Real Time Tuning the VE Table with HP Tuners

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hey guys it's Randy with low buck LS here again and this episode we're gonna talk about using the real time tuning feature in HP tuners to tune your ve table so I did a video about this well probably a year ago but I think it's worth revisiting and I've got a bunch of new subscribers and stuff in that time so we're gonna talk about it again so basically the next video I'm gonna do we're gonna be working on a lien spike on tip in but before we make adjustments to that transient fuel tab both the sources I've talked to which are Kyle at goatrope garage and Jeff at Evans performance Academy I've said to make sure your ve table is dialed right in before you start messing with that transients tab so we're gonna go out for another drive today and I thought it'd be a good opportunity to demonstrate that real time tuning feature of HP tuners so well fire up the laptop now and I'll show you guys how to set that up okay so I got my HP tuners editor opened up here so the first thing you gotta do to use this real-time tuning is going to the engine and under this general tab over here and this parameter right over here this real-time mode you got them normally it comes disabled but you gotta make sure it's set on this ve spark PE setting because we're gonna be tuning the ve table so and then once you make that change as usual you got to write that tune to the truck so we'll go over to the editor for a second and this is a log that I made during that last video this is a third third gear full throttle pull so the two main areas we're gonna be focused on here are basically if you look at this green line here is the AFR and the red line is the command at AFR so if we look at before I open the throttle we're cruising along at 47 kilometers an hour 1200 rpm so about 30 miles an hour and with the throttle closed we're calling for fourteen point six eight for AFR ratio and then as soon as I step on the throttle okay and also before hour before I step on the throttle our map is at 37 kPa so that's gonna be the the area at 1200 rpm and 40 let me look at the table here too so yeah 1200 rpm and about 40 kPa is kind of a cell that we're gonna focus on when we're doing our real-time tuning and then we're also gonna focus on the area right after it goes to wide open throttle which is 1600 rpm and 85 so if you look at with the throttle closed our map was 37 and what's the throttle open our map was 86 so those are the areas we're gonna focus on but what we're eventually gonna be trying to fix in the next video is this lean spike when we tip in and go wide open throttle so yeah you can see before I want wide-open throttle we're actually slightly rich we're at a fourteen point four to AFR and then just after we open the throttle here the commanded AFR is dropped to twelve point two three but the actual AFR this green line is still at fourteen point five and then it actually takes a spike up here to sixteen point two before it finally goes down and those rich in here it's actually really rich so basically that's we're gonna try and get the ve table dialed in at 1200 rpm and 35 kPa and 1600 rpm and 85 kPa so and then once we're out in the truck you'll see once I'm connected to the vehicle oh it doesn't even have the real-time tuning icon here because we're not connected to the vehicle so we'll do that now I'll head out to the truck and get the scanner connected and we'll try out that real-time tuning okay so I got the truck out on a remote stretch of road here again that I used for when I'm doing my street tuning so now we'll open up the scanner and have a look at getting this real time tuning setup so go over here connect the vehicle and then we should see that real time tuning icon yeah there it is right there so click on that and what you want to do is use this Ram table so if you click on that that's gonna copy the your main ve table from the truck ECU to your computer and it's actually gonna run off of that in your computer the way I understand it and so we'll be able to edit it on the fly without having to stop and shut off the truck and flash to the ECU so looks like that is all working so basically what I'm gonna do now kind of the same thing I did when we were ve tuning in the last video I'm gonna fire up the truck we'll get rolling I'll start logging and I'm gonna lock it in third gear and just have the throttle closed so we'll be rolling down the road in third gear with the throttle closed and we'll use this real time tuning table to try and get our our ve table dialed right in at that 35 to 40 kPa mark and 1200 rpm and then this will be a little trickier because when we go on wide open throttle so I'll be trying to drive and tune at the same time but yeah the other cell we want to look at is right after the the full throttle transition we'll be looking at the around 85 kPa cell and 1600 rpm so we'll fire up the truck now and we'll start logging okay so we're logging we're gonna make sure no cars are coming and we'll take off we'll wait for it to shift there it's in second now it just shifted to third so we'll go over here to our hope now it just shifted to fourth but we'll go over to our controls and special functions button transmission tab and the gear tab and we're going to command third gear and we should hear it shift from right now it's an overdrive and right there it shifted back to third so now I'm just gonna let off the throttle we're just rolling down the road here I think I can close out this controls and special functions actually I'll just minimize it cuz we'll need to go back to that later so yeah we're running at currently running at 37 ish 39 sometimes kPa and 1100 rpm and dropping so now we're gonna go to this real-time tuning tab which I had closed out for some reason pull up our ramp table on this little rectangle tells you which cell you're operating