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today's video you will see the craziest smokiest and even most magical Happy Meals ever these are happy meals that should never have been ordered because family as you know do not order a Happy Meal at 3am because apparently bad things will happen if you love food or McDonald's you have to watch today's video now guys are you ready wow family do you know what night it is tonight seriously I'm asking you if you know what night it is Tuesday no Mom [Music] is that popcorn yeah are we going to a cornfield oh mom is [Applause] a movie we're gonna watch Happy Play Time chapter two the movie I don't know they did movies but it was just a game that's exactly Mom this is a super top secret never before seen chapter 2 movie now we're about to watch for the first time before anybody anybody that's why family if you want to watch the movie with us right now so maybe it's like on today's video let's get this video to 25 000 likes family I know we could do it and you can also only watch if you're subscribed to this channel And subscribe button family as hard as you can and grab some popcorn and get ready okay let's I'm gonna go and watch the movie all right family to have the perfect movie watching experience we obviously gotta get the perfect stuff we got all of our over there all of it all of it geez that's a lot of popcorn we got our TV over there yes Mama they know I was just really excited we got our plushies and we are ready to start watching the movie whoa whoa did you just say we uh Yama me and you gonna be watching the movie no no no it's going to be me me and me yeah and me no only me wait what I thought me you in the movie together I don't want you you don't want me why I just don't well what if I do what can I just do it [Music] you're smelly I'm not that smelly okay maybe I am note yourself take a shower or three and maybe one for these guys too don't give me that look we're all in together cause literally you can't escape the smell don't you like it or not weird on our toesies I don't think it might have been alive family she's watching the poppy bleeding chapter 2 movie without me movies about to start oh my goodness how much fun is this oh my God Mommy Long Legs why is she so stretchy a man family my mom is literally watching the new movie without me [Music] this is so much fun all right family since my mom doesn't want me to watch a movie with her we have to find a way to get her attention hmm it's literally the best part get out into the movie now no wait that didn't work [Applause] you're the one who needs to shower not me all right family I give up I'm just gonna chill here with you guys all night and we won't watch the movie oh oh what I don't know what's going on Mom what happened I don't know I just saw bunzo bunny on the screen and then he jump scared me and then I just got this what is that a Happy Meal I don't think there's any normal Happy Meal that's an evil buzzle buddy Happy Meal wait what if we watch somebody else do you think the same thing's gonna happen we have to do this again and test it out bruh let's watch it with PJ the pucker pillar this time oh okay fine oh there he is oh no see Mom there is playtime Cohen if you move when you're not supposed to Mouse oh no he's getting closer no no no no I got one two oh my gosh you have a book so bunny puppy meal and I have a PJ pug a pillar happy meal and I think they're haunted [Applause] what's inside wow wow the creepy PJ bugabilla on the outside I didn't even spook your picture on the front why does he look like that because he's half dog half caterpillar and half spooky I don't want to look at that I don't want to look inside I don't want to look inside a nice puppy since PJ is having doggy put us in a chocolate doggy chocolate dog [Music] you just bet that doggy's head is it PJ that's evil or yo so nice I'm sure everything else in the box is just as nice too whoa a giant dog bones solids oh and stinks too hey no thank you for that one that one's all yours PJ oh oh usually Happy Meals only got a four piece wait a second what can nothing a blue and green chicken nugget PJ pug a pillar I know we probably should be scared of this thing but uh you know what to do mama yeah that one one foreign [Music] legs in there [Music] yeah actually maybe we don't want her no no no I don't care guys it look so nasty why does it have all those bumps on it because maybe this was Bonzo Bunny's lunch box for school and then ever since he got stuck at playtime Co he hasn't been able to eat it yeah that's rotten I don't want to look at a more stuff there's more now a burger whoa what's inside the Burger open the Patty open the Patty open the Patty it's a burger with two it and two pickles that kind of really remind me of buns old Bunny's floppy bunny ears and the mustard kind of looks like his face you know because it's yellow my Burger's cursed I wouldn't touch it oh Mom I think these are easy apparently in a very fragile big crap like babies bone oh [Music] one for eight of us wait what was that what why are the what why are these Donuts what's going on Mom I can't stop doing this musical why is it making noise like a musical instruments could I control myself what's new there's more oh a secret note you read it I can't see I need my glasses huh anyways finally it's a picture of PJ and bunzo but there's a secret note written on it PJ and bunzo used to be best friends that is until one day they watched a