REAL double bladed SWORD tested!

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hey guys we need to get to the Crypt hurry up yeah I'm ready I just [Music] well one of us needs to change it's not gonna be me it's not gonna be me guys I feel like one of those NPCs that you're gonna hit at least twice to kill right I'll hit you I'll hit you no no fine fine we can all wear red bringing Deans but if it's gonna be this overt we need a name to like the band of the red something I don't know but [Music] we're too similar I need something that at least I can stand out about what if I like it but it feels really protective like oh that is so gonna work I know I know right double bladed sword baby like it's totally not gonna work but let's get it what's gonna work I disagree don't level 100 but you're gonna cut your own legs well there's only one way to find out we're gonna have to put it gotta test this out [Music] where what you call professionals [Music] greetings I'm shad and I have wanted to do this video for a long time I've already spoken about double-bladed swords lightsabers and in that older video both of by the way that older video I am way more chunky in that you can see it there's a bit more around the midsection well you're looking better these days but continue continue well in that video I actually speculate there's far more validity and functionality to a double-bladed sword but then I also said it'll be really fun to see it tested well is that what we're going to do today that's exactly what we're going to do because we've got a lab one ready for sparring and we actually have padding for the lightsaber so I've got a light double bladed lightsaber I just as well what before so connected two five sharp blades very very sharp very very sharp blades so they have an edge these are both steel blades that can cut similar in length and profile so yeah this is this is how we're gonna have to be very careful not to cut ourselves when we're swinging these so are you going to be testing cutting we're going to be testing barring and also maneuverability so those are three main kind of areas now the reason why we're going to be testing all these areas is because foam blades or even these lightsaber blades it really just doesn't compare to the real thing this thing's quite heavy but there's some interesting things that I think we're going to find when it comes to cutting with a double-bladed sword it's a four edged sword so we're trying something completely new because we've got so many different ways we can cut with it so many different ways we can fight with it and then we'll just see what happens if we've got no Edge alignment at all I mean lightsaber you don't need Edge alignment that's the advantage of they don't have a short about that coming out soon and it's going to be very interesting to see how functional an actual type of way to sort is I speculate like perhaps people consider something like this in the past it's essentially a pole arm and there are double-plated weapons historically or did I say double-headed double-ended like polexes you sometimes have spikes on the back end okay they do it that would actually hold the pole ax with the spike ready to jab and then come down for a really heavy strike as well so double ended weapons doing this historically perhaps someone considered double-bladed sword in the past but one of the biggest impracticalities about these things is how the heck do you wear and carry them yes like are you connecting them in the middle maybe or something or just like sheathe it and hope for the best if it was actually smaller where it was less awkward there might even be more of a little deal because interestingly enough I think there might be some validity to a double-ended dagger because you know with daggers in particular there's a debate versus regular grip an ice pick grip you could just do both at the same time if it's a functional dagger then I double-ended might even work let's put it to the test yeah we're trying the double sort of double dagger well dagger fight is already dangerous so we need something like utilitarian to do with a double-ended knife double-ended knife testing yeah like like baking food preparation and stuff that'll work how to do it well good thing this video is sponsored by hellofresh all right look at here an evil bladed knives so yeah yeah yeah they do work yeah are going to hurt ourselves you reckon it's too dangerous for our functional use like this I think it's going to be like a little yes yes we're professionals I think we'll be all right we are professionals here all right as these guys get started with these double-bladed knives and we get to see how effective they are in the background I'm going to tell you a little bit about hello fresh and how you can get some free food I'm not kidding because that's how I first started with hello fresh it was a deal like I'm able to offer you I tried it out I've been hooked ever since I have to say I kind of find myself either using one side or the other like if it was a whole blade I feel like I could actually use it but it's not like I've got two pieces of things to cut at the same time this is not a lie I've legitimately been a customer for hello fresh long before they'll ever response to it and we loved the recipe so much we saved them so I could cook our own and I'm not kidding these are all the recipes I've saved from hellofresh over the years I've been a customer because it's legitimately that good why are they so good every week you can pick from 40 Chef curated recipes to get delivered to your doorstep and it cuts out so much of the hassle you don't need to go to the grocery store it's still it to your doorstep and on top of that it cuts out the hassle of the pre-planning and everything you get given pre-portioned ingredients which cuts down heaps of waste and the the food is legitimately delicious try it you won't be disappointed a long one this is a really long one yeah I um totally totally trust you I can't gonna do it let's try that again it also does