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family family I have this Happy Meal in real life but there's nothing inside I got Bamboozled and then I have this five nightes at Freddy's backpack in real life but is there a Freddy Fazbear in there um I don't think so that's a scam and then family I have this giant bow in real life but do you think there's any candy in there nuh-uh wo okay actually maybe there is best day ever baby nugget what did you do oh my chicken nugget baby nugget you just ate all my Candy I wanted to eat that and now I want to go potty my tummy hurt through all the candy family today we're looking at real life diaramas of poppy playtime three number three kind of rhymes with the word candy and now baby number is going to jilie cuz after eating all my Candy he's fired hey Saucy and dippy Nuggie y'all can stay okay family first up is the crafty corn realistic diarama but uh wait a a second do y'all see the picture that I'm seeing I see a picture of a unicorn but I do not see crafty corn chicken NY did she go wait a second family crafty corn is a unicorn we're looking at a real life video do you think that unicorn is Crafty corn no way wo yes way cuz family look at this now we're molding crafty Corn's real life head out of clay oh and look at our teeth why do they fit inside those Pockets just like a bowling pin but family I will tell you right now I do not want to go bowling for crafty Corn's teeth because if we get a strike that does not mean we win the game it means we lose our hand cuz real life crafty corn about to bite it off wait a second uh why are we putting devil horns on top of crafty Corn's face oh wait a second false alarm family nobody worry those are not devil horns Alexia silly girl those are unicorn ears and we also just added on a unicorn horn a unicorn hair do ooh looks so cute now Family you might be thinking that this unicorn looks a lot like a horse but that is cuz unicorns are actually just horses with magic powers and the cool unicorn horn on their head wo okay crafty corn your eyeballs look very spooky and very dark your hair still looks beautiful though kind of like M some ramen noodles with some blue food dye W look family we finished the head and now it's time to make the real life diarama that we are going to stick crafty corn in for the rest of her life yes family I know what you were thinking ooh crap rorn you look so cool we finally got to meet you in real life and got to take you out of playtime Co so you will be free forever hello family looks like crafty corn and Poppy PL time just got to leave playtime Co only to get stuck inside of this box and now family are you ready for the final transformation in 3 2 1 oh um hold on hold on hold the phone some somebody teacher answer me please I know we were putting CRA de corn inside of this realistic diarama box but uh I didn't know we were also putting a chainsaw in there too cuz family what do you think they're going to do with that spinning blade they're probably just going to cut some potatoes or some chicken nuggies with it right they're not going to touch her face oh no family who we getting that chain size for crafty corn and it is either somebody trying to steal her magical unicorn horn on the top of her head or chop off the rest of her her head to eat some unicorn burgers for dinner unicorn Burgers don't taste good at least that's what um somebody else told me I've never eaten them before have you exactly speaking of things getting chopped off and oofed um next up family we have a 30 second verse 3 minute verse 30 minute drawing of player oh oh oh and um okay I might have missed a little bit of information it is not just is a picture a player even though you probably can't tell from this 30second drawing but now we're moving on to the thre minute drawing and that means that this is going to be a lot more detailed and we're going to be able to tell that this picture is a player and your favorite person but probably not cuz I was just joking and this person is Super Evil the Prototype family look look at player prototype's hand went right through his body like he's trying to steal out his heart prototype bro it don't matter how many hearts you steal you are never going to be a nice person and also I'm pretty sure you can't put a heart inside of a robot they don't have feelings and clearly we see why you don't have feelings because you just o anyone when you get the chance okay not going to lie that three minute drawing is actually really good I feel bad for player but artistically the picture is beautiful okay now let's look at the 30 minute drawing this should be the best drawing out of them allall let's see prototype what do you have up your sleeve oh uh actually we know what's up prototype sleeve it's his robot arm that steals people away I don't like it all right family this picture is almost complete now since it's the 30 minute drying we're adding more shading to make it more realistic and now let's see all three of them together wa player I'm so sorry bro I didn't want you to leave but honestly dude these pictures are very pretty which one's your favorite family 30 second 3 minute or 30 minute comment down below or comment down below rip player to make sure he's okay all right family I hear you I hear you you do not want to see anybody else get oofed well don't worry family I'm not going to show you that anymore because right now the next thing I'm about to show you is somebody super secret