Real Life Sherlock Reacts....Amber Heard Deposition - Lies explained

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[Music] vivid [Music] good evening folks how's it going welcome back nice to see you again i'm sorry it's been so long um but i'm gonna fill you in on it on exactly why that's been now um in this video um so you may have seen throughout my social media i've been putting out uh little hints as to some of the things that i'm gonna be doing to to mark the occasion of my my 20th year as as a deductionist or whatever word you want to call it bearded weirdo um and uh you may have seen these knocking around and there's been quite a pleasing number of you who've uh have tried to figure out exactly what it is what's going on um some of you missed some of the hints during the situational awareness webinar that i run well i'm gonna be putting you out of your misery towards the end of this video so make sure that you stay tuned for that no right everyone's thinking can i just skip forward to the end now don't you're gonna miss some vital information um regarding the the video that we're gonna break down so we're back on another on another body language explained uh video today this one quite popular in the amount of people that sent it to me or versions thereof um [Music] yeah it's the uh the amber herd deposition from the the uh the trial that's been going on of late uh this isn't a forum for for public opinion on on rights or wrongs i'm i am and always have been in uh in johnny depp's corner i didn't ever foresee that was ever going to go any other way but that's when we step into dangerous ground doing this type of uh work right are we gonna let our biases um color exactly what it is that we're gonna view could we view this video knowing what we know or what we don't or what we think we know right and how far does that bias our opinions one way or the other that's that's the end of the game for exactly what it is that we do right we're here to read people not to impart our opinions on uh on what's going on sorry i'm distracted there appears to be uh some some drunken reprobates shouting outside of my house anyway that's enough for that um so with that in mind you all need to subscribe to the channel if this is something that you enjoy if this is something that you love to talk about and learn and discuss and um really get to get get our heads together on exactly what it means to to read people's situation things a la sherlock homes right that's that's why you're here in the first place very few people um come for my banter or comedy because it's it's non-existent let's face it um so yeah if that's something that you enjoy please do think about subscribing to the channel uh it's free doesn't cost you anything and in this absolute show of a year um that's that's a blessing for for anyone really isn't it uh yeah so here we go cannot stress this enough context is key i've said it in this video i said in the epstein video the tiger king video very nearly said the lion king video but very different videos i said in the last dance video and the uh the unsolved video uh unsolved as in netflix i don't leave anything unsolved recently come back from a week's worth of work overseas working on cases which was fun as well so um i legitimately can't talk to you about that anyway paperwork precludes it so here we go let's do this 6 18 pm and we're back home just a clarification we're not going to devote the fifth amendment privilege so you can re-ask that question if you like which question did you commit domestic violence against johnny depp anytime prior to see normally here that's that's a great thing already when we talk about context right when we when we look at this type of uh behavior and movement then the chewing of the tongue the rolling of the jaws right it's akin to pacifying but it's it's it's a movement that we do to impede uh in a rage that's going on but when we look at the context here of exactly why she's doing that right and the sound that we can hear we it's uh it's a drink or some food or both maybe because you can still hear it rattling around in there as well so this is this is immediately how somebody jumping in terms of a this means this type of attitude towards reading people can start to uh give misreads right may 22nd 2016 did you ever commit an act of domestic violence against johnny depp calls for a legal conclusion and irrelevant go ahead do you understand what i'm asking you no no did we really just get that oh that obvious she's supposed to be a good actress right no so that's uh let's say there are a couple of things that's going on here right either that's the that's the coaching from her legal counsel failing her um or she's letting her true feelings betray exactly what exactly what is coming out of her mouth right and you can see immediately when you look at the history of domestic abuse cases right if you take some of the really popular ones like um uh was it war machine or machine head or wall man uh again against christy mack and if you look at the some of the videos of her descriptions of exactly what what went on there's you have to relive it in order to talk about it right um in in the re reliving of of those moments for somebody that went through it a painful traumatic incident it's a horrific what what christie had to go i think her name is christine actually what christine had to go through um it's it's horrific but she lives that and you can see her burying the sadness burying the pain in order to be strong