HIGHWAY tutorial [Cinema 4D - spline wrap deformer

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hey guys Alexei from ace five studios and this is fun with splines and we're gonna make me be as we're gonna be making a spline based Highway if you like this turtle dart get photo link and support me by buying the asset pack I don't wanna make these Turtles paid so I'm just giving people the option to pay for them if they like them if you like them and you can't pay for it just share it on your social media and tell your friends don't forget to watch it to the end because I figure out this thing with splines and real splines that makes it a lot easier to actually modify them so yeah let's get right into it so let's get started without fun with suppliant my first thing gonna do is we're gonna watch flying right so this model here you can grab it from the asset pack it's not in complex it's just we have a couple of we have a highway we have our little pillar thing and we have our streetlight so first thing going once 'pliance let's go middle click to get in half with 4 views it's good top view and let's just draw a line you can click and drag here and we can drag here and have like nice three-point like this press escape to have it sitting so got out spline and lets its first started let's group all of these guys together but have a look when you select old and you'll see the axis is and actually we want it so let's select the pillar and the road first press LG so we have the axes in the center and then just dump out lampost into that null because when you select them and you press LG it'll take the central it'll average the center access point and we want to sent it to be here not somewhere to the side because we have the lamppost which is offsetting the average of these three the wrong place the access right place for the axis so let's do a simple thing but it's holding the Alt key at a corner object you can see here it's going up which isn't quite the right way so it's changes to zero and I'm guessing their direction yeah so like so let's say that negative 200 201 or a little gap and let's increase the count there you go highway and now let's press LG and then when you have a null selected on a crew holding a shift key you want to spline wrap so that it goes underneath and you can see that purple arrow right now is pointing in the wrong direction arrow and this little oval is an arrowhead so we want to change this to plus dead yep they go in however the arrow pointing in the right direction could be - Zed doesn't really matter both work and now put a spline we're gonna pick out spline and we have our highway now as you can see we have a couple of problems on the pillars it's not as obvious that they're stretching but on these lampposts you can really see that they're stretching because really wonky kind of stretched out lamppost and these pillars while they're nice they're not there you have a couple of issues that we're gonna go over so first that we can go to the cloner we can increase and decrease the amount of them but you know example we might want more pillows but less lampposts and we're not really getting that effects here and we might want to have a highway smoother so we have more clones and so let's first let's drag out its get out cleaner or now not object here and let's drag out a lamppost out and I'll peel it out actually before we do that I want to show you something here right now if we had the spline and we dragged a point up that for like this snap so what happen there yeah see how the pillar is they all kind of arch with the highway and there's no way for us to get these pilita to make them point down so so that's not very convenient so we're gonna have to that's why we definitely have to take pillows out and put them on separately so let's drag out pillows out as well and the next thing I'm gonna do is we're gonna make another cloner I should just get the pillars and hold the up click there cloner and here again we're gonna go in the mode switch this to object and drag-outs planning here because highways quiet now as you can see we have a bit of stuff jumping around so I don't forget to turn these on and is flying on and off just to have everything line up and right now you see we have Linda you might want to get these pillows you might have to change the access point because see here the access point is kind of high up you might want to enable the access tool and drag it to make sure it's lined up depending on where your axis is on the subject so once this is lined up you might also have to rotate them like it's possible at your axis it will be off so you can line up the axis so that it's cloning with this point and it's not too high because if you drag it out and we'll go through and so you want the access to be above it so that it's perfectly supporting the road and as you can see we have more of them here and less of them here this is because of our splines intermediate points as you can see we can reduce this to zero and then it'll be kind of equivalent or we can increase it and we're actually changing how how many made threes we get a new spline point so if we lower it we get a new point at reserva degrees but I personally prefer this like uniform and then has a good equidistant amount of points along the spline and just Jack this up to 27 so it's nice and smooth and now as you can see these guys are evenly spaced out along the length of the highway and you can also actually change this in your cloner here this is our pillar cloning you can actually change in distribution here right now it's count but you can just you want to change it to step and then it'll be over you can pick what the exact distance is between each pillar along the spline so I prefer usually step you can also do even so you just pick a number how many pillars you want and it'll evenly distribute it both work in this case about the same both keep it a step now the next step is we also want our land poster cloner so we can just copy this guy and just delete the pillars from one of them and put in a lamppost and as you can see here the lamppost isn't actually on the side it's on the left and we can easily fix this by just selecting the lab planner and in the transform here we can move the X off to the side and then make the Y go up a bit so it's sitting and then there you go we have our lampposts along the edge of thing and now we can control these independently so we can we can say we want more lampposts or less lampposts depending on the design that we're going to put so the next step that we have is let's build let's just let's