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my name is aaron cairo i'm a professional skateboarder from the san francisco bay area and today i'm going to teach you how to skateboard we have made a lot of very beginner tutorials but we've never made one called how to skateboard and just gone over the very very basics beginner how to skateboard what the board is what is going on here some tips on your first board and some tips on starting we say in a lot of our videos you guys should start skating because i think a lot of the people that watch our videos they don't actually skateboard we see it in the comments they say i don't even actually skateboard but for some reason i really enjoy your videos so this video is for you guys to get one of these and get out there and learn to skateboard so the first thing i want to go over and one of the most asked questions on all of the different braille social media platforms is i'm a size 8 shoe what size board should i get or i'm a size 10 shoe what size board should i get that is basically a point of personal preference eight inches wide is about the regular size skateboard and that is a good place to start this one right here is what i ride it's an 8 inch wide my feet are size 10. if you're a younger kid and you have size 8 shoes or whatever i would still recommend a size 8 skateboard it's just a general wide enough to learn it's it's pretty good if you feel like this is too skinny you could go wider or if your shoes are really small you could cut it down to maybe a 7.5 definitely nothing over a 8.5 and nothing below a 7.5 i would be surprised if you could even find those another point on the skateboard is that you can go to walmart or one of these stores and get one of these but i do not recommend it the thing about it is skateboarding is not easy it requires a lot of work a lot of persistence a lot of perseverance and it's kind of funny because we'll we'll take one of those walmart boards and we'll play a game of skate on it game of skate is when one person does a trick and the other person has to do the same trick and if they can't land it they get a letter right and we kind of joke around and we play with these boards because they're really hard to skate on that's the main thing i want to make you guys understand is that if you're beginning skateboarding you want to have the easiest possible time and with that said you want good equipment that makes it easy for you to ride it so it's definitely going to cost you some extra money to get one of these you could probably get a full complete just like this for about a hundred and twenty dollars now that's definitely a lot more than a 25 walmart board but like i said a lot of times when people start learning if it's too hard for them to learn they're going to give up and quit now i think it's very sad and i think part of it is that the equipment is wrong and it makes it even harder so if you guys are learning how to skate get some decent equipment that makes it easier for you to skate on this right here is a revived skateboard and it's purchased at you can also get trucks there hardware which is what screws your trucks in wheels and bearings these are force wheels there's some bones reds bearings in there pretty much any bearing is going to do just fine for you any bearing that is sold at one of these regular skate shops not like a department store etcetera at a regular skate shop any bearing is going to be fine the trucks again it comes personal preference if you want colored that's cool if not that's fine and yeah but definitely get a high quality wood skateboard that just looks nice and works well with that you're going to be able to learn how to skateboard easier if you're buying it online you're probably going to have to get the pieces separate and you can check out one of our videos on how to set up a skateboard if you go into a skateboard shop you can buy the pieces separate and usually they'll put it together for you there it's really really easy to put this together you just take the hardware put it through the board put the trucks on tighten the screws like you can definitely do it and then just put the bearings in the wheels put them on tighten that it's super super easy and with any of our videos on how to put together a skateboard you guys can definitely figure that out good so now that you have a high quality skateboard you're ready to start riding this skateboard this is actually very very easy to ride the first thing to figure out in learning how to ride a skateboard is which foot do you put forward and the best way that i know to teach people this is get the idea for yourself if you're going to run and slide on ice maybe you've never lived anywhere where there's ice but let's say there's a slippery piece of pavement or a slippery thing and you're going to run and slide on it naturally there's going to be a foot that you put forward if you run and slide and put your right foot forward that's what we call goofy if you run and slide and put your left foot forward that's what we call regular so two ways to ride that skateboard either way it doesn't actually matter sometimes people that are really beginner will ask me am i going to be better if i learn to skate right foot forward or left foot forward it doesn't matter some people are just naturally inclined to be more comfortable riding with their left foot forward doesn't mean they're going to be better or worse has nothing to do with it that's going to be based on your practice and how much you put into riding this thing because it's definitely not easy definitely takes practice now that you got which direction you go right foot forward or left foot forward you're going to start learning how to push so you get on this board you put your front foot straight just like that and it's literally just as if you're walking put your back foot to the side of it and as if you're walking just walk start walking go real slow and don't even put your other foot on yet once you got that down you're comfortable with that now