the planning for you I fell into kind of like this they call it a recipe rut where you just default to the same things over and over and yeah it's tasty and it's the stuff that you like and you just keep making it again again but you don't have variety there hellofresh because it's pre-portioned it's planned for you it comes to you not only that you can pick from fit and wholesome recipes okay so if you have health goals hello fresh can really help you achieve that and if you're short on time it also has quick and easy meals that only take like 15 minutes to make I am not a great cook okay but with hello fresh I've been out of make some truly delicious food and also the creativity in some of these recipes that I'd never thought of amazing as you can see I like cutting literally anything yeah he does he really does [Music] pie doesn't work I hit it twice it's not a test of dexterity okay so if you haven't tried hello fresh yet they are doing one of the best deals I've ever been able to offer you genuinely a full half price deal all you have to do is go to and use code 50 shadowversity at the checkout for 50 off plus free shipping half price one of the best deals ever there's free food right there that you can try out and you're not going to be disappointed so once again guys just go to and use code 50 shadiversity at the checkout for 50 off plus free shipping hello fresh comes with my full recommendation the food is delicious I'm a customer I think you guys will really get value at it people here in the office have tried it out on just the recommendations and they've been hooked as well so genuinely it is absolutely real value for money delicious you won't be disappointed and thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and look at this double forks and double knives you know we had to use these how'd they go they were good I enjoyed it this was kind of useless but I did a cut test with the Nate and you did yeah they were fun but they're also useless well all right so maybe not in cutting like food but I reckon combat wise there might be some validity to it or if you're like studying for a long period of time you want something else changed oh how's the food oh that's good bye Phillips try this well we've got double layered swords after this that's very good remember code 50th anniversity half price that was good that was real good that's very good I want to try double knives but now it's time to actually try our double bladed sword oh yeah yeah like just but all right some things to be mindful of everything like when you go forward that blade is coming back so we'll be mindful of that uh but we're gonna test it like we normally test things with pool noodles and water bottles now these are both sharp so hopefully it'll get through everything it might just be my Edge alignment to be honest yeah honestly it's cutter amongst us and so he's going to be to test uh just to regular downwards with the forward blade cutting with the back blade and even maybe trying double cut yes so the double cut is actually the interesting one for me because I would say if I'm able to perform a double cut with this quicker than I would with just one sword I see that as a win but if I'm not able to then I don't really see the points let's give it a couple goes and see what happens so I'm just going to attempt a normal just a straight down strike because that should just behave like a normal sword and hopefully my agile open is good so as you can see this sword is nice and sharp let's try and do a bit of a bit of a double here foreign as fast as I can I'm going to try and get off two consecutive cuts it might be a little bit of over swing might be a little bit of dust but we just want to see how quick I can do it and then compare that to the double-bladed sword thank you so for this next cutting portion what I want to try to achieve is I want to swing the blade around a little bit to see how much maneuverability I have and then on the final swing I want to see if I can get good Edge alignment and get a solid cut let's give it a go now the edge alignment on that was actually pretty good we got a solid cut and that was on a backhanded strike all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] much more difficult to cut with but I think that is mostly coming down to practice you could train yourself up to get that income well there's something we need to mention so we've we've Jerry rigged two swords here together but and they have a similar blade profile but there is a difference this one is a bit thicker yeah and we run into this sort of problem when we did the Zelda Master Sword review on these blades because they're both from the same manufacturer they're a little bit thick they have a bit of meat on them and there's Baylor arms Alexandria type 18c Alexandria's side is great at cutter yes yeah Edge on it and we also need to talk about like changing Edge alone because they are a little Askew to each other not much yeah and a little off at an angle like there's there's a whole heap of minor things that just pulled them apart if you had a custom-made one where both swords were completely equivalent one solid Tang the whole way like that would there'll be less difficulties the thing is though you've got some pretty good Cuts in it I was able to cut with it this is still a very deadly functional weapon something I want to mention right off the bat is I'm actually starting to sweat from that cutting I've never had I've never ever gone away from a cutting session like oh that was a bit of hard work guys this is uh because it's two swords they're heavy weapon yeah it's double the weight of a normal saw because two of them and then we've got a steel uh brace here holding it so this thing is a bit Hefty yes all of its all of its counterweight is now countering it in the middle for a fantasy Adventurer they'll just get fit something I want to mention is the fact that the filleting cuts that that was happening there are a lot of in and out like you can see here quite prominently these filleting slices