Blender 3 Realistic car animation tutorial | Beginner

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hello everyone hope you are fine today i'm excited to show you how i created this project if you are new to blender and you want to learn car animation this tutorial is made for you we are going to cover different topics like object import car animation on the path how to create a realistic road scene setup like buildings street lamps people etc lighting water drops with particles render settings composition in davinci resolve and after effect i know there is a lot to cover so let's dive in for the car if you don't have a model already rigged you can check my last tutorial where i show how to get free vehicles and how to rig them or you can simply download my c63 amg for free yep it's the one i use in my video it's a professional car ready for animation that i offer with the collaboration of ashwas cars the different links will be in the description okay let's import the car in our scene first i'm going to delete the default cube the power cube you go in file append and you look for the file you just downloaded the car so mine i think is here yep you select the blend file you click on append you go in object you press a with your keyboard and append again so normally here you will have the car in your scene then you select all the object starting with wgt you select everything and you press h to hide so as you can see now you have your car imported in your scene it's already rigged so ready for animation now let's install the rigo car addon it's an addon that will help us for the animation the link will be in the description so you go here on digit and you click on and you download the version 7. to install this add-on you go in um edit preferences add-ons install and you look for the add-on the file that you just downloaded so mine i think it's in plug-in yep regular car addon you click on install addon then you should have the add-on here and you just have to activate the the checkbox here and normally if you click on the car and on the rig you press n and you will have the regular car addon here okay so we have the addon installed we have everything that you need to start the animation as i told you for the car animation the method i use is to create a path that the car will follow so let's do this first i will delete this light you press shift a you go in curve and path let's move this path a little bit so g x to move it on the x axis axis so before we rotate this path i would like to check its direction so you go in edit mode you can go in edit mode here or you can just select the path and press tab and then you go here in a viewport overlays and you select normals so now you can see where the what is the direction of the pass with those little arrows so i go back in object mode and now i will rotate this on the z-axis so like this so minus 90 degrees so if i check again i can see that i am on the right direction let's scale it a little bit so s and like this perfect and now that we have a path of course we will design our path a little bit better after but the first thing we are going to do is to attach the car to this path and to do so you you click on the rig and you go in pause mode so to go in pause mode you can come here again and click pause mode or you can simply press control tab on your keyboard to go in pause mode when you will be in pause mode it will be indicated here and you have the rigging colors so you will select the blue one this one and you go in bone constraint properties okay it's very important the blue one the blue bone bone constraint properties and you click on add bone constraint and you select follow path okay then we're gonna tell him which which path to follow so you can select the path we just created and maybe i'm gonna name my path okay now we have the car attached to the to the path because we want the the car to follow this path we click on follow curve and we want the offset to go from zero to one it will be easier for us for the animation so you will click on fixed position here actually the car is going the wrong direction because if i move the offset factor as i told you from zero to one as you can see it's working fine but not in the in the correct direction to fix that we know that this is the y-axis okay when it's going in this direction is the y-axis and for us the car will go in this direction so the forward axis is minus y so here we select minus y and now we have the car in the right direction but one more thing the car if we do this offset factor again zero to one as you can see it's not starting at the beginning of the path and it's not ending at the end of the path so to fix that you select your your car and you go here on object properties okay object properties and if you don't have the car starting at the right place you should have something here so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna delete this y coordinate and now i have the car starting exactly at the right position let's see how to animate the car on the path so we are still in pause mode you click on the rig the blue one you go in bond constraint properties and you place your mouse your cursor on the offset factor on frame one on the offset factor at value zero you press i on the keyboard to insert the keyframe and for example let's go in frame 100 and then and now the factor you put the value zero one sorry as you can see now we are at the end of the path and i again to insert another keyframe if i go back in frame 1 and i press spacebar on the keyboard you have this animation perfect and this is how we are going to animate the car on the path but one thing here as you can see the the car is accelerating at the beginning and slowing down at the end and it might be something you want for a project but for this project we want the card to have a linear animation a linear speed so to do that you go back in the timeline here you press a on your keyboard to select all the keyframes right click interpolation mode and you choose linear and now if i play the animation again you will see that the car has the same speed during all the the path okay one more thing here for this example if i select bring again okay we see that we have 100 frames to do the whole path okay so if we want