and talk about it right what you get from misheard here is something that verges on psychopathy in that there is an emotionally driven question did you ever commit domestic violence against johnny depp it's you should be filled with indignance if um if you didn't do it you know you should be filled with uh anger something but nothing you get control deep breath in poise and then no i don't understand it's a complete incongruence and again i'm overstating this just just to slam the point home i'm only judging this on this video and nothing more right so this is never ever going to be about assigning blame one way or the other because if i was working this case i'd want more evidence i'd want the testimonies i want dates times pictures repeat interviews or depositions whatever they call them in america right you need more information so all the information that i'm i'm talking about here is only going to be based on this and this alone so it's not about assigning blame it's about talking about what this suggests and you factor that in moving forwards right yes i understand what you're asking okay and prior to may 21 2016 or may 22 maybe we didn't get something that obvious right but the control was still there first of all 2016. is it your testimony that you never committed any act of what would be considered domestic violence against mr deb calls for a legal conclusion and irrelevant to these proceedings i did my i no i did my best to defend myself and not um see now now we're getting into the uh the actress territory of i'm saying that like i'm casting aspersions i don't mean it that way i mean that it's gonna become difficult to decipher between possible performances or possible um real genuine sentiments right so we talk about the the differing levels of um what is exactly going on right she starts this fidgeting behavior in her chair right a natural sign of discomfort anxiety growth heightened levels of activity in the autonomic nervous system right this is when your your polygraphs would start to start to turn just to give you that little inclination that something is afoot but without um further evidence of the video of how she walked into the room um some kind of context difficult to say one way or the other right she can't answer the question directly regardless of whether you're genuinely feeling it or whether you're making it up on the spot right you would want to look or at least pose your conversation towards the person you're talking to if you're trying to convey an element of truth right the people that are uncomfortable with lying will tend to either go one way or the other either they can't do it and they'll keep bouncing away one way or the other or they'll overcompensate they'll over correct and do nothing but look you in the eyes because there's that misnomer that liars um you know they can't look you in the eye and um we're getting a lot of that action here did you notice the the eyelid flutter linked to the heightened activity in the autonomic nervous system as well the heart starting to creep up a little bit could be genuinely because she's reliving those moments and she's quite good at uh suppressing that i doubt it because of all of the additional evidence that's gone on since then um in terms of what's come out about the photos that were faked regarding her bruises and whatnot um but yeah this is this is interesting i like this get seriously hurt or be a doormat to whom this happens to all the time isn't it true misheard that so there we go the eyebrows start to go bottom lip the chin boss all turning over okay difficult to decipher with it with a good actress and let's face it based on her career she's she has to have some success behind it she has to be good at what she does lee confessed and apologized to johnny depp for committing domestic violence against him i'm going to object calls for legal conclusion argumentative harass that was fun uh in the objection she uh she smiled at her legal counsel um a warm smile let's see if i can wind it back a little bit so we can get it misheard that you previously confessed and apologized to johnny depp for committing domestic violence against him i'm going to object thank you all right gratitude you've just saved me for a legal conclusion argumentative harassing isn't it true that you had previously told johnny depp that you had uh hit him i'm going to object it's a different question which she was about to answer it it's vegan ambiguous vegas to time um many times when we fought well not many times he hit me for a very long time before i ever um i'm gonna pick up myself it's non-responsive and moved to stride miss heard i'd like you to listen to what i'm about see you could start to look at this now in terms of emotional congruence right so let's let's do this again this that last little bit but i will mute the video nothing no slight sadness in the in the upper face upper brows but then that could be along the lines of uh stress for not remembering nothing more other than oh i can't i can't mask it i'm not an actor right um but the the raised and pulled together slightly nature of that expression the way it sits on her face without the words the there is no there is no meaning behind it so this is where we start to see elements of incongruence here it's either control or it's incongruence and then you could ask questions of why would you be controlled in this type of scenario anyway if you have to do nothing but tell the truth about frankly a traumatic experience for everyone