no did they have spotted me spotted I almost died to fire take some of that monk oh that's some heavy fall damage coming your way now bucko yeah I'm not a fan balloon boy not if I balloon boy fairy star bro you want to smoke do you want to be down at one life I wanted you to be a part of this game because I value having you in the video all right you know what never mind we don't do that here like the buddies or something no b stands for bad understanding don't y'all oh my gosh oh I got one of his things to proc again I didn't even know you had one still to be honest yeah right I was keeping it secret you got a lot you got a lot of Arena tokens I I had two Arena nice I expected that a backstabber man but not shoes that's why we need instead that's why I was wave pulling up crew but drum I had two Arena tokens and I had like six totems oh my gosh why dang no crazy Shenanigans for that one hello Cappy balloon boy oh my God oh my God oh my God even I wouldn't wish that upon you cap I'm good I'm good I'm good I wouldn't have even wished that upon you can't be Jesus you just eat it into it monk this doesn't concern you yeah what what I get that is gonna let him go oh God oh no you found no more threatening though oh almost threatening right now there's one of them instead you do not need to shoot me right now I'll keep trying to convince someone but uh that doesn't do the whole listening thing well I'm literally in a pit of lava and he's shooting me Minecraft joke is with a 75 stream tip he said I'll do their job for them and he said to kill me oh yeah well cool to be fair you guys needed the help it's my job a lot yeah you got it super lucky I did dude I I've got some very the fire Cutlass really is all my that's like my big advantage I got a Jerome's nose too that's nice but the fighter Cutlass dude is your Jerome's nose working yeah mine's working I have oh mine's not working on my uh golden stuff enjoy the wall the Wall of Shame huh nope Bad Pigs Bad Pigs bad pigs hey Monk hey John there's a balloon boy up here for you there's a balloon boy up there why don't you come up and play can't you take these arrows oh my gosh oh good fight I didn't realize you could spam click that so quick uh you can't I was just clicking not a lot instead oh my God what bro what I just I just look over a Harold's that's just standing there with a Glock now that shouldn't be a normal song Freddy Fazbear pointing the firearming good I think you downloaded the wrong version Mike it's Grand Theft Grand Theft Fazbear sounds amazing play that all day five nights in Liberty City that sounds pretty fun honestly five nights in San Andreas you know a lot of good titles there okay I'm currently going right I'm turning right are we all running right I'm standing still that's it because I see cap okay I'm running live so you're gonna hate me for that cat but someone left those books to the ground I just mid around got a Jerome's nose right there oh you were lucky you're being a real third party man yeah that's my job that's nice oh stead hi buddy ate my Apple dude oh I'm I'm so sorry about that cap s whoopsies he sucks so bad why are you letting him run That's my boy let's go don't you run oh my God I turn around and the other one shoots me in the back that's a pigment up there I swear to God's dead I come here you can't run fast enough you cannot run what are you guys doing let's try to fight stead and then Cappy showed up and ran past him to kill me and instead saved him by shooting me in the back he's my boy where are you at oh my gosh there's no vegans hello bro oh my God I had to cut him off for stead we got to keep set alive at all costs must keep stead alive and well Monk you want to pick on standoff Punk no no no no no yes oh my God Jerome I'm sorry buddy it's fine man the videos got in sometime yeah we all have to meet Our Fate at some point yeah just like that steadfast guy I'm trying to find out actually hello monkey hello get away no balloon boy hug him ow my face all right I've done my due diligence we're Stead a score to settle no I swear on all that is Holy if you are on top of that wall again instead what are you gonna do about it if I am what are you doing what are you gonna do about it get up there and get me nothing I've I'm coming for instead I'm coming for you yeah enjoyed protect this is what protecting stead gets you Jerome how do you even get up there I don't even know waterfalls mostly okay that's how I assumed but yeah gotta find your way up and find him instead you're like Megamind right now Jerome you're like you're like brilliant oh my God so obnoxious I know right oh my God oh my God [Music] where are you at drum right here get a balloon oh gosh get him balloony again oh my God and there we have it but you know what it wouldn't be a video done the right way without that stream tip we had to destroy the server let's see if an Old Faithful works here for a fireball what do you think let's see where's that one at oh my God there's so many old commands in there all right I thought I found the old classic I found Old Faithful no that is not the command anymore oh no yeah let me see if I can find the command all right we're gonna find a command everyone but GG's all around here that was fun that was a good time okay give me one second how many bad things do you want I want all of that stuff so many bad things as we can get we want all the bad things man you guys really had a solid stead defense that going there oh wait okay wait cap we just do old-fashioned way s world at it oh no is their world in oh there is a sphere TNT 20 was that it forty thousand dollars by summon lightning slash slash Summit oh slash summon lightning that should do the trick oh there it goes I have a flint and steel working on it don't worry and on that note everybody g g This Server is bye-bye guys we did just have a video go live go over the video right now and hit that like button I'm gonna go over there right now myself everyone go smash the like button on it let's start it off with a thousand likes because that's how many people are watching this video it was 1500 if you actually watch this live stream right now there's only 14 likes on it get to 1 000 likes go click it go now and comment that you're from the live stream we'll see you tomorrow take care bye bye we're sending Steve to Wyoming
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 100,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft
Id: jD5bb5Odjlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 37sec (12517 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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