the car to be slower for example we could add some more frames for example 1 and 50 oh sorry just the other one the the end i mean 150 frames and now you allow the car to do these same distance but this time on 150 frames it means that it's going to be slower if you want the car to be faster you just put 40 frames for example and now you do it again and as you can see my car is much faster so this is how we are going to control the speed of the car when we will have finished to design our path and this is exactly what we are going to do now to finalize our path so we are still in pause mode we need to go back in object mode select the path and actually it's around 20 meters long let's make it 330 meters long and i will explain to you why after click on the car go back in pause mode click on the blue rig and you already have two keyframes normally and maybe you have one keyframe at 40 frames like me what you're going to do you're going to move the the end the second keyframes to the end of the animation let's say we want our animation to be 250 frames okay so let's see go back in object mode and press space bar now as you can see our car is moving along the path and the path is 330 meters long but it's really difficult to tell when we'll have all the buildings all the stuff is this speed good good enough or is it fast enough or is it too slow so to know exactly what is the speed of your car it's a it's a very easy it's just some math if we go in the output properties you notice that we are actually at 40 24 frames sorry per second we actually have 250 frames divided by 24 that's 10 seconds 0.4 so the car is taking 10.4 seconds to travel the 330 meters so let's do some math don't worry it's going to be quick so i just said 330 meters 10.4 seconds so 330 meters is like 0.33 kilometers and 10.4 so if we need the speed in kilometer per kilometer per hour what is the distance for 3600 seconds so the distance will be um sorry equal this multiply by this maybe and divide by this so it's around 114 kilometer hour per second and i think 104 kilometer per second is a very good speed if we consider that our animation will be in the middle of the town on a small street with a lot of cars around so that's why i think this distance is pretty good but now you know how to calculate the speed of your car so feel free to to change any values to to match your you need to fit your your project i used to do that by eye but i think it's more accurate to do that using this little calculation in order to check if your car is fast enough for for your animation in conclusion let's make a path that is 330 meters long the way we scale our path is not good but i wanted to do it like that to show you a common issue that people have if i go now if i select my path and i go in edit mode and let's select a control point if i move it on the x-axis as you can see my car is flipping around let me show you here again look at my car see you see it's flipping around and this is really a common issue that people have when they scale directly the the path using the x dimension so let's fix that let's go back in 21 meters and now if you move the control point again on the x-axis as you can see it's working just fine to give the correct length to our path we are going to extrude the last control point here so you click on the last control point you press e and y to extrude on the y axis and you do it a few times like that you will understand why we need some several control points and maybe your last time and if i check i have now my path which is a little bit long so let me scale it down just like that okay that's perfect and now if i move the control point and i go back in edit mode and i move the control point oh sorry maybe this one it's working just fine okay and now i can create curves on my on my path and my car will follow it correctly so remember if you have this issue your car flipping around when you try to add some curves to your path you should not scale it directly but you should add some control points using the extrude function in edit mode okay now to make our animation a little bit sexy because let's be honest at the moment it's pretty ugly let's curve our path at this point i will curve it a little bit so g x like that no maybe it's too too hard so i will move this control point here and do the curve here like that yeah i prefer that okay maybe this one also a little bit okay cool and let's add a curve here also maybe the other side just like that and why not here another curve here and let's see okay cool so now i have some curves on my path so the animation is a little bit more interesting let's check again last time yes you see your car is moving and following the curves so now it's up to you how many curves you want how how how big you want your curves you just have to play with those control points you press g and x to move your path on the x-axis to create a curve now you know how to create some sexiness on your path just add some curves and don't forget to extrude your path when you want to to make it longer now let's finalize the car animation and in order to do so let's place the camera behind the car because this is what i wanted for this project to have the camera following the car from behind so i click on the car and you place your view behind the car you click on your camera and you press ctrl alt 0 on your keyboard if you can't reframe your camera like me it's maybe because you don't have the in the in the view tab you don't have the camera to view activated if you don't have it activated anytime you will move the camera you will go out of the camera view so if you want to stay in the camera view you just check this box camera to view and now you can reframe your shot so click on camera and go to frame 1 and you press i on your keyboard you press 0 to go out and go on frame 250 you click on your car and ctrl alt 0 again don't forget to click on your camera and i again to insert another keyframe at 250 frames so now if i go in camera view when i'm playing the animation you have this but because our car is on an interpolation mode linear we have to do the same for the camera okay and now our camera is following our car actually let me just correct one thing in order to see correctly the the car uh at the end i want my camera