Realistic background blur in Photoshop 2020 New Features:Object Select, Lens Blur

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right now I'm gonna show you a couple of the new features inside of Photoshop 2020 which is gonna enable us to get that beautiful out-of-focus background effect there's two things we're gonna look at one which takes advantage of the def map from the latest mobile phones and then we're gonna look at any photograph using the amazing selection tools now how to build our own death map and create that beautiful bokeh out-of-focus effect [Music] hey it's cullen smith here from photoshop cafe comm and today we're gonna have a look at a couple of the new features inside of photoshop 2020 so what we're gonna do is we're going to be looking at creating a background blur we're gonna look at a new feature inside of lens blur and then we're also gonna have a look at the amazing object selection tool when we go to build our own def map so why don't we start with creating a beautiful background of blur effect and we're gonna stop a photo from a mobile phone but don't worry about i'm gonna show you how to use it on regular photos as well so if we look here at a photo that was taken on an iphone 11 pro this was an hei c-- format if we look under the channel you'll notice that there's a death map so it creates an additional channel and this channel what it does is it uses computational photography to determine the edges and the distance from the viewer of the different objects in the photograph and it builds what's known as a deaf map which is what we're looking at so as things get further away they get lighter as they get closer they get darker it's very similar to what they use in 3d actually and if we look at it see how it's mapping to the different objects and their distance so that's what portrait mode does and generally speaking we make all these adjustments on the phone but now we can do this inside of Photoshop very easily using this particular feature now the Deaf Maps do work in previous versions of Photoshop but let's have a look at the new features right now so if we want to view this we just choose filter and we're gonna go and choose blur and then we're gonna go down and grab our lens blur so if we turn on lens blur here's the photograph and we can adjust the radius to give it more or less blur let's give it more blurred and make it really obvious what working with excellent now let me show you the new feature we have the set focal point here and this enables us to take this photograph with the depth map and focus it in post just like we would in a camera so all we need to do is click on the area that we want to be sharp and notice how this area becomes sharp it throws the background off we could click on the background or we could go through here each one of these levels clicking in these different areas look at this and then it just rec focuses this photograph so that's really cool now let me show you how to do that to a regular photo ok so here's a photograph that's very flat looking because everything's stripe and everything's in focus we want to give it that expensive lens look now you don't always have that expensive lens on you maybe you don't even own a camera that's capable of it or you weren't using that camera or maybe you just have a photograph that was given to you there's many reasons that you're not gonna do it in camera because a lot of people I said well just an in camera well I have this photograph it's already shot I kind of do it in camera now go go back so let's create this effect right now alright so the first thing we want to do is we want to build a death map so what that means is we need to define a foreground mid-ground background foregrounds a person mid grounds the arch background of the buildings so let's go ahead and make the selections and build out our death map so the first thing I want to do is make a selection so I'm just going to go up to my selection tools now in 2020 you'll notice that on top now we have the object selection rather than the quick selection any of these are gonna enable us to turn on select subject alright so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna choose select subject and then when we do Photoshop is gonna examine the photo it knows the person with the umbrellas the subject uses a I known as Adobe sensei to make that selection now let's have a look between the legs here we want to take away the selection there so that we cut out that whole so what we're going to do here is when we've got our object selection we've got two options lasso rectangle let's choose the rectangle option now if I hold down the alt or the option key is going to take away from the selection so I'm just gonna click and drag roughly around that area release let Photoshop do all the work look at that made the selection and love this new feature so I'm gonna hit ctrl J or command j to copy this person to a new layer now I want to fill them with black because I want them to be the most forward object inside of the photo so I'm just gonna the D key to reset foreground background colors and now we're gonna fill with the foreground color so we're gonna hit the option key which would be Alt on Windows and the shift key the shift key will protect transparency and now we're just gonna hit the delete backspace and that fills that with black and we can see we've got that so I'm gonna hide it now we're