Playing Minecraft's WEIRDEST Update...

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On April the first, Mojang introduced a joke update where you can vote for very, very strange and random things to happen in your Minecraft world. So naturally I got together with some friends and we decided to mess around with it and see what would happen. [GRIAN] Guys, press "V" we got the first vote coming up. "Move like a morrowind powergamer" What does that mean? <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] What is that?</font> [GRIAN] Well I'm gonna vote "yes".<font color="#FFB7F9"> [TIMMY] Morrowind is the game thing.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Oh it's gone.</font> [EVERYONE] Oohhh! [laughing] <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN] Can we restart the video? [laughing] [GRIAN] Wait, we're stuck like this forever. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] This is the best thing ever!</font> [inaudible chatter] [GRIAN laughs] Joel? My planet needs me. Weeee! "Entities collide with each other". I don't think we're ever gonna say no. You're not gonna be able to crit anything. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] How are you meant to jump crit like this?</font> [GRIAN] I'm gonna crit, I'm gonna crit. Ahhh! Right, we can repeal the votes so that we can be normal. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Yes please.</font> [GRIAN] Okay. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] This is the democratic.</font> [EVERYONE sighs of relief] <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] My gosh.</font> [GRIAN] Let's not vote-<font color="#79FFBB"> [GEM] What a relief.</font> [GRIAN] Right, democracy people, let's really think through what we're gonna vote for, okay? Right, next vote. Oh we got a couple of votes to- Oh that's it. "Entities are allowed to collide with each other" and "Polluted oceans: fish anything!". Well that's a hard yes. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Wait, fish anything?</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] We can't walk through each other anymore.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Oh wow!</font> [GRIAN] Oh no. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh I feel sick.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">I feel sick, I wanna walk through you.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Trap Grian! Trap Grian!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">Trap Skizz! Trap Skizz!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Yes!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Hold on! Hold on!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Come over here, Skizz come over here.</font> [GRIAN] Wait no, I'm stuck now. Wait, I've been- That is horrific. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Look! Look!</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Oh my gosh, wait!</font> [GRIAN] Wait a minute... Wait a minute! <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Yes!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Yes! There we go!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Obviously I'm going on the top, thank you very much.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">So you're gonna have to wait.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE laughs]</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Give me a second.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Wait wait wait wait a second!</font> <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Are we ready? Here we go!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Wait a second, no wait a second!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">No wait a second, I'm not here!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Dig down, dig down, dig down.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] No! Noo!</font> [GRIAN] Wait a minute, wait a minute. If entities collide... Oh! All my dreams have just come through. Oh the next one. "Big head mode". Well, that's a hard yes. <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Wait, is the sun normally that glowy?</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">The sun!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">I think it's looking like we' re in a dream maybe.</font> [GRIAN] Is it glare? <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh you're glaring! [GRIAN] Oohh!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Guys, this is like a movie.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Big head mode, oh gosh.</font> [GRIAN laughs] Okay so I didn't know what "Life could be a dream" was gonna be like but I think I know. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh you're a bee!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[laughs] You're a bee!</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Hello!</font> [GRIAN] How have you done this? [GRIAN] How have you done this?<font color="#79FFBB"> [GEM] Hellloooo!</font> [GRIAN] What have you done! How have you done this? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE laughs]</font> [GRIAN laughs] Oh no, it won't stop! [laughing] [GRIAN] How have you done this? [laughing] [GRIAN laughs] Get away from me! <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Can we sting him?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah, it hurts! <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Wait, does it sting?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah if you get close. [laughs] Stop! This is not a dream! How did you become a bee? <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] So he fished up a- [laughs]</font> <font color="#FFA500">He fished up like one of a splash potion.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Joel, how do you go so fast?</font> [GRIAN] Wait. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Pull him up, pull him up!</font> [GRIAN] Nooo! [laughing] <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] "Big romantic movie, be careful what you-"</font> [GRIAN] Stop! <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] "- warned us about unintended consequences".</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Doing it!</font> [GRIAN] Yeah. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Let's see how high we can go.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Wait, what's this last-</font> <font color="#83CEFF">Oh! [laughs]</font> <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Your head!</font> [GRIAN laughs] Yeah! [laughs] I like this. I like this a lot. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Oh everyone's so cute.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] We look like bobbleheads.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">Impulse, come on.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">Get your big head out.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] What the heck has happened to you?</font> [GRIAN] Join us! <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Join us.</font><font color="#79FFBB"> [GEM] Oh no!</font> [GRIAN] Join us! <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Join us, Gem.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] You all look so dumb, I want you to know that.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">Oh gosh!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Yeah!