Making a 20,000 WATT Electric Drift Trike

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this birds bird right there so I've been  asked to go to their Rome formulary race   and they said : why don't you bring one of your  vehicles but I thought to myself I haven't really   got any electric vehicles to take over than the  mr. bean share now that's hardly a picture of   performance is it informally you've asked me to  do something you know the world's first fully   electric racing series they're pushing electric  motors and battery technology to the limits so   if they can make motor sport electric what can  I make electric that used to have a motor in it so here we have my drift right this thing is  absolutely perfect now we couldn't look at   this and say that this is the Formula one version  it has an engine now longer basically do is copy   this exactly the design because it is perfect  it's not improvable at all and rather than a   petrol engine we're gonna wrap this components  check been to the tip got loaded bmxs because   we need the front of a BMX we've essentially now  got the rear axle off a go-kart and then we've got   our motor now I'm not sure this is going to be the  right motor this is like a really big drone motor   but the race is this weekend and I already  add this so we're going to use it batteries   esc chain sprockets cable throttle control  thing all the bits for the rear axle measure   the other one make the frame and all the whales  moomoobus basically just building noise I choose right that's got everything we need  from the BMX basically all we need   is the downtube the forks the handlebars  and the stem next thing we need to do it's   just make the little boxy bit which comes  off here so I shall measure the other one   and then shove the back accident  then well I mean he nearly there latch the axle together temporary thanks I  can put this on the air now beautiful that's   really good you see cliff you ever  want to get the axle off afterwards   it just comes out the back well we think  advise then we get this Oh women it why   thank God the front wailing away now you  can go I just need you to stay there now   oh boy can't be clamp hmm oh look at  it oh yeah I'll do live a drift trike right let's got the chassis all done now I've  not fixed the seat there and I'll sit on top   there when it does because I'm kind of thinking  it's kind of a formula Rey and this does not look   like the cutting-edge of Technology doesn't it no  so I want to get something a little bit different   motor Mountain that's next that's gonna sit down  you can go in there we've got a bit of adjustment   on the old sprocket that's gonna sit on the  back there like that broke it on there sprocket   on there Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing  Bing and then get the SA and mount that round the   back get the axle trim down as well because that's  all too long at the moment put some spacers in yes right it's got the electric motor mounted  we've got the ESC mounted happy with that   chain sprocket rear axle old looking good  next thing we need we need some batteries   we could shove them along here I'd quite  like to leave this free just make it look   a bit more streamline if I put them over here  somewhere try and work out a nice neat way that   they can go under there maybe I'll put a little  cowl in front of it so it all looks nice and a   and futuristic and then it'll all get too upset  for it to itself and be right underneath me boom but mechanically it's kind of new finished just  waiting for components now got a couple of things   to do on the electronics I got some a wonderful  seat of order so I'm going to strip the paint   just do a couple of other little jobs and then  when they turn up with Wacom on see if it works this seat is arrived what a booty it's a damn  sight better than the old track to see for manere   I hope you approve is it lightweight and made  of carbon fiber no so maybe they won't call it ok I've rigged it up to the RC so we can spin  the motor up and see how much power it's got well it's a very good chain making that horrible  noise that is bad I don't think this is the right   motor you ain't got any talk think I better do  a bit of Internet in oh okay this didn't work   spins really fast not got enough talk we could  alter the gearing but it won't even move the   thing without me sitting on it so just a couple  of sprocket changes it's not gonna solve that   problem so scout the internet and an eight-hour  long journey I've got this this is a Lynch motor   and apparently this has the same power as a mini  hmm well it's definitely powerful enough we may   have other problems because obviously this is  a bit bigger so I've got a fixed in somewhere   but also this was the ESC that controls the verse  one and this is the AC that controls that one so   we're going to put this somewhere the connections  look like they could feed the National Grid which   leads me to think are my batteries gonna be up to  this now you can program this panel and you can   restrict how many amps go into the motor restrict  all sorts of things so it's quite you know you   can play around with it quite a bit so hopefully  we will be able to tune it to what we've got now   ever then it will be powerful enough I don't know  right so it says you've got to remount all this   I'm not gonna film that quite as well as I did  before because I'm got time cuz I'm running out right here we go is this gonna work  okay plug the batteries in switch you   on got a green light so in theory is it can  actually move when it's on the floor let's   whack a seat oh well it'll go outside  yeah well I do apologize for a quite a   lot of this video being how to make it  the wrong way but you know you like to   see my own learning experience you got see  the trial and error of these things going ah that's better now of course there are  still lots of questions with this how long   are the battery's gonna last how fast will it  go will it be quicker than the petrol version   now luckily we've got the advantage we can plug  the laptop in it and we can change all sorts of   little parameters and have a little fiddle  around probably very much like a formulary   car remember that's what we're doing this  for now you can go check out their channel   you can see all the races live on YouTube you  can see all the races have happened on YouTube   it's all there go and have a look subscribe  is great racing it's really close and very   unpredictable as well so don't don't miss  the next video to shoot wanna see the spin   action I want to see an action and I've got to  get it to Rome how am I gonna put on a plane
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 8,230,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colinfurze, electric, drift trike, maker, formula e, how to, power, watts, amps, volts, engineering, making of, go cart, trike, drifting, fun, best
Id: otlR05QZRrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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