to be more like this maybe okay and i press i again so now yes now my camera is correctly following my car kinda so why i wanted to have this camera behind the car right now it's because i wanted to animate this control for the centrifugal force to help with this animation we are going to split our screen so you go on the top left corner until you have this little cross air and you drag your screen in the middle on the left panel you click on zero to activate the camera view you go in view if you don't have those tabs you just press n you go in view and you untick camera to view then you press plus on your numpad until you have the camera filling your screen and now if you want you can tick again camera to view okay let's animate this control now you go in the middle of the curve of your curve so maybe around here and you go in pause mode you select the control you want to animate you press g and x to move it on the x-axis and by i you check what your car should do if you apply the centrifugal force maybe something like that when you're happy you press i on your keyboard but now your car is always in this position so you have to start the animation at the point so maybe we could start the animation at the beginning of the curve so maybe here so here you click on the control again on item and you put the x to zero so it's going back into the original position and now you press i again so if you check the animation now as you can see my car is simulating the fact that the certificate force is applied to to it okay perfect and let's say that it should become normal just there so item again x 0 to go back to the origin and i so now you see i add some realism to my animation because i have applied the certificate centrifugal force all you have to do is to create one keyframe at position zero then you go in the middle of your curve and you move this control until you have something you like and you add another keyframe and then the last keyframe to go back to the origin and you can do that for all the curves you have on your path and this is why i wanted this camera on the back already because i know that the final camera animation will be from behind so now i can already check if it's looking good even if it's not the final camera animation i can already tell that it's working for me let's take care of the last animations now the steering and the wheels and thanks to the regular car addon it's very easy to do so you just click on the rig you go in the regular car addon and you click bake clustering okay and bake real rotations okay as you can see now we have key points created automatically by the addon and now if you look at the camera here we have our wheels and steering animated just like that perfect the car animation is over and we can focus now on building the scene and we will start with the road let's close this panel for now so you go in the middle until you have those two arrows and right click join areas and you close this one we go back in object mode shift a and mesh plane that will be our road and for the dimensions you press n you go on item to see this item dimension and we want the road to be 14 meter on the x and 7 meters on the y-axis let's rotate this plane so rotation on the z-axis 90 degrees perfect and now we are going to texture this plane for the texture of the road you will need some files those files and i will put the link in the description so you can follow along you click on your plane and you go in shading because you are going to take care of the material on the road once you are in shading be sure to be on the material preview mode we already have the plane selected and now we click on new to add the principal bsdf so we can start to create the material for the road here you can change the color of the road if you want but in our case we are going to use an image for that for the base color so in the files you just downloaded for the road you will take this file the base color one and you drag and drop it in the shader editor and of course what we're going to do we're going to link the color of this image to the base color and now as you can see we already have a very good looking road and of course it's not over we need some details so now same thing we are going to take the normal and the roughness so you can select both files and drag them in the shader editors where is my roughness okay for the roughness you're going to connect it to the roughness of course and you will have something like that very glossy but it's okay for the moment and let's do the same for the normal but although i could connect the normal directly to the to the normal map we are not going to do that first let's add another node name bump so to add a node you press shift a click on search and you type the node name so bump in our case and here the color to the normal let me zoom in a little bit and the normal to the normal so now we have more details on the road actually we only have one image which is giving information to the base color what i want now is to have two images to give information to the base color so for that we have to add a new node shift a and the name is mix rgb so you click on mix rgb and you place it here nothing is changing but now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take the roughness and add it as color 2 and now if i go all the way to 1 it's not looking good of course but you can see that we are using a lot of information from the roughness and let's do something very subtle yeah maybe zero three is okay and let's do the same thing for the normal but this time we are going to plug the rostness to the eight so color to the eight and now look at this we have a beautiful road maybe it's a it's a little bit too much so i will lower the strength here until i have something that i like yes i think it's okay maybe a little bit less just like that so it's up to you now up to your taste to create the texture that you will need for your project now that we have a beautiful road let's place it in our scene i go back in layout and because my curves are mainly on the left side i will move my car on the right side of the road so g shift z just like that now let's duplicate this road using an array modifier so you click on modifier properties add modifier and array actually the road