RealFlow For C4D: The Crown Daemon

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[Music] hey guys it's Sam for digital meat and in this real flow for cinema 4d tutorial we're gonna be looking at the crown demon now I apologize if I sound a little bit weird I've not been very well over the last few days so that's why okay so in my scene you can see that I've already got a real flow stack in here and there's no emitter there's nothing in there I've got this container object if I just hide this this is my container and it's already got a volume tag on it and this is my fill object so this is what I'm gonna be filling this is the object I'll be filling with particles using the filler mirror now if you don't know what I'm talking about you'll probably want to go back through my tutorials so if you can do that two ways you can go to my youtube channel and go to playlists and find realflow c4d and it's in order so the oldest will be at the bottom so this is the beginning the basic and the emitters and I work through some of the demons I also cover the kleiner tag and the viscous solve or the mesh oh that kind of thing so if you're not familiar with this I'd go back through those tutorials you can also find it on my website as well if you go to the tutorial page and then filter by real flow cinema 4d you'll find them all here okay so let's get on with this the crown demon what is the point what what does it do the crown b'man it's basically so you can create customizable crown splashes and you see this kind of thing in advertising so a drop of water going into a another body of water and a slow-motion crown splash or something like that like I said this kind of splash can normally be observed when the drop of water is falling into onto a water's surface you'll see a ring rising and then due to the fluid surface tension the borders are contracting forming small droplets so that gives you this sort of typical crown shaped look so let's have a look at that and how we can how we can achieve that first things first I'm going to need to fill this object with fluid Celeste do that let's go to real flow emitters fill and we've got this emitter now and it's also created this fluid and if we go into our emitter it's it's already set to fill yeah I chose fill and it's asking for a body so that'll be this fill object so I'm gonna drag down and I'm just going to hide the fill objects we don't need to see that and as you can see we can see our particles now you may not be able to so I'm going to go to fluid just display and then the size of the particles in the editor I'm gonna crank up to 5 so you guys can see them I'm also gonna run I think I love this slightly as well just so that the colors happen a little bit quicker with the speed and it should make it more visible for you guys as well so if I hit play you can see the particles contract and that's the surface tension sort of doing that but they're kind of floating and that's because there's no gravity in the scene so let's go to real flow demons gravity and now they should fall oh but they're not colliding with our container so I've got my volume tag which I've already set up the way I want it but we need to add a collision tag so if you right-click real flow tags Collider that should do the job for us and now they should collide with our object beautiful and just to check the everything's the way we need it you've got a solid inside that should do as for now okay well you probably want some more particles in here because it's not going to accurately accurately describe our crown so let's go to fluid fluid there we go so here a resolution this is basically the density of particles within the site feel size so let's crank this up to eight maybe that will be a little bit bare for us there we go we've got a lot more fluid particles going on now it also improves the measure when you come to do that if you've got more particles so in fact I'm just going to test this out at this level and then I'll crank the resolution up for about simulation I think I'm going to need an initial initial state as well because this Falls like this and that actually might counteract the crowd splash because as it's trying to force water up these are falling so I need an initial state so let's play to the point where we think yeah that's settled enough so maybe there and then I'm going to go to my fluid in fact we're already there and say create initial state and use initial state and then go back to the beginning and you shouldn't move so now we've got our initial state for our fluid jobs again let's go to the next thing we're going to need then which is actually our crown splash so real flow demons and then crown oh now that's quite big you can see that it's not fitting the confines of our fluid so we may need to resize this slightly so let's go to crown object and then I'm just going to take this down so it's a hundred by a hundred by a hundred keep doing that there we go so that's a little bit more manageable I'm just going to go to eyes side view and you can see the bottom of the crown is actually sat outside of our container so I'm just gonna drag this up and put it into the middle of our fluid there so now it should be able to access the fluid particles so let's just play this and see what we get okay we get a slight jump in water in fluid even I'm actually gonna hide the crown so it's not getting in the way so we can see what happened there so you can see we had a ring a fluid to jump up there but it's obviously not powerful enough so let's have a look at the sends for our crown we've got the usual we've got our scene in here and the fluid but this is the stuff we're interested in so the strength it's currently set to 8,000 this parameter defines the force that will be acted on the particles high forces lead to a stronger acceleration and can quickly and quickly grow in crown so let's crank this up now say 13,000 that might be a little bit overkill but okay so we've got a load of fluid jumping up now and some fluid spilling over the side so I'm just gonna you may notice that after the splash has happened these particles seem to be dragging the particles off the side that's because the crown demon has an internal hole