say we want it to go up let's make a little floor here cube get all this guy up too big get a little orange dot down so we have a little flow plan here okay spline is still in place let's move out flying to the center here oops access tool and let's make the cue ball or so so a little diorama type thing perfect now let's say we want this Highway we want it to go up and down so we don't want to go just horizontally we want to grab our point here in point mode and we want to move this guy off now you can see already out problem starting firstly it's tilting and secondly we're getting these guys tilting we're gonna you know also not quite the right direction so let's select all so this one here and let's move it up a bit and is he already getting a lot of wonkiness it's really not a straight highway anymore so how do we fix this well we're gonna use the rails plane I'm gonna grab this guy we're gonna control drag him and call this rail spline and an owl spline wrap there's a little rail field and we're gonna drag it rails plan in here and as you can see that's totally not how it's meant to work that's because our rails blind needs to also make sure an object mode and we move the whole thing up vertically and now each and every point this road will be looking up at the rails flying so if we get any other points on the rails plan it will move them way it'll not control which way it's facing and if it's exactly above always facing up as you can see on these pillars it's not exactly working the same way so because we have to also drag it into our pillar corner so here we are rail and we drag in our rails plane and now as you can see they're a bit better but they're still kind of tilting and if we drag our let's go out a pillar object and select the points at the bottom and just drag them down so they're actually hitting the ground you can see they're kind of at a slant which isn't very realistic how do we fix that well in our pillar corner we have this thing called smooth rotation no that's not it we have a feature called a line climbing there we go and now as you can see there that they stopped being aligned they just like kind of positioned around and they're not very oriented here so what you might want to do is you might want to switch to target for a nun and switch the line back and now you can see them targeting so this a little target thing will target them at the rails flying so this is actually well looking this target thing next a realist and that's the important one the other ones are also functional you might want to use a line clone when you're making a ferris wheel but in this case we want them to target the rails plane and we do the exact same thing with the lab corner we dragging out rails blind drag it in to sit here and we tick target and there you go now we have our lampposts always vertically up and we have the pillars here reaching the ground and going up as well so there you go hi wait are we ready so the next step we have to do is we have to get some traffic in our highway right so let's start with getting a little car don't forget in the package each download from my game road you can also get this little car model or you can watch on Twitter how I model this very quickly and use the reference that doesn't matter which one you get get any car model so it's copy it paste them to see now we have this whole car here sure in object mode now it's the same thing let's make it fun let's get the owner in object mode and let's get out highway spline in there and we have a little car now the first thing I'm going to transform and we're probably gonna want to move it up in the y-direction bit there you go so it's not quite sticking through the ground and you'll notice that it's not perfect some of those like this you can't use the rail spline that's kind of useful I guess let's do it for now let's stick out rails flying into there and target although it doesn't say now it's kind of I really don't want target hey we just wanted to be yeah up textured and we just get this right here and we just drag it up and then we press the little play button and our little class now our main issue here is that the cars are driving the wrong direction let's take this to minus-40 and we also want to transform it if you want to move these guys so it's driving on one side and it's pretty much it right but if you wanted to have a little pull fumbling effect you can actually also use this thing called dynamics so let's get our Road which is this guy that's right click and go simulation and Collider buddy and here let's just leave it a default and I'll share with the problem is and then on the car here like notice how here we clicked on a cloner and here we click on the car and we go simulation and Riggin buddy and if we just press play now this is what happens not quite what we're looking for at least I don't fall off the highway so that's good so let's in this attack on a car what we want is one minute before and I'm gonna go follow position and I want to drag this up to like 15 maybe and press play and as you can see which thing that little bumbling motion that we had before because that's what it's going now it's oh my god we also might want to go follow a rotation we dragged it out a bit there you go I already you can see they're still tripping sometimes but to fix that tripping all we really have to do is we have to go out Tagil here on the highway which Ohio its name it right way and we just have to untick any collision we have to reduce the friction to like 5% and now that basically looks well I kind of blew out some of them tend to be flying out and so maybe you want to raise the car here you want to raise the transform a bit higher up of the ground so there you go now they're mostly doing pretty well and that's basically it if you want to have another one you just pop you this guy and you just in the X you just put it negative and then in the object you can here put the rate to positive and maybe in the transform you want to rotate this guy two hundred eighty degrees now yeah there you go I have cars driving up the direction and that's your highway Trini alright oh sorry important lesson we still got one more thing if I want to copy this highway now so let's put everything here in a nice little null except our ground cube around let's make a null just in the middle and let's get all of these objects shift-click the first one in the last so I'm dragging this now let me call this route there are one let's say you want to make another one so it's copy this guy control dragon call this route zero two now when you start moving the highway