somebody apparently very loving and apparently somebody who is dating somebody else who we know in popul time 3 family do you recognize who this is his name is Mr delight and he's dating Miss Delight oh no okay this is the regular version of him where he looks happy smiling and actually kind of cute but family um if you wait till we draw on to the next drawing of Mr Delight MH how do I tell you this you might not like it as much and also going make you a little bit more scared because the next try of Mr Delight is the jump scare version Oh no are you ready for this family remember how there's like a cute version of M delight and then there's kind of like a spooky version of her well that's exactly what I'm showing you right now but for Mr Delight okay okay okay uh yep already his face is looking sus okay remember family when M delight's face got ripped off in pop Play Time 3 it looks like that's what's happening to Mr Delight right now but that's okay family because that just means that Mr delight and Miss Delight are meant for each other they can Bond over having ripped off faces and they could bond over having to buy Band-Aids for their face all right Mr Delight the jump scare version of you is very scary yes I agree um do I want you anywhere near me no not really I'd prefer you stay far far away cuz seriously dude I think your face is dripping a little ketchup and uh oh look at that sorry I don't need any more for my burger oh hey next drawing how are you I recognize you girl I know exactly who you are family since we just saw a Mis Delight it only makes sense that we're about to show you a m Delight this time we're doing the normal version of M delight and then the jump scare version of her too and then at the end we're going to see if the jump scare version of Miss delight and the jump scare version of Mr Delight are going to match up because family if we don't think that they look enough the same and we don't think that they look in love then I am going to have to make them get a divorce cuz obviously I know the most about their relationship and not them so it only makes sense a Miss Delight you look so cute in your regular version that makes me really excited to see your jump scare version um actually maybe not cuz I'm already scared okay missed the light okay there's your face oh wait girl why is your face purple and pink um do you have bruises on your face or something because I don't think it's supposed to be that color oh oh and her hair is green too she probably had a really runny nose because she already lost half of it so then all the snot That was supposed to stay in her nose went all over her hair M the light you are looking like a giant bag of Skittles right now because you are every color of the rainbow okay we're finished up her teeth o they look a little black um maybe she brushed them with some charcoal or maybe she didn't brush them at all all right family jump scare version of Mr delight and jump scare version of M Delight do they match are they a good couple or should we break them up and separate them forever let me know in the comments and maybe I can make something happen speaking a m a light wow look what we have here a Mist a light School backpack uh Miss Delight did you not only get your first boyfriend but you're also going to school wait wait wait girl I don't think that teachers are allowed to go to school unless they're trying to teach the other kids you can't go to school you're a teacher you're supposed to know everything okay okay wait what do we have in this m toight backpack we have some lip gloss a mirror some hand sanitizer too okay but that was just the first pocket now let's open up the big pocket wait no way wait have an iPhone that's crazy okay okay okay what's that oh a case a m the light iPhone case Okay stylish what the chicken nugie I want one okay that's the Creator who made all of these amazing art pieces if you want to go check them out they're links for their videos going to be in the description just like always and then we have a calculator of M light and what's that oh it's oh it's blinding it's blinding it's our math textbook I can't see it ah it's so hard oh just kidding we're so smart and we know all the answers okay uh every answer is eight and we only know that because we have our bite pencils that magically solves everything I love it and wait a second what is this another Mite envelope let's open it up let's see what's inside ooh it has a Mike credit card family you know what that means right we have an unlimited shoing spre o I'm so excited what would you buy if you could buy anything in the whole world with no limit I don't know what I would buy oh maybe a boat a giant water slide would be cool I could put the giant water slide off my boat and use it at the same time wao that would be epic okay Mr light goodbye time to pack you back up Z close our backpack and get ready for our first day of playtime Co school I am so excited to almost get eaten by my teacher fin next up we are making some really cool poppy Play Time characters out of all Lego pieces wait a second that was cnab did you see that and now we're making bobby bear hug too wa Bobby you're so cute and tiny you are literally like the same size as a peanut oh and now we have a very cute Bubba Bubba fin version ooh but wait a second the dog day version looks a little bit more complicated these Lego characters are so small that it kind of makes them look funny what the tick nugy look at this