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] One of us! One of us!</font> [GRIAN] One of- Oh the waffle is big. <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] You're popping off.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I'm never walking alone again!</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Alright.</font> [GRIAN laughs] It looks like she's giving you a piggyback. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM laughs]</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] The next vote is "A world of giants" or "do nothing".</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] We're not gonna want the giant one, right?</font> [GRIAN] I've already voted yeah. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] That's not gonna be convenient.</font> [GRIAN] Gem, you are more than welcome to vote "do nothing". Oh! Oh! Oh no- Oh nooo! Oh noo! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] I'm scared, I'm nervous.</font> [GRIAN] Are we just being dragged towards the moon? <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Where's the moon?</font> [GRIAN] I think this world is not gonna last very long. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] There's the moon!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">It's creeping over!</font> [GRIAN] Wait wait wait, I need to say it. [GRIAN] I need to say it.<font color="#83CEFF"> [JOEL] Oh it's big.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Go on, say it.</font> [GRIAN] Guys? Is the moon big? [laughing] <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Nahh.</font> [GRIAN laughs] I love this! Go in F5 and watch all of us [laughs] Looks like a music video! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] With the "life's a dream" effect,</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">us with big heads,</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">the moon's big.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">This is deep.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">This is a moment I wanna share, guys.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] It is getting quicker right?</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] I'm gonna live in this tree.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] It's so pretty.</font> <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Is this just our life now?</font> <font color="#FFC0CB">Slowly being pulled towards this giant moon?</font> [GRIAN] I think, yeah. I think this is it. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Yeah, I bet we get to jump a little higher when it's above us.</font> [GRIAN] Why do I feel like running towards the moon I'm actually getting closer to it? I'm not. [laughs] I feel like I'm chasing the moon. Oh! Mobs are big. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh my god! [laughs] There's a giant chicken here!</font> [GRIAN] The mobs are big! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE laughs]</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Oh they drop more stuff too!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Wow they drop a lot more stuff.</font> [GRIAN] Well if that isn't nightmare fuel. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh my gosh.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">He's gonna drop a ton of string, watch.</font> [GRIAN] Oh. Oh 49 string! Er right proposals "make glow squids actually glow". Well. Do you think they just threw ones that they want to put in Minecraft anyway? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I was working on a portal.</font> [GRIAN] Oh! Oh we're good. It stopped, it stopped. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Look how much we're jumping because the moon is right above us.</font> [GRIAN] Oh it's like season 8 all over again. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Here we go! Here we go!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Bye Skizz!</font> [GRIAN] Yeah yeah, they're bigger. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] The moon stopped.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Yeah it's because it's the sun.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] What's coming up here? What have we got?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I'm gonna go to the nether.</font> [GRIAN] Uh-oh. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] I'm going to the nether, I'm going to the nether with Dippledop.</font> [GRIAN] I think this is a vast improvement. I wish I was this skinny. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Why are there wither skeletons on the cliff?</font> <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Hey Gem.</font> [GRIAN] I have lost a little weight, okay Gem. I exercised too much. Oh look, he's made a little house. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Yeah I'm using all materials</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">that I can.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Trying to blend in.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Joel, I'm a donkey too, I promise.</font> [GRIAN] What have I got? "Bottle of squid". <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Oo you'll turn into a squid.</font> [GRIAN] Yes please. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] You will drown.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY laughs]</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Look at him over there. [GRIAN] Wait I can't move.</font> [GRIAN laughs] I didn't- I didn't know that it meant- Guys, return me to the water. Bye everyone! [laughing] [GRIAN] This is my life now. Goodbye! Hello my brothers. <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Here comes Grian.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Here comes Grian! [laughs]</font> [laughing] [GRIAN] Guys, I am so fast. That is hypnotic. Subscribe to Grian. Subscribe to Grian. Subscribe to Grian. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM laughs]</font> [GRIAN] I don't wanna be a squid. Gem, the other squid were mean to me. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Aww.</font> [GRIAN] Take me back. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Buddy.</font> [GRIAN] Oh I'm drowning. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Trees are endrods.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] I don't know what I've just done.</font> [GRIAN] Trees are endrods? <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Wait, Jimmy come here.</font> [GRIAN] I can't look, I'm dying. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] There you are, there you are.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Guys, next vote.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">"Every mob can be milked".</font> [GRIAN] Something's not right here. Is there? Do ender heads normally float? Wait, we can milk things. Where's Joel? Well, I milked that iron golem. <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Milk me, try and milk me.</font> [GRIAN] Joel, come here! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] I'm gonna kill the iron golem.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] No, can't milk you.</font> [GRIAN] Joel! <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Stop riding me guys and milk me.</font> [laughing] <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Jimmy milked the iron golem and it killed him.