Real Hydraulic Scissor Lift Shoes

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okay clicks thirsty last week you saw me fit a hydraulic system in terms of the bench now then I'll synch it I got hydraulics in the bench there and I've made the press hydraulics very nice but there's still something a little bit more furs so this is my plan I've often thought I'm a reasonably tall person but I built this shed to my height so all the beams in it I kind of you know just above my head and about people that come in and whack the Reds on stuff it's quite incredible so I'm thinking maybe I need to be a little bit taller so with this in mind I think we should make some scissor-lift shoes to get myself a little bit more height to start with we need a shoe [Applause] [Music] right I have a shoe and also I found this look it's a size 9 hydraulic ram bootiful so what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna mount that under the shoe and then of course we're getting some bitter bit of bar I'm gonna make our scissor lift so it'll sit under there like that they'll be the RAM you're gonna have to use your imagination here a little bit under there like that and then of course as there's the Crossy bit which comes over [Music] god when it pulls it pulls the things together up they go now it's a 50 male Ram it's not the air not the longest of strokes giggity if it's any longer I'm gonna fit let me shoot right just cut some bits drill some holes mats and Rams to get it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got my shoe base lovely that's gonna sit there either side of it made these little wear plates look so they'll bolt on there got some shims that go through the end of the cylinders like so so then we'll have a bolt all the way through and then there will be another one and then we'll have a don't stick that through here then we can weld that to the base of the shoe and then we'll get a load of these and then these will pivot and then there will be another one of these brackets above it like this that's it that'll sit on top of that one and then there'll be a plate on top of that and there are I've gained four inch it's just wearing them so let's make a load of these Oh Holly for four of these now I need eight cuz I got to the other side as well and then to make some penny things excellent hmm you're wondering why I'm building this slide some other projects nowhere near finish I'm waiting for stuffs I thought rather than spend the time on them hah start something new [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] oh yes Susan if shoes right chop the bolt heads down replace them with lock nuts very nice the shoe I've drilled a hole in it and I've stood welded some studs onto some plate and I can push that through my hull just sticks out so that can go in there and then cuz it's stud welded there's no bolt head on the inside for me to put my heel onto which won't be very comfortable I'm gonna fix that to there and I think I'm gonna butcher another pair of shoes to get the sole to put on the bottom because at the moment I'm walking around on metal pay which is gonna be rather slippy and a little bit damaging to my floor and then basically it's just putting the hydraulic lines in but I'm not gonna do that so I'll finish because anyone who's working for hydraulics will know you just get all out everywhere chop them down make another one fix the shoe put the shoe soles on and then ever test you've successfully hate the heaviest shoe in the world [Applause] [Music] right paint them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay we've got telescopic shoes and they do work they go up down up now about to stick a little flow divider on the back so they go up and down at the same rate as on their initial test one went up and then the other one winner of course no I want these things to work right now cause big question is quite I think it'll work we you stood on them oh yeah I mean you know you know you're wearing them I guess right will they lift me up [Music] you excelled yourself getting hurt I mean walking with whoa oh Jebus that is that feels weird right well I've not really got a height issue in the shed [Music] clearly I'm a bit tied to my hydraulic system here hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think this could be very useful [Music] [Music] the future of shoeing there are season if shoes small step ladders everywhere of fearing for their futures now if you want to see more projects like this you should subscribe somewhere down here there's a little bell next to it you click that when I upload a video someone will tell you about it you can watch it and you never know what is gonna be coming next but there are civil issues they're absolutely fantastic so I'm gonna go off and do be scissoring no no that's submit that that's not right is it I don't think lying to me doing any of that I make [Music] [Applause]
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 5,296,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colinfurze, hydraulic, scissor lift, shoes, invention, inventor, engineering, how to, making of, building, fabrication, workshop, maker, amazing
Id: -Phk4bKYfm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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