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whomst killed captain alex

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/camarang 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Why Is This On YouTube

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Alphanage 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

this is the worst thing i have ever seen. who ever made this needs to be shot on sight.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Family friendly content

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/breachandclear40 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
oh this gardening is so much hard work Alex has put me to more slavery nonetheless I actually do enjoy gardening it makes the world a better place it grows the crops and it stops us from having to buy all this fake food in the supermarket so sowing the seeds will make the world a better place it will put people Alex in their place ok fine I do feel like everything is becoming a little bit easier in life things are going up I think finally we've got ourselves a garden worth screaming about I am so thirsty I am going to die of dehydration Alex I really needed to drink have a drink yes you can just make sure to be quick because I'm feeding socks ok socks good catch you know we such a good cat that's better than you isn't he sees well it don't be like that I'm doing the gardening yeah yeah you should be doing ok I've got myself a drink come on man hurry up I'm going quickly stop it Alec oh yeah let me concentrate drink the drink Oh Alex oh my good you made me spill it is God happy where your socks are kissing we just attack oh you bad influence now oh well I'll just do the gardening and I'll just I'll just do everything won't I Alex ah so frustrating if you just let me drink my drink let me concentrate I could do things correctly mittens I mean socks your name changes every week ok your mittens to me though right socks anyway the point being is that you are the reason why I got blamed and I'm getting it in the neck so I concentrate when it goes back to gardening and everything is going to go a little bit smoother okay oh excuse me what are you doing we got you what what though what on earth was that you sound like you're a troll probably garden the gardener oh excuse me please you're ruining my garden alex is gonna get mad please stop it I'm a cop tickle pit bull to God be God please oh my goodness I don't want to have to kill this thing did you go see no good hat exotic something seems to be going well adding two dimensional equation okay could you grab dick I've got this okay Alex I'm coming so I stupid probably gobbling gobbling goner I could kill Alex right now I can end the pain kill you trolley table typical for doing give him a right after you troll comedy gotta give it up like that you stupid troll ah well thank you very much ah well thank you very much do you get back to work Alex I just saved your life I don't care where you go do it anyway you little insolent fool seriously you need to stop the described by Alex I'll do it I'll sweep the house seriously please to find a way to get rid of her I mean okay sweep the house think of or something think we'll wait for something to go by I've got a good idea I make a dummy version of me ax will never know she's that stupid this is my only trick that I've ever come up with that might actually work okay head on just looks like me mittens do not grasp me up okay arms on there oh my goodness is it such a good idea have a goodness Alex you're coming down the stairs I better hide by this over quick daddy the basement again and I know you don't want to go through the basement oh I know I mean get back as well I mean you're actually looking a lot more handsome I would just be the possible whole thing oh my goodness I was happening to me so well gorgeous wanna get a stain I love you mittens do not look she's kissing me means that I think Oh give me a hug well you love a good old heart don't you oh oh my goodness just you have to think okay the moment has come I cannot deal with Alex anymore not even if I get a divorce I need to figure out a way to get rid of her now it's time to build a plan time to think I had these switches I could blow her up I did to the moon I could bash her on the head and leave her in the middle of nowhere I could I could soar up a job at the little bits of feeder to pigs oh my goodness the endless opportunities I could turn you into a zombie I could shoot her with an arrow I could pretend she was evil no one would notice oh the plans the evil plan I could punch her in the face and she could go and leave me if you never want me again or I could just a bad joke I need to work out and realize how my strength oh yeah yeah oh my goodness get rid of Alex get rid of that one pop one out get rid of that be grated I'm feeling strong I am feeling so yes I'm just planning to kill you okay okay okay sir okay I'm planning to kill you I don't care just a bed okay Alex she's an idiot just a plan I'm just going to move I'm psyched that right that right that's left step by step by step that bad that bad like that oh yeah I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready for Hannah all over me how did she know was in it if she did she must have just saw I don't know what's going on she probably thought it was to be fair for a second time who knows I've been expecting it at all times no was in the garage but you know oh okay just get the bed it's not even that like a bed now [Music] it's time I've had enough of Alex it's my moment of truth I've been thinking of this plan I've had a precaution in place for kill Alex and don't look back and he's got on that mountain over there have something ready for Alex dear I'm just going to go out okay very nice seriously my time has come to get rid of Alex perfectly built specially placed building power which has everything I need you know what about here to make my way up to the top so no one else could climb up here ah perfect yeah in my house kids and I can even hear from here see she's that loud and ready think of all the times that we've had all the bad time okay don't say all the good times all the times you had together yes short of a bad but thing amazing so uh my life they were everything of work for I mean my house is evolved they have better cars we have a garden and it's all happy because of her hard work that's it I'm done take this Alex although I me oh my goodness he was so mad hopefully he doesn't know it's me it's a sniper it's miles away you would you no one would ever know that I did this Oh [Music] where am I oh my goodness that looks like some sort of electrical chair device waterboarding gear well oh my goodness I mean some torture chamber Alex please if you can hear me you've got to let me out I did not mean to snipe you I I swear this is an electrical chair and you think you can assassinate me but I've always had a plan B for you just in case you left me for more than a week I was always gonna kidnap you Alex please no no it's time for you to die little boy say goodbye he tried to kill me and I'm a woman I'm afraid power comes great responsibility ah nothing seems to be happening at it that's right right Alex have you ever tried maybe getting batteries when you plug this in oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: NitroLukeDX Kids TV
Views: 21,165,606
Rating: 4.4379702 out of 5
Keywords: KILLS ALEX, minecraft superhero, minecraft avengers, realistic minecraft, steve, minecraft in real life, realistic minecraft mod, realistic minecraft xbox, nitrolukedx, Kids, Minecraft, Funny, First Person, How to, Help, Xbox, minecraft xbox, no swearing, Minecraft Steve, TU49, top 5 realistic minecraft, funny minecraft animation, hands in minecraft, real minecraft, top minecraft animations, tu51, tu50, Murders
Id: -lBYyVCy2bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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