Idle Tuning after Cam Swap with HP Tuners

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hey guys it's Randy with a low buck LS here again and this week we are gonna be doing some tuning on the truck again if you watched last week I put in a new cam into the truck and because of that camshaft change right now it basically won't idle won't run I'll give you a demonstration here let me just flip the camera around so like I said I got that cam put in last week and this is what it does if I try and start it without touching the pedal turn the heater off here so it kind of fires tries to start but won't stay running so in order to keep it running I can give it some gas and kind of keep it running with the pedal but as soon as I let go of the pedal it just dies okay so I got my HP tuners opened up with my most recent tune in my truck and we're just gonna go in and make a couple changes here to try and get this truck to idle well enough that we can take it out and do some ve tuning and then we'll come back and try and fine tune that idle so I'm just gonna go into engine computers being a little slow I'm gonna go into this under the idle tab base set point now I think with this cam that I have I'm going to want it to idle at about 750 rpm at the lowest so I'm just looking at this cell right here and I see it's at 525 so in order to get that to 750 I need to add 225 so I'm gonna go into this whole table select it all by clicking that square in the upper left corner and then I'm gonna go into this box up here type 225 and this when I hit this plus symbol I should add 225 to every cell on the table so we'll just try that and it looks like it dead so now yeah the lowest it'll try an idle when it's up at operating temperature will be 750 rpm in gear with AC off so the other change that I think we're gonna need to make and this will just be a rough guess for now is in the air flow at idle baserunning idle air flow I saw this in another video basically every number that's less than 14 so all these cells right here I'm gonna make 14 grams per second so I've got the cells I want to change highlighted I entered 14 in that box I'm gonna hit the equal sign and that'll change those all to 14 now I'm gonna write this tune to the truck and we will see if that helps it to start an idle okay so I got that those two changes made increased our idle rpm and our idle airflow so now let's see if it if that helps so we'll try start it again here still running pretty rough but at least I'm not having to hit the pedal to get it stay or to stay running the RPM is kind of hang a little bit but at least it's it should be drivable now so I think I'm going to I can tell it's it's pretty rich I'm at like 12 on my air fuel ratio gauge so I'm gonna go for a drive and try and get my ve table dialed in and then we'll come back and try and get this Idol fine-tuned here okay we're back from doing our drive to do our ve tuning and you can see now our air fuel ratio at idle is closer to where we want it to be right around that 14 point 7 or a little on the rich side of that so now we're going to I got my scanner up and running here so we'll switch over to the computer view and we'll try and get this it's actually idling pretty decent but you can see on the on the computer here my short-term trims and long-term trims for idle are still making some Corrections here and I also want to try and you can see the it's doing some Corrections for the timing at idle as well so we're gonna I'll switch to the computer view and we'll try and get this dialed in to try and reduce the amount of Corrections that both the short-term idle trim long-term idle trim and timing are doing so we'll fire up the computer view here ok so I want to try and figure out what the kind of ideal timing that this trip wants to idle at so in order to do that I'm going to go up to vehicle here this controls and special functions and right now so basically I'm gonna walk the idle air controller in at a set amount and then vary the timing and watch both my engine rpm and my manifold pressure and try and get the the most amount of vacuum or the smallest number here for manifold air pressure so I can see right now our idle air controller is at about 65 steps so I'm going to go in under this control and special functions under engine and idle we'll enter your 65 here and turn that on so that's basically locking my idle air controller in one one place now we're gonna go over to timing which will be under engine the spark tab and I can see right now I don't know we'll set it to 20 degrees and lock it in so now you can see here our timing went to a flatline at nineteen point five degrees so we've got 800 ish rpm and 46 kPa of manifold pressure Nominet bump that timing up a couple degrees we'll try it at 22 and now we can see our rpm has increased some were hitting nine hundred once in a while or hi eight hundred manifold pressure didn't