filling shita function that prevents the fluid from being torn so I'm just guessing but I think that might have something to do that also the surface tension is right up so we'll come to that in a minute but that may be part of the reason the particles are being dragged off there but just so we don't have to calculate particles that are you know falling forever I'm gonna put a kill volume in so let's do that real flow demons and then we've got this K volume I'm gonna put that in and we can see we get this box here and I'm just gonna shove the red inner all the way up to the edge because it doesn't matter about full off in the middle really and then I'm gonna go into my side for you and say right in fact let's go to the top view that makes more sense to it so I'm going to pull this right in there so maybe about there and then pull this right in it's about there and then we're gonna need to do the same for the height so let's choose this for you to make it a little bit smaller and we'll put that there so any fluids coming over will get killed off let's go back okay so now we've got this set up we don't need to see it so let's just hide that from the editor it doesn't get rendered anyway so you don't need to worry about that and let's replay the gosh this stuff goes over the side and it gets killed off which is good that's what we're looking for just to make sure there's nothing leaking through the bottom mmm couple of particles there in fact let's see if the particles are actually living inside the ER okay everything looks good nothing's being forced through by the looks of things I've got a couple of wayward particles maybe here but nothing too drastic I'm just gonna check the other side yeah I think we can live with most of this but to make sure what I might do is go into our scene go to the solver and take off the auto parameters and just say the minimum sup stats is 3 and the max substance is 3 so that might solve those issues we were getting with bleeding particles might be enough might not be I think we're okay so let's go back to our view and just have a look I think we're gonna need a lot more resolution on this Oh God look at all those particles spilling over the edge but for now we're just going to go through the same so that that's the strength dealt with you know it's um self evident now the creation time is here you can specify the point in time which when the demon will start to form the crown splash so as it's zero at the moment so you put this up and you can have you know five five point two five watt life this is actually measured in seconds so the creation time if I set it to one will be at one second so this will play through its frames until it reaches you know one second so let's give that a go nothing boom so we can actually dictate when it's creation time is which is pretty good so I'm gonna leave that one second the act in time this value is the time in seconds during which the demon force or strength so this strength value is the amount of time that this strength is applied to the demon so it's it starts at one second because of this creation time and then it's acting time is point one of a second so we can actually make this longer or shorter so with high values a crown will be as well because there's its forces acting upon the fluid for a longer amount of time it does saying the documentation please be aware that this parameter is very sensitive so the acting time is set to naught point one at the moment let's put it to naught point five and see what happens boom oh dear so that's half a seconds worth of you know acting time there so that'd be good if you wanted to do an explosion or something like that that could be quite cool in fact you can do the same thing as well let's put the act in time back to what it was noir point one you can do the same thing with the strength as well so if I crank this up to 28,000 bang so suppose you could simulate you know a lot of stuff if you wondering why it's getting cut off so cleanly at the top is because that's where my kill volume is so if I actually um I would this you could see the more natural fall off of this so let's just drag that up a little bit and we might even need to make this wider as well but I'm not gonna worry too much for the time being let's turn it off again let's go back to the beginning play boom and off it goes so yeah that'd be good why you simulating an explosion so let's go back to the crown and bring this back down to what we had it at I think it was 16,000 something like that I think it was anyway you know that seems to be a bit more manageable okay good stuff okay so that's what the the acting time does so I think it's actually okay where it is for the time being it acts 4.1 of a second and then it's over now surface tension this property describes a fluids tendency to form drops obviously we've all high values you'll see a contraction but also a coherent fluid with thicker borders this parameter has been added for your convenience but you can also use the domain surface tension so I'm just going to drop this down a little bit because it was at 50 and I think that's a little bit overkill and I think that may be contributing to the fluid being dragged over the edge so let's give this a go now with less surface tension so there there's some fluid that goes over the edge there and it's still being pulled off over the edge there so let's crank this down I actually want to see if this does affect that okay so there's that yeah doesn't seem too much of a an effect there it's maybe if I turn this down to zero then so there's absolutely no surface tension okay we're still getting a crown splash that's good hmm I think maybe the it's that sheet of value maybe if this is a bigger body of water it wouldn't it wouldn't have so much an impact or maybe if there was more water had more depth to it but again we're not really too worried about this because you know this is about the crown splash itself not the surrounding edge so there we go we've got this we've got this crown splash going on now like I said the use cases for this I could actually fill another container with fluid say like a sphere or something and then drop that in and then use this creation time to