Real Faith, Part 2

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if you had open in scriptures to Romans the third chapter we begin a series just was it last week maybe other things have happened since then but recently this is our text here in Romans 3 and the title of it is real faith real faith in Romans the 3rd chapter and the 3rd verse it says for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect now these are questions questions should have answers what if some did not believe what's the answer to that what if what if some did not believe well not everyone's going to believe part of the Great Commission mentioned in mark 16 go into all the world preach the gospel to every creature he that believes in his baptized will be saved he that believes not will be damned or condemned well what does that let you know some are going to believe and respond to it some are not the Bible said in the book of Acts were on a day Paul called a bunch of people to where he was and he preached from morning till afternoon basically all day from the law of the prophets he covered some ground you think I go long sometimes and the scripture said when he finished it and some believed and some believe not do you think if Paul had done a better job I've been more thorough been more anointed that everybody he got 100% in Jesus own ministry did everybody believe him no so some are going to believe and some are not going to believe no matter how right the word is how knowing it is how well it is delivered some are going to believe some are not what if some did not believe we should not be shocked we should be aware that not everybody is going to believe but if they don't shall their unbelief mate the faith of God without affect the the word effect without without effect we could also say useless will it make the faith of God useless or one that one way it's translated is to cease will it make the faith of God to cease the one reason I mentioned that is because there are a bunch of people sadly not just a handful but a bunch of people that 20 years ago even 10 years ago preached faith talked about it quite a bit endeavored to live by faith but have become discouraged about the subject to faith and have talked about it less and less and have moved to other emphasis and some people would imply that well you know there are different moves and that there was a faith move from X to X but that move has waned ceased and God's doing something else well God doesn't change he doesn't change now he does emphasize different things at different times because the church changed and got away from it and just like your body can be deficient in certain things and you need some extra of it to get you back balanced but that doesn't mean that that's the only thing you're supposed to talk about for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God if without effect the next verse says God forbid no way yay let God be true but every man a liar the complete English says it is true that some did not believe the message but does that mean that God cannot be trusted just because they did not have faith does it mean that because they didn't have faith and it didn't work out that faith is not real and right and God can't be trusted why would you even need to say this the week's translation says instead of saying god forbid says let no one ever think such a thing instead of saying God for God forbid let no one ever think such a thing let no one ever think what that the faith of God has ceased or is useless or doesn't work look with me in Timothy then 1st Timothy 1 first Timothy 1 and 4 it says neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith edifying means building up the scripture also talks about being nourished up in the words of faith everything we do is supposed to be in faith every message we preach is supposed to be in faith I didn't say about faith I said in faith everything we do every prayer we pray every offering we give everything we do if it's not done in faith it's not pleasing to God it's impossible to please right without it verse five now the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and a faith unfeigned faith unfeigned now that's a King James word what does that mean well Fame means to pretend or to be false unfeigned would mean not pretend faith that's not pretend the the week's translation says of faith that which is not assumed everybody say assumed not assumed but real so right away we know there's there's a faith that is real and there is that which is called faith that's not real there is a fake faith there's a faith there's fake faith I think many are not aware of that there is faith that is real and there is that which is called faith and to the unenlightened it looks like faith it sounds like faith to them but it's not and it doesn't work and you don't get results and then when people see that they think well I'll see there now that's not right that doesn't work and that didn't work so people are gonna get away from that and folks are right what some people have called faith it didn't work because it's not faith but what if some didn't believe show their unbelief make the faith of God without effect god forbid no way the faith of God is one of the greatest things you could ever talk about and it works every time every time but we need to identify this phony stuff and make sure we're not involved in any of that ignorant Lee or otherwise he said the message says not a counterfeit faith the BBE says true faith the today's English version says a genuine faith the easy-to-read says whose faith in God is real that's where we got the title from real faith so you got fake faith and you got real faith you're interested in this pray a prayer with me then send out loud father God enlighten us teach us give us understanding to