haunted movie together uh just just like Gus yeah and found cursed happy meal boxes like us after that day they were never seen again they are rumored to have turned into toys and be stuck on an evil Toy Factory with absolutely no way to escape just like us but that won't happen to us Mom right no [Music] family family I have a big surprise today is gonna be the most fun night in the whole wide world because tonight is this baby nugget is my best friend in the whole wide world today we're throwing up and not just any party family a Megan themed party because for some reason that is baby doggy's favorite movie I love scary things and the only people invited to this party is me baby nuggies and the family [Music] Where do you um I heard that there was a party and party means cake and uh like we got some now Mom we do not have any cake at this party it's a party for baby nuggy so that means we have a lot of chicken nuggies Ariana for you I'm not invited I thought we were best friends yeah um uh I mean maybe we used to be best friends before you know like um a couple days ago or a month ago but no baby nuggy is my new best friend see how cute he is uh no Mom you're not cute I think you meant you smell like a stinky belt family comment down below happy meal at the secret word of today's video to be invited to the chicken already they are there are a couple of rules one look like a chicken nugget I have an orange top the same color as baby doggy skin I have a blue scrunchie the same color as baby nuggets do I pee and I even have a yellow skirt the same color as what baby doggy makes inside of his diaper yeah after he goes potty yeah well I can dress like a chicken nugget too because I have a chicken nuggy blanket wow well you know what Bob pick a doggy blanket so that means yours doesn't count oh man French roll if you want to be invited to this party if you have to love the new movie Megan do you mean the new doll movie anyone who watches the creepy Megan movie at 3am will turn into a robot doll forever [Music] well I don't want to turn into a robot doll forever so thankfully We're not gonna be watching The Mega Movie at 3am right baby be watching watching the movie at 3am [Music] 3 yeah what I want oh fun baby doggy if we're gonna be watching the super cursed and super haunted and super scary Megan movie at 3am then I'm gonna need some food specifically McDonald's chicken nuggets all right time to order the McDonald's Happy Meal no no oh don't order the McDonald's at 3am what are you talking about mom why I'm on me because Megan movie at 3am you won't just turn into a robot dog forever you'll turn into a Megan doll forever oh wait mom what did you just say did you just say that I'll get a Mega doll inside of my happy meal at 3am and started oh I'm so excited oh man this is not good yes I guess you're turning into making the doll wait what'd you say baby I mean okay great Alexia Alexia can you please let me come to the party now I really want to come ah let me think about that Mom [Music] no what still why not because Mom we have a third and final rule on who is allowed to be invited to our Nuggie party is to wear your doggie sweaters hold your chicken nuggy plushies and take them wait watch Megan oh no baby Nokia I don't want to spooky then your kicked out [Music] how do you feel now oh okay bye baby what is the Megan movie but uh before we watch the movie can we have a snack I am rolly rolly hungry all right baby dog you got any snacks yeah I have a bunch oh great [Music] not just yet first you gotta put on some top beans baby doggy these don't look like toppings that go on top of chicken nuggies yeah they look icky oats well in that case mom we gotta eat them yeah well actually Mom I forgot you're not invited to this party so uh it's just gonna be me [Music] ah baby noogie are you sure this is Megan's favorite food this is nugget is frozen I can't eat that nuggy sauce will be super sour lemon oh baby doggy this next sauce is for you right uh again for you for the sauce on there Mom you eat it I can't eat it for you cause I'm invited to your party remember oh man [Music] is mayonnaise ah baby nugget this is not mayonnaise this is lotion are you sure Megan eats lotion inside of the movie yep I'm sure okay well if you say so baby [Music] yeah don't do that you can't eat though oh I heard the doorbell my Happy view is here oh no this is even worse I got it here we go look mom is my super yummy bag of goodies to eat while we watched the Megan movie at 3am wait Alexia what does that see on the bag Mom it has a big M on it for a McDonald's no it says do not and underneath that it says do not eat and underneath that it says do not smell oh I see the words now I see it it says do not open eat or smell unless you want to let's open it anyways [Music] the creepiest one I've ever seen we have Megan on the front the word make it all the time up and even Megan dancing on the side oh Alexia remember when you eat McDonald's at 3am while watching the Megan movie you will turn into the Megan doll forever oh isn't she's so cute I love dolls [Music] and let's start with the best best part the chicken nuggets this is supposed to be the box of chicken nuggies but there's a ribbon inside oh it's just like the ribbon that Megan I'm gonna wear it too oh and now it's time for the McDonald's french fries I love these no I'm not okay it looks like a creepy box of blue eyeballs those are supposed to be in McDonald's french fries so maybe I