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Someone try milking him I ain't got a bucket.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I got the chicken, I win.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] I got milk! I got iron golem milk!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] You can milk an iron golem.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Does it taste different?</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Ehm I'll let you know.</font> [GRIAN[ It's a little metallic. The next one is "Unlock edible air blocks" "packed air to survive on moon and ridable ba-" Oh I'm not gonna even read them anymore. Town meeting. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] He's gonna blow it up, here it comes!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Noo! My house! Don't you dare!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Don't you dare!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Skizz, don't you da-</font> [GRIAN] Ooh! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh come on!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] You can't take that guy anywhere.</font><font color="#79FFBB"> [GEM] Goodness gracious.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Go on. Town meeting.</font> [GRIAN] Town meeting. We need the whole town. We need the whole democracy here. Right, this is maybe the first vote I feel like we shouldn't do? <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] I voted no.</font> [GRIAN] Because it says "No block updates from player interactions" So that means we won't be able to do anything. So I'm voting for the "do nothing". <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Do nothing, I've done it.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] We've had to agree to vote "do nothing" on the next one.</font> [GRIAN] That vote is basically do you want to not play anymore. What's this? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Are you gonna do it?</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Cheese.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Cheese! [GRIAN] Cheese?</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Bro look,</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">you milk something like this, Grian</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">and you place it down</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] and look!</font><font color="#83CEFF"> [JOEL] You can make vertical slabs.</font> [GRIAN] Oh! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] That's amazing, isn't it?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Mini blocks.</font> [GRIAN] What?! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Yeah.</font> [GRIAN] I'm actually kinda annoyed by this one. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Oh I can do stuff again.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE laughs] Because it's super cool!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] This is really cool.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">They've literally said look!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">Here's a vertical slab, guys.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">You can have vertical slabs.</font> [GRIAN] You can do whatever you want. Think of the detail you can have with this much cheese! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh my gosh.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] I'm sad.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] It's insane.</font> [GRIAN] Really annoying. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Oh!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Grian? [GRIAN] Yeah.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] I'm the only one,</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">well one of the ones left,</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">with server privileges.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Can you do it fast enough?</font> [GRIAN] I could take them away. NO! <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] You'll kick him?</font> [GRIAN] Right. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Quick ban! Ban!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Ban him!</font> [GRIAN laughs] He's been banned. Oh look! The signs! [laughs] He just said "Grian, can I please come back on?" <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh.</font> [laughing] <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Guys, floating head moment.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Let's see what it does.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Is it happening?</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh, we're all invisible.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Oh!</font> [GRIAN] It's exactly what- <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Wait, murder me!</font> [GRIAN] It's what it says on the tin. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] It is what it says on the tin.</font> [GRIAN] Er okay, guys. Guys guys guys guys. Purpose time, purpose time, purpose time. We need to get some glass bottles, empty glass bottles. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] I have three.</font><font color="#FFB7F9"> [TIMMY] I've got three.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] I've got two.</font><font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] I have one.</font> [GRIAN] Alright, everyone consolidate. Oh. Oh! Oh! Oh I'm a dumb dumb. I'm a dumb dumb! Okay, okay, okay. So you can take glass bottles and then you put them in a 2x2 and you can get air block but it looks like there's nothing there because it's air. Right, I have four air and then we take this to a cow. Follow me, squad. <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Oh I've turned it into a cow.</font> [GRIAN] How did you do- Okay, well that works. Right, so apparently if I give this air... <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Wait and then get in him. Get in him.</font> [GRIAN] How do I give him air? Hold on, I might need to- I might need to get his hitbox together. [GRIAN] Oh!<font color="#FFB7F9"> [TIMMY] Oh!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Woah! Woah!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] He's big! Everyone get on him!</font> [GRIAN] Okay, we need more. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] I'm on him, I'm on him.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] I can't get in.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Send Jimmy to the moon</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] ♫ Take me to the moooon! ♫</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I've got space cow milk.</font> [GRIAN] We need more glass. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Wait how do we do it? We need glass?</font> [GRIAN] We need glass. <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Woah! He's gone.</font> [GRIAN] What do you mean he's gone? <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Did Grian just gone to the moon?</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] No it's Jimmy, he's gone.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my!</font> <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] He's back, he's back.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my go- guys.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Guys, I saw some things up there.