Real Doctor VS Kids Health Quiz

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I got a 100% on all 3 tests if we keep calf as the answer for strongest muscle. Thanks bachelors of science degree that Ill never pay off!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/pnk1995 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 18 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I did the hair/skin/nails tests and honestly just some of the questions are worded SO poorly it's impossible to get them right

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/whereyoureyesdogo šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 19 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
- What? I got an 80. That's ridiculous. Hey guys, I'm back at it. And as you know from the position that I'm sitting in, I'm about to do something on the computer. And that's take a kid's health quiz. Because I've taken an idiot test before and I failed. You recommended that I do Buzzfeed medical quizzes and I think those are gonna be too hard. So I took on something my own level, kid's health. I'm talking about a health quiz for children. If with my doctorate degrees I can't get 100 on all of these, I should be embarrassed. I kind of have a feeling I will be. (mellow music) How much do you know about the heart? Find out by taking this quiz. And again, this is meant to be for kids. How many chambers does the heart have? The heart has four chambers. Two Atria, two ventricles. Atria are on top, ventricles are on bottom. Watch this, bam. All right, they don't even tell you if I got it right or wrong or not. Let's see what happens. The movement of blood through the heart and body is called circulation, locomotion, ventriculation, or a heart pump. This is a pretty easy one. Locomotion is what a train does. Ventriculation sounds like something your ventricles might do. Heart pump, no idea. Circulation, A. - Final answer. - Okay, question number three. The beating sound your heart makes comes from blood going in the wrong direction. That sounds problematic. B, valves closing. Hmm. C, the heart skipping beats. Your ears playing tricks on you. It's valves closing. Lub dub, lub dub, lub dub. With circulation, the heart provides your body with: oxygen, nutrients, a way to get rid of waste, or all of the above. Well let's take these one at a time. Oxygen. All of the cells in your body require oxygen. Nutrients. All of the cells in your body require nutrients. Getting rid of waste. Every time your body makes use of a nutrient, there's always a waste product. How are you gonna get rid of it? Your kidneys. How are they gonna get there? Blood. I love blood. The atria are the upstairs chambers of the heart and these parts are the downstairs chambers. Well like we said earlier, that the atria up top ventricles chilling on the bottom bunk. I wanna go with B, ventricles. - Final answer. - Question six, what wall separates the left side and the right side of the heart? The ventricle, which we just said is the basement the atrium, which we just called the attic. The septum, I'm not gonna get into. And the great wall is what's found in China. So I'm going C, septum, final answer. Question seven. What parts act like the doors that control blood flow in the heart? Heart dams? Heart dam. Kidneys. Chambers. Yeah, it's valves. Final answer. What organ removes waste from the blood? The heart. Well we all know the heart pumps blood, it's a muscle. So it aint removing waste. Lungs. Kinda, so this is kinda a trick question. Because CO2 is kind of waste. Kidneys. Final answer, they remove waste. You can keep your heart strong by eating heart-shaped candy. Doing activities like playing outside, riding your bike, and swimming. C, smoking. D, sleeping 18 hours a day. Playing outside, riding your bike and swimming. What are the tubes that carry blood back to the heart called? Tubas, pipes. B, veins. A, arteries. A, carry blood away, veins bring blood back. What's the difference between arteries and veins? Well, veins are thin-walled, arteries are more muscular. Why? Cause arteries sort of need to help contract and push that blood away from the heart. Veins are sort of just tubes that allow blood to go back. And they have valves inside of them. So each time the heart pumps they open, then the blood so it doesn't fall back down, the valves close. I got a hundred, I got a hundred on a kids quiz with a doctorate. If I get one of these wrong you guys can jump me in the comments section. Muscles quiz. Come on. Let's do it. The three major types of muscles in the body are: smooth muscle, sports muscle, cardiac muscle, running muscle, and flexible muscle. The answer is B, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle. Two, the muscle that pumps blood throughout your body is: the heart, cardiac. Which muscle helps you move your shoulders? Let's talk about it. Smooth muscle, where is that found? Not in your shoulders, that's not skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle is like in your stomach. Quadriceps, you know where that is? In your legs, in your upper thighs. Tendons are what muscles use to attach to bone, as opposed to ligaments, which attach bones to bones. Deltoid muscle are the little caps around your shoulders that helps move your shoulders. Which type of muscle is found in your digestive system? Oops, gave it away. Smooth muscle, yeah. What connects bones and muscles together? God, I'm giving all of them away. Tendons, oh it says glue. Albert? Skeletal muscles work with bones to give your body: Strength? The ability to move? Strength and the ability to move. None of the above. Skeletal muscles give you strength and the ability to move. Yeah. Some of your biggest and most powerful muscles are: In your calves and thighs. In you back near your spine. In your arms, or in your fingers. The strongest muscle in your body is your calf. Its been measured scientifically. The answer is calves and thighs. Which muscles are found in the front of your