discern and to distinguish between what is fake faith and what is real faith we ask for it in Jesus name Thank You Lord were you serious did you release faith then you will see you're gonna know more than you have before that's exciting that's exciting because you'll find out why some things didn't work and once you got that you know what to do so it does work that's exciting that's exciting now one of the things that we we got into well what we did get into last time was a first type of fake faith and we called it imitation faith there's more than one kind of fake faith and the first type we mentioned and if you weren't here you can go back and get a CD of the message or your easiest things go online download it won't cost you anything either way but we talked in some detail about imitation faith and what that is is imitating the faith of somebody else and we saw the seven sons of sceva who endeavored to cast out a spirit and they had seen Paul do it and so they endeavored to mimic what they saw him do and they said we adore you in the name of Jesus you know the one Paul preaches about and probably no doubt they tried to mimic Paul's stance and his tone and what he did and if you didn't know any better it sound like genuine faith genuine attempt to exercise authority but the spirit spoke up and said Jesus I know Paul I know about but you who are you and jumped on them and beat the puddin out of them and they ran out you know injured and naked well you'd look at that and say that doesn't work if you didn't know better you'd say now that that you know casting out and that exercising authority and that faith that doesn't work look at that don't try that and that didn't work because that's not real faith that's imitating what you heard somebody else do but Paul had heard from the Lord and did what he did they hadn't heard from the Lord come on can you see the difference so they're imitating somebody else's faith friend you can't get by on Mama's faith or daddy's faith you need to hear from him for yourself you must hear from him for yourself in order to have real faith and just because it's real to them doesn't mean it's real to you if the more I learned about faith I don't agree with people like I used to folks as they believe with me for this well you know if I hadn't heard from the Lord about that I can't have faithful and do I know if you heard from the Lord or not unless I have some kind of a witness well God can do anything yeah but that doesn't mean I can believe anything somebody tell me how faith comes come on help me out here put it up on the screen Romans 10:17 how does faith come there's a lot of ways people try to get it to come people beg for faith they pray for faith Oh God give me faith please give me faith Babel didn't say faith comes by praying faith in God comes from hearing what he told you if you're gonna believe him to do a thing in your life you need to hear from him that he's gonna do that thing in your life or has already done it whatever the case may be but it'll be through his word and by spirit but it'll be quickened to you it'll be made real to you that he's speaking this to you at this time about this situation and once you once that's real to you and you hear that faith will be there your faith will rise up faith comes as a result of hearing from him so somebody comes and says you know I'm believing for this and I'm believing for that agree with me don't just say okay check your heart do you really have confidence have you heard from the Lord and don't be too proud to say well I I don't know that I'm there on that I don't know that that's real to me you know people play games and they say and act things that sound and look like faith to other people but it's not there it's not real when it comes to believing you you see the projects that we do as leaders of these churches and ministry you know that black this plane project that we're finishing when we begin that project it was twice what we wound up with it was twice the amount and that amount was half the price of a new one but as we got into it you know blacks progressive the further you go the more light you get we had a witness about cutting it in half again so this project is a quarter of the price of a new plane and we're as happy as can be about it we're not we're not just in an airplane business it's just a tool to get ministry done and instead of that believing for all that other money we believe that in other places of the ministry you see what I'm saying and that's now if he told us believe for the knew that's what we do but if I try to do that he didn't tell me you're going to struggle it's going to go on and on and on you'll run out of steam everybody's going to lose interest and stick what I'm saying how can you know what to do and how much to do you know you believed for a million on this why didn't you just go ahead and leave for five or ten you believe in for a house why don't you just go ahead and leave for 20 room mansion all that way well whatever it is I need a car why not just believe for a Rolls Royce I don't what why well I want to pick up well why not believe for the hundred thousand dollar pickup the best when they make you mister why maybe I will maybe I will well it don't work by maybe something's got to happen in you that that gets real to you elsewise you're playing games even though you're making confessions and you prayed prayers what's real to you here's what I've come to do as a practice if there's something we we need want to do ministry works the same thing personally I look at the top and that's what we did on that plane project I looked right at the top and had to hold on to something [Laughter] can God do that easy easy easy easy but we don't receive based on what God can do we receive according to our faith so look at