Realistic Multi-Layer Product Label Texturing in Blender

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yo what is going on guys my name is Jared it has been a long time since I've said that and um I figured that for my reintroduction to making videos I would keep this kind of casual a lot less production than some of my other stuff but I think that that can be good sometimes and um you know it's just gonna let me kind of talk candidly a little more candidly about something that I know really well because I do it every day and that is layering materials together uh and so this is this is kind of especially useful for stuff like trying to digitize print work um namely as you can see here I'm going to go over the process of creating a photorealistic label texture today um the key night among you who work with labels all the time will probably be able to pick out that there are three separate materials being layered together here um using about five different maps and I'm basically going to recreate it on a different product for you today because I just have to for work anyways so why would I not show you um using this uh this is basically going to be good for any sort of texture layering um but I'm I'm just going to go through exactly how you mix different shaders together uh so this is just a blend file that I have set up already it's a simple lighting setup I have the lights hidden from camera view so that's why you can't see them and it's just sitting on a psych and there's a camera so that's what we're working with I'm gonna go over to my shading tab if yours doesn't look like mine don't freak out as long as you can see what you're doing and have a Shader Network open you can follow along um cool cool so I'm gonna click on my label make make a new texture and so the first thing that we have to do to create this label is make the base texture which is basically going to have stuff like color roughness um normal if you have that like if your label has a tactile layer you will have a normal map so I'm going to drag in my color my roughness and my normal and we will go ahead and get started so these are all just Maps generally things will have Maps PBR textures if um if you're doing procedural stuff you probably know what you're doing anyways so just make your material my base material is just going to have color like I said roughness and then just as good practice in case my lighting scenario ever needed it I'm going to add a color ramp by hitting shift a and dropping it right in between here and so that's for like if I need to change how reflective this roughness map is I can do that with this color ramp I don't actually need to I know that it's um it's perfectly accurate as it is and then for our normal map here we are going to shift a and drop in a not a noise texture shift a no uh normal map I got a little lost there I'm going to uh hold alt and right click and drag to Lazy connect this and that'll go color to color and then we can do the same thing from this map to the principle bsdf and that will give us our normal uh it looks crazy and Goofy like bubble letters so anybody who's worked with labels knows that that's not quite close to Accurate even 0.2 is a little much I'm gonna go 0.125 for mine and that looks pretty accurate to how these look in real life except I think I don't know if this is just for like my material specifically so I'm gonna preface what I do next with that you can kind of play around with this and see what looks physically accurate in your scene but these are a little too perfect like there's not very much fall off on the edges of this normal map as it is so I change tangent space to blender object space and this is much closer to how these actually look in real life this tactile layer on this label I don't know if that works for all cases but on these labels specifically if I go back from blender object space to tangent space you can see this is like oddly just bubbly and uniform and if I go to blender object space they just have like a different fall off I I I'm not I'm not technically educated in this so if somebody wants to explain that to me they can so this becomes now our base material and this is something like now I just need to continue to add to this and so for my label in particular I know that I need to add a chrome layer on top of this and then a color foil label on top of that or layer on top of that so how we're going to do that is we're going to add in another principled bsdf and I think uh uh yeah I'm gonna add a principled you can add in um like if you're adding emissive textures or something like that you can just add an emissive um but I need to make Chrome so I'm going to go metallic all the way up specular 0.7 and then roughness on like 0.05 because it's not perfectly reflective per se but um you know if I just connect this to my Surface you can see more or less this is what a chrome layer on like a label would look like so um now I need to mix these two together such that literally like this line is going to become Chrome and this text is going to become Chrome and that's kind of it um but that's how the label is so I need to add these together so what I'm going to do is bring in a mix Shader and this is going to be Shader one this is going to be Shader two again that is just alt right clicking to Lazy connect these um and then so this Factor now if I just lazy connect this to the surface I guess this Factor now is the is telling this node like which of these am I showing and so if it's on point five you're basically getting 50 and 50 of each showing through if it's on one you get all of the Shader two if it's on uh zero you get all of your base layer and so that's how that works and so naturally for me to get just you know this text down here and this little cutout here to be Chrome I need an image map to drive this which uh as you can probably guess I already have this is called um car Mamba sour Paradise chroming and so I take this color plug it into the factor and you can see that now all of the areas of this are Chrome that I needed to be originally and so you'll naturally now probably say well you said you just needed this text and this little box up here to be Chrome but a lot of other stuff is and you would be correct but like I said I need to add something even something else to this and that is a color foil label so now this mix Shader if we go back to what we said earlier where you always are going to have a base layer and then something you need to add to it this mix Shader is now my base layer and um I can just bring in my foil texture so this is basically the same thing I have here with the chroming minus a couple elements and I need to mix now so I'll bring in another mix Shader I need to mix my base with another principled bsdf and so this one like I said it's color foil so if I come back to my example it's this kind of like it's metallic but it's very rough um this is kind of what foiling is technically in in print you can see it it has a very metallic Sheen to it and so we need to add that on top of what we already have here so for this label it's kind of an orange color I'm just going to eyeball it um you know when it comes to making this for an actual client you'll probably have like you know specific numbers but I'm just going to eyeball it so I have base color there metallic is going to come up to one and then roughness is going to come down but not quite as much as we did with the Chrome um like I said this foil this foil is it's shiny but it's not like perfectly reflective if that makes sense so we need to be probably if I just kind of you know eyeball this to what it looks like physically in real life it's something around I don't know probably close to like point one I'm just gonna do 0.8 or rather 0.08 sorry um so that looks about correct and then if I plug this mix Shader in here you can see that we're getting that 50 50 effect which is what I have this foil map over here for so my foil layer now becomes uh all of those areas that were specified for it so those Maps just work like you know the foil label um or foil layer rather and print the white areas are foil and the black areas are not so whatever you need to do to whatever you need to add on top of um what you already had in your base layer is going to be white in this map that you plug into this Factor and the black is going to be what shows through from your base layer so that is um that's basically how you layer things together and you could go on forever and ever with more mixed shaders and more mixed shaders and you could create the most complex label or ground terrain or whatever you need possible so um that's kind of a super quick rundown of this whole process um I think if I did the whole thing from start to finish with like creating those maps and lighting and everything it would probably be an hour long video but it might be worth it to some people so let me know if you want that in the comments and um yeah I appreciate you watching like I said just trying to get back into video making with something a little more casual so I hope it's helped you out and peace
Channel: Jared Brashier
Views: 27,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, b3d, b3d tutorial, blender texturing material, how to make a label material in blender, blender realistic textures, blender texturing tutorial, blender material tutorial, blender cycles material, blender 3.4 tutorial, blender materials, realistic 3d textures, blender PBR materials, blender product lighting, plender product texturing, blender product animation tutorial, blender product texture tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, blender materials 2.8
Id: iwVuA1hWkRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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