VE Tuning on the Street

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hey everybody it's Randy with a low buck LS here again and this week we are gonna work on tuning our ve table and basically getting the AFR ratios dialed in to where we want them to be we've got our idle working so now that won't stall if we try and put it into gear right after we start it when it's cold our transmissions working pretty good so now we're gonna hop in the truck and basically get the ve table dialed in and the goal by the end of this video will be to have the truck make like a full at least eight mile paths if not a quarter mile pass and have the air/fuel ratios stay where I want them so I do have a couple concerns though I haven't upgraded the fuel pump in the truck yet so we may run into a point where we basically don't have enough fuel pressure and I don't have a fuel pressure gauge on the truck right now unfortunately that's gonna be one of the next things I put in so but we're just gonna keep an eye on our injector duty cycle and if our ECM is calling for a lot of injector duty cycle and we're still not able to maintain the AFR we want that'll kind of be an indication that we're running out of fuel pump capacity and then the other thing I'm gonna keep an eye on is the timing so I'm gonna be logging the Nok and because I haven't changed the timing table at all and depending on the boost level and stuff I'll just be keeping an eye on that NOC so the other thing I wanted to point out I do live at a higher elevation than a lot of people so don't look at my timing numbers and boost numbers and think that you can get away with the same thing because I'll probably be able to run a bit more boost and a bit more timing before running into NOC than most people would so now let's fire up the laptop and I'll show you guys a couple things we'll look at the the PE and boost enrichment settings before we hop in the truck and go for a drive okay so this is what I'm gonna be logging here just your standard vehicle speed engine rpm - own temperature intake air temperature I might actually dump a little bit of ice into my intercooler tank just to keep those intake air temperatures down a bit I'm logging timing NOC burst NOC NOC learn factor and this kind of works as a you can almost think of it as not is like your short term it's not really a trim but basically not is a short term correction based on NOC and if it happens over a longer time this not learn factor is gonna go from a one - towards a zero and it's basically gonna start working more and more off the lower octane timing table rather than a high octane timing table so I'm logging that as well throttle position manifold pressure injector pulse width our air fuel ratio that's commanded and our EGR sensor because that's where my wideband o2 gauge is wired into so and that's the main method we're gonna be using to tune air fuel ratio is that wideband o2 gauge so I've got a chart set up here where I'm basically logging the error on the old two and way back when I made a video on how to set this up both how to wire in that wideband o2 to the EGR and then the math behind but basically if we look at the chart here graphs layout o to error basically I'm I've got a user math parameter here that calculates the error between what the commanded AFR is and what the actual AFR is and then I've also put a filter in here because I don't care what the AFR is when the throttle is closed look if we're decelerating or whatever I only care about logging AFR so I've got this function in here basically says if we look at the variable it is throttle position SAE same thing I'm logging over here and I'm saying if that variable is greater than 1 then we'll populate this table here so basically we shouldn't get any data in this table unless our throttle position is greater than 1 and so on and yeah we should be able to look down here and see what our commanded AFR is I guess we can see it over here too and we'll be able to see what our wideband o2 reading is and what our error or the difference in percent between the two is now let's hop over to the editor and we're gonna make a couple changes here basically on the power enrichment and the boost enrichment I've already made some changes from stop but I want to tweak a little bit more here so first thing I want to do is I want it to kick in sooner because this is a relatively small terminal for this truck it's a BS racing cast 78-75 so it actually starts making boost at about 2,000 rpm so I'm going to go into this box here and this is in rpm divided by a thousand so I'm gonna change this from a 3 to a 2 delay is zero because I want it to kick in instantly I throttle it set to kick in at any throttle position greater than 50% for both hot and cold so I'm gonna leave that the way it is weird in my neighborhood here I don't know if you can hear that and then the big thing we're gonna change is this EQ ratio and that this is what determines that commanded AFR so we're gonna go into this and I want it to be I want it to command about a 12 point to AFR so when you're making noise outside my dad's here so I open up a calculator and we're basically gonna take stoick fourteen point six eight divided by the twelve point two that were we want as our target and that comes up with a twelve point zero three so that's