should just oh my gosh Alexia your eyes are blue just like Megan's what whoa well uh don't worry Mom it doesn't matter because now I have this delicious looking chocolate chip cookie looks so delicious wait Alexia what's what's that in the cookie it did the cookie mom there's a cookie what's this oh Mom why did we just the secret robot chip inside of my chocolate chip cookie I think it has a secret message on there I think you should plug it in the computer okay family how bad could this go whoa whoa what happened to me oh Alexia you look just like Megan you have blue eyes you have a dress like her you have stripes like her and even a big giant phone oh it is happening to our computer what's going on I'm trying to do something but nothing's working oh oh what's that whatever okay let me try that again are you sure you don't know what it is tonight whoa candy and we even have more candy right here too a worm worms this is just a candy worm and if it was warm would mean we would be going fishing and if we're going fishing the only type of fish that catches you could smell like one mommy what movie are we gonna watch the brand new Elemental movie you mean the one with Ember and Wade yeah yeah the ultimate battle of fire versus water who's gonna win I do not know who's gonna win that is a big secret for the very end of today's video if you want your favorite character to win this challenge you gotta smash like on today's video right now let's get this video doing 25 000 likes family I know we could do it and you can also find out who wins if you're subscribed to this channel subscribe family so now grab your bendy and get ready all right Alexia let's get ready to watch the movie all right family now my mom and I are perfectly set up for our movie night we have our big screen TV yes so big it's bigger than your head it's not that big we got our big comfy couch with with cute much better pillows than the ones in your room because they're watching your group have Drool on them and we also got our plushies so we are ready to start the movie we're not uh why not we're not watching the movie here we're watching the elemental movie at the beach but we have a perfectly good movie set up right here well my favorite character from the elemental movie is Wade Ripple and since the beach has a lot of water in the ocean and the only kind of water here is a Drool on your face ah I don't know what you're talking about I've got my life jacket here wow that inflated quick I also got my phone [Music] just like Wade okay Mom we got it you like water maybe you should keep wearing it because then maybe you could finally float away well that's okay because it's red just like the color of fire and now we are ready to watch the movie and go to the beach wait what each with me what do you mean why not it's only gonna be gonna be the only one who's going to the beach yeah Bob you and me okay let's go no no that sucks for you oh raindrop oh it's raining looks like you just turned into Wayne Ripple I think you got a little tear on your face if mommy doesn't want to watch the elemental movie with me then I'm gonna find myself [Music] without you I'm gonna watch the movie perfect [Music] family I wanted to watch an elemental movie over there with my mom but she doesn't want to watch it with me [Music] how weird now now it's even stole my water and since my mom doesn't want me to watch the movie with her we have to find a way to get her attention thank you [Music] oh really I think I got her now I love water it's just it's just like Wade Ripple okay okay okay okay a fire blanket it's a movie with me here right mom because we're gonna watch it together fire and water oh man family I give up I'm just gonna chill here with you guys tonight and not watch the new Elemental movie whoa what's going on oh this is scary there's too much water help help mom what happened oh there's just some water coming out the screen and I don't know all of a sudden I just felt this Oreo oh Mom that's not enough Ripple happy man Happy Meal from the elemental movie whoa wait well what if we watch something else like a fiery scene from Amber do you think the same thing is gonna happen all right Mom we are about to test this out we're gonna watch a fire scene see what happens oh look at the fire oh it looks so hot oh but what's going on I don't know I don't know look Happy Meal how did that happen I don't know wow my chicken nugget you have a weird Ripple happy meal and I haven't for a little bit happy meal and I think they're haunted oh there's a picture of Amber Elemental there's even all of the four elements on the back water fire Earth and wind I did that on purpose oh look at this other picture here it's a picture of Amber her mommy and her daddy is n't these old and coughs a lot Oh you mean like yeah it is not oh it's so red Radke and it's the same color as Amber Alexia don't eat that don't eat that no oh but I think I figure whoa an apple pie it's all burnt um I think there's one more thing inside let's see if I can reach this one oh thanks no let's see yeah it's not pancakes it's hot cakes oh is that why all the seams coming outside oh well I'm gonna eat them anyways oh the maple syrup looks extra Orange today Alexia see how they both syrup that's spicy spicy [Music] chicken nugget family look at this Fork they're both burnt but you ever burnt them with her fire but a sec there is one more thing in here a glove it's kind of weird mom my box is empty let's check