the top and then begin to check inside seek where's for my faith that where's my faith that will see we came the conclusion our faiths not there right now I don't mean it could never be there but it's not there right now could God do it easy am i confident they believe for that no not today it's kind of like lifting weights right there was time years ago I can press pretty good weight but I better not slide under today I'm just not there right unless I got three or four good spotters around you know if you know what I'm talking about you you can imagine so I used to be there it ain't the same as being there today I want to be there that's not the same as being there I could be there yeah but you ain't today you're not there today and today's what we're talking about what are we gonna believe today so you look at you look at the top go to the top look at that that also helps you to see I mean right now the plane that we're using it'll do everything the brand new one over there and yet it's quarter of the price and it helps you to appreciate what God did for you by seeing the scope of the thing anybody with me on this and I'm happy that it didn't cost all that I'm happy to focus on other areas get that done and focus on other things and um but you got to be honest with yourself about you know are we gonna believe for that and I thought hmm hmm and over the course of months I brought it down you know and I cut it in half and I thought okay okay and then after a while I thought hmm hmm and I brought it down in half again and that was the spot that was the spot witness I know some years ago at healing school brother Hagins ministry we had people that were coming in continuously and had physical problems some of them you know pronounced terminal incurable and the one guy he was there and then he was I noticed he wasn't there and found out he's in the hospital and he was in such terrible pain that uh nobody could talk to him I mean they they got him full of pain meds and and he just and he's getting worse every day is the is the problem and you can't do that for very long they said you know he won't make it much longer he's getting he's worse yesterday than he was the day before he's worse today than he was then so I went and he wanted to talk to me but he's barely conscious he you know like I conceived there's no need in talking too much about scriptures and I mean I could read scriptures to him they could affect his spirit but it's forced him consciously hooking with me he's so distracted so I'm searching my heart we know what God's best is we know what God can do right we can pray a prayer we can believe we receive he can jump out of bed run around the bed put on his clothes go to the house right be done with it God can do that Jesus bought and paid for it it's available to anybody but we don't receive according to what God can do we receive according to our faith so it's nothing it's not my body this wracked with pain it's his body it's not just my faith either I got it he and I got a hook I got a hook with him where's he at and so as I'm talking and looking um you know we at the top then we start trying to see who our faith is where's our faith and that's not giving up because even though I might start here that's better than not having any faith but start somewhere because now what can I do I can do up I can come on keep coming up till I can get to God's highest and best but if I pretend I'm there when I'm not I get nowhere nothing happens and so uh it came up in my spirit because they're saying he doesn't have time I mean he may be dead tomorrow he may be dead the next day after that he has no time he's getting worse every day they his family said it others said it he said it this is in their mind getting worse every day and I noticed from the Holy Spirit came out up in my heart and Monson if he doesn't get worse tomorrow and he stops getting worse he has plenty of time he has time I thought yeah if he just stops getting worse he's got time he's got time and so I said brother I said do you believe that you and I could could ask the Lord and believe in faith and that tomorrow you would not be any worse now that don't sound like much but it is when you've been sliding downhill hard every day it's miraculous and he and when I said it I saw a light in his eyes he looked at me and I saw he can believe this we can hook up on this he said yes brother Keith so I grabbed his hand we prayed and we just we just thank God little short prayer what we believe we received whatever it takes in his body and in his life so that he's no worse tomorrow that this doesn't get any worse we asked for it we believe we receive it came back tomorrow what do you think what do you think what do you think he's no better but he's no worse is that a victory that's a hallelujah shouting victory that's a victory when you were sliding it might be dead tomorrow that's a victory but folk people focus sometimes on the whole thing the big thing and they're not there and so they believe in nothing it's not all or nothing it's boof you know check with the Lord let he'll show you where you are he'll show you what you can put your faith on so uh weary rejoiced he said brother Keith I'm no worse but praise God we praise God we thank God I said what do you think if we could step up a little bit peace that I did I said let's believe that you're at least some better at least a little better he said I believe it well we see what the Lord did that day what do you think next day not a lot but some this is a miracle when you might have been dead yesterday and not only did you not get worse you got better you got it moving in the right direction here cone can you see that fight the good fight of faith lay hold only turn alive and so uh I wasn't able to go see him for the next several