involved into what i'm about to play would you do that there you go she's definitely we see it then she's eating whether that be uh grapes or nuts or i don't know what you keep on the table in a deposition kind of makes you wonder if she's got a rider for these kind of scenarios whatever do you recognize the voices on that tape and who are the people on that tape it's johnny and i okay and uh johnny and i distancing language again me and johnny johnny and me me eyes further away uh some of the older psychologists would consider it a link to the id and the superego and the like i don't really ascribe to that kind of notion it's particularly uh along the lines of flying by the seat of your pants distance in language it happens without thinking automatically but again there's nothing going on with this woman right this there's still the fidgeting there's still the displacement notion of eating right now you could argue for for many sides uh in why this displacement behavior is happening whether that be to um control your internals to maintain a positive exterior which again falls back into the line of why would you control that type of outcome anyway um it it could be that she is genuinely hungry but you would think somebody wants to get in there and just do a deposition i don't know if that's the right way of phrasing it give a deposition talk about the traumatic event either way whatever it is and then um go away and have something to eat and calm down take a few breaths afterwards right it's either a lack of planning a lack of foresight a lack of forethought a lack of interest uh in the entire thing or a heightened state of control both don't speak to the quality of misheard's character at this stage and again right i i mentioned at the start that i've i've been in um mr depp's corner not really vehemently but you look at the evidence and you you make your own opinion so it could start to sound like mine is biased at this stage i've yet to find a video of uh of johnny's deposition either so if you can see that drop it in the comments drop me a link i'll do a follow-up is johnny describing an act where uh you uh made a door go into his head now that's interesting if they that's the first time she struggled with eating this entire time now if you follow that as a train of logic she's listened to the audio she knows what's being discussed so when the questioner whatever the person is called who is is doing the questioning in this in this scenario when they say uh about what is being described she would know and that would strike a panic so we watch this again i'm so sorry do you recognize the voices on that tape and who are the people on that tape it's johnny and i okay and uh is johnny describing an act where uh you oh there is johnny describing an act right you you see this a lot in um in fear behaviors to whatever degree the fear behaviors right you see this along the lines of um throat closing up so the voice goes higher affects the vocal pitch the the throat dries out so you get into into a number of swallows licking of lips drinking eating that kind of territory right that's an interesting fear response which could be linked because it was preemptive so shows a lot of cognition on her part she's getting she's getting ahead of the questions that's being asked uh made a door go into his head objection harassing argumentative vague i um i was trying to escape from a room where johnny was attacking me and in order to escape i was trying to get onto the other side of the door attempting to close the door and he was attempting to get in despite my attempts to try and escape an assault right so what we get from that is uh is a tone of condescension could be sincerely that she's being uh sorry she's feeling annoyed at not being understood um not being heard by the questioner so she's having to over explain it to her but it also could be argued um that she's being condescending to try and make sure that her point is taken which logically speaking if you apply like a rational train of events to this type of scenario that's that's not what you want to have understood there is a huge element of control that i i can't i can't get my head around why it's why it's that controlled at this stage right she's completely what's a good word she's she's drawing i can i don't know what the best word is i need disenfranchising i was thinking about but she's completely drawing this proverbial line in the sun between her and the person asking the questions isn't it true that on this tape that was just played you tell johnny depp you're sorry yes okay did you just tell johnny depp in that recording that i remember hitting you as a response to the door thing yes as he was trying to get in to the door i was trying into the room i was trying to escape in he pushed the door into me and i was trying to hit him by getting out getting him out of the door to stay in the room and you and went over to her legal counsel for comfort right she's she's told this story and then we have to come over here for comfort for reassurance and again could be that um that she's just relived uh a fearful experience and she wants to have this um conversational safe haven what's more likely is that element of control is causing uh a heightened level of internal anxiety within her um at having to try and convey a meaning that isn't strictly true and then we've we've gone over to here it's it's along the same line as a as a confirmation glance when two people involved in a deception will uh have concocted