yours wow look it's weird Ripple and why does he look so strong maybe the real Wade ripple from Elemental is inside this happy meal yeah actually maybe we don't want him well why oh oh that doesn't taste like yogurt [Music] oh and what else do we got in here chicken nugget s oh I'm so excited uh chicken I handle the way of the water let's find some more things with this Happy Meal box oh ours for water let's see I think there's one more thing inside this Happy Meal wait what a glove just like mine what happened to the light oh blue oh oh it's yours mine too mine too I'm scared because you can't sing the only thing you know how to do is annoy me everybody knows that I am the best singer in the whole world I can make babies fall asleep just with the sound of my voice no you make them cry you cry if I want to smack you all the head with this but I won't maybe later my ABCs ABC's oh yeah well I could sing my one two threes [Applause] oh apparently make magic Joe well I'm the best singer in the world I'd like to figure out who is the best singer in the whole world me or my stinky mummy a singing competition Shake mom you cannot drink a song well I want two though we have to doing competition step number one of our singing competition dress like a star laughs [Music] nope no I don't well you look like Ursula from The Little Mermaid well you look like princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid oh wait a second I love princesses my whole life for this see Mom I'll show you watch I'll sing no please no you're not scared the neighbors my singing is beautiful well if you're such a good singer then what kind of songs have you made I make songs like this [Applause] [Music] is not like it those three Evil songs well Ursula from The Little Mermaid is evil yeah well you know what else is evil tell me right now because I'm hungry so I am gonna order myself a McDonald's Happy Meal so I don't get hungry before our singing competition why because don't if you order a McDonald's Happy Meal at 3am while singing The Little Mermaid Ursula will appear up here and will voice forever hey wait a second Ursula that's me and baby our Happy Meal is ordered oh she's gonna regret that later family today's video let's give this video to 10 000 likes likes and if we don't you will turn it into an evil mermaid forever oh now for the next part of our competition we have to snack Lego star so I can't wait that long before my Happy Meal comes all right Emily whoever whoever the best snacks is obviously the best singer so for my snacks I am grumpus what's so funny singers don't eat fish that's what Mermaids eat like The Little Mermaid tasty [Music] and colorful [Music] Ah that's just for babies snacks are not good enough to be a sar star well then where are your snacks huh I gotta go get them okay Mom then go oh a few moments later on real feel no no no you can't have that here you gotta leave I am officially kicking you out of my singing competition later family comment down below mermaid that's the secret word of today's video Batman my evil mummy you will order your comments my mommy was Mommy will show me that must were not good she is over there eating rotten fish oh sounds good I don't know what the chicken nugget is wrong with these tasty Goldfish crackers when smelly big smelly is over there slurping up some stinky Seafood dinner competition is going to be a stinky you stay over there I you here fine the shrimp are a better friend anyways oh man that's so mean [Music] oh family who do you think it is mom come over here let's eat it no I'm gonna go over there and eat it by myself mom I was the one who ordered the Happy Meal at 3am we have to share actually now well why not you're too stinky oh no no I don't know what can convince her to come here and eat it with me but I have a couple tricks up my sleeves I know my mom secretly loves goldfish specifically the jumbo kind so I have a new plan to make a trail of jumbo that leads up to my chair and then I will trap my mummy with the Happy Meal and then she will be forcedated with me what's that what's that what's up Caillou and that is how you catch a smelly Mommy I got the Happy Meal wow look it even has cool things written on it evil stuff inside um wait that doesn't sound very good that sounds dad do not open Alexia I told you we can't order McDonald's at 3am while singing Little Mermaid where Ursula will appear and steal your voice forever wow look it's Princess Ariel cartoon and the Princess Ariel real life version Little Mermaid mermaid this little this little mermaid happy meal wow there's even an 8-ball too why do they look so similar let's look inside okay I said we got oh the french fries I'm so excited what is this why does it smell like seaweed family these are McDonald's french fries it's green same weight from the deep blue sea yep definitely not a french fry yeah okay next up we got wow these and don't worry family they're not creepy evil chicken nuggies they're regular smiggler chicken nuggies Leah Alexia they're fish oh family it does look like a fish next up we got water put that chicken nugget why is there water in my Happy Meal Alexia because there's probably a lot of water in the deep blue sea okay boring find something good in this Happy Meal something super cool super exclusive something that nobody else in the whole world has you're not gonna find that in there oh is this what I think he thinks this is Ursula's magical seashell necklace from The Little