</font> <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] How did you get in?</font> [GRIAN] Alright alright, let's focus on getting as much air as possible. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh he's big!</font> [GRIAN] Feed him air, feed him air. Feed him air! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] I gave him some more.</font> [GRIAN] Feed him air! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] He's gonna jump, he's gonna jump.</font> [GRIAN] Ooh! Oh noooo! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Welcome back!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Where's Grian?</font> [GRIAN] I am one with the cow. Feed him more air! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] I've got no air.</font> [GRIAN] Oh oh oh oh!<font color="#FFB7F9"> [TIMMY] Oh my gosh!</font> [GRIAN] Get in! <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] He's big.</font> [GRIAN] You can't get in. [laughs] Woah. The cow died. [gasps] Oh. My. Goodness. This is amazing. Oh my- Oh my! We're all going to space. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Woah okay, how do you do it?</font> [GRIAN] We're all going to space.<font color="#FFB7F9"> [TIMMY] Oooh!</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Give us some air.</font> [GRIAN] Right right right, who's going first? <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I'm in a cow, I have three air</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I can toss out.</font> [GRIAN] Right, get in a cow Lizzie. Are you in? <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Oh my gosh.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN] Goodbye, Lizzie. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] It's pumped up.</font> <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] Goodbye Lizzie, see you soon.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Have fun in space!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Have fun in space!</font> [GRIAN] We love you! <font color="#83CEFF">[JOEL] She looks so tiny in there.</font> [GRIAN] Say it back! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Ayy!</font> [GRIAN laughs] Right, bye bye Joel! Wait where are you? I can't see. I can see who's in this one. Goodbye! Goodbye Gem! <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM laughs]</font><font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] I'm next to Gem, I wanna go next.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] I'm over here as well!</font> [GRIAN] We love you. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] Oh my goodness.</font> [GRIAN] Say it back. <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] I love-</font> [laughing] <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] I'm right next to you right here.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Oh my gosh!</font><font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] Woah!</font> [GRIAN] What?! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] The power of thunder is here!</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Oh my gosh!</font> [GRIAN] Ahh! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] What did you do?</font> [GRIAN] Oh! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Quickly, get in the cows!</font> [GRIAN] Right, right, who's next? Get in the- For goodness sake. <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Wait, is air now lightning?</font> [GRIAN] Get in the cow! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Right, Skizz is in it.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Send him up.</font> [GRIAN] Right, goodbye Skizz. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] How do I do it?</font> [GRIAN] Goodbye! <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Oh!</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Oh he's in, he's in.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Over here, over here Grian.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] There's one up there, there's one up there.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Let me up. [GRIAN] Goodbye Impulse.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] See ya Impulse!</font><font color="#FFFF00"> [IMPULSE] Bye! Bye!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Have fun!</font> [TIMMY] I'm in this one.<font color="#FFB7F9"> [GRIAN] We love you.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Love you Impulse.</font> [GRIAN] Say it back. <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Love you too, bye!</font> [GRIAN] Yayy! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Up here, Grian.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">Up here, you're gonna be here left alone.</font> <font color="#FFB7F9">This is crazy.</font> [GRIAN] Bye Jim! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Grian?</font> [GRIAN] Bye bye! <font color="#FFB7F9">[TIMMY] Grian? Don't you-</font> [GRIAN] Bye bye! [laughs] [laughs] Oh okay. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Oh no, he's not on the moon anymore.</font> <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] You can't put out the fire.</font> [GRIAN] I may have left Jimmy behind. [laughs] <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] [laughs] Oh noo.</font> <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] We may have kicked Joel off the moon.</font> [GRIAN] Wait what? <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] You have lightning on your hands.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah, for some reason air blocks are also lightning? <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] It's the new power that we voted for.</font> [GRIAN] Oh. Is it? Oh it is! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Wait a minute. Yeah you can eat the island!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Oh my gosh, that's so awesome.</font> [GRIAN] There’s so much cheese! <font color="#79FFBB">[GEM] I'm writing my name in the cheese.</font> [GRIAN] Hold on. I think this may be the natural end of this video because we can no longer play because we keep summoning lightning. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] Yeah I don't wanna go back to my house and ruin it.</font> [GRIAN] Yay look! Grian! <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE] Very nice!</font> [GRIAN] No! Noooo! Did Jim get to go to space? <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] [laughs] Jimmy just got to the moon.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] He literally just went two seconds ago.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">[IMPULSE laughs] And he's gonna be alone.</font> [GRIAN] We just got back from the themepark and he's like "Oh I'm just going". <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] Alright come on, we have like 30 seconds</font> <font color="#FFA500">to come up with a prank for- Ah!</font> [GRIAN] Since we can no longer play this game anymore, I think that's probably the end. <font color="#FFC0CB">[LIZZIE] My house!</font> [GRIAN] Goodbye everybody! It's been fun. <font color="#FFA500">[SKIZZ] That was fun, I liked it. Bye guys!</font>
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,540,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, minecraft update
Id: oGYS-cDfqFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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