thighs? Quads, biceps, pecs, or deltoids. Let's start with bottom-up as we've done before. Deltoids, shoulder caps. Pecs, boom. Biceps, boom. Quadriceps, front of your thighs. Which muscles are found in your belly and sometimes called abs. They're called abs because the proper medical term for them is rectus abodominus. When you make a muscle in your arm, you are flexing your: Biceps. And you know why the bicep is called bicep and the tricep is called the tricep? It's cause there's multiple heads. So the bicep has two heads, the tricep has three heads and the quads have four heads. What, I got an eighty! That's ridiculous! They said the most powerful muscles are in your spine. That is a lie. - Liar. - I've seen the study that your gastroc is your strongest muscle. I'm pulling up the study right now before I lose my mind. Hold on a second. I definitely misclicked on something. Yeah wait where's the other one I got wrong? I only got one wrong why did I get an eighty? Number one, right. Number two, right. Number three, right. Number four right. Number five, right. Number six, right. Number seven, wrong. Number eight, right. Number nine, right. And number ten right. What is this game cheating me? This is ridiculous. Strongest muscle, your gonna see a couple things. Your gonna see the tongue, and then the gastroc. The muscle that can pull with the greatest force, this is a government website by the way, I'm gonna pull this up just to make it very clear. There is no one answer for the strongest muscle in the human body since there are different ways. The muscle that can pull up, can pull with the greatest force is the soleus. It is found below the gastroc calf muscle. The soleus is very important for walking, running and dancing. It's considered a very powerful muscle along with calf muscles because it pulls against the force of gravity to keep the body upright. Now, the other one is the gluteus maximus which is obviously the thigh. It's the largest muscle in the human body and it's a large powerful muscle because it has the job of keeping the trunk in an erect body posture. So, if we have the gluteus on this list and we have the soleus, where in the world is spine? I want my hundred. Editors of the site, give me my hundred. Ridiculous. All right, which next, which should be the next one that I do. - Do better bro. - Are you serious? Sorry, don't worry about it. Let's do the digestive system. Q one, how long is an adults small intestine? God, these are hard. Thirty miles? Thirty inches. Twenty two feet is ridiculous. It's not seventeen feet either. Could it be seventeen feet, no way. I'm going with thirty inches. The digestive process starts in: The bathroom. - Do NOT go in there. - Uh it actually starts in the mouth with your teeth doing all the chomping and the saliva doing the digestion. The liver's role is to: Mash up food, no. Turn water into food. That's like a Jesus thing. C, help the stomach. Sounds legit. Remove harmful substances from the blood. That sounds more legit. You know like alcohol and Tylenol. Ou, I'm rhyming today. God, I'm on a role. Oh my God, how many things am I gonna say that rhyme with taking a poll. God, please don't jump into the comments and troll. [Gasps] Okay I don't have any more I'm sorry I ran out. Dan do you got any more? - This is out of control. - This is getting out of control, exactly. Question four, when they reach the stomach, mashed.. when they.. assuming they're referring to the mashed up food particles. They mix with guava juice. Well if you drink guava juice, then maybe. Gastric juices. Mucus. Or bile. Mucus sounds gross, but I think gastric means stomach. And if we're saying when they reach the stomach they mix with stomach juices. B, final answer, gastric means stomach. Bile is made in the: Large intestine, no. Stomach, no. Liver, yes. All of the above, no. What does the digestive system do? Breaks down and handles food. Pumps blood throughout the body. Okay, if your kid thinks your digestive system pumps blood, we got a problem. C, helps you breathe. The digestive system aint helpin' you breathe, it digests. Helps your arms and legs move. It technically could be D. And I'm one of those, yeah I'm one of those people that argues questions on tests. But think about it, if you don't get enough nutrients from your food, can you move your arms and legs? Can you breathe? Can you pump blood throughout the rest of your body? I don't think so. Technically all of the above. Your food can spend up to this long in the small intestine: so they have four years. Four seconds. Four minutes. I'm gonna go four hours. What tube moves food from the back of your throat to the stomach? The esophagus. Which organs help with the absorption of nutrients? Pancreas, liver, gallbladder. Liver, heart, and spleen. Well, first of all the heart is not a digestive organ let's get that out. The gallbladder, kidneys, appendix. No because if we get rid of the appendix we're all good. Kidneys, liver, bladder. Well the bladder definitely doesn't do any absorption. So we can go ahead and put pancreas, liver, gallbladder. The large intestine measures about: one-foot long, ten-foot long, five-foot long, hundred-foot long. I'm gonna say five feet. I got a ninety again. Oh you're quiet now. If I turn around are you gonna get wise? I got the first question wrong. How long is an adult small intestine. The answer is twenty-two feet. I should've known this. I made a playlist for you of my funniest gaming videos. Click here to check it out.
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 1,837,052
Rating: 4.9646635 out of 5
Keywords: Kids health quiz, kids medical quiz, doctor takes kids health quiz, doctor vs health quiz, doctor vs kids test, dr. mike, doctor mike, dr mike, instagram doctor, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, how the body works, Real Doctor VS Kids Health Quiz, doctor fail
Id: rpFs7kW_GUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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