gonna work on the mid-ground I want this arch here to be a mid-ground in fact I'm just gonna zoom in a little bit so we can see those edges you know it has an extra tip make sure you know it zoomed all the way in missed parts of your photo alright what we're gonna do though is we're gonna go from rectangle I'm gonna go to the lasso mode and I'm just gonna go around here and make a selection all the way around this arch now it's not gonna be a perfect selection obviously whoops and that's okay so we're just gonna let it do its work all right pretty good now to add to it hold down the shift key and I'm just gonna go around there and we can touch up those areas see that area in there I don't want our option and see how it just saves you a lot of work let's add the other side so I'm gonna hold down the shift key make a selection on rough selection around this arch tell it hey I want to select this object it adds that to the selection great so we've got a couple more areas we want to pick up what I want to do is I want to pick up this traffic light so I'm just holding down the shift key again I'm gonna tour around that traffic light I'm gonna grab this pole just remember shift key is gonna add option key is going to take away let's see if we can grab that bird even let's see how good this is look at that grab that even I was really bad let's grab down here you have this traffic light pretty good alright and I'm just gonna pick up those little bits there alright why don't we grab these cars and add all this stuff as well because this is kind of more foreground than it is background or mid-ground alright so rather than trying to get and here where it keeps thinking and taking more time I'm gonna grab my lasso tool just a regular lasso and then just hit the plus key the shift key for the plus and I'm just gonna draw around here and this is just gonna quickly make this selection for me now just save a little time there we go and the same thing over here let's just grab that area although we probably could use Adobe the object solution to grab those but that's looking pretty good and let me also go down here just adding this great I also want to grab this lamp let's go back to our object selection holding down that Shift key let's make a selection around the lamp and it picks that up and see if we can get this look at that pretty good alright so what we want to do now is we want to copy all of this to a new layer so we're gonna hit ctrl or command J to move it to a new layer and let's see what we've got so there's our foreground there's our mid ground and for a background we're just gonna add white so what I'm gonna do is hit the ctrl or command key just hold that down when we create the new layer icon notice by the way it is now a little square 4 + 4 the new layer they've changed the icon so I've got that layer and it's just full of white so I've got white right now as the background so command ctrl is gonna use the background and name shift or delete to fill it with white so right now we've got adds three different layers now what I want to do is I'm gonna take this middle ground and I'm just gonna lock the transparency and what I want to do is just fill this with grey so I'm just gonna hit shift delete or shift return and it brings up the fill dialog box let's grab 50% grey and click OK so now we've got our foreground a background and a mid ground ok let me just pull this down so we can see all the different layers there ok so here's the thing we could have foreground got a background we've got a mid ground which is great but right now it would just look like a piece of card so what we want to do is we want to add a little dimension to it we want it to kind of moving from the foreground into that mid ground so the way to do that is to grab a gradient so we're gonna grab that gradient tool right now we're gonna click on the gradient editor at the top there go in to basics and we're gonna grab foreground and background now you might have noticed all our gradients and now inside these little folders with lots of new gradients for you to play with but we get to stop foreground a background and we know the foreground is black the background rather than being white we're gonna click on it choose the color swash and then we're gonna sample that gray and click OK so now it's gonna create a gradient where we can go from the black to the grey so why don't we just apply that across on the side and notice because we've locked that transparency we're not going outside of the bounds now this is going to cause a gradual movement there which is gonna be much better we want to do it the other side now here's a problem if I just click and drag like that notice it replaces the other gradient so what we need to do is just go up there under our basics I'm gonna change it to foreground to transparent and now we can add the gradient theorem and we congrat it from the bottom and see how we're just adding those gradients in there now and it's not affecting the other ones in fact let me just go a little bit more there that's nice alright what we need to do though is in order to get this to blend in we need to do a ground planes so we're just gonna create a layer underneath hit the control and new layer icon gives us a new layer and then why don't we hide everything for now so we can see where we want to put it I'm gonna use my rectangle selection tool click from the bottom and I'm gonna drag