the member we're gonna enter in all the way across this table here three feet will sign actually I could go one more decimal place over the food let's go twelve point zero three three I'm not gonna make a huge difference both Solo and then we also have to look at our boost enrichment here so this will kick in any time or manifold air pressure is above 110 kPa so anytime a turbo atmospheric is around 100 it's actually slightly less here because of the elevation we're at but actually what the heck I'm gonna make that 100 instead of 110 because if I look at my map pressure right now with the truck not running it's probably in around the 90 range so and then we're gonna go into this EQ racial verses map and enter in the same twelve point zero three three so let's select that whole table one two zero three three equals and now I'll go over to the truck I'm just in the garage right now but we'll wash this tuned to the truck save it I always like to keep our running record you can see all the different dates that I've made changes to the tune in my truck it's August 24th so we'll save that and so basically what I'm gonna do is for the first part of the video will be tuning kind of part throttle stuff so basically I'll take off as normal like if I was driving around town and then I'll set the cruise at like whatever the minimum setting and I can set the cruise at I think it's about 40 kilometers an hour which i think is around 25 miles an hour and then we'll just log our Oh to error which is the difference between what its commanding for AFR which that part throttle should be fourteen point six eight and what we're actually seeing on our wideband o2 so fire truck warm it up and head outta town somewhere to a place where it's not busy and we'll do some logs okay and I just realized I made a mistake in that last section of the video I was out by one decimal point on my EQ ratio here this should all be let me go look at my calendar the area in should be one point two zero three three not twelve point zero three three that would have really jacked things up so we'll go one point two zero three three make a whole table of that so that looks better [Applause] [Music] no I'll save that again all right the truck and we'll go for a drive and like I said that the first part we'll just do part throttle oh go from like zero to forty kilometers an hour and then set the cruise at forty for a minute or two and then I'll set the cruise at like 60 kilometers an hour for a minute or two I'll take a separate log for each of these and then I'll set the cruise at like 80 kilometers an hour or 50 miles an hour for a minute or two and just see where we're at on on all of these the AFR ratio at all of these different speeds so we'll head up the truck and do that okay so got the truck up to operating temperature there we're out of town on a nice deserted Road they're off you can see but it's actually got some hills and stuff on it too so that'll actually help us cover more cells because as you're going up a hill you'll be putting more load on the engine and basically reaching further down into the table here basically we'll start looking at our own two air table and just when I said deserted from the most part there should be no traffic on it which is what you want if you're doing Street tuning you want to cause any wrecks anyways we'll start logging here because I've got that filter in you'll see it collecting data here but it's not actually going to start populating this table until our throttle position gets above one percent because I've got that filter the table appears anyways we'll start logging here you can see it's logging but there's no data being populated in that table yet until we start driving now let's put it in gear and like I said I'll accelerate to about 40 kilometers an hour which is yeah roughly 25 not sure why that engine light is flashing so yeah I'll just accelerate to 40 kilometres an hour now you can see we're starting to get that I am NOT table there and now I'm at just above that 40 kilometers an hour I've got the cruise set generally see it but now we'll just drive for a couple minutes and get a couple bumps here and let that table kind of blot me wait a bit okay so I did that test where I accelerated normally from zero to forty kilometres an hour and then I just set the cruise at just above 40 which is yeah 25 or 30 miles per hour and drove down this road up and down a few hills for five minutes or so Anna came up with this error so basically that's telling me other than this cell right down here we're a little bit lean yet and so in the main areas here we need to add anywhere between three and six percent of fuel to this area so the easy way of doing that I think this works is if I go copy this whole table and because this error reading is in percent if I go over to the editor you can probably hear I got a little buck sitting in the seat button beside me panting so and we want to go into our ve table which is an air flow main ve primary ve table and now if we select this whole table we should be able to right click and go paste special x percent I just want to go back and look at this table and so we're looking at the areas for manifold pressure between 50 and 65 and for rpm between 800 and 1600 so I just want to see how it affects so if we look over here we'll