Real Life: 3rd LIFE!

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Welcome to Real Life. A one-off special where we replay the first season of Third Life but in Minecraft VR. You have three lives, green yellow red and on your red life, you become hostile. You should know how it goes by now. Let's begin. [EVERYONE cheering] [GRIAN] Welcome to Real Life, people. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh my god, I'm gonna vomit, I'm gonna throw up.</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] Real life! Real life! Real life!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Real life! Real life!</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] First order of business, taxes please. Taxes please.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Taxes please.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Taxes everybody, real life taxes. Thank you.</font> [GRIAN] This is absolutely horrible but first since we're all here and this is a- Can we all do like a little dance? Just like a... [SOMEONE beatboxes] <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Dab.</font> [GRIAN] This is just gonna be like the first ever season of Third Life but we're in VR and we're probably gonna throw up and we're probably gonna fall over and it's probably gonna go terribly. Why is BigB so big? [chatter] <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Why is Skizz so small?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Yeah, shall we explain that?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">If they're short it's because they're sitting down.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">If they're this tall it's because we're standing up, right?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah, so there's a button right? <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] BigB, BigB stood on a couple of boxes over there.</font> [laughing] [GRIAN] Oh BigB, can you just pat him in on the head? <font color="#C8FF44">[BIGB] Yeah come here Skizz, come here Skizz.</font> <font color="#7DB4FF">[SKIZZ] Ahh!</font> [GRIAN laughs]<font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] Oh my goodness.</font> <font color="#B0FFAB">[CLEO] He's horrifying when he comes over to you.</font> [laughing] <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] You saw Grian's head go back when he laughed.</font> [GRIAN] Ah! Oh wait, you're actually gonna see my ridiculous laughs in real time. <font color="#00ADFF">[SCOTT] I really wanna see one of your screams in real time.</font> [GRIAN] Right, I'm gonna get out of here before you all take the mick. Good luck everybody. [chatter] <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] What's the rules?</font> [GRIAN] What do you mean, what's the rules?! <font color="#B0FFAB">[CLEO] Don't die.</font> [GRIAN] It's the same as the first season! <font color="#FF9994">[REN] It works!</font> <font color="#00FFB9">[GEM] Oh god.</font> [GRIAN] Three lives! When you're red, you can PvP. How many seasons is it gonna take for you people? Hey little fella. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'm a big fella.</font> [GRIAN] How you doing buddy? <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Awww!</font> [GRIAN] Awww. [laughs] Come on Scar, come with me. Come on. Oh. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, is the blocks huge to you?</font> [GRIAN] They're massive! Why are you punching me? [GRIAN] Stop!<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] No I'm trying to hit the tree!</font> [GRIAN] Get your own tree! [background chatter] <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, there's some wheat down here.</font> [GRIAN] Oh man. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, what happens when you need to itch your eye?</font> [GRIAN] Ahhh. I already feel super sick. Yes, yes yes. Oh I'm gonna fall! Oh! I keep forgetting that you need to look around. So if I look here, this is my inventory. Aha! I feel like- I feel like I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Look how small we are compared to these blocks</font> <font color="#00FFFF">or is this what a meter is in real life?</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] You know what a meter looks like in real life! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'm American!</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] A meter is still a meter in America. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude I just hucked that out of my inventory.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Dude you can actually like- Woo!</font> [GRIAN] Woo! Woo! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Look at this, I'm crafting!</font> [GRIAN] Wait how are you doing this? Hold on, hold on. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, I don't know but I'm gonna make something happen.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Watch this, I'm gonna put a crafting bench down.</font> [GRIAN] Hold on, I got one. How do we put- So if I go like that... No. Yeah! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Yeah you did it! How did you do it?</font> [GRIAN] Okay, you know what?<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] Yay!</font> [GRIAN] This is the sort of thing.<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] Double crafting bench!</font> [GRIAN] I'm not gonna tell you a lie- Jimmy's dead. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] What? What happened? How? [GRIAN] Jimmy's dead.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Are you kidding me?!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Jimmy, come over here. We'll take care of you.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] He's put me in a hole!</font> [GRIAN laughs]<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] Come on over.</font> [GRIAN] Come over here, we're learning how to do this in a safe environment. So we spent, and I tell no word of a lie, two full days, two full days getting this to work. We never thought for a second we'd actually have to learn how to play Minecraft again. Alright, so if I do this. I'm not even gonna- If I just hold this and swing. Ha haa! