TurboJet Scooter build #1-Jet/Chassis

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hi women's the colony first channel subscribe if you haven't already it's a lovely place to be now a few videos back I made this jet engine powered scooter for my son but at the end of the video I said there is the kids version now let's make an adult version that's what we're gonna do today cuz I've got myself turbo I think this is off a transit van I'm not sure now this is quite small turbo so I don't know if it's gonna be super powerful but it's gonna sound amazing real high pitch it's gonna whistle like how it is gonna be awesome let's get cracking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] dark or hideout and fire you're scared of the chance that something's my fat but there has to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh beautiful boy look at that [Music] lovely job I've made of that so basically we've got a flame she sits down the end that little thing I did with the cardboard which so that's got something to slot into but it's not super tight now then how did I know what measurements to do all this and what dimensions everything had to be well about five years ago I did a video telling you just how to do that and it basically all comes from this in there you have to measure the diameter of that and then do all sorts of calculations it's actually pretty simple cuz I've managed to do it so we'll shove that back in there there's no spark plug in it yet because I haven't got a spark plug and then that will slot in the end there the next job we need to put it on a vehicle which we need to make yes Colin you do that's gonna sit somewhere like that and then with a back wheel I'm gonna use go-kart wheel slot that somewhere like something like that maybe because this thing is gonna drop into a little oil tank somewhere and then we can have the exhaust plume disappear out the back and then for the front of the scooter got a BMX bike I'll be like that I'll this is gonna make no sense is it I think I've to start Becky [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get to heaven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right you may have noticed I've broken my finger or so broken it up broken a little bit of the bone and a bit of metal has come down and smash the end of it off so progress on this slowed down some more but anyway I've done this with mattad the jet now this bit of frame here is not just going to be the frame content an ingenious idea this is also gonna be the oil tank because I kind of thought like what's the point in having a bit tube with another bit of tube next to it to house the oil tank you know and this motorbikes out there to do this my older - Sookie they are Zed that used to run the oil through the frame so forth that's commandeer that idea it's a good one so basically the little outlet tube on the turbo here it's gonna drop down into there and for some reason you have to have pressure on the inlet but not only outlet so it just drops out the bottom of the turbo and dribbles things when it's on the car it comes off the turbo then just goes in the side of the block and drops down into the Sun I don't know why I'm sure there's somebody that can answer that question but that's what we've got to mimic here so it will drop down there little air gap and then up this end I'll be calling no got this little twelve volt it's a gear pump oil strainer thing I think it's the light pumping all that tanks and stuff like that anyway this is experimental not used one of these before so I'm going to put that at the end there somehow within the frame and then we can mount our front of our BMX off that so that's gonna be the next job I've also made a lovely little exhaust system gone in look look at that on there today we are calling the solution I think it's looking very nice shut up talking about it now they built the front there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sighs [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes right turbojet pretty much made frame made got a little wooden platform check might change it for a bit of checker plate something in the future I don't know yeah I'm not sure about the proportions they say the back wheel kind of looks Diddy and the whole thing's very long do you know what this one Colleen long pretty much exactly how long's your scooter one call it but you know when you don't plan stuff or draw anything you can end up with things like that happening now next video we're going to sort the oil system at he needs a gas system it needs a throttle it just all basically needs to work and we give it a test fire but until then I'll see you in the next one sorry Frank it's been a bit slow I brought me finger which is healing nicely yeah well Colin I might next bit bit fatter as well ah just yeah [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 5,604,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colin, furze, jet, turbojet, powered, scooter, homemade, how to, carzy, loud, workshop, fabrication, stainless, adult, big boy, toys, mini scooter, part 1, invention, inventor, best, amazing, british
Id: 4MUGIr85zfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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