Mermaid and family you know what this season necklace does right and makes you wanna see [Applause] ha family family I have a secret today is a super special day because I'm having a happy number eight hey but not just any makeover because I'm getting a makeover into a mid from Wednesday and look family I already have the clothes to look just like her I have this colorful top and this really pink skirt and the only thing left to look exactly like Enid from one day is to change my hair here but family remember this makeover is a secret because usually I do these kind of makeovers with my mommy but today I'm doing this makeover all by myself hello Alexia can you hear me what are you doing here well what are you doing uh uh nothing nothing I'm just uh I'm studying you're not studying Alexia that's a cat mitt what's going on with your clothes why are they so bright and colorful oh well it will definitely not because I'm trying to dress up as enhead from Wednesday um always wear this sweater oh no the only time that I saw you wear that sweater was when you did the Nugget music video oh uh give me my song with baby nugget called nuggies are my family yeah I was wearing this and that too I also wear it other times too I want to bite your hair why why does it look like that um because I got a haircut duh my hair was getting really long so I decided to chop chop chop it all off but your hair used to be brown why does it look like a bowl of fruit loop cereal oh Mom that is so mean I think it looks more like a unicorn thank you very much family comment down below dress up as the secret word of today's video at me and baby nugget will hurt your comments I know what you're doing no you don't no you don't yes you're giving yourself a makeover to look like Enid from Wednesday no I'm not I am most definitely not doing that because if I was doing that then uh I would have really colorful sweaters like she has here and my hair would be blonde with Rainbow on top and I would have that pink clip of my hair too I know I got you I got you I knew you were having a makeover and you're doing it by yourself how could you be doing this without me oh well fine Mom yeah I am doing a makeover without you but it's only because you always away all the fun what what yeah Mom [Music] I have to have even more fun by myself because I'm about to order myself a super delicious Happy Meal at 3am I don't know Alexia don't do it and I'm gonna do it anybody who orders a Happy Meal at 3am while wearing a Wednesday costume will turn into Wednesday Adams forever and purchase wait a second mom what do you say foreign well fine if you're going to play dress up by yourself then I'm gonna play dress up by myself too oh man oh man mama what was that you just threw none of your business well it kind of just looked like some really fun dress-up wigs just like mine no I don't know what you're talking about [Music] wanna see my second one I didn't know no you just look like a giant blueberry and the last one is the best one at all oh no no no that one looks just like Enid too that wig might even look better than and now I'm gonna take my new wig and go and watch Wednesday no favorite TV show ever you can't do that without me family my mom is super duper mad that I tried to do the Wednesday makeover without her and now she's Wednesday without me oh no she just turned it on ah mama I changed my mind up with you now play other no I don't want to play with you you're stinky what oh man family my mom really doesn't want to play with me anymore I really ruined the thing wait a second maybe if I dress up just like Wednesday Adams my mom will really really like my costume and that's don't play with play with me okay how do I look like Wednesday Adam I got it my hair is brown but Wednesday Adam's hair is black so if I grab some tape and tape it to my head just like hair I think you'll be just as good perfect hey Mom hey Mom look at my hair I have black hair just like Wednesday do you want to play Wednesday dress up together I don't know wow look at my hair no you look like a burnt traffic comb oh oh it's like ripping off a Band-Aid but on my heart that's my mommy's so mean oh man family I wish there was some magical way that I could magically turn into Wednesday Adams because I think in a second what was that that's the doorbell duh what was that the things McDonald's ah yes I did well I love McDonald's you want to share with me uh no why not because I told you Mom I am gonna have lots of fun by myself while wearing my Anita costume and eating my McDonald's at 3 00 a.m Alexia don't you remember what I told you if you order McDonald's at 3am while wearing a Wednesday costume you will turn into Wednesday Forever Wait a second you mean Wednesday Adams yes that's perfect I don't want to have a makeover as a need I want to be Wednesday Wednesday Marvin even says Wednesday on this box too well that's not the only thing it says it also has the symbol of the oh Mom stop being silly whatever in this Happy Meal can't be that bad wow look what I got here Alexia please don't open that Happy Meal box please it's okay it's always so awesome please don't open and Alexa please please Alexia I'm asking you not to open it wow what wait a second mom what happened to me Alexia I told you that if you ordered a Happy Meal at 3am you're gonna turn into Wednesday Adams oh for real I only wanted to turn into her for a makeover but Mom I still have my regular hair my hair is not black like