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Yeah, I'm taking a lot of health.</font> [GRIAN] Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] I'm taking a lot of hits Grian.</font> [GRIAN] Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] I'm taking a lot of hits man.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] We almost died here.</font> [GRIAN] Right, I have bread! Watch me eat this, Scar. Oh wait! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] No, you're covered up. I have a menu in front of your face.</font> [GRIAN] How do I eat this? Oh I already ate, that's why. I forgot how to Minecraft. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Hold on, I'm gonna make some bread. I'm gonna make some bread.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah look at this I'm mi- Look at that! Advancements made. Scar, where are you buddy? <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'm coming! I'm coming! Where'd you go?</font> [GRIAN] We got to prepare! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, this block is really high.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's hard to get over, I don't know why.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oh geez! I'm in a hole!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oh god. Okay, so dizzy.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, what in the world.</font> This is the most I've worked out in years, man. [GRIAN laughs] You did a little shimmy. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] This is the most I've worked out.</font> [GRIAN] Look at this, look at this. Come dance.<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] I'm feeling it right now.</font> [GRIAN] Look at this. [laughs] <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] You look like you have four arms.</font> [GRIAN laughs] Oh dude. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Oh man, this looks scary down here.</font> [GRIAN] Ay! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Did you put it in the off-hand?</font> [GRIAN] No, I don't know how to do that. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] It's okay.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Aahhh! Oh my god! [GRIAN laughs]</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Ah! Ah! I've dropped something.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oh my god, I dropped my phone in real life.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, you got to check your health.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I just realised I had like minimal hearts.</font> [GRIAN] Oh! Oh my- So do I- Yeah, I just realised that too. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Yeah yeah, check your wrist.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Check your wrist!</font> [GRIAN] No! Have you got any food because when you eat, it feels so weird! You hold it up to your mouth to eat. Ah. Ah! Help! Er. Ha ha no! No! No! No! Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! Stop! No! Right, if we're gonna win this we've got to get ourselves as much- Oh wait. Oh we have to totally craft stuff. I'm in the danger zone. One, two, three, eh. Oh no! Oh no! No no no no no! No no! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! Gonna die! Run! Run! Run! Run!! There's no running in this. There's no running! Oh I almost died. Right, I need to get back in there. Swords are swinging. Take no prisoners. Where are you? Ah! Ah! Ah! No. Nooo! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude! Grian died!</font> [GRIAN] Do no fight anything. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You ain't geting any of that stuff back I don't think.</font> [GRIAN] Jim, come with me. We're gonna go get my stuff. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Alright.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Were you underground still?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh gosh.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Oh there's a creeper right there!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Get- [screams]</font> <font color="#FF86E1">There's one behind us chasing us.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">And one over there.</font> [GRIAN] There's my stuff. There's my stuff! Kill them Jim! Kill them! Jim kill them! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] No way! There's so many! Oh! [GRIAN] Jim, kill them! Jim!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I'm trying! [GRIAN] Jim! Jim!</font> [GRIAN] Jim! Jim! Jim! Jim! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Help! [GRIAN] How do I jump? How do I jump out of this?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Help! I'm checking my wrist!</font> [GRIAN] Ah! No. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Ay I'm getting your stuff!</font> [GRIAN] Thank you! I'm running for my life! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I'm going, I'm going.</font> [GRIAN laughs] He's gone. [laughs] Oh! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Guys, I need to go into hibernation.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] This is bad, I need to go into hibernation.</font> [GRIAN] He's going in real life too. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I'm red already. [GRIAN laughs]</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I went to get his stuff! Our stuff's over there!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I can't be the first one to die again, this is bad.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Don't you even try it.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Okay, I need to go get my stuff.</font> [GRIAN] I need a sword. Yeah, we need to go get our stuff. [GRIAN] Don't worry. We'll get it.<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] Scar, come help us.</font> [GRIAN] Right, the stuff is here. Please tell me it's safe. Oh there's a creeper. Oh! Oh no. Ha ha. Ah! How?! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Come with me.