Real Doctor Takes A Career Test...

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- Look, I'm a doctor. I know what I would've been if I wasn't a doctor, I would be an investigator, or like a detective. Now I'm also leaning towards, like a teacher, or something in psychology, marketing, my head's a mess. And I know now during COVID-19, many of you are finding yourselves out of work. So I decided to try and find like a legit career test to help you figure out what career you could possibly be interested in. I did a personality test the other day, that wasn't accurate, let's see if these are any better. Pee woop! (upbeat music) Indicate your interest level. Build kitchen cabinets. No, I prefer to eat out of them. Develop new medicine, I'll just put like. Write book or plays, nah I don't like writing. Help people with personal or emotional problems. If someone's sad, it's not necessarily, I wanna cheer them up, I want to help them solve the problem. Manage a department within a large company. No, I don't like that. Corporate structure is not appealing to me. I like smaller businesses. Ones where you could be a disruptor. When you're in a corporate environment, you have to go through all these like bureaucracy, bureaucratic (mumbles). Install software across computers on a large network. This test might as well be like, do you want to be an IT? No. I mean, I don't like that. Repair household appliances, actually like that a lot, like a lot. Study ways to reduce water pollution. I guess I could be interested in that. Compose or arrange music. I have no creativity in my body. So if you ask me to draw you, something compose you something, it's going to come out, looking like the trap version of the "Happy Birthday" song. (upbeat music) Give career guidance to people. Actually, I wouldn't mind that I like that. Operate a calculator. Why are they acting like a calculator is a piece of heavy machinery? Oh pull that T-84, we need to get the integrals shipped in. Can I operate one? Do I like it? I'm unsure. Assemble electronic parts. I kind of like that. I'm always been gadgety. I think when I was younger, when we came to America, my dad would always force me to set up all the new gadgets. So I learnt how to do it. A lot of people like Mike, you're so smart, you can do, no there's instructions to everything. Just read the instructions. Conduct chemical experiments. I like that. Create special effects for movies. I mean, these are literally just questions about jobs. Is that like Adobe after effects or whatever? Or is it like special effects like a cool fog smoke? Perform rehabilitation therapy. I like that. Keep shipping and receiving records. Drive a truck to deliver packages to offices. Just ask if I want to work for UPS. No, I prefer not to do that. Examine blood samples, using a microscope. I guess I kind of like that. We still even do that sometimes. If someone comes in with a gynecological problem and we need to diagnose it, we put a smear on the microscope slide and we actually examine under a microscope. I guess we would look at blood samples if we're looking for like a culture gram stain, something like that. I haven't done that in a while now. Labs have gotten so sophisticated. Do volunteer work at a non-profit. Yeah. I love that. Market a new line of clothing. That kind of fun, by the way, do you want some scrubs? I'm putting a link down below for people who want merge because the merge has sold out. The scrubs have sold out everything's missing, but you didn't even know it was for sale. I'm putting an email list together. Hop on in. Inventory supplies using a hand-held computer. Hand-held computer, not for me. If it was inventory supplies using a table-held computer, that I would do. Develop a better way to predict the weather. Dude, we need that. Meteorologist what are you doing? The other day I came outside, you said it was raining. I'm like guy I'm outside. It's not raining. What does that even entail? Does that mean like making satellites, flying a weather balloon, I'm flying a weather balloon. David Blaine just flew a balloon. He was probably doing it to develop a better way to protect weather. You think he was doing it because of this test? Teach a high school class. I'm so game. (upbeat music) My best career match is an acupuncturist. My outlook is bright. I could make $36 and 37 cents. I could also be an acute care nurse. Everything here is in the health profession. I mean, they clearly got me right. Athletic trainer, audiologists, acupuncturist. I would do all of these jobs. Family medicine practitioners. - [Man] Many physicians choose to specialize in a particular patient group or area of the body. - I don't. I like to look at humans as a whole, whether they're male, female, old, young, something in between, I want to help all humans. - [Man] But family in general practitioners work with patients of all ages. - Why in the world is this doctor listening to the patient's heart through their clothing? We don't do that. Skin contact with the stethoscope portable. - [Man] From delivering babies and providing checkups for school age kids. - That's fake too. This doctor's not even putting the autoscope in the child's ear. Get yourself a primary care doctor, they will go a long way. You may not be sick now, but something could happen. And you don't have someone who's in charge of your health, that can lead to fragmented care. Thereby increasing the chances of medical mistakes, getting treatments that you don't want, or aren't a good fit for you. It's just so much better to have a doctor that you trust, taking care of you. Interested to see my RIASEC results. Oh, that stands for stuff. Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional. I think I'm anything but conventional. My highest is social, social people like to work with people to inspire, inform, help, train or cure them. It's what we're doing right now. We like to be patient, insightful, responsible, cooperative, outgoing and skilled with words. Yo, my word play. Be off the hook be. Like to work in groups, volunteer, solve personal problems and serve my community. Able to teach others, mediate disputes, lead a discussion, communicate well or plan and supervise activity. I will say that is accurate. Let's hear my second list. Investigator, investigative people like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze investigative people like to investigate. (Mike clapping) I want to do like one of those back in the day, cosmo quizzes, where it's like yo, what your bubble gum tastes says about you. Buzzfeed this 25 question aptitude test is scientifically proven to reveal what job you should really have. And there's a Grey's anatomy character on here. So you know it's legit. All right rate your interest in the following subjects. Art music, not very interesting. Business entrepreneurship, very interested. Education and law. Very interested. In fact, I've been sued before. Science and technology, very interested. Travel and hospitality. I like traveling, but hospitality, I'll say neutral. Rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? This is what I'm looking for. I love working with numbers and data. Not really. I want to change the world and help others. A thousand percent agree. We need to do more of that. I want to be a leader and supervise others, agree. I'd rather be working with my hands than sitting at a desk. Oh you could change how much you agree. Money is more important to me than the actual work. No I strongly disagree. Rate your interest, food and agriculture, not that interested. Animals and the environment. I like animals. Non-profits and I was going to say non-alcoholics nonprofits and politics, neutral. Psychology and marketing. Very interested in that. In fact, I always say detective is like my backup job, but I think it might be something in marketing or psychology. Technology and media, fairly interested. Rate how much these traits align with your personality and work ethic. Creative, lower, passionate, hot. Who's going to say passionate love passion, not me. Assertive. I'm fairly assertive. Thoughtful. I want to know what antisocial personality persons and come in here and be like thoughtful, I try not to have those. Strategic, very. Rate how important these values are to you. Growth. My favorite. Independence. Ooh. I think the fact that on this YouTube channel, I don't have to answer to a network, to sponsors that I don't believe in. We're doing something without someone overseeing us, makes me feel like we can affect fate. Relationships. What about relationships? Relationships are cool. Recognition from others. Not that important. Work-life balance. You want to live a good life. You don't want to just work to live, but if you're passionate about your work and you're doing it and like it's part of your life, that's fine too. You got, you should be a teacher or a professor. Are there recommendations based on your quiz data? Therapist, archeologists, paleontologists like Ross, historian, librarian or children's book author. Should I write a children's pee woop novel? I think this Buzzfeed test is kind of legit. It tries to be cool. It's like, Oh, we'll tell you what Grey's anatomy character you are. By the way, is there a quiz like that, that you guys are aware of, of like which Grey's anatomy character you are? 'Cause I want to take it and find out who I really am. Who do you think I am? Comment down below. Clearly the legit one actually knew who I was. 'Cause they were like, here are some science jobs for you while the other one was like archeologists. Don't know about Buzzfeed. Anyway, check out me doing a personality test. See how accurate or inaccurate that bad boy was. And if you want to see an interview with a plastic surgeon talking about the myths of plastic surgery, click here for my interview with Dr. Youn. As always stay happy and healthy. Which one you clicking on? (Mike clapping) (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 747,718
Rating: 4.8819456 out of 5
Id: r_iQ36HsmMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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