match up with when the the droplet hits the surface of the water I can say right at that time that's when this needs to go off and then I get maximum control about what my crown looks like and the reason that we can control what the crown looks like is because of just going to turn this back on again it is because over some of these other settings so we've got spike count at the moment it's set to 5 and that's the sort of tendrils coming off here so this area of the crown is a bit more uniform and these will actually will have spikes coming off of it so less is 5 at the moment I set that to 7 and then replay our simulation and you can see that we've got our spikes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 somewhere well there should be one there is one I think but you get the idea that oh that's the crown spikes there and the width you probably think of this as the width of the crown itself but it's not it's the width of the wall of fluid so a lesser let's isolate this for a moment you can see this ring here and you can see this ring on the inside now this is the width is currently set at 10 centimeters but if I make it bigger you can see that that's a lot thicker now now if I go back what this means is you get a thicker splash and the wall of the splash will be thicker so let's play this back boom there you go you can see it's a lot thicker than it was before it's definitely taken a lot more fluid up with it so that's exactly what that parameter does now I think for our muses it was fine at 10 centimeters now what about control about the look of the crown well this is where crown shape tap comes into a effect alright so in crown shape now and you can see all these sort of numbers and I'm going to isolate this slightly well not slightly I'm gonna write about you so I'm gonna solo this out so we can just see the crown splash itself now if you look at this top value we've got to do this it looks kind of like a spline being like a spline point being moved and then you've got this one here oh and it's going up so it makes sense that this is XY and Z and then we've got this anchor in and again I think is there we go in the X direction in the Y direction and then we got the z-direction like this now we can actually make life easier for us by ticking on this edit button because it puts all the points available to us now so I'm gonna leave the bottom ones alone for the time being but I'm gonna grab one of our points so let's select it with our life selection I think I should be able to and maybe not here we go so in object mode maybe there we go so I can actually grab one of these points and move it as I wish so I might want to move this one up slightly and I might want to move I don't know this side up slightly so you can really kind of control how the or crown splash is going to look maybe lower this one down a little bit and also the spikes as well I can control the height so maybe this one's a little bit higher maybe this one's a little bit lower oh yeah I don't know what's happened there I just tried to control Z on this and it crapped his pants so maybe I'll use the Move tool and maybe that'll be more effective just move this lot up yeah get back to where we were before I mean this okay seem to be a little bit buggy in places that but um okay maybe lower this one okay so that will do and if we are go back to our last scene we can actually hide the crown again and play now we're getting a slightly different result you can see where I've made one higher on one lower and we get in that crown Splash I think that's a little bit overkill so maybe turn the strength down a little bit okay - I don't know 12,000 and replay that yeah a little bit more subtle probably could do a little bit more so now I've got sort of like the basic out outline of this what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna go to my fluid and I'm not going to use the initial state for a moment I'm because I'm going to change the resolution I'm going to crank it right up I'm going to put it up to 20 I'm also going to turn the crown off for a minute so I can get my initial state back so they all fall in it plays a little bit it looks pretty settled there I'm gonna say use an issue estate create initial state go back to the beginning this doesn't change I can turn my crown back on now and when I play this it will probably chug hard boom yeah and we can see there is a struggling a little bit but I can cash this now so let's go to our scene cash and cash simulation yeah you can see where is slowed down there that was the point of the crown was activated it does that you know take its toll on the fluid simulation come on there we go if we go back to the beginning now we'll play back in real time bang very good and then we got our crown splash now the scale of my scene is you know it's massive so something like this isn't a very good description of a droplet falling into water because it's very big but you know if you Shrunk the whole thing down you'd have to do a cranky resolution up and all that kind of stuff so I just thought do it like this but I'm yeah that's pretty much the long and short of you guys that's how the crown demon works and I think I may do project-based tutorial using that in the future okay thanks for listening guys sorry about the voice if you want to check out a digital meet UK that would be great you can also follow me on social media Facebook Twitter and Google+ and if you'd like to support digital me you can find my patreon page there'll be a link in the description and on-screen at the end okay thanks bye [Music] [Music]
Views: 15,590
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: Digital Meat,, Cinema 4D, C4D, Cinema4D, Digitalmeat, Greyscale Gorilla, GreyscaleGorilla, 3D, Workflow, Cinema 4D Workflow, C4D Workflow, Plugin, Plugins, Next Limit Realflow, Next Limit, Realflow, Real Flow, Realflow for Cinema 4D, Real Flow For Cinema 4D, Realflow Cinema 4D, Tutorial, Tutorials, Cinema 4D Tutorial, Cinema 4d Tutorials, C4D Tutorial, C4D Tutorials, Daemon, Particles, Realflow Particles, The Crown Daemon, Crown Splash
Id: mdcgV2XVsAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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