Wednesdays yeah that's because you only half transformed into Wednesday Adams if you eat all the food in that Happy Meal you're gonna turn into Wednesday forever I don't want that I'm also really really hungry maybe I could just have a bite Alexa burnt hamburger and it's also Wednesday's favorite color black okay on second thought I won't eat this one thank you chicken nuggets okay okay but wait Mom I'm still really really hungry so maybe I'll eat wait a second [Music] what is this this definitely does not belong in a regular McDonald's french fries but maybe I'll eat it anyways no you won't like it then why because it's made out of broccoli broccoli I hate broccoli that was a close one but Mom I'm still super duper thirsty so maybe I'll have this juice yeah if you drink that you're gonna turn into Wednesday Adams oh I can't wait to drink my apple juice this is some dark kind of juice that I've never seen before Alexia it's called coffee coffee I hate Coffee Yahoo but Mom there is still one more thing in this Happy Meal but uh I can't really tell what it is uh wait wait wait what is this wow look at look at me that is from Wednesday if you eat that you're gonna turn into Wednesday forever oh [Music] what happened you turned into wet family I don't know what it is but lately my room has been really smelly and it's kind of smelling like blue cheese I'm trying to use some air freshener clean up the room oh wait a sec hey hairspray no wonder it's not been working Jesus stuff is strong but I need to get to the bottom of why it's so stinky I mean sometimes my dog peaches does come in here after he's eating a whole Mexican burrito bowl and you can just imagine what happens after that yeah but he hasn't been here in a while so I have no idea what it could be [Music] wait a second what's that I think my iPad is ringing but I have no friends who could it be ah family oh man should we decline our answer Emily come on now that's rude come on like manners you know we're gonna accept hey Sonic what up hold on hold on wait stop yelling dude just calm down I can't even tell what you're saying you're just like screaming all the time wait what Dr oofman is coming to get me for a magic crab are you saying somebody wants all the green eggs that I got for Easter eggs okay fine I'm gonna pick you up speaker yes dude you ever stop screaming okay if you're not stop Siri I'm gonna hang up on you yeah family comment down below silly Sonic as a secret word of today's video and I'll hurt your comment you're trying to tell me that's all magic oof man wants to come and get me for my magic creme and I have a magic creme and I definitely don't know a magical man hold on I think I just got a message on my iPad Sonic again some people just can't leave you alone now what does he have to say I'm serious yes you are in danger Billy make sure you watch the end of today's video for a cursed Sonic Happy Meal God sure just has to be some kind of mistake I can't no danger Bro you've had one too many chili dogs I think you're going crazy listen see ya do you know my name you need to leave and go into hiding family that's impossible if I leave where I am now then that would mean I would have to leave you guys the one time we we get to hang out so sorry Sonic I can't leave the family chicken emoji and heart emoji buzzed again Sonic said fine then but don't say I didn't warn you okay family like this has to all just be one kind of big joke is it April this must be a a joke and now I'm finally getting rid of my iPad because this is stupid I really hope it's just my mommy telling me that the macaroni for dinner is ready he looks mad okay okay this has to be a prank this cannot be real let's just decline the call wait a second I said decline okay this is really weird it's uh not working and we'll answer hello it really is Knuckles hey Knuckles what up dude and fist bomb get it cause the knuckles okay okay fine I get it it's not funny yes how can I help you screaming at me it's really weird because Sonic was just screaming at me five minutes ago too y'all gotta use your inside voices [Music] that knuckles okay not making nonsense is coming for a green ham dude what is going on okay Knuckles well I don't really trust you to be honest so I'm gonna hang up on you because I have better things to do okay and that's how you end a call with somebody mean bye Millie peace [Music] was that a text message I could only guess who this is from the sea yep our pal Knuckles let's see what he wants listen to Sonic or else he will make you listen what do you all think that means dude go away I have macaroni waiting for me downstairs extra cheesy even though it really makes my tummy hurt like a lot maybe that's why this room's been smelling a lot lately if you know what I mean this is life way more important stupid cheese he is calling T stupid well maybe I want to call him stupid or maybe that wouldn't be nice but I really want to Knuckles oh let me know I guess I know why he's called Knuckles because everybody wants to punch him well now I'm gonna say goodbye to him with my fist oh that was a lot harder than I thought please hope she's not broken what now my phone oh man I hear a FaceTime wait this is coming from an unknown number now okay what is this oh my gosh they are they're like a crazy crazy Sonic the Hedgehog video game no no no no it can't be wait a second sucks right there in front of us I guess Knuckles was right he did come and get us whoa whoa crazy weird robot