you can put your other foot on step on that board and then turn your foot sideways so your actual riding position looks like this you're on the board like that now you're writing you need to work on that and get that piece down really really really really really well now the next piece to this is obviously stopping so the best way to stop is to take off that back foot and step off keep it simple just step it off step it off step it off so that's the best way to stop and again practice just those steps for a while that if you just work on that you can spend a while on that just learning how to ride push ride push ride push it's like that one rap song i think it's like push coast push it goes like that right you guys can get that down really really really well and then the next little piece to it is just doing little turns it's just having your back foot on the tail your front foot here stepping up and turning boom boom boom i had a father come to one of the recent braille house parties and it was one of the ones where i wanted to teach everybody there a trick and he was like yeah my kids started skating a week ago and i just got this board and i was like great we're going to teach you how to do a kick turn so by the end of the night he was able to roll up the ramp turn and then roll the other direction down the ramp which i thought was really really cool because he was just getting just riding the board and it's funny because you have somebody like me who in order for me to learn a new trick it's going to be like quite complicated and pretty complex right it's going to be like flip slide spin out etc and for somebody just learning it's so cool because they can like ride up a ramp turn ride down and they're like yes which i think is really really really really really cool which brings me to my next little point on how to skateboard is end every day on your skateboard with something that you improved on it doesn't matter how small but some kind of improvement like if i go and skate and i'm trying to learn how to do some harder trick i want to at least get closer to the trick that day than i did the day before that's just a little piece of advice that i think will help you guys out a lot okay so we covered a lot of information in this video what the board is how to buy the board what that's all about how to get a good one then pushing riding stopping and turns with that in mind once you guys get through those basic very basic steps and it is important like i said to spend a good amount of time on that because those are your fundamentals that's like the foundation of your house if you build your house on a bad foundation it's going to fall over so don't build your skateboarding on a bad foundation get really good at riding pushing turning and stopping once you're there you can start going into tricks the first trick is not i repeat it is not the kick flip so don't go straight into the kick flip please i recommend learning the easiest series of tricks for some people the very very easiest trick is a shove it with no pop generally that's a trick that i can teach pretty much anyone pretty much anyone on their first day if they got comfortable riding the board i can get them to do a shove it with no pop but the actual series of tricks that i recommend and this is a personal recommendation because it goes from easiest to hardest and these are the tricks that are covered in skateboarding made simple volume one the most detailed instructional video i have ever made are the ollie front side 180 backside 180 pop shove it front shove heel flip and the kick flip the kick flip is like that trick that everyone wants to learn they're like if i can do a kickflip on the coolest kid ever so you want to learn how to kickflip and if you do those steps and you have a good foundation you will not only will you learn how to kickflip but when you move on in your progression from there you'll actually progress very very fast i've seen some shocking progression in the last couple of years with some of the kids who just started skateboarding and they came to me and they said you know i was so excited when i landed skateboarding made simple volume one all of the tricks in it and now they're doing honestly they're doing tricks that i can't do and that's not even a joke and it's pretty really really really cool so i hope that you guys enjoyed this video i hope you learned a lot i hope you're getting out on your board i hope you're excited if i cannot get you guys out on the streets on your skateboard riding learning having fun then i'm not achieving my goals here because this is the goal it is the whole goal of braille skateboarding we make these videos like skateboard and various cool things like that to interest people who might never have been interested in skateboarding and then the idea is that they see a video like this called how to skateboard and they go maybe i should skateboard so we want to get a lot of new people into skateboarding that's the goal that's our purpose so i hope you guys are down with that i hope you enjoyed this video if you are learning to skateboard definitely get skateboarding made simple it will really really really help you i thank each and every one of you guys for your awesome continued help and support you guys are the best and together we're going to grow this sport lifestyle whatever you want to call it and we're going to get more and more people riding this thing right here and having fun please subscribe please like leave a comment below all of you guys are invited to the braille house on september 9 2017 for erin cairo's surprise birthday party get your tickets through the link below they are limited and they will sell out quickly so get them while you can this is one that you do not want to miss [Music]
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 4,010,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, beginner, ollie, kickflip
Id: qsxcVsFDDoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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