Creating Professional Product Photos in Blender Made Simple

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welcome to opulent Switzerland in this tutorial we will guide you step by step on creating captivating product photos effortlessly we'll guide you through the process of creating amazing images for your product making them appear truly professional best of all we've designed this tutorial to be easily accessible for everyone regardless of skill level plus will exclusively be using free tools or suggesting free Alternatives ensuring you won't have to spend a dime are you ready to take your product photography to the next level let's dive in hello everyone I'm Fritz and today in this course I will show you how we can create a pretty pretty beautiful product photo like this to create the product photo like this what we're going to do is we're first going to download blender blender is a 3D rendering software we will use to create product photos you can just press on download and then download the latest version so when we open up blender we can see the scene but it doesn't matter what this is so let's just delete all of this now when we use blender we need to click our Mouse wheel to navigate our camera we can rotate our camera with with pressing the middle Mouse wheel and you can just orbit around the center then if you want to move the camera you can press shift and the mouse wheel together so you can move it like this these are the basic controls you need to know for blender but it's very easy by the way you can see all of my button press in the right corner down here so now if you want to begin and press shift a and then this menu comes up we want to add a simple Cube and now we got our basic Cube here to transform this into a perfume bottle we will need to press Tab and then we will come to edit mode that mode is basically the face editor for blender and we can toggle between these modes this mode is the vertex mode you can select all the vertexes it's very simple if you need to just select this a single point then we get the edge mode this is the to select whole edges and then the face mode very simple you can talk a bit between these with one two and three keep this in mind this is pretty useful so now we got our basic Cube here and we want to transform this into a bottle press G and then then press C then we get this and then just move it how you like it to get a decent size of how you like it then we can go out of add mode with tab again press C then hold Ctrl and then go up again press G for the move mode then press C to lock it in the C location and then press G to snap it we want we want it to lie on the floor here very basic so now now we got this toggle Cube and that's still not a bottle now you can just follow me I will show you along now press tab again press Ctrl R then you see this yellow line This is a loop cut do it in this line or in this line we want it on the above so we put this and then it follows our cursor then we can just right click so it snaps back to the center then we do this and to the other direction as well like this then press right click again and we got it now we got more faces to work with but that's not what you want we want to select this single vertex press G to verify that you only select this one and then we press delete and delete the vertices now we got this from here on we go to the edge mode then we with alt we hold alt and then select the top now we got the whole top selected and then we press e then we get a new face then we press right click again then we press s and then we can just scale it in now scale it this is the top of the bottle scale it to how we like it for your product I will do mine about about this one I like I like it like this then we will press shift alt and S this is a shortcut to turn this into a circle now you can see it's rounded again shift alt s so you can easily follow along then from here on what I will do is extrude it again so we get a little cap so I press e again I'll choose one for my product for my bottle I want it like this it's very simple very good like this then now it's pretty rough Niche we don't want it like this so we can click this so it's yeah highlighted then we go under this modifier property tab click this and then add a modifier and go to subdivision server so now it transforms you see it looks weird now but we'll fix this as we go on so in the viewport you can move this up about two two is all right this there then you and then what we do is we add another modifier and we add a bevel and with this bevel we can if we play around with this turn this off so we can see what we're working with so now if we can what this does is as you can see it smoothed out the edges with these edges you can play around how you like it how do you like the size I like mine at one meter and then the segments the second we can move up so the edges get smoother then you can play around with the lines again how you like it I like mine like this this looks good for me and now here this looks we we don't want uh octagonal cap we want something smooth so we can go here we can see the angle tap and then we can just pull it up until it gets itchy again and now you wonder why doesn't need to be etchy if we turn on the subdivision service take it at this at these points and move it down you can see it Smooths out everything and you can play again how you like the the segments or how you want this to look mine let's do it like this a bit smoother I think I like this pretty much like this I both apply these modifiers by pressing this little arrow and then apply let's only apply the bevel modifier and