that were happening and even the hole in the pool noodles so being exposed over and over again do you know why I was doing that either of you do you know why I was doing that because I was on purpose to keep the blade away from over swinging into yourself I would say to align the second cut coming in yes because when you cut with the first one whatever you're trying to cut is gone so what's happening is I'm doing my first cut and now there were times where it's not actually cutting through but then on the second cut I'm altering my Edge alignment so that I'm able to actually cut something and not just swing at nothing something that I am really wanting to test out further are double cuts the double cuts that we did in this test are a little bit tricky because we're following through the target completely if you're fighting against a person that first strike will usually be stopped I mean I mean there will be sometimes where you could draw it out and follow through oh if you can get out of that bind in the maneuverability section I want to specifically test out double striking against a static Target which means you have to withdraw it go hit hit and uh to see the speed versus a single saw where you have to go hit hit or something like that'll be really interesting we're going to be starting with some of these trainers uh I like the LARP one because it's a bit more sturdy and so that's what I'm gonna try and I kind of like this one because it feels a bit more like it's got proper blade resistance it is a little it's a skew but there are reasons for that something went wrong yeah we had to make a few of these rather quickly now obvious this should go without saying but I'm gonna say it anyway these are really really light compared to the real deal but but we are not as strong as Burly adventurers who are conditioned and trained with it and so I think this is an adequate substitute to pretend like you know this is what if you're really strong it's about as heavy as it would feel for a super strong Adventurer remind me again who did most of the cutting just then what are you saying you're a super strong Adventurer I am we are well that's true we all we all are I've never sweat before I don't know what you're talking about all right anyway let's get into it uh which one do you want to start with well first I want to go straight into double cut test because one of the big advantages with a double-bladed sword is once you do one cut when you're withdrawing that first Blade the second blade is already coming into hits and so I want to I want to see like a hit hit and compare it to a single sword but there is another thing that we should compare it against to be fair and that is dual wielding having a sword in each hand I'm going to start with a Thrust cut combo just to try and test the speed so if I'm here I'm just gonna go bang bang all right so what's what I'm finding is going to depend how much power I put in because if I just do a big like that yeah it's fast but not a lot of power if I want to try and match the power that I'm able to get in this follow-up strike I kind of need to wind a bit more so like that and look I'm noticing a distinct difference in speed now double cutting I I want to test the maneuverability just to make sure like if there are any other hits that we're missing out on and one of the main stances I think you would want to use for a double layer sword is actually not this but more like a spear like this because you can get all the type of hits that you want in but it's much better for thrusting and so and one thing that I'm finding I was worried that you might get stuck too much on the target but it's easy to withdraw and as soon as you withdraw you're good to follow-up strike and then you do have the double hit I mean this to me is a very functional weapon still alright so Tyrant uh how about you give a go of a double cut awesome so I'm going to try and do two consecutive Cuts similar to what I would do with just one sword [Music] and what I'm finding is I'm gaining a lot more leverage when it comes to just one standard sword I have to come in and then wind back around but with this I've technically already got that wind when I come for the follow-up so I want to try a double cut now with the long sword because with a reverse Edge cut you could increase the speed and so you can but I was talking specifically about leverage like you have a lot more leverage with that follow-up cut so in this one I'm actually going to be thumbing it and uh let's see so if I was there [Music] foreign [Music] it's hard to measure but I think the double edge side is still that bit faster it's not just faster though you have that leverage which I feel like is the really important part yeah and we're not just talking when we were doing Rising cuts and then following through we're talking back and then you've already got that second one you do and because with the long sword I kind of think of these are taxes that kind of helicopter combo where you go hit hit hit right they're fast they don't have huge power exactly so I've found that it might actually be uh positive for this thing gentlemen you are forgetting one thing which is you've got two swords taped together what happens if you actually separate them so I reckon we get this and we test the speed of this versus just two individual blades this is fair I have a feeling that dual wielding is probably going to be as fast I don't think that necessarily invalidates the double-bladed sword because the double blade disorder has something that the dual wielding doesn't and it's reach and so we're gonna really find out how much of a game change that is in the sparring section but first let's test speed right now to just go for some double strikes for all your adventurers out there don't do one then the other try to be a bit more succinct but I feel like that's faster honestly I think it is for one of the big reasons being that with the double-bladed sword this one is always at this side where we're dual wielding you can have both