dude okay okay uh Sonic I Wanna Be With You dude I'm fine where I am you don't need to save me from anything I'm not in danger but this place does look pretty nice though wow we just changed our neighborhoods where are we it looks like we're in New York City but the haunted evil one all right family we gotta figure out a way to get away from Sonic because I don't need him to save me what am I a Disney princess oh family I've been so nice thank you I'm not a princess I only act like one seriously dude I've had enough I gotta go I don't want to go on your adventure I'm safe with the family and I don't need you okay like seriously dude okay peace bye like I gotta go I'm so busy like eating my macaroni but I gotta go and decline family easy peasy we finally got rid of them video to see the curse Sonic happy there was literally nobody left in this world who could FaceTime me like literally Noah oh it's not like Tails let's answer him hey tails what up dude wait what you think I'm in danger too but how how to I'm a doctor egg what Dr robot what green stone huh dude you are literally speaking nonsense I don't know what you're saying why is everybody acting so weird today okay Tails like I'll call you back soon uh when I'm less busy okay bye be good and crazy oh a text message I wonder who that could be from tails [Music] it really maybe feels likes me a little bit or something please listen to Sonic oh man I knew this had a catch he just wants you to save me he loves you wait a second family maybe they're just warning me about something because they like me or love me okay Tails I'll listen but what do I gotta do I'm afraid now it's too late wait what is this and why am I on FaceTime again it's evil Sonic [Applause] botnik oh man this is not good uh hey Mr Robo why am I here oh you must have been who they were talking about when they were saying Dr egg woman or Doctor Eggman or Dr Romo Nick okay whatever I get it I guess it's you but then what about the green eggs and ham wait a second you were talking about hurry Mr Robo Nick you got the wrong gal I a hundred percent do not have the green gemstone that could potentially ruin the Earth [Music] wait say what now look under my desk well there's not gonna be anything there but fine I'll tag and end call you see family if I check underneath my desk there most definitely won't be any kind of secret package or anything at all [Music] what the heck is this and how was it under my desk this whole time oh man that's not good it's a secret Sonic Happy Meal and I think it's cursed so much okay family that was definitely the smelly thing in my room but what's inside the green gem is inside the happy happy get it for me are you okay I'm not scared at all let's just look inside this uh Happy Meal but wait a second family if we give the green jumps then that means he has the power to destroy the world oh no no we gotta figure out a plan uh jump get over you right away okay what do we got here oh they're supposed to be blue let's try it tastes like a hedgehog oh man that's no good he said now check the nuggies oh okay family there can't be anything wrong with the nuggies right yeah there are Knuckles inside each one of these Nummies you think they belong to Knuckles because if they do can you ask them if I can borrow them because they look really cool okay okay anyways uh not there Mr Robo crazy I meant uh Robotnik who's honest mistake now check the milk dude there is literally no milk in this box I don't see anything oh Mr Robo Nick this tail is this none of your business now check the burger and take the burger too I wasn't gonna be in there oh okay here's the burger looks a normal right okay let's open it I don't want to look at it okay I'm not looking but I can sure as heck smell I think we know where all the stinkiness is coming from this burger is covered in rotten blue cheese oh take a bite on dude are you crazy that was the grossest thing I've ever tried in my life and I could still taste it look at myself but see Mr Robotic no green gem in here at the bottom you want me to dig my hand in there even more yes I don't know if we're gonna find the evil green charm at the bottom of this family I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know oh let's give it a disguise oh okay here it is just a silly McDonald's toy with a silly mustache on it it's just gem here that could destroy the whole world ain't you crazy oh that's weird I guess you were right sorry brother trouble oh my God like family we tricked evening how do we even have the green gem to ourselves oh man what should we do with it comment down below maybe I'll sell it for a lot of cash and get to buy even more McDonald's hopefully those won't be cursed though oh family family tonight is a super special night because we're about to We're not gonna do our homework you know I give all my homework to my dog peaches how do you think I get all those A's what what is the best night in the whole entire world because tonight [Music] we're having a boxy boot themed sleepover party let's get this video too 20 000 likes family because I heard if we don't you never eat candy again wow especially on sleepovers and to have the best sleepover I have the coolest stuff a bunch of pillows cozy blankets the cutest plushie give me those give me those and even a bed to put them in uh Mom that's not a regular bed that's a dog bed yeah same thing this is going to be where you're sleeping tonight come on kitchen sleep in a sleeping