</font> [GRIAN] Right, I'm never leaving this area. I'm not going anywhere. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You're huge, you're gonna help us get it back.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">What happened to you?!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Dude, I didn't check my wrist, I didn't see you die.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">What happened?</font> <font color="#C8FF44">[BIGB] What in the world?</font> [GRIAN] I'm not going anywhere. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Dude, this is bad. Shall we just live in that house?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah Jim, let's live in that house. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] We're getting in here.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah come on. Jim, We're not cut out for this world. We're gonna stay in here. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Colour coordinated flowers out there, I like it.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] How do I close? There we go.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">This house is huge now.</font> [GRIAN] Right, we got to actually kill people now. You know that right? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh yeah. [GRIAN] By the laws of this game.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Dude, if we can get a sword</font> <font color="#FF86E1">we could get BigB, he's on green already, look at him.</font> <font color="#C8FF44">[BIGB] Dude, I can hear you!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] What?</font> [GRIAN] I'm staying, I'm not going anywhere. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Yeah I don't know if you can see the tab list.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">There is a way you can see it.</font> [GRIAN] Anyone else wanna join our club? Pearl, excuse me. Miss? Would you like to join our club? Euh! <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] I love a good club. Ow!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] Wait wait wait!</font> [GRIAN laughs] [laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I joined the club and I feel great!</font> [GRIAN] Pearl's joint the club. Pearl's joining the club. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh my gosh, look at that view.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Impulse has got a little view that-</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Look at that!</font> [GRIAN] Oh! Isn't that lovely?<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] That is a view.</font> [GRIAN] That's lovely.<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] That is a view.</font> [GRIAN] That there, that is lovely. You know, that was the first step to joining the club, Pearl. You can join- If you take the next step, you can join. <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] The next step means murdering me, right?</font> [GRIAN] Join us. Join us! Join us. <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] I'll tell you what, if this becomes a chicken</font> <font color="#B6BBFF">I'll do it.</font> [GRIAN] Go! Do it! <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] How do I throw it?</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] Oh there it is!</font> [GRIAN] It's gone. <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] It's very far, I didn't mean to throw that far.</font> <font color="#B6BBFF">I'm a bit stronger than I thought.</font> [GRIAN] It's a chicken. [GRIAN] Where's my sword?<font color="#B6BBFF"> [PEARL] Is it? I don't see it.</font> <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] I don't see a chicken.</font> [GRIAN] It wasn't a chicken. <font color="#FF9994">[REN] It's chaos over here, huh Skizz?</font> <font color="#FF9994">Absolute chaos.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You wanna dance?</font> <font color="#7DB4FF">[SKIZZ] No, I don't wanna!</font><font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] You wanna dance?</font> <font color="#7DB4FF">[SKIZZ laughs]</font> <font color="#7DB4FF">I don't want to.</font> [GRIAN] It's so hard to PvP anyway. I keep hitting the wrong button. Eh. Get- Get- <font color="#7DB4FF">[SKIZZ] I'm being attacked!</font> [GRIAN] Get hit. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I'm red, you're making a mistake here.</font> [GRIAN] Defend yourself! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You wanna dance?</font> [GRIAN] Get him! <font color="#7DB4FF">[SKIZZ] I don't know why I keep switching away from my sword.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You wanna dance?</font> [GRIAN] Get him! <font color="#7DB4FF">[SKIZZ] I'm getting attacked here!</font> [GRIAN laughs] Ah I'm gonna fall. I'm gonna fall! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Yes!</font> [GRIAN] Yay!<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] The red team!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Red team! [GRIAN] Victory!</font> [GRIAN] Victory! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh my gosh!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">That's a warning!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">That's a warning!!</font> [GRIAN] You and you and you- Ey ey ey ey. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] No we didn't mean it! We didn't mean it!</font> [GRIAN] Ey! <font color="#B6BBFF">[PEARL] Yeah sure mate, sure.</font> [GRIAN] Does anyone wanna join our club? How about you? <font color="#B0FFAB">[CLEO] I'm good, thanks.</font> [GRIAN] How about you? <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I wanna join the club!</font> [GRIAN] He wants to join the club! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I wanna join the club!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Get him! Get him!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Get him!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Oh wait. This means death?</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Yeah what did he think we meant?</font> [GRIAN] He's joined the club! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] What did he think we meant?</font> [GRIAN] Jim, we have a new member. He's joint the club! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Let's go pick him up.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Yeah, this was the club.</font> [GRIAN] What do you think the club was? <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Just like hang out with friends and stuff</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and go caving and make a house and a farm.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] The red club.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Okay well, is my stuff gone?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I think Grian's got it all.</font> [GRIAN] I think I've got some stuff for you Scar. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Yeah yeah, if you have some food and my sword, that would be great.</font> [GRIAN] There's no food in here.<font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] Does this mean we can kill people?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah dude! We need to- Jim, we need desperately- <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I just took my headset off just for a second.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">I've been looking at the wall for a good past five minutes.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Hold on guys, I just need to mine this-</font> [GRIAN] I'm not facing the way I thought I was. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You want in the club?</font> [GRIAN] Do you wanna join the club? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] You wanna try? You wanna try? You wanna try?</font> [GRIAN] Wait he's actually got- He's got tactics. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I try- No!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You want in the club.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I can't do it! I can't do it!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You want in the club!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Let me break it.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">I got it! I got it! I got it!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] No wait no!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Yay! Club! Club! Club! Club!</font> [GRIAN] Join the club! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Club! Club!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Get him over here.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Get him over here!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] One of us!</font> [GRIAN] Alright guys, listen up. Let's all huddle in here for a second. Look at the view out there. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Yeap.</font> [GRIAN] Now tell me- Oh wait, they'll be fish in the water! There's fish in the water. It's getting dark, let's not go outside. Here's a good idea, right? We've got one life left, if we want any chance of winning we need to stay here. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Right here.</font> [GRIAN] Right here. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Right here.</font><font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] Right here.</font> [GRIAN] Right here. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Not down there?</font><font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] Right here.</font> [GRIAN] We're really close to the water though. But there's a drowned. Yeah, we're gonna stay right here. Dudes, I have no food at all. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Let's all just lie down, take a second.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah yeah, hold on. Is it safe for me to lie down? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Tonight I hang out with the boys.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[laughs]</font> [GRIAN] This is the worst series of life that I've ever had <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] [laughs]</font> [GRIAN] have created. I'm starting to wonder whether I should've bothered or spent over 300 pounds on this stupid headset just for this one video. I'm also contemplating if I'm gonna throw up or not. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] It is weird how-</font> [GRIAN] Oh Pearl's- Oh. So guys. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Yeah?</font> [GRIAN] Just gonna have to wait ten minutes. Not gonna lie, I'm not going out there while it's that dangerous. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh!</font><font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] There's another one, there's another one.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Let me get down there.</font> [GRIAN] Oh yeah. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] That's a giant piece- he's got in his hand.</font> [GRIAN] Thanks Scar. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Dude!</font> [GRIAN] Hey wait. Can I feed this to you? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Feed it to me.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN] No, it doesn't work. [laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I can't believe I just opened my mouth for that, Grian.</font> [laughing] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I'm laying down with my mouth open like-</font> [laughing] [GRIAN] I don't like what I'm seeing here! It doesn't work! Oh! Oh god, it's still night. This is the worst sleepover. Let me just give you a summary of what's happened to me today. I went into a cave, died. I went back to that cave to get my stuff, died and then I had a sleepover. Oh? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] So he needs to die outside? Get ready guys.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh close that door! [GRIAN] Who left the door open?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, I don't know how to close that door.</font> [GRIAN] Shut the door, shut the door. Shut the door, Scar shut the door. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'm trying! I'm trying!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Close that door.</font> [GRIAN] Shut- [laughs] Get back in! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Close it.</font> [GRIAN] Close the door. Oh we did it. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh there's- There's blocks missing!</font> [GRIAN] He's coming in! He's coming in! Wait, I got this. I got this, move out the way. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Put the blocks. Everyone is out of the way.</font> [GRIAN] Why can't I move out the door? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I feel like I better stand back up.</font> [GRIAN] I literally can't get through- I cannot move. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] You're gonna be so impressed with me.</font> [GRIAN] I'm stuck. Let me try standing up because something's- Oh there we go. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Wait, I did it.</font> I did it! [GRIAN] Yeah! We did it! [laughs] You guys, look out this window! Guys, look out the window. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'm turning the oxygen up, guys.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY laughs]</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Hi guys! how you doing?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Hello! Hey Joel! [GRIAN] Hey Joel!</font> [GRIAN] Hey Joel! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh do we have neighbours?</font> [GRIAN] Do you wanna join the club? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh yeah!</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] What club's that?</font> [GRIAN] Scar, what are you doing?! <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Are you all like red names and stuff?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You just have to die a couple of times, Joel.</font> [GRIAN] There's two steps to joining our club. It's two easy steps. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Ah!</font> [GRIAN] Over there, you're friendless. In here, you have many friends. With just two easy steps [GRIAN] you could be one of us.<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] As long as I'm not vomiting</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I'm okay at the moment, okay?</font> <font color="#FFA500">I just have to not move too much.</font> [laughing] <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Guys, there's a zombie outside here.</font> [GRIAN] Oh sorry Scar. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'll open the wall again.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Here, come on in.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Joel, get in.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Quick Joel.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I'm killing a zombie.</font> [GRIAN] Right come on in, Joel. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] You better not kill me.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Come on in.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] What are you doing down here?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Dude, have you got an iron chest plate?</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah I'm pretty loaded, man.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] What?</font><font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] Wow, try hard.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Get him guys!</font> [GRIAN] No Scar what are you doing? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh my gosh!</font> [GRIAN] We can't put him out! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Scar's on fire!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Put him out, you're gonna kill him.</font> [GRIAN] They're gonna kill him! <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Scar, run to water!</font><font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] Water guys!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Hey hey hey!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] It burns so much.</font> [GRIAN] Okay, okay. Alright. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Joel.</font> [GRIAN] Joel. Joel.<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] Joel.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Now that's worth a death I think.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Yeah, I'm gonna kill you Joel.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] That's worth a death.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] No guys, please.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] That is Joel.</font> [GRIAN] Joel, I'm sorry bud. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] What are you gonna do Jimmy with your wooden sword?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] You broke the club rules Joel.</font> [GRIAN] We let you into our club.<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] 4v1</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Scar!</font> Ahh what the heck? [laughing] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Did they kill him?</font> [cheering] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Get in!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Scar, careful.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh yeah.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Let's divvy up the stuff now.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] You don't get to steal all my stuff!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Joel, you're in the red club now.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I need all my stuff back because I've got nothing</font> <font color="#FFA500">and there's zombies everywhere.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Get out there and we need to be strong. [GRIAN] Wait, it's day!</font> [GRIAN] It's day! Let's go fish! Go fish! [GRIAN] Right follow me! Follow me!<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] I haven't got a chest plate.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] You have, look in your inventory.