be looking at this region of the table right here from 50 to 65 and from 800 to 1600 so I'm gonna right click and do this pay special x percent first I want to see what these values are at so we're 54 63 and Sony one ish through that hole so when we were paste special x percent and you can see it bumped things up here [Music] and I think I'm going to [Music] just deciding if I need to do a bit of smoothing here or not I don't know I think I'll leave it the way it is and try it like that and now this next test or log I'm basically going to set my cruise at about 60 kilometres an hour or 40 miles per hour and do the same thing let it collect data for five minutes or so as I drive up and down the hills on this road and then we'll do another correction there okay now I got the cruise set at about 60 kilometres an hour or 40 miles per hour on my back road here again so we'll start logging and collect some data at that speed and now it should we're just going downhill right now so it's our throttle position is at zero so it's not updating that table but we're just coming up to an uphill here so we should start seeing our throttle position once it gets above one which should there it goes now we're collecting data in our table again and it looks like we're still a bit lean which agrees with what my wideband o2 says just slightly lean okay so now we got some wideband o2 error data from our 60 kilometer test so I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna right-click copy it over to our scanner and go pay special and x percent and it will have bumped up some more numbers in this area right here so we'll write that to the truck and then we'll go do the test at 80 kilometers an hour or about 50 miles per hour okay so I'm gonna repeat that process at 80 kilometers an hour or 50 miles an hour a hundred kilometers an hour which is about 62 ish miles an hour and 120 which is around 75 miles an hour I'm not gonna record the whole process because it's basically the same thing I'm gonna set my cruise for that speed and log the wideband o2 error and x percent in the primary VD table so we'll get those done now and then we'll find some pavement this dirt roller probably gonna isn't gonna cut it as we start getting into the boost so I'm gonna go finish getting my part throttle ve table dialed in and then we'll try and find a remote stretch of pavement somewhere and start opening up the throttle a bit and getting into the booster bitte so we'll do that now okay so now that I've done that I've just finished up the 80 kilometer an hour test and did my x percent and I'm just gonna do some smoothing on this VE table here like if we looked at the 3d view you can see it's kind of jacked up around this area here so basically I'm gonna go back here and we're gonna do this so from here to here I'm gonna do this smooth between vertical bounds just look in here Tucker panthan away there in this area of the table down here just let me try and move this so I can see you down lower I'm basically gonna take the 72 and run it all the way down to where it says 72 down here so I'm gonna select all these cells right here and make them equal 72 go back up here [Music] equals so that's changed all those I'm gonna do the same thing actually let me look here in this area here I'm gonna do the interpolate between horizontal bounds I'm just trying to get make everything get rid of the valleys and stuff in there from here to here I'm gonna make everything 83 down again from here to here I'm gonna make everything 82 tucker must be getting hot these pant in the lawn I'm gonna go back and look at my 3d view still a little you can see that dip right there I kind of like having a relatively smooth be table okay I think that's that dip right there basically I gotta do the same whoa smooth between horizontal or interpolate right there you know that looks better still a little but I'm gonna take the truck for drive and see how that does first I gotta write this just leave it flash into the truck and then I'll do my hundred kilometer at 120 kilometer an hour test and then we'll move on to the getting into the yeah okay so I got my V table pretty close at all the ranges from I did like 0 40 60 80 things are going on to focus here 100 and 120 kilometers an hour so now I'm going to start getting into the throttle a bit more and getting into the boost ranges so I think what I'm gonna do is go into the scanner here this vehicle controls and special functions and if we go under transmission gear I'm basically gonna command 3rd gear and I'll start from I don't know 1500 your 2000 rpm and work my way up to a fairly high rpm 5000 there 5500 and we'll do some air fuel ratio logging like that and see how that goes okay I'm out in farm country here I got my cruise set at 40 again so I'm gonna go into this command it into third gear and I did feel it shift there so now we're gonna start logging and we are logging so I'm gonna give it part throttle here okay so I did that test with it locked in third gear and you can see we did get into the boost ranges here we were at 125 kPa so just a couple pounds of boost basically but that was only at 39% throttle so we shouldn't have well I guess we did that's weird so we were in calling for power enrichment there and we're still a little bit rich cuz yeah it was calling for