Realflow For C4D: The Attractor Daemon

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] hey guys it's Sanford Digital meet again and in this tutorial I will be going over some more real flow stuff it's the real flow plugin for cinema 4d and if you haven't seen my previous tutorial on reflow real flow even I suggest go look at that it covers the basic basics and goes through each of the emitter types and all the same now I'm going to go through the the demons and because some of them can be quite complex and lots of settings I'm going to go through them one at a time I think and there's some there's some other information you want to get gonna need to know before you can use certain demons so instead of covering it in in all one go I thought it'd be easier to break these up so in this tutorial I'm going to be looking at the first demon on the list which is the attractor demon so as before in the last tutorial I'm going to go to the emitters click circle it dumps our circle emitter here in side the real flow sort scene tree so I'm just going to I'm just going to budge this up a little bit and zoom out a little bit and we need to add our demon so if you go to the real flow go to demons and here tractor now it's got a basic tab on the coordinates tab object tab and the demon tractor tab which is the main one we want to deal with really you can see already the in the link fluids it's already added our fluid and that's here when we created our emitter into the attractor demon so I suppose the first thing we want to do is let's turn the attractor demon off the to begin with and press play so you can see that we've got particles being emitted so let's just move them it on and litter up okay that's good enough and I think just so it helps you guys see I'm going to click on the fluid go to display and I'm going to click up the size of our particles just so there's more of them not more of them but the park size is bigger also I'm going to go to my click on scene and go to solver and click down GPU and I'm going to utilize my CUDA GPU which is a default GTX 970 so that should help things run a bit quicker hopefully ok so let's have a look at the attractor let's turn it on and have a look at the demon attractor tab so like I said we've got our fluid and our link fluid the next thing on our list is the effect so we've got choice at the moment is set to force and we can also set it to velocity as well so let's just let's move the attractor over here and see what happens so as you can see the particles have been attracted towards it I think they're going to need some more time on our timeline I said under my 15 seconds that should do is go back to the beginning so the particles are getting attracted towards it and I overshoot because of their velocity and energy shoot back and then they interact with their own particle stream so it gives us quite a quite a weird and wonderful effect there really that's really nice so currently it's set to force let's change this to velocity and see what happens there goes absolutely bonkers and there's a reason for that when it's set to force the particles accelerated and they become faster and faster as long as the forces acting upon them okay but with velocity only works with particles and add to the diamond strength value to the particle speed so if we go to the emitter we can see the speed that is being cramped our app and the okay so I do I explain this so it's the diamond strength which is this the internal force it gets added to the particle speed so if so the resultant peak velocity remains constant during the simulation so as an example if you had a diamond strength of 9.8 in the emitter speed is 2 the particle velocity roughly be about eleven point eight so it kind of adds those two values together so let's test that yes let's turn this to velocity let's go to off emitter and let's bring this speed down to say 100 okay and then we're going to go to in fact let's make this 50 and then we'll go to the attractor and we'll make the internal force and so this is the strength really we'll make that 50 so it should be a hundred as you can see the way that the particles are coming out of that emitter doesn't look very natural I actually prefer to use the other method I actually prefer this force method as you can see the particles speed is lower because I lowered it so let's put this back up to 200 but the strength of the attractor is all the way down there as well so let's crank this up a little bit I think it was a four default it was it was about five hundred I think but actually get quite a nice hat and so later sort of as a combination these are these values you can actually get some quite interesting results let's whack it up to 200 yes we get a more of a pull on it now yeah was 500 initially I want to go I'm gonna go 300 just so we've got yeah that'll do is okay so yeah like I said this internal force it's this value determines the strength of the attraction and that strength can be positive or negative so at the moment we've got a positive value of 310 meters and as you can see it's doing its job it's putting these particles background having attracted me themselves very nice okay so what if we have a negative four so let's go negative 300 now these will actually be repelled away it's quite an extreme value so I might lower it let's try a hundred and fifty so as you can see it comes out it hits the attractor field which is now a repulsive field and off they go so yeah so you know it's got multiple uses I'm gonna go back to the attraction for now so that will be 300 okay good now you like this but we've got some set into internal radius external force external radius and they're all grayed out and it's because this attenuated checkbox needs to be on basically this option unlocks these three fields and it specifies how the force will decrease with the grabbing distance from the center so let's turn on the tenure aid and if I play the simulation now not much has changed