</font> [GRIAN] Guys, I'm going. Oh my god! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] How do I drop it dude?</font><font color="#00FFFF"> [SCAR] What's wrong Grian?</font> [GRIAN] Dude, there's such a big drop here. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] There you go.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] And can I have some food because I've lost all my food.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Oh god! That's so steep!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">What the heck!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oh my god.</font> [GRIAN] Are you ready Scar? <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I freaking fell off my chair.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I've only got four pork chops.</font> [GRIAN] Ah! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh my gosh!</font> [GRIAN] Why did you do that? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Fine!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'm trying to remember how to eat</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and I attacked you, I'm so sorry.</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] Hi Scar! Woo! Hi Scar! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Oh my god Joel, look at this. This is crazy.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Goodbye!</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh stupid swimming.</font> [GRIAN] How do I go up? <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Jimmy, Jimmy, come here.</font> [GRIAN] How do I swim? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Swim like you would in real life!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] You got to do the breast stroke!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Where are you?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Come outside, look down there. Look at them swimming.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Don't you dare. Don't-</font> [GRIAN] Oh I don't like this. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Come here fish!</font> [GRIAN] Woohoo! I feel more sick swimming than I did in anything else we've done. Okay, I've got seven fish. Guys, this is going well. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I got some!</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Can't believe you all stole my stuff.</font> [GRIAN] Well sorry Joel, we'll help you out. What do you need? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Er...</font> <font color="#FFA500">Any tools.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I'm making some now.</font> [GRIAN] Here you go, I got you, I got you. Here you go. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I got the sword.</font> [GRIAN] Here's a pickaxe. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Guys, do you have a bucket?</font> [GRIAN] No, I have no iron. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] I'm really feeling queasy from that water.</font> [GRIAN] That water has made me feel really ill. So the plan is we all need to get geared out, properly geared out so that we can just goon squad and bring this series to a victory for our team! [cheering] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Which one of us wins?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Which one of us actually wins?</font> [GRIAN] You know what? It's April Fools, why don't you win? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] [gasps]</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Yeah! That'd be great!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oh my gosh.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] This is my moment.</font><font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] We'll protect you.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Jimmy, that was an insult, man.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Excuse me?</font> [GRIAN] Come here. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh real food. Finally! [GRIAN] There's lots of pigs.</font> [GRIAN] Oh that felt so good!<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] Grian, get him! Get them all!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Get 'em!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Dude, I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of this whole VR thing.</font> [GRIAN] I'm definitely now. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] We're jump critting in real life</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Hachow!</font> [GRIAN] Okay, don't jump! Don't jump! You might fall over. I nearly fell. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Let's go up, guys we need to go up.</font> [GRIAN] Well, we need to get some iron so... <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Shall we go inside a cave?</font> [GRIAN] As if we're getting up there! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] It's getting dark!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Why are we making this hard for ourselves? [GRIAN] Someone do something!</font> [GRIAN] How do I place this block? Alright, here we go. Ready? Yeah! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] He placed a block everybody.</font> [GRIAN] Okay, I'm gonna get real- I'm gonna get really- Eh! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Guys, I'm gonna die here.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I'm tiering! I'm tiering up!</font> [GRIAN] How do you jump? What's the button to jump? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] You push in the little analog stick on the left.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I'm going!</font> [GRIAN] Oh my- Ohh. I've been jumping up and down like an idiot. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Look at me! Look at me speed block.</font> [GRIAN] I did it!<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] Clutching!</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Look at me go!</font> [GRIAN] We're at the top of the tower! Someone's house! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] I've run out.</font> [GRIAN] Ah you know what? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Whose house is this?</font> [GRIAN] Look at this. This is so cool! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Wait dudes.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">There's a little mine down here,</font> <font color="#FF86E1">we could go down here and look for some iron.</font> [GRIAN] Okay yeah, let's do that. Let's not waste the night this time. Right, shut the door, we're going down in the mines. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I don't like going down.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Come on, we got this.</font> [GRIAN] Into the mines! <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Oo! Oo! Oo! Oo! Oo! Oo! Oo!</font> [GRIAN] I actually feel like I'm- Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Hitting my head. Ohh! <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] We got a green name.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Grian quick, come down!</font> [GRIAN] Fresh meat? <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Is that someone?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Is that Martyn?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Wait.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">Can you see him?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] One of us.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Let's get him.</font> [GRIAN] Move out the way, I'll take over. [GRIAN] He's running.<font color="#FF86E1"> [JIMMY] Has anybody got a spare pick or anything?</font> [GRIAN] Oh no. Oh no. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] What's up? What's up?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Do we have to bridge?</font> [GRIAN] I'm more worried about the fact that this is a cave. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Sorry, I was trying to hit the block!</font> [GRIAN] Guys, cave. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh Martyn's this way! Martyn's this way! Follow me!</font> [GRIAN] Scary cave.<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] Guys, this way.</font> [???] I can hear noises. <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY]Guys, I need to win today, alright?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] You do?</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] You promised me to win.</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] My lord, it sounds like we've got people ambushing.</font> <font color="#FF9994">[REN] There's a red down here!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Hello friends!</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Hello guys!</font> <font color="#FF9994">[REN] Take arms!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Give us Skizzle and we'll leave you alone.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah give us, we just want Skizz. <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] You can't have him, he's one of our bannerman!</font> <font color="#FF9994">[REN] God, they're up there.</font> [GRIAN] We just want Skizz. <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Give us Skizz and we'll leave you alone.</font> [GRIAN] Skizz says he wants to join the club.<font color="#7DB4FF"> [SKIZZ] Why am I being targeted?</font> <font color="#FF9994">[REN] This is horrible.</font> <font color="#FF86E1">[JIMMY] Ren's still green.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[SCAR] Impulse. Come here, back me up.</font> <font color="#FF9994">[REN] I don't know what you mean.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I'm coming in boys!</font> <font color="#FF9994">[REN] I don't know what you mean.</font> <font color="#FF9994">I will fight to the death.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Haha!</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] Leave him alone!</font> [GRIAN] No, no I'm gonna- Ow come on! Really?! Really? I think I'm dead. Oh I'm flying. <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] Oh no I've turned red. [gasps] Impulse got me.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Oh my- All my stuff is down there.</font> <font color="#FF9994">[REN] Dangit!</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MARTYN] They've messed with the wrong dude.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Let's go back in there.</font> [GRIAN] I'm out. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Me too.</font> [GRIAN] Wait wait where are you? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I'm here Grian look, behind you.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] [laughs]</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] This has been the worst Life series ever. I literally fell down that hole. Dude, I fell down that hole, I got hit twice I looked at my health and died. That's how poorly that went. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh flying is- Eurgh!</font> [GRIAN] You got to put your hands up in the air. Oh no I'm a bit wobbly legs. <font color="#00FFB9">[GEM] BigB, we're the last grians.</font> <font color="#00FFB9">Grians? Greens!</font> [laughing] <font color="#00FFB9">[GEM] Sometimes I just click buttons.</font> <font color="#00FFB9">[laughs]</font> [laughing] [GRIAN] Oh! I'm falling! Help! No! No! No! I don't- Why am I falling? Why won't I fly? It's like one of those dreams where I can fly but I can't really. Oh I'm falling! Noo stop! Why am I just going down? Up! Up! Up! Ha! I'm ascending! I've ascended ha ha haa! Well, I get- That's- That's the end of the video for me. This went exactly how I thought it was gonna go. I wouldn't know how to play and it would be kind of rubbish. So thanks for watching everyone. Hope you enjoyed this mess. I'm gonna take this off before I throw up.
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,762,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build
Id: AdpeLjbpAhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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