that 12.2 that I'm looking for we were actually at 11.52 so that's why in this part of the table it's showing negative numbers so basically we'll do that x percent again special paste and lean things out a bit in this area vtable okay so I got those numbers multiplied into my main ve table and now that I think about it the reason that it's calling for 12 point 2 3 here is because of that boost enrichment there's two different settings that you saw me change at the start of the video power enrichment and boost enrichment and so that yeah the reason it's calling for 12 point 2 3 is because our map remember I changed that to a hundred so our map is at 100 so that's why it's calling for 12 point two three so now we're going to try that again with even a little more throttle yeah this time we were at 39 point two so we'll try give her a little more hair I don't know maybe 50 or 60 or 70 year we won't go quite full wide-open throttle but we'll get a little more into the boost here ok so I got those numbers multiplied into my main ve table and now that I think about it the reason that it's calling for 12 point 2 3 here is because of that boost enrichment there's two different settings that you saw me change at the start of the video power enrichment and boost enrichment and so that yeah the reason it's calling for twelve point two three is because our map remember I changed that to a hundred so our map is that 100 so that's why it's calling for twelve point two three so now we're going to try that again with even a little more throttle yeah this time we were at thirty nine point two so we'll try give her a little more hair I don't know maybe 50 or 60 or 70 here we won't go quite full wide-open throttle but we'll get a little more into the boost here okay so I just did a log at you can see fifty seven or at the start of the log it was closer to like sixty percent yeah there I was at like 62 percent throttle and yeah lower rpms we were pretty close we were calling for screens a little dusty they're calling for twelve point two three and we are actually twelve point one four I'll just play this log back here I'll just do it at single speed lookout so I'm hitting the play back and I'll just watch what happens here so it's actually a little rich here which isn't a bad thing and there it starts there I'm at the end of the log already button but anyways those are the numbers I got from a log locked into third gear at about sixty some % throttle so we'll do our multiply paste with them things are getting pretty hot over there because this truck doesn't have air conditioning anymore but we'll paste and multiply those numbers in and then I'm thinking I might try a run not leaving it locked in third gear like a normal run through first second and third and see how that one looks I do that now okay so I'm just rolling along in drive at an idle basically at 20 kilometers an hour logging and I'm gonna try to do about a 60% throttle run through the gears here so let's see what happens [Applause] that so right about here is where I hit the throttle so I'll just play it back watch our so what's commanding twelve point two three we're in that in the ballpark slightly rich there but it's within yeah point not actually wasn't too bad I'll do yeah it within looks like that's about the leanest it got or maybe over there we were at twelve point three four so I'll do the x these ones and then we'll try give her even a little harder and go up to eighty percent or maybe even a hundred percent throttle okay so I've got as you can see I've got that AFR holding within you know 0.1 yeah I think it was calling for twelve point two three and the leanest I saw was twelve point three four at a fairly high level of throttle so I think I'm gonna go back to locking into third gear and I'm gonna do a full throttle pass basically from a roll at a thousand rpm or 1500 rpm and third gear right up to 5000 ish actually maybe I should start a little lower we'll go from 1500 to like 4,000 or so and we'll see how she does at wide open throttle alright so we're rolling along in third gear it's locked into third gear he's in the BCM scanner we're at about thirty miles an hour 1200 rpm so I'm gonna start scanning and it is scanning so I'm gonna floor it I'm gonna turn off the phone here so I can drive and but I'm recording the screen so we'll do that full-throttle pass and then come back and review it so here goes okay so I just finished up that pull in third year at wide open throttle so just gonna review the numbers here so I'm actually gonna play it back at half speed so we can see here this is right where I hit the throttle so we're gonna play it back even slower then it'll point to speed just go back to so you can see your throttle there goes to a hundred percent our wideband o2 reading is actually a little bit rich right there no or it needs to be in that 12 point to twelve point three range we're at 15 degrees of a spark timing events I guess you'd call it injector duty cycle is still super low so not running into those fuel issues I was concerned about so far now as I crank up the boost I probably will let's go back and look at our AFR again we're still right where we want to be slightly rich right now of 12.1 area and we're at well things are gonna start getting around 150 kPa of boost and we're still slightly