in right now so it's just pulling all the information out of the engine computer and it'll populate this table here so you can see now now our rpm is dropped we're at about a thousand rpm so you can see it's kind of bouncing back and forth between these two cells and we are a little bit lean this light blue line that you can see scrolling by that's our white man error in percent um dotted light blue line is zero so right now we are on the positive side of that so that means we are lean so basically we want this light blue line to be as close to that light blue dotted line as possible also now we'll go into this real time tuning ve table whatever so you click on it it'll highlight and now I can use you can't see my keyboard but if you use the plus and minus keys on your keyboard I'll hit the plus key right now and you can see that cell I just hit it twice so it went from 53 to 54 to 55 so and now you can see that actually brought our AFR pretty darn close to where it needs to be actually looks like it's still slightly on the lean side by judging from this it's never quite dipping down below that dotted blue line I'm also gonna increase the cells around it here I'm gonna take this one that I just clicked take it up to 55 because HP tuners interpolate between the two cells and the cell that's below it or I guess above it on the table but below it based on manifold pressure I'm going to take this up a couple percents as well and now we're actually looking really good you can see that every once in a while that our blue line for our air dips below that dotted blue line and then most of the time its above it so basically that's pretty good I think so now I'm actually gonna put the throttle to the floor and see what our error is right after I go 100% but I am gonna have that lien spiked due to my transient fuels not being right so basically I'm gonna look and see what my error is right after that lien spiked so actually to make it easier once I'm done doing this full throttle I'll bail I'll basically take it like right now we're running at 900 rpm I'll take it up 224 2500 rpm and then I'll let off the throttle and then I'll save the log so I can go back in and look at what the error is I'll do that now I'll go full throttle up to about 2500 rpm and then we'll stop and pull over and review the log so we'll do that now [Applause] so we'll stop logging and we'll pull over okay so we're so the other thing I forgot to mention is the changes that you make in this real time tuning table aren't permanent so now that I've stopped and pulled over and shut the truck off if I close out this tab I'm gonna lose all these numbers or the four or whatever cells that I change so basically what you have to do before you close this out if you're happy with the changes you've made which I am like if you look at the AFR it's commanding fourteen point six eight and what we're actually seeing is fourteen point six one so that's pretty good so I'm gonna right click like highlight the whole table by clicking that upper left corner and right click on there and go copy and then we're gonna go over to our editor oh and the one thing I always forget when I'm doing this is to go into scanner and disconnect from the vehicle and then we go into the editor under the engine air flow tab primary ve open that up and we go we can go paste and we should see I remember what cells we changed again here just make sure everything is the same here I think it was this column here from 45 to 60 and so looking at this here from 45 to 60 up this table is the same as that one so now we can close that out and I've got to remember to write this the e table to the truck before we go again but anyways for now we'll hop back into our log here and I want to look at this where we did the shirt where I did the transition from no throttle here so here our map was actually 50 and right here you can see is where I hit the throttle and so there's that lean spike that I was expecting but I'm gonna look right after that and actually our ve is pretty darn good right there because if you look at it's commanding 12 point to 3 and we are at 12 point to 7 so I don't think I even need to make any adjustments in that area it would be the 2000 rpm cell and 90 kPa manifold pressure but based on how that's performing we're basically right on so basically the ve table in that area is dialed in and now we've got the V table over here dialed in so I'm gonna go back to the editor write this tune to the truck to first I'm going to save it today's date and write it to the truck basically that is how you do the real-time tuning alright guys so that is how you do the ve tuning with the real-time tuning on HP tuners so next video we're gonna look at getting rid of that lean spike when I go from no throttle to full throttle or even part throttle I still get a lean spike in my AFR so we're gonna cover that next time in the meantime don't forget to go I'll post the link I just made a video today we recently passed a thousand subscribers on the channel so I'm gonna do a giveaway of a $25 gift card you've got a goal to the video I posted today which I will link in the comments and make a comment on it and then show up next Friday September 6 2019 7 p.m. Mountain Standard Time and I will do a random drawing of a comment in that video and give away a $25 some gift cards so thanks for watching we'll talk to you on the next one
Channel: Lowbuck LS
Views: 8,409
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hp tuners, ls turbo, ls turbo truck, the tuning school, how to use hptuners, ls turbo build, 5.3 ls turbo truck, hp tuners silverado, real time tuning hp tuners, how to use hp tuners real time tuning, goat rope garage gen 3, hp tuners ve tuning guide, ve tuning hp tuners, ve tuning, ve table hp tuners, ve table tuning
Id: Rwl5ycFYW0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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