change much still in that forty four forty five so we'll bump it up a couple more degrees here now are twenty four degrees timing our manifold pressure just come down a bit we're in the forty three forty four rpm hasn't changed much we'll go up a little more this isn't having as much of an effect as I thought it would like it's taking a pretty significant amount of let's go up a couple more it's for twenty eight so now you can see at 30 degrees we're idling in the 900s and our map is at 41 43 we'll go up a little more 32 let's even brought it down some more as far as backhand goes so I'm almost on my forty degrees at timing that seems a little extreme for what I'd want it to idle at but so I'm gonna start bringing it back down and see where my manifold air pressure starts coming up again so welcome single in the wrong way here 2:36 it's still at 39 44 so what about 30 degrees now if you can hear it starting to slow down [Music] so yeah I'm gonna shoot for about thirty degrees of timing at idle so I'm gonna shut the truck off now and see our engine coolant temperature is at 100 degrees C which is 212 Fahrenheit so I'm gonna shut the truck off I've had a cool-down and we'll go in and do a couple changes here so we got the truck shut off as he can hear close the door so stop dinging now I'm going to stop scanning here disconnect so we know from this that the truck wants to idle or it likes about thirty degrees of timing at idle so we're gonna go into the editor and open up our engine tab and where do we go to go again spark so we're gonna look at idle spark advance in Drive so at idle that's kind of this region here from zero to twelve hundred and 0.8 to 28 or 32 grams of cylinder whatever you guys know what I mean you know what I mean cylinder air mass so basically I'm gonna go in and highlight this area here and I want to make that all 30 I'm gonna go over here and make this cell 30 he's ones 30 so that should be good for that and I'm gonna do the same thing for the in park table here make these all 30 this one 30 he's 230 no we'll write this tune to the truck turn the key on again turn off the heater and I'll stop the video while I write the tune here pick up here shortly okay so while I'm waiting for my truck to cool down there's one other change I'm gonna go in and make here that will kind of loosen up the timing control a bit so then go on to engine all this over speed and under speed I'm basically going to basically gonna move this over a couple so you can see right now if the RPM is going 25 over the set point it's gonna pull five degrees of timing and if it's going like if it's calling for the truck to idle at 800 and if it's running at 850 it's gonna pull six degrees of timing and if it's running at 875 it's gonna pull eight degrees of timing so I'm just gonna move this whole table over so I'm gonna copy that and paste it in a couple stalls over here so all right there and we'll go paste and then we'll make that zero so now at 0 25 or 50 it's not gonna make any change in the timing and then at 75 it's gonna start pulling 5 degrees so we're also gonna do something similar in this under speed table if we scroll to the other end here we'll see if the so in our previous example if we're if it's calling to run at 800 if we get down to 775 it's gonna put in 7 degrees of timing no and if it gets down to 750 it's gonna put in 10 degrees of timing so I'm gonna move everything over a couple cells here too but I'm just gonna go put 0 in that cell zero in that cell 7 in that cell and ten in that cell no I'm gonna write this to the truck and then we should be able to fire up and play with our fuel trans here or idle air flow table I guess [Music] okay so we got the truck fired up again as he can hear probably we're gonna start scanning and now you can see but this idle event it's not having to make very much correction at all so I think we're gonna call that good as far as messing with a timing part of the idle now we're gonna go down and look at this we're gonna have to make some corrections to the idle air flow because you can see here the short-term idle air flow is making is basically taking five grams per second away from base air flow and the long term is taking 3 grams per second away from the base air flow so our base air flow idle table is calling for 14 grams per second right now I want the truck actually once right now is about 6 grams per second so I'm gonna shut the truck off and go into the editor and change the that idle air flow table to make it so we're at engine coolant temp 85 degrees C right now and I'm so I'm gonna make that value six grams per second in that table so I'll just shut the truck off and stop scanning pull the key oh so it stops dinging okay so what I ended up doing was going basically I put that idle air flow table back to stock like I had gone in earlier in the video and made these all 14 but just for the heck of it