swords presented ready to go and so it's just like hit hit hit hit and because they're closer to their target already you're probably going to get greater speed out of dual wielding I think so and you don't have to worry about one all the way back for the one all the way forward you've got that leverage point a lot quicker yeah oh it does this invalidated I think we're only going to find that out inspiring okay so I want to test this out and look I've been waiting to do this for a long time I want to test it out versus well I've got a double doesn't really kind of doesn't really count but I want this verse a long sword and then dual wielding I want to actually see how effective spinning is with it if you can see how easily you can break through I've uh I've got one of these I've got two of these because we also have another pole arm diversity against oh yes we do so we've got a few different options let's do it ah fight oh that double good shot good shot [Music] good shot good yeah [Music] leverage on that I don't know that is so hard to keep up with okay so for me that was honestly amazing not so much for me so so I found that one it's already got more reach even though the blades are similar length just the given I don't know what it is but well imagine holding a sword like that yeah you wouldn't you would have no structure and it'll be broken easily but all your structure is now all the structures here so slowly enough I found that the follow-up was actually hard to keep up with a knot if I caught the second or third consecutive shot I knew I was good I could just block block block because it's only a rowing motion I noticed I was just repeating it then I should have mixed it up because I was going bang bang I should have gone like something like that but but once you've got that motion yeah but it's the first couple that you've got to catch especially from a stab to a roll to a stab like oh for me I got it felt like I got all the adventures out of Long Point with all the power out of Wrath like I was able to keep that on like right in your face maneuver it around get around the guard and get some pretty surprising thrusts in what us good powered ones too because backhand leverage just bang and then if that didn't work straight back and this comes in fast oh yeah that does there were a couple that I felt like I got on Uber very risky to do like they almost were getting too close like flat of the blade up against me might have filleted me a little like we were talking about earlier but that was just awkward I want to swap up weapons okay all right switching up now Nate has a double bladed sword I've got long saw and I want to try that ricasso grip shots tried to get the advantage of the reach that was so damn fast that was just like I'm dealing with that one and suddenly there's a blade in my head um I think we had a critical failure we might need to switch to the lightsaber oh [Music] good shots almost block that in time okay so I feel like these are very chaotic weapons with a lot of doubles right off the word go though it felt like you're a strikes in the doubles were more lethal than mine um and I tell you what when you brought that point more On Target I found that a lot more difficult you even got a straight thrust into me dude right off the bat no I think you feel it in my arms again a couple of times gentlemen you're out of breath I wonder why these are chaotic great chaotic weapon all right then you have a go fight [Music] good shot nice [Music] shot gorgeous shot ah it's so hard to fight honestly guys uh wherever we're all a bit tired out a bit naked and we're only halfway done here is more against a uh single sword double blader sword Rex yeah even and I know this is a loud place it's got a lot of flex and structure but I felt that structure Bend because the amount of Leverage I got with my hands that far apart that far apart yeah it's just the reach and the speed of this follow-up strike as soon as you want to withdraw that and just oh sorry that's okay yeah comes in without you even realizing it exactly that because you you might block the first one with a lot of strength but as fast as the second one comes in you've got no room to put momentum and strength behind that shot remember through usually I think all of us every single one of us is holding the point out with our offhand so that second strike is with our main hand that's why it's so quick but that thrusting forward is deadly and this is so effective I can't admit that original video where you're like holding it like this seems more effective I'm I holding it like that just doesn't seem right like that on the other hand yeah I want to try something that uh has been on my mind for a bit I want to spin this thing and see oh you guys can break through like if it's actually defensive like me just going ham spin you want to be an attack helicopter kind of okay you just want me to break through the guard I'm going to be doing this oh good shot [Music] good shot okay so spinning uh not that effective no uh when we were doing we were doing uh Long Point we were getting like what would you say a success rate of like 80. 