Create a pro car animation in Blender in just 15 minutes! Complete tutorial start to finish.

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hi guys i'm leo from mediaway and today we're going to create this really cool car animation in blender in just 15 minutes using only three assets and materials you can get from the internet very very easily we're going to cover hdris compositing setting up the camera and animation motion blur and loads more i'm hoping to give you some great tips you didn't know before okay let's get [Music] started press a to select everything then x to delete everything right first of all we're going to use this great add-on called blender kit if you go into your preferences and then search for bender kit so blender kit is a really brilliant library of models and materials it's all free to use and it's already built into blender you've got to use it it's great right so we're going to search first of all for a bridge and you just click it to add it into your scene uh we just press a to select it and we're going to get s to scale i'm going to press type 20 to scale it to 20 times bigger so now you can see it okay so the next thing we're going to add is a street lamp so i'm just going to shift right click in the center of the bridge this will make sure that the street lamp arrives in here let's just type in street lamp and here we can see in blender kit and we are going to use this one here modern street lamp okay that's just brought it in here quick shortcut if you press the period key uh on your number pad whatever selected will be zoomed in to the display so you can see it all it's a really quick way to sort of get around right just sort out the rotation and scale of this just reset that and we're going to scale this up to two times i think the size scale two and that's it and we'll just grab it on the z-axis g to grab zed to move on the z-axis i'm just gonna move it down so you can't see the base um now next thing i'm gonna do is use the array modifier so if i just select this again you might have to twiddle this down and press select the lamp and you can click the little wrench icon and add the array modifier we want quite a few of these so we're going to have yeah 50 or so of these and we need to spread them out a bit along the bridge so just spread them out till it kind of looks about right and then i'm just going to press g to grab an x to move along the x-axis and we'll just move them so they're kind of spanning sort of spanning the length of the bridge like that okay so the final thing i'm going to add is our car so again shift right click to move your 3d cursor we're we're gonna have a mclaren because why not they are great cars and there it is so we're just gonna drag drop this onto the bridge just here now it's loaded in you can see it let's just use the period key just to zoom in a bit there so what we'll do we'll select this we'll just rotate it on the z axis by 90 degrees so it's there and finished no just kidding okay so the next thing i'm gonna do let's just have a look at this in the rendered view so we are going to need some light so what we'll do let's just change the render engine to cycles select that to gpu so it's a bit faster i think 64 should be enough we'll have adaptive sampling on as well and we'll also turn on denoising and the other thing we want to add is motion blur so we'll select that for later okay so now this is starting to look a bit interesting so we're going to add in a hdri now so if you go to the world settings and click on this little dot next to where it says color choose an environment texture now i got this hdri from polyhaven i'll put the link in the description below um and we'll choose let's find it begins with a k let's see if i can pronounce it clopanheim o2 so this is kind of like a starry image it's got a nighttime image got some nice lights in the background it should look quite cool it's a bit bright at the minute so we're just going to take the strength down to 0.1 that's it it's a bit darker adds a bit more atmosphere now okay so let's just come out of uh look dev mode right so the next thing we want to do is have some motion blur on these wheels so when they're spinning around it looks like they're actually moving so at the minute you can see the wheels are all sort of one object so we're going to tap into edit mode and what we're going to do we're going to kind of cheat a little bit so instead of rigging the car up which might take a bit of time we're just going to see these spokes on the wheel we're actually just going to animate these spokes so if i just hover over a spoke press l that sure links everything your mouse is over that's quite good and then press p and we're going to separate it via selection so basically everything we've selected now is actually going to be like a separate object that we can animate separately so if we just have a look at this let's find where where it is so if i just tab out of edit mode here right so it's plain one i'll just rename this to back rim and we're going to do the same on the next wheel which is this one so just tab back into edit mode hover over the the rim press l to link it press p to separate by selection and tab back into edit mode now you can select this and we're going to call this front rim so normally you'd want to do this on both sides of the car to animate all the wheels but for for this animation we're only going to see the car from this side so it's a bit of a cheeky shortcut so now if we try and press r to rotate you can see we've got something bit funky going on so what we actually need to do is adjust the origin of this um wheel so it rotates around the center rather than just anywhere so with the uh the wheel selected the rim selected go to object set origin origin geometry now if we rotate it press r and then press y rotate it it rotates around the um the y-axis quite nicely i'm gonna do the same with this front wheel so object set origin to geometry rotate again around the wire okay so finally we're kind of getting somewhere now so we've got the wheels separated so we're going to have some nice motion blur so what we'll do we'll get the wheels spinning on their own for now so the next thing we need to do is have these rotating as throughout the animation so we get some nice motion blur going on these the rims as the car moves around so we'll go to frame one and as you can see we need to rotate on the x-axis so what we'll do we'll use a driver here instead so we'll press hashtag frame let me type that right times two and what this will do is it'll take the frame number whatever it is frame 11 times it by two and it'll make that the number of degrees so basically now by moving the frames through here you can see it spins around we'll do the same on the front one hashtag frame times two and now you can see both wheels are moving pretty fast when we spin through the timeline okay so the next thing we need to do uh let's just have a quick look at the render now so um we're gonna add a camera ctrl a sorry shift a add the camera uh another good shortcut for set to quickly setting up a camera you can see at the minute it's kind of just in the middle of the where the 3d cursor is so kind of get it in