spline around if you just go okay so I want this part I want to get all my I always want to rotate let's just rotate the whole thing for us so it's easier everything rotates together oh that doesn't look like the right thing you know what let's not rotate this together let's grab a little highways flying and let's manually move this around to say here as you can see we get this twisting isn't quite one so you might think well maybe I should grab the rail spline as well let's control drag the rails quick the rails flying and in point modes like put these points and move them and you'll see it's almost working in this case it's working pretty well and let's rotate this guy let's move this guy so the highways driving say over here and this guy can you can just move them just forgots like place the points here let's say it's driving out from this section so that was kind of interchanged thing going on and if you notice that example here we want to rotate maybe this guy yep lower no that's not how it works rotate him out here I think that's almost correct let's get out of high waist plane dragging down basically this is sometimes you will have incorrectly aimed vehicle vehicles or these pillars cuz I know it's a good idea to just delete the rail spline and copy the highway spline and drag it back up because you will get some kind of messy stuff going on but it actually in this example it seems to be working pretty well it's gonna go escape it and let's hit the play button boom I look at that little highway of cars zooming around isn't that great I don't forget if you want different colored cars it's very easy you just grab your car and you just copy it then you go to materials and you're making you material and you give it a color like green drag it onto this car and press play now every second car of the green on blue and you can also drag in many different cars in here for example it's copy this guy and let's drag this material and double-click it and make it red and let's call this guitar pickup and let's go to Al polygon mode and has to find where it is there it is and let's just drag it could be back polygons here whoops and just control drag them out it's pretty much it okay I can see there's a little red ball yeah it's not a very good looking pickup but you get a plane it is rolling and you press play and right now you'll notice they going blue green red blue green red blue red green or whatever so if that's not what you want you just go here and the cloner and in your attributes object mode here you have where is it there you have clones iterate so right now it will give you you know it'll put them in the same order but if you change this to iterate you can just change it to random it'll have randomly arranged that's three green ones in a row and so on so forth so another one got this let's actually duplicate zombies and have a look at some other issues as well like so we control drag this and let's get our control trip select these two rails blinds go into point mode let's sort these guys and rotate them it's like these guys across now so the first issue you'll see is you'll start down as well is yeah the intersections here on the road so a couple of ways to do this first let's select this go to object mode and select this cloner and you'll want to go in tributes and we can just increase this decrease the steps or increase the steps and we can also use the offset here to just move them to a place where they're not intersecting with any roads so that's the easiest way to do that and also when you copy these sometimes you'll notice some issues let's make another copy for example here and you'll see that this guy here is a bit planet so we're gonna rotate sky around and also when you rotate down you'll see you have this kind of when we have this issue that's all I talking about sometimes you want to make them for example called it on or slant and that's when if you forget to select the top object so you want to get us rails but you better delete it and actually let's see if we can make it instance let's go ship see the instance it's rail just move it up in the weld space and then go to our cleaners track rail in there go to our other corners drag the rail in their hoops rail and where is our mr. bytes and the null here spline wrap and rail that's not no it's meant to work at all is it yeah that's that wasn't it's just making edible oh that's fine we just here we dragged in this to change plan some do this keep it as a Weston's drag the rail into there okay so noticeable nope just clear drag the railing no so we're gonna make edible Oh render there you go okay good so it works just make sure it's a regular instance and make sure dragging the right object here no when you press play from the beginning well at least the roads correct right maybe just the cars don't have the right I always bloody I keep dragging the wrong one that's problem there you go and we're at the other corner there you go make sure you drag the right spline and [Music] there you go and it works oh now it's much easier to actually modify this point yes now when you move it yeah so another word stays exactly always aiming up so that's a good that's a good little trick I came up over there yeah it's pretty much I think the importance of parts that I wanted to cover mm-hmm yeah and you can obviously copy and paste these also what I did was I just made an you know so in the middle I dragged all these guys in here and then I went shift see instance and this guy can be render instance so it's not so laggy and then you can just move this guy around rotate it control drag it up here somewhere rotate that one as well and there you go yeah get crazy little highway full of cars driving around hey guys that was fun so don't forget to check out my website for more tutorials and seem files and share this if you liked it and subscribe to me here and Instagram and Twitter on Twitter actually post a lot of kind of one-minute tutorials which people seem to be really liking yeah I hope you have a good one you have any questions just place them in the comments or send me an email or tweet me tree tweet me that's the best way to ask questions going Twitter and ask me yeah I hope you're doing okay with quarantine it's kind of starting to get to me a bit but at least they're making more video tutorials right you
Channel: Aleksey Voznesenski
Views: 7,546
Rating: 4.9750781 out of 5
Keywords: cinema4d, cinema 4d, animation, characteranimation, motion, 3dart, 3dtutorial
Id: PTs0xuGpWsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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