days and then after that I wasn't that many days the rest of the week and so then I checked the next day I actually came in and and I said how bad he meant until the nurse's station and they said he's gone he went home to God supposed to been dead last week hallelujah but as long as I was looking trying you know we're gonna believe God and receive everything that jump out of bed he wasn't there I wasn't there with him we weren't there but the Holy Spirit helped us to see where we were no worse I did I just smile from ear to ear when that came up in my spirit I thought that's it that will work that will work that's it go with me please to the book of numbers numbers 14 and also Deuteronomy 1 first chapter we're going to look at two places two verses then I'm going to back up and give you more context you got time the Lord is answering that prayer right we're going to be able to identify the phony stuff the fake stuff and we're going to be established in the real in numbers 14 verse 40 numbers 1440 the Israelites that God had just brought out of Egyptian bondage they rose up early in the morning numbers 1440 and they got them up to the top of the mountain and they said lo we're here and we'll go up to the place which the Lord has promised for we have sinned does that sound good well you know the story just look at the phrase does that sound good if you just if you didn't know anything about the rest of them we're here we're going to go up to the place the Lord told us to and promised and we're repenting because we've missed it does that sound good you know it sounds good hold your place there go to Deuteronomy 1 Deuteronomy 1 verse 41 and just hold these two places we'll go back and forth Deuteronomy 141 then you answered and you said to me the people said to Moses we've sinned against the Lord is that good if you've missed it and sinned against the Lord is that good that you are repenting I mean that's great we've sinned against the Lord we'll go up and fight he told he had told them to go up and possess the land we'll go up and we'll fight according to all the Lord our God commanded us is that good does that sound good he told you to go up they said we're gonna go and every men girded on his weapons of war and you were ready to go up the hill let me stop right here both of these phrases which is describing the same situation sound like repentance and a right heart and sounds like faith and is actually rebellion is actually rebellion there is that which sounds like faith and is actually disobedience and rebellion the devil is so crafty he's so subtle he's not obvious and he's not a creator of anything good but he is a pervert err of anything everything good that he can distort and pervert and faith I saw this last night as I was waiting on the Lord about this the devil and all those under him are afraid of faith that's why they fight it so hard they are afraid of faith because faith is the force that overcomes the whole world that's them they're afraid of it so you can be sure they gonna do everything they can to confuse people about faith and he's found that one of the best things to do to interrupt and hinder something is to make an imitation of it make a phony version of it and get people involved in that and then they're gonna it's not gonna work they're going to get discouraged and you actually get people speaking against faith as long as you stay away from it they're happy but not us not us we put faith on the front of the building is that right it's for forefront they are saying we've sinned we missed it and we're gonna believe what God told us to do and we're gonna go do it and let's go do it sounds good it is rebellion and disobedience we get into the second type of fake faith I'll call it presumptuous faith the first thing we mentioned was imitation faith imitating somebody else's faith this is presumptuous faith now look with me in numbers let's let's back up and get some context now the reason I did it that way is because that's the way we often get snapshots of people's lives you'll hear people say something and it sounds good it sounds right but you don't know the whole story you don't know what else the Lord's already told them in numbers 14 and 25 what had happened if you back up to the 13th or 14th chapter we won't do it right now but he had sent the men in to spy out the land and they came back and brought and said it's a good land it flows with milk and honey but they're giants there we can't take it no way no how everybody except Joshua and Caleb said we can't do it and then they even slandered the good land that the Lord picked they said it's not the land that flows with milk and honey it's the land that'll eat you alive and it insulted God and so after they absolutely refused he said okay verse 25 you don't want to go tomorrow go to the wilderness and you're gonna stay there and verse 39 when Moses told them how the third goal wander in the wilderness for the forty years the people mourned greatly verse 40 and they rose up early in the morning and got them to the top of the mountain and said lo we be here we're going to go up to the place which the Lord promised because we've sinned yeah but he just got through telling you something else one thing that's that's revelation to me actually about oh six seven years ago especially when we were before we started the church in Sarasota and we're praying we knew was supposed to start another church but we didn't know where and I thought it might be at one place in the country completely different place than the South in Florida and and yet at one point the Lord said no leave that alone and look here and that bothered me because I thought well Lord you you don't change did I miss it because I was thinking you said something about here and now you're saying leave that