your viewpoint where you want to start and you press ctrl alt 0 and that sets the camera up to the exact same place you're looking from so if we press f12 do a render okay it started to look quite interesting now so let's just save our file so the street's a little bit dark so we're going to actually use it's an emissive tier material coming from this lamp so we're actually going to go to the lamp we're going to click on the um the cylinder to get to the materials you'll see here there's three materials been used on this lamp and we're going to select the light material which is this one you see it's an emission shader we're just going to twirl this down i'm just going to set the strength up to 500 right that should make it a bit lighter and now if i just press naught to get to the camera view again and press f12 okay we can see the street's looking a bit lighter now that's a bit better okay right the next thing i'm gonna do i'm just gonna um quickly on the render settings just change this to optics x i'm just gonna render it again so we've got our car we've got the wheels done we've got the environment set up so now we need to actually move the car on the road so we're going to select the mclaren there just going to zoom out we are going to set to frame naught press g to grab the car x to grab it on the x axis and we're going to start it right at the beginning of the bridge and press i to set a keyframe location i'm going to skip to the end of the animation we're going to press g to grab it and x to constrain to the x axis put it to the end of the bridge and we're going to press i again another location so now we've got two keyframes and you can see well let's just zoom in a little bit you can see the car is whizzing along the bridge so the other thing i'm going to do um because at the minute blender automatically starts keyframes of um with the like a bezier curve so it's slow moves slowly to begin with and speeds up so we're going to change the frame interpolation between these points by pressing t we're going to set it to linear so now the car starts moving fast straight away so we'll get to frame naught let's set the camera up next zoom into the car so you can do that by pressing period on the number pad we'll set the starting shot to be here so ctrl alt 0 and where's my camera going let's find the camera there you are and we're going to pair up the camera to the car so we'll firstly select the camera hold down control select the mclaren and press control p to parent object and keep the transform so now when we move the animation playhead the camera is sucked to the car i'm gonna add some depth of field onto the camera so just select the camera again in your viewport set the camera icon add depth of field f1 should give us a nice blurry background we're going to in the viewport if you click show limits you can actually see where the focus point is and you can change the focus point by moving this distance i think here so we'll start there and we'll push that to have a little keyframe on the focus distance as well okay so now we've kind of got this nice cool blurry light in the background and the car looks nice and sharp but let's just render that okay start to look really cool now okay so what we do we'll set some points for animation so we'll start off the animation with the camera at the back about halfway through let's move the camera around again so uh what we could do again we can use our sort of viewport find a nice view of the car let's move it to about the side of the car and we'll press ctrl command ctrl alt zero to get the camera roughly in the right position now another cool trick to move the camera around is to hold down shift and the key on your keyboard it should be under the escape key and that lets you kind of move the camera with the mouse and you can also control the camera in and out with w and s forward and backwards a and d pans left and right then q and e move the camera up and down so it's kind of like controlling it like that so find another viewpoint that looks good to me um press i for another our camera thing i've just remembered we should have to location and scale so let's just do that on the first one just move that down a bit in fact let's give it a bit of a bit of a tilt as well that's pretty cool okay so press i to update the location scale at the start of the animation now as you can see as we move the playhead forward the camera pans around and then we'll do another movement at the end so it's shift and whatever key this is called and we'll just move the camera around the front of the car let's go down a bit kind of have a nice cooler cool look from the front and i might add a bit more tilt again on that let's just tilt it a little bit there okay and that can be the end of our animation so i to lock the location and scale so we've got three key points now so i'm just going to tweak this a little bit so here at this point we'll add another keyframe here just to move the camera a little bit better around the car okay you can kind of tweak this all you like till you get something that you're happy with i'm gonna just add in another keyframe again there that's better so the car is kind of mostly centered now right so we've got a nice animation set up so the final thing we're going to do is have a look at the compositor so let's just pull up let's just render a frame okay so we're going to just move into the capacitor now so you get the compositing tab at the top click use nodes okay we've got a little render layers thing so what we're going to do i'm going to add in in fact let's add the viewer as well so shift a just search for the viewer and of course that's what we need to do we need to plug it in there if you just do it hold down shift and with the right mouse button just draw a line across that kind of does this nice little joiny uppy thing which is handy so now we can see the image in the viewer behind so we gotta add in the glare node and that kind of gives these nice kind of starry effects let's go for two of those um let's just change the mix down so it's just they're just a bit visible um and then we're also going to add in a lens distortion node and we'll just add a little bit of yeah not as much as that a little bit of dispersion just to give those kind of nice little bright colored sort of speckles around the light great now what we need to do is render the animation so let's just uh set up our output properties so find a folder call it render set this to fxff mpeg video set the encoding to mpeg4 um you can probably just change that up a little bit and that's it and we'll go for 30 frames per second and then press render animation thanks guys hope you enjoyed that this animation can still be extended in loads of ways you could add extra cars we could add in other camera angles we could do all sorts of things to make it even cooler i'm going to leave that with you for now like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and hopefully i'll see you on the next one [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: MediaWay
Views: 18,118
Rating: 4.9590163 out of 5
Id: mISW4jLc4aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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