the same story they'll say something and then they'll look to the side to confirm with the other person that they've just done it right or behaved in the right way uh in allegiance with the story that's being told it's the safety marker it's it's your port in the storm and that's that's exactly what's just gone on there told him in that tape recording that you hit him correct uh i don't i don't know what words i used and then [Laughter] oh come on girl you've got the uh the asymmetrical gestures here i i i don't know what words i used right that's that's the body being genuine it's it's in complete congruence with the words i don't know i don't know what this is incongruent at this stage it's along the lines of a single-sided shoulder shrug um when we can do this we don't know when we have this it's it's taking away half of the meaning uh essentially behind it would you would you beg for forgiveness this way please believe me right i don't think you would um so yeah that's that's interesting and then the backing out with i don't remember what words that i used that's akin to most guys that you see on talk shows that go oh i'm sorry honey i didn't mean to sleep with her i was drunk shut up i apologize to all americans that just had to listen to me do that as well it was a terrible accent i shall stick to barely speaking the queen's english play it back if you want but i don't remember exactly how long if you wouldn't mind if you can play it back if you want oh brilliant that was pathetic continue to listen okay did you tell johnny depp at that time you were speaking to him that you were really sorry for hitting you hitting him with the door hitting him i was i think in that recording i made it very clear that i was sorry that the door hit him while he was trying to get into the room i was [Laughter] sorry it's it may sound particularly insensitive that i'm laughing at this video i apologize for that right now but the reason that this this is it's tickling me so much is the answer to that question is yes we we've all just heard the recording she's just looking for an answer and then she's taking that uh sorry amber heard has taken that opportunity to again give that um a symmetrical move with the same hand gesturing uh you could argue that it's along the lines of simply gesturing towards the device that's there as well which it looked more akin with but the thing that backs up the because you're not going to gesture to to one device that way when you're talking about um uh words that were on the tape i get that right you can argue you can argue one way or the other on that one but she has has taken the opportunity to again be completely non-committal and jump at an opportunity to reinforce a story beyond all measure that was uncalled for as part of the question and again you could argue that while the questions are trying to trap her yada yada but if you're looking essentially for um honest displays a lack of deceptive markers uh a a rising comfort a rising compliance we're getting none of this here right we're getting none of this and that was i thought that was particularly interesting that it was it was a quintessential politician's answer if you listened to um um donald trump's uh i forget what show it was on i think it was sean hannity but he was asked twice directly you know have you been tested again since and he gave every other possible word that he could in order to avoid saying either yes or no which which would have been the answer right same that we can say here are attempting to escape into attempting to escape into i tell you if if she's this uninterested in um auditioning as well as a wonder she ever got any work completely incongruent it does make me wonder what her left hand is doing whether that is uh any pacifying markers or simply resting flat twitching i i'd like to know what that's up to uh um excuse me i'd like you to listen to the following tape this is punched and we need to have are they being marked as exhibits yeah mark is exhibiting just mark p as the one we just played correct yes okay okay marking the next thing that i'm going to play to you uh as hugh would you listen to this please it's displacement stuff which the more we watch this video we can start to get a semblance of time frame for when this side starts to dry up and freak out in the fear shape she looks like a little kid sat in a dentist office waiting for a mum to come out that's that's what i don't get about any of this reliving a traumatic experience right whether that be ptsd whether that be actually reliving it or anything in between on the spectrum right i'm trying to think of the elements of why you would genuinely relive or relive this up here but not really want to talk about it there's there's no there's no control in her eyebrows there's no control in her face there's no nothing going on there right everything we've seen is either genuine or could be equally argued that it's pantomimed or there's nothing there's no emotional resonance whatsoever which doesn't which doesn't fit i accidentally i swear whatever that look was to her uh legal counsel whatever again maybe because she knows preemptively what's coming up honey right he's about to try which makes sense uh what he said just before i paused it you know i swear it's gonna be i swear i didn't mean to or swear it was an accident or something like that when i was trying to close the door oh there's a real moment but i did not [Music] hey okay sorry i was watching a face then the hands come out