not the subdivision surface so we got easier mesh to work with now with this mesh we see we got some more polygons but not that many more so now we can just do it again hold C down go into wireframe mode and then press one on the numpad and select what I want I want these correct now what I can do is I can just move these now you see make sure you go to wireframe mode then select this and then select this exactly now we got both of these then we press s and then press X and now we can scale it to how we like it great this looks like a pretty cool bottle I want to make some more adjustments so I'll select this in with the edge in the edge mode I'll select this and this then I scale it down and while pressing s then y now I can scale it out to give the whole bottle a bit of a rounder shape exactly I like how it's done now from here on I will I want to close this up I don't like how it's made here so I press Alt press on this line so we get the upper parts then we press e again press right click and then scale it inwards not too much though we still want it sharp like this and then what we do from here on is we press F so we got the complete completely filled face exactly now it's too smooth for me so what I do now is I'll press Ctrl R again make sure the yellow line is here and then bring this up as you can see as we either bring this closer up the edge up here gets sharper that's exactly what I want now I got this sharp line and now I want to do the same down here here it's we can't do this directly we need to press alt again on this lower part then when we got this selected we can press G and then we can press s not g my bad press s then scale this and scale this inwards like this so what I focus on if we go back to wireframe what I focus on is that this line here is oh my bad that this line here is pretty much straight as straight as possible exactly now if we go back to solid mode when holding C don't forget that we can still see it's not that sharp so we can press R again and then just bring this um exactly no we got this sharp line and it still looks smooth it's not edgy and now to finish it off we can go here and shade smooth now does this look great now we got it very smoothed out and it's very simple cool looking now from here on I will modify the shape a bit again because I'm not completely happy let me just go into edit mode again and then from here on it will go in wireframe mode select the vertex mode and then pull this up again I want everything to be a bit longer and like this probably good let me check it out yes this is great now um what I'm going to do because it's a glass bottle right for the perfume we use a glass bottle so we need an Insight if we don't do an inside if you look at real life glass there's a it's not completely filled with glass so we need to make an Insight here to do this we will just copy copy this complete thing Ctrl C Ctrl V and then what we will do is just scale this down before we do that though we will press alt and C to make everything transparent and then go into numpad one you see it from the front view and then we can just make this the insights like this um now what I like is to make a bit broader scene so this need to be a bit thicker here and uh for here what we're going to do now is go into edit mode of this then we'll zoom in a bit select all of these and then just oh no not all of these but these exactly then move this up so it's about the same height as this let me check about here great now what we've got we got an inside and the glass is a bit has a bit thickness to it great what we will need to do now is hide the the big one go press alt C again and then we got like this what we need to do now is go to edit mode then press this button up here with this button we need to press here then we go to what we need to activate is face orientation now we see everything is blue and if we do this the same here if we check this out everything is blue here and on the inside everything is red so this needs to be blue and this needs to be red so the outside the blue one is here how we do this we will select everything then we will go to mesh and then what we'll do is to normals and then flip exactly now everything is red and we can see we have an inside of the bottom if we go like this you can see this is now good now we can press here take oh sorry you need to be in edit mode go here and then face orientation take this out again so it's gray again great now we can go up here remove this this face here we don't need it it's it's optional so you don't need to do it but I like to do it so I'll just delete this face and then go here delete this face so you can have an Insight exactly great now on here select the edge mode so I can select everything scale this in now you have kind of a seam it's not perfect but it it it works you can move this up if you want to like this right now you've got an inside doesn't need to be perfect because it's not going to be seen in the final product what we can do now is Select both of these press Ctrl J to make one object out of them now this just one I'll rename this to bottle this so we I know it's the bottle great this was part one of the course if you want to see how we add materials and give everything color you can watch part two now
Channel: Opulent Switzerland
Views: 51,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Render, animation, 3D, artist, Rendering Service, Blender, Tutorial, CG, CGI, Product Photo, Photography, sales, increase sales, Marketing, Graphic, Photos
Id: -rInkezqoq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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