crafty corn version Look The Crafty corn Lego even has her unicorn horn wait that's adorable and Hy HS scotch's version has super long bunny ears and now we're looking at piggy piggy's version a so cute but I think we're missing piggy piggy's Apple y'all know she always needs food around or she going to go crazy kicking chicken has a mini Lego piece family I don't think these are regular Lego piece characters these are baby BPP Play Time three Lego characters W that makes them so much cuter and we even have a Huggy Waggy version too hucky walkie has a Lego baby oh he's so cute wait a second do we literally have every single poy blade jump character in the whole wide world cuz we also have kissy Missy right here too and green Huggy wuggy red Huggy wuggy what the chicken nugget and we even have Gilly Willy too where did you come from bro I thought you got burned in the fire and you know this wouldn't be poppy play Time characters without the poppy herself so here she is made out of Lego but uh oh family we have one more character left and this time we are not making a baby character oh no no no we are making a giant catnap Lego monster that is his creepiest version of himself ever wa catnap why are you looking at me like that can have just stunk up the whole room with his stinky red breath so family the only way we can be safe from that is if we make this red gas mask too look we have a baby version and a bigger versin so everybody can be safe ha catnb you didn't get us today bro but tomorrow might be a different story so maybe try again then we're scared of you now family since we already saw the realistic crafty corn diarama in this video I thought it was only fitting if I showed you the realistic real life version of all of the smile Critters okay look at this picture I'm about to show you this artist is drawing the regular version of dog day on the left look at him it's the sad version of him that is chained up to the Wall family if you look to the right there is another version of dog day but this time he's not a dog he's a human okay family I know what you're thinking what the chicken Nuggie dogs can't just magically transform into humans right well um family I guess anything can happen in playtime Co because that dude so chained up to the wall right there yep he is a person and a very cute one too if I might add oh family look how sad they both look real life version of dog day and regular version of dog day are crying so sad but here we're doing it again but with a different poppy playtime character okay on the left is the tiny circle picture of the normal original version of poppy that's the one we see in poppy playtime the one we all know wo but wait a sec look at the one on the right family this is the real life version of poppy play time and she looks cuter than ever ply I love her bows I love her hair I love her dress and wait a second she's even holding a plushy character of herself in playtime go wait a second family puppy looks really sad in real life too she's crying just like dog day excuse me poppy girl are you okay are you just really sad that you found out even the real life version of you is also stuck in playtime Co forever yeah I guess that would be sad too W wao whoo wao wait a second moving on to the next picture family do you know who this is oh I recognize that face over there that little fluffy character or should I say that fluffy blue character you know who it is too that is Huggy wuggy the original version and now on the right we're drawing Huggy wuggy as a real life character wa as a human fle do you see his hands how they're all yellow do you think those are yellow gloves or do you think his hands are just made that way cuz I am kind of confused wo look at real life Huggy wagies eyeballs they're beautiful in blue no wonder kissy Missy has a crush on you and family that's the next person we're trying because on the left is the original kissy Missy who fell in love with our boy Huggy and on the right is the real life human version of kissy Missy she's so cute too oh my gosh if her hair is pink I'm going to get so excited and so happy KY miss the original version why do you look sad too why is everybody so sad family I am very confused oh there she is okay she has yellow gloves on just like Huggy wuggy did and her hair is pink yes yes yes she's so beautiful oh wait a second why are her eyeballs red and why is her shirt kind of like a reddish pink that matches her eyes family I'm getting a little sused out by real life kissy Missy so I don't think people are supposed to have red eyes in real life and if they do doesn't that mean they're a family real life gy Missy is evil I think all the other real life characters too oh no family if you like today's video smash like and S subscribe go get baby nugy Saucy nugy and dippy Nuggie plushy at shop me and all the nuggy land characters love you so much and we'll see you you all in tomorrow's video
Channel: AnythingAlexia
Views: 131,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anything alexia, anythingalexia, reaction, reacting to, entertainment, poppy playtime chapter 3, diorama, REAL LIFE Craftycorn DIORAMA!? (POPPY PLAYTIME 3 STUCK IN LABORATORY!), Diorama of realistic Poppy Playtime Craftcorn in the Laboratory, MISS DELIGHT WENT MISSING IN REAL LIFE! (POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 3)
Id: 6j7tzXZz7XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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