Blender 3D - Create A Photorealistic Bottle Render in 20 minutes | Blender Tutorial

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a tackled from the 3D product rendering  accelerator and in today's video I'll guide   you through the process of modeling texturing  lighting and rendering of this awesome bottle   so you can create them yourself I'll also share  with you some mistakes to avoid and how to solve a   few issues when you get stuck without further Ado  let's get started so as you see here in my blender   file I already put the reference there so let's  just add the cylinder and for now we'll focus   on the modeling of this bottle so let's take our  cylinder and match this with the reference just   like that some extrusions simple stuff just like  that scaling now extrude this all the way to the   top where we have this angle going on this nice  curvature of the bottle just like that extruding   extruding scaling nothing complicated and in just  a moment we'll be adding the subdivision surface   to smooth and things out let's extrude this like  that go to the top and select this Loop Ctrl F   and extrude faces along normals so we have this  thing done now let's extrude couple more just   like that perfect let's now add the subdivision  surface modifier but before that actually we can   go and add the some details on the bottom so  let's insert and insert again and here we will   have these let's say 18 years we'll have here and  here we'll have some dots going on all around so   now let's add the subdivision surface and for  now I won't be adding the Adaptive subdivision   I'll do that later on when we will playing with  the displacement map but to enable the Adaptive   subdivision you have to go to render properties  and switch from supported to experimental so   that's how you get this thing going on and  then in subdivision I recommend changing Max   subdivision to something like 8 so you don't have  any crashes and stuff and dicing camera to camera   and then dicing ground dicing rate render to 1  and viewport to 8 pixels that will be cool so   yeah let's go with the model of the bottle let's  add some Loops so we have these curves going back   just like that we can go select all this part  and scale this a bit so we have this matching the   reference because we lost obviously some you know  details and stuff you can add one here awesome   let's hide for now the reference and here we have  to add some more faces we do this with I to insert   awesome some more Loop Cuts going on here we can  control B to actually let's just add very simple   awesome and we can add one more here let's check  how it looks like yeah looks great to me here it   looks correctly you cannot perhaps even one more  nice um here the angle goes okay here we have to   add one two Loops here we have to add Loops here  we go with the bevel just like that here also so   you know we are adding these Loop Cuts in some  kind of symmetry so we have the Symmetry going   on and one here also bevel nice this is already  coming along pretty cool just like that okay if   we shade smooth looks perfect so now let's add  the inner glass so the glass in inside and the   liquid fluid or however you want to call this so  set origin to center of mass volume and now let's   go with solidify modifier we'll put this above as  we'll be I'm separating these objects later on and   when when we put the solidifier on the top when we  accept the solidify we have the same result in the   viewport basically so let's add some thickness  even thickness that's important and as you see   here we have some overlapping at the top but don't  worry at the top we'll be deleting this anyway   let's worry about the bottom because at the bottom  we won't be deleting this part so yeah we have to   you know anyhow solve this this thickness is cool  so let's apply and then we have to separate select   this Loop V to rip then L to select the inner  part selection rename this inner outer go to   separate View and we can delete this part and just  extrude this to the top so we have this with our   bottle like that the only reason I'm doing this  this way because it will be much cleaner and we   can just you know add the different material for  the inner part without any displacement because we   don't want any displacement going on on the inner  part of the bottle obviously so that's the reason   why I keep it like that and let's deal with our  the mask that was created with the solid device   so basically you have to delete this thing and  we will remodel this stuff so let's see where   we have the overlapping going on here's one Loop  and here and it's just deleted and then select   both of these right click Loop tools bridge and  if you don't have Loop tools on your right click   then you have to go to the atoms and enable the  loop tools that's it and let's see how it looks   like with the bottle awesome looks great we can  just you know scale this thing to the middle   and it's perfect so we have the thickness  going on and now let's add the fluid shift d   fluid and now let's delete some faces because  we don't want to have the fluid going all the   way to the top and then select this thing let's  enable the subdivision and I2 insert so we have   the nice shape going on and now we have to  put this in between the inner and outer so   the liquid is rendering correctly I'm doing this  with alt s let's disable the subdivision for a   moment perfect right in the middle let's see how  it looks like on the bottom great we have to just   go and put this lowers also in between and let's  enable subdivision for everything and check how   it looks like perfect so here we have our bottle  done and we have some weird thing going on at the   bottom where you see that this is super sharp  and why is it sharp well it's actually because   of the normals for our fluid we need everything  to be blue faces so we do this with alt and flip   and then shift n to recalculate normals and now  we have this thing smooth just like it should be   right the same thing is for the inner here we also  are dealing with messed normals but here we want   to have red normals going on so just select this  part where you have the blue alt n and flip and   just like that we have everything perfectly we can  add one more loop at the bottom so we are kind of   following this sharp edge here same for the inner  Perfection let's just add one more Loop here as we   lost this and now let's go with modeling the cork  the cork will be very easy as it's just a cylinder   with some scaling going on so just let's you know  put this right there and to add this little part   let's insert and extrude to the top let's see  if that matches the scale we can always you know   resize it no problem at all and same story goes  here let's I2 insert and here we