I'm gonna try put him back to stock I already wrote it to the truck so we'll fire it up again I had had to pedal it [Music] I'm having a pedal it to get it to stay runnin [Music] it's going to the scanner and have a look [Music] yeah well won't stay running without me stabbing the gas pedal [Music] I just want to see what our air flows and long-term and short-term terms look like [Music] so they're at six [Music] [Music] I don't know I'm gonna try take them up by I don't know maybe I'll take them up to eight and we'll see if [Music] see if that'll help and run better if she's not hiding at all I'll just let go with a gas pedal I guess it's barely staying running but now it's having to make [Music] is the short term and long term are basically cancelling each other out right now I just want to give this a few minutes here and see if things settle out [Music] because this first looking at our idle base and idle desired are both pretty close around six [Music] and our long-term is slowly coming down here and the short-term is having to make less of a adjustment to compensate for it so [Music] now let's see what happens when I put it into gear [Music] barely runs it doesn't sound good at all so basically I'm going to have okay back back to park here so what idles okay in park but obviously I'm gonna need a way bigger for this number here I'm gonna need a way bigger number [Music] [Music] this is coming together nicely I think I've got the park a neutral part of it I'm gonna leave it like this now I'm gonna try this real time tuning deal [Music] go into I think this is the table we need right here get to use the rim table so you can see we're at six right now let's bump that up to eight hit enter and you can see over here it's changed just 7.3 I'm just gonna try change the cellblock beside it see if I see now look at that now this [Music] it's almost like it uses its like you got to change the cells around it to [Music] so now let's try to put it in gear and see still needs a really big erection why is my timing that's weird [Music] okay I'm gonna go to four teens on this [Music] and you can see by changing all of those it [Music] well yeah our when we're in Park everything's good here you can try to put her into drive again that's weird and that's pulling a ton of timing - I wonder what's going on there [Music] but sure I take this whole table up to mm go to like 28 change this here [Music] let's try it again [Music] [Music] something's weird [Music] and they go back to running off just gonna shut this off and disconnect when it reset back to the the flash table I guess [Music] yeah it's working good in Park in neutral these trims are good it's not having to make too much of a timing adjustment every once in a while it does a little correction it's just when you put it in the ear things go it's actually not bad to making like a 1-point so we can add like I'd like to to the in gear table to try that here so basically from here I guess I it's making these all eight you see that sounds better and now we're not having to make much of a correction here I think I can live with that [Music] switch back to park [Music] it's got a bit of a misfire switch back to gear there you go I think now our trims are dialed in to not having to make much of a correction I think we got her shut the truck off disconnect we've got to go save this into a permanent deal so we'll just connect out of here turn key back on go back into the editor so in gear we want these cells here to be eight and now I'm gonna write that to the truck and my dog is over here whining so I think we'll call that good for idle tuning for this cam so I'll wrap up this green part of the video and pop on the camera here for a second and tell you what's coming up next okay guys so that's gonna wrap up the idle tuning for the cam swap next we're going to work on let me just basically I'm I don't have my turbo hooked up to the the throttle body yet so we're gonna work on finishing up this charge piping and installing the intercooler in the next video and then we're gonna try and get this thing out to the track so that's it for this one we'll talk to you on the next one make sure to LIKE and subscribe and thanks for watching and commenting and all that talk to you next time
Channel: Lowbuck LS
Views: 93,999
Rating: 4.9398732 out of 5
Keywords: LS Turbo, ls turbo build, hp tuners, cam tuning, hp tuners cam tuning, hp tuners silverado, cam tuning hp tuners, idle tuning hp tuners, hp tuners idle tuning, summit racing, summit racing cam, sum-8701, sloppy mechanics, sloppy mechanics hp tuners, ls turbo truck, ls turbo silverado, turbo silverado, efi tuning, ls turbo cam, hp tuners idle tuning guide, hp tuners big cam idle tuning, summit racing camshaft, sum-8701 cam, 5.3 ls turbo truck, 5.3 ls turbo silverado
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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