alone and look here surely I missed it because you don't change and he he said yes I'm not my hai speaks to you no not a voice but inside me he he reminded me that this weren't words but just thoughts he reminded me of how he told Moses he said when the people you know refused to believe him he said get back out of the way and they'll be destroyed I'll make of you a greater nation isn't he the one that picked them and now he's saying he's going to do it a different way through other people and I saw things are not written in stone because we truly have a free will and you never have to obey Him you can go your entire life and even though he picked you to do a job he called you he anointed you to do it that does not mean you will ever do it but if you go long enough and won't do it his plan is going to be done he will use somebody else he might use another town another group another church somebody that wants it he and I it was a revelation to me I realize things are not set in stone the Lord will tell you something but if you won't do what he told you to do their tongues he'll tell you something else he didn't change you changed and when you changed it changed their situation and so now he's telling them he said he said go into the promised land and take it and for months they didn't they didn't they wouldn't they wouldn't they absolutely refused to so he said okay you don't want to go turn around go back into the wilderness you gonna stay in there for forty years they said no no we ready to go now this sounds humorous but it's not the Bible in Ephesians talks about the spirit of disobedience that's in the world influenced by the power of the air the god of this world second Corinthians talks about and it's this what's the word opposite response no matter what the Lord will say to people they gonna say the opposite these folks have been doing this all along he said go and they said no he said stay they said now we're gonna go he said about manna you remember the manner situation that he did to to demonstrate if they would believe him or not he didn't demonstrate they believed in him he said go out and gather it up don't save it so what they do they saved it and it bread worms and stunk and then on Sabbath day he said the day before he said you'll gather twice as much you can save it now but don't go out on the Sabbath so what they do they went out on the Sabbath basically whatever he said do they're gonna do the opposite that is still with us and all around us today this obstinate see the spirit of rebellion the spirit of disobedience as pastors Phyllis and I've encountered it over and over again now don't do that don't think that's a good idea sometimes I'm told people just just wait just wait a few months no hey no and you do some of these things and what you need to do at that point is you need to hear from God about what to do now because you can have missed a window of opportunity and you can have messed some things up and now you need to hear from them so they said no we're not gonna go he kept trying to get him to go Joshua and Caleb did their did they do their best to get them to go they said come on come on we're here we made it all the way here and the Lord's with us their defense is departed from them their bread for us we'd say piece of cake we can do this boys come on and the Bible said they thought about they threatened to stone them Joshua and Caleb that's how disobedient that's how rebellious so when they say so the Lord said okay all right you don't want to go you don't want to go then go back into the wilderness now what they say now we're going we're going now why am I saying this because people have heard phrases like this and to them it sounds like faith and they don't realize it's actually blatant rebellion believe with me for so and so it's going to be my spouse I'm believing that and the Lord already told them leave him alone hmm believe with me from this position I'm believing for this position and the Lord already told you leave that alone no I'm doing something else but no they're going to use their faith to defy the instructions of the Lord now how do you think that's gonna come out but if you don't know the whole story you hear them quoting scriptures you hear them making good conventions even Tom not repenting when they missed it well that sounds great but you don't know the whole story sounds like faith looks like faith but it's presumptuous faith which is not real faith verse verse 40 they said we're here and we're going we're going to the place the Lord promised you'll hear people they'll refer to the Lord they'll refer to scriptures the Lord the Lord he promised and we've sinned and we repent me were getting it right no you're not he just told you to turn around go in the wilderness and Moses said wherefore now do you transgress the commandment of the Lord it shall not prosper go not up is he a man of God is the Lord speaking through it what's the word of the Lord don't go up so how does faith come by hearing what's the word of the Lord to them today so what can you have faith to do don't go up you can have faith to not go up how can you have faith to go when the Lord just got through saying don't go I'm gonna go you may have heard me tell the account of one of the first folks I minister to when I'm working in healing school and prayer call and ladies had just been mugged and and man she was upset and some Jay who had hit her in the head and grabbed her purse and and so and she was beside herself and crying and heaving and finally when she got where she could talk she's most upset cuz it happened because she said I quote the 91st psalm all the time and and how could this happen how could this happen to the devil's telling her God lets you down faith doesn't work faith doesn't work the devil tried