the hands come out okay so we've literally got um emblematic behaviors control uh there's a case of uh some some digital flexion that's going on tension in the fingertips you can literally see that she's got white knuckles at this moment but you you're trying to convey that um everything is fine everything is calm now if you look at it in terms of uh numbers clusters right you could argue that uh based upon the fact that she is partially leaning forward hands are on the table that's a check for the positive c lip the positive column but you've also got tension in the fingertips the the lack of emotion that's on the face i want to know what our feet are doing the tension in the waist as well tension in the jaw which is particularly weird so many other contradictory elements okay so you told him in that uh excerpt that you another smile towards the legal counsel as if you know we we knew this was about to happen we prepared properly that's the only thing contextually that makes sense to me there okay so you told him in that uh uh excerpt that you hit him with it was a smile mostly from the eyes i can't fake it again i don't smile that way but most women can't smile that way you know you're pretty cute that was that was one of those smiles there quite well hidden but we got it and again um there there could be there could be uh another reason as to why she's doing that but that into that would be the only explanation for exactly the context of that smile uh that smile's appearance in my opinion the door but did not intend to hit him correct recording speaks for itself did you say that the recording speaks for itself well arguably it did the other two times where were you before i said whatever i said in that recording i don't um when you play it for me it's hard for me to remember every second and that's a recording mark more of that it's almost when uh i'm almost expecting i'm she's going to claim a fugue state at the moment as exhibit the punching uh q it was just played q would you continue to listen to exhibit q are these from the same day oh so punching we go there was the increase there so let's marker that again moving forward so we've had one moment where the throat misbehaved during fear because she knew what was coming the same setup has happened here so let's see what happens next on the video uh on the audio sorry i i reacted but this whole the door thing i i remember i never did that that wasn't on purpose so that's casting blame on her i never did that i never did that on purpose okay so this is how we start to explore exactly what's true and what we see and what we can rely on we start to check back at these little markers confirm or deny moving your way forward right you know whatever a lot of hatred anger there over my baby sister when he laid hands on her i don't know what i did but i know i jumped in between the actions that i saw could lead to a fatal injury good anger mask let's go back a little bit further i may have wound it on too far so we've gone from naught to 60 in terms of emotional displays of time hey everyone on this side of the room please objection 352. it's not relevant to the domestic violence pursuit thank you your honor answer it however you want to including the way you were just i'm asking for a yes or no answer you don't have to answer it the way she wants you to answer it he was about to push my sister down the stairs she was attempting to break us up i am protective over my baby sister when he laid hands on her i don't know what i did but i know i jumped in between the actions that i saw could lead to a fatal injury to my sister she was standing on the top of a flight of the stairs and she has never hurt anyone in her life and she does not deserve to be pushed down by the stairs and it looked like she was about to be and i would have done anybody who has a child or sister would have done i acted defensively in her life i saw her standing on top of a flight of the stairs and trying to interrupt a fight in between him and i i don't know what him and i again right so that that's a very difficult thing to pull apart upon one viewing because whereas the like if you look at the difference here between this uh description of this and the door incident from before totally different right totally different because there's this external uh human the baby sister whoever this is which i i can totally understand yeah i can totally understand um in terms of if if anybody was threatening uh say my daughter for example my daughter was at the top of the stairs and i saw the possibility of something potentially happening you god damn right i'd get involved without without question and that also works in in line with why exactly we're seeing the or the them these type of leaks uh in her face as well which makes more sense in terms of why you'd be particularly controlled with your hands if you are this um socially not on screen if you are this character that's that's prone to outbursts you'd need to make sure that you're on your best behavior so to speak you're in a deposition but if you look at the changing color of her face right there's there's no um there's no eating to calm down and assuage whatever is internally fluttering on the inside as well because there's some actual gusto behind this part of my body i put in between me and him and her but i would have done anything i would have done anything to prevent her from being pushed on a flight of stairs you say these things happened on april 21 at any time after april 21 did