89 yeah around there and with keeping it on point you could use it so tactically and just maneuver around the weapon where spinning I I couldn't keep track of the blades where they were going yeah you were able to track him find the opening and every time when I was doing it I was able to come in close to the neck or the head and I was able to get you there was a couple doubles but for the most part I was able to consistently get head it's I don't think it's a good strategy it looks cool it looks cool but remember also this is a lightsaber and not a blade like we tested earlier where you have to keep it good shot in the arm s I might already be dead but that's fine [Music] yeah one or two more [Music] I didn't see the second one oh headshot so ah reach yes [Music] all right that was hot yeah how do you feel dude how do you I feel every time I have to and it's obvious every time you have to move two arms you get like especially in unison it's so much more more exhausting like I thought sword and shield I fought two swords I've never thought that and that's that's you know I think I got some all right hits with the double swords but a lot with doubles honestly yeah all right so as I've done uh dual wielding is there anything else you want to do a drink of water I'd love a drink of water hold up Polo who's doing that yeah I'm gonna drink water yourself yep fight good shots good shot that sucks yeah you got hit like that that's a Pull-Ups oh headshots [Music] headshot ready no fight oh wow I'm fighting with this good shot wow good shot whoa [Music] I hate shot in the head a bit hard and he returned the shotting kind [Laughter] okay so that was a definite takeaway out of those last exchanges something was definitely taken away from me and hey hold on up there Nate I really liked it I thought that last one was really good if you weren't holding the Sharks but seriously Hull Birds holy crap yeah I mean they say the spear is the king of the battlefield but the hellbird is a sphere plus an ax yeah I mean and this thing wrecked like these wouldn't well when they weren't saw Chucks and suffering from sore dysfunction they seemed okay like honestly I think what we can establish is that the double-bladed sword if you have the strength because it's a heavier weapon so you need to be conditioned for it it is a very functional weapon in fact it did really well against a single sword and dual wielding but when it came up to something that could Outreach it yeah and power through the shot so there were some doubles but at least I felt like when I was building that the doubles were less effective for me the doubles were yeah you might get injured using this but you are killing the other person these these these were ax head Zack strikes to the head so in terms of why you don't think this is a weapon that's ever been a thing I'm I think it's just purely portability and actually being able to use like for example this is the sharp one here I need to put a sheath on this side look at how careful he's being uh so I've got a sheath there and now I've got a sheath there so now if I want to take this out to use it and not only that I feel like to use that oh wow that's so dangerous well and now I'm ready to go yeah but I also feel like to use it you can't use it in a tight formation like you could with a spear or a Halo or a Halo almost any other weapon you've got maybe with exception of flights well that's why I don't like flails and your reaction to tyrants unsheathing the sauce right then is another big indicator because if you are in a formation you have people next to you this secondary blade if you're like it could easily hit someone else so I think that's also a big reason why I might not have caught on and I mean what you're trying to you bet this would have to be a battlefield weapon I don't see it as a portable weapon for self-defense and so if you were going for something I mean if just imagine busting this out in like a duel that would be Wicked and you would wreck with it because it's it is more advantageous than regular dueling weapons but in terms of Battlefield weapons there's something that just dominates it and it's more convenient to carry and wear so in terms of let's let's give it a functionality score out of 10. what would you give this a functionality score I want to have this as a new thing I do like this because you know where the nunchucks would be about Escape all roads lead back to nunchucks they really do but the flail would also be low on that scale so Chad what number would you give this out of ten all right so if nunchucks are like a one or a two and a flail is like a three or a four I would give that a seven Nate I like my Battlefield weapons as more than my dueling weapons so I would give it a four I am actually kind of really sold on this now a lot of the things we ran into like weight because this thing tuckered me out a little bit but in terms of form and things like if you made a dedicated weapon there was actually a proper uh double-ended sword and you figured out how to sheath it and unsheath it in a realistic way obviously use it next to your allies in terms of sheathing what you'd want is two long swords that you can wear on your side draw them out and connect them I was thinking more like a sleeve thing with a rope in the middle that I could just pull and they would both come off but I kind of feel like that if you tried to connect two swords something would go drastically wrong at the wrong time but out of uh a 10 I would give it I'll give it like an eight it was super it was a very effective weapon it wasn't until we got to that where it was a bit of a one-sided beat I would honestly prefer to wear to use because this is the thing what I would prefer to use a flail than that what because a flail you can at least control somewhat you can control that great no well like and and the fact that it got dominated by the halberd most weapons are going to get dominated by the whole bird I mean let's be honest here dual wielding single long sword good friggin luck so uh I think that's been our our very in-depth analysis of the double-ended sword and it was I enjoyed it it is a functional weapon it can be pretty bad I've got a functional as a flail once we did a video on this showing how effective the flail is kinda not all right guys this is the part of the video where we tell you to go watch another video yeah the one with the flail one with the flail the one with the flail it's amazing it's too heavy and unless it's too heavy well how about we let these guys all right well go check it out see what you think how effective the flail was oh it goes right there check it out trust me trust me it was good it was good even though I might or may not have gone with other weapons but you'll have to check that
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 360,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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