is going on the wrong side so for the factor x it's not one but minus one and let's duplicate the road now so on count you just raise the count and you want to go a little bit more further than the end of the path maybe 40 for my case okay it looks fine but there is i think one issue here because my curve is a little bit too big for the road yeah just here so the lazy solution that we use now is to scale the road on the x-axis so you click on the road and you press s for scale and x to scale it on the x-axis and i go some for something like that yes it's good okay there is another solution that i don't want to use the other solution would be to add another modifier let me go back in frame one so you click on the road in the modifier properties you add another modifier a curve modifier and you select for the curve you select the path so now as you can see my road is following the path but this is not something you want i mean this is not something i want for this animation because it's pretty boring let me show you so here as you can see my car is always following the road so it's a little bit it's a little bit boring for me let me show you the the difference if we don't add this modifier so the curve one we just did it so we have we are in on a straight line for the road and now as you can see my car is a little bit more crazy it's going on the wrong side of the road etc etc so it's more like a bad boy stuff you know and this is exactly what i want for this animation i don't want the car to follow the road but i want the car to be crazy and go on all sides of the road now we need some sidewalks but because it's not a modeling tutorial and i don't want it to be 10 days long i decided to just give you the assets so you can follow along for your information this sidewalk is coming from my city pack the link will be in the description if you have a slow computer or you need background objects for your animations and stills my city pack is perfect for that you will have tons of buildings skyscrapers street decorations for your project so if you like my work or you want to support the channel that would be a great way to do so when you have downloaded the sidewalk file you just open it and you should have a sidewalk you click on it ctrl c to copy and you go back in your scene ctrl v to paste okay now i just move the sidewalk and for the rotation you just put zero on the z rotation and i press seven to go on the top view you click on the sidewalk g shift z and you move it along the road like this you just want to cross the road a little bit so j x first like this it's okay and j z to move it on the z axis um yep that's okay perfect and now we will do what we did for the road so you click on the on the sidewalk you go in modifier properties add modifier array and this time the array is on the y minus 1 for the y perfect yes good and you just add the cons to to match your road something like that the sidewalk is a little bit small so i will add another one so i just click on the sidewalk and i press alt d and g x to move it like that so it's a little bit wider and maybe g z oh sorry this one g z and i will lower it yes now it's good you copy the both of them and ctrl j to join you select the sidewalk and alt d to duplicate and gx to move it and we have to turn it around so 180 degrees yes good let me go in top view again gy to move it like that guy and now we have just have to move it on the x-axis and we are all good now we have the sidewalks in place if we play the animation we can feel that there is something off with the the car movements actually there is no bumps and this is like it feels like we are driving in a living room so to fix that we are going to create some irregularities on the road you click on the road then you press tab to go in edit mode right click subdivide you click just here and 60 would be enough 60 cuts yes perfect and then let's add another modifier on the road so you click on modifier properties and add modifier and you select displace okay and now we can add a texture for this modifier so you click on new and now you go in texture there is the texture here so let's rename it like road bumps i like to go for clouds so now as you can see if you go in the camera view there is a lot of bumps on the road but the issue is our car is not following those bumps it's like ignoring everything on the road but we don't want that we want the the car to react to the to those bumps i click on the rig i go in the regular car addon and here you have ground sensors and we are going to tell the the rig that the road is displaying so for each different sensor you select here or this little photoshop thing color thing and you select the road for all all the different sensors so now we have the plane selected everywhere if we go back now as you can see our car is following the bumps correctly okay now obviously it's a little bit too much so let's fix the texture size 1.3 and depth 3 and then you go back in the modifier properties and for the strength i will lower it to zero zero six okay let's see again now and now you see our car is moving like there was uh like there were little bumps on the road so it's adding again to the realism of the animation i'm very sorry the tutorial is already 30 minutes long and i prefer not to rush the other parts so allow me a couple of days and i will finalize the next video including some surprises for you guys if you have questions please ask them in the comment section i will be happy to help and i answer fairly quickly to all comments stay tuned for the final part of this tutorial take care [Music] you
Channel: JeanYan 3D
Views: 999,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender car animation tutorial, blender car animation tutorial for beginners, blender realistic car animation full tutorial beginner, blender car animation tutorial for begginers, blender tutorial, blender car tutorial, blender tutorial 2022, blender beginner tutorial, learn blender, how to animate blender, blender animation, blender 3d, blender beginner, blender car animation, 3d car animation tutorial blender, blender tutorial for beginners 2022, learn blender 3, animation, car
Id: y_cVQo5qA_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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