to do his best to convince you faith doesn't work that's a faith stuff didn't work that confession stuff that believing stuff doesn't work and I didn't know what to tell her I didn't know where to begin so just checked in said Lord how can I help this lady what can I do and it came up to me asked her what she was doing why she was there how this happened so I backed up and and I asked her and she stopped heaving and crying she said well I said did you needed to be there something was going on it was a rough part of town and she said well no actually I had a check about going but I just confessed the 91st song and the Lord protects me well you can't have faith to do something different from what the Lord told you to do you've been confessing the 91st Sun and it's manifesting the Holy Spirit is warning you and checking you don't go it is working but if you ignore this and you're gonna make confessions no I'm gonna go does it sound like this I'm gonna go she probably wasn't meaning to be disobedient and rebellious but she was if the Lord told you that was he don't go and you go old friends how many times this has happened with how many Christians and believers and you wind up at the wrong place at the wrong time and the enemy had set up for you and things happen that never should have happened and then the first thing he'll do first thing the devil will do when the thing happens that the bad thing he'll say where was God where was he I mean after all you're going to church and tithing and giving and confessing and where is it where was it when you needed him oh he's evil he's lying he's deceiving no it's not why didn't God help you it's why didn't we listen why do we try to believe something different from what he told us to do keep reading he said don't go up the Lord's not among you that you not be smitten before your enemies for the Amalekites of Canaanites are there before you you'll fall by the sword because you're turned away from the Lord therefore the Lord will not be with you do they have a word from the Lord what is it don't go if you go you're going to be defeated if you go you're by yourself and on your own the Lord's not with you don't go so this confession this sounded so good earlier he's sounding worse and worse and worse how work we're going to go we're going to do what the Lord told us to do that was days ago they need to do what he told you today he doesn't change he doesn't change but he has to deal with a bunch of folks that do His perfect will doesn't change he doesn't change oh but man uh-oh makes you feel for him this bunch down here as fickle and is unresponsive the biggest thing is disobedient rebellious recognize that spirit of defiance recognize devilish recognize it when you know people of God and wisdom and grace is giving you instruction and something in your flesh what wants to rise up and go no no nobody tells me what to do no no it starts young little ones huh can barely talk a walk look at you go no it ain't cute it can destroy their lives because if they'll do that with you they'll do that with God it's not cute they presumed to go first 44 they did what they presumed to go up to the hilltop that's why I call it presumptuous faith nevertheless the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and Moses departed not out of the camp they did this apart from their leadership they did it in defiance of their leadership they did it without the presence of God man this is sure to be a disaster then the Amalekites came out and the Canaanites which dwelt in the hill and they smote him and discomforted them even unto Homer they had a devastating defeat look at Deuteronomy 1 let's read their dis account of it as well Deuteronomy 1 verse 40 what the Lord had said to them before this he said for you turn you excuse me verse 8 verse 8 first what he had told him originally he said I have set the land before you go in and possess it possess the land which the Lord swore to your father's Abraham Isaac Jacob to give to them and to their seed after them so now at that point what could they have faith to do they to go into the land and possess it and so did they go no they said we can't they said no way no how they they were thinking about killing Joshua and Caleb who were telling them to go verse 21 he had told them again behold the Lord your God has set the land before you go up and possess it as the Lord God of your father's has said to you fear not neither be discouraged what can they have faith to do they can have faith to go take this and go get this but they cried and they felt sorry for their self and they accused their leadership and said you brought us out here to die in the wilderness we all gonna die out here verse 26 notwithstanding you would not go up but rebelled against the commandment of the Lord your God verse 32 in this thing you did not believe the Lord your God and finally in verse 40 he said to them okay you won't obey me after all this time you won't do what I tell you now turn you take your journey into the wilderness by way of the Red Sea then you answered me and said to me we've sinned against the Lord we'll go up and fight according to all that the Lord our God commanded us I have experienced this personally numerous times dealing with folks do this do this I think I'm gonna do it and then things are all messed up don't do that do this now no no no I'm gonna do this just defy it if you say up they gonna say down if you say go they're gonna say no if you say stay now what do they want to do they want to go and they may not realize it but the enemy is playing he brings the feelings and they just you - because of their pride and rebellion you have to overcome your flesh to walk in the fear of the Spirit and to walk by faith you have to overcome and want one of the big indicators that