you call the police about these things you say happened on april 21 let me just check the time on that let me go back a little bit of 6 30. okay so this is earlier on that's fine so we could have taken that gestural retreat in terms of contextual analysis moving forward but the time sinks out no i never called the police on johnny myself did you ever report to any law enforcement authority other than the police your claims that he did these things on april 21. no i attempted as best as i could to hide this and keep our lives as private as as possible and i did what a lot of i guess women do tried to protect him were you attempting to hide this when you filed this declaration on may 27 2016. it was unhidable because the cops had been called misheard when you uh claim in your declaration but we're back here to this um to this controlled unemotional person regarding this action that she is directly involved in with with johnny depp there's no there's no outside uh baby sister here so we're back to this controlled storyteller this is what happened um i liked the um in terms of interest in that she said i did i guess what most women do trying to protect him we're after that martyrdom status that the argument started with johnny throwing a magnum sized bottle of champagne at the wall do you recall that of that yes okay did the when it's directed at uh johnny depp direct answer that's interesting no audio clearing my mind even though we just played the audio before i can't tell you exactly what happened yeah yeah amber bottle break i don't know if it broke or the ball if there was a bottle on the table next to it that broke and a wine glass next to it that broke but there was both a wine glass and a bottle i'm not sure which of the two it was that broke when the one that was thrown at me but missed or if it was the one perhaps sitting on the table nearby but our paint the painting behind it behind it that rests on the wall behind where i was standing still is missing a big chunk out of it um so it makes an impact are you finished i want to make sure [Laughter] that's when the eyebrows are linked to a few oh let's watch that again [Laughter] now whether that was that was her intention to um overtly show that she's not getting entangled within this story to this story at all or not i don't know because we can't see the woman asking the questions but her reaction then jesus watch this again the rest on the wall behind where i was standing still is missing a big chunk out of it um so it made quite an impact are you finished i want to make sure rolling the tongue did it ever touch your body no um did the wine glass you refer to in reference to the bottle ever touch your body uh pieces of it did that's it shattered okay uh where did the pieces you say touched your body touch your body what part of your body i don't remember exactly what part of my body was touched by the glass breaking upon impact i do know that it touched my body uh knees and hands uh no not my hands my knees anyway um when i went down is that not incongruent again i don't remember exactly what part of my body it touched but it did touch my hands and my knees uh no just my knees is that not like will smith in bad boys when he goes my [ __ ] always works sometimes and that's the end of the video folks well contextually speaking there is uh there's a lot to go on there um but it does need further analysis in terms of uh in terms of johnny's deposition so that if there's a video out there of that drop in the comments uh below now the moment you've all been waiting for all six of you watching this video um so the clues they've been leading up to the drum roll please for the uh celebration of the 20th year of being a deductionist i'm i'm bringing back the deductionist podcast and um that's exactly what's happening um it's it's gonna go out weekly uh me and adam are gonna be doing it as well this time we've got loads of fun stuff planned um so make sure you stay glued uh to either this youtube channel or my instagram feed at ben cardle221b for updates on where you can find it i'm hoping i'm gonna be able to put it out wherever you can get podcasts to be able to do that um so yeah we are back baby whoa that's weird doing that in a house on your own with just dogs looking at you like can you shut up and feed me please right guys thank you for your time i realize this has been a bit of a bit of a long one but i wanted to make it in depth and hopefully you got something out of it uh if you enjoyed this drop a comment drop a like don't forget to subscribe to the channel all that jazz and um drag your friends down as well uh i'm sure they'll be able to get something out of it too reading actresses and actors faces is is not easy and their body language is not easy because they get paid millions of dollars to be able to control it right um so this is going to be more of a look at zeroing in on the minutia of the detail in order to try and pull apart exactly what's happening make sure you understand context is key in everything moving forwards as well and uh with that in my guys i will talk to you all soon podcast is back baby
Channel: Ben Cardall - The Deductionist
Views: 28,878
Rating: 4.9533982 out of 5
Keywords: ben cardall, sherlock, reacts, bbc, sherlockian, mx publishing, body language, people reading, lie detection, deception, johnny depp, amber heard, trial, court, deposition, logic
Id: 8NYj2Bg4Kb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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