up to there now why am i choosing there I'm looking for where the building is meeting the road so we want this depth to go all the way up to there building but then this plane is pretty much at the same distance from the viewer so we don't want to put a gradient on there all right great so let's turn all our liners back on okay so let's grab our foreground to background and we just gonna go in here once again click this stop and we're gonna sample that color but what we want to do is we want to make that color just a little bit lighter so we're going to select it here and I'm just gonna lighten it up a little bit and the reason for that is that we're actually going past here so we want it to be a little lighter at the top so let's apply that gradient on the new layer so we're going to stop from here we definitely want to black around her feet the reason for that is if something is anchored to the ground it needs to be the same shade otherwise it's going to look like it's just floating in the air and it's gonna look strange so there we go would create a nice gradient going from the dark to the lighter color up there so that's gonna work nicely for our purposes now there's one more thing that we need to do and we need to just kind of blur this line otherwise it's gonna be a little too thick and a little too obvious so we're gonna choose filter blur can i grab at Gaussian blur and I want a nice soft edge and that'll just blend in nicely see how that's just creating more of that beautiful gradient effect where it's fading off now what I'm gonna do just lightness up ever so slightly because I notice it's lighter here than it is there so I'm just gonna hit ctrl L command L on Mac for levels and then we're gonna take our mid-tones and just lighten those up just as Ted so that the front there is the same shade all right so we've got those pretty close to each other click OK and that's gonna give us what we want now what we need to do is we need to turn this into our map so what we're gonna do is select all these layers and rather than flatten them we're going to right click and we're going to convert to a smart object now the reason we put them in a smart object is if we find that things need to be touched up sets as little gaps here and if those become a problem we might have to go back in and retouch it so what we're going to do now is we want to make a death map so we're gonna hit ctrl a to select all control command C to copy it now we're gonna go to a channel and when you go to create our death map so we can create a new channel by clicking here and now we're just gonna paste in what we copied control-v come on V on Mac place it in turn off my selection and there we go we have our alpha Channel so what we want to do now is click on RGB at the top make sure that alpha is not on if it looks like this turn the eye off make sure just the RGB selected go back to our layer we're gonna hide a deaf map layer and we're gonna work on the background what I'm gonna do though is I'm just gonna make a quick copy so I can show you a before and after you don't need to do this alright now we're ready to just go in and use our lens blur so we're gonna choose filter blur go down to our lens blur so what we want to do is we want to turn up a little bit of the radius so we can get it some blur notice the whole photograph is blurry that's because I haven't selected my source yet so you want to just go down and choose alpha 1 because that's what that channel was called and then when we select that notice it picks up the death map now we can use our focal point to click in the background set that InFocus we can set our person in focus we can go down the road look at this just following the gradient and see how we're choosing different focal planes now this is obviously too blurred let's bring it back to a more reasonable level which be maybe around here so there we go maybe a little bit more so we're on our background and focus you know so we're looking at the building or we could choose our foreground so we're looking at the person with the boating in the background and we're just gonna click OK to apply it right now this is part of a series of the Photoshop 20/20 new features so I've got several of those videos encourage you to just click around and watch some of the other videos as well and I'm also curious what is your favorite feature so far inside a Photoshop 20/20 let me know in the comments underneath and so if you like these kind of tutorials consider subscribing to photoshop cafe all you need to do is click there subscribe button and I usually upload a new tutorial every single week generally on a Tuesday make sure you ring the notification bell so you know when I upload it and so anyway guys if you liked this smash the like button into dust and until next time I'll see you at the cafe [Music]
Channel: photoshopCAFE
Views: 58,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, Photoshop 2020, Photoshop CC 2020, new feature, new in photoshop, whats new, photoshop update, how to, tutorial, Colin Smith, colin smith tutorial, photoshopcafe, photoshopcafe tutorial, how to use photoshop, learn photoshop, blur background, background blur, focus, out of focus, bokeh, depth of field, lens blur, heic, heif, depth map, blur in photoshop, portrait mode, iphone, pixel
Id: l_yjO8dQtBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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