bag like all the other kids no cause you're stinky and you belong in a stinky dog bed oh and now it's time to go to bed but here's your dog bed and I'm gonna go on the couch family my mom and I were supposed to have a super fun sleepover tonight but she wants me to sleep in the dog bed instead of sleeping on the couch with her wow look how busy looks I don't want to sleep in a stinky dog bed and I will be even more stinky than I already am [Music] I've got wax to bed [Music] I really really want to sleep over there on the comfy couch and not in this icky dog bed even if I gotta go sleep over there with that thing [Music] you know oh no family I wish you took one of my buzzies too all right family I have a plan to save sleep overnight I know right now my mommy doesn't want me to sleep in the comfy bed but I think if I order us some McDonald's Happy Meals for when she wakes up then I think my mommy will love me again and I won't have to sleep with this icky dog bed okay what do we have here oh McDonald's has a sale going on 3 A.M special what is this family um I don't know what's going on with McDonald's right now but it says that every single Happy Meal that you buy at 3am is 75 off wow that's a steal quiet down over there please please why she gotta be so mean that is one less chicken nugget for you miss do not order Happy Meal boxy shoe will eat you family who the chicken nugget is boxy shoe does he need an extra shoe because I got one right here purchase Oh my God so loud I'm gonna have to put a video on so I can fall asleep now my mom's not only having a sleepover without me she's also doing a movie night I don't think she's watching the new boxing boo movie all right family well if my mom doesn't want me to sleep in the coffee couch I don't care I'm gonna go sleep there anyways because she's sleeping right now so she won't even know that I'm there [Music] all right [Music] [Music] remember your daughter I don't have one I will what well actually I just don't have one that I like wow [Music] you don't want to have a sleepover night with me then I'm just gonna have my own sleepover nights with all of my favorite plushies I got Jerry Carrie lemon Barry and baby doggy right here well Alexia there is no baby Nuggie there Bob what are you talking about I have baby nugget right here don't you remember he ordered a haunted happy meal at 3am and he never came back baby Nuggie is gone [Music] what kind of person chicken nugget okay what kind of chicken Nuggie orders a super haunted happy meal at 3am okay gonna be crazy wait a second mom do you hear that yeah yeah that was adorable it's our haunted Happy Meals uh mom I think I got our Happy Meals all right Mom time to open our Happy Meal wait what does that say on there it says McDonald's this it says do not open wait a second what was it say at the bottom there you will regret it no Alexia it says you will oh let's open it anyways wow project play time enemy super cute picture of a toy on top oh that's me it looks like it's trying to eat you and look over here family what the chicken nugget is this I told you Alexia that's boxy shoe wait a wait wait a second mom do you hear that it sounds like a musical song I think it's gonna [Music] wow that's that chicken nugget look that is literally a boxy chill how did that happen I don't know Mom are you sure this character is called boxy shill yeah yeah I know everything it is well are you sure because I thought his name was boxy glue wait a second do you hear that again again oh no oh no this one's not spooky it's glue why are we even scared of this box it's fun maybe fun for you because either you or that box is super stinky and you need some boxy shampoo wow look what you the bugs are singing again oh no it's about to open what's gonna be inside oh it actually is a shampoo maybe you should just shower with it instead oh stinking out mom actually uh still me cause I just cleaned her up with shampoo and uh I'm still dirty well um if you always want me to take a shower so bad I always wanted a tree because then at least I'd have one friend in this household so I want a boxy bamboo yeah wow oh my chicken nugget family look what came out of the Jack in the Box it is boxy bamboo now instead of having a sleepover party I think we should have a date for maybe we can put some ornaments on these leaves and then I'll send it oh yeah I I just love presents I'm not giving you any this year because you called me Stinky I'm just telling the truth so am I no presents crocodile tears [Music] you think that this Jack in the Box here isn't any regular Jack in the Box this is a magical Jack In The Box and anything we say oh you're alive and Mom I think I finally remembered what his name of this toy is it's not boxy shoe not boxy glue bug shampoo or bamboo the name of this new age I'm chapter three is Foxy boo oh no oh no does that mean [Applause] oh
Channel: AnythingAlexia
Views: 4,987,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anything alexia, anythingalexia, baby nuggy, do not order mcdonalds at 3am, mcdonalds happy meal, happy meal, happy meal 3am, do not order happy meal, do not order happy meal at 3am, do not order happy meal 3am, mcdonalds, happy meal anythingalexia, anythingalexia happy meal, do not order happy meal at 3am anythingalexia
Id: CuyqNQHyra8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 26sec (4586 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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