and nor should it so the internal radius and so once we've got this attenuating clicked this option becomes available this internal radius and if the radius where the force begins to decrease so everything in the middle of this here is full force and everything outside it it starts to drop off so let's increase the internal radius to something like this and the strength will be full let's make this here the strength will be absolutely full within that radius er that's all that means I'm going to I'm gonna actually undo that and then go to the next one which is the external force so the external force and it's the attractor strength in the outer area defined by external radius so we should probably look at external radius first so if I increase this external radius I could actually drop this external force down to nothing so you can actually have something you know mad going on it's a local yeah you can see it drop off now it's actually got another effect because I've set it to zero and then as you get closer it it starts to uh starts to pull yeah you can see where these ones here are just escaping but that external force could be a positive value as well so I finally surfaced a default you can see that all the particles are now getting trapped and they're all getting sucked round so that comes to the external force as well and the external radius so the external radius is basically the value determines where the radius where the decreases the force ends if you like it's represented by a dark blue ring so that covers that I'm gonna turn attenuated off for now and move this back okay so the next thing on our list is the attractor type okay so we've got some options it's set to spherical earth alignment it's the default type and it's represented by a point in the center of the demon so yeah we've seen seen this since we started simulating - that's fine and the next one is the axial now if I was going to say it may not look like anything's happened but it obviously has so this is a force that best to describe this it's a it's a vortex strength among the acts axial direction and can only be used with a tractor type set to axle so Oh that's the axle strength sorry so with this sector axle it produces a force along a line from up to down the lines is also shown in the viewport as well so if we zoom in on this you can see this line here so that shows us the the you know the line of force if you want to change the direction of this you have to rotate the beam in itself so you'd have to do something like this in fact see if we can you can see is changed where I changed it there okay so what about the strength then because it doesn't appear to be doing too much so let's wipe this up to five and wonder what happens if I put it in the stream so as you can see it it doesn't really have a rotational so this sort of gets attracted to it and then as it goes off to the side it doesn't is trying to pull it up more than it is to the side and that's because of its sort of direction and let's crank up the the axle strength again maybe we need to make it a bit more extreme very gay so now we've seen a little bit more more action there okay let's move on to the next type planetary now I think this might be my favorite and this is represented by a sphere so there we have a sphere there and start the simulation again and it basically simulates a planets force which extends from the center to outer space and we can control the sphere size with this planet radius so I'm going to just crank this up like this so now it's almost like a gravitational force spherical gravitational force let's crank this back up to 500 which is what I think it was initially and we can actually move this planet a little bit further away so yeah we're now getting a M we get this orbital force now also let's go back to the emitter now you said 200 yeah I think that's all good so obviously the strength might not be enough let's let's do this there we go and I wonder if that's a now you can see that it's almost like the wings of Saturn kind of thing there they're kind of interacting with it and I should imagine the reason it's called planetary is because the fall-off of this force is just very similar to gravity if you like so that covers all of that the other thing we need to look at is bounding so the bounding sphere displayed in the viewport three circles and circles dimensions can be changed individually okay so let's have a look at this bounding so you can see that it massively had an effect what this basically means is that now the simular the force is bounded so whereas before it was sort of global you know outside of these things the force just works we've bounded is restricted to this these outer shape so now they're bounded for the particles to be affected they have to be inside this so now we can see that the anything outside of it gets lost it's not calculated and anything inside it is still being simulated so it's a very harsh sort of cutoff point yes so that all in all kevlar covers the attractor as always check out digital meet you K and I will set the and pole for voting for the next tutorial and don't forget to donate if you've got some spare shekels to digital media K the donate page and also the merch store if you want a t-shirt or anything like that so don't forget to vote guys and I'll see you next time Cheers [Music] you
Views: 8,176
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: Digital Meat,, Cinema 4D, C4D, Cinema4D, Digitalmeat, Greyscale Gorilla, GreyscaleGorilla, 3D, Workflow, Cinema 4D Workflow, C4D Workflow, Plugin, Plugins, Next Limit Realflow, Next Limit, Realflow, Real Flow, Realflow for Cinema 4D, Real Flow For Cinema 4D, Realflow Cinema 4D, Tutorial, Tutorials, Cinema 4D Tutorial, Cinema 4d Tutorials, C4D Tutorial, C4D Tutorials, The Attractor, Attractor, Daemon, The Attractor Daemon, Attractor Daemon
Id: oVjy1_n0yo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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