rich of where we need to be so that's good but I think we can see here towards the end of the run basically as we get into the higher rpms and higher boost levels I've got a you can already see see here it's twelve point eight twelve point nine getting into danger on here thirteen so I should have probably let off but I want to watch my half hour AFR gauge and then the other thing I'm just gonna pause this for a second I'm a little back you can notice as we get into the higher rpms we're starting to see some bursts knock it's pulling three degrees of timing because of bursts knock and then right at the end before I lifted you can see here just a little bit right about there we did get into some nach so what are the cursors at right now it's pulling five and a half degrees because of nach and two point eight degrees because of burst knock so if you look back here or let's look at it before our burst knock came into effect but anyways it it should be calling for about fifteen degrees of timing but both the bursts knock and the actual not are coming into effect to protect the engine so I'm just running on premium pump gas so I may have to mellow out those timing tables a little bit but the big issue is as we get into here to lean on my AFR so I'm gonna go into this part of the table basically it'll be the same thing here copy and multiply and then I'm in the in the cells around this area I'm gonna adjust those as well so we'll go back over here actually I got a one kittens so we're in the hundred and fifty five and one hundred and sixty five cell range and four thousand and forty four hundred rpm so we doing this pay special x percent and then walk into and that's actually put my V above a hundred but I'm not gonna question like I'm just gonna give it what it wants so basically from here today let me make some adjustments here so it looks like okay I start down here maybe this interpolate between vertical bounds same thing here same thing here they appeal here then here's where things are gonna get between these cells make them a little 103 do the triple-eight thing here basically make those all 107 and then everything gonna make these all eight these little seven basically I'm gonna make everything here seven I'm gonna write that to the truck and we will try that third gear full throttle run again okay so I made those adjustments to my VE table and in another full throttle and run in third gear so we'll just review that to play back now so the first thing I notice I'm just gonna go back here that as soon as I hit the throttle right there I've got a bit of a lean spike it's not very long though so I'm not sure how worried I should be about it but you know right there I'm not like 17 AFR it doesn't stay like that for very long but I don't know if that's something I should be worried about or not but anyways let's keep going here so there are AFR dropped down to slightly rich of where it needs to be still haven't had a bit of trouble in that area right there was 12.7 for so let's see how it does for the rest of their own it's almost like it took a few seconds for it to find where it needed to be anyways let's see how it does for the rest of us so we're just getting into boost here we're 106 kPa on the manifold right now we're looking good as far as AFR goes objective duty cycle is good timing is good that's where I'd like to see it it's 14 15 degrees not pulling any knock or burst knock and fart is still good now we're getting into there was some bursts not therefore if you look at the and now we're even getting into a bit of actual not if you look at the red line you can see that's where it's pulling for burst knock and then this green line is actual knock so yeah I might have to pull a couple degrees out on my main timing table but AFR is looking decent anyways at this part of the run anyways it's slightly lean you know they're starting to take off a bit again we're again close to the 13 mark which is getting into dangerous territory and then it jumps up to off the map when I let off the throttle so I'm just gonna go back here before I lift it so yeah we're still got to add more fuel on the top end so I'll do the same thing again but the weird thing is we're getting into that numbers well above a hundred years so do this pay special x percent again and now it changed these numbers up here so I'm gonna go back a little up to this cell here and do that interpolate things and same thing here I'm going to do that interpolate I'm gonna copy this I wonder if I can just do this paste paste it over here and we'll do the triple-eight between two horizontal bands no that's made all those match so I'll write that to the truck and then we'll do it one more time but yeah I'd like to see in the high rpm range like to see it not close to 13 like it was there something right this to the truck and we'll try it again and see how it does okay so I made or another round of adjustments here and again I see that big lean spike right when I go full throttle here but yeah you can see right there my wideband o2 goes up to over 16 then it comes into line here it was a little bit lean right there and then stays pretty good [Applause] and it is again pulling will see some first knock gets here time and fluctuating a bit there AFR is decent no 12 point right around the 12 o 12 1 12 2 [Music] still got some burst NOK being pulled they're here we're actually a little bit rich but that's still fine eleven eight and there we got into pulling some NOK again and I don't know if this is real knock or false knock or what but I guess it's probably since I am running just on premium pump gas it's probably doing what it's supposed to be doing and again right towards the end before I left we got into the 13s there I'm just gonna stop this again look there were this last point I'm not too concerned about where it went over 13 because I was already off the throttle at that point but right there twelve eight so in that cell right there 4000 rpm and 165 kPa I'm gonna bump that up another yeah two and a half percent or so so I'm just gonna copy this cell back to that cell so we're at 165 and 4,000 rpm we're already pretty high at 111 maybe I need to go well let me go I'll do the pay special I x % e button here there - I'm just gonna leave that undone I'm gonna take this one and multiply by [Music] two point five seven four so we'll multiply that that takes about 113 okay I'm gonna make all these 104 [Applause] triple-eight these ones triple-eight these I'm gonna make everything in this role 113 make everything down here 113 [Music] [Applause] make everything here one-off five-ish this all 113 make this all 113 seems weird to me that I'm having to make the numbers this high here but just doing what my AFR gauges is asking for I guess I shall just take this whole section here do that rather than do it column by column okay now I'll write that to the truck and you one more run here and see okay I got another log done here and I think I'm starting to run into the issue I was afraid of with fuel pump capacity because if you look over in the editor in like the high manifold pressure high rpm range I've gone from I don't know what it was originally 100 or I don't know 104 right now I've bumped it up to like 115 and I'm still running into at the very end of my run here I basically I can't get where it need to be as far as AFR like but I'm only at 41 percent duty cycle on my injector but seems like no matter how big I make this number in the ve table I can't yet my AFR where it needs to be in this range here of the 4000 rpm and up and 165 kPa and up so I think next thing I'm gonna or the next project I'm gonna do for this truck is a fuel pressure gauge so I can confirm my suspicions on that but I think I bet if I had a fuel pressure gauge I'd be seeing a drop in fuel pressure right around this 4,000 rpm 165 kPa more so but I think for now basically I know I'm running out of steam in that area in 30 years so I'm gonna try do full throttle pull just shifting through the gears normally so go back and do that now okay so we're rolling along in first gear here ready to do a full throttle pull through all the gears and I got my scanner going [Music] yeah as you could hear the audio from my laptop wasn't very good so I'm just gonna add some commentary here as I edit this back at the garage so the run is paused right now at the one to shift and you can see that the AFR ratio is at 15 point 2 3 so that's dangerously lean since we're at a hundred percent throttle position so basically I think my fuel pump isn't keeping up and I'll carry on with the run again and so I've got a paused again this is at the 2:3 shift and you can see my AFR it's fine at the lower rpms but right at the 2:3 shift I'm at fifteen point one two which is way too lean so like I said I think I'm running out of fuel so okay guys I think I'm gonna give up and wrap this one up yeah for some reason I just can't get my AFR's where I need them to be when I'm in that range above about 4000 rpm and around 165 kPa which according to my gauge was I don't know somewhere in 8 to 10 pounds of boost range and I'm pretty sure that it's because my fuel pump isn't keeping up so that's gonna be the next project I do on the truck is install a fuel pressure gauge and I think while I'm at it I'm just gonna go ahead and order up a new fuel pump and I'm thinking of trying out one of those new walbro 525 the Hellcat pump so see if I can get one of those sourced and in the meantime while I'm waiting on those parts I've got a couple ideas for some videos we can do in the mean time so I'll wrap it up for now thanks for watching and commenting and subscribing got a bunch of new subscribers and a lot of that is due to Kyle with gold rope garage giving me some shoutouts and stuff in me in his live chat so go check out his channel if you haven't already every Thursday he does a live stream that's pretty informative and entertaining so we'll wrap it up for now I'll talk to you on the next one bye for now
Channel: Lowbuck LS
Views: 11,593
Rating: 4.932961 out of 5
Keywords: HP Tuners, how to, how to tune, hp tuners silverado, hp tuners 101, goat rope garage, efi live, hp tuners guide, hptuners tutorial, ls turbo build, 5.3 ls turbo silverado, ls turbo truck, hp tuners ve tuning, ls turbo, evans tuning, how to use hptuners, turbo ls truck build, 5.3 ls turbo truck, speed density tuning hp tuners, hp tuners mpvi2, hp tuners silverado 5.3, hp tuners chevy silverado, hp tuners ve tuning with wideband, hp tuners ve tuning guide
Id: 46bDbY6yLZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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