We Tried HARD Drift Challenges In GTA Online

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okay it's a drift me yes we are still starting at LS Customs hey that's my car okay someone's in my car that's my car the Rebus very questionable build I must admit and they just park in the middle thanks but anyway I'm looking around at these builds schwartzer makes sense 86 makes sense you know Remus another car Hellfire so I want to bring in health I told people to bring cars that you think you can drift the comet S2 who in their right mind All-Star do you think you can drift this yeah then we have the basics the futos the Futo gtx's remuses drift hampers rappy GT I wasn't even expecting the drift hamper even though it's a drift hamper they're massacro and the Banshee 900r there are okay I say I wasn't expecting him I just look okay I'm giving these guys plenty of time to practice their drifting so they have enough practice before we start actually getting into the challenges I want to see how the comet S2 would actually drift this I mean I can't really question the comment when there's a Rolls Royce drifting as well but no the combat S2 is not doing too bad right so I the example here and I'm going to show these guys how it's done and this is no pressure they're all there watching me and there's a line behind me everyone goes one by one and I'm now showing them how to do it so guys are you watching oh I've got a mess of I'm gonna mess up so 360. oh no oh no ah failed okay okay pretend I did it pretend I did it right here's a better example I can choose from but yeah you don't need to do a 360. we're just drifting into the pair and bonus points if you could do a 360. and then all you're gonna do is either power slide into the parking spot or drift into it simple okay we have our first guy coming down which is Creed oh no pressure oh cleat not so cleed that was looking so good but you know you know come on just carry it on carry on he meant to do that he meant to do that and now he's supposed to drift into the parking spot and you know what the combination wasn't too bad he span out elegantly I've got nothing to compare it to but I think it's a fail okay stealth sem now coming in coming in way too hot going over the curb and let's just see how he lands the parking where is he going yeah I think he might have slightly curved his wheel earlier he's half in a spot but doesn't have a disable back just about past oh there's someone already coming okay next person's already coming oh oh okay wider and wider every time and don't front me okay cameraman's getting run over here and what is this this is over okay he's failed why are people over complicating this and he's gonna hit me he's gonna hit me no no he's kind of made it I can see his reflection and oh oh that's the wrong spot I don't have to give that a pass or a fail he did well on the entrance and then okay I'll pass him I think I'll pass it oh we got someone coming in really hot that's greedy coming in fast oh no oh no oh oh I think he played it safe there following a lot of handbrake and where's he going where's he going that oh what where's he going what's he doing right that's a fail didn't follow the instructions okay we have the next car coming in and oh that is really fast oh that's nice that was nice it's unfortunate the car's damaged oh uh that was okay I'll give it a pass I'll give it a pass you know what the criteria is getting lower not many people oh he's angry remember this is everyone's first try this is everyone's first try but here comes the schwarzer oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh you could tell it's everyone's first try this wooden flooring does not make it easier oh and we have Zade coming in oh that's too fast too fast oh okay Ivory coming in and oh oh looking good smooth oh my God that glass and oh I mean like he rode into the back spot but yeah let's uh let's give him a pass okay drift ham for coming in let's see how the drift hampers do oh oh nice oh where's he going where's he going wrong um what okay that was a such a good entry for I'm sorry bad parking oh we have a we have a drift truck coming in and it's Tony let's see how he does no pressure oh well it's kind of going sideways oh oh he's all right he's doing it but where's why is everyone just decided to make their own kind of ha okay I gave that a pass come on you can do it oh lucky sorry unless you just do something incredible here it has to be a fail you know what I give him a pass oh we have another Rapid GT oh I didn't see it oh I did he has to be the best one yet oh you moved a bit you're not allowed to move but yeah that's gotta definitely be a pass okay okay how does he coming in coming in with confidence oh oh wait that was nice that was oh oh no I didn't get to see it oh but I'm pretty sure he nailed it but even if he cheated there I wouldn't even find out well there's a but maybe oh clean 360. and he's nailed it nice nice now it's all to do with the parking oh it's the wrong type of parking but you know what that was quite good that was really smooth no one did a 360 it's not that good right the next one which is the last one oh damn the last one for a reason because all the cars are gonna get damaged right as you probably guessed by these two cars parked here we're doing parallel parking and that went in too aggressively right next car coming in I have to get in the car because it's getting moved a bit oh parallel parking no oh a lucky a lucky no that doesn't count okay we have sassy he seemed like a very confident Drifter oh oh but even the confident I mean that was that was all right that was not too bad and then we have a Remus coming in come on Remus oh wait what happened there I thought the car was gonna stop that was very good that was very good oh no oh no nice the Rapid GT and ah and I'm gonna get kicked out my own car you got this oh oh the best one yet okay Hennessey's coming in and not too bad not too bad his front wheel is on the curb again oh we got a mouse in my face oh that was clean that was clean probably the second best just after Creed there ah he hit the pole and my car but still not too bad why am I bumping into my own car no oh Leo nice oh I did not see that coming if I did I would have moved back of it are we our final car and is it oh what lucky unlucky I'm giving everyone a second chance and this time oh I'm only gonna leave in the best and that was quite good that was quite good so I'm leaving that in go on Leo you've got this nice that was decent it was decent boy what was that but the the really bad ones I guess I'll keep in foreign so we only did two things so far but in reality we actually did quite a few obstacle courses in the drift meet but to be honest I thought for the viewers it might be a bit boring even though there are some really good drifting there was some bad drifting and yeah there was some ugly drifting too this was one of them where it was a course going around the skate park and yeah it looked great and everything but I wasn't too sure it was entertaining enough so with the feedback of this video I will plan out another video which will be a lot more interesting so with the response of these videos and I'm not gonna lie the views of this video I'll upload another one that's a lot better remember our flush family Discord is in the description and if you want to trade or just talk to like-minded car people then yeah that Discord is in the description thank you so much for watching hopefully you did enjoy see you guys in the next one
Channel: hella-flush
Views: 25,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTA 5 Car meets, gta 5 cars, gta v car meets, gta 5 mods, gta 5 new car, gta 5 stance crew, gta 5 stance car
Id: C28lOjbmi8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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