somebody is submitted to God is that they are respectful of people they are respectful of his word they're respectful of his spirit they're respectful of his ministers they're respectful of their spiritual elders come on they're listening to me respect and when you see that disrespect it shows lack of respect for God himself jesus said if you received me you receive the one who sent me if you received the one I send he received me and you ready to go up to the hill he said verse 42 the Lord said to me and this is is this straight from God the Lord said to me say to them go not up don't fight I'm not among you lest you be smitten before your enemies and so I spoke it to you and what you would not hear but you rebelled against the commandment of the Lord and went presumptuously up into the hill and they did it making a good confession we're gonna go we're gonna do what the Lord told us to do we're gonna take the land now and the amorite switch dwelt in the mountain came out against you and they chased us bees do and destroyed you in Sierra even unto hormon and you returned and wept before the Lord but the Lord wouldn't hearken to your voice or give ear to you what because they hadn't repented they just upset because they lost the battle there's no heart change next thing he tells them to do they didn't do they wouldn't do that either more griping more complaining somebody said by the grace of God not me not gonna do that the psalmist said and I'm closing the psalmist said some 19:13 he said keep back your servant from presumptuous sins let him not have dominion over me then I'll be upright and innocent from the great transgression do not believe everybody that says the Lord said the Lord told me don't believe that just because somebody says those words does not mean he did sometimes he told them the opposite and if you're trying to believe with them but something the Lord didn't even tell it's not gonna turn that way and then folks will say well it didn't work faith didn't work if some did not believe if some did presumptuous stuff does that make the faith of God without effect god forbid the scripture said in Ezekiel they don't turn there but in Ezekiel the Lord said about folks some some individuals he said they say the Lord says and the Lord has not sent them and they made others to hope that they would confirm the word they've seen a vain vision they spoke a lying divination because they said the Lord says it albeit I have not spoken Oh friends a lot of people saying the Lord told me the Lord told me I won't have this and one of the things you can that's a tip-off is when people talking about how great they're gonna be how big they're gonna be they're seeking their own glory no trust the Word of God and the witness that you have inside and if you don't have a witness about it you're not being mean and you're not even saying they couldn't believe for it but you're saying I don't have a witness about that and the Lord dealt with me some years ago this phrase he said Keith if you'll become more selective you'll become more effective don't try to believe for everything that everybody's believing for don't say everything that you hear somebody else saying you'd be more selective what you know you heard from me and when you say that it's going to come to pass it hurts your faith when you pray and it didn't work it hurts your faith when you make confessions and it didn't come to pass but is that God's fault because you didn't wait on him and hear from him or cuz you some imagined to something presumed something assumed something let me give you the definition to presume and assume because it's something you and I are staying away from that was weak I said you and I huh or staying away from presuming and assuming what the Lord say well I assumed he meant this uh uh we're not ready to hook presumption means to be proud it means to be insolent it means to be swelled or lifted up in English it means to do something you don't have a right to do to presume presumption means doing something you didn't get directions to do you didn't get permission to do it you didn't you didn't get directions to do it you're not supposed to just believe for anything that comes across our mind we must hear from him faith comes by hearing from him assume means to think something is true without knowing that it's true assume means to pretend to have or be something again fake phony now I know some of this is not in it as exciting as other things you don't just hear it and want to run now but Franny can spare you from heartache it can spare you from frustration from Tears confusion and you prayed a prayer we prayed a prayer the Lord heard that prayer and we are getting purged from junk he don't believe everything you hear you believe everything he said but you don't believe everything and everybody else says about what God told them maybe he did maybe didn't even if he did tell them that don't mean he told you that right yes getting back to imitation faith just because they had faith to do it doesn't mean you can you got to hear from him for yourself and presuming are we not gonna presume we go wait on him until we hear from and know what the word to us for now is and then we stand on that hallelujah we can stand on that it's solid ground though in a God is the rock that's not going to wash away hallelujah and the faithful God will surely do what he said he would do can you trust God can you trust it can you trust it let God be true everybody else is says something different a liar we trust in him stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,411
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
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Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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