have to look for   the inner part to you know get the cork matching  so we don't have any intersections or stuff okay   it's way too small let's scale this nice put to  the bottom and add the subdivision here we don't   need adaptive subdivisions as we won't be doing  the displacement there so two levels of viewport   is cool now let's add the loop cuts to get these  details back also insert a couple of faces here   and there here let's add the bevel nice look at  here and insert couple faces here add the loop cut   and we have the cork done it sits perfectly inside  our you know bottle so we are good to go so with   our bottle rendering the next step is to obviously  do the text string right but let's first do the   very very simple UV mapping I've noticed under  the previous video some people were mentioning   the projection mapping and you know that's just  the other way to do things right so yeah we just   need one seam and then look if I say like this  hit unwrap I have the UV map going on so so yeah   we need just one seam and we're good to go the  same is for cork let's just add one seam and then   we will be just you know selecting these like  that and just you to unwrap and then using the   text tools I use for these Starbucks tutorial  just Rectify this so with our models done let   me show you the step of texturing and as you see  here I already have the so I'll just disable all   of this and put the done bottle along with the  lighting so as you see here we have the bottle   done but let me explain how the textures are done  there are a few things you have to remember we   have in this case the displacement map we have the  gold map for this ambos circle or however you want   to call it and we have the graphic as you see all  of these are the same size so it's 5000 for 496   and all of these have the stuff in the same place  so as you see here displacement map we have these   letters in the same place as we have on the label  graphic and this is very important since we'll   have only one material and then we will have  these three different Maps plugged the way you   do the displacement map is with just you know if  I go to the smart object you'll notice that I have   only this rounded rectangles then I have this  circle going on and then I have with different   like shades of the of the gray these letters and  the reason of different shades is that when you   have the displacement map the value of the black  is actually the value of zero so you have with   the displacement Maps it's actually all about the  you know contrast so like we have here all these   different colors that means this will be different  displays like as you see here we have these the   levels of displacement are different here so just  this adds the variety and on top of this we have   the gaussian blur so we don't have like a sharp  displacement going on we have this done smoothly   and nicely and actually Arthur already made a  video where he presented this in more in-depth   way so make sure to check this out this story is  for Cinema 4D but the Photoshop part is for all   the softwares the same yeah very briefly going  on this is how you do the displacement map so   just with gaussian blur and then you put all the  stuff and yeah this is how you do this next part   is the label gold so here we have here's this is  the just the mask so we are basically cutting all   the stuff that is black will not be visible  on the Gold Label and here is just the labels   graphic and I also put together a simple text and  displacement so this is the made in blender going   on on this part here and we have these dots  and 18 years you might wonder how to actually   determine the size of this label and the way you  do this is you have to go to your model so let's   bring back the outer just select the part where  you will have the displacement going on let's you   to unwrap this go to the UV editing let's select  this and rectify rotate this and just you know   place it here do the screenshot and place it in  the Photoshop and then you will have to adjust   this further on sometimes you might notice if you  have the square perfectly when you have this like   tall bottle label would be very stretched so then  you go back to the Photoshop change your canvas   size to something like you have with my bottle  which is 5000 and then you know just adjusting   it and you'll be perfectly fine so now let's cover  how to actually put this thing together I will go   step by step with it so let's start obviously with  the displacement map as this is the most important   thing so breaking down our notes Here we have the  glass Shader which is just the glass okay nothing   more specular one roughness to 0 0 transmission  to 1 and ior24 yes I know I know the ior for glass   is something like 1.5 I guess something like that  but it depends also on the rendering that you have   so sometimes you have to go try other different  things so in this case index of 4 worked the best   so here we have our glass and let me plug only  the glass and show you the displacement so let's   go to the rendered and as you see here that's  how it looks only the displacement thing and   we have these plugged as PSD so whatever you just  make any change to the PSD file you have to go to   the user save the PSD and go to the UV editing  or you can also you know get the image editor   then select your PSD so just like that and then  image and reload and this this will just reload so   you'll have you know your stuff going on another  important thing is that in the displacement node   itself you have to manipulate with the mid level  and most likely go with the scale to really low   value because this will this is by default set to  1 which makes this bump really really big and the   next thing is that you have to go to settings go  to the material and change because by default for   whatever reason this is Bump only you have to go  and get displacement and bump otherwise this will   not render correctly that's how it looks like with  the displacement map the next thing we're adding   is the paper the paper layer that is the second  layer looks like that so we have just the paper   layer with the displacement going on we have to  obviously cut everything besides these black text   and the label so we do this using mix Shader and  we put inside the mix Trader the paper layer and   the glass layer and here is our mask I'll show  you how it looks like image editor just basically   cutting the gold part and cutting the label and  let's preview the mix Trader how it looks like   awesome just like that we have our first layer of  materials done without adding any objects for the   label itself and the last part is to add these  Golden Ring The Golden Circle so the way you do   this is by adding the textures from ambient CG for  the gold so you have this PBR textures and then I   just added a hue saturation value to get slightly  pink color and then in normal map I went crazy get   this to 4 so there are much more you know details  going on here we have the mask basically cutting   everything besides the white part and again just  plugging this mix Shader we had from with the   glass and the paper we're plugging this to the  bottom socket here we have the gold layer so the   gold layer only this gold texture just like that  and with this mix Shader we have everything put   together at the first glance this might seem  complicated but once you get into this you   will really understand the true potential of this  workflow this is how you do the displacement thing   going on and now let's go with the bottom part the  bottom part is very similar to what I did with the   body I just added another material that is only  for this bottom part if I select this as you see   here it's like that and I added the texture using  some projection mapping I can go to the UV editing   go with the text and displacement and so basically  the projection on that you just would go to the   seven if you have the bottle straight now I have  this angle to the render so that's final version   but if you have it straight you can just go to the  top or bottom view then select the faces that you   need and hit you and project from view this is  very very important and for this part where you   have this like ring going on the low hope it's  just you you unwrap and then Rectify and just   then you know aligning this and one thing that  could go wrong here is actually that you might   have this thing going on and on because it will be  by default repeat so as you see here we have many   made in blender text and you have to just click  extend and then you don't have this thing going   you know forever so yeah that's it for it the  next thing is to do the inner part and for the   inner part the material is super simple it's just  the glass material without any more thing here the   IR is too specular also could be went to one and  the color is Pure White by default it's something   like that so you have to just go there and put it  to Pure White and the last thing from materials   for the bottle is to create the fluid and the way  you do color in blender I figured out that the   best way is to just do it with volume absorption  node the base color wasn't always giving the best   results but with volume absorption the life is  just much better if I go to the rendered view   I'll just cut the rendering View and as you see  when I unplug the volume absorption I have Pure   White fluid and I plug this volume absorption  in I got the colored that's just the best way   of doing fluids and also colored glass in blender  the last thing for the cork is the same UV mapping   as with the bottle and here you have two materials  one material is the same gold we used before and   I'll include this link in the description and  the next material is for this wooden part which   is just called the cork as you see here so yeah  that's for the Cork and the next thing we we have   to go through is the lighting as for the lighting  we have five different lights but the light that   gives the color for the fluid is actually the  backlight as you see here with the backlight we   have all this cool color as you see it's just  the plane with the gradient going on just like   that we have one light behind we have left light  that adds the details here and we have the right   light for the bottle and this left and right  lights have some RGB curves to just add some as   you see here this adds some purple violet color  right there that adds the details to the to the   bottle rendering really cool and then we have two  accent lights that just add the color and shape   for these golden emboss Golden Ring the last thing  one of the last things actually would be to go to   the camera options and add the depth of field so  the way you do this and obviously with the focal   length go with something like here 120 millimeters  to really get this bottle very detailed very flat   looking when it's very near the camera so like  that we have to do this focal length very very   very macro I guess and yeah the next thing is  to add the depth of field controller so this   is just the empty as you see here just the empty  and then camera select depth of field and focus   object depth of field controller and then you know  just adjust this to your liking to what you want   to achieve in this case we wanted to really just  blur out everything besides the label and this   part of the circle and obviously these details  on the on the label so we wanted to blur out   this part with the with the cork that's how we  did this so with just the depth of field and as   for the render settings we go with render 10 000  samples the noise I have open image denies but   if you have the card with RTX then let's go with  Optics subdivision as I said you Max subdivisions   to eight so you don't have any strange errors then  dicing gray render one eight like that this Leaf   as default and dicing camera camera transparent  so you know you can add later on in Photoshop   your background and then filmic and very high  contrast just like that and as for the settings   in the for the bottle this is the only mesh that  has the Adaptive subdivision so dicing scale to   0.6 just like that all the other actually objects  just have the normal subdivision as they don't   need this adaptive subdivision and if you don't  know what adaptive subdivision is it's basically   the closer the object to the camera the more  details it has so it gives a really really high   subdivision values to the places of the bottle  that are very close to the camera and then for   the parts that are let's say behind so like this  side of the bottle these have less subdivisions to   you know don't kill our lovely computers so that's  how you do these kind of bottles in 3D I hope you   like this video and if you're looking to step up  your 3D game you can do this today by checking our   free training link is in the description thanks  for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Arthur Whitehead
Views: 17,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photorealistic bottle render, 3D modeling, Blender 3D, Product rendering, 3D design, Blender beginner tutorial, Realistic rendering, Blender materials, CGI rendering, Blender tips and tricks, 3D product visualization, Blender modeling techniques, 3D bottle design, Texturing in Blender, Blender rendering settings, Blender